Exemplo n.º 1
 *                      TEXT_Ellipsify (static)
 *  Add an ellipsis to the end of the given string whilst ensuring it fits.
 * If the ellipsis alone doesn't fit then it will be returned anyway.
 * See Also TEXT_PathEllipsify
 * Arguments
 *   hdc        [in] The handle to the DC that defines the font.
 *   str        [in/out] The string that needs to be modified.
 *   max_str    [in] The dimension of str (number of WCHAR).
 *   len_str    [in/out] The number of characters in str
 *   width      [in] The maximum width permitted (in logical coordinates)
 *   size       [out] The dimensions of the text
 *   modstr     [out] The modified form of the string, to be returned to the
 *                    calling program.  It is assumed that the caller has
 *                    made sufficient space available so we don't need to
 *                    know the size of the space.  This pointer may be NULL if
 *                    the modified string is not required.
 *   len_before [out] The number of characters before the ellipsis.
 *   len_ellip  [out] The number of characters in the ellipsis.
 * See for example Microsoft article Q249678.
 * For now we will simply use three dots rather than worrying about whether
 * the font contains an explicit ellipsis character.
static void TEXT_Ellipsify (HDC hdc, WCHAR *str, unsigned int max_len,
                            unsigned int *len_str, int width, SIZE *size,
                            WCHAR *modstr,
                            int *len_before, int *len_ellip)
    unsigned int len_ellipsis;
    unsigned int lo, mid, hi;

    len_ellipsis = strlenW (ELLIPSISW);
    if (len_ellipsis > max_len) len_ellipsis = max_len;
    if (*len_str > max_len - len_ellipsis)
        *len_str = max_len - len_ellipsis;

    /* First do a quick binary search to get an upper bound for *len_str. */
    if (*len_str > 0 &&
        GetTextExtentExPointW(hdc, str, *len_str, width, NULL, NULL, size) &&
        size->cx > width)
        for (lo = 0, hi = *len_str; lo < hi; )
            mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
            if (!GetTextExtentExPointW(hdc, str, mid, width, NULL, NULL, size))
            if (size->cx > width)
                hi = mid;
                lo = mid + 1;
        *len_str = hi;
    /* Now this should take only a couple iterations at most. */
    for ( ; ; )
        memcpy(str + *len_str, ELLIPSISW, len_ellipsis*sizeof(WCHAR));

        if (!GetTextExtentExPointW (hdc, str, *len_str + len_ellipsis, width,
                                    NULL, NULL, size)) break;

        if (!*len_str || size->cx <= width) break;

    *len_ellip = len_ellipsis;
    *len_before = *len_str;
    *len_str += len_ellipsis;

    if (modstr)
        memcpy (modstr, str, *len_str * sizeof(WCHAR));
        modstr[*len_str] = '\0';
Exemplo n.º 2
 * ME_CharFromPointContext
 * Returns a character position inside the run given a run-relative
 * pixel horizontal position.
 * If closest is FALSE return the actual character
 * If closest is TRUE will round to the closest leading edge.
 * ie. if the second character is at pixel position 8 and third at 16 then for:
 * closest = FALSE cx = 0..7 return 0, cx = 8..15 return 1
 * closest = TRUE  cx = 0..3 return 0, cx = 4..11 return 1.
int ME_CharFromPointContext(ME_Context *c, int cx, ME_Run *run, BOOL closest, BOOL visual_order)
  ME_String *mask_text = NULL;
  WCHAR *str;
  int fit = 0;
  HGDIOBJ hOldFont;
  SIZE sz, sz2, sz3;
  if (!run->len || cx <= 0)
    return 0;

  if (run->nFlags & (MERF_TAB | MERF_ENDCELL))
    if (!closest || cx < run->nWidth / 2) return 0;
    return 1;

  if (run->nFlags & MERF_GRAPHICS)
    SIZE sz;
    ME_GetOLEObjectSize(c, run, &sz);
    if (!closest || cx < sz.cx / 2) return 0;
    return 1;

  if (run->para->nFlags & MEPF_COMPLEX)
      int cp, trailing;
      if (visual_order && run->script_analysis.fRTL) cx = run->nWidth - cx - 1;

      ScriptXtoCP( cx, run->len, run->num_glyphs, run->clusters, run->vis_attrs, run->advances, &run->script_analysis,
                   &cp, &trailing );
      TRACE("x %d cp %d trailing %d (run width %d) rtl %d log order %d\n", cx, cp, trailing, run->nWidth,
            run->script_analysis.fRTL, run->script_analysis.fLogicalOrder);
      return closest ? cp + trailing : cp;

  if (c->editor->cPasswordMask)
    mask_text = ME_MakeStringR( c->editor->cPasswordMask, run->len );
    str = mask_text->szData;
    str = get_text( run, 0 );

  hOldFont = ME_SelectStyleFont(c, run->style);
  GetTextExtentExPointW(c->hDC, str, run->len,
                        cx, &fit, NULL, &sz);
  if (closest && fit != run->len)
    GetTextExtentPoint32W(c->hDC, str, fit, &sz2);
    GetTextExtentPoint32W(c->hDC, str, fit + 1, &sz3);
    if (cx >= (sz2.cx+sz3.cx)/2)
      fit = fit + 1;

  ME_DestroyString( mask_text );

  ME_UnselectStyleFont(c, run->style, hOldFont);
  return fit;
Exemplo n.º 3
sInt sFont2D::GetCharCountFromWidth(sInt width,const sChar *text,sInt len)
  SIZE out;
  INT count;

    return 0;
  if(len==-1) len=sGetStringLen(text);


  return count;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * ME_CharFromPointContext
 * Returns a character position inside the run given a run-relative
 * pixel horizontal position.
 * If closest is FALSE return the actual character
 * If closest is TRUE will round to the closest leading edge.
 * ie. if the second character is at pixel position 8 and third at 16 then for:
 * closest = FALSE cx = 0..7 return 0, cx = 8..15 return 1
 * closest = TRUE  cx = 0..3 return 0, cx = 4..11 return 1.
int ME_CharFromPointContext(ME_Context *c, int cx, ME_Run *run, BOOL closest, BOOL visual_order)
  ME_String *mask_text = NULL;
  WCHAR *str;
  int fit = 0;
  HGDIOBJ hOldFont;
  SIZE sz, sz2, sz3;
  if (!run->len || cx <= 0)
    return 0;

  if (run->nFlags & (MERF_TAB | MERF_ENDCELL))
    if (!closest || cx < run->nWidth / 2) return 0;
    return 1;

  if (run->nFlags & MERF_GRAPHICS)
    SIZE sz;
    ME_GetOLEObjectSize(c, run, &sz);
    if (!closest || cx < sz.cx / 2) return 0;
    return 1;

  if (c->editor->cPasswordMask)
    mask_text = ME_MakeStringR( c->editor->cPasswordMask, run->len );
    str = mask_text->szData;
    str = get_text( run, 0 );

  hOldFont = ME_SelectStyleFont(c, run->style);
  GetTextExtentExPointW(c->hDC, str, run->len,
                        cx, &fit, NULL, &sz);
  if (closest && fit != run->len)
    GetTextExtentPoint32W(c->hDC, str, fit, &sz2);
    GetTextExtentPoint32W(c->hDC, str, fit + 1, &sz3);
    if (cx >= (sz2.cx+sz3.cx)/2)
      fit = fit + 1;

  ME_DestroyString( mask_text );

  ME_UnselectStyleFont(c, run->style, hOldFont);
  return fit;
Exemplo n.º 5
static BOOL notepad_print_page(HDC hdc, RECT *rc, BOOL dopage, int page, LPTEXTINFO tInfo)
    int b, y;
    SIZE szMetrics;
    WCHAR *footer_text = NULL;

    footer_text = expand_header_vars(Globals.szFooter, page);
    if (footer_text == NULL)
        return FALSE;

    if (dopage)
        if (StartPage(hdc) <= 0)
            static const WCHAR failedW[] = { 'S','t','a','r','t','P','a','g','e',' ','f','a','i','l','e','d',0 };
            static const WCHAR errorW[] = { 'P','r','i','n','t',' ','E','r','r','o','r',0 };
            MessageBoxW(Globals.hMainWnd, failedW, errorW, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
            HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, footer_text);
            return FALSE;

    GetTextMetricsW(hdc, &tm);
    y = rc->top + notepad_print_header(hdc, rc, dopage, TRUE, page, Globals.szFileName) * tm.tmHeight;
    b = rc->bottom - 2 * notepad_print_header(hdc, rc, FALSE, FALSE, page, footer_text) * tm.tmHeight;

    do {
        INT m, n;

        if (!tInfo->len)
            /* find the end of the line */
            while (tInfo->mptr < tInfo->mend && *tInfo->mptr != '\n' && *tInfo->mptr != '\r')
                if (*tInfo->mptr == '\t')
                    /* replace tabs with spaces */
                    for (m = 0; m < SPACES_IN_TAB; m++)
                        if (tInfo->len < PRINT_LEN_MAX)
                            tInfo->lptr[tInfo->len++] = ' ';
                        else if (Globals.bWrapLongLines)
                else if (tInfo->len < PRINT_LEN_MAX)
                    tInfo->lptr[tInfo->len++] = *tInfo->mptr;

                if (tInfo->len >= PRINT_LEN_MAX && Globals.bWrapLongLines)


        /* Find out how much we should print if line wrapping is enabled */
        if (Globals.bWrapLongLines)
            GetTextExtentExPointW(hdc, tInfo->lptr, tInfo->len, rc->right - rc->left, &n, NULL, &szMetrics);
            if (n < tInfo->len && tInfo->lptr[n] != ' ')
                m = n;
                /* Don't wrap words unless it's a single word over the entire line */
                while (m  && tInfo->lptr[m] != ' ') m--;
                if (m > 0) n = m + 1;
            n = tInfo->len;

        if (dopage)
            ExtTextOutW(hdc, rc->left, y, ETO_CLIPPED, rc, tInfo->lptr, n, NULL);

        tInfo->len -= n;

        if (tInfo->len)
            memcpy(tInfo->lptr, tInfo->lptr + n, tInfo->len * sizeof(WCHAR));
            y += tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading;
            /* find the next line */
            while (tInfo->mptr < tInfo->mend && y < b && (*tInfo->mptr == '\n' || *tInfo->mptr == '\r'))
                if (*tInfo->mptr == '\n')
                    y += tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading;
    } while (tInfo->mptr < tInfo->mend && y < b);

    notepad_print_header(hdc, rc, dopage, FALSE, page, footer_text);
    if (dopage)
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, footer_text);
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 6
 *  Return next line of text from a string.
 * hdc - handle to DC.
 * str - string to parse into lines.
 * count - length of str.
 * dest - destination in which to return line.
 * len - dest buffer size in chars on input, copied length into dest on output.
 * width - maximum width of line in pixels.
 * format - format type passed to DrawText.
 * retsize - returned size of the line in pixels.
 * last_line - TRUE if is the last line that will be processed
 * p_retstr - If DT_MODIFYSTRING this points to a cursor in the buffer in which
 *            the return string is built.
 * tabwidth - The width of a tab in logical coordinates
 * pprefix_offset - Here is where we return the offset within dest of the first
 *                  prefixed (underlined) character.  -1 is returned if there
 *                  are none.  Note that there may be more; the calling code
 *                  will need to use TEXT_Reprefix to find any later ones.
 * pellip - Here is where we return the information about any ellipsification
 *          that was carried out.  Note that if tabs are being expanded then
 *          this data will correspond to the last text segment actually
 *          returned in dest; by definition there would not have been any
 *          ellipsification in earlier text segments of the line.
 * Returns pointer to next char in str after end of the line
 * or NULL if end of str reached.
static const WCHAR *TEXT_NextLineW( HDC hdc, const WCHAR *str, int *count,
                                 WCHAR *dest, int *len, int width, DWORD format,
                                 SIZE *retsize, int last_line, WCHAR **p_retstr,
                                 int tabwidth, int *pprefix_offset,
                                 ellipsis_data *pellip)
    int i = 0, j = 0;
    int plen = 0;
    SIZE size = {0, 0};
    int maxl = *len;
    int seg_i, seg_count, seg_j;
    int max_seg_width;
    int num_fit;
    int word_broken;
    int line_fits;
    unsigned int j_in_seg;
    int ellipsified;
    *pprefix_offset = -1;

    /* For each text segment in the line */

    retsize->cy = 0;
    while (*count)

        /* Skip any leading tabs */

        if (str[i] == TAB && (format & DT_EXPANDTABS))
            plen = ((plen/tabwidth)+1)*tabwidth;
            (*count)--; if (j < maxl) dest[j++] = str[i++]; else i++;
            while (*count && str[i] == TAB)
                plen += tabwidth;
                (*count)--; if (j < maxl) dest[j++] = str[i++]; else i++;

        /* Now copy as far as the next tab or cr/lf or eos */

        seg_i = i;
        seg_count = *count;
        seg_j = j;

        while (*count &&
               (str[i] != TAB || !(format & DT_EXPANDTABS)) &&
               ((str[i] != CR && str[i] != LF) || (format & DT_SINGLELINE)))
	    if (str[i] == PREFIX && !(format & DT_NOPREFIX) && *count > 1)
                (*count)--, i++; /* Throw away the prefix itself */
                if (str[i] == PREFIX)
                    /* Swallow it before we see it again */
		    (*count)--; if (j < maxl) dest[j++] = str[i++]; else i++;
		else if (*pprefix_offset == -1 || *pprefix_offset >= seg_j)
                    *pprefix_offset = j;
                /* else the previous prefix was in an earlier segment of the
                 * line; we will leave it to the drawing code to catch this
                 * one.
                (*count)--; if (j < maxl) dest[j++] = str[i++]; else i++;

        /* Measure the whole text segment and possibly WordBreak and
         * ellipsify it

        j_in_seg = j - seg_j;
        max_seg_width = width - plen;
        GetTextExtentExPointW (hdc, dest + seg_j, j_in_seg, max_seg_width, &num_fit, NULL, &size);

        /* The Microsoft handling of various combinations of formats is weird.
         * The following may very easily be incorrect if several formats are
         * combined, and may differ between versions (to say nothing of the
         * several bugs in the Microsoft versions).
        word_broken = 0;
        line_fits = (num_fit >= j_in_seg);
        if (!line_fits && (format & DT_WORDBREAK))
            const WCHAR *s;
            unsigned int chars_used;
            TEXT_WordBreak (hdc, dest+seg_j, maxl-seg_j, &j_in_seg,
                            max_seg_width, format, num_fit, &chars_used, &size);
            line_fits = (size.cx <= max_seg_width);
            /* and correct the counts */
            TEXT_SkipChars (count, &s, seg_count, str+seg_i, i-seg_i,
                            chars_used, !(format & DT_NOPREFIX));
            i = s - str;
            word_broken = 1;
        pellip->before = j_in_seg;
        pellip->under = 0;
        pellip->after = 0;
        pellip->len = 0;
        ellipsified = 0;
        if (!line_fits && (format & DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS))
            TEXT_PathEllipsify (hdc, dest + seg_j, maxl-seg_j, &j_in_seg,
                                max_seg_width, &size, *p_retstr, pellip);
            line_fits = (size.cx <= max_seg_width);
            ellipsified = 1;
        /* NB we may end up ellipsifying a word-broken or path_ellipsified
         * string */
        if ((!line_fits && (format & DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS)) ||
            ((format & DT_END_ELLIPSIS) &&
              ((last_line && *count) ||
               (remainder_is_none_or_newline (*count, &str[i]) && !line_fits))))
            int before, len_ellipsis;
            TEXT_Ellipsify (hdc, dest + seg_j, maxl-seg_j, &j_in_seg,
                            max_seg_width, &size, *p_retstr, &before, &len_ellipsis);
            if (before > pellip->before)
                /* We must have done a path ellipsis too */
                pellip->after = before - pellip->before - pellip->len;
                /* Leave the len as the length of the first ellipsis */
                /* If we are here after a path ellipsification it must be
                 * because even the ellipsis itself didn't fit.
                assert (pellip->under == 0 && pellip->after == 0);
                pellip->before = before;
                pellip->len = len_ellipsis;
                /* pellip->after remains as zero as does
                 * pellip->under
            line_fits = (size.cx <= max_seg_width);
            ellipsified = 1;
        /* As an optimisation if we have ellipsified and we are expanding
         * tabs and we haven't reached the end of the line we can skip to it
         * now rather than going around the loop again.
        if ((format & DT_EXPANDTABS) && ellipsified)
            if (format & DT_SINGLELINE)
                *count = 0;
                while ((*count) && str[i] != CR && str[i] != LF)
                    (*count)--, i++;

        j = seg_j + j_in_seg;
        if (*pprefix_offset >= seg_j + pellip->before)
            *pprefix_offset = TEXT_Reprefix (str + seg_i, i - seg_i, pellip);
            if (*pprefix_offset != -1)
                *pprefix_offset += seg_j;

        plen += size.cx;
        if (size.cy > retsize->cy)
            retsize->cy = size.cy;

        if (word_broken)
        else if (!*count)
        else if (str[i] == CR || str[i] == LF)
            (*count)--, i++;
            if (*count && (str[i] == CR || str[i] == LF) && str[i] != str[i-1])
                (*count)--, i++;
        /* else it was a Tab and we go around again */

    retsize->cx = plen;
    *len = j;
    if (*count)
        return (&str[i]);
        return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 7
static void TEXT_WordBreak (HDC hdc, WCHAR *str, unsigned int max_str,
                            unsigned int *len_str,
                            int width, int format, unsigned int chars_fit,
                            unsigned int *chars_used, SIZE *size)
    WCHAR *p;
    int word_fits;
    assert (format & DT_WORDBREAK);
    assert (chars_fit < *len_str);

    /* Work back from the last character that did fit to either a space or the
     * last character of a word, whichever is met first.
    p = str + chars_fit; /* The character that doesn't fit */
    word_fits = TRUE;
    if (!chars_fit)
        ; /* we pretend that it fits anyway */
    else if (*p == SPACE) /* chars_fit < *len_str so this is valid */
        p--; /* the word just fitted */
        while (p > str && *(--p) != SPACE && (!IsCJKT(p[1]) || 
                p[1] == L'\0' || wcschr(KinsokuClassA, p[1]) != NULL))
        word_fits = (p != str || *p == SPACE || IsCJKT(p[1]));
    /* If there was one or the first character didn't fit then */
    if (word_fits)
        int next_is_space;
        /* break the line before/after that character */
        if (!(format & (DT_RIGHT | DT_CENTER)) || *p != SPACE)
        next_is_space = (unsigned int) (p - str) < *len_str && *p == SPACE;
        *len_str = p - str;
        /* and if the next character is a space then discard it. */
        *chars_used = *len_str;
        if (next_is_space)
    /* Suppose there was none. */
            /* break the word after the last character that fits (there must be
             * at least one; none is caught earlier).
            *len_str = chars_fit;
            *chars_used = chars_fit;

            /* FIXME - possible error.  Since the next character is now removed
             * this could make the text longer so that it no longer fits, and
             * so we need a loop to test and shrink.
        /* Otherwise */
            /* discard any trailing space. */
            const WCHAR *e = str + *len_str;
            p = str + chars_fit;
            while (p < e && *p != SPACE)
            *chars_used = p - str;
            if (p < e) /* i.e. loop failed because *p == SPACE */

            /* include the whole word; it may be ellipsified later */
            *len_str = p - str;
            /* Possible optimisation; if DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS only use chars_fit+1
             * so that it will be too long
    /* Remeasure the string */
    GetTextExtentExPointW (hdc, str, *len_str, 0, NULL, NULL, size);
Exemplo n.º 8
 *                      TEXT_PathEllipsify (static)
 * Add an ellipsis to the provided string in order to make it fit within
 * the width.  The ellipsis is added as specified for the DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS
 * flag.
 * See Also TEXT_Ellipsify
 * Arguments
 *   hdc        [in] The handle to the DC that defines the font.
 *   str        [in/out] The string that needs to be modified
 *   max_str    [in] The dimension of str (number of WCHAR).
 *   len_str    [in/out] The number of characters in str
 *   width      [in] The maximum width permitted (in logical coordinates)
 *   size       [out] The dimensions of the text
 *   modstr     [out] The modified form of the string, to be returned to the
 *                    calling program.  It is assumed that the caller has
 *                    made sufficient space available so we don't need to
 *                    know the size of the space.  This pointer may be NULL if
 *                    the modified string is not required.
 *   pellip     [out] The ellipsification results
 * For now we will simply use three dots rather than worrying about whether
 * the font contains an explicit ellipsis character.
 * The following applies, I think to Win95.  We will need to extend it for
 * Win98 which can have both path and end ellipsis at the same time (e.g.
 *  C:\MyLongFileName.Txt becomes ...\MyLongFileN...)
 * The resulting string consists of as much as possible of the following:
 * 1. The ellipsis itself
 * 2. The last \ or / of the string (if any)
 * 3. Everything after the last \ or / of the string (if any) or the whole
 *    string if there is no / or \.  I believe that under Win95 this would
 *    include everything even though some might be clipped off the end whereas
 *    under Win98 that might be ellipsified too.
 *    Yet to be investigated is whether this would include wordbreaking if the
 *    filename is more than 1 word and splitting if DT_EDITCONTROL was in
 *    effect.  (If DT_EDITCONTROL is in effect then on occasions text will be
 *    broken within words).
 * 4. All the stuff before the / or \, which is placed before the ellipsis.
static void TEXT_PathEllipsify (HDC hdc, WCHAR *str, unsigned int max_len,
                                unsigned int *len_str, int width, SIZE *size,
                                WCHAR *modstr, ellipsis_data *pellip)
    int len_ellipsis;
    int len_trailing;
    int len_under;
    WCHAR *lastBkSlash, *lastFwdSlash, *lastSlash;

    len_ellipsis = strlenW (ELLIPSISW);
    if (!max_len) return;
    if (len_ellipsis >= max_len) len_ellipsis = max_len - 1;
    if (*len_str + len_ellipsis >= max_len)
        *len_str = max_len - len_ellipsis-1;
        /* Hopefully this will never happen, otherwise it would probably lose
         * the wrong character
    str[*len_str] = '\0'; /* to simplify things */

    lastBkSlash  = strrchrW (str, BACK_SLASH);
    lastFwdSlash = strrchrW (str, FORWARD_SLASH);
    lastSlash = lastBkSlash > lastFwdSlash ? lastBkSlash : lastFwdSlash;
    if (!lastSlash) lastSlash = str;
    len_trailing = *len_str - (lastSlash - str);

    /* overlap-safe movement to the right */
    memmove (lastSlash+len_ellipsis, lastSlash, len_trailing * sizeof(WCHAR));
    memcpy (lastSlash, ELLIPSISW, len_ellipsis*sizeof(WCHAR));
    len_trailing += len_ellipsis;
    /* From this point on lastSlash actually points to the ellipsis in front
     * of the last slash and len_trailing includes the ellipsis

    len_under = 0;
    for ( ; ; )
        if (!GetTextExtentExPointW (hdc, str, *len_str + len_ellipsis, width,
                                    NULL, NULL, size)) break;

        if (lastSlash == str || size->cx <= width) break;

        /* overlap-safe movement to the left */
        memmove (lastSlash-1, lastSlash, len_trailing * sizeof(WCHAR));

        assert (*len_str);
    pellip->before = lastSlash-str;
    pellip->len = len_ellipsis;
    pellip->under = len_under;
    pellip->after = len_trailing - len_ellipsis;
    *len_str += len_ellipsis;

    if (modstr)
        memcpy(modstr, str, *len_str * sizeof(WCHAR));
        modstr[*len_str] = '\0';
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: syslink.c Projeto: bpon/wine
 * SYSLINK_Render
 * Renders the document in memory
static VOID SYSLINK_Render (const SYSLINK_INFO *infoPtr, HDC hdc, PRECT pRect)
    RECT rc;
    PDOC_ITEM Current;
    HGDIOBJ hOldFont;
    int x, y, LineHeight;
    SIZE szDoc;

    szDoc.cx = szDoc.cy = 0;

    rc = *pRect;
    rc.right -= SL_RIGHTMARGIN;
    rc.bottom -= SL_BOTTOMMARGIN;

    if(rc.right - SL_LEFTMARGIN < 0)
        rc.right = MAXLONG;
    if (rc.bottom - SL_TOPMARGIN < 0)
        rc.bottom = MAXLONG;
    hOldFont = SelectObject(hdc, infoPtr->Font);
    GetTextMetricsW( hdc, &tm );
    LineHeight = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading;

    for(Current = infoPtr->Items; Current != NULL; Current = Current->Next)
        int n, nBlocks;
        LPWSTR tx;
        PDOC_TEXTBLOCK bl, cbl;
        INT nFit;
        SIZE szDim;
        int SkipChars = 0;

        if(Current->nText == 0)

        tx = Current->Text;
        n = Current->nText;

        Current->Blocks = NULL;
        bl = NULL;
        nBlocks = 0;

        if(Current->Type == slText)
            SelectObject(hdc, infoPtr->Font);
        else if(Current->Type == slLink)
            SelectObject(hdc, infoPtr->LinkFont);
        while(n > 0)
            /* skip break characters unless they're the first of the doc item */
            if(tx != Current->Text || x == SL_LEFTMARGIN)
                if (n && *tx == '\n')
                while(n > 0 && (*tx) == infoPtr->BreakChar)

            if((n == 0 && SkipChars != 0) ||
               GetTextExtentExPointW(hdc, tx, n, rc.right - x, &nFit, NULL, &szDim))
                int LineLen = n;
                BOOL Wrap = FALSE;
                PDOC_TEXTBLOCK nbl;
                if(n != 0)
                    Wrap = SYSLINK_WrapLine(tx, infoPtr->BreakChar, x, &LineLen, nFit, &szDim);

                    if(LineLen == 0)
                        /* move one line down, the word didn't fit into the line */
                        x = SL_LEFTMARGIN;
                        y += LineHeight;

                    if(LineLen != n)
                        if(!GetTextExtentExPointW(hdc, tx, LineLen, rc.right - x, NULL, NULL, &szDim))
                            if(bl != NULL)
                                bl = NULL;
                                nBlocks = 0;
                nbl = ReAlloc(bl, (nBlocks + 1) * sizeof(DOC_TEXTBLOCK));
                if (nbl != NULL)
                    bl = nbl;

                    cbl = bl + nBlocks - 1;
                    cbl->nChars = LineLen;
                    cbl->nSkip = SkipChars;
                    cbl->rc.left = x;
                    cbl->rc.top = y;
                    cbl->rc.right = x + szDim.cx;
                    cbl->rc.bottom = y + szDim.cy;

                    if (cbl->rc.right > szDoc.cx)
                        szDoc.cx = cbl->rc.right;
                    if (cbl->rc.bottom > szDoc.cy)
                        szDoc.cy = cbl->rc.bottom;

                    if(LineLen != 0)
                        x += szDim.cx;
                            x = SL_LEFTMARGIN;
                            y += LineHeight;
                    bl = NULL;
                    nBlocks = 0;

                    ERR("Failed to alloc DOC_TEXTBLOCK structure!\n");
                n -= LineLen;
                tx += LineLen;
                SkipChars = 0;

        if(nBlocks != 0)
            Current->Blocks = bl;
    SelectObject(hdc, hOldFont);

    pRect->right = pRect->left + szDoc.cx;
    pRect->bottom = pRect->top + szDoc.cy;
Exemplo n.º 10
static void TEXT_WordBreak (HDC hdc, WCHAR *str, unsigned int max_str,
                            unsigned int *len_str,
                            int width, int format, unsigned int chars_fit,
                            unsigned int *chars_used, SIZE *size)
    WCHAR *p;
    int word_fits;
    assert (format & DT_WORDBREAK);
    assert (chars_fit < *len_str);

    /* Work back from the last character that did fit to either a space or the
     * last character of a word, whichever is met first.
    p = str + chars_fit; /* The character that doesn't fit */
    word_fits = TRUE;
    if (!chars_fit)
        ; /* we pretend that it fits anyway */
    else if (*p == SPACE) /* chars_fit < *len_str so this is valid */
        p--; /* the word just fitted */
    else if (*p >= 0x2e81 && *p <= 0xffe5) 
        /* Chinese punctuation character: , . ? ! ) >> ' ' " ; : */
        if (
                *p == 0x2018 /* ) */
            || *p == 0x2019 /* ! */
                || *p == 0x201D /* ? */
                || *p == 0x3002 /* ; */
                || *p == 0x300B /* >> */
                || *p == 0xFF01 /* '(right) */
                || *p == 0xFF09 /* '(left) */
                || *p == 0xFF0C /* : */
                || *p == 0xFF1A /* , */
                || *p == 0xFF1B /* . */
                || *p == 0xFF1F /* "(right) */
        /* CJK characters are treated breakable */
        /*  if Chinese and English mix up */
        while (p > str && *p != SPACE && (*p < 0x3012 || *p > 0xFA29 ) )
        word_fits = (p != str || *p == SPACE);
    /* If there was one or the first character didn't fit then */
    if (word_fits)
        int next_is_space;
        /* break the line before/after that character */
        if (!(format & (DT_RIGHT | DT_CENTER)) || *p != SPACE)
        next_is_space = (p - str) < *len_str && *p == SPACE;
        *len_str = p - str;
        /* and if the next character is a space then discard it. */
        *chars_used = *len_str;
        if (next_is_space)
    /* Suppose there was none. */
            /* break the word after the last character that fits (there must be
             * at least one; none is caught earlier).
            *len_str = chars_fit;
            *chars_used = chars_fit;

            /* FIXME - possible error.  Since the next character is now removed
             * this could make the text longer so that it no longer fits, and
             * so we need a loop to test and shrink.
        /* Otherwise */
            /* discard any trailing space. */
            const WCHAR *e = str + *len_str;
            p = str + chars_fit;
            while (p < e && *p != SPACE)
            *chars_used = p - str;
            if (p < e) /* i.e. loop failed because *p == SPACE */

            /* include the whole word; it may be ellipsified later */
            *len_str = p - str;
            /* Possible optimisation; if DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS only use chars_fit+1
             * so that it will be too long
    /* Remeasure the string */
    GetTextExtentExPointW (hdc, str, *len_str, 0, NULL, NULL, size);
Exemplo n.º 11
FskErr winTextBox(FskTextEngineState state, FskBitmap bits, const char *text, UInt32 textLen, FskConstRectangle bounds, FskConstRectangleFloat boundsFloat, FskConstRectangle clipRect, FskConstColorRGBA color, UInt32 blendLevel, UInt32 textSize, UInt32 textStyle, UInt16 hAlign, UInt16 vAlign, FskFixed textExtra, const char *fontName, FskTextFormatCache formatCacheIn)
	FskTextFormatCacheGDI formatCache = (FskTextFormatCacheGDI)formatCacheIn;
	RECT r;
	UINT flags = DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX | ((kFskTextTruncateEnd & textStyle) ? DT_END_ELLIPSIS : 0);
	Boolean direct = (blendLevel >= 255) && (NULL != bits->hbmp) &&
			!((kFskTextOutline | kFskTextOutlineHeavy) & textStyle) && !bits->hasAlpha;
	FskBitmap scratchBits = NULL;
	HFONT font;
	HDC dc = direct ? bits->hdc : state->dc;
	HGDIOBJ saveFont;
	FskRectangleRecord clip;
	unsigned char scratchBuffer[256];
	int saveCharExtra;

	// combine bounds and clip to total clip
	if (NULL == clipRect) {
		clip = *bounds;
	else {
		if (false == FskRectangleIntersect(clipRect, bounds, &clip))
			return kFskErrNone;

	if (direct) {
		if (clipRect)
			IntersectClipRect(dc, clipRect->x, clipRect->y, clipRect->x + clipRect->width, clipRect->y + clipRect->height);
		SetRect(&r, bounds->x, bounds->y, bounds->x + bounds->width, bounds->y + bounds->height);

		SetTextColor(dc, RGB(color->r, color->g, color->b));
	else {
		FskErr err;
		const UInt32 kFskTextOffscreenFormat = kFskBitmapFormat24BGR;

		/* Negative width below indicates that we want a native bitmap */
		err = FskBitmapNew(-bounds->width, bounds->height, kFskTextOffscreenFormat, &scratchBits);
		if (kFskErrNone == err)
			SetRect(&r, 0, 0, bounds->width, bounds->height);
		else {
			FskRectangleRecord b;

			err = winTextGetBounds(state, bits, text, textLen, textSize, textStyle, textExtra, fontName, &b, NULL, formatCacheIn);
			if (err) return err;

			err = FskBitmapNew(-b.width, b.height, kFskTextOffscreenFormat, &scratchBits);
			if (err) return err;

			SetRect(&r, 0, 0, b.width, b.height);

		dc = scratchBits->hdc;
		SetTextColor(dc, RGB(255, 255, 255));

	if (NULL == formatCache)
		saveFont = syncFont(textSize, textStyle, fontName, &font, state);
		saveFont = SelectObject(dc, formatCache->font);

	saveCharExtra = SetTextCharacterExtra(dc, textExtra >> 16);

#if 0
	switch (hAlign) {
		case kFskTextAlignLeft:
			flags |= DT_LEFT;

		case kFskTextAlignCenter:
			flags |= DT_CENTER;

		case kFskTextAlignRight:
			flags |= DT_RIGHT;

	switch (vAlign) {
		case kFskTextAlignTop:
			flags |= DT_TOP;

		case kFskTextAlignCenter:
			flags |= DT_VCENTER;

		case kFskTextAlignBottom:
			flags |= DT_BOTTOM;

	SIZE sz;
	UINT align;
	SInt32 y;
	char *encodedText = (char *)scratchBuffer;
	UInt32 encodedTextLen = sizeof(scratchBuffer);
	if (kFskErrNone != FskTextUTF8ToUnicode16NENoAlloc(text, textLen, (UInt16 *)scratchBuffer, &encodedTextLen)) {
		if (kFskErrNone != FskMemPtrNew(encodedTextLen, &encodedText)) {
			goto done;
		FskTextUTF8ToUnicode16NENoAlloc(text, textLen, (UInt16 *)encodedText, &encodedTextLen);

	encodedTextLen >>= 1;
	remapForMicrosoft((UInt16 *)encodedText, encodedTextLen);

	if (kFskTextTruncateCenter & textStyle) {
		// work hard to truncate the center, since Windows doesn't support this directly
		SIZE size;
		int *widths;

		if (kFskErrNone == FskMemPtrNew(sizeof(int) * encodedTextLen, (FskMemPtr *)&widths)) {
			int maxC, i, fitWidth = (r.right - r.left);
			GetTextExtentExPointW(dc, (WCHAR *)encodedText, encodedTextLen, 32768, &maxC, widths, &size);
			if (size.cx > fitWidth) {
				SInt32 currentWidth = size.cx;
				SInt32 truncBegin, truncEnd;
				WCHAR ellipsis = 0x2026;
				SIZE ellipsisSize;
				UInt16 *uniChars = (UInt16 *)encodedText;

				for (i = encodedTextLen - 1; i > 0; i--)
					widths[i] -= widths[i - 1];

				GetTextExtentPoint32W(dc, (LPWSTR)&ellipsis, 1, &ellipsisSize);		//@@ could use ellipsisWidth in cache here
				fitWidth -= ellipsisSize.cx;

				if (fitWidth > 0) {
					Boolean phase = true;		// start towards the end
					truncBegin = truncEnd = encodedTextLen / 2;
					while ((currentWidth > fitWidth) && ((truncEnd - truncBegin) != encodedTextLen)) {
						if (phase) {
							if (truncEnd < (SInt32)encodedTextLen) {
								currentWidth -= widths[truncEnd];
								truncEnd += 1;
						else {
							if (0 != truncBegin) {
								truncBegin -= 1;
								currentWidth -= widths[truncBegin];
						phase = !phase;
					FskMemMove(&uniChars[truncBegin + 1], &uniChars[truncEnd], (encodedTextLen - truncEnd) * 2);
					uniChars[truncBegin] = ellipsis;
					encodedTextLen -= (truncEnd - truncBegin);
					encodedTextLen += 1;

					flags &= ~DT_END_ELLIPSIS;


#if 0
	DrawTextW(dc, (LPWSTR)encodedText, encodedTextLen, &r, flags);
	if (kFskTextTruncateEnd & textStyle) {
		int fitChars;
		int stackWidths[256], *widths, width = r.right - r.left;
		WCHAR ellipsis = 0x2026;
		SIZE ellipsisSz;

		if (encodedTextLen < 256)
			widths = stackWidths;
		else {
			if (kFskErrNone != FskMemPtrNew(sizeof(int) * encodedTextLen, (FskMemPtr *)&widths)) {
				widths = stackWidths;
				encodedTextLen = 256;

		GetTextExtentExPointW(dc, (WCHAR *)encodedText, encodedTextLen, width, &fitChars, widths, &sz);
		if ((UInt32)fitChars < encodedTextLen) {
			// remove trailing white space
			if (formatCache) {
				if (!formatCache->haveEllipsisWidth) {
					GetTextExtentExPointW(dc, (WCHAR *)&ellipsis, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, &ellipsisSz);
					formatCache->haveEllipsisWidth = true;
					formatCache->ellipsisWidth = ellipsisSz.cx;
					ellipsisSz.cx = formatCache->ellipsisWidth;
				GetTextExtentExPointW(dc, (WCHAR *)&ellipsis, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, &ellipsisSz);

			if (width > ellipsisSz.cx) {
				width -= ellipsisSz.cx;

				while (fitChars > 2) {
					UInt16 c = ((UInt16 *)encodedText)[fitChars - 2];

					if ((32 != c) && (9 != c) && (0x3000 != c))

					fitChars -= 1;

				// truncate if needed to make room for the ellipsis
				while ((widths[fitChars - 1] > width) && (fitChars > 2))
					fitChars -= 1;

				// add ellipsis
				((UInt16 *)encodedText)[fitChars - 1] = 0x2026;		// ellipsis
				encodedTextLen = fitChars;
				encodedTextLen = 0;

		if (widths != stackWidths)
	else {
		if (kFskTextAlignCenter == vAlign)
			GetTextExtentExPointW(dc, (WCHAR *)encodedText, encodedTextLen, 0, NULL, NULL, &sz);

	if (kFskTextAlignCenter == vAlign) {
		y = (r.top + r.bottom - sz.cy) >> 1;
		align = TA_TOP;
	if (kFskTextAlignTop == vAlign) {