Exemplo n.º 1
// Sorts the vocabulary by frequency using word counts
void SortVocab() {
  int a, size;
  unsigned int hash;
  // Sort the vocabulary and keep </s> at the first position
  qsort(&vocab[1], vocab_size - 1, sizeof(struct vocab_word), VocabCompare);
  for (a = 0; a < vocab_hash_size; a++) vocab_hash[a] = -1;
  size = vocab_size;
  train_words = 0;
  for (a = 0; a < size; a++) {
    // Words occuring less than min_count times will be discarded from the vocab
    if (vocab[a].cn < min_count) {
    } else {
      // Hash will be re-computed, as after the sorting it is not actual
      while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
      vocab_hash[hash] = a;
      train_words += vocab[a].cn;
  vocab = (struct vocab_word *)realloc(vocab, (vocab_size + 1) * sizeof(struct vocab_word));
  // Allocate memory for the binary tree construction
  for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) {
    vocab[a].code = (char *)calloc(MAX_CODE_LENGTH, sizeof(char));
    vocab[a].point = (int *)calloc(MAX_CODE_LENGTH, sizeof(int));
Exemplo n.º 2
void SortVocab() {
    int a, size;
    unsigned int hash;
    // 排序
    // 并且保证</s>在第一位
    qsort(&vocab[1], vocab_size - 1, sizeof(struct vocab_word), VocabCompare);//词汇表快排
    for (a = 0; a < vocab_hash_size; a++) vocab_hash[a] = -1;//词汇重排了,哈希记录的index也乱了,所有的hash记录清除,下面会重建
    size = vocab_size;
    train_words = 0;// 用于训练的词汇总数(词频累加)
    for (a = 0; a < size; a++) {
        // 删除特别低频的词
        if (vocab[a].cn < min_count) {
        } else {
            while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
            vocab_hash[hash] = a;
            train_words += vocab[a].cn;
    vocab = (struct vocab_word *)realloc(vocab, (vocab_size + 1) * sizeof(struct vocab_word));
    // 给霍夫曼编码和路径的词汇表索引分配空间
    for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) {
        vocab[a].code = (char *)calloc(MAX_CODE_LENGTH, sizeof(char));
        vocab[a].point = (int *)calloc(MAX_CODE_LENGTH, sizeof(int));
Exemplo n.º 3
void ReduceVocab() {
    // reduces the vocabulary by removing infrequent tokens.
    int a, b = 0;
    unsigned int hash;
    // 最后剩下b个词,词频均大于min_reduce
    for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) {
        if (vocab[a].cn > min_reduce) {
            vocab[b].cn = vocab[a].cn;
            vocab[b].word = vocab[a].word;
        } else {
            free (vocab[a].word);
    vocab_size = b;
    // 重新分配hash索引
    for (a = 0; a < vocab_hash_size; a++) vocab_hash[a] = -1;
    for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) {
        hash = GetWordHash(vocab[a].word);
        while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
        vocab_hash[hash] = a;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Reduces the vocabulary by removing infrequent tokens
ReduceVocab ()
  int a, b = 0;
  unsigned int hash;
  for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++)
	if (vocab[a].cn > min_reduce)
		vocab[b].cn = vocab[a].cn;
		vocab[b].word = vocab[a].word;
	  free (vocab[a].word);
  vocab_size = b;
  for (a = 0; a < vocab_hash_size; a++)
	vocab_hash[a] = -1;
  for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++)
	  // Hash will be re-computed, as it is not actual
	  hash = GetWordHash (vocab[a].word);
	  while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1)
		hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
	  vocab_hash[hash] = a;
  fflush (stdout);
Exemplo n.º 5
// Sorts the vocabulary by frequency using word counts
SortVocab ()
  int a;
  unsigned int hash;
  // Sort the vocabulary and keep </s> at the first position
  qsort (&vocab[1], vocab_size - 1, sizeof(struct vocab_word), VocabCompare);
  for (a = 0; a < vocab_hash_size; a++)
	vocab_hash[a] = -1;
  for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++)
	  // Words occuring less than min_count times will be discarded from the vocab
	  if (vocab[a].cn < min_count)
		  free (vocab[vocab_size].word);
		  // Hash will be re-computed, as after the sorting it is not actual
		  hash = GetWordHash (vocab[a].word);
		  while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1)
			hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
		  vocab_hash[hash] = a;
  vocab = (struct vocab_word *) realloc (vocab, vocab_size * sizeof(struct vocab_word));
Exemplo n.º 6
// Returns position of a word in the vocabulary; if the word is not found, returns -1
int SearchVocab(char *word) {
  unsigned int hash = GetWordHash(word);
  while (1) {
    if (vocab_hash[hash] == -1) return -1;
    if (!strcmp(word, vocab[vocab_hash[hash]].word)) return vocab_hash[hash];
    hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
  return -1;
Exemplo n.º 7
// Returns position of a word in the vocabulary; if the word is not found, returns -1
int SearchVocab(struct vocabulary *v, char *word) {
  unsigned int hash = GetWordHash(v, word);
  while (1) {
    if ((v->vocab_hash)[hash] == -1) return -1;
    if (!strcmp(word, v->vocab[v->vocab_hash[hash]].word)) return v->vocab_hash[hash];
    hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
  return -1;
Exemplo n.º 8
int AddWordToVocab(char * word){
    unsigned int hash, lengh = strlen(word) + 1;
    if (lengh > MAX_STRING) lengh = MAX_STRING;
    vocab[vocab_size].word = (char *) calloc(lengh, sizeof(char));
    strcpy(vocab[vocab_size].word, word);
    vocab[vocab_size].cn = 0;
    if (vocab_size + 2 >= vocab_max_size ) {
        vocab_max_size += 1000;// 每次增加1000个词位
        vocab = (struct vocab_word *)realloc(vocab, vocab_max_size * sizeof(struct vocab_word));
    hash = GetWordHash(word);
    while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1)  hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size; // 线性探索hash
    vocab_hash[hash] = vocab_size - 1;// 记录在词汇表中的存储位置
    return  vocab_size - 1;// 返回添加的单词在词汇表中的存储位置
Exemplo n.º 9
// Adds a word to the vocabulary
int AddWordToVocab(char *word) {
  unsigned int hash, length = strlen(word) + 1;
  if (length > MAX_STRING) length = MAX_STRING;
  vocab[vocab_size].word = (char *)calloc(length, sizeof(char));
  strcpy(vocab[vocab_size].word, word);
  vocab[vocab_size].cn = 0;
  // Reallocate memory if needed
  if (vocab_size + 2 >= vocab_max_size) {
    vocab_max_size *= 1.5; // was += 1000, modified to have fewer reallocations
    vocab = (struct vocab_word *)realloc(vocab, vocab_max_size * sizeof(struct vocab_word));
  hash = GetWordHash(word);
  while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
  vocab_hash[hash] = vocab_size - 1;
  return vocab_size - 1;
Exemplo n.º 10
// Adds a word to the vocabulary
// 将词添加到词汇表
int AddWordToVocab(char *word) {
  unsigned int hash, length = strlen(word) + 1;
  if (length > MAX_STRING) length = MAX_STRING; //词的长度不能超MAX_STRING
  vocab[vocab_size].word = (char *)calloc(length, sizeof(char));
  strcpy(vocab[vocab_size].word, word);
  vocab[vocab_size].cn = 0;  //初始词频为0
  // Reallocate memory if needed
  if (vocab_size + 2 >= vocab_max_size) {
    vocab_max_size += 1000;
    vocab = (struct vocab_word *)realloc(vocab, vocab_max_size * sizeof(struct vocab_word));
  hash = GetWordHash(word);
  while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size; //如果hash值冲突,采用线性探测的开放定址法,顺序向下查找
  vocab_hash[hash] = vocab_size - 1;
  return vocab_size - 1;
Exemplo n.º 11
// Adds a word to the vocabulary
int AddWordToVocab(char *word) {
  unsigned int hash, length = strlen(word) + 1; //加1是为了存储末尾的结束符
  if (length > MAX_STRING) length = MAX_STRING;
  vocab[vocab_size].word = (char *)calloc(length, sizeof(char));
  strcpy(vocab[vocab_size].word, word);
  vocab[vocab_size].cn = 0;
  vocab_size++; //词汇表大小
  // Reallocate memory if needed
  if (vocab_size + 2 >= vocab_max_size) {
    vocab_max_size += 1000;
    vocab = (struct vocab_word *)realloc(vocab, vocab_max_size * sizeof(struct vocab_word));//realloc把vocab所在的内存块重新分配一块堆内存,之前的内存被释放,
  hash = GetWordHash(word); //word的hash值
  while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size; //不为1表示出现冲突,采用线性探测开放定址法,顺序向下查找未被占用的位置
  vocab_hash[hash] = vocab_size - 1; //hash表中记录word在词汇表中的下标
  return vocab_size - 1;
Exemplo n.º 12
// Adds a word to the vocabulary 将一个词添加到一个词汇中
int AddWordToVocab(char *word)
  unsigned int hash, length = strlen(word) + 1;
  if (length > MAX_STRING)
	  length = MAX_STRING;
  vocab[vocab_size].word = (char *)calloc(length, sizeof(char));
  strcpy(vocab[vocab_size].word, word);
  vocab[vocab_size].cn = 0;
  // Reallocate memory if needed
  if (vocab_size + 2 >= vocab_max_size)
    vocab_max_size += 1000;
    vocab = (struct vocab_word *)realloc(vocab, vocab_max_size * sizeof(struct vocab_word));
  hash = GetWordHash(word);
  while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1)//如果hash值冲突了
	  hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;//使用开放地址法解决冲突
  vocab_hash[hash] = vocab_size - 1;//由词的hash值找到她所在词汇表的排序位置
  return vocab_size - 1;
Exemplo n.º 13
// Adds a word to the vocabulary
int AddWordToVocab(struct vocabulary *v, char *word) {
  //static long collide = 0;
  //static long nocollide = 0;
  unsigned int hash, length = strlen(word) + 1;
  if (length > MAX_STRING) length = MAX_STRING;
  v->vocab[v->vocab_size].word = (char *)calloc(length, sizeof(char));
  strcpy(v->vocab[v->vocab_size].word, word);
  v->vocab[v->vocab_size].cn = 0;
  // Reallocate memory if needed
  if (v->vocab_size + 2 >= v->vocab_max_size) {
    v->vocab_max_size += 1000;
    v->vocab = (struct vocab_word *)realloc(v->vocab, v->vocab_max_size * sizeof(struct vocab_word));
  hash = GetWordHash(v, word);
  //if (v->vocab_hash[hash] != -1) { collide += 1; } else { nocollide += 1; }
  //if ((collide + nocollide) % 100000 == 0) printf("%d %d %f collisions\n\n",collide, nocollide, (float)collide/(collide+nocollide));
  while (v->vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
  v->vocab_hash[hash] = v->vocab_size - 1;
  return v->vocab_size - 1;
Exemplo n.º 14
// Reduces the vocabulary by removing infrequent tokens
void ReduceVocab(struct vocabulary *v) {
   static int min_reduce = 1;
  int a, b = 0;
  unsigned int hash;
  for (a = 0; a < v->vocab_size; a++) if (v->vocab[a].cn > min_reduce) {
    v->vocab[b].cn = v->vocab[a].cn;
    v->vocab[b].word = v->vocab[a].word;
  } else free(v->vocab[a].word);
  v->vocab_size = b;
  for (a = 0; a < vocab_hash_size; a++) v->vocab_hash[a] = -1;
  for (a = 0; a < v->vocab_size; a++) {
    // Hash will be re-computed, as it is not actual
    hash = GetWordHash(v, v->vocab[a].word);
    while (v->vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
    v->vocab_hash[hash] = a;
Exemplo n.º 15
// Sorts the vocabulary by frequency using word counts
void SortAndReduceVocab(struct vocabulary *v, int min_count) {
  int a, size;
  unsigned int hash;
  // Sort the vocabulary and keep </s> at the first position
  qsort(&(v->vocab[1]), v->vocab_size - 1, sizeof(struct vocab_word), VocabCompare);
  for (a = 0; a < vocab_hash_size; a++) v->vocab_hash[a] = -1;
  size = v->vocab_size;
  v->word_count = 0;
  for (a = 0; a < size; a++) {
    // Words occuring less than min_count times will be discarded from the vocab
    if (v->vocab[a].cn < min_count) {
    } else {
      // Hash will be re-computed, as after the sorting it is not actual
      hash=GetWordHash(v, v->vocab[a].word);
      while (v->vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
      v->vocab_hash[hash] = a;
      v->word_count += v->vocab[a].cn;
  v->vocab = (struct vocab_word *)realloc(v->vocab, (v->vocab_size + 1) * sizeof(struct vocab_word));
Exemplo n.º 16
// Initializing the network and read the embeddings
void initializeEmbeddings(char* embedPath){
    FILE* filePt = fopen(embedPath, "rb");
    long long i, j, offset;
    long dims;
    float value;
    char word[MAX_STRING];
    unsigned int hash, length;

    // Read vocab size and number of hidden layers
    if (!fscanf(filePt, "%lld %ld\n", &vocab_size, &dims)){
        printf("Error reading the embed file!");

    if(layer1_size != dims){
        printf("Number of dimensions not consistent with embedding file!\n");
    // Allocate memory for the intput-to-hidden parameters
    printf("(vocab size, hidden dims): %lld %lld\n", vocab_size, layer1_size);
    int flag = posix_memalign((void **)&syn0, 128, (long long)vocab_size * layer1_size * sizeof(float));
    if (syn0 == NULL || flag){
        printf("Memory allocation failed\n");
    // Allocating memory for reading vocab, initialize hash
    vocab = (struct vocab_word*) malloc(vocab_size * sizeof(struct vocab_word));
    vocab_hash = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * vocab_hash_size);

    for (i = 0; i < vocab_hash_size; i++) vocab_hash[i] = -1;

    // Initializing with random values
    //unsigned long long next_random = 1;

    // Reading the words and feature and store them sequentially
    for (i = 0; i < vocab_size; i++){
        // Store the word
        if (!fscanf(filePt, "%s", word)){
            printf("Error reading the embed file!");
        //printf("%lld, %lld, %s\n", i, vocab_size, word);
        length = strlen(word) + 1;
        // Truncate if needed
        if (length > MAX_STRING) length = MAX_STRING;

        vocab[i].word = (char*) calloc(length, sizeof(char));
        strcpy(vocab[i].word, word);
        vocab[i].cn = 0;

        hash = GetWordHash(word);
        while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
        vocab_hash[hash] = i;
        // Store feature
        offset = layer1_size * i;
        for (j = 0; j < layer1_size; j++){
            if (!fscanf(filePt, "%f", &value)){
                printf("Error reading the embed file!");

            // Initializing with random
            //next_random = next_random * (unsigned long long)25214903917 + 11;
            //syn0[offset + j] = (((next_random & 0xffff) / (real)65536) - 0.5) / layer1_size;

            // Storing the value
            syn0[offset + j] = value;

    // Close the file and exit
    printf("Done reading and initializing embeddings...\n");