Exemplo n.º 1

The filename may be different than sfx->name in the case
of a forced fallback of a player specific sound
bool S_LoadSound( sfx_t *sfx )
	byte	*data;
	short	*samples;
	wavinfo_t	info;
	int		size;

	// player specific sounds are never directly loaded
	if ( sfx->soundName[0] == '*')
		return false;

	// load it in
	size = FS_ReadFile( sfx->soundName, (void **)&data );
	if ( !data ) 
		return false;

	info = GetWavinfo( sfx->soundName, data, size );
	if ( info.channels != 1 ) 
		Com_Printf ("%s is a stereo wav file\n", sfx->soundName);
		FS_FreeFile (data);
		return false;

	if ( info.width == 1 ) 
		Com_DPrintf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: %s is a 8 bit wav file\n", sfx->soundName);

	if ( info.rate != 22050 ) 
		Com_DPrintf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: %s is not a 22kHz wav file\n", sfx->soundName);

	samples = reinterpret_cast<short*>(Hunk_AllocateTempMemory(info.samples * sizeof(short) * 2));

	sfx->lastTimeUsed = Com_Milliseconds()+1;

	// each of these compression schemes works just fine
	// but the 16bit quality is much nicer and with a local
	// install assured we can rely upon the sound memory
	// manager to do the right thing for us and page
	// sound in as needed

	if( sfx->soundCompressed == true) 
		sfx->soundCompressionMethod = 1;
		sfx->soundData = NULL;
		sfx->soundLength = ResampleSfxRaw( samples, info.rate, info.width, info.samples, (data + info.dataofs) );
		S_AdpcmEncodeSound(sfx, samples);
		sfx->soundCompressionMethod = 0;
		sfx->soundLength = info.samples;
		sfx->soundData = NULL;
		ResampleSfx( sfx, info.rate, info.width, data + info.dataofs, false );
	FS_FreeFile( data );

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
sfxcache_t *S_LoadSound (sfx_t *s)
	char	namebuffer[256];
	byte	*data;
	wavinfo_t	info;
	int		len;
	float	stepscale;
	sfxcache_t	*sc;
	byte	stackbuf[1*1024];		// avoid dirtying the cache heap

// see if still in memory
	sc = (sfxcache_t *) Cache_Check (&s->cache);
	if (sc)
		return sc;

//	Con_Printf ("%s: %x\n", __thisfunc__, (int)stackbuf);

// load it in
	q_strlcpy(namebuffer, "sound/", sizeof(namebuffer));
	q_strlcat(namebuffer, s->name, sizeof(namebuffer));

//	Con_Printf ("loading %s\n",namebuffer);

	data = FS_LoadStackFile(namebuffer, stackbuf, sizeof(stackbuf));

	if (!data)
		Con_Printf ("Couldn't load %s\n", namebuffer);
		return NULL;

	info = GetWavinfo (s->name, data, fs_filesize);
	if (info.channels != 1)
		Con_Printf ("%s is a stereo sample\n",s->name);
		return NULL;

	stepscale = (float)info.rate / shm->speed;
	len = info.samples / stepscale;

	len = len * info.width * info.channels;

	sc = (sfxcache_t *) Cache_Alloc ( &s->cache, len + sizeof(sfxcache_t), s->name);
	if (!sc)
		return NULL;

	sc->length = info.samples;
	sc->loopstart = info.loopstart;
	sc->speed = info.rate;
	sc->width = info.width;
	sc->stereo = info.channels;

	ResampleSfx (s, sc->speed, sc->width, data + info.dataofs);

	return sc;
Exemplo n.º 3
sfxcache_t *S_LoadSound(sfx_t *s) {
    char namebuffer[256];
    byte *data;
    wavinfo_t info;
    int len;
    float stepscale;
    sfxcache_t *sc = NULL;
    byte stackbuf[1 * 1024]; // avoid dirtying the cache heap

    // see if still in memory
    if (s->cache)
        sc = (sfxcache_t *) s->cache->getData();
    if (sc)
        return sc;

    //Con_Printf ("S_LoadSound: %x\n", (int)stackbuf);
    // load it in
    strcpy(namebuffer, "sound/");
    strcat(namebuffer, s->name);

    //	Con_Printf ("loading %s\n",namebuffer);

    data = COM_LoadStackFile(namebuffer, stackbuf, sizeof (stackbuf));

    if (!data) {
        Con_Printf("Couldn't load %s\n", namebuffer);
        return NULL;

    info = GetWavinfo(s->name, data, com_filesize);
    if (info.channels != 1) {
        Con_Printf("%s is a stereo sample\n", s->name);
        return NULL;

    stepscale = (float) info.rate / shm->speed;
    len = info.samples / stepscale;

    len = len * info.width * info.channels;

    s->cache = MemoryObj::Alloc(MemoryObj::CACHE, s->name, len + sizeof (sfxcache_t));
    sc = (sfxcache_t *) s->cache->getData();
    if (!sc)
        return NULL;

    sc->length = info.samples;
    sc->loopstart = info.loopstart;
    sc->speed = info.rate;
    sc->width = info.width;
    sc->stereo = info.channels;

    ResampleSfx(s, sc->speed, sc->width, data + info.dataofs);

    return sc;
Exemplo n.º 4
sfxcache_t *S_LoadSound (sfx_t *s)
    char		namebuffer[512];
	wavinfo_t	info;
	int			len;
	float		stepscale;
	sfxcache_t	*sc;

	// see if still in memory
	sc = (sfxcache_t*)Cache_Check(&s->cache);
		return sc;

	// load it in
	strncpy(namebuffer, g_state.cSoundPath, sizeof(namebuffer));
	strcat(namebuffer, s->name);

	uint8_t *data = (uint8_t*)COM_LoadHeapFile(namebuffer);
	if (!data)
		Con_Warning("Couldn't load %s\n", namebuffer);
		return NULL;

	info = GetWavinfo (s->name, data, com_filesize);

	stepscale = (float)info.rate / shm->speed;
	len = info.samples / stepscale;

	len = len * info.width * info.channels;

	sc = (sfxcache_t*)Cache_Alloc ( &s->cache, len + sizeof(sfxcache_t), s->name);
	if (!sc)
		return NULL;

	sc->length = info.samples;
	sc->loopstart = info.loopstart;
	sc->speed = info.rate;
	sc->width = info.width;
	sc->stereo = info.channels;

	ResampleSfx (s, sc->speed, sc->width, data + info.dataofs);


	return sc;
Exemplo n.º 5
sfxcache_t *S_LoadSound (sfx_t *s)
    char	namebuffer[256];
	byte	*data;
	wavinfo_t	info;
	int		len;
	float	stepscale;
	sfxcache_t	*sc;
	fs_offset_t filesize;

// see if still in memory
	sc = Cache_Check (&s->cache);
	if (sc)
		return sc;

// load it in
    strcpy (namebuffer, "sound/");
    strcat (namebuffer, s->name);

	data = FS_LoadFile (namebuffer, false, &filesize);
	if (!data)
		return NULL;

	info = GetWavinfo (s->name, data, filesize);
	if (info.channels != 1)
		Com_Printf ("%s is a stereo sample\n",s->name);
		return NULL;

	stepscale = (float)info.rate / dma.speed;
	len = info.samples / stepscale;

	len = len * info.width * info.channels;

	sc = (sfxcache_t *) Cache_Alloc (&s->cache, len + sizeof(sfxcache_t), s->name);
	if (!sc)
		return NULL;

	sc->length = info.samples;
	sc->loopstart = info.loopstart;
	sc->speed = info.rate;
	sc->width = info.width;
	sc->stereo = info.channels;

	ResampleSfx (s, sc->speed, sc->width, data + info.dataofs);

	return sc;
Exemplo n.º 6
sfxcache_t *S_LoadSound (sfx_t *s)
    char		namebuffer[512];
	byte		*data;
	wavinfo_t	info;
	int			len;
	float		stepscale;
	sfxcache_t	*sc;
	byte		stackbuf[1*1024];		// avoid dirtying the cache heap

	// see if still in memory
	sc = (sfxcache_t*)Cache_Check(&s->cache);
		return sc;

	// load it in

	data = COM_LoadStackFile(namebuffer, stackbuf, sizeof(stackbuf));
	if (!data)
		Con_Warning("Couldn't load %s\n", namebuffer);
		return NULL;

	info = GetWavinfo (s->name, data, com_filesize);

	stepscale = (float)info.rate / shm->speed;
	len = info.samples / stepscale;

	len = len * info.width * info.channels;

	sc = (sfxcache_t*)Cache_Alloc ( &s->cache, len + sizeof(sfxcache_t), s->name);
	if (!sc)
		return NULL;

	sc->length = info.samples;
	sc->loopstart = info.loopstart;
	sc->speed = info.rate;
	sc->width = info.width;
	sc->stereo = info.channels;

	ResampleSfx (s, sc->speed, sc->width, data + info.dataofs);

	return sc;
Exemplo n.º 7
void LoadSoundtrack( void ){
	char name[1024];
	FILE    *f;
	int len;
	int i, val, j;

	soundtrack = NULL;
	sprintf( name, "%svideo/%s/%s.wav", gamedir, base, base );
	printf( "%s\n", name );
	f = fopen( name, "rb" );
	if ( !f ) {
		printf( "no soundtrack for %s\n", base );
	len = Q_filelength( f );
	soundtrack = malloc( len );
	fread( soundtrack, 1, len, f );
	fclose( f );

	wavinfo = GetWavinfo( name, soundtrack, len );

	// count samples for compression
	memset( samplecounts, 0, sizeof( samplecounts ) );

	j = wavinfo.samples / 2;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < j ; i++ )
		val = ( (unsigned short *)( soundtrack + wavinfo.dataofs ) )[i];
	val = 0;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 0x10000 ; i++ )
		if ( samplecounts[i] ) {

	printf( "%i unique sample values\n", val );
Exemplo n.º 8
sfxcache_t *S_LoadSound (sfx_t *s)
    char	namebuffer[MAX_QPATH];
	byte	*data;
	wavinfo_t	info;
	int		len;
	float	stepscale;
	sfxcache_t	*sc;
	int		size;
	char	*name;

	if (s->name[0] == '*')
		return NULL;

// see if still in memory
	sc = s->cache;
	if (sc)
		return sc;

//Com_Printf ("S_LoadSound: %x\n", (int)stackbuf);
// load it in
	if (s->truename)
		name = s->truename;
		name = s->name;

	if (name[0] == '#')
		strcpy(namebuffer, &name[1]);
		Com_sprintf (namebuffer, sizeof(namebuffer), "sound/%s", name);

//	Com_Printf ("loading %s\n",namebuffer);

	size = FS_LoadFile (namebuffer, (void **)&data);

	if (!data)
		Com_DPrintf ("Couldn't load %s\n", namebuffer);
		return NULL;

	info = GetWavinfo (s->name, data, size);
	if (info.channels != 1)
		Com_Printf ("%s is a stereo sample\n",s->name);
		FS_FreeFile (data);
		return NULL;

	// jeyries : test, do not force 8 bit
	//s_loadas8bit->value = 0;

	stepscale = (float)info.rate / dma.speed;	
	len = info.samples / stepscale;

	// moved here to save sound memory
	if (s_loadas8bit->value)
		len = len * 1 * info.channels;
		len = len * info.width * info.channels;

	Com_Printf ("loading %s : samples=%d width=%d rate=%d channels=%d memsize=%d\n",
			namebuffer, info.samples, info.width, info.rate, info.channels, len  );

	sc = s->cache = Z_Malloc (len + sizeof(sfxcache_t));
	if (!sc)
		FS_FreeFile (data);
		return NULL;
	sc->length = info.samples;
	sc->loopstart = info.loopstart;
	sc->speed = info.rate;
	//sc->width = info.width;
	sc->stereo = info.channels;

	// moved here to save sound memory
	if (s_loadas8bit->value)
		sc->width = 1;
		sc->width = info.width;

	//ResampleSfx (s, sc->speed, sc->width, data + info.dataofs);
	ResampleSfx (s, info.rate ,info.width, data + info.dataofs);

	FS_FreeFile (data);

	return sc;
Exemplo n.º 9

The filename may be different than sfx->name in the case
of a forced fallback of a player specific sound
qboolean S_LoadSound( sfx_t *sfx ) {
	byte    *data;
	short   *samples;
	wavinfo_t info;
	int size;

	// player specific sounds are never directly loaded
	if ( sfx->soundName[0] == '*' ) {
		return qfalse;

	// load it in
	size = FS_ReadFile( sfx->soundName, (void **)&data );
	if ( !data ) {
		return qfalse;

	info = GetWavinfo( sfx->soundName, data, size );
	if ( info.channels != 1 ) {
		Com_Printf( "%s is a stereo wav file\n", sfx->soundName );
		FS_FreeFile( data );
		return qfalse;

	if ( info.width == 1 ) {
		Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: %s is a 8 bit wav file\n", sfx->soundName );

	if ( info.rate != 22050 ) {
		Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: %s is not a 22kHz wav file\n", sfx->soundName );

	samples = Hunk_AllocateTempMemory( info.samples * sizeof( short ) * 2 );

	// DHM - Nerve
	sfx->lastTimeUsed = Sys_Milliseconds() + 1;

	// each of these compression schemes works just fine
	// but the 16bit quality is much nicer and with a local
	// install assured we can rely upon the sound memory
	// manager to do the right thing for us and page
	// sound in as needed

	if ( s_nocompressed->value ) {
		sfx->soundCompressionMethod = 0;
		sfx->soundLength = info.samples;
		sfx->soundData = NULL;
		ResampleSfx( sfx, info.rate, info.width, data + info.dataofs, qfalse );
	} else if ( sfx->soundCompressed == qtrue )     {
		sfx->soundCompressionMethod = 1;
		sfx->soundData = NULL;
		sfx->soundLength = ResampleSfxRaw( samples, info.rate, info.width, info.samples, ( data + info.dataofs ) );
		S_AdpcmEncodeSound( sfx, samples );
	} else if ( info.samples > ( SND_CHUNK_SIZE * 16 ) && info.width > 1 ) {
		sfx->soundCompressionMethod = 3;
		sfx->soundData = NULL;
		sfx->soundLength = ResampleSfxRaw( samples, info.rate, info.width, info.samples, ( data + info.dataofs ) );
		encodeMuLaw( sfx, samples );
	} else if ( info.samples > ( SND_CHUNK_SIZE * 6400 ) && info.width > 1 ) {
		sfx->soundCompressionMethod = 2;
		sfx->soundData = NULL;
		sfx->soundLength = ResampleSfxRaw( samples, info.rate, info.width, info.samples, ( data + info.dataofs ) );
		encodeWavelet( sfx, samples );
	} else {
		sfx->soundCompressionMethod = 0;
		sfx->soundLength = info.samples;
		sfx->soundData = NULL;
		ResampleSfx( sfx, info.rate, info.width, data + info.dataofs, qfalse );
	Hunk_FreeTempMemory( samples );
	FS_FreeFile( data );

	return qtrue;
Exemplo n.º 10
sfxcache_t *S_LoadSound (sfx_t *s)
    char	namebuffer[MAX_QPATH];
	byte	*data;
	wavinfo_t	info;
	int		len;
	float	stepscale;
	sfxcache_t	*sc;
	int		size;
	char	*name;

	if (s->name[0] == '*')
		return NULL;

// see if still in memory
	sc = s->cache;
	if (sc)
		return sc;

//S_Printf(PRINT_ALL, "S_LoadSound: %x\n", (int)stackbuf);
// load it in
	if (s->truename)
		name = s->truename;
		name = s->name;

	if (name[0] == '#')
		strcpy(namebuffer, &name[1]);
		Com_sprintf (namebuffer, sizeof(namebuffer), "sound/%s", name);

//	S_Printf(PRINT_ALL, "loading %s\n",namebuffer);

	size = FS_LoadFile (namebuffer, (void **)&data);

	if (!data)
		S_Printf(PRINT_DEVELOPER, "Couldn't load %s\n", namebuffer);
		return NULL;

	info = GetWavinfo (s->name, data, size);
	if (info.channels != 1)
		S_Printf(PRINT_ALL, "%s is a stereo sample\n",s->name);
		FS_FreeFile (data);
		return NULL;

	stepscale = (float)info.rate / dma.speed;	
	len = info.samples / stepscale;

	len = len * info.width * info.channels;

	sc = s->cache = Z_Malloc (len + sizeof(sfxcache_t));
	if (!sc)
		FS_FreeFile (data);
		return NULL;
	sc->length = info.samples;
	sc->loopstart = info.loopstart;
	sc->speed = info.rate;
	sc->width = info.width;
	sc->stereo = info.channels;

	ResampleSfx (s, sc->speed, sc->width, data + info.dataofs);

	FS_FreeFile (data);

	return sc;
Exemplo n.º 11
qboolean S_LoadWavFile (const char *filename, sfx_t *sfx)
	fs_offset_t filesize;
	unsigned char *data;
	wavinfo_t info;
	int i, len;
	const unsigned char *inb;
	unsigned char *outb;

	// Already loaded?
	if (sfx->fetcher != NULL)
		return true;

	// Load the file
	data = FS_LoadFile(filename, snd_mempool, false, &filesize);
	if (!data)
		return false;

	// Don't try to load it if it's not a WAV file
	if (memcmp (data, "RIFF", 4) || memcmp (data + 8, "WAVE", 4))
		return false;

	if (developer_loading.integer >= 2)
		Con_Printf ("Loading WAV file \"%s\"\n", filename);

	info = GetWavinfo (sfx->name, data, (int)filesize);
	if (info.channels < 1 || info.channels > 2)  // Stereo sounds are allowed (intended for music)
		Con_Printf("%s has an unsupported number of channels (%i)\n",sfx->name, info.channels);
		return false;
	//if (info.channels == 2)
	//	Log_Printf("stereosounds.log", "%s\n", sfx->name);

	sfx->format.speed = info.rate;
	sfx->format.width = info.width;
	sfx->format.channels = info.channels;
	sfx->fetcher = &wav_fetcher;
	sfx->fetcher_data = Mem_Alloc(snd_mempool, info.samples * sfx->format.width * sfx->format.channels);
	sfx->total_length = info.samples;
	sfx->memsize += filesize;
	len = info.samples * sfx->format.channels * sfx->format.width;
	inb = data + info.dataofs;
	outb = (unsigned char *)sfx->fetcher_data;
	if (info.width == 2)
		if (mem_bigendian)
			// we have to byteswap the data at load (better than doing it while mixing)
			for (i = 0;i < len;i += 2)
				outb[i] = inb[i+1];
				outb[i+1] = inb[i];
			// we can just copy it straight
			memcpy(outb, inb, len);
		// convert unsigned byte sound data to signed bytes for quicker mixing
		for (i = 0;i < len;i++)
			outb[i] = inb[i] - 0x80;

	if (info.loopstart < 0)
		sfx->loopstart = sfx->total_length;
		sfx->loopstart = info.loopstart;
	sfx->loopstart = min(sfx->loopstart, sfx->total_length);
	sfx->flags &= ~SFXFLAG_STREAMED;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 12
sfxcache_t *S_LoadSound(sfx_t *s)
    char	namebuffer[256];
    byte	*data;
    wavinfo_t	info;
    int		len;
    float	stepscale;
    sfxcache_t	*sc;
    byte	stackbuf[1*1024];		// avoid dirtying the cache heap
    loadedfile_t	*fileinfo;	// 2001-09-12 Returning information about loaded file by Maddes

// see if still in memory
    sc = Cache_Check(&s->cache);
    if (sc) {
        return sc;

//Con_Printf ("S_LoadSound: %x\n", (int)stackbuf);
// load it in
    Q_strcpy(namebuffer, "sound/");
    Q_strcat(namebuffer, s->name);

    if (developer.value == 1) {
        Con_DPrintf("Loading %s\n",namebuffer);    // Edited
//	Con_Printf ("loading %s\n",namebuffer);

// 2001-09-12 Returning information about loaded file by Maddes  start
    	data = COM_LoadStackFile(namebuffer, stackbuf, sizeof(stackbuf));

    	if (!data)
    fileinfo = COM_LoadStackFile(namebuffer, stackbuf, sizeof(stackbuf));
    if (!fileinfo)
// 2001-09-12 Returning information about loaded file by Maddes  end
        Con_Printf("Couldn't load %s\n", namebuffer);
        return NULL;
    data = fileinfo->data;	// 2001-09-12 Returning information about loaded file by Maddes

    info = GetWavinfo(s->name, data, com_filesize);
    if (info.channels != 1) {
        Con_Printf("%s is a stereo sample\n",s->name);
        return NULL;

    stepscale = (float)info.rate / shm->speed;
    len = info.samples / stepscale;

    len = len * info.width * info.channels;

    sc = Cache_Alloc(&s->cache, len + sizeof(sfxcache_t), s->name);
    if (!sc) {
        return NULL;

    sc->length = info.samples;
    sc->loopstart = info.loopstart;
    sc->speed = info.rate;
    sc->width = info.width;
    sc->stereo = info.channels;

    ResampleSfx(s, sc->speed, sc->width, data + info.dataofs);

    return sc;
Exemplo n.º 13
qboolean S_LoadWavFile (const char *filename, sfx_t *sfx)
	fs_offset_t filesize;
	unsigned char *data;
	wavinfo_t info;
	snd_format_t wav_format;
	snd_buffer_t* sb;

	// Already loaded?
	if (sfx->fetcher != NULL)
		return true;

	// Load the file
	data = FS_LoadFile(filename, snd_mempool, false, &filesize);
	if (!data)
		return false;

	// Don't try to load it if it's not a WAV file
	if (memcmp (data, "RIFF", 4) || memcmp (data + 8, "WAVE", 4))
		return false;

	if (developer_loading.integer >= 2)
		Con_Printf ("Loading WAV file \"%s\"\n", filename);

	info = GetWavinfo (sfx->name, data, (int)filesize);
	if (info.channels < 1 || info.channels > 2)  // Stereo sounds are allowed (intended for music)
		Con_Printf("%s has an unsupported number of channels (%i)\n",sfx->name, info.channels);
		return false;
	//if (info.channels == 2)
	//	Log_Printf("stereosounds.log", "%s\n", sfx->name);

	// We must convert the WAV data from little endian
	// to the machine endianess before resampling it
	if (info.width == 2 && mem_bigendian)
		unsigned int len, i;
		short* ptr;

		len = info.samples * info.channels;
		ptr = (short*)(data + info.dataofs);
		for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
			ptr[i] = LittleShort (ptr[i]);

	wav_format.speed = info.rate;
	wav_format.width = info.width;
	wav_format.channels = info.channels;
	sb = Snd_CreateSndBuffer (data + info.dataofs, info.samples, &wav_format, snd_renderbuffer->format.speed);
	if (sb == NULL)
		return false;
	sfx->fetcher = &wav_fetcher;
	sfx->fetcher_data = sb;

	sfx->total_length = sb->nbframes;
	sfx->memsize += sb->maxframes * sb->format.channels * sb->format.width + sizeof (*sb) - sizeof (sb->samples);

	if (info.loopstart < 0)
		sfx->loopstart = sfx->total_length;
		sfx->loopstart = (unsigned int) ((double)info.loopstart * (double)sb->format.speed / (double)info.rate);
	sfx->loopstart = min(sfx->loopstart, sfx->total_length);
	sfx->flags &= ~SFXFLAG_STREAMED;

	Mem_Free (data);
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
sfxcache_t *S_LoadSound (sfx_t *s)
	char	namebuffer[MAX_QPATH];
	byte	*data;
	wavinfo_t	info;
	int		len;
	float	stepscale;
	sfxcache_t	*sc;
	int		size;
	const char	*name;

	if (s->name[0] == '*')
		return NULL;

// see if still in memory
	sc = s->cache;
	if (sc)
		return sc;

// load it in
	name = (s->truename)? s->truename : s->name;
	if (name[0] == '#')
		Q_strncpyz(namebuffer, &name[1], sizeof(namebuffer));
		Com_sprintf (namebuffer, sizeof(namebuffer), "sound/%s", name);

//	Com_Printf ("loading %s\n",namebuffer);

	size = FS_LoadFile (namebuffer, (void **)&data);

	if (!data)
		Com_DPrintf(DEVELOPER_MSG_IO, "Couldn't load %s\n", namebuffer);
		return NULL;

	info = GetWavinfo (s->name, data, size);
/*	if (info.channels != 1)
		Com_Printf ("%s is a stereo sample\n",s->name);
		FS_FreeFile (data);
		return NULL;
	if (info.channels < 1 || info.channels > 2)	//CDawg changed
		Com_Printf ("%s has an invalid number of channels\n", s->name);
		FS_FreeFile (data);
		return NULL;

	if (info.width != 1 && info.width != 2)
		Com_Printf("%s is not 8 or 16 bit\n", s->name);
		FS_FreeFile (data);
		return NULL;

	stepscale = (float)info.rate / dma.speed;
	len = info.samples / stepscale;

	len = len * info.width * info.channels;

	if (info.samples == 0 || len == 0)
		Com_Printf("%s has zero samples\n", s->name);
		FS_FreeFile (data);
		return NULL;

	sc = s->cache = Z_Malloc (len + sizeof(sfxcache_t));
	if (!sc)
		FS_FreeFile (data);
		return NULL;

	sc->length = info.samples;
	sc->loopstart = info.loopstart;
//	sc->speed = info.rate;
	sc->speed = info.rate * info.channels;	//CDawg changed
	sc->width = info.width;
	sc->stereo = info.channels;

	// Knightmare: force loopstart if it's a music file
	if (!strncmp(namebuffer, "music/", 6) && (sc->loopstart == -1))
		sc->loopstart = 0;
	// end Knightmare

	ResampleSfx (s, sc->speed, sc->width, data + info.dataofs);

	FS_FreeFile (data);

	return sc;
Exemplo n.º 15
sfxcache_t *S_LoadSound (sfx_t *s)
    char	namebuffer[MAX_QPATH];
	byte	*data;
	wavinfo_t	info;
	int		len;
	float	stepscale;
	sfxcache_t	*sc;
	int		size;
	char	*name;
	int		close_file = 0;
	extern int s_in_precache;

	if(r_rache_is_empty) {
		return NULL;

	if (s->name[0] == '*')
		return NULL;

	sc = (sfxcache_t *)Cache_Check (&ds_snd_cache,&(s->extradata));
	if (sc)
		return sc;

	if(s_in_precache == 0) {
		s_in_precache = 0;

//Com_Printf ("S_LoadSound: %x\n", (int)stackbuf);
// load it in
	if (s->truename)
		name = s->truename;
		name = s->name;

	if (name[0] == '#')
		strcpy(namebuffer, &name[1]);
		Com_sprintf (namebuffer, sizeof(namebuffer), "sound/%s", name);

	//printf ("%s\n",namebuffer);

	FILE *h = (FILE *)s->handle;
	size = s->len;
	if(h == 0) {
		close_file = 1;
		//size = FS_LoadFile (namebuffer, (void **)&data);
		size = FS_FOpenFile (namebuffer, &h);
	} else {
		ds_fseek (h, s->pos, SEEK_SET);
	if (!h) {
		Com_DPrintf ("Couldn't load %s\n", namebuffer);
		return NULL;
	data = (byte *)Z_Malloc(size);
	if (!data)
		if(close_file) {
			ds_fclose (h);
		Com_DPrintf ("Couldn't load %s\n", namebuffer);
		return NULL;
	FS_Read (data, size, h);
	if(close_file) {
		ds_fclose (h);
		s->handle = g_pack_file;
		s->pos = g_pack_file_pos;
		s->len = g_pack_file_len;

	info = GetWavinfo (s->name, data, size);
	if (info.channels != 1)
		Com_DPrintf ("%s is a stereo sample\n",s->name);
		//FS_FreeFile (data);
		return NULL;

	stepscale = (float)info.rate / dma.speed;	
	len = info.samples / stepscale;
	/*if (info.width != 1)
		printf ("%s is a 16 bit sample\n",s->name);
		//FS_FreeFile (data);
		return NULL;

	//we are forcing 8 bit sound
	//len = len * info.width * info.channels;

	Cache_Alloc(&ds_snd_cache,(cache_user_t *)&(s->extradata),len + sizeof(sfxcache_t) + 4,s->name);

	/*cached_t *ds = DS_CacheAlloc(&ds_snd_cache,len + sizeof(sfxcache_t) + 4);
	if(!ds) {
		//FS_FreeFile (data);
		return NULL;
	ds->owner = (cached_t **)&s->cache;
	ds->visframe = r_framecount;
	sc = s->cache = (sfxcache_t *)(ds+1);
	//sc = s->cache = (sfxcache_t *)Hunk_Alloc (len + sizeof(sfxcache_t) + 4);//pad by 4 just to be certain - too lazy to check
	sc = (sfxcache_t *)s->extradata;
	if (!sc)
		//FS_FreeFile (data);
		return NULL;
	sc->length = info.samples;
	sc->loopstart = info.loopstart;
	sc->speed = info.rate;
	sc->width = info.width;
	sc->stereo = info.channels;

	ResampleSfx (s, sc->speed, sc->width, data + info.dataofs);

	//FS_FreeFile (data);

	return sc;