Exemplo n.º 1
static UniValue getnetworkinfo(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "Returns an object containing various state info regarding P2P networking.\n"
            "  \"version\": xxxxx,                      (numeric) the server version\n"
            "  \"subversion\": \"/Satoshi:x.x.x/\",     (string) the server subversion string\n"
            "  \"protocolversion\": xxxxx,              (numeric) the protocol version\n"
            "  \"localservices\": \"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\", (string) the services we offer to the network\n"
            "  \"localrelay\": true|false,              (bool) true if transaction relay is requested from peers\n"
            "  \"timeoffset\": xxxxx,                   (numeric) the time offset\n"
            "  \"connections\": xxxxx,                  (numeric) the number of connections\n"
            "  \"networkactive\": true|false,           (bool) whether p2p networking is enabled\n"
            "  \"networks\": [                          (array) information per network\n"
            "  {\n"
            "    \"name\": \"xxx\",                     (string) network (ipv4, ipv6 or onion)\n"
            "    \"limited\": true|false,               (boolean) is the network limited using -onlynet?\n"
            "    \"reachable\": true|false,             (boolean) is the network reachable?\n"
            "    \"proxy\": \"host:port\"               (string) the proxy that is used for this network, or empty if none\n"
            "    \"proxy_randomize_credentials\": true|false,  (string) Whether randomized credentials are used\n"
            "  }\n"
            "  ,...\n"
            "  ],\n"
            "  \"relayfee\": x.xxxxxxxx,                (numeric) minimum relay fee for transactions in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kB\n"
            "  \"incrementalfee\": x.xxxxxxxx,          (numeric) minimum fee increment for mempool limiting or BIP 125 replacement in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kB\n"
            "  \"localaddresses\": [                    (array) list of local addresses\n"
            "  {\n"
            "    \"address\": \"xxxx\",                 (string) network address\n"
            "    \"port\": xxx,                         (numeric) network port\n"
            "    \"score\": xxx                         (numeric) relative score\n"
            "  }\n"
            "  ,...\n"
            "  ]\n"
            "  \"warnings\": \"...\"                    (string) any network and blockchain warnings\n"
            + HelpExampleCli("getnetworkinfo", "")
            + HelpExampleRpc("getnetworkinfo", "")

    UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
    obj.pushKV("version",       CLIENT_VERSION);
    obj.pushKV("subversion",    strSubVersion);
        obj.pushKV("localservices", strprintf("%016x", g_connman->GetLocalServices()));
    obj.pushKV("localrelay",     fRelayTxes);
    obj.pushKV("timeoffset",    GetTimeOffset());
    if (g_connman) {
        obj.pushKV("networkactive", g_connman->GetNetworkActive());
        obj.pushKV("connections",   (int)g_connman->GetNodeCount(CConnman::CONNECTIONS_ALL));
    obj.pushKV("networks",      GetNetworksInfo());
    obj.pushKV("relayfee",      ValueFromAmount(::minRelayTxFee.GetFeePerK()));
    obj.pushKV("incrementalfee", ValueFromAmount(::incrementalRelayFee.GetFeePerK()));
    UniValue localAddresses(UniValue::VARR);
        for (const std::pair<const CNetAddr, LocalServiceInfo> &item : mapLocalHost)
            UniValue rec(UniValue::VOBJ);
            rec.pushKV("address", item.first.ToString());
            rec.pushKV("port", item.second.nPort);
            rec.pushKV("score", item.second.nScore);
    obj.pushKV("localaddresses", localAddresses);
    obj.pushKV("warnings",       GetWarnings("statusbar"));
    return obj;
Exemplo n.º 2
int64 GetAdjustedTime()
    return GetTime() + GetTimeOffset();
Exemplo n.º 3
 * @note Do not add or change anything in the information returned by this
 * method. `getinfo` exists for backwards-compatibility only. It combines
 * information from wildly different sources in the program, which is a mess,
 * and is thus planned to be deprecated eventually.
 * Based on the source of the information, new information should be added to:
 * - `getblockchaininfo`,
 * - `getnetworkinfo` or
 * - `getwalletinfo`
 * Or alternatively, create a specific query method for the information.
UniValue getinfo(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "\nDEPRECATED. Returns an object containing various state info.\n"
            "  \"deprecation-warning\": \"...\" (string) warning that the getinfo command is deprecated and will be removed in 0.16\n"
            "  \"version\": xxxxx,           (numeric) the server version\n"
            "  \"protocolversion\": xxxxx,   (numeric) the protocol version\n"
            "  \"walletversion\": xxxxx,     (numeric) the wallet version\n"
            "  \"balance\": xxxxxxx,         (numeric) the total bitcoin balance of the wallet\n"
            "  \"blocks\": xxxxxx,           (numeric) the current number of blocks processed in the server\n"
            "  \"timeoffset\": xxxxx,        (numeric) the time offset\n"
            "  \"connections\": xxxxx,       (numeric) the number of connections\n"
            "  \"proxy\": \"host:port\",       (string, optional) the proxy used by the server\n"
            "  \"difficulty\": xxxxxx,       (numeric) the current difficulty\n"
            "  \"testnet\": true|false,      (boolean) if the server is using testnet or not\n"
            "  \"keypoololdest\": xxxxxx,    (numeric) the timestamp (seconds since Unix epoch) of the oldest pre-generated key in the key pool\n"
            "  \"keypoolsize\": xxxx,        (numeric) how many new keys are pre-generated\n"
            "  \"unlocked_until\": ttt,      (numeric) the timestamp in seconds since epoch (midnight Jan 1 1970 GMT) that the wallet is unlocked for transfers, or 0 if the wallet is locked\n"
            "  \"paytxfee\": x.xxxx,         (numeric) the transaction fee set in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kB\n"
            "  \"relayfee\": x.xxxx,         (numeric) minimum relay fee for transactions in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kB\n"
            "  \"errors\": \"...\"             (string) any error messages\n"
            + HelpExampleCli("getinfo", "")
            + HelpExampleRpc("getinfo", "")

    CWallet * const pwallet = GetWalletForJSONRPCRequest(request);

    LOCK2(cs_main, pwallet ? &pwallet->cs_wallet : NULL);

    proxyType proxy;
    GetProxy(NET_IPV4, proxy);

    UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
    obj.push_back(Pair("deprecation-warning", "WARNING: getinfo is deprecated and will be fully removed in 0.16."
        " Projects should transition to using getblockchaininfo, getnetworkinfo, and getwalletinfo before upgrading to 0.16"));
    obj.push_back(Pair("version", CLIENT_VERSION));
    obj.push_back(Pair("protocolversion", PROTOCOL_VERSION));
    if (pwallet) {
        obj.push_back(Pair("walletversion", pwallet->GetVersion()));
        obj.push_back(Pair("balance",       ValueFromAmount(pwallet->GetBalance())));
    obj.push_back(Pair("blocks",        (int)chainActive.Height()));
    obj.push_back(Pair("timeoffset",    GetTimeOffset()));
        obj.push_back(Pair("connections",   (int)g_connman->GetNodeCount(CConnman::CONNECTIONS_ALL)));
    obj.push_back(Pair("proxy",         (proxy.IsValid() ? proxy.proxy.ToStringIPPort() : std::string())));
    obj.push_back(Pair("difficulty",    (double)GetDifficulty()));
    obj.push_back(Pair("testnet",       Params().NetworkIDString() == CBaseChainParams::TESTNET));
    if (pwallet) {
        obj.push_back(Pair("keypoololdest", pwallet->GetOldestKeyPoolTime()));
        obj.push_back(Pair("keypoolsize",   (int)pwallet->GetKeyPoolSize()));
    if (pwallet && pwallet->IsCrypted()) {
        obj.push_back(Pair("unlocked_until", pwallet->nRelockTime));
    obj.push_back(Pair("paytxfee",      ValueFromAmount(payTxFee.GetFeePerK())));
    obj.push_back(Pair("relayfee",      ValueFromAmount(::minRelayTxFee.GetFeePerK())));
    obj.push_back(Pair("errors",        GetWarnings("statusbar")));
    return obj;
Exemplo n.º 4
QWORD MMDeviceAudioSource::GetTimestamp(QWORD qpcTimestamp)
    QWORD newTimestamp;

        newTimestamp = (bUseQPC) ? qpcTimestamp : App->GetAudioTime();
        newTimestamp += GetTimeOffset();

        //Log(TEXT("got some mic audio, timestamp: %llu"), newTimestamp);

        return newTimestamp;
        //we're doing all these checks because device timestamps are only reliable "sometimes"
            QWORD curTime = GetQPCTimeMS();

            newTimestamp = qpcTimestamp;

            curVideoTime = lastVideoTime = App->GetVideoTime();

            if(bUseVideoTime || newTimestamp < (curTime-App->bufferingTime) || newTimestamp > (curTime+2000))
                    Log(TEXT("Bad timestamp detected, syncing audio to video time"));
                    Log(TEXT("Syncing audio to video time (WARNING: you should not be doing this if you are just having webcam desync, that's a separate issue)"));

                bUseVideoTime = true;

                newTimestamp = lastVideoTime+GetTimeOffset();

            lastUsedTimestamp = newTimestamp;

            bFirstFrameReceived = true;
            QWORD newVideoTime = App->GetVideoTime();

            if(newVideoTime != lastVideoTime)
                curVideoTime = lastVideoTime = newVideoTime;
                curVideoTime += 10;

            newTimestamp = (bUseVideoTime) ? curVideoTime : qpcTimestamp;
            newTimestamp += GetTimeOffset();

            lastUsedTimestamp += 10;

        // timestamp smoothing

        QWORD difVal = GetQWDif(newTimestamp, lastUsedTimestamp);

        //Log(TEXT("qpc timestamp: %llu, lastUsed: %llu, dif: %llu"), newTimestamp, lastUsedTimestamp, difVal);

        if (difVal > 70) {
            /*QWORD curTimeMS = App->GetVideoTime()-App->GetSceneTimestamp();
            UINT curTimeTotalSec = (UINT)(curTimeMS/1000);
            UINT curTimeTotalMin = curTimeTotalSec/60;
            UINT curTimeHr  = curTimeTotalMin/60;
            UINT curTimeMin = curTimeTotalMin-(curTimeHr*60);
            UINT curTimeSec = curTimeTotalSec-(curTimeTotalMin*60);

            Log(TEXT("A timestamp adjustment was encountered for device %s, approximate stream time is: %u:%u:%u, prev value: %llu, new value: %llu"), GetDeviceName(), curTimeHr, curTimeMin, curTimeSec, lastUsedTimestamp, newTimestamp);*/
            lastUsedTimestamp = newTimestamp;

        //Log(TEXT("got some desktop audio, timestamp: %llu"), lastUsedTimestamp);

        return lastUsedTimestamp;