//  Adjusts a 2D Bounding area to scale with screen and safe areas based on the current 
//  layout state.
//  in/out :
//  			fX,fY - in:  the position, in screen space of the asset's pivot i.e. the (center,left), (top,left) 
//  			             or (bottom,right) point of the asset (for example) (in Virtual Space)
//  			       out:  the top left corner of the BB after aligning and scaling with delta screen 
//  			             resolution and safe areas (out Virtual Space).
//  			fSizeX,fSizeY - in:  the size of the BB before any alignment or adjustments are done (in Virtual Space)
//  			              - out: the size of the BB after all appropriate alignments and adjustments are done (out Virtual Space)
//  As we want to preserve proportional distance of elements from the screen 
//  edge then the p(x,y) needs to be adjusted based on some proportional
//  relationship to the delta-screen resolution :
//                     p (is-proportional-to) k*(delta)Screen
//  The size of element s(w,h), when not preserving aspect or keeping square
//  should follow the same rule.
//                     s (is-propotional-to) k*(delta)Screen
//  When scaling elements with (delta)ScreenY only, then p is the same as above
//  (to preserve proportional distance from the screen edge), but s(w.h) varies
//  as follows :
//                     s.w (is-propotional-to) k*(delta)ScreenY
//                     s.h (is-propotional-to) k*(delta)ScreenY
void ScreenLayoutManager::AdjustToSafeArea( float *fX, float* fY, float* fSizeX /* = NULL*/, float* fSizeY /* = NULL*/,
                                            const EUIDRAWHORIZONTAL eUIDrawHorizontal,        
                                            const EUIDRAWVERTICAL   eUIDrawVertical,
                                            const EUIDRAWHORIZONTAL eUIDrawHorizontalDocking, 
                                            const EUIDRAWVERTICAL   eUIDrawVerticalDocking  ) const
	// Get intermediate p(x,y) in proportional space
	// at this point the p is at still the (center,left),
	// (top,left) or (bottom,right) of the asset.
	Vec2 p( *fX/GetVirtualWidth(), *fY/GetVirtualHeight() );
	Vec2 s( 0.0f, 0.0f );
	float assetAspect = 1.0f;

	CRY_ASSERT_MESSAGE( fSizeX && fSizeY || (fSizeX == NULL && fSizeY == NULL), "HUD: Invalid combination of size pointers, probably a mistake in calling code!" );
	const bool bHaveSize = fSizeX && fSizeY && (*fSizeY)!=0.0f;
	if( bHaveSize)
		s = Vec2( (*fSizeX)/GetVirtualWidth(), (*fSizeY)/GetVirtualHeight() );
		assetAspect = (*fSizeX)/(*fSizeY);

	// Do the work and get every thing in proportional space.
	AdjustToSafeAreaProportional( p,s,assetAspect, eUIDrawHorizontal,eUIDrawVertical,eUIDrawHorizontalDocking,eUIDrawVerticalDocking );

	// offset p by the safe-area borders if we are adjusting by safe-areas.
	if( !(m_flags & eSLO_DoNotAdaptToSafeArea) )
		const Vec2 safeAreaBorderP = GetSafeAreaBorderScreenProportion(m_curSafeAreaID);
		p.x += safeAreaBorderP.x; // x border width
		p.y += safeAreaBorderP.y; // y border height

	// Publish the results :
	*fX = p.x * GetVirtualWidth();
	*fY = p.y * GetVirtualHeight();

		*fSizeX = s.x * GetVirtualWidth();
		*fSizeY = s.y * GetVirtualHeight();

Exemplo n.º 2
//	NAME:		Draw()
//	DESC:		Draw chart points
//				int x,
//				int y
//	RETURN:		None
void wxChartWindow::Draw(
	int x,
	int y
	// Get window information
    r.x = x; r.y = y;
	r.xscroll = 0; r.yscroll = 0;
	GetClientSize( &r.w, &r.h );

    // Set Background

#if 0
    hp->SetBrush( wxBrush(0xecf1f1, wxSOLID) ); //fcfdd8, *wxLIGHT_GREY_BRUSH
    hp->SetPen( *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN );
        r.x + 2,
        r.y + 5,
        r.h - 5

    // Draw horizontal lines
    if ( m_UseGrid )
        DrawHLines( hp, &r );

	// Draw all charts
	m_Chart.Draw( hp, &r );
Exemplo n.º 3
//  NAME:       DrawHLines()
//  DESC:       Draw horizontal lines
//              CHART_HRECT hr
//  RETURN:     None
void wxChartWindow::DrawHLines(
    if ( GetVirtualMaxY() > 0 )
        double range = GetVirtualMaxY();
        double start = 0;
        double end = range;

        int int_log_range = (int)floor( log10( range ) );
        double step = 1.0;
        if (int_log_range > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < int_log_range; i++)
                step *= 10;
        if (int_log_range < 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < -int_log_range; i++)
                step /= 10;
        double lower = ceil(start / step) * step;
        double upper = floor(end / step) * step;

        // if too few values, shrink size
        if ((range/step) < 4)
            step /= 2;
            if (lower-step > start) lower -= step;
            if (upper+step < end) upper += step;

        // if still too few, again
        if ((range/step) < 4)
            step /= 2;
            if (lower-step > start) lower -= step;
            if (upper+step < end) upper += step;

        wxChartSizes *sizes = GetSizes();
/* C::B begin */
        // avoid crashes if style contains USE_GRID and no charts are added to chartctrl
/* C::B end */

        hp->SetPen( *wxBLACK_DASHED_PEN );

        double current = lower;
        while (current < upper+(step/2))
            int y = (int)( (GetVirtualMaxY()-current) /
                    range * ((double)hr->h - sizes->GetSizeHeight())) - 1;
            if ((y > 10) && (y < hr->h - 7 - sizes->GetSizeHeight()))
                hp->DrawLine( hr->x,
                              y + sizes->GetSizeHeight() + hr->y,
                    hr->x + static_cast<int>(GetVirtualWidth()),
                    y + sizes->GetSizeHeight() + hr->y );

            current += step;