Exemplo n.º 1
void CBigScrollView::SetScaleToFitSize(SIZE sizeTotal)
	// do not use CScrollView::SetScaleToFit();
	// this function change the size of the view !
	wxSize sizeClient, sizeSb;
	GetTrueClientSize(sizeClient, sizeSb);
	if (m_nMapMode != MM_TEXT)
		wxASSERT(m_nMapMode > 0); // must be set
		CWindowDC dc(NULL);
	if (sizeClient.cy < MulDiv(sizeTotal.cy, sizeClient.cx, sizeTotal.cx))
		// add 1% to eliminate scroll bars
		sizeTotal.cy = MulDiv(sizeTotal.cy, 101, 100);
		sizeTotal.cx = MulDiv(sizeTotal.cx, sizeClient.cy, sizeTotal.cy);
		sizeTotal.cy = sizeClient.cy;
		// add 1% to eliminate scroll bars
		sizeTotal.cx = MulDiv(sizeTotal.cx, 101, 100);
		sizeTotal.cx = sizeClient.cx;
		sizeTotal.cy = MulDiv(sizeTotal.cy, sizeClient.cx, sizeTotal.cx);
	SetScrollSizes(m_nMapMode, sizeTotal);
Exemplo n.º 2
// Send the mouse message
void CRDVView::SendMouseMessage(WORD wWM,UINT nFlags,CPoint Point,short zDelta)
	// Transmit the mouse event
	CPoint MousePosition = GetScrollPosition();

	// Test for zooming
	if (!m_bViewZoom)
		// Get the client area
		CSize size,sizeSb;
		CRect Client;

		// Get floating point versions of the coordinates
		double dPointX = (double)Point.x;
		double dPointY = (double)Point.y;
		double dWidth = (double)m_cxWidth;
		double dHeight = (double)m_cyHeight;
		double dSizeX = (double)Client.Width();
		double dSizeY = (double)Client.Height();

		// Adjust mouse coordinate to match the zoom out aspect ratio
		dPointX = dWidth / dSizeX * dPointX + 0.5;
		dPointY = dHeight / dSizeY * dPointY + 0.5;

		// Assign the new mouse coordinate
		Point.x = (LONG)dPointX;
		Point.y = (LONG)dPointY;
		// Factor in the scroll positions
		Point += MousePosition;

	// Test the keystate
	nFlags = 0;
	if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000)
		nFlags |= 1;
	if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000)
		nFlags |= 2;

	// Add the mouse message
Exemplo n.º 3
CSize CPreviewView::CalcPageDisplaySize()
	// calculate the current page size
	//  set 'm_nSecondPageOffset' to start of second page
	// return size of current page less margins
	CSize windowSize, scrollSize;
	GetTrueClientSize(windowSize, scrollSize);

	// subtract out vertical scrollbar if zoomed out and page range is known
	// and there is more than one page.
	if (m_nZoomState == ZOOM_OUT && (m_pPreviewInfo->GetMaxPage() != 0xffff) &&
		(m_pPreviewInfo->GetMaxPage() - m_pPreviewInfo->GetMinPage() != 0))
		windowSize.cx -= scrollSize.cx;

	m_nSecondPageOffset = (windowSize.cx - PREVIEW_MARGIN) / 2;

	windowSize.cx = (m_nPages == 2) ? (windowSize.cx - 3*PREVIEW_MARGIN) / 2 :
									windowSize.cx - 2*PREVIEW_MARGIN;

	windowSize.cy -= 2*PREVIEW_MARGIN;
	return windowSize;
Exemplo n.º 4
void CScrollWnd::UpdateBars()
	// UpdateBars may cause window to be resized - ignore those resizings
	if (m_bInsideUpdate)
		return;         // Do not allow recursive calls

	// Lock out recursion
	m_bInsideUpdate = TRUE;

	// update the horizontal to reflect reality
	// NOTE: turning on/off the scrollbars will cause 'OnSize' callbacks
	ASSERT(m_totalDev.cx >= 0 && m_totalDev.cy >= 0);

	CRect rectClient;
	BOOL bCalcClient = TRUE;

	// allow parent to do inside-out layout first
	CWnd* pParentWnd = GetParent();
	if (pParentWnd != NULL)
		// if parent window responds to this message, use just
		//  client area for scroll bar calc -- not "true" client area
		if ((BOOL)pParentWnd->SendMessage(WM_RECALCPARENT, 0,
			(LPARAM)(LPCRECT)&rectClient) != 0)
			// use rectClient instead of GetTrueClientSize for
			//  client size calculation.
			bCalcClient = FALSE;

	CSize sizeClient;
	CSize sizeSb;

	if (bCalcClient)
		// get client rect
		if (!GetTrueClientSize(sizeClient, sizeSb))
			// no room for scroll bars (common for zero sized elements)
			CRect rect;
			if (rect.right > 0 && rect.bottom > 0)
				// if entire client area is not invisible, assume we have
				//  control over our scrollbars
				EnableScrollBarCtrl(SB_BOTH, FALSE);
			m_bInsideUpdate = FALSE;
		// let parent window determine the "client" rect
		sizeClient.cx = rectClient.right - rectClient.left;
		sizeClient.cy = rectClient.bottom - rectClient.top;

	// enough room to add scrollbars
	CSize sizeRange;
	CPoint ptMove;
	CSize needSb;

	// get the current scroll bar state given the true client area
	GetScrollBarState(sizeClient, needSb, sizeRange, ptMove, bCalcClient);
	if (needSb.cx)
		sizeClient.cy -= sizeSb.cy;
	if (needSb.cy)
		sizeClient.cx -= sizeSb.cx;

	// first scroll the window as needed
	ScrollToDevicePosition(ptMove); // will set the scroll bar positions too

	// this structure needed to update the scrollbar page range
	info.fMask = SIF_PAGE|SIF_RANGE;
	info.nMin = 0;

	// now update the bars as appropriate
	EnableScrollBarCtrl(SB_HORZ, needSb.cx);
	if (needSb.cx)
		info.nPage = sizeClient.cx;
		info.nMax = m_totalDev.cx-1;
		if (!SetScrollInfo(SB_HORZ, &info, TRUE))
			SetScrollRange(SB_HORZ, 0, sizeRange.cx, TRUE);
	EnableScrollBarCtrl(SB_VERT, needSb.cy);
	if (needSb.cy)
		info.nPage = sizeClient.cy;
		info.nMax = m_totalDev.cy-1;
		if (!SetScrollInfo(SB_VERT, &info, TRUE))
			SetScrollRange(SB_VERT, 0, sizeRange.cy, TRUE);

	// remove recursion lockout
	m_bInsideUpdate = FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 5
void CXTPPropertyPage::UpdateBars()
	if (m_totalDev == CSize(0, 0) || !m_bCreated)

	// UpdateBars may cause window to be resized - ignore those resizings
	if (m_bInsideUpdate)
		return;         // Do not allow recursive calls

	// Lock out recursion
	m_bInsideUpdate = TRUE;

	// update the horizontal to reflect reality
	// NOTE: turning on/off the scrollbars will cause 'OnSize' callbacks
	ASSERT(m_totalDev.cx >= 0 && m_totalDev.cy >= 0);

	CRect rectClient;
	BOOL bCalcClient = TRUE;

	CSize sizeClient;
	CSize sizeSb;

	// get client rect
	if (!GetTrueClientSize(sizeClient, sizeSb))
		// no room for scroll bars (common for zero sized elements)
		CRect rect;
		if (rect.right > 0 && rect.bottom > 0)
			// if entire client area is not invisible, assume we have
			//  control over our scrollbars
			EnableScrollBarCtrl(SB_BOTH, FALSE);
		m_bInsideUpdate = FALSE;

	// enough room to add scrollbars
	CSize sizeRange;
	CPoint ptMove;
	CSize needSb;

	// get the current scroll bar state given the true client area
	GetScrollBarState(sizeClient, needSb, sizeRange, ptMove, bCalcClient);
	if (needSb.cx)
		sizeClient.cy -= sizeSb.cy;
	if (needSb.cy)
		sizeClient.cx -= sizeSb.cx;

	// first scroll the window as needed
	ScrollToDevicePosition(ptMove); // will set the scroll bar positions too

	// this structure needed to update the scrollbar page range
	info.fMask = SIF_PAGE|SIF_RANGE;
	info.nMin = 0;

	// now update the bars as appropriate
	EnableScrollBarCtrl(SB_HORZ, needSb.cx);
	if (needSb.cx)
		info.nPage = sizeClient.cx;
		info.nMax = m_totalDev.cx-1;
		if (!SetScrollInfo(SB_HORZ, &info, TRUE))
			SetScrollRange(SB_HORZ, 0, sizeRange.cx, TRUE);
	EnableScrollBarCtrl(SB_VERT, needSb.cy);
	if (needSb.cy)
		info.nPage = sizeClient.cy;
		info.nMax = m_totalDev.cy-1;
		if (!SetScrollInfo(SB_VERT, &info, TRUE))
			SetScrollRange(SB_VERT, 0, sizeRange.cy, TRUE);

	// remove recursion lockout
	m_bInsideUpdate = FALSE;