Exemplo n.º 1
void CMultiSource::Register( void )
	m_iTotal = 0;
	memset( m_rgEntities, 0, MS_MAX_TARGETS * sizeof( EHANDLE ) );

	SetThink( &CMultiSource::SUB_DoNothing );

	// search for all entities which target this multisource (GetTargetname())

	CBaseEntity* pTarget = nullptr;

	while( ( pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByTarget( pTarget, GetTargetname() ) ) != nullptr && ( m_iTotal < MS_MAX_TARGETS ) )
		m_rgEntities[ m_iTotal++ ] = pTarget;

	pTarget = nullptr;

	while( ( pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pTarget, "multi_manager" ) ) != nullptr && ( m_iTotal < MS_MAX_TARGETS ) )
		if( pTarget->HasTarget( GetTargetname() ) )
			m_rgEntities[ m_iTotal++ ] = pTarget;

	GetSpawnFlags().ClearFlags( SF_MULTI_INIT );
Exemplo n.º 2
// ********** Cinematic Think **********
void CCineMonster::CineThink( void )
	if( FindEntity() )
		ALERT( at_aiconsole, "script \"%s\" using monster \"%s\"\n", GetTargetname(), STRING( m_iszEntity ) );
		ALERT( at_aiconsole, "script \"%s\" can't find monster \"%s\"\n", GetTargetname(), STRING( m_iszEntity ) );
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->time + 1.0 );
Exemplo n.º 3
void CMultiSource :: Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
	int i = 0;

	// find the entity in our list
	while( i < m_iTotal )
		if( m_rgEntities[i++] == pCaller )

	// if we didn't find it, report error and leave
	if( i > m_iTotal )
		if( pCaller->GetTargetname( ))
			ALERT( at_error, "multisource \"%s\": Used by non-member %s \"%s\"\n", GetTargetname(), pCaller->GetTargetname( ));
		else ALERT( at_error, "multisource \"%s\": Used by non-member %s\n", GetTargetname(), pCaller->GetClassname( ));

	// store the state before the change, so we can compare it to the new state
	STATE s = GetState();

	// do the change
	m_rgTriggered[i-1] ^= 1;

	// did we change state?
	if( s == GetState( )) return;

	if( s == STATE_ON && !FStringNull( pev->netname ))
		// the change disabled me and I have a "fire on disable" field
		ALERT( at_aiconsole, "Multisource %s deactivated (%d inputs)\n", GetTargetname(), m_iTotal );

		if( m_globalstate )
			UTIL_FireTargets( STRING( pev->netname ), NULL, this, USE_OFF, 0 );
		else UTIL_FireTargets( STRING( pev->netname ), NULL, this, USE_TOGGLE, 0 );
	else if( s == STATE_OFF )
		// the change activated me
		ALERT( at_aiconsole, "Multisource %s enabled (%d inputs)\n", GetTargetname(), m_iTotal );

		if( m_globalstate )
			UTIL_FireTargets( STRING( pev->target ), NULL, this, USE_ON, 0 );
		else UTIL_FireTargets( STRING( pev->target ), NULL, this, USE_TOGGLE, 0 );
Exemplo n.º 4
void CBaseDoor :: Activate( void )
	CBaseDoor	*pDoorList[64];
	m_bDoorGroup = true;

	// force movement groups to sync!!!
	int doorCount = GetDoorMovementGroup( pDoorList, ARRAYSIZE( pDoorList ));

	for( int i = 0; i < doorCount; i++ )
		if( pDoorList[i]->pev->movedir == pev->movedir )
			bool error = false;

			if( pDoorList[i]->IsRotatingDoor() )
				error = ( pDoorList[i]->GetLocalAngles() != GetLocalAngles()) ? true : false;
				error = ( pDoorList[i]->GetLocalOrigin() != GetLocalOrigin()) ? true : false;

			if( error )
				// don't do group blocking
				m_bDoorGroup = false;

				// UNDONE: This should probably fixup m_vecPosition1 & m_vecPosition2
				ALERT( at_aiconsole, "Door group %s has misaligned origin!\n", GetTargetname( ));
Exemplo n.º 5
// Train next - path corner needs to change to next target 
void CFuncTrain::Next( void )
	CBaseEntity	*pTarg;

	// now find our next target
	//TODO: this entity is supposed to work with path_corner only. Other entities will work, but will probably misbehave. - Solokiller
	//Check for classname and ignore others?
	pTarg = GetNextTarget();

	if( !pTarg )
		if( pev->noiseMovement )
			STOP_SOUND( this, CHAN_STATIC, ( char* ) STRING( pev->noiseMovement ) );
		// Play stop sound
		if( pev->noiseStopMoving )
			EMIT_SOUND( this, CHAN_VOICE, ( char* ) STRING( pev->noiseStopMoving ), m_volume, ATTN_NORM );

	// Save last target in case we need to find it again
	pev->message = pev->target;

	pev->target = pTarg->pev->target;
	m_flWait = pTarg->GetDelay();

	if( m_pevCurrentTarget && m_pevCurrentTarget->speed != 0 )
	{// don't copy speed from target if it is 0 (uninitialized)
		pev->speed = m_pevCurrentTarget->speed;
		ALERT( at_aiconsole, "Train %s speed to %4.2f\n", GetTargetname(), pev->speed );
	m_pevCurrentTarget = pTarg->pev;// keep track of this since path corners change our target for us.

	pev->enemy = pTarg->edict();//hack

	if( FBitSet( m_pevCurrentTarget->spawnflags, SF_CORNER_TELEPORT ) )
		// Path corner has indicated a teleport to the next corner.
		SetBits( pev->effects, EF_NOINTERP );
		SetAbsOrigin( pTarg->GetAbsOrigin() - ( pev->mins + pev->maxs )* 0.5 );
		Wait(); // Get on with doing the next path corner.
		// Normal linear move.

		// CHANGED this from CHAN_VOICE to CHAN_STATIC around OEM beta time because trains should
		// use CHAN_STATIC for their movement sounds to prevent sound field problems.
		// this is not a hack or temporary fix, this is how things should be. (sjb).
		if( pev->noiseMovement )
			STOP_SOUND( this, CHAN_STATIC, ( char* ) STRING( pev->noiseMovement ) );
			EMIT_SOUND( this, CHAN_STATIC, ( char* ) STRING( pev->noiseMovement ), m_volume, ATTN_NORM );
		ClearBits( pev->effects, EF_NOINTERP );
		SetMoveDone( &CFuncTrain::Wait );
		LinearMove( pTarg->GetAbsOrigin() - ( pev->mins + pev->maxs )* 0.5, pev->speed );
Exemplo n.º 6
void CMultiSource :: Register( void )
	m_iTotal = 0;
	memset( m_rgEntities, 0, MAX_MASTER_TARGETS * sizeof( EHANDLE ));

	SetThink( NULL );

	// search for all entities which target this multisource (pev->target)
	CBaseEntity *pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByTarget( NULL, GetTargetname( ));

	while( pTarget && ( m_iTotal < MAX_MASTER_TARGETS ))
		m_rgEntities[m_iTotal++] = pTarget;
		pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByTarget( pTarget, GetTargetname( ));

	// search for all monsters which target this multisource (TriggerTarget)
	pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByMonsterTarget( NULL, GetTargetname( ));

	while( pTarget && ( m_iTotal < MAX_MASTER_TARGETS ))
		m_rgEntities[m_iTotal++] = pTarget;
		pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByMonsterTarget( pTarget, GetTargetname( ));

	pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "multi_manager" );

	while( pTarget && ( m_iTotal < MAX_MASTER_TARGETS ))
		if( pTarget->HasTarget( pev->targetname ))
			m_rgEntities[m_iTotal++] = pTarget;
		pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pTarget, "multi_manager" );

	ClearBits( pev->spawnflags, SF_MULTI_INIT );
Exemplo n.º 7
// find all the cinematic entities with my targetname and stop them from playing
void CCineMonster::CancelScript( void )
	ALERT( at_aiconsole, "Cancelling script: %s\n", STRING( m_iszPlay ) );

	if( !HasTargetname() )
		ScriptEntityCancel( this );

	CBaseEntity* pCineTarget = nullptr;

	while( ( pCineTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( pCineTarget, GetTargetname() ) ) != nullptr )
		ScriptEntityCancel( pCineTarget );
Exemplo n.º 8
// find all the cinematic entities with my targetname and tell them to wait before starting
void CCineMonster::DelayStart( const bool bState )
	CBaseEntity* pCine = nullptr;

	while( ( pCine = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( pCine, GetTargetname() ) ) != nullptr )
		if( pCine->ClassnameIs( "scripted_sequence" ) )
			CCineMonster *pTarget = static_cast<CCineMonster*>( pCine );
			if( bState )
				if( pTarget->m_iDelay <= 0 )
					pTarget->m_startTime = gpGlobals->time + 0.05;
Exemplo n.º 9
void CMultiSource::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
	int i;

	bool bFound = false;

	// Find the entity in our list
	for( i = 0; i < m_iTotal; ++i )
		if( m_rgEntities[ i ] == pCaller )
			bFound = true;

	// if we didn't find it, report error and leave
	if( !bFound )
		ALERT( at_console, "MultiSrc:Used by non member %s.\n", pCaller->GetClassname() );

	// CONSIDER: a Use input to the multisource always toggles.  Could check useType for ON/OFF/TOGGLE

	m_rgTriggered[ i ] ^= 1;

	if( IsTriggered( pActivator ) )
		ALERT( at_aiconsole, "Multisource %s enabled (%d inputs)\n", GetTargetname(), m_iTotal );
		USE_TYPE targetUseType = USE_TOGGLE;
		if( m_globalstate )
			targetUseType = USE_ON;
		SUB_UseTargets( NULL, targetUseType, 0 );
Exemplo n.º 10
void CFuncLight :: Spawn( void )
	m_Material = matGlass;

	SET_MODEL( edict(), GetModel() );

	// probably map compiler haven't func_light support
	if( m_iStyle <= 0 || m_iStyle >= 256 )
		if( GetTargetname()[0] )
			ALERT( at_error, "%s with name %s has bad lightstyle %i. Disabled\n", GetClassname(), GetTargetname(), m_iStyle );
		else ALERT( at_error, "%s [%i] has bad lightstyle %i. Disabled\n", GetClassname(), entindex(), m_iStyle );
		m_iState = STATE_DEAD; // lamp is dead
	if( FBitSet( pev->spawnflags, SF_LIGHT_START_ON ))
		Use( this, this, USE_ON, 0 );
	else Use( this, this, USE_OFF, 0 );

	if( pev->health <= 0 )
		pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
	else pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
Exemplo n.º 11
void CBaseDoor::Blocked( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	CBaseDoor	*pDoor = NULL;

	// Hurt the blocker a little.
	if( GetDamage() )
		pOther->TakeDamage( this, this, GetDamage(), DMG_CRUSH );

	// if a door has a negative wait, it would never come back if blocked,
	// so let it just squash the object to death real fast

	if( m_flWait >= 0 )
		if( m_toggle_state == TS_GOING_DOWN )

	// Block all door pieces with the same targetname here.
	if( HasTargetname() )
		CBaseEntity* pTarget = nullptr;
		while( ( pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( pTarget, GetTargetname() ) ) != nullptr )
			if( pTarget != this )
				if( pTarget->ClassnameIs( "func_door" ) || pTarget->ClassnameIs( "func_door_rotating" ) )
					pDoor = static_cast<CBaseDoor*>( pTarget );

					if( pDoor->m_flWait >= 0 )
						//TODO: comparing avel with vel is probably wrong - Solokiller
						if( pDoor->GetAbsVelocity() == GetAbsVelocity() && pDoor->GetAngularVelocity() == GetAbsVelocity() )
							// this is the most hacked, evil, bastardized thing I've ever seen. kjb
							if( pTarget->ClassnameIs( "func_door" ) )
							{// set origin to realign normal doors
								pDoor->SetAbsOrigin( GetAbsOrigin() );
								pDoor->SetAbsVelocity( g_vecZero );// stop!
							{// set angles to realign rotating doors
								pDoor->SetAbsAngles( GetAbsAngles() );
								pDoor->SetAngularVelocity( g_vecZero );

						if( !GetSpawnFlags().Any( SF_DOOR_SILENT ) )
							STOP_SOUND( this, CHAN_STATIC, ( char* ) STRING( pev->noiseMoving ) );

						if( pDoor->m_toggle_state == TS_GOING_DOWN )
Exemplo n.º 12
void CBasePlayer::CheatImpulseCommands( int iImpulse )
	if( !UTIL_CheatsAllowed() )

	switch( iImpulse )
	case 76:
			if( !g_bPrecacheGrunt )
				g_bPrecacheGrunt = true;
				ALERT( at_console, "You must now restart to use Grunt-o-matic.\n" );
				UTIL_MakeVectors( Vector( 0, GetViewAngle().y, 0 ) );
				Create( "monster_human_grunt", GetAbsOrigin() + gpGlobals->v_forward * 128, GetAbsAngles() );

	case 101:
			gEvilImpulse101 = true;
			GiveNamedItem( "item_suit" );
			GiveNamedItem( "item_battery" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_crowbar" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_9mmhandgun" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_9mmclip" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_shotgun" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_buckshot" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_9mmAR" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_9mmAR" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_ARgrenades" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_handgrenade" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_tripmine" );

			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_357" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_357" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_crossbow" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_crossbow" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_egon" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_gauss" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_gaussclip" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_rpg" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_rpgclip" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_satchel" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_snark" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_hornetgun" );

			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_knife" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_pipewrench" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_grapple" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_eagle" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_m249" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_displacer" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_sniperrifle" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_sporelauncher" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_shockrifle" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_556" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_762" );

			gEvilImpulse101 = false;

	case 102:
			// Gibbage!!!
			CGib::SpawnRandomGibs( this, 1, 1 );

	case 103:
			// What the hell are you doing?
			auto pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityForward( this );
			if( pEntity )
				CBaseMonster *pMonster = pEntity->MyMonsterPointer();
				if( pMonster )

	case 104:
			// Dump all of the global state varaibles (and global entity names)

	case	105:// player makes no sound for monsters to hear.
			if( m_fNoPlayerSound )
				ALERT( at_console, "Player is audible\n" );
				m_fNoPlayerSound = false;
				ALERT( at_console, "Player is silent\n" );
				m_fNoPlayerSound = true;

	case 106:
			// Give me the classname and targetname of this entity.
			auto pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityForward( this );
			if( pEntity )
				ALERT( at_console, "Classname: %s", pEntity->GetClassname() );

				if( pEntity->HasTargetname() )
					ALERT( at_console, " - Targetname: %s\n", pEntity->GetTargetname() );
					ALERT( at_console, " - TargetName: No Targetname\n" );

				ALERT( at_console, "Model: %s\n", pEntity->GetModelName() );
				if( HasGlobalName() )
					ALERT( at_console, "Globalname: %s\n", pEntity->GetGlobalName() );


	case 107:
			TraceResult tr;

			CBaseEntity* pWorld = CWorld::GetInstance();

			Vector start = GetAbsOrigin() + GetViewOffset();
			Vector end = start + gpGlobals->v_forward * 1024;
			UTIL_TraceLine( start, end, ignore_monsters, edict(), &tr );
			if( tr.pHit )
				pWorld = CBaseEntity::Instance( tr.pHit );
			const texture_t* pTexture = UTIL_TraceTexture( pWorld, start, end );
			if( pTexture )
				ALERT( at_console, "Texture: %s\n", pTexture->name );

	case	195:// show shortest paths for entire level to nearest node
			Create( "node_viewer_fly", GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsAngles() );

	case	196:// show shortest paths for entire level to nearest node
			Create( "node_viewer_large", GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsAngles() );

	case	197:// show shortest paths for entire level to nearest node
			Create( "node_viewer_human", GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsAngles() );

	case	199:// show nearest node and all connections
			ALERT( at_console, "%d\n", WorldGraph.FindNearestNode( GetAbsOrigin(), bits_NODE_GROUP_REALM ) );
			WorldGraph.ShowNodeConnections( WorldGraph.FindNearestNode( GetAbsOrigin(), bits_NODE_GROUP_REALM ) );

	case	202:// Random blood splatter
			UTIL_MakeVectors( GetViewAngle() );
			TraceResult tr;
			UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin() + GetViewOffset(), GetAbsOrigin() + GetViewOffset() + gpGlobals->v_forward * 128, ignore_monsters, ENT( pev ), &tr );

			if( tr.flFraction != 1.0 )
			{// line hit something, so paint a decal
				auto pBlood = static_cast< CBloodSplat* >( UTIL_CreateNamedEntity( "blood_splat" ) );
				pBlood->CreateSplat( this );

	case	203:// remove creature.
			auto pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityForward( this );
			if( pEntity )
				if( pEntity->GetTakeDamageMode() != DAMAGE_NO )
					pEntity->SetThink( &CBaseEntity::SUB_Remove );