Exemplo n.º 1
 * Stores content of Active X Control in a custom pane into a file.
 * @param           iCustomPane: index of custom pane to store
 *                               (0..number of custom panes - 1)
 *                  strPath    : File path
 * @return          Error code
 * @exception       -
 * @see             
HRESULT CWatchWindow::SaveCustomPane (int iCustomPane /*=-1*/, CString strPath /*=_T("")*/)
    CWatchControlWrapper *pWrapper;

    if(iCustomPane < 0 || iCustomPane >= m_iCustomPaneCount)
        iCustomPane = m_iContextMenuTab;
        if(iCustomPane < 0 || iCustomPane >= m_iCustomPaneCount)
            return E_FAIL;

        CString strFile;
        if(GetTabType(iCustomPane) != eAutomatic)
            CString strLabel;
            strLabel = GetTabLabel(iCustomPane);
            strFile = strLabel + _T(".4cw");
        strPath = QueryWatchFile(true, strFile);

    // Get Active X Control wrapper of custom pane.

    pWrapper = GetCustomPaneWrapper (iCustomPane);
    if (pWrapper == NULL)
        return (E_UNEXPECTED);

    // Tell wrapper to store Active X Control content into a file.
    HRESULT hr = pWrapper->Store(strPath);
    if(hr == S_OK)
        CString strFileName;
        CString strTabName;
        int     iFound = strPath.ReverseFind(_T('\\'));

        strFileName = strPath.Mid(iFound+1);
        iFound = strFileName.ReverseFind(_T('.'));
        if(iFound > 0)
            strTabName = strFileName.Left(iFound);
//        if(GetTabType(iCustomPane) < eManual)
//        {
            m_pTabWindow->RenameTab(iCustomPane, strTabName);
            SetTabType(iCustomPane, eImportExport);
//        }
    return S_OK;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Removes a custom pane.
 * @param           iCustomPane: index of custom pane to remove
 *                               (0..number of custom panes - 1)
 * @return          -
 * @exception       -
 * @see             
void CWatchWindow::RemoveCustomPane (int iCustomPane)
    int i;

    // Must be given the index of a custom pane tab.
    // Otherwise our caller did something wrong.

    ASSERT (iCustomPane >= 0 && iCustomPane < m_iCustomPaneCount);
    if (iCustomPane < 0 || iCustomPane >= m_iCustomPaneCount)

    // Remove tab of custom pane.

    RemoveTab (iCustomPane);

    // Obviously have to decrease number of custom panes.


    // Rename all tabs to the right (index has changed -> index depending name changes).

    // SIS: only automatic tabs are renamed
    ETabType eTabType;

    for (i = iCustomPane; i < m_iCustomPaneCount; ++i)
        eTabType = GetTabType(i);
        if(eTabType == eAutomatic)
            m_pTabWindow->RenameTab(i, BuildCustomPaneCaption (i));

    // If we have a forced pane and we removed before the forced
    // pane we have to decrease the forced panes tab index.

    if (m_iForcedPaneTab != -1 && m_iForcedPaneTab >= 0)
Exemplo n.º 3
int CMDITabChildWnd::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
    if (__super::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
        return -1;

    // Unfortunately, we can't update our title until we have a document -
    // which we do not have yet.  So there will be a little visual glitch as
    // the tab is added, and *then* gets it title.
    CMainFrame *pFrame = static_cast<CMainFrame*>(AfxGetMainWnd());
    if (pFrame)
        pFrame->AddTab(this, GetTabType());
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * fill settings.
 * @param           [in] pWatchSettings: pointer to watch settings.
 * @return          -
 * @exception       -
 * @see             -
void CWatchWindow::FillSettings(CWatchSettings& rtWatchSettings)
    CWatchControlWrapper *pWrapper;
    CString     strName;
    CString     strXMLString;
    int         iNumPanes = m_pTabWindow->GetTabCount();
    CString     strLabel;
    ETabType    eTabType;

    int iActiveTab;

    // run over all panes
    for(int iPane = 0; iPane < iNumPanes; ++iPane)
        strLabel = GetTabLabel(iPane);
        eTabType = GetTabType(iPane);
        // save name only if no automatic pane
        if(eTabType != eAutomatic)
            strName = strLabel;
		// 15.12.05 SIS >>
		// if automatic pane -> name must be empty
		// 15.12.05 SIS <<
        pWrapper = GetCustomPaneWrapper(iPane);
            rtWatchSettings.AddPane(strName, strXMLString);