Exemplo n.º 1
void MerryFrame::OnActivateEvent(wxActivateEvent& e)
	if (!e.GetActive() && !this->IsShownOnScreen())
void MerryFrame::OnShowEvent(wxShowEvent& e)
	MerryTextCtrl* textCtrl = m_mainPanel->GetTextCtrl();
	if (e.IsShown())
		if (g_config->get(PlayPopupNotify))//ÊÇ·ñ²¥·ÅÌáʾÒô
		g_controller->SetWindowPos(this->GetHWND(),HWND_TOPMOST,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE);
//		textCtrl->SetFocus();
#ifdef __WXMSW__
		if (g_config->get(AutoPopup))

	textCtrl->EnterArgs = 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
void MyApp::DoByteOrderDemo(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    wxTextCtrl& textCtrl = * GetTextCtrl();

    textCtrl << _T("\nTest byte order macros:\n\n");

        textCtrl << _T("This is a little endian system.\n\n");
        textCtrl << _T("This is a big endian system.\n\n");

    wxString text;

    wxInt32 var = 0xF1F2F3F4;
    text = wxEmptyString;
    text.Printf( _T("Value of wxInt32 is now: %#x.\n\n"), var );
    textCtrl.WriteText( text );

    text = wxEmptyString;
    text.Printf( _T("Value of swapped wxInt32 is: %#x.\n\n"), wxINT32_SWAP_ALWAYS( var ) );
    textCtrl.WriteText( text );

    text = wxEmptyString;
    text.Printf( _T("Value of wxInt32 swapped on little endian is: %#x.\n\n"), wxINT32_SWAP_ON_LE( var ) );
    textCtrl.WriteText( text );

    text = wxEmptyString;
    text.Printf( _T("Value of wxInt32 swapped on big endian is: %#x.\n\n"), wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE( var ) );
    textCtrl.WriteText( text );
Exemplo n.º 3
void MyApp::DoVariantDemo(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
    wxTextCtrl& textCtrl = * GetTextCtrl();

    wxVariant var1 = "String value";
    textCtrl << "var1 = " << var1.MakeString() << "\n";

    // Conversion

    var1 = 123.456;
    textCtrl << "var1 = " << var1.GetReal() << "\n";

    // Implicit conversion
    double v = var1;

    var1 = 9876L;
    textCtrl << "var1 = " << var1.GetLong() << "\n";

    // Implicit conversion
    long l = var1;

    // suppress compile warnings about unused variables

    wxArrayString stringArray;
    stringArray.Add("one"); stringArray.Add("two"); stringArray.Add("three");
    var1 = stringArray;
    textCtrl << "var1 = " << var1.MakeString() << "\n";


    textCtrl << "var1 = " << var1.MakeString() << "\n";

    size_t n = var1.GetCount();
    size_t i;
    for (i = (size_t) 0; i < n; i++)
        textCtrl << "var1[" << (int) i << "] (type " << var1[i].GetType() << ") = " << var1[i].MakeString() << "\n";

    wxFont* sysFont = new wxFont(wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_OEM_FIXED_FONT));
    var1 = wxVariant(sysFont);
    textCtrl << "var1 = (wxfont)\"";
    wxFont* font = wxGetVariantCast(var1,wxFont);
    if (font)
        textCtrl << font->GetNativeFontInfoDesc() << "\"\n";
        textCtrl << "(null)\"\n";

    delete sysFont;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool wxTextDocument::DoOpenDocument(const wxString& filename)
    if ( !GetTextCtrl()->LoadFile(filename) )
        return false;

    // we're not modified by the user yet

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
void wxOwnerDrawnComboBox::DoClear()


    // There is no text entry when using wxCB_READONLY style, so test for it.
    if ( GetTextCtrl() )
Exemplo n.º 6
void wxTextDocument::Modify(bool modified)

    wxTextCtrl* wnd = GetTextCtrl();
    if (wnd && !modified)
Exemplo n.º 7


wxImageComboBox::wxImageComboBox( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id )
    : wxOwnerDrawnComboBox( parent, id, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition,
                            wxSize(-1, -1), 0, nullptr, wxCC_STD_BUTTON/*|wxCB_READONLY*/ )
    SetCustomPaintWidth( 150 );
Exemplo n.º 8
bool FrameFunc()
    float		px, py;
    float		dt=hge->Timer_GetDelta();

    // Update

    hge->Input_GetMousePos(&state.mx, &state.my);
    if(hge->Input_GetKeyState(HGEK_RBUTTON)) {
    else {

        if(psx > 631) psx=631;
        if(psx < 168) psx=168;

    state.ps->GetPosition(&px, &py);
    state.ps->MoveTo(px+(psx-px)*10*dt, py+(psy-py)*10*dt);

    if(HandleKeys(hge->Input_GetKey())) return true;

        if(DoCommands(gui->Update(dt))) return true;

    GetTextCtrl(CMD_NPARTICLES)->printf("%d", state.ps->GetParticlesAlive());
    GetTextCtrl(CMD_FPS)->printf("%d", hge->Timer_GetFPS());

    return false;
Exemplo n.º 9
void wxGenericComboCtrl::SetCustomPaintWidth( int width )
    // If starting/stopping to show an image in front
    // of a writable text-field, then re-create textctrl
    // with different kind of border (because we can't
    // assume that textctrl fully supports wxNO_BORDER).
    wxTextCtrl* tc = GetTextCtrl();

    if ( tc && (m_iFlags & wxCC_BUTTON_OUTSIDE_BORDER) )
        int borderType = tc->GetWindowStyle() & wxBORDER_MASK;
        int tcCreateStyle = -1;

        if ( width > 0 )
            // Re-create textctrl with no border
            if ( borderType != wxNO_BORDER )
                m_widthCustomBorder = 1;
                tcCreateStyle = wxNO_BORDER;
        else if ( width == 0 )
            // Re-create textctrl with normal border
            if ( borderType == wxNO_BORDER )
                m_widthCustomBorder = 0;
                tcCreateStyle = 0;

        // Common textctrl re-creation code
        if ( tcCreateStyle != -1 )
            delete m_textEvtHandler;

            CreateTextCtrl( tcCreateStyle );


    wxComboCtrlBase::SetCustomPaintWidth( width );
Exemplo n.º 10
bool wxTextDocument::OnCreate(const wxString& path, long flags)
    if ( !wxDocument::OnCreate(path, flags) )
        return false;

    // subscribe to changes in the text control to update the document state
    // when it's modified

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
void MyApp::DoUnicodeDemo(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    wxTextCtrl& textCtrl = * GetTextCtrl();

    textCtrl << _T("\nTest wchar_t to char (Unicode to ANSI/Multibyte) converions:");

    wxString str;
    str = _T("Robert R\366bling\n");

    printf( "\n\nConversion with wxConvLocal:\n" );
    wxConvCurrent = &wxConvLocal;
    printf( (const char*) str.mbc_str() );
    printf( "\n\nConversion with wxConvLibc:\n" );
    wxConvCurrent = &wxConvLibc;
    printf( (const char*) str.mbc_str() );

Exemplo n.º 12
bool wxDirPickerCtrl::Create(wxWindow *parent,
                             wxWindowID id,
                             const wxString& path,
                             const wxString& message,
                             const wxPoint& pos,
                             const wxSize& size,
                             long style,
                             const wxValidator& validator,
                             const wxString& name)
    if ( !wxFileDirPickerCtrlBase::CreateBase
                parent, id, path, message, wxString(),
                pos, size, style, validator, name
            ) )
        return false;

    if ( HasTextCtrl() )

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 13
void MerryFrame::NewConfig()
	bool show = m_listBoxPanel->IsShown();
	LastCmd = NULL;


	g_hotkey = NewMerryHotkey();

	g_timers = new MerryTimerManager();

	g_commands = new MerryCommandManager();

	g_lua = new MerryLua();


	g_config = new ALMRunConfig();

#endif//#ifdef _ALMRUN_CONFIG_H_

	if (show)
	if (!g_config->get(ShowTip))
#endif//#ifdef _ALMRUN_CONFIG_H_
Exemplo n.º 14
bool wxTextDocument::IsModified() const
    wxTextCtrl* wnd = GetTextCtrl();
    return wxDocument::IsModified() || (wnd && wnd->IsModified());
Exemplo n.º 15
void MyApp::DoMIMEDemo(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    static wxString s_defaultExt = _T("xyz");

    wxString ext = wxGetTextFromUser(_T("Enter a file extension: "),
                                     _T("MIME database test"),
    if ( !!ext )
        s_defaultExt = ext;

        // init MIME database if not done yet
        if ( !m_mimeDatabase )
            m_mimeDatabase = new wxMimeTypesManager;

            static const wxFileTypeInfo fallbacks[] =
                               _T("XyZ %s"),
                               _T("XyZ -p %s"),
                               _T("The one and only XYZ format file"),
                               _T("xyz"), _T("123"), NULL),
                               _T("lynx %s"),
                               _T("lynx -dump %s | lpr"),
                               _T("HTML document (from fallback)"),
                               _T("htm"), _T("html"), NULL),

                // must terminate the table with this!


        wxTextCtrl& textCtrl = * GetTextCtrl();

        wxFileType *filetype = m_mimeDatabase->GetFileTypeFromExtension(ext);
        if ( !filetype )
            textCtrl << _T("Unknown extension '") << ext << _T("'\n");
            wxString type, desc, open;

            wxString filename = _T("filename");
            filename << _T(".") << ext;
            wxFileType::MessageParameters params(filename, type);
            filetype->GetOpenCommand(&open, params);

            textCtrl << _T("MIME information about extension '") << ext << _T('\n')
                     << _T("\tMIME type: ") << ( !type ? wxT("unknown")
                                                   : type.c_str() ) << _T('\n')
                     << _T("\tDescription: ") << ( !desc ? wxEmptyString : desc.c_str() )
                        << _T('\n')
                     << _T("\tCommand to open: ") << ( !open ? wxT("no") : open.c_str() )
                        << _T('\n');

            delete filetype;
    //else: cancelled by user
Exemplo n.º 16
void MyApp::DoStreamDemo7(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    wxTextCtrl& textCtrl = * GetTextCtrl();

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\nTesting Ungetch() in buffered input stream:\n\n") );

    char ch = 0;
    wxString str;

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Writing number 0 to 9 to wxFileOutputStream...\n\n") );

    wxFileOutputStream file_output( file_name );
    for (ch = 0; ch < 10; ch++)
        file_output.Write( &ch, 1 );


    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Reading char from wxBufferedInputStream via wxFileInputStream:\n\n") );

    wxFileInputStream file_input( file_name );
    wxBufferedInputStream buf_input( file_input );

    ch = buf_input.GetC();
    size_t pos = (size_t)buf_input.TellI();
    str.Printf( wxT("Read char: %d. Now at position %d\n\n"), (int) ch, (int) pos );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Reading another char from wxBufferedInputStream:\n\n") );

    ch = buf_input.GetC();
    pos = (size_t)buf_input.TellI();
    str.Printf( wxT("Read char: %d. Now at position %d\n\n"), (int) ch, (int) pos );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Reading yet another char from wxBufferedInputStream:\n\n") );

    ch = buf_input.GetC();
    pos = (size_t)buf_input.TellI();
    str.Printf( wxT("Read char: %d. Now at position %d\n\n"), (int) ch, (int) pos );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Now calling Ungetch( 5 ) from wxBufferedInputStream...\n\n") );

    buf_input.Ungetch( 5 );
    pos = (size_t)buf_input.TellI();
    str.Printf( wxT("Now at position %d\n\n"), (int) pos );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Reading char from wxBufferedInputStream:\n\n") );

    ch = buf_input.GetC();
    pos = (size_t)buf_input.TellI();
    str.Printf( wxT("Read char: %d. Now at position %d\n\n"), (int) ch, (int) pos );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Reading another char from wxBufferedInputStream:\n\n") );

    ch = buf_input.GetC();
    pos = (size_t)buf_input.TellI();
    str.Printf( wxT("Read char: %d. Now at position %d\n\n"), (int) ch, (int) pos );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Now calling Ungetch( 5 ) from wxBufferedInputStream again...\n\n") );

    buf_input.Ungetch( 5 );
    pos = (size_t)buf_input.TellI();
    str.Printf( wxT("Now at position %d\n\n"), (int) pos );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Seeking to pos 3 in wxBufferedInputStream. This invalidates the writeback buffer.\n\n") );

    buf_input.SeekI( 3 );

    ch = buf_input.GetC();
    pos = (size_t)buf_input.TellI();
    str.Printf( wxT("Read char: %d. Now at position %d\n\n"), (int) ch, (int) pos );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );
Exemplo n.º 17
void MyApp::DoStreamDemo5(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    wxTextCtrl& textCtrl = * GetTextCtrl();

    textCtrl << _T("\nTesting wxFileInputStream's Peek():\n\n");

    char ch;
    wxString str;

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Writing number 0 to 9 to wxFileOutputStream:\n\n") );

    wxFileOutputStream file_output( file_name );
    for (ch = 0; ch < 10; ch++)
        file_output.Write( &ch, 1 );


    wxFileInputStream file_input( file_name );

    ch = file_input.Peek();
    str.Printf( wxT("First char peeked: %d\n"), (int) ch );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );

    ch = file_input.GetC();
    str.Printf( wxT("First char read: %d\n"), (int) ch );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );

    ch = file_input.Peek();
    str.Printf( wxT("Second char peeked: %d\n"), (int) ch );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );

    ch = file_input.GetC();
    str.Printf( wxT("Second char read: %d\n"), (int) ch );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );

    ch = file_input.Peek();
    str.Printf( wxT("Third char peeked: %d\n"), (int) ch );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );

    ch = file_input.GetC();
    str.Printf( wxT("Third char read: %d\n"), (int) ch );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );

    textCtrl << _T("\n\n\nTesting wxMemoryInputStream's Peek():\n\n");

    char buf[] = { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 };
    wxMemoryInputStream input( buf, 10 );

    ch = input.Peek();
    str.Printf( wxT("First char peeked: %d\n"), (int) ch );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );

    ch = input.GetC();
    str.Printf( wxT("First char read: %d\n"), (int) ch );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );

    ch = input.Peek();
    str.Printf( wxT("Second char peeked: %d\n"), (int) ch );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );

    ch = input.GetC();
    str.Printf( wxT("Second char read: %d\n"), (int) ch );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );

    ch = input.Peek();
    str.Printf( wxT("Third char peeked: %d\n"), (int) ch );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );

    ch = input.GetC();
    str.Printf( wxT("Third char read: %d\n"), (int) ch );
    textCtrl.WriteText( str );
Exemplo n.º 18
void MyApp::DoStreamDemo4(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    wxTextCtrl& textCtrl = * GetTextCtrl();

    wxString msg;

    textCtrl << _T("\nTesting wxStreamBuffer:\n\n");

    // bigger than buffer
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Writing 2000x 1 to wxFileOutputStream.\n\n") );

    wxFileOutputStream file_output( file_name );
    for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++)
        char ch = 1;
        file_output.Write( &ch, 1 );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Opening with a buffered wxFileInputStream:\n\n") );

    wxFileInputStream file_input( file_name );
    wxBufferedInputStream buf_input( file_input );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxBufferedInputStream.GetLastError() returns: ") );
    switch (buf_input.GetLastError())
        case wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR:      textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_EOF:          textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_EOF\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR:   textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR:  textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n") ); break;
        default: textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Huh?\n") ); break;
    msg.Printf( wxT("wxBufferedInputStream.LastRead() returns: %d\n"), (int)buf_input.LastRead() );
    textCtrl.WriteText( msg );
    msg.Printf( wxT("wxBufferedInputStream.TellI() returns: %d\n"), (int)buf_input.TellI() );
    textCtrl.WriteText( msg );
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\n\n") );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Seeking to position 300:\n\n") );

    buf_input.SeekI( 300 );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxBufferedInputStream.GetLastError() returns: ") );
    switch (buf_input.GetLastError())
        case wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR:      textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_EOF:          textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_EOF\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR:   textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR:  textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n") ); break;
        default: textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Huh?\n") ); break;
    msg.Printf( wxT("wxBufferedInputStream.LastRead() returns: %d\n"), (int)buf_input.LastRead() );
    textCtrl.WriteText( msg );
    msg.Printf( wxT("wxBufferedInputStream.TellI() returns: %d\n"), (int)buf_input.TellI() );
    textCtrl.WriteText( msg );
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\n\n") );

    char buf[2000];

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Reading 500 bytes:\n\n") );

    buf_input.Read( buf, 500 );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxBufferedInputStream.GetLastError() returns: ") );
    switch (buf_input.GetLastError())
        case wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR:      textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_EOF:          textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_EOF\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR:   textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR:  textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n") ); break;
        default: textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Huh?\n") ); break;
    msg.Printf( wxT("wxBufferedInputStream.LastRead() returns: %d\n"), (int)buf_input.LastRead() );
    textCtrl.WriteText( msg );
    msg.Printf( wxT("wxBufferedInputStream.TellI() returns: %d\n"), (int)buf_input.TellI() );
    textCtrl.WriteText( msg );
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\n\n") );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Reading another 500 bytes:\n\n") );

    buf_input.Read( buf, 500 );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxBufferedInputStream.GetLastError() returns: ") );
    switch (buf_input.GetLastError())
        case wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR:      textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_EOF:          textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_EOF\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR:   textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR:  textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n") ); break;
        default: textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Huh?\n") ); break;
    msg.Printf( wxT("wxBufferedInputStream.LastRead() returns: %d\n"), (int)buf_input.LastRead() );
    textCtrl.WriteText( msg );
    msg.Printf( wxT("wxBufferedInputStream.TellI() returns: %d\n"), (int)buf_input.TellI() );
    textCtrl.WriteText( msg );
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\n\n") );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Reading another 500 bytes:\n\n") );

    buf_input.Read( buf, 500 );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxBufferedInputStream.GetLastError() returns: ") );
    switch (buf_input.GetLastError())
        case wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR:      textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_EOF:          textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_EOF\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR:   textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR:  textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n") ); break;
        default: textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Huh?\n") ); break;
    msg.Printf( wxT("wxBufferedInputStream.LastRead() returns: %d\n"), (int)buf_input.LastRead() );
    textCtrl.WriteText( msg );
    msg.Printf( wxT("wxBufferedInputStream.TellI() returns: %d\n"), (int)buf_input.TellI() );
    textCtrl.WriteText( msg );
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\n\n") );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Reading another 500 bytes:\n\n") );

    buf_input.Read( buf, 500 );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxBufferedInputStream.GetLastError() returns: ") );
    switch (buf_input.GetLastError())
        case wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR:      textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_EOF:          textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_EOF\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR:   textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR:  textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n") ); break;
        default: textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Huh?\n") ); break;
    msg.Printf( wxT("wxBufferedInputStream.LastRead() returns: %d\n"), (int)buf_input.LastRead() );
    textCtrl.WriteText( msg );
    msg.Printf( wxT("wxBufferedInputStream.TellI() returns: %d\n"), (int)buf_input.TellI() );
    textCtrl.WriteText( msg );
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\n\n") );
Exemplo n.º 19
void MyApp::DoStreamDemo3(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    wxTextCtrl& textCtrl = * GetTextCtrl();

    textCtrl << _T("\nTesting wxFileInputStream's and wxFFileInputStream's error handling:\n\n");

    char ch,ch2;

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Writing number 0 to 9 to wxFileOutputStream:\n\n") );

    wxFileOutputStream file_output( file_name );
    for (ch = 0; ch < 10; ch++)
        file_output.Write( &ch, 1 );

    // Testing wxFileInputStream

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Reading 0 to 10 to wxFileInputStream:\n\n") );

    wxFileInputStream file_input( file_name );
    for (ch2 = 0; ch2 < 11; ch2++)
        file_input.Read( &ch, 1 );
        textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Value read: ") );
        textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + '0') );
        textCtrl.WriteText( _T(";  stream.GetLastError() returns: ") );
        switch (file_input.GetLastError())
            case wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR:      textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR\n") ); break;
            case wxSTREAM_EOF:          textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_EOF\n") ); break;
            case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR:   textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n") ); break;
            case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR:  textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n") ); break;
            default: textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Huh?\n") ); break;
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\n") );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Seeking to 0;  stream.GetLastError() returns: ") );
    file_input.SeekI( 0 );
    switch (file_input.GetLastError())
        case wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR:      textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_EOF:          textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_EOF\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR:   textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR:  textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n") ); break;
        default: textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Huh?\n") ); break;
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\n") );

    file_input.Read( &ch, 1 );
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Value read: ") );
    textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + _T('0')) );
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T(";  stream.GetLastError() returns: ") );
    switch (file_input.GetLastError())
        case wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR:      textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_EOF:          textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_EOF\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR:   textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR:  textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n") ); break;
        default: textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Huh?\n") ); break;
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\n\n") );

    // Testing wxFFileInputStream

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Reading 0 to 10 to wxFFileInputStream:\n\n") );

    wxFFileInputStream ffile_input( file_name );
    for (ch2 = 0; ch2 < 11; ch2++)
        ffile_input.Read( &ch, 1 );
        textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Value read: ") );
        textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + '0') );
        textCtrl.WriteText( _T(";  stream.GetLastError() returns: ") );
        switch (ffile_input.GetLastError())
            case wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR:      textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR\n") ); break;
            case wxSTREAM_EOF:          textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_EOF\n") ); break;
            case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR:   textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n") ); break;
            case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR:  textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n") ); break;
            default: textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Huh?\n") ); break;
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\n") );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Seeking to 0;  stream.GetLastError() returns: ") );
    ffile_input.SeekI( 0 );
    switch (ffile_input.GetLastError())
        case wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR:      textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_EOF:          textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_EOF\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR:   textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR:  textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n") ); break;
        default: textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Huh?\n") ); break;
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\n") );

    ffile_input.Read( &ch, 1 );
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Value read: ") );
    textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + '0') );
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T(";  stream.GetLastError() returns: ") );
    switch (ffile_input.GetLastError())
        case wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR:      textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_EOF:          textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_EOF\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR:   textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR:  textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n") ); break;
        default: textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Huh?\n") ); break;
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\n\n") );

    // Testing wxFFileInputStream

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Reading 0 to 10 to buffered wxFFileInputStream:\n\n") );

    wxFFileInputStream ffile_input2( file_name );
    wxBufferedInputStream buf_input( ffile_input2 );
    for (ch2 = 0; ch2 < 11; ch2++)
        buf_input.Read( &ch, 1 );
        textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Value read: ") );
        textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + '0') );
        textCtrl.WriteText( _T(";  stream.GetLastError() returns: ") );
        switch (buf_input.GetLastError())
            case wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR:      textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR\n") ); break;
            case wxSTREAM_EOF:          textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_EOF\n") ); break;
            case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR:   textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n") ); break;
            case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR:  textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n") ); break;
            default: textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Huh?\n") ); break;
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\n") );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Seeking to 0;  stream.GetLastError() returns: ") );
    buf_input.SeekI( 0 );
    switch (buf_input.GetLastError())
        case wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR:      textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_EOF:          textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_EOF\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR:   textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR:  textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n") ); break;
        default: textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Huh?\n") ); break;
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\n") );

    buf_input.Read( &ch, 1 );
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Value read: ") );
    textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + '0') );
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T(";  stream.GetLastError() returns: ") );
    switch (buf_input.GetLastError())
        case wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR:      textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_EOF:          textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_EOF\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR:   textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR\n") ); break;
        case wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR:  textCtrl.WriteText( _T("wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR\n") ); break;
        default: textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Huh?\n") ); break;
Exemplo n.º 20
void MyApp::DoStreamDemo2(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    wxTextCtrl& textCtrl = * GetTextCtrl();

    textCtrl << _T("\nTesting wxBufferedStream:\n\n");

    char ch,ch2;

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Writing number 0 to 9 to buffered wxFileOutputStream:\n\n") );

    wxFileOutputStream file_output( file_name );
    wxBufferedOutputStream buf_output( file_output );
    for (ch = 0; ch < 10; ch++)
        buf_output.Write( &ch, 1 );

    wxFileInputStream file_input( file_name );
    for (ch2 = 0; ch2 < 10; ch2++)
        file_input.Read( &ch, 1 );
        textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + _T('0')) );
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\n\n\n") );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Writing number 0 to 9 to buffered wxFileOutputStream, then\n") );
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("seeking back to #3 and writing 0:\n\n") );

    wxFileOutputStream file_output2( file_name2 );
    wxBufferedOutputStream buf_output2( file_output2 );
    for (ch = 0; ch < 10; ch++)
        buf_output2.Write( &ch, 1 );
    buf_output2.SeekO( 3 );
    ch = 0;
    buf_output2.Write( &ch, 1 );

    wxFileInputStream file_input2( file_name2 );
    for (ch2 = 0; ch2 < 10; ch2++)
        file_input2.Read( &ch, 1 );
        textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + _T('0')) );
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\n\n\n") );

    // now append 2000 bytes to file (bigger than buffer)
    buf_output2.SeekO( 0, wxFromEnd );
    ch = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++)
       buf_output2.Write( &ch, 1 );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Reading number 0 to 9 from buffered wxFileInputStream, then\n") );
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("seeking back to #3 and reading the 0:\n\n") );

    wxFileInputStream file_input3( file_name2 );
    wxBufferedInputStream buf_input3( file_input3 );
    for (ch2 = 0; ch2 < 10; ch2++)
        buf_input3.Read( &ch, 1 );
        textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + _T('0')) );
    for (int j = 0; j < 2000; j++)
       buf_input3.Read( &ch, 1 );
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\n") );
    buf_input3.SeekI( 3 );
    buf_input3.Read( &ch, 1 );
    textCtrl.WriteText( (wxChar)(ch + _T('0')) );
    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\n\n\n") );

Exemplo n.º 21
void MyApp::DoStreamDemo(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    wxTextCtrl& textCtrl = * GetTextCtrl();

    textCtrl << _T("\nTest fstream vs. wxFileStream:\n\n");

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Writing to ofstream and wxFileOutputStream:\n") );

    wxSTD ofstream std_file_output( "test_std.dat" );
    wxFileOutputStream file_output( file_name );
    wxBufferedOutputStream buf_output( file_output );
    wxTextOutputStream text_output( buf_output );

    wxString tmp;
    signed int si = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    tmp.Printf( _T("Signed int: %d\n"), si );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
    text_output << si << _T("\n");
    std_file_output << si << "\n";

    unsigned int ui = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    tmp.Printf( _T("Unsigned int: %u\n"), ui );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
    text_output << ui << _T("\n");
    std_file_output << ui << "\n";

    double d = 2.01234567890123456789;
    tmp.Printf( _T("Double: %f\n"), d );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
    text_output << d << _T("\n");
    std_file_output << d << "\n";

    float f = (float)0.00001;
    tmp.Printf( _T("Float: %f\n"), f );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
    text_output << f << _T("\n");
    std_file_output << f << "\n";

    wxString str( _T("Hello!") );
    tmp.Printf( _T("String: %s\n"), str.c_str() );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
    text_output << str << _T("\n");
    std_file_output << str.ToAscii() << "\n";

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\nReading from ifstream:\n") );

    wxSTD ifstream std_file_input( "test_std.dat" );

    std_file_input >> si;
    tmp.Printf( _T("Signed int: %d\n"), si );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );

    std_file_input >> ui;
    tmp.Printf( _T("Unsigned int: %u\n"), ui );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );

    std_file_input >> d;
    tmp.Printf( _T("Double: %f\n"), d );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );

    std_file_input >> f;
    tmp.Printf( _T("Float: %f\n"), f );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );

    char std_buf[200];
    std_file_input >> std_buf;
    str = wxString::FromAscii(std_buf);
    tmp.Printf( _T("String: %s\n"), str.c_str() );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\nReading from wxFileInputStream:\n") );


    wxFileInputStream file_input( file_name );
    wxBufferedInputStream buf_input( file_input );
    wxTextInputStream text_input( file_input );

    text_input >> si;
    tmp.Printf( _T("Signed int: %d\n"), si );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );

    text_input >> ui;
    tmp.Printf( _T("Unsigned int: %u\n"), ui );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );

    text_input >> d;
    tmp.Printf( _T("Double: %f\n"), d );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );

    text_input >> f;
    tmp.Printf( _T("Float: %f\n"), f );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );

    text_input >> str;
    tmp.Printf( _T("String: %s\n"), str.c_str() );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );

    textCtrl << _T("\nTest for wxDataStream:\n\n");

    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Writing to wxDataOutputStream:\n") );

    file_output.SeekO( 0 );
    wxDataOutputStream data_output( buf_output );

    wxInt16 i16 = (unsigned short)0xFFFF;
    tmp.Printf( _T("Signed int16: %d\n"), (int)i16 );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
    data_output.Write16( i16 );

    wxUint16 ui16 = 0xFFFF;
    tmp.Printf( _T("Unsigned int16: %u\n"), (unsigned int) ui16 );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
    data_output.Write16( ui16 );

    d = 2.01234567890123456789;
    tmp.Printf( _T("Double: %f\n"), d );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
    data_output.WriteDouble( d );

    str = _T("Hello!");
    tmp.Printf( _T("String: %s\n"), str.c_str() );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
    data_output.WriteString( str );


    textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\nReading from wxDataInputStream:\n") );

    file_input.SeekI( 0 );
    wxDataInputStream data_input( buf_input );

    i16 = data_input.Read16();
    tmp.Printf( _T("Signed int16: %d\n"), (int)i16 );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );

    ui16 = data_input.Read16();
    tmp.Printf( _T("Unsigned int16: %u\n"), (unsigned int) ui16 );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );

    d = data_input.ReadDouble();
    tmp.Printf( _T("Double: %f\n"), d );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );

    str = data_input.ReadString();
    tmp.Printf( _T("String: %s\n"), str.c_str() );
    textCtrl.WriteText( tmp );
Exemplo n.º 22
void MyApp::DoMIMEDemo(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    static wxString s_defaultExt = "xyz";

    wxString ext = wxGetTextFromUser("Enter a file extension: ",
                                     "MIME database test",
    if ( !!ext )
        s_defaultExt = ext;

        // init MIME database if not done yet
        if ( !m_mimeDatabase )
            m_mimeDatabase = new wxMimeTypesManager;

            static const wxFileTypeInfo fallbacks[] =
                               "XyZ %s",
                               "XyZ -p %s",
                               "The one and only XYZ format file",
                               "xyz", "123", wxNullPtr),
                               "lynx %s",
                               "lynx -dump %s | lpr",
                               "HTML document (from fallback)",
                               "htm", "html", wxNullPtr),

                // must terminate the table with this!


        wxTextCtrl& textCtrl = * GetTextCtrl();

        wxFileType *filetype = m_mimeDatabase->GetFileTypeFromExtension(ext);
        if ( !filetype )
            textCtrl << "Unknown extension '" << ext << "'\n";
            wxString type, desc, open;
            wxIconLocation loc;


            wxString filename = "filename";
            filename << "." << ext;
            wxFileType::MessageParameters params(filename, type);
            filetype->GetOpenCommand(&open, params);

            textCtrl << "MIME information about extension '" << ext << '\n'
                     << "\tMIME type: " << ( !type ? wxString("unknown") : type ) << '\n'
                     << "\tDescription: " << ( !desc ? wxString(wxEmptyString) : desc )
                        << '\n'
                     << "\tCommand to open: " << ( !open ? wxString("no") : open )
                        << '\n'
                     << "\tIcon: " << ( loc.IsOk() ? loc.GetFileName() : wxString("no") )
                        << '\n';

            delete filetype;
    //else: cancelled by user
Exemplo n.º 23
// Since text windows have their own method for saving to/loading from files,
// we override DoSave/OpenDocument instead of Save/LoadObject
bool wxTextDocument::DoSaveDocument(const wxString& filename)
    return GetTextCtrl()->SaveFile(filename);