Exemplo n.º 1
// Purpose: Constructor for ship debris after explosion
CShipDebris::CShipDebris( IGameEngine *pGameEngine, float xPos, float yPos, DWORD dwDebrisColor ) : CSpaceWarEntity( pGameEngine, 0, true )
	AddLine( 0.0f, 0.0f, 16.0f, 0.0f, dwDebrisColor );

	// Random rotation between 0 and 360 degrees (6.28 radians)
	float flRotation = (float)(rand()%628)/100.0f;
	SetRotationDeltaNextFrame( flRotation );

	// Rotation to apply per second
	int nRandRotation = rand()%(157*2) - (157);
	m_flRotationPerInterval = nRandRotation/100.0f;

	float sinvalue = (float)sin( flRotation );
	float cosvalue = (float)cos( flRotation );

	float xVelocity = GetXVelocity() + ( sinvalue * 80 );
	float yVelocity = GetYVelocity() - ( cosvalue * 80 );

	// Offset out a bit from the center of the ship compensating for rotation
	float offset = (rand()%12)-6.0f;
	float xOffset = xPos + (cosvalue*-offset - sinvalue*-offset);
	float yOffset = yPos + (cosvalue*-offset + sinvalue*-offset);
	// Set velocity
	SetVelocity( xVelocity, yVelocity );

	// Set position
	SetPosition( xOffset, yOffset );
Exemplo n.º 2
// Purpose: Build the update data to send from server to clients
void CShip::BuildServerUpdate( ServerShipUpdateData_t *pUpdateData )
	pUpdateData->SetDisabled( BIsDisabled() );
	pUpdateData->SetExploding( BIsExploding() );
	pUpdateData->SetXAcceleration( GetXAccelerationLastFrame() );
	pUpdateData->SetYAcceleration( GetYAccelerationLastFrame() );
	pUpdateData->SetXPosition( GetXPos()/(float)m_pGameEngine->GetViewportWidth() );
	pUpdateData->SetYPosition( GetYPos()/(float)m_pGameEngine->GetViewportHeight() );
	pUpdateData->SetXVelocity( GetXVelocity() );
	pUpdateData->SetYVelocity( GetYVelocity() );
	pUpdateData->SetRotation( GetAccumulatedRotation() );
	pUpdateData->SetRotationDeltaLastFrame( GetRotationDeltaLastFrame() );
	pUpdateData->SetForwardThrustersActive( m_bForwardThrustersActive );
	pUpdateData->SetReverseThrustersActive( m_bReverseThrustersActive );

	BuildServerPhotonBeamUpdate( pUpdateData );
Exemplo n.º 3
void State::SetXVelocity( double x ) { SetVelocity(x, GetYVelocity()); }
Exemplo n.º 4
// Purpose: Run a frame for the ship
void CShip::RunFrame()
	if ( m_bDisabled )

	const uint64 ulCurrentTickCount = m_pGameEngine->GetGameTickCount();

	// Look for expired photon beams
	int nNextAvailablePhotonBeamSlot = -1;  // Track next available slot for use spawning new beams below
	for( int i=0; i < MAX_PHOTON_BEAMS_PER_SHIP; ++i )
		if ( m_rgPhotonBeams[i] )
			if ( m_rgPhotonBeams[i]->BIsBeamExpired() )
				delete m_rgPhotonBeams[i];
				m_rgPhotonBeams[i] = NULL;

		if ( !m_rgPhotonBeams[i] && nNextAvailablePhotonBeamSlot == -1 )
			nNextAvailablePhotonBeamSlot = i;

	// run all the photon beams we have outstanding
	for( int i=0; i < MAX_PHOTON_BEAMS_PER_SHIP; ++i )
		if ( m_rgPhotonBeams[i] )

	// run all the space debris
		std::list<CShipDebris *>::iterator iter;
		for( iter = m_ListDebris.begin(); iter != m_ListDebris.end(); ++iter )

	if ( m_bIsLocalPlayer )
		m_SpaceWarClientUpdateData.SetTurnLeftPressed( false );
		m_SpaceWarClientUpdateData.SetTurnRightPressed( false );

		if ( m_pGameEngine->BIsKeyDown( m_dwVKLeft ) )
			m_SpaceWarClientUpdateData.SetTurnLeftPressed( true );
		if ( m_pGameEngine->BIsKeyDown( m_dwVKRight ) )
			m_SpaceWarClientUpdateData.SetTurnRightPressed( true );
	else if ( m_bIsServerInstance )
		// Server side
		float flRotationDelta = 0.0f;
		if ( m_SpaceWarClientUpdateData.GetTurnLeftPressed() )
			flRotationDelta += (PI_VALUE/2.0f) * -1.0f * (float)m_pGameEngine->GetGameTicksFrameDelta()/400.0f;

		if ( m_SpaceWarClientUpdateData.GetTurnRightPressed() )
			flRotationDelta += (PI_VALUE/2.0f) * (float)m_pGameEngine->GetGameTicksFrameDelta()/400.0f;
		SetRotationDeltaNextFrame( flRotationDelta );
	// Compute acceleration
	if ( m_bIsLocalPlayer )
		// client side
		m_SpaceWarClientUpdateData.SetReverseThrustersPressed( false );
		m_SpaceWarClientUpdateData.SetForwardThrustersPressed( false );
		if ( m_pGameEngine->BIsKeyDown( m_dwVKForwardThrusters ) || m_pGameEngine->BIsKeyDown( m_dwVKReverseThrusters ) )
			if ( m_pGameEngine->BIsKeyDown( m_dwVKReverseThrusters ) )
				m_SpaceWarClientUpdateData.SetReverseThrustersPressed( true );
				m_SpaceWarClientUpdateData.SetForwardThrustersPressed( true );
	else if ( m_bIsServerInstance )
		// Server side
		float xThrust = 0;
		float yThrust = 0;
		m_bReverseThrustersActive = false;
		m_bForwardThrustersActive = false;
		if ( m_SpaceWarClientUpdateData.GetReverseThrustersPressed() || m_SpaceWarClientUpdateData.GetForwardThrustersPressed() )
			float flSign = 1.0f;
			if ( m_SpaceWarClientUpdateData.GetReverseThrustersPressed() )
				m_bReverseThrustersActive = true;
				flSign = -1.0f;
				m_bForwardThrustersActive = true;

			if ( m_ulLastThrustStartedTickCount == 0 )
				m_ulLastThrustStartedTickCount = ulCurrentTickCount;

			// You have to hold the key for a second to reach maximum thrust
			float factor = MIN( ((float)(ulCurrentTickCount - m_ulLastThrustStartedTickCount) / 500.0f) + 0.2f, 1.0f );

			xThrust = flSign * (float)(MAXIMUM_SHIP_THRUST * factor * sin( GetAccumulatedRotation() ) );
			yThrust = flSign * -1.0f * (float)(MAXIMUM_SHIP_THRUST * factor * cos( GetAccumulatedRotation() ) );
			m_ulLastThrustStartedTickCount = 0;

		SetAcceleration( xThrust, yThrust );

	// We'll use these values in a few places below to compute positions of child objects
	// appropriately given our rotation
	float sinvalue = (float)sin( GetAccumulatedRotation() );
	float cosvalue = (float)cos( GetAccumulatedRotation() );

	if ( m_bIsLocalPlayer )
		// client side
		if ( m_pGameEngine->BIsKeyDown( m_dwVKFire ) )
			m_SpaceWarClientUpdateData.SetFirePressed( true );
	else if ( m_bIsServerInstance )
		// server side
		if ( nNextAvailablePhotonBeamSlot != -1 && !m_bExploding && m_SpaceWarClientUpdateData.GetFirePressed() && ulCurrentTickCount - PHOTON_BEAM_FIRE_INTERVAL_TICKS > m_ulLastPhotonTickCount )
			m_ulLastPhotonTickCount = ulCurrentTickCount;

			float xVelocity = GetXVelocity() + ( sinvalue * 275 );
			float yVelocity = GetYVelocity() - ( cosvalue * 275 );

			// Offset 12 points up from the center of the ship, compensating for rotation
			float xPos = GetXPos() - sinvalue*-12.0f;
			float yPos = GetYPos() + cosvalue*-12.0f;

			m_rgPhotonBeams[nNextAvailablePhotonBeamSlot] = new CPhotonBeam( m_pGameEngine, xPos, yPos, m_dwShipColor, GetAccumulatedRotation(), xVelocity, yVelocity );


	// Finally, update the thrusters ( we do this after the base class call as they rely on our data being fully up-to-date)