void _LogFooter(void) { char szLibPath [ PS_MAX_PATH ]; #if defined (WIN32) GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, szLibPath, PS_MAX_PATH); #elif defined (_LINUX) if (program_invocation_name[0] == '/') { // file contains full path already, so don't append path sprintf_s(szLibPath, PS_MAX_PATH, "%s", program_invocation_name); } else { char currentDir[PS_MAX_PATH]; getcwd(currentDir, PS_MAX_PATH); sprintf_s(szLibPath, PS_MAX_PATH, "%s/%s", currentDir, program_invocation_name); } #endif _Log(logRAW, "App : %s\n", szLibPath); _Log(logRAW, "PID: %i\n", osGetCurrentProcessId()); _Log(logRAW, "Time: %s\n", GetTimeStr().asCharArray()); _Log(logRAW, "--------------THE END------------------\n"); }
const char* CDateTime::Now( EDTFORMAT edtfFormat ) { SYSTEMTIME stTime; GetSystemTime( &stTime ); return GetTimeStr( stTime, edtfFormat ); }
bool CAttachmentProcessor::GenerateSavePath(const TUploadConf *pUploadConf,const string& strSubfix,vector<string>& vecDbPath,vector<string>& vecFilePath) { if(NULL == pUploadConf) return false; const vector<TSaveGroupConf>& vecSaveGroupConf = pUploadConf->vecSaveGroupConf; if(vecSaveGroupConf.empty()) return false; int size = vecSaveGroupConf.size(); int index = GetRandomNumber(0, size); const TSaveGroupConf& saveGroupConf = vecSaveGroupConf.at(index); string timeStr = GetTimeStr(); string uniqueStr = GetUniqueStr(); string namePrefix = pUploadConf->strSaveNamePrefix; namePrefix = (namePrefix != "") ? (namePrefix+"_") : ""; string strSubDir = pUploadConf->strSaveSubDir; strSubDir = (strSubDir!="")?(strSubDir+"/"):""; string saveDir = saveGroupConf.strSaveNodePath + "/" + strSubDir + timeStr; Mkdir(saveDir); string filePath = saveDir + "/" + namePrefix + uniqueStr + "." + strSubfix; string dbPath = saveGroupConf.strGroupName + "/" + strSubDir + timeStr + + "/" + namePrefix + uniqueStr + "." + strSubfix; vecDbPath.push_back(dbPath); vecFilePath.push_back(filePath); return true; }
void LogFileInitialize(void) { FILE* f; const char* logFilename = GetLogFilename(); // It is valid for there to be no Log File. However since this // is the only place where the log file is initialized, we flag // it as something to note in the console. if (logFilename != NULL) { // Open for writing - this will overwrite any previous logfile fopen_s(&f, logFilename, "w+"); // read binary if (f != NULL) { fprintf(f, "Logging Started: %s\n\n", GetTimeStr().asCharArray()); fclose(f); } else { LogConsole(logERROR, "Unable to open logfile %s for writing \n", logFilename); } } }
wxString CMusikPlayer::GetTimeLeftStr() { if(_CurrentSongIsNetStream()) { return GetTimeStr(); } else return SecToStr( GetTimeLeft( FMOD_SEC ) ); }
int auto_smzdm::smzdm_run() { QNetworkCookieJar* cookie = new QNetworkCookieJar(this); network.GetManager().setCookieJar(cookie); GetContent(); foreach(QString str, m_comment_list) { QString jq = QString("jQuery") + "11100" + GetNumberString(16) +"_" + GetTimeStr(); QString str_url1 = QString( "http://zhiyou.smzdm.com/user/comment/ajax_rating?callback=%1&comment_id=%2&rating=1&_=%3").arg(jq,str,GetTimeStr()); QUrl url1(str_url1); HttpParamList header_list; header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Referer", m_news_url)); header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Accept", "application/javascript, */*;q=0.8")); header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Cache-Control","no-cache")); header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Connection","Keep-Alive")); //header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Accept-Encoding","gzip, deflate")); header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Accept-Language","zh-CN")); header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Host", m_host)); header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("User-Agent","Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)")); QNetworkReply* reply = network.GetRequest(url1, header_list); #ifdef _DEBUG QTime _t; _t.start(); bool _timeout = false; while (reply && !reply->isFinished()) { QCoreApplication::processEvents(); if (_t.elapsed() >= 10*1000) { _timeout = true; break; } } QString rt = reply->readAll(); #endif //_DEBUG reply->deleteLater(); // }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int i; float ft0; long tnow; struct timeval tval; char tstr[64]; // initialize random ft0 = GetCPUTime(); printf(" %7.3fs start\n",ft0); gettimeofday(&tval, 0); GetTimeStr(&tval, tstr); tnow = (long) tval.tv_sec*1000 + (long) tval.tv_usec/1000; srand48(tnow); for (i = 1000000; i <= 100000000; i *= 10) { RandBench(i); HashBench(i); FixedVecBench(i); VecBench(i); //SortedVecBench(n); } }
const char* CDateTime::GetTimeStr( EDTFORMAT edtfFormat ) const { return GetTimeStr( m_dtsTime, edtfFormat ); }
void RPCMinerClient::Run(const std::string &url, const std::string &user, const std::string &password, const int threadcount) { m_running=true; m_done=false; m_url=url; m_user=user; m_password=password; m_threadcount=threadcount; int64 lastrequestedwork=GetTimeMillis()-5000; int64 laststats=GetTimeMillis()-25000; m_lasttarget=0; m_lasthashdisplay=GetTimeMillis(); int64 timenowmillis; static unsigned int counter=0u; std::cout << "Client will start " << m_threadcount << " miner threads" << std::endl; std::cout << "Work will be refreshed every " << m_workrefreshms << " ms" << std::endl; while(Done()==false && HasError() == false) { if(m_minerthreads.RunningThreadCount()<m_threadcount) { int nextDeviceIndex = m_minerthreads.LastDeviceIndex() + 1; m_minerthreads.Start(new threadtype(nextDeviceIndex)); } /* if(lastrequestedwork<=GetTimeMillis()-m_workrefreshms) { SendWorkRequest(); lastrequestedwork=GetTimeMillis(); } */ if(m_serverstatsurl!="" && laststats<=GetTimeMillis()-60000) { json_spirit::Object statsobj; if(GetServerStats(statsobj)) { PrintServerStats(statsobj); } laststats=GetTimeMillis(); } if(m_minerthreads.HaveFoundHash()) { std::cout << GetTimeStr(time(0)) << " Found Hash!" << std::endl; foundhash fhash; m_minerthreads.GetFoundHash(fhash); ++counter; std::cout<<"Hashs found: "<<counter<<std::endl; SendFoundHash(fhash.m_blockid,fhash.m_nonce); SendWorkRequest(); lastrequestedwork=GetTimeMillis(); } CleanupOldBlocks(); if(lastrequestedwork<=GetTimeMillis()-m_workrefreshms) { SendWorkRequest(); lastrequestedwork=GetTimeMillis(); } timenowmillis=GetTimeMillis(); if(m_hashraterefresh>0 && (m_lasthashdisplay+m_hashraterefresh)<=timenowmillis) { int64 hr=GetHashRate(true); if(m_blocklookup.size()>0) { std::cout << hr << " khash/s" << std::endl; } else { if(m_startuptime+30000<timenowmillis) { std::cout << "No blocks are being hashed right now. This can happen if the application is" << std::endl; std::cout << "still starting up, you supplied incorrect parameters, or there is a" << std::endl; std::cout << "communications error connecting to the RPC server." << std::endl; m_minerthreads.ClearWork(); } } } Sleep(10); } m_running=false; }
bool autobots_toutiao::GetCookies() { QString str_url_1 = QString("https://dl.reg.163.com/ini?pd=tie&pkid=cGTVPrV&pkht=tie.163.com&nocache=%1").arg(GetTimeStr()); QUrl url_1(str_url_1); url_1.setUrl(str_url_1); HttpParamList header_list1; header_list1.push_back(HttpParamItem("Accept", "*/*")); header_list1.push_back(HttpParamItem("Connection", "keep-alive")); //header_list1.push_back(HttpParamItem("Accept-Encoding","deflate")); header_list1.push_back(HttpParamItem("Accept-Language", "zh-cn")); header_list1.push_back(HttpParamItem("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8")); //header_list1.push_back(HttpParamItem("Cache-Control", "no-cache")); //header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("X-CSRFToken", "20c9e1fc22618a31cbfcd42218e96dd0")); header_list1.push_back(HttpParamItem("Host", "dl.reg.163.com")); // mhost header_list1.push_back(HttpParamItem("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)")); QNetworkReply* rp = network.GetRequest(url_1, header_list1); QTime _t; _t.start(); bool _timeout = false; while (rp && !rp->isFinished()) { QCoreApplication::processEvents(); if (_t.elapsed() >= TIMEOUT) { _timeout = true; break; } } QVariant statusCodeV = rp->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute); bool res = statusCodeV.toInt() == 200 ? true : false; QString c = rp->readAll(); if (rp != NULL) rp->deleteLater(); return res; }
void RemoteMinerClient::HandleMessage(const RemoteMinerMessage &message) { json_spirit::Value tval=json_spirit::find_value(message.GetValue().get_obj(),"type"); if(tval.type()==json_spirit::int_type) { std::cout << "Got message " << tval.get_int() << " from server." << std::endl; if(tval.get_int()==RemoteMinerMessage::MESSAGE_TYPE_SERVERHELLO) { m_gotserverhello=true; tval=json_spirit::find_value(message.GetValue().get_obj(),"metahashrate"); if(tval.type()==json_spirit::int_type) { m_minerthreads.SetMetaHashSize(tval.get_int()); m_metahashsize=tval.get_int(); } tval=json_spirit::find_value(message.GetValue().get_obj(),"serverversion"); if(tval.type()==json_spirit::str_type) { std::cout << "Server version " << tval.get_str() << std::endl; } tval=json_spirit::find_value(message.GetValue().get_obj(),"distributiontype"); if(tval.type()==json_spirit::str_type) { std::cout << "Distribution type : " << tval.get_str() << std::endl; } } else if(tval.get_int()==RemoteMinerMessage::MESSAGE_TYPE_SERVERSENDWORK) { int64 nextblockid=0; std::vector<unsigned char> nextblock; std::vector<unsigned char> nextmidstate; uint256 nexttarget; tval=json_spirit::find_value(message.GetValue().get_obj(),"blockid"); if(tval.type()==json_spirit::int_type) { nextblockid=tval.get_int(); } tval=json_spirit::find_value(message.GetValue().get_obj(),"block"); if(tval.type()==json_spirit::str_type) { DecodeBase64(tval.get_str(),nextblock); } tval=json_spirit::find_value(message.GetValue().get_obj(),"target"); if(tval.type()==json_spirit::str_type) { nexttarget.SetHex(tval.get_str()); } tval=json_spirit::find_value(message.GetValue().get_obj(),"midstate"); if(tval.type()==json_spirit::str_type) { DecodeBase64(tval.get_str(),nextmidstate); } tval=json_spirit::find_value(message.GetValue().get_obj(),"fullblock"); if(tval.type()==json_spirit::obj_type) { SaveBlock(tval.get_obj(),"block.txt"); if(m_address160!=0) { double amount=0; if(FindGenerationAddressInBlock(m_address160,tval.get_obj(),amount)) { std::cout << "Address " << Hash160ToAddress(m_address160) << " will receive " << amount << " BTC if this block is solved" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Address " << Hash160ToAddress(m_address160) << " not found in block being solved" << std::endl; } } } m_minerthreads.SetNextBlock(nextblockid,nexttarget,nextblock,nextmidstate); } else if(tval.get_int()==RemoteMinerMessage::MESSAGE_TYPE_SERVERSTATUS) { int64 clients=0; int64 khashmeta=0; int64 khashbest=0; int64 clientkhashmeta=0; time_t startuptime=0; struct tm startuptimetm; std::string startuptimestr(""); int64 blocksgenerated=0; tval=json_spirit::find_value(message.GetValue().get_obj(),"clients"); if(tval.type()==json_spirit::int_type) { clients=tval.get_int(); } tval=json_spirit::find_value(message.GetValue().get_obj(),"khashmeta"); if(tval.type()==json_spirit::int_type) { khashmeta=tval.get_int(); } tval=json_spirit::find_value(message.GetValue().get_obj(),"khashbest"); if(tval.type()==json_spirit::int_type) { khashbest=tval.get_int(); } tval=json_spirit::find_value(message.GetValue().get_obj(),"yourkhashmeta"); if(tval.type()==json_spirit::int_type) { clientkhashmeta=tval.get_int(); } tval=json_spirit::find_value(message.GetValue().get_obj(),"sessionstartuptime"); if(tval.type()==json_spirit::int_type) { startuptime=tval.get_int(); startuptimetm=*gmtime(&startuptime); std::vector<char> buff(128,0); int rval=strftime(&buff[0],buff.size()-1,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",&startuptimetm); buff.resize(rval); startuptimestr=std::string(buff.begin(),buff.end()); } tval=json_spirit::find_value(message.GetValue().get_obj(),"sessionblocksgenerated"); if(tval.type()==json_spirit::int_type) { blocksgenerated=tval.get_int(); } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << GetTimeStr(time(0)) << std::endl; std::cout << "Server Status : " << clients << " clients, " << khashmeta << " khash/s" << std::endl; std::cout << blocksgenerated << " blocks generated since " << startuptimestr << " UTC" << std::endl; std::cout << "Server reports my khash/s as " << clientkhashmeta << std::endl; } } else { std::cout << "Server sent invalid message. Disconnecting." << std::endl; } }
int main(int iArgCount, char *pszArgs[]) { int iVarLength = 0; FILE *pInFile = stdin; char *pszMailRoot; char szMailRoot[SYS_MAX_PATH] = ""; /* Initialize time */ tzset(); if ((pszMailRoot = SysGetEnv(ENV_MAIL_ROOT)) == NULL || (iVarLength = (int)strlen(pszMailRoot)) == 0) { free(pszMailRoot); fprintf(stderr, "cannot find environment variable: %s\n", ENV_MAIL_ROOT); return 1; } StrSNCpy(szMailRoot, pszMailRoot); if (szMailRoot[iVarLength - 1] != SYS_SLASH_CHAR) strcat(szMailRoot, SYS_SLASH_STR); free(pszMailRoot); /* Parse command line */ int i; bool bExtractRcpts = false; bool bXMailFormat = false; bool bDotMode = true; char szMailFrom[256] = ""; char szExtMailFrom[256] = ""; char szInputFile[SYS_MAX_PATH] = ""; char szRcptFile[SYS_MAX_PATH] = ""; SysGetUserAddress(szMailFrom, sizeof(szMailFrom) - 1, ENV_DEFAULT_DOMAIN); for (i = 1; i < iArgCount; i++) { if (strcmp(pszArgs[i], "--") == 0) { ++i; break; } if (strcmp(pszArgs[i], "--rcpt-file") == 0) { if (++i < iArgCount) StrSNCpy(szRcptFile, pszArgs[i]); } else if (strcmp(pszArgs[i], "--xinput-file") == 0) { if (++i < iArgCount) { StrSNCpy(szInputFile, pszArgs[i]); bXMailFormat = true; } } else if (strcmp(pszArgs[i], "--input-file") == 0) { if (++i < iArgCount) StrSNCpy(szInputFile, pszArgs[i]); } else if (strcmp(pszArgs[i], "-i") == 0 || strcmp(pszArgs[i], "-oi") == 0) { bDotMode = false; } else if (strcmp(pszArgs[i], "-t") == 0) { bExtractRcpts = true; } else if (strncmp(pszArgs[i], "-f", 2) == 0) { if (pszArgs[i][2] != '\0') CopyAddress(szMailFrom, pszArgs[i] + 2, sizeof(szMailFrom) - 1); else if ((i + 1) < iArgCount) { CopyAddress(szMailFrom, pszArgs[i + 1], sizeof(szMailFrom) - 1); i++; } } else if (strncmp(pszArgs[i], "-F", 2) == 0) { if (pszArgs[i][2] != '\0') StrSNCpy(szExtMailFrom, pszArgs[i] + 2); else if (i + 1 < iArgCount) { StrSNCpy(szExtMailFrom, pszArgs[i + 1]); i++; } char const *pszOpen = strchr(szExtMailFrom, '<'); if (pszOpen == NULL) CopyAddress(szMailFrom, szExtMailFrom, sizeof(szMailFrom) - 1); else { char szTmpMailFrom[256]; StrSNCpy(szTmpMailFrom, pszOpen + 1); char *pszClose = (char *) strchr(szTmpMailFrom, '>'); if (pszClose != NULL) *pszClose = '\0'; CopyAddress(szMailFrom, szTmpMailFrom, sizeof(szMailFrom) - 1); } } else if (strncmp(pszArgs[i], "-o", 2) == 0) { } else if (strcmp(pszArgs[i], "-L") == 0 || strcmp(pszArgs[i], "-O") == 0 || strcmp(pszArgs[i], "-R") == 0 || strcmp(pszArgs[i], "-X") == 0 || strcmp(pszArgs[i], "-V") == 0 || strcmp(pszArgs[i], "-N") == 0 || strncmp(pszArgs[i], "-qG", 3) == 0 || strncmp(pszArgs[i], "-q!", 3) == 0) { if (i + 1 < iArgCount) i++; } else break; } /* Save recipients index and counter */ int iRcptIndex, iRcptCount; iRcptIndex = Min(i, iArgCount); iRcptCount = iArgCount - iRcptIndex; /* Check if recipients are supplied */ if (!bExtractRcpts && iRcptCount == 0 && IsEmptyString(szRcptFile)) { fprintf(stderr, "empty recipient list\n"); return 2; } if (!IsEmptyString(szInputFile)) { if ((pInFile = fopen(szInputFile, "rb")) == NULL) { perror(szInputFile); return 3; } } /* Check if the sender is specified */ if (IsEmptyString(szMailFrom)) { char const *pszUser = SysGetEnv(ENV_USER); if (pszUser == NULL) pszUser = "******"; CopyAddress(szMailFrom, pszUser, sizeof(szMailFrom) - 1); } /* Create file name */ char szHostName[256] = ""; char szDataFile[SYS_MAX_PATH] = ""; char szMailFile[SYS_MAX_PATH] = ""; SysGetHostName(szHostName, sizeof(szHostName) - 1); SysSNPrintf(szDataFile, sizeof(szDataFile), "%s%s%lu000.%lu.%s", szMailRoot, LOCAL_TEMP_SUBPATH, (unsigned long) time(NULL), SysGetProcessId(), szHostName); SysSNPrintf(szMailFile, sizeof(szMailFile), "%s.mail", szDataFile); /* Open raw data file */ FILE *pDataFile = fopen(szDataFile, "w+b"); if (pDataFile == NULL) { perror(szDataFile); if (pInFile != stdin) fclose(pInFile); return 4; } /* Open maildrop file */ FILE *pMailFile = fopen(szMailFile, "wb"); if (pMailFile == NULL) { perror(szMailFile); fclose(pDataFile); remove(szDataFile); if (pInFile != stdin) fclose(pInFile); return 5; } fprintf(pMailFile, "mail from:<%s>\r\n", szMailFrom); for (i = iRcptIndex; i < iArgCount; i++) { char szAddr[256]; CopyAddress(szAddr, pszArgs[i], sizeof(szAddr) - 1); fprintf(pMailFile, "rcpt to:<%s>\r\n", szAddr); } int iLine; bool bInHeaders = true; bool bHasFrom = false; bool bHasDate = false; bool bRcptSource = false; bool bNoEmit = false; char szBuffer[1536]; for (iLine = 0; fgets(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer) - 1, pInFile) != NULL; iLine++) { int iLineLength = (int)strlen(szBuffer); for (; iLineLength > 0 && (szBuffer[iLineLength - 1] == '\r' || szBuffer[iLineLength - 1] == '\n'); iLineLength--); szBuffer[iLineLength] = '\0'; /* Is it time to stop reading ? */ if (bDotMode && strcmp(szBuffer, ".") == 0) break; /* Decode XMail spool file format */ if (bXMailFormat) { if (strcmp(szBuffer, MAIL_DATA_TAG) == 0) bXMailFormat = false; continue; } /* Extract mail from */ if (bInHeaders) { bool bStraightFile = false; if ((iLine == 0) && !IsRFC822HeaderLine(szBuffer)) bStraightFile = true; if (bStraightFile || iLineLength == 0) { bInHeaders = false; bNoEmit = false; /* Add mail from (if not present) */ if (!bHasFrom) { if (strlen(szExtMailFrom) != 0) fprintf(pDataFile, "From: %s\r\n", szExtMailFrom); else fprintf(pDataFile, "From: <%s>\r\n", szMailFrom); } /* Add date (if not present) */ if (!bHasDate) { char szDate[128] = ""; GetTimeStr(szDate, sizeof(szDate) - 1, time(NULL)); fprintf(pDataFile, "Date: %s\r\n", szDate); } if (bStraightFile) fprintf(pDataFile, "\r\n"); } if (szBuffer[0] == ' ' || szBuffer[0] == '\t') { if (bExtractRcpts && bRcptSource) { int iRcptCurr = EmitRecipients(pMailFile, szBuffer); if (iRcptCurr > 0) iRcptCount += iRcptCurr; } } else if (iLineLength > 0) { bNoEmit = (strnicmp(szBuffer, "Bcc:", 4) == 0); bRcptSource = strnicmp(szBuffer, "To:", 3) == 0 || strnicmp(szBuffer, "Cc:", 3) == 0 || strnicmp(szBuffer, "Bcc:", 4) == 0; if (bExtractRcpts && bRcptSource) { int iRcptCurr = EmitRecipients(pMailFile, szBuffer); if (iRcptCurr > 0) iRcptCount += iRcptCurr; } if (!bHasFrom && strnicmp(szBuffer, "From:", 5) == 0) bHasFrom = true; if (!bHasDate && strnicmp(szBuffer, "Date:", 5) == 0) bHasDate = true; } } if (!bNoEmit) fprintf(pDataFile, "%s\r\n", szBuffer); } /* Close input file if different from stdin */ if (pInFile != stdin) fclose(pInFile); /* Dump recipient file */ if (!IsEmptyString(szRcptFile)) { FILE *pRcptFile = SafeOpenFile(szRcptFile, "rb"); if (pRcptFile == NULL) { perror(szRcptFile); fclose(pDataFile); remove(szDataFile); fclose(pMailFile); remove(szMailFile); return 6; } while (fgets(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer) - 1, pRcptFile) != NULL) { int iLineLength = (int)strlen(szBuffer); for (; iLineLength > 0 && (szBuffer[iLineLength - 1] == '\r' || szBuffer[iLineLength - 1] == '\n'); iLineLength--); szBuffer[iLineLength] = '\0'; if (iLineLength >= MAX_ADDR_NAME) continue; /* [i_a] '@' is also accepted in the section before the '<email-address>', e.g. "loony@toones <*****@*****.**>" Besides, this code must be able to handle lines like 'from bla <*****@*****.**>; via blub ([email protected]); etc.' */ char const *lt_p = strchr(szBuffer, '<'); char const *gt_p = (!lt_p ? lt_p : strchr(lt_p + 1, '>')); char const *pszAt = strchr(lt_p ? lt_p + 1 : szBuffer, '@'); while (lt_p && gt_p && pszAt) { if (pszAt > gt_p) { lt_p = strchr(lt_p + 1, '<'); gt_p = (!lt_p ? lt_p : strchr(lt_p + 1, '>')); pszAt = (!lt_p ? /* copout for bad line */ strchr(szBuffer, '@') : strchr(lt_p + 1, '@')); } else { break; } } if (pszAt == NULL) continue; char szRecipient[MAX_ADDR_NAME] = ""; if (AddressFromAtPtr(pszAt, szBuffer, szRecipient, sizeof(szRecipient)) != NULL) { fprintf(pMailFile, "rcpt to:<%s>\r\n", szRecipient); ++iRcptCount; } } fclose(pRcptFile); } /* Check the number of recipients */ if (iRcptCount == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "empty recipient list\n"); fclose(pDataFile); remove(szDataFile); fclose(pMailFile); remove(szMailFile); return 7; } /* Empty line separator between maildrop header and data */ fprintf(pMailFile, "\r\n"); /* Append data file */ rewind(pDataFile); unsigned int uReaded; do { if (((uReaded = (unsigned int)fread(szBuffer, 1, (int)sizeof(szBuffer), pDataFile)) != 0) && (fwrite(szBuffer, 1, uReaded, pMailFile) != uReaded)) { perror(szMailFile); fclose(pDataFile); remove(szDataFile); fclose(pMailFile); remove(szMailFile); return 8; } } while (uReaded == sizeof(szBuffer)); fclose(pDataFile); remove(szDataFile); /* Sync and close the mail file */ if (SysFileSync(pMailFile) < 0 || fclose(pMailFile)) { remove(szMailFile); fprintf(stderr, "cannot write file: %s\n", szMailFile); return 9; } /* Move the mail file */ char szDropFile[SYS_MAX_PATH]; SysSNPrintf(szDropFile, sizeof(szDropFile), "%s%s%lu000.%lu.%s", szMailRoot, LOCAL_SUBPATH, (unsigned long) time(NULL), SysGetProcessId(), szHostName); if (SysMoveFile(szMailFile, szDropFile) < 0) { remove(szMailFile); fprintf(stderr, "cannot move file: %s\n", szMailFile); return 10; } return 0; }
bool autobots_toutiao::DoSupport() { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_comment_list.size(); i++) { QString str_url1 = QString("http://isub.snssdk.com/2/relation/follow/v2/?ab_client=a1%2Cf2%2Cf7%2Ce1&ab_feature=z2&ab_group=z2&ab_version=112577%2C101786%2C112146%2C111547%2C101533%2C109464%2C110341%2C109891%2C112474%2C112070%2C106784%2C97142%2C31646%2C111339%2C101605%2C101558%2C112164%2C94046%2C112403%2C112532%2C105610%2C112343%2C105822%2C112578%2C108978%2C111796%2C108489%2C111897%2C110795%2C98042%2C105475&ac=WIFI&aid=13&app_name=news_article&channel=App%20Store&device_id=3135986566&device_platform=iphone&device_type=iPhone%206&idfa=86E011D2-C2DA-40CB-AB9D-DB1E1F9D668A&idfv=674FB6B1-60E9-4315-88FC-AAC84BEFAB46&iid=7730017535&live_sdk_version=1.6.5&new_reason=0&new_source=25&openudid=0d919477efbefb99dfe7a02a2df34d9127ecc947&os_version=9.3.5&resolution=750%2A1334&ssmix=a&user_id=51817712863&version_code=6.0.1&vid=674FB6B1-60E9-4315-88FC-AAC84BEFAB46") .arg(m_comment_list[i]); QUrl url1; url1.setUrl(str_url1); HttpParamList header_list; header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Accept", "*/*")); //header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Proxy - Connection", "Keep-Alive")); header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Connection", "Keep-Alive")); // header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Accept-Encoding","deflate")); header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Accept-Language", "zh-cn")); header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8")); header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Cache-Control", "no-cache")); //header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("X-CSRFToken", m_csrf_token)); header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Host", "isub.snssdk.com")); //header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Referer", m_url)); header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("tt-request-time", GetTimeStr())); //header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("User-Agent", "News/5.8.3 (iPhone; iOS 9.3.5; Scale/2.00)")); header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("User-Agent", "News/6.0.1 (iPhone; iOS 9.3.5; Scale/2.00)")); //HttpParamList post_data; //post_data.push_back(HttpParamItem("thread_id", m_group_id)); QNetworkReply* reply = network.GetRequest(url1, header_list); QTime _t; _t.start(); bool _timeout = false; while (reply && !reply->isFinished()) { QCoreApplication::processEvents(); if (_t.elapsed() >= TIMEOUT) { _timeout = true; break; } } if (reply == NULL || (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) || _timeout) { QVariant statusCodeV = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute); int n = statusCodeV.toInt(); QString ss = reply->errorString(); ui.lineEdit_msg->setText(ss); reply->deleteLater(); //return false; continue; } QByteArray rp_data = reply->readAll(); QVariant content_type = reply->header(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader); QString type = content_type.toString(); if (type.contains("json")) { //bool res = GetSupportStatus(rp_data); //return res; if (rp_data.contains("success")) { ui.lineEdit_msg->setText(QStringLiteral("操作成功")); } } else { ui.lineEdit_msg->setText(QStringLiteral("操作失败")); } } return true; }
void onSet() { mkdir(path_log); mkdir(path_weight); GetTimeStr(str_StartTime); int select; SetStart: printf("========================Start=======================\n"); printf("--- 1. play with ai ひたぎ (td-bp gametreeα-β)\n"); printf("--- 2. play with ai クオン (gametreeα-β)\n"); printf("--- 3. play with ai ひたぎXクオン (mix)\n"); printf("--- 4. train ai ひたぎ with ai クオン\n"); printf("--- 5. train ai ひたぎ with player\n"); printf("--- 6. train ai ひたぎ with extern ai(%s)\n",path_traindll); printf("--- 7. set player's chess color\n"); printf("--- 8. set saving frequence\n"); printf("--- 9. set ひたぎ ann weight\n"); printf("input a number to go:"); scanf("%d",&select); if(select>=1 && select<=3) { playmode=1; if(select==1) ai_mode=2; else if(select==2) ai_mode=1; else if(select==3) ai_mode=3; } else if(select>=4 && select<=6) { playmode=2; if(select==4) trainmode=1; else if(select==5) trainmode=2; else if(select==6) trainmode=3; } else if(select==7) { printf("\ncurrent player's chess color is %c\n",color_player); printf("input a number to go (1 blcak %c,2 white %c ):",black,white); scanf("%d",&select); if(select==1) color_player=black; else if(select==2) color_player=white; goto SetStart; } else if(select==8) { printf("\ncurrent frequence is %d\n",freq_save); printf("input frequence:"); scanf("%d",&select); if(select >=0) freq_save=select; goto SetStart; } else if(select==9) { printf("\ncurrent ひたぎ ann weight path is:%s\n",file_loadweight); printf("input the new path (0 for default):"); char buf[200]; scanf("%s",buf); if(!strcmp(buf,"0")) strcpy(file_loadweight,"HitagiTrain.net"); else strcpy(file_loadweight,buf); goto SetStart; } else goto SetStart; }
bool autobots_toutiao::AuthorByRenren(const QString& name, const QString& password) { //1.检验验证码 // QString vcode, code_sign; // bool need_code = NeedValidateCode(name, vcode, code_sign); // QString str_need_code = need_code ? "true" : ""; QString str_url1 = "https://passport.bilibili.com/login?act=getkey&_=" + GetTimeStr();; QUrl url1(str_url1); QString str_temp = "https://passport.bilibili.com/ajax/miniLogin/minilogin"; HttpParamList header_list; header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Accept", "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01")); header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Connection","Keep-Alive")); //header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Accept-Encoding","gzip, deflate")); header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Accept-Language","zh-CN")); header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Host", "passport.bilibili.com")); header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("Referer", str_temp)); header_list.push_back(HttpParamItem("User-Agent","Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)")); QNetworkReply* reply = network.GetRequest_ssl(url1, header_list); QTime _t; _t.start(); bool _timeout = false; while (reply && !reply->isFinished()) { QCoreApplication::processEvents(); if (_t.elapsed() >= TIMEOUT) { _timeout = true; break; } } if (reply == NULL || (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) || _timeout) { reply->deleteLater(); return false; } QVariant statusCodeV = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute); int n = statusCodeV.toInt(); bool res = false; if (n!=200) { return res; } QByteArray rp_data = reply->readAll(); QString hash_code, public_key; res = GetCode(rp_data, hash_code, public_key); if (reply != NULL) { reply->deleteLater(); } if (!res) { return res; } res = LoginBili(name,password,hash_code,public_key); return res; }
string CExactime::GetShowStr() { return (GetDateStr() + " " + GetTimeStr() + " " + GetUSecStr()); }