Exemplo n.º 1
void LinkSum::Link_Data_Control (char *name, char *file, char *format, char *field)
    Data_Group file_rec;
    Range_Data *range_ptr;

    Print (1);
    file_rec.file = new Link_Data_File ();
    file_rec.field = 0;

    file_rec.file->File_Type (name);
    file_rec.file->Filename (Project_Filename (file));
    file_rec.field = Performance_Code (field);

    switch (file_rec.field) {
    case VC_DATA:
    case RATIO_DATA:
    case QUEUE_DATA:
    case DENSITY_DATA:
    case CONG_TIME_DATA:
        file_rec.file->Num_Decimals (2);
    case TTIME_DATA:
    case SPEED_DATA:
    case DELAY_DATA:
    case VMT_DATA:
    case VHT_DATA:
    case CONG_VMT_DATA:
    case CONG_VHT_DATA:
        file_rec.file->Num_Decimals (1);
        file_rec.file->Num_Decimals (0);

    if (format != NULL) {
        file_rec.file->Dbase_Format (format);
    } else {
        format = Get_Control_String (DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FORMAT);

        if (format != NULL) {
            file_rec.file->Dbase_Format (format);
    file_rec.file->Create ();

    for (range_ptr = time_periods.First (); range_ptr; range_ptr = time_periods.Next ()) {
        file_rec.file->Add (range_ptr);
    file_rec.file->Create_Fields ();
    file_rec.file->Write_Header ();

    if (!data_group.Add (&file_rec)) {
        Error ("Creating Link Data File");
Exemplo n.º 2
void SimSubareas::Program_Control (void)
	String key;

	//---- create the network files ----

	Data_Service::Program_Control ();
	Node_File *file = System_Node_File (true);
	file->Subarea_Flag (true);
	file->Clear_Fields ();
	file->Create_Fields ();
	file->Write_Header ();

	Print (2, String ("%s Control Keys:") % Program ());

	//---- get the subarea boundary file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (SUBAREA_BOUNDARY_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {

		boundary_file.File_Type ("Subarea Boundary File");

		if (!boundary_file.Open (Project_Filename (key))) {
			Error (String ("Opening Boundary File %s") % boundary_file.Filename ());
		if (Check_Control_Key (SUBAREA_DATA_FIELD)) {
			key = Get_Control_Text (SUBAREA_DATA_FIELD);
			subarea_field = boundary_file.Required_Field (key);
			Print (0, String (" (Number = %d)") % (subarea_field + 1));
		} else {
			subarea_field = boundary_file.Required_Field ("SUBAREA", "ID", "NUMBER", "PARTITION", "SUB");
		boundary_flag = true;

		update_flag = Get_Control_Flag (SUBAREA_UPDATE_FLAG);

	} else {

		//---- get the number of subareas ----

		num_subareas = Get_Control_Integer (NUMBER_OF_SUBAREAS);

		subarea_count.assign (num_subareas, 0);

		//---- get the center node number ---

		center = Get_Control_Integer (CENTER_NODE_NUMBER);
Exemplo n.º 3
void ZoneData::Program_Control (void)
    int i, j, num, field;
    double size;
    bool flag;
    String key, name, buf;
    Field_Type type;

    Data_Group data_rec;
    Data_Itr data_itr;
    Polygon_Group poly_rec;
    Polygon_Itr poly_itr;
    Sum_Distance sum_rec;
    Sum_Itr sum_itr;
    Field_Ptr fld_ptr;

    field = 0;

    //---- open network files ----

    Data_Service::Program_Control ();

    input_file = (Zone_File *) System_File_Handle (ZONE);

    output_file = (Zone_File *) System_File_Handle (NEW_ZONE);

    flag = exe->Notes_Name_Flag ();
    exe->Notes_Name_Flag (false);

    output_file->Clear_Fields ();

    Print (2, String ("%s Control Keys:") % Program ());

    //---- copy existing fields ----

    copy_flag = Get_Control_Flag (COPY_EXISTING_FIELDS);

    if (copy_flag) {
        output_file->Replicate_Fields (input_file, false);
    } else if (Get_Control_Flag (CLEAR_ALL_FIELDS)) {
        output_file->Clear_Fields ();
    } else {
        output_file->Create_Fields ();
    exe->Notes_Name_Flag (flag);

    if (Check_Control_Key (ZONE_FILE_HEADER)) {
        if (Get_Control_Flag (ZONE_FILE_HEADER)) {
            output_file->Header_Lines (1);
        } else {
            output_file->Header_Lines (0);

    //---- get the new zone fields ----

    num = Highest_Control_Group (NEW_ZONE_FIELD, 0);

    if (num == 0) {
        if (!copy_flag) {
            Warning ("No New Zone Fields");
    } else {
        Print (1);

        for (i=1; i <= num; i++) {
            key = Get_Control_Text (NEW_ZONE_FIELD, i);
            if (key.empty ()) continue;

            key.Split (name, ",");
            if (name.empty ()) goto data_error;

            field = output_file->Field_Number (name);
            if (field >= 0) goto field_error;

            key.Split (buf, ",");
            if (buf.empty () || buf.Starts_With ("I")) {
                type = DB_INTEGER;
            } else if (buf.Starts_With ("D") || buf.Starts_With ("R")) {
                type = DB_DOUBLE;
            } else if (buf.Starts_With ("S") || buf.Starts_With ("C")) {
                type = DB_STRING;
            } else {
                goto data_error;

            key.Split (buf, ",");
            if (buf.empty ()) {
                if (type == DB_DOUBLE) {
                    size = 10.2;
                } else {
                    size = 10.0;
            } else {
                size = buf.Double ();
            output_file->Add_Field (name, type, size);
    if (exe->Notes_Name_Flag ()) {
        if (output_file->Field_Number ("NOTES") < 0) {
            output_file->Add_Field ("NOTES", DB_STRING, STRING_FIELD_SIZE);
    output_file->Write_Header ();

    //---- check for data files ----

    num_data_files = Highest_Control_Group (DATA_FILE, 0);

    if (num_data_files > 0) {
        data_flag = true;

    //---- check for polygon files ----

    num_polygons = Highest_Control_Group (BOUNDARY_POLYGON_FILE, 0);

    if (num_polygons > 0) {
        polygon_flag = true;

    //---- check for sum distances ----

    num_sum_distance = Highest_Control_Group (SUM_ATTRIBUTE_DISTANCE, 0);

    if (num_sum_distance > 0) {
        sum_flag = true;

    //---- read conversion script ----

    key = Get_Control_String (CONVERSION_SCRIPT);

    if (key.empty ()) {
        if (data_flag || sum_flag || polygon_flag) {
            Error ("A Convertion Script is needed for Data Processing");
    } else {
        script_flag = true;
        Print (1);
        program_file.File_Type ("Conversion Script");
        program_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
        Print (1);

    //---- read data files ----

    if (data_flag) {

        //---- open each file ----

        for (i=1; i <= num_data_files; i++) {
            key = Get_Control_String (DATA_FILE, i);
            if (key.empty ()) continue;

            //---- create a header file and file labels ----

            Print (1);

            data_group.push_back (data_rec);
            data_itr = --data_group.end ();

            data_itr->group = i;
            data_itr->file = new Db_Header ();
            data_itr->data_db = new Db_Sort_Array ();

            data_itr->file->File_Type (String ("Data File #%d") % i);
            data_itr->file->File_ID (String ("Data%d") % i);

            if (Check_Control_Key (DATA_FORMAT, i)) {
                data_itr->file->Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (DATA_FORMAT, i));
            data_itr->file->Open (Project_Filename (key));

            //---- find the data join field ----

            key = Get_Control_Text (DATA_JOIN_FIELD, i);
            if (key.empty ()) goto control_error;

            field = data_itr->file->Field_Number (key);

            if (field < 0) {
                Error (String ("Data Join Field %s was Not Found") % key);
            data_itr->join_field = field;
            Print (0, ", Number = ") << (field + 1);

            //---- find the zone join field ----

            key = Get_Control_Text (ZONE_JOIN_FIELD, i);
            if (key.empty ()) goto control_error;

            field = input_file->Field_Number (key);
            if (field < 0) {
                Error (String ("Zone Join Field %s was Not Found") % key);
            data_itr->zone_field = field;
            Print (0, ", Number = ") << (field + 1);

    //---- read the projection information ----

    if (polygon_flag) {
        projection.Read_Control ();

    //---- read the boundary polygons ----

    if (polygon_flag) {
        if (!script_flag) {
            Error ("Boundary Polygon processing Requires a Conversion Script");

        //---- open each file ----

        for (i=1; i <= num_polygons; i++) {
            key = Get_Control_String (BOUNDARY_POLYGON_FILE, i);
            if (key.empty ()) continue;

            polygons.push_back (poly_rec);

            poly_itr = --polygons.end ();

            poly_itr->group = i;
            poly_itr->file = new Arcview_File ();
            poly_itr->data_db = new Db_Sort_Array ();
            poly_itr->file->Set_Projection (projection.Input_Projection (), projection.Output_Projection ());

            Print (1);
            poly_itr->file->File_Type (String ("Boundary Polygon File #%d") % i);
            poly_itr->file->File_ID (String ("Polygon%d") % i);

            poly_itr->file->Open (Project_Filename (key));

    //---- read sum distances ----

    if (sum_flag) {

        //---- open each group ----

        num = input_file->Num_Fields ();

        for (i=1; i <= num_sum_distance; i++) {
            if (!Check_Control_Key (SUM_ATTRIBUTE_DISTANCE, i)) continue;

            //---- create a header file and file labels ----

            Print (1);

            sum_group.push_back (sum_rec);
            sum_itr = --sum_group.end ();

            sum_itr->group = i;
            sum_itr->distance = Round (Get_Control_Double (SUM_ATTRIBUTE_DISTANCE, i));
            sum_itr->data_db = new Db_Sort_Array ();

            field = input_file->Zone_Field ();
            fld_ptr = input_file->Field (field);

            sum_itr->data_db->File_Type (String ("Sum Attribute Distance #%d") % i);
            sum_itr->data_db->File_ID (String ("SumZone%d") % i);

            sum_itr->data_db->Add_Field (fld_ptr->Name (), DB_INTEGER, 10);
            sum_itr->data_db->Add_Field ("Z_COUNT", DB_INTEGER, 10);

            sum_itr->field_map.push_back (field);
            sum_itr->field_map.push_back (-1);

            for (j=0; j < num; j++) {
                if (j == field) continue;
                fld_ptr = input_file->Field (j);

                if (fld_ptr->Type () == DB_INTEGER || fld_ptr->Type () == DB_DOUBLE) {
                    sum_itr->field_map.push_back (j);
                    sum_itr->data_db->Add_Field (fld_ptr->Name (), DB_DOUBLE, sizeof (double), NO_UNITS, true);
    Show_Message (1);

    Error (String ("Missing Control Key = %s") % Current_Key ());

    Error (String ("New Zone Field %d is Improperly Specified") % i);

    Error (String ("New Zone Field %s already exists as Field %d") % name % field);
Exemplo n.º 4
void Validate::Program_Control (void)
	int i, num;
	String key, record;
	Dtime low, high;
	Db_File label_file;
	Str_Map_Stat map_stat;

	//---- set equivalence flags ----

	line_flag = Report_Flag (LINE_GROUP);
	stop_flag = (Report_Flag (STOP_GROUP) || Report_Flag (BOARD_GROUP) || Report_Flag (ALIGHT_GROUP));

	Link_Equiv_Flag (Report_Flag (LINK_GROUP) || Report_Flag (GROUP_DETAILS));
	Zone_Equiv_Flag (Report_Flag (ZONE_GROUP));
	Stop_Equiv_Flag (stop_flag);
	Line_Equiv_Flag (line_flag);

	//---- open network files ----

	Data_Service::Program_Control ();
	Print (2, String ("%s Control Keys:") % Program ());	

	//---- check for traffic counts ----

	if (Check_Control_Key (TRAFFIC_COUNT_FILE)) {
		link_flag = true;

		if (Report_Flag (ZONE_GROUP)) {
			if (!System_File_Flag (ZONE)) {
				Error ("Zone File is Required for Zone Group Reports");
			zone_flag = true;
		} else if (Report_Flag (AREA_TYPE)) {
			zone_flag = System_File_Flag (ZONE);
	} else {
		if (Report_Flag (VOLUME_LEVEL) || Report_Flag (FACILITY_TYPE) ||
			Report_Flag (AREA_TYPE) || Report_Flag (ZONE_GROUP) ||
			Report_Flag (LINK_GROUP) || Report_Flag (GROUP_DETAILS)) {

			Error ("Traffic Count file is Required for Link-Based Reports");

	//---- check for turning movements ----

	if (Check_Control_Key (TURN_COUNT_FILE)) {
		if ((Report_Flag (TURN_MOVEMENT) || Report_Flag (TURN_LOS)) && 
			!System_File_Flag (CONNECTION)) {

			Error ("Connection File is Required for Turning Movement Reports");
		if (Report_Flag (TURN_LOS) && !(System_File_Flag (SIGNAL) &&
			System_File_Flag (TIMING_PLAN) && System_File_Flag (PHASING_PLAN))) {

			Error ("Signal Data is Required for Turn Level of Service Analysis");
		turn_flag = true;
	} else {
		if (Report_Flag (TURN_MOVEMENT) || Report_Flag (TURN_LOS)) {
			Error ("Turn Count File is Required for Turning Movement Reports");
		System_File_False (POCKET);
		System_File_False (CONNECTION);
		System_File_False (SIGNAL);
		System_File_False (TIMING_PLAN);
		System_File_False (PHASING_PLAN);

	//---- check for transit reports ----

	if (line_flag || stop_flag) {
		if (!System_File_Flag (TRANSIT_STOP) || !System_File_Flag (TRANSIT_ROUTE) ||
			!System_File_Flag (TRANSIT_SCHEDULE) || !System_File_Flag (TRANSIT_DRIVER) ||
			!System_File_Flag (RIDERSHIP)) {

			Error ("Transit Network and Ridership are Required for Transit Reports");
		if (line_flag && !Check_Control_Key (LINE_EQUIVALENCE_FILE)) {
			Error ("Line Group Equivalance is Required for Line Group Reports");
		if (line_flag && !Check_Control_Key (LINE_GROUP_COUNT_FILE)) {
			Error ("Line Group Counts are Required for Line Group Reports");
		if (stop_flag && !Check_Control_Key (STOP_EQUIVALENCE_FILE)) {
			Error ("Stop Group Equivalance is Required for Stop Group Reports");
		if (stop_flag && !Check_Control_Key (STOP_GROUP_COUNT_FILE)) {
			Error ("Stop Group Counts are Required for Stop Group Reports");
	} else {
		System_File_False (TRANSIT_STOP);
		System_File_False (TRANSIT_ROUTE);
		System_File_False (TRANSIT_SCHEDULE);
		System_File_False (TRANSIT_DRIVER);
		System_File_False (RIDERSHIP);

	//---- check for a link delay file ----

	if (!System_File_Flag (LINK_DELAY)) {

		//---- open the link volume file ----

		if (link_flag) {
			key = Get_Control_String (INPUT_VOLUME_FILE);

			if (key.empty ()) goto control_error;

			Print (1);
			volume_file.File_Type ("Input Volume File");

			volume_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
			Print (1, "Number of Time Periods = ") << volume_file.Num_Periods ();

		//---- open the turn movement file ----

		if (turn_flag) {
			key = Get_Control_String (TURN_VOLUME_FILE);

			if (key.empty ()) goto control_error;

			Print (1);
			turn_volume.File_Type ("Turn Volume File");

			turn_volume.Open (Project_Filename (key));
	} else {
		delay_flag = true;

	//---- open the traffic count file ----

	if (link_flag) {
		key = Get_Control_String (TRAFFIC_COUNT_FILE);

		Print (1);
		count_file.File_Type ("Traffic Count File");

		count_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));

		Print (1, "Number of Time Periods = ") << count_file.Num_Periods ();

	//---- open the turn count file ----

	if (turn_flag) {
		key = Get_Control_String (TURN_COUNT_FILE);

		Print (1);
		turn_count.File_Type ("Turn Count File");

		turn_count.Open (Project_Filename (key));

	//---- open the transit line group count file ----

	if (line_flag) {
		key = Get_Control_String (LINE_GROUP_COUNT_FILE);

		Print (1);
		line_count_file.File_Type ("Transit Line Group Count File");

		line_count_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));

		line_count_file.Required_Field ("GROUP", "LINE", "LINEGROUP", "LINEGRP", "ID");
		line_count_file.Required_Field ("COUNT", "RIDERS", "PASSENGERS", "TOTAL", "VOLUME");

	//---- open the transit stop group count file ----

	if (stop_flag) {
		key = Get_Control_String (STOP_GROUP_COUNT_FILE);

		Print (1);
		stop_count_file.File_Type ("Transit Stop Group Count File");

		stop_count_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));

		stop_count_file.Required_Field ("GROUP", "STOP", "STOPGROUP", "STOPGRP", "ID");

		if (Report_Flag (STOP_GROUP)) {
			stop_count_file.Required_Field ("TOTAL",  "ONOFF", "ON_OFF", "PASSENGERS", "COUNT");
		if (Report_Flag (BOARD_GROUP)) {
			stop_count_file.Required_Field ("BOARDINGS", "BOARD", "ON", "PASSENGERS", "COUNT");
		if (Report_Flag (ALIGHT_GROUP)) {
			stop_count_file.Required_Field ("ALIGHTINGS", "ALIGHT", "OFF", "PASSENGERS", "COUNT");

	//---- create new volume file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_VOLUME_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		if (!delay_flag && !link_flag) {
			Error ("Link Delay or Volume File is Required to Output Volume Data");
		Print (1);
		output_file.File_Type ("New Volume File");

		output_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
		output_flag = true;

	//---- create new volume count file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_VOLUME_COUNT_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		if (!delay_flag && !link_flag) {
			Error ("Volume and Count Files are Required to Output Volume Count Data");
		Print (1);
		vol_cnt_file.File_Type ("New Volume Count File");

		vol_cnt_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
		vc_flag = true;

	//---- adjust the volume ranges ----

	hours = 24.0 * sum_periods.Range_Length () / Dtime (MIDNIGHT, SECONDS);

	if (hours < 12.0) {
		double adjust = (hours <= 4.0) ? 0.1 : 0.5;

		for (i=0; volume_level [i] > 0; i++) {
			volume_level [i] = (int) (volume_level [i] * adjust + 0.5);
	hours = hours / sum_periods.Num_Periods ();

	//---- check the data fields ----

	if (link_flag) {
		key = "Traffic Count";

		num = sum_periods.Num_Periods ();

		if (count_file.Num_Periods () < num) goto field_error;

		for (i=0; i < num; i++) {
			sum_periods.Period_Range (i, low, high);
			if (!count_file.In_Range (low) || !count_file.In_Range ((low + high) / 2)) goto field_error;
		if (!delay_flag) {
			key = "Input Volume";

			if (volume_file.Num_Periods () < num) goto field_error;

			for (i=0; i < num; i++) {
				sum_periods.Period_Range (i, low, high);
				if (!volume_file.In_Range (low) || !volume_file.In_Range ((low + high) / 2)) goto field_error;

	//---- read the analysis method ----

	key = Get_Control_Text (ANALYSIS_METHOD);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		if (key.Equals ("VOLUME")) {
			method = false;
		} else if (key.Equals ("VMT")) {
			method = true;
		} else {
			Error (String ("Analysis Method = %s was Unrecognized") % key);
	header1 = String ("\n%29cNum.  ------%s------ ---Difference---  --Abs.Error--    Std.     %%     R   ----V/C----") %
				BLANK % ((method) ? "--VMT-" : "Volume") % FINISH;

	header2 = String ("    Obs.  Estimate  Observed   %6.6s      %%     Avg.     %%     Dev.   RMSE   Sq.   Avg.  Max.\n") %
				((method) ? "VMT" : "Volume") % FINISH;
	//---- read the adjustment factor ----

	factor = Get_Control_Double (ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR);

	//---- open the facility type labels ----

	if (Report_Flag (FACILITY_TYPE)) {
		key = Get_Control_String (FACILITY_TYPE_LABELS);

		if (!key.empty ()) {
			label_file.File_Type ("Facility Type Label File");
			Print (1);

			label_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));

			while (label_file.Read ()) {
				record = label_file.Record_String ();
				if (record.empty ()) continue;

				record.Split (key);
				i = key.Integer ();

				map_stat = facility_type.insert (Str_Map_Data (i, record));

				if (!map_stat.second) {
					Error ("Duplicate Facility Type Label");
			label_file.Close ();

	//---- open the area type labels ----

	if (Report_Flag (AREA_TYPE)) {
		key = Get_Control_String (AREA_TYPE_LABELS);

		if (!key.empty ()) {
			label_file.File_Type ("Area Type Label File");
			Print (1);

			label_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));

			while (label_file.Read ()) {
				record = label_file.Record_String ();
				if (record.empty ()) continue;

				record.Split (key);
				i = key.Integer ();

				map_stat = area_type.insert (Str_Map_Data (i, record));

				if (!map_stat.second) {
					Error ("Duplicate Area Type Label");
			label_file.Close ();

	//---- write the report names ----

	List_Reports ();

	//---- read the zone equiv ----

	if (Zone_Equiv_Flag ()) {
		zone_equiv.Read (Report_Flag (ZONE_EQUIV));

	//---- process support data ----

	if (Link_Equiv_Flag ()) {
		link_equiv.Read (Report_Flag (LINK_EQUIV));

	//---- read the line equiv ----

	if (line_flag) {
		line_equiv.Read (Report_Flag (LINE_EQUIV));

	//---- read the stop equiv ----

	if (stop_flag) {
		stop_equiv.Read (Report_Flag (STOP_EQUIV));

	//---- error message ----

	Error (String ("The %s File has insufficient data for %d Time Increments") % key % num);

	Error (String ("Missing Control Key = %s") % Current_Key ());
Exemplo n.º 5
void HHList::Program_Control (void)
	int i;
	char *str_ptr, *format_ptr, buffer [STRING_BUFFER];

	Print (1);

	//---- open the input data file ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (HOUSEHOLD_LIST);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		list_file.File_Type ("Household List");
		list_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));
		list_flag = true;
	} else {
		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (HOUSEHOLD_FILE);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			input_file.File_Type ("Household File");

			format_ptr = Get_Control_String (HOUSEHOLD_FORMAT);
		} else {
			str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TRIP_FILE);

			if (str_ptr != NULL) {
				input_file.File_Type ("Trip File");

				format_ptr = Get_Control_String (TRIP_FORMAT);

				two_flag = (Get_Control_String (ACTIVITY_FILE) != NULL);
			} else {
				str_ptr = Get_Control_String (ACTIVITY_FILE);

				if (str_ptr != NULL) {
					input_file.File_Type ("Activity File");

					format_ptr = Get_Control_String (ACTIVITY_FORMAT);
				} else {
					Error ("A Household List, Household File, Trip File or Activity File is required");
		if (format_ptr != NULL) {
			input_file.File_Format (format_ptr);
		input_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));

	//---- read two files ----

	if (two_flag) {
		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (ACTIVITY_FILE);

		input2_file.File_Type ("Activity File");

		if (format_ptr != NULL) {
			input2_file.File_Format (format_ptr);
		input2_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));

	//---- read the number of split files ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (NUM_SPLIT_FILES);

	if (str_ptr == NULL) goto control_error;

	Get_Integer (str_ptr, &num_files);

	if (num_files < 1 || num_files > 200) {
		Error ("Number of Split Files %d is Out of Range (1..200)", num_files);

	//---- open the output files ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (NEW_HOUSEHOLD_LIST);

	if (str_ptr == NULL) goto control_error;

	output_file = new Db_File * [num_files];

	if (output_file == NULL) {
		Error ("Insufficient Memory for New Household Lists");
	Print (1);

	for (i=0; i < num_files; i++) {
		str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s.t%c%c", str_ptr, ('A' + (i / 26)), ('A' + (i % 26)));

		output_file [i] = new Db_File (Db_File::CREATE);
		output_file [i]->File_Type ("New Household List");

		if (!output_file [i]->Open (Project_Filename (buffer))) {
			File_Error ("Creating Household List", output_file [i]->Filename ());

	Print (2, "Number of Split Files = %d", num_files);

	//---- random number seed ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (RANDOM_NUMBER_SEED);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		random.Seed (atoi (str_ptr));
	Print (1, "Random Number Seed = %d", random.Seed ());

	Error ("Missing Control Key = %s", Current_Key ());
Exemplo n.º 6
void Demand_Service::Program_Control (void)
	int max_errors;
	char *str_ptr, *format_ptr;
	Format_Type default_format, file_format, demand_format;
	Access_Type access;

	//---- open network files ----

	Network_Service::Program_Control ();
	demand_format = default_format = Demand_Format ();

	File_Data *file = demand_file;

	//---- get the default demand file format ----

	format_ptr = Get_Control_String (DEMAND_FILE_FORMAT);

	if (format_ptr != NULL) {
		demand_format = Format_Code (format_ptr);
		if (demand_format != default_format) {
			Print (2, "Demand File Format = %s", format_ptr);
	} else {
		demand_format = default_format;
	Demand_Format (demand_format);

	//---- open the files ----

	for (int i=0; i < END_DEMAND; i++, file++) {
		if (file->flag || file->option) {

			//---- initialize overlaid data classes ----

			if (i == LINK_DELAY || i == NEW_LINK_DELAY) {
				if (dir_array == NULL) {
					dir_array = (Dir_Array *) new TTime_Array ();
				if (connect_array == NULL) {
					connect_array = (Connect_Array *) new Connect_Time_Array ();
			} else if (i == PERFORMANCE || i == NEW_PERFORMANCE) {
				if (dir_array == NULL) {
					dir_array = (Dir_Array *) new Performance_Array ();
				if (connect_array == NULL) {
					connect_array = (Connect_Array *) new Connect_Time_Array ();
			} else if (i == RIDERSHIP || i == NEW_RIDERSHIP) {
				if (line_array == NULL) {
					line_array = (Line_Array *) new Rider_Array ();

			//---- read the key ----

			str_ptr = Get_Control_String (file->key);

			if (str_ptr == NULL) {
				if (file->flag) goto control_error;
			} else {
				Print (1);
				file->flag = true;

				format_ptr = Get_Control_String (file->format);

				if (format_ptr != NULL) {
					file_format = Format_Code (format_ptr);
				} else {
					file_format = demand_format;
				access = file->access;

				switch (i) {
					case HOUSEHOLD:
					case NEW_HOUSEHOLD:
						file->file = new Household_File (Project_Filename (str_ptr), access, file_format);

					case POPULATION:
						file->file = new Population_File (Project_Filename (str_ptr), access, file_format);

					case LINK_DELAY:
					case PERFORMANCE:
						file->file = new Delay_File (Project_Filename (str_ptr), access, file_format);

						if (((Db_Base *) file->file)->Dbase_Format () == VERSION3) {
							if (i == LINK_DELAY) {
								ttime_data.Period_Size (((Delay_File *) file->file)->Increment ());
								connect_time.Period_Size (ttime_data.Period_Size ());
							} else {
								performance_data.Period_Size (((Delay_File *) file->file)->Increment ());
								connect_time.Period_Size (performance_data.Period_Size ());

						//---- max link delay errors ----

						str_ptr = Get_Control_String (MAX_LINK_DELAY_ERRORS);

						if (str_ptr != NULL) {
							Get_Integer (str_ptr, &max_errors);

							if (max_delay_errors < 0) {
								Error ("Maximum Link Delay Errors %d is Out of Range", max_errors);
							Print (1, "Maximum Number of Link Delay Errors = %d", max_errors);
							Max_Delay_Errors (max_errors);

					case NEW_LINK_DELAY:
						file->file = new Delay_File (Project_Filename (str_ptr), access, file_format, Time_Increment ());

					case RIDERSHIP:
					case NEW_RIDERSHIP:
						file->file = new Ridership_File (Project_Filename (str_ptr), access, file_format);

					case VEHICLE_TYPE:
						file->file = new Veh_Type_File (Project_Filename (str_ptr), access, file_format);

					case VEHICLE:
					case NEW_VEHICLE:
						file->file = new Vehicle_File (Project_Filename (str_ptr), access, file_format);

						//---- sort vehicles ----
						if (i == VEHICLE) {
							if (Get_Control_String (SORT_VEHICLES) != NULL) {
								sort_flag = Get_Control_Flag (SORT_VEHICLES);
							if (sort_flag) {
								Print (1, "Vehicle File will be Sorted by Vehicle ID");
							} else {
								Print (1, "Vehicle File is Sorted by Vehicle ID");

					case ACTIVITY:
					case NEW_ACTIVITY:
						str_ptr = Project_Filename (str_ptr);

						if (Enable_Partitions ()) {
							Activity_File * act_file = new Activity_File (access, file_format);
							file->file = act_file;

							if (Partition ()) {
								act_file->Filename (str_ptr, Partition_Number ());
							} else {
								act_file->Filename (str_ptr);
							Print_Filename (1, act_file->File_Type (), act_file->Groupname ());

							if (!act_file->Open (0)) {
								File_Error (act_file->File_Type (), act_file->Filename ());
						} else {
							file->file = new Activity_File (str_ptr, access, file_format);

					case TRIP:
					case NEW_TRIP:
						str_ptr = Project_Filename (str_ptr);

						if (Enable_Partitions ()) {
							Trip_File * trip_file = new Trip_File (access, file_format);
							file->file = trip_file;

							if (Partition ()) {
								trip_file->Filename (str_ptr, Partition_Number ());
							} else {
								trip_file->Filename (str_ptr);
							Print_Filename (1, trip_file->File_Type (), trip_file->Groupname ());

							if (!trip_file->Open (0)) {
								File_Error (trip_file->File_Type (), trip_file->Filename ());
						} else {
							file->file = new Trip_File (str_ptr, access, file_format);

						file->file = new Boundary_File (Project_Filename (str_ptr), access, file_format);
	Demand_Format (default_format);
	control_flag = true;
	Error ("Missing Control Key = %s", Current_Key ());
Exemplo n.º 7
void LinkSum::Program_Control (void)
	int i, field, ngroup, num;
	bool binary;
	String key, token;

	Location_File *location_file;
	Db_Field *fld;	
	Doubles dbl;
	Doubles_Itr itr;

	//---- set the equivalence flags ----

	Zone_Equiv_Flag (Check_Control_Key (NEW_GROUP_TRAVEL_FILE));

	group_select = Set_Control_Flag (SELECT_BY_LINK_GROUP);
	Link_Equiv_Flag (group_select || Report_Flag (LINK_GROUP) || Report_Flag (TRAVEL_TIME) || 
		Report_Flag (GROUP_REPORT) || Report_Flag (GROUP_SUMMARY) || Check_Control_Key (NEW_GROUP_SUMMARY_FILE));

	//---- open network files ----

	Data_Service::Program_Control ();

	Read_Select_Keys ();

	turn_flag = System_File_Flag (TURN_DELAY);
	Print (2, String ("%s Control Keys:") % Program ());	

	//---- open the compare performance file ----
	key = Get_Control_String (COMPARE_PERFORMANCE_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		compare_file.File_Type ("Compare Performance File");
		Print (1);

		if (Check_Control_Key (COMPARE_PERFORMANCE_FORMAT)) {
			compare_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (COMPARE_PERFORMANCE_FORMAT));
		compare_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
		compare_flag = true;
	num_inc = sum_periods.Num_Periods ();
	if (num_inc < 1) num_inc = 1;

	cap_factor = (double) sum_periods.Range_Length () / (Dtime (1, HOURS) * num_inc);
	if (cap_factor <= 0.0) cap_factor = 1.0;

	//---- open the compare link map file ----
	key = Get_Control_String (COMPARE_LINK_MAP_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		link_map_file.File_Type ("Compare Link Map File");
		Print (1);

		if (Check_Control_Key (COMPARE_LINK_MAP_FORMAT)) {
			link_map_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (COMPARE_LINK_MAP_FORMAT));
		link_map_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
		link_map_flag = true;

	//---- get minimum volume ----
	minimum_volume = Get_Control_Double (MINIMUM_LINK_VOLUME);

	//---- person-based statistics ----

	person_flag = Get_Control_Flag (PERSON_BASED_STATISTICS);

	//---- get the select by link group flag ----

	group_select = Get_Control_Flag (SELECT_BY_LINK_GROUP);
	if (group_select || select_subareas || select_polygon || select_facilities) select_flag = true;

	//---- turning movement data ----

	if (turn_flag) {

		//---- open the compare turn delays file ----
		key = Get_Control_String (COMPARE_TURN_DELAY_FILE);

		if (!key.empty ()) {
			turn_compare_file.File_Type ("Compare Turn Delay File");
			Print (1);

			if (Check_Control_Key (COMPARE_TURN_DELAY_FORMAT)) {
				turn_compare_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (COMPARE_TURN_DELAY_FORMAT));
			turn_compare_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
			turn_compare_flag = true;

		//---- select turn nodes----
		key = exe->Get_Control_Text (TURN_NODE_RANGE);

		if (!key.empty () && !key.Equals ("ALL")) {
			if (!turn_range.Add_Ranges (key)) {
				exe->Error ("Adding Turn Node Ranges");

	//---- create link activity file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_ACTIVITY_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		if (!System_File_Flag (LOCATION)) {
			Error ("A Location File is needed for the Link Activity File");
		location_file = System_Location_File ();
		binary = (location_file->Record_Format () == BINARY);

		Print (1);
		activity_file.File_Type ("New Link Activity File");

		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_LINK_ACTIVITY_FORMAT)) {
			activity_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_ACTIVITY_FORMAT));
		activity_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));

		//---- copy location field name ----

		key = Get_Control_Text (COPY_LOCATION_FIELDS);
		if (key.empty ()) {
			Error ("Location Field Names are Required for Link Activity File");
		link_db.File_Type ("Link Location Database");

		//---- set required fields ----

		link_db.Add_Field ("LINK", DB_INTEGER, 10);
		activity_file.Add_Field ("LINK", DB_INTEGER, 10);

		//---- copy selected fields ----

		while (!key.Split (token)) {
			field = location_file->Field_Number (token);
			if (field < 0) {
				Error (String ("Field %s was Not Found in the Location File") % token);
			field_list.push_back (field);

			fld = location_file->Field (field);

			link_db.Add_Field (fld->Name (), fld->Type (), fld->Size (), fld->Units (), binary);
			activity_file.Add_Field (fld->Name (), fld->Type (), fld->Size (), fld->Units (), binary);
		activity_file.Write_Header ();
		activity_flag = true;

	//---- create zone travel file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_ZONE_TRAVEL_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		if (!System_File_Flag (LOCATION)) {
			Error ("A Location File is needed for the Zone Travel File");
		Print (1);
		zone_file.File_Type ("New Zone Travel File");

		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_ZONE_TRAVEL_FORMAT)) {
			zone_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_ZONE_TRAVEL_FORMAT));
		zone_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
		zone_flag = true;

	//---- create zone group travel file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_GROUP_TRAVEL_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		if (!System_File_Flag (LOCATION)) {
			Error ("A Location File is needed for the Group Travel File");
		Print (1);
		group_file.File_Type ("New Group Travel File");

		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_GROUP_TRAVEL_FORMAT)) {
			group_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_GROUP_TRAVEL_FORMAT));
		group_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
		group_flag = true;

	if (!activity_flag && !zone_flag && !group_flag) {
		System_File_False (LOCATION);

	//---- get the number of direction groups ----

	ngroup = Highest_Control_Group (NEW_LINK_DIRECTION_FILE, 0);

	if (ngroup > 0) {
		Dir_Group group, *group_ptr;

		//---- process each group ----

		for (i=1; i <= ngroup; i++) {
			key = Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_DIRECTION_FILE, i);
			if (key.empty ()) continue;

			Print (1);
			dir_group.push_back (group);
			group_ptr = &dir_group.back ();

			group_ptr->group = i;
			group_ptr->file = new Link_Direction_File ();
			group_ptr->file->File_Type (String ("New Link Direction File #%d") % i);

			if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_LINK_DIRECTION_FORMAT, i)) {
				group_ptr->file->Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_DIRECTION_FORMAT, i));
			group_ptr->file->Lane_Use_Flows (Lane_Use_Flows ());
			group_ptr->file->Create (Project_Filename (key));

			//---- get the field name ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (NEW_LINK_DIRECTION_FIELD, i);
			if (key.empty ()) {
				Error (String ("New Link Direction Field #%d is Missing") % i);
			group_ptr->field = Performance_Code (key);

			group_ptr->index = Get_Control_Flag (NEW_LINK_DIRECTION_INDEX, i);
			group_ptr->flip = Get_Control_Flag (NEW_LINK_DIRECTION_FLIP, i);

			if (group_ptr->flip && !compare_flag) {
				Warning ("Link Direction Flipping requires Comparison Data");
				group_ptr->flip = false;
			Set_Link_Dir (group_ptr);

	//---- get the number of groups ----

	ngroup = Highest_Control_Group (NEW_LINK_DATA_FILE, 0);

	if (ngroup > 0) {
		Data_Group group, *group_ptr;

		//---- process each group ----

		for (i=1; i <= ngroup; i++) {
			key = Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_DATA_FILE, i);
			if (key.empty ()) continue;

			Print (1);
			data_group.push_back (group);
			group_ptr = &data_group.back ();

			group_ptr->group = i;
			group_ptr->file = new Link_Data_File ();
			group_ptr->file->File_Type (String ("New Link Data File #%d") % i);

			if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_LINK_DATA_FORMAT, i)) {
				group_ptr->file->Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_DATA_FORMAT, i));
			group_ptr->file->Lane_Use_Flows (Lane_Use_Flows ());
			group_ptr->file->Create (Project_Filename (key));

			//---- get the field name ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (NEW_LINK_DATA_FIELD, i);
			if (key.empty ()) {
				Error (String ("New Link Data Field #%d is Missing") % i);
			group_ptr->field = Performance_Code (key);

			Set_Link_Data (group_ptr);

	//---- data summary file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_DATA_SUMMARY_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		Print (1);
		summary_file.File_Type ("New Data Summary File");

		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_DATA_SUMMARY_FORMAT)) {
			summary_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_DATA_SUMMARY_FORMAT));
		summary_file.Add_Field ("MEASURE", DB_STRING, 40);
		summary_file.Add_Field ("VALUE", DB_DOUBLE, 12.2);
		if (compare_flag) summary_file.Add_Field ("COMPARE", DB_DOUBLE, 12.2);

		summary_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
		summary_flag = true;

		//---- data summary periods ----

		if (!Control_Key_Empty (NEW_DATA_SUMMARY_PERIODS)) {
			periods_flag = data_periods.Add_Ranges (Get_Control_Text (NEW_DATA_SUMMARY_PERIODS));

		//---- data summary ratios ----

		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_DATA_SUMMARY_RATIOS)) {
			Double_List list;
			Dbl_Itr itr;

			Get_Control_List (NEW_DATA_SUMMARY_RATIOS, list);

			for (i=0, itr = list.begin (); itr != list.end (); itr++, i++) {
				if (i > 0 && *itr >= 1.0) {
					data_ratios.push_back (Round (*itr * 100.0));
					ratios_flag = true;

	//---- group summary file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_GROUP_SUMMARY_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		Print (1);
		group_sum_file.File_Type ("New Group Summary File");

		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_GROUP_SUMMARY_FORMAT)) {
			group_sum_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_GROUP_SUMMARY_FORMAT));
		group_sum_file.Add_Field ("MEASURE", DB_STRING, 40);
		group_sum_file.Add_Field ("VALUE", DB_DOUBLE, 12.2);
		if (compare_flag) group_sum_file.Add_Field ("COMPARE", DB_DOUBLE, 12.2);

		group_sum_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
		group_sum_flag = true;

	//---- read report types ----

	List_Reports ();

	if (!compare_flag && (Report_Flag (TIME_CHANGE) || Report_Flag (VOLUME_CHANGE) ||
		Report_Flag (TOP_TIME_CHANGE) || Report_Flag (TOP_VOL_CHANGE) || Report_Flag (RELATIVE_GAP))) {

		Error ("A Compare Performance File is Required for Change Reports");

	//---- process support data ----

	if (Link_Equiv_Flag ()) {
		link_equiv.Read (Report_Flag (LINK_EQUIV));

	if (group_flag) {
		zone_equiv.Read (Report_Flag (ZONE_EQUIV));

	//---- allocate work space ----

	if (periods_flag || ratios_flag) {
		num = (periods_flag) ? (int) data_periods.size () : 1;
		num += (ratios_flag) ? (int) data_ratios.size () : 1;
		if (num_inc + 1 > num) {
			num = num_inc + 1;
	} else {
		num = num_inc + 1;
	sum_bin.assign (num, dbl);

	for (itr = sum_bin.begin (); itr != sum_bin.end (); itr++) {
		itr->assign (NUM_SUM_BINS, 0.0);
Exemplo n.º 8
void DynusTPlan::Program_Control (void)
	int increment;
	char *str_ptr, buffer [STRING_BUFFER];

	//---- open network files ----

	Demand_Service::Program_Control ();

	if (Demand_File_Flag (VEHICLE) && !Demand_File_Flag (VEHICLE_TYPE)) {
		Error ("A Vehicle Type File is needed to Convert Vehicle IDs to Type Codes");
	if (!Demand_File_Flag (VEHICLE) && Demand_File_Flag (VEHICLE_TYPE)) {
		Error ("A Vehicle File is needed to Convert Vehicle IDs to Type Codes");

	//---- open the plan file ----
	if (Get_Control_String (NODE_LIST_PATHS) != NULL) {
		type_flag = Get_Control_Flag (NODE_LIST_PATHS);
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (PLAN_FILE);

	if (str_ptr == NULL) goto control_error;

	str_ptr = Project_Filename (str_ptr, Extension ());

	Print_Filename (2, plan_file.File_Type (), str_ptr);

	plan_file.Filename (str_ptr);
	plan_file.Plan_Sort (TIME_SORT);

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (PLAN_FORMAT);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		plan_file.File_Format (str_ptr);
		Print (1, "%s Format = %s", plan_file.File_Type (), str_ptr);
	plan_file.Node_Based_Flag (type_flag);

	if (!plan_file.Open (0)) {
		File_Error ("Opening Plan File", plan_file.Filename ());
	type_flag = plan_file.Node_Based_Flag ();

	//---- node list paths ----

	if (type_flag) {
		Print (1, "Plan File contains Node List Paths");
	} else {
		Print (1, "Plan File contains Link List Paths");

	//---- get output time increment ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (OUTPUT_TIME_INCREMENT);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		increment = atol (str_ptr);

		if (increment < 0 || increment > 240) {
			Error ("Output Time Increment %d is Out of Range (0-240)", increment);
		increment *= 60;
	if (!increment == 0) {
		time_range.Period_Flag (true);
	time_range.Increment (increment);

	//---- get the select time period ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_TIME_PERIOD);

	time_range.Format (Time_Step::CLOCK24);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (2, "Select Time Period = %s", str_ptr);

		if (!time_range.Add_Ranges (str_ptr)) {
			File_Error ("Time Period Range", str_ptr);
	} else {
		time_range.Add_Ranges ("0:00..24:00");
	if (increment > 0) {
		Print (1, "Output Time Increment = %d minutes", (increment / 60));
	start_time = time_range.First ()->Low ();

	//---- get the selection percentage ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECTION_PERCENTAGE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Double (str_ptr, &percent);

		if (percent < 0.1 || percent > 100.0) {
			Error ("Selection Percentage %.2lf is Out of Range (0.1-100.0)", percent);
		select_flag = (percent != 100.0);
	Print (2, "Selection Percentage = %.1lf%%", percent);

	percent /= 100.0;

	//---- random number seed ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (RANDOM_NUMBER_SEED);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		random.Seed (atoi (str_ptr));
	if (str_ptr != NULL || percent != 1.0) {
		Print (1, "Random Number Seed = %d", random.Seed ());

	//---- get the DynusT directory  ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DYNUST_PLAN_DIRECTORY);

	if (str_ptr == NULL) goto control_error;
	str_cpy (plan_dir, sizeof (plan_dir), Project_Filename (str_ptr));

	Print (2, "DynusT Plan Directory = %s", plan_dir);

	//---- vehicle.dat ----

	veh_file.File_Type ("DynusT Vehicle File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/vehicle.dat", plan_dir);

	veh_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- path.dat ----

	path_file.File_Type ("DynusT Path File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/path.dat", plan_dir);

	path_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- DynusT user class ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DYNUST_USER_CLASS);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		user_class = atoi (str_ptr);

		Print (2, "DynusT User Class = %d", user_class);

		if (user_class < 1 || user_class > 5) {
			Error ("DynusT User Class %d is Out of Range (1..5)", user_class);

	//---- error message ----

	Error ("Missing Control Key = %s", Current_Key ());
Exemplo n.º 9
void PlanPrep::Program_Control (void)
    int i, dump;
	char *str_ptr;

	Sort_Type input_sort;

	//---- open network files ----

	Demand_Service::Program_Control ();

	//---- open the input plans ----

	if (Get_Control_String (NODE_LIST_PATHS) != NULL) {
		type_flag = Get_Control_Flag (NODE_LIST_PATHS);
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (INPUT_PLAN_FILE);

	if (str_ptr == NULL) goto control_error;

	input_plans.File_Type ("Input Plan File");	

	str_ptr = Project_Filename (str_ptr, Extension ());

	Print_Filename (2, input_plans.File_Type (), str_ptr);

	input_plans.Filename (str_ptr);

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (INPUT_PLAN_FORMAT);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		input_plans.File_Format (str_ptr);
		Print (1, "%s Format = %s", input_plans.File_Type (), str_ptr);
	input_plans.Node_Based_Flag (type_flag);

	if (!input_plans.Open (0)) {
		File_Error ("Opening Input Plan File", input_plans.Filename ());
	type_flag = input_plans.Node_Based_Flag ();
	parts_flag = (input_plans.Extend () > 0);

	//---- input plan sort ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (INPUT_PLAN_SORT);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (1, "Input Plan Sort = %s", str_ptr);

		if (str_cmp (str_ptr, "TRAVELER") == 0) {
			input_sort = TRAVELER_SORT;
		} else if (str_cmp (str_ptr, "TIME") == 0) {
			input_sort = TIME_SORT;
		} else {
			Error ("Unrecognized Input Plan Sort = %s", str_ptr);
		input_plans.Plan_Sort (input_sort);
		input_sort_flag = true;
	} else {
		input_sort = input_plans.Plan_Sort ();

	//---- open the merge plans ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (MERGE_PLAN_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		merge_plans.File_Type ("Merge Plan File");

		str_ptr = Project_Filename (str_ptr, Extension ());

		Print_Filename (2, merge_plans.File_Type (), str_ptr);

		merge_plans.Filename (str_ptr);
		merge_plans.Extend (input_plans.Extend ());

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (MERGE_PLAN_FORMAT);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			merge_plans.File_Format (str_ptr);
			Print (1, "%s Format = %s", merge_plans.File_Type (), str_ptr);
		merge_plans.Node_Based_Flag (type_flag);

		if (!merge_plans.Open (0)) {
			File_Error ("Opening Merge Plan File", merge_plans.Filename ());
		merge_flag = true;
		if (merge_plans.Node_Based_Flag () != type_flag) {
			Error ("Incompatible Plan Formats");

	//---- open the subarea plans ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SUBAREA_PLAN_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		if (merge_flag) {
			Error ("Merge and Subarea Plans are Incompatible");
		subarea_plans.File_Type ("Subarea Plan File");

		str_ptr = Project_Filename (str_ptr);

		subarea_plans.Filename (str_ptr);

		if (subarea_plans.Extend () > 0) {
			if (parts_flag) {
				subpart_flag = true;
			} else {
				str_ptr = subarea_plans.Pathname ();
				str_ptr = Project_Filename (str_ptr, Extension ());
				subarea_plans.Filename (str_ptr);
				subarea_plans.Extend (0);
		Print_Filename (2, subarea_plans.File_Type (), str_ptr);

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SUBAREA_PLAN_FORMAT);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			subarea_plans.File_Format (str_ptr);
			Print (1, "%s Format = %s", subarea_plans.File_Type (), str_ptr);
		subarea_plans.Node_Based_Flag (type_flag);

		if (!subarea_plans.Open (0)) {
			File_Error ("Opening Subarea Plan File", subarea_plans.Filename ());
		subarea_flag = true;
		if (subarea_plans.Node_Based_Flag () != type_flag) {
			Error ("Incompatible Plan Formats");

	//---- open the output plans ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (OUTPUT_PLAN_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		output_plans.File_Type ("Output Plan File");

		str_ptr = Project_Filename (str_ptr, Extension ());

		Print_Filename (2, output_plans.File_Type (), str_ptr);

		output_plans.Filename (str_ptr);
		output_plans.File_Access (CREATE);

		str_cpy (output_name, sizeof (output_name), output_plans.Pathname ());
		extend = output_plans.Extend ();
		output_flag = true;

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (OUTPUT_PLAN_FORMAT);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			output_plans.File_Format (str_ptr);
			Print (1, "%s Format = %s", output_plans.File_Type (), str_ptr);

			binary_flag = (output_plans.File_Format () == BINARY);
		output_plans.Node_Based_Flag (type_flag);

	} else if (merge_flag) {
		Error ("Plan Merging Requires an Output File");
	} else if (subarea_flag) {
		Error ("Subarea Merging Requires an Output File");

	//---- plan sort option ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (PLAN_SORT_OPTION);

	if (str_ptr != NULL && output_flag) {
		Print (2, "Plan Sort Option = %s", str_ptr);

		if (str_cmp (str_ptr, "TRAVELER") == 0) {
			sort = TRAVELER_SORT;
		} else if (str_cmp (str_ptr, "TIME") == 0) {
			if (merge_flag) {
				Error ("Plan Merging must be performed in TRAVELER Sort");
			sort = TIME_SORT;
		} else {
			Error ("Unrecognized Plan Sort Option = %s", str_ptr);
		if (!input_sort_flag || input_sort != sort) {
			input_plans.Plan_Memory (ALLOCATE_MEMORY);
			input_plans.Plan_Sort (sort);
			sort_flag = true;
		if (sort_flag && subarea_flag) {
			Error ("Sorting and Subarea Merging are Incompatible");

	//---- plan combine option ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (PLAN_COMBINE_OPTION);

	if (str_ptr != NULL && parts_flag && output_flag) {
		Print (2, "Plan Combine Option = %s", str_ptr);

		if (!input_sort_flag && !sort_flag) {
			Error ("The Input Sort or Sort Option are needed for Plan Combining");
		if (str_cmp (str_ptr, "FILE") == 0) {
			combine = FILE_COMBINE;
		} else if (str_cmp (str_ptr, "MEMORY") == 0) {
			if (merge_flag) {
				Error ("Plan Merging and Memory Combining are Incompatible");
			} else if (subarea_flag) {
				Error ("Subarea Merging and Memory Combining are Incompatible");
			if (sort_flag) {
				combine = MEMORY_COMBINE;
			} else {
				combine = FILE_COMBINE;
		} else {
			Error ("Unrecognized Plan Combine Option = %s", str_ptr);
		combine_flag = true;

	//---- max plan size ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (MAX_OUTPUT_PLAN_SIZE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL && (combine_flag || (!parts_flag && output_flag))) {
		Print (2, "Maximum Output Plan Size = %s megabytes", str_ptr);

		max_size = atol (str_ptr);

		if (max_size < 1 || max_size > 2048) {
			Error ("Maximum Output Plan Size %d is Out of Range (1-2048)", max_size);
		max_size *= 1024 * 1024;
		max_size_flag = true;

	//---- get the select traveler range ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_TRAVELER_RANGE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (2, "Select Traveler Range = %s", str_ptr);

		if (!hhold_range.Add_Ranges (str_ptr)) {
			Error ("Select Traveler Range", str_ptr);
		hhold_flag = true;

	//---- get the select time periods ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_TIME_PERIODS);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (2, "Select Time Periods = %s", str_ptr);

		time_period.Format (Time_Step::HOURS);

		if (!time_period.Add_Ranges (str_ptr)) {
			File_Error ("Time Period Range", str_ptr);
		time_flag = true;

	//---- read the selection percentage ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECTION_PERCENTAGE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		if (input_sort != TRAVELER_SORT) {
			Error ("The Input Plans must be in Traveler order for Plan Selection");
		Get_Double (str_ptr, &percent);

		if (percent < 0.1 || percent > 100.0) {
			Error ("Selection Percentage %.2lf is Out of Range (0.1-100.0)", percent);
		Print (2, "Selection Percentage = %.2lf", percent);

		percent /= 100.0;
		select_flag = (percent != 1.0);

	if ((time_flag || select_flag || hhold_flag) && subarea_flag) {
		Error ("Subarea Merging and Plan Selections are Incompatible");

	//---- check plan partitions ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (CHECK_PLAN_PARTITIONS);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		check_flag = Get_Control_Flag (CHECK_PLAN_PARTITIONS);

		Print (2, "Check Plan Partitions = %s", str_ptr);

		if (check_flag) {
			partition.Initialize (sizeof (Partition));

	//---- update plan partitions ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (UPDATE_PLAN_PARTITIONS);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		partition_flag = Get_Control_Flag (UPDATE_PLAN_PARTITIONS);

		Print (2, "Update Plan Partitions = %s", str_ptr);

	//---- get the household list file ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (HOUSEHOLD_LIST);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		hhlist_file.File_Type ("Household List");
		hhlist_file.Filename (Project_Filename (str_ptr));

		Print_Filename (2, hhlist_file.File_Type (), str_ptr);

		if (!hhlist_file.Open (0)) {
			File_Error ("Opening Household List File", hhlist_file.Filename ());
		hhlist_flag = true;
	} else if (partition_flag) {
		Error ("Household Lists are required for Partition Updates");

	if (hhlist_flag) {
		combine_flag = false;

		if (sort_flag) {
			Error ("Plan Sorting and Household Lists are Incompatible");
		if (merge_flag) {
			Error ("Plan Merging and Household Lists are Incompatible");
		} else if (subarea_flag) {
			Error ("Subarea Merging and Household Lists are Incompatible");
		if (check_flag) {
			Error ("Checking and Updating Plan Partitions are Incompatible");
		if (!output_flag) {
			Error ("Output Plans are Required for Household Lists");
		partition.Initialize (sizeof (Partition));

	//---- get the delete household list file ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DELETE_HOUSEHOLD_LIST);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		delete_file.File_Type ("Delete Household List");
		delete_file.Filename (Project_Filename (str_ptr));

		Print_Filename (2, delete_file.File_Type (), str_ptr);

		if (!delete_file.Open (0)) {
			File_Error ("Opening Delete Household List File", delete_file.Filename ());
		delete_flag = true;

	//---- get the delete one leg plans flag ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DELETE_ONE_LEG_PLANS);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		one_leg_flag = Get_Control_Flag (DELETE_ONE_LEG_PLANS);

		Print (1, "Delete One Leg Plans = %s", str_ptr);

	//---- get the fix plan file ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (FIX_PLAN_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		fix_file.File_Type ("Fix Plan File");

		if (!fix_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr))) {
			File_Error ("Opening Fix Plan File", fix_file.Filename ());
		fix_flag = true;

	//---- merge by trip ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (MERGE_BY_TRIP);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		trip_flag = Get_Control_Flag (MERGE_BY_TRIP);

		Print (2, "Merge by Trip = %s", str_ptr);

	//---- random number seed ----

	if (select_flag || fix_flag) {
		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (RANDOM_NUMBER_SEED);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			random.Seed (atoi (str_ptr));
		Print (2, "Random Number Seed = %d", random.Seed ());

	//---- check output file name ----

	if (output_flag) {
		output_plans.Plan_Sort (input_plans.Plan_Sort ());

		if (max_size_flag || !combine_flag) {
			extend = output_plans.Extend (input_plans.Extend ());
			if (extend == 0 && max_size_flag) {
				extend = output_plans.Extend (1);
		if (!hhlist_flag || !delete_flag) {
			if (!output_plans.Open (0)) {
				File_Error ("Creating Output Plan File", output_plans.Filename ());
		if (combine_flag && combine == FILE_COMBINE && (sort_flag || merge_flag || subarea_flag)) {

			//---- set the temporary output filename ----

			output_plans.Filename (Filename (output_name, TEMP_LABEL));
			output_plans.Extend (input_plans.Extend ());
			output_plans.File_Format (BINARY);
	//---- read report types ----

	compare_flag = path_flag = false;
	dump_path = dump_time = MAX_INTEGER;

	for (i=First_Report (); i != 0; i=Next_Report ()) {
		if (i != FIX_PLAN) compare_flag = true;

		if (i == PATH_CHANGE || i == DUMP_PATH_CHANGES) {
			path_flag = true;
			if (i == DUMP_PATH_CHANGES) {
				dump = (int) (Report_Data () * NUM_CHANGE_BINS / 100.0 + 0.5);
				if (dump < dump_path) {
					dump_path = dump;
		} else if (i == DUMP_TIME_CHANGES) {
			dump = (int) (Report_Data () * NUM_CHANGE_BINS / 100.0 + 0.5);
			if (dump < dump_time) {
				dump_time = dump;

	if (compare_flag) {
		if (!merge_flag) {
			Write (1);
			Warning ("Change Reports require a Merge Plan File");
			compare_flag = false;
		memset (time_changes, '\0', sizeof (time_changes));
		memset (path_changes, '\0', sizeof (path_changes));


	//---- error message ----

	Error ("Missing Control Key = %s", Current_Key ());
Exemplo n.º 10
void LineSum::Program_Control (void)
	int i, num_files, anode, bnode;
	bool arcview_flag, z_flag, m_flag;
	String key, format;
	Strings ab_strings, node_pairs;
	Str_Itr str_itr, ab_itr;
	Db_Header *fh = 0;
	File_Itr file_itr;
	Line_Report_Data line_report_data;
	Link_Report_Data link_report_data;
	On_Off_Report_Data on_off_report_data;
	Access_Report_Data access_report_data;
	Stop_Report_Data stop_report_data;
	Total_Report_Data total_report_data;
	Link_Rider_Data link_rider_data;
	Dtime hour;

	//---- process the global control keys ----

	Execution_Service::Program_Control ();

	Metric_Flag (false);
	hour.Hours (1.0);

	//---- get the projection data ----

	projection.Read_Control ();

	//---- get the z coordinate flag ----

	m_flag = projection.M_Flag ();
	z_flag = projection.Z_Flag ();

	Print (2, String ("%s Control Keys:") % Program ());

	//---- initialize the peak file list ----

	num_files = Highest_Control_Group (PEAK_RIDERSHIP_FILE, 0);

	if (num_files > 0) {
		peak_list.Initialize (num_files);
		Print (1);

		//---- open each file ----

		for (i=1; i <= num_files; i++) {

			//---- open the peak ridership file ----

			key = Get_Control_String (PEAK_RIDERSHIP_FILE, i);
			if (key.empty ()) continue;
			fh = peak_list [i-1];

			fh->File_Type (String ("Peak Ridership File #%d") % i);
			fh->File_ID (String ("Peak%d") % i);

			//---- get the file format ----

			if (Check_Control_Key (PEAK_RIDERSHIP_FORMAT, i)) {
				fh->Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (PEAK_RIDERSHIP_FORMAT, i));
			fh->Open (Project_Filename (key));

	//---- initialize the offpeak file list ----

	num_files = Highest_Control_Group (OFFPEAK_RIDERSHIP_FILE, 0);

	if (num_files > 0) {
		offpeak_list.Initialize (num_files);
		Print (1);

		//---- open each file ----

		for (i=1; i <= num_files; i++) {

			//---- open the offpeak ridership file ----

			key = Get_Control_String (OFFPEAK_RIDERSHIP_FILE, i);
			if (key.empty ()) continue;
			fh = offpeak_list [i-1];

			fh->File_Type (String ("Offpeak Ridership File #%d") % i);
			fh->File_ID (String ("Offpeak%d") % i);

			//---- get the file format ----

			if (Check_Control_Key (OFFPEAK_RIDERSHIP_FORMAT, i)) {
				fh->Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (OFFPEAK_RIDERSHIP_FORMAT, i));
			fh->Open (Project_Filename (key));
	if (peak_list.size () == 0 && offpeak_list.size () == 0) {
//		Error ("No Peak or Offpeak Ridership File Keys were Found");

	//---- open the new peak ridership file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_PEAK_RIDERSHIP_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		Print (1);
		if (peak_list.size () == 0) {
			Error ("Input Peak Ridership Files are Required");
		fh = 0;

		for (file_itr = peak_list.begin (); file_itr != peak_list.end (); file_itr++) {
			if ((*file_itr)->Is_Open ()) {
				fh = *file_itr;
		if (fh == 0) Error ("Peak Input files are Not Open");

		new_peak_file.File_Type ("New Peak Ridership File");
		new_peak_file.File_ID ("NewPeak");

		//---- get the file format ----

		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_PEAK_RIDERSHIP_FORMAT)) {
			new_peak_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_PEAK_RIDERSHIP_FORMAT));
		new_peak_file.Header_Lines (fh->Header_Lines ());

		new_peak_file.Replicate_Fields (fh);

		new_peak_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));

	//---- open the new offpeak ridership file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_OFFPEAK_RIDERSHIP_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		Print (1);
		if (offpeak_list.size () == 0) {
			Error ("Input Offpeak Ridership Files are Required");
		fh = 0;

		for (file_itr = offpeak_list.begin (); file_itr != offpeak_list.end (); file_itr++) {
			if ((*file_itr)->Is_Open ()) {
				fh = *file_itr;
		if (fh == 0) Error ("Offpeak Input files are Not Open");

		new_offpeak_file.File_Type ("New Offpeak Ridership File");
		new_offpeak_file.File_ID ("NewOffpeak");

		//---- get the file format ----

		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_OFFPEAK_RIDERSHIP_FORMAT)) {
			new_offpeak_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_OFFPEAK_RIDERSHIP_FORMAT));
		new_offpeak_file.Header_Lines (fh->Header_Lines ());

		new_offpeak_file.Replicate_Fields (fh);

		new_offpeak_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));

	//---- open the new total ridership file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_TOTAL_RIDERSHIP_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		Print (1);
		if (peak_list.size () == 0 || offpeak_list.size () == 0) {
			Error ("Input Peak and Offpeak Ridership Files are Required");
		fh = 0;

		for (file_itr = peak_list.begin (); file_itr != peak_list.end (); file_itr++) {
			if ((*file_itr)->Is_Open ()) {
				fh = *file_itr;
		if (fh == 0) Error ("Peak Input files are Not Open");

		new_total_file.File_Type ("New Total Ridership File");
		new_total_file.File_ID ("NewTotal");

		//---- get the file format ----

		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_TOTAL_RIDERSHIP_FORMAT)) {
			new_total_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_TOTAL_RIDERSHIP_FORMAT));
		new_total_file.Header_Lines (fh->Header_Lines ());

		new_total_file.Replicate_Fields (fh);

		new_total_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));

	//---- open the stop name file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (STOP_NAME_FILE);
	if (!key.empty ()) {
		Print (1);
		stop_name_file.File_Type ("Stop Name File");
		stop_name_file.File_ID ("StopName");
		station_flag = true;

		//---- get the file format ----

		if (Check_Control_Key (STOP_NAME_FORMAT)) {
			stop_name_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (STOP_NAME_FORMAT));
		stop_name_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));

	//---- line report data ----

	num_files = Highest_Control_Group (LINE_REPORT_LINES);

	if (num_files > 0) {

		//---- read the line report keys ----

		for (i=1; i <= num_files; i++) {
			if (!Check_Control_Key (LINE_REPORT_LINES, i)) continue;
			Print (1);

			//---- report number and title ----

			line_report_data.number = i;
			line_report_data.title = Get_Control_Text (LINE_REPORT_TITLE, i);

			//---- line range ----
			key = Get_Control_Text (LINE_REPORT_LINES, i);
			if (key.empty ()) continue;

			key.Parse (line_report_data.lines);

			//---- selected modes ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (LINE_REPORT_MODES, i);
			line_report_data.modes.clear ();

			if (!key.empty () && !key.Equals ("ALL")) {
				line_report_data.all_modes = false;
				if (!line_report_data.modes.Add_Ranges (key)) {
					exe->Error ("Adding Modes Ranges");
			} else {
				line_report_data.all_modes = true;

			//---- report all nodes ----

			line_report_data.node_flag = Get_Control_Flag (LINE_REPORT_ALL_NODES, i);

			//---- store the control data ----

			line_report_array.push_back (line_report_data);

	//---- link report data ----

	num_files = Highest_Control_Group (LINK_REPORT_LINKS);

	if (num_files > 0) {

		//---- read the link report keys ----

		for (i=1; i <= num_files; i++) {
			if (!Check_Control_Key (LINK_REPORT_LINKS, i)) continue;
			Print (1);

			//---- report number and title ----

			link_report_data.number = i;
			link_report_data.title = Get_Control_Text (LINK_REPORT_TITLE, i);

			//---- anode-bnode pairs ----
			key = Get_Control_Text (LINK_REPORT_LINKS, i);
			if (key.empty ()) continue;

			link_report_data.links = key;

			key.Parse (node_pairs);
			link_report_data.nodes.clear ();

			for (str_itr = node_pairs.begin (); str_itr != node_pairs.end (); str_itr++) {
				str_itr->Parse (ab_strings, "-");

				for (anode=0, ab_itr = ab_strings.begin (); ab_itr != ab_strings.end (); ab_itr++, anode = bnode) {
					bnode = ab_itr->Integer ();
					if (anode > 0) {
						link_report_data.nodes.push_back (anode);
						link_report_data.nodes.push_back (bnode);

			//---- selected modes ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (LINK_REPORT_MODES, i);
			link_report_data.modes.clear ();

			if (!key.empty () && !key.Equals ("ALL")) {
				link_report_data.all_modes = false;
				if (!link_report_data.modes.Add_Ranges (key)) {
					exe->Error ("Adding Modes Ranges");
			} else {
				link_report_data.all_modes = true;

			//---- selected lines ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (LINK_REPORT_LINES, i);
			link_report_data.lines.clear ();

			if (!key.empty () && !key.Equals ("ALL")) {
				link_report_data.all_lines = false;
				key.Parse (link_report_data.lines);
			} else {
				link_report_data.all_lines = true;

			//---- oneway/twoway flag ----

			link_report_data.dir_flag = Get_Control_Flag (LINK_REPORT_ONEWAY, i);

			//---- store the control data ----

			link_report_array.push_back (link_report_data);

	//---- on-off report data ----

	num_files = Highest_Control_Group (ON_OFF_REPORT_STOPS);

	if (num_files > 0) {
		on_off_flag = true;

		//---- read the boarding report keys ----

		for (i=1; i <= num_files; i++) {
			if (!Check_Control_Key (ON_OFF_REPORT_STOPS, i)) continue;
			Print (1);

			//---- report number and title ----

			on_off_report_data.number = i;
			on_off_report_data.title = Get_Control_Text (ON_OFF_REPORT_TITLE, i);

			//---- stop range ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (ON_OFF_REPORT_STOPS, i);
			if (key.empty ()) continue;

			on_off_report_data.stops.clear ();

			if (!key.empty () && !key.Equals ("ALL")) {
				on_off_report_data.all_stops = false;
				if (!on_off_report_data.stops.Add_Ranges (key)) {
					exe->Error ("Adding Stop Ranges");
			} else {
				on_off_report_data.all_stops = true;

			//---- select modes ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (ON_OFF_REPORT_MODES, i);

			on_off_report_data.modes.clear ();

			if (!key.empty () && !key.Equals ("ALL")) {
				on_off_report_data.all_modes = false;
				if (!on_off_report_data.modes.Add_Ranges (key)) {
					exe->Error ("Adding Modes Ranges");
			} else {
				on_off_report_data.all_modes = true;

			//---- level of detail ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (ON_OFF_REPORT_DETAILS, i);

			if (!key.empty ()) {
				char ch = key [0];
				if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') ch = ch - 'a' + 'A';

				if (ch == 'T' || ch == 'Y' || ch == '1') {
					on_off_report_data.details = 1;
				} else if (ch == 'M' || ch == '2') {
					on_off_report_data.details = 2;
				} else {
					on_off_report_data.details = 0;
			} else {
				on_off_report_data.details = 0;

			//---- output data file ----

			key = Get_Control_String (NEW_ON_OFF_REPORT_FILE, i);

			if (!key.empty ()) {
				if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_ON_OFF_REPORT_FORMAT, i)) {
					format = Get_Control_String (NEW_ON_OFF_REPORT_FORMAT, i);

					on_off_report_data.arcview_flag = format.Equals ("ARCVIEW");
				} else {
					on_off_report_data.arcview_flag = false;
				Print (1);
				if (on_off_report_data.arcview_flag) {
					on_off_report_data.file = on_off_report_data.arc_file = new Arcview_File ();

					on_off_report_data.arc_file->File_Type (String ("New On-Off Report File #%d") % i);
					on_off_report_data.arc_file->Shape_Type (DOT);
					on_off_report_data.arc_file->Z_Flag (z_flag);
					on_off_report_data.arc_file->M_Flag (m_flag);

					on_off_report_data.arc_file->Create (Project_Filename (key));

					on_off_report_data.arc_file->Set_Projection (projection.Input_Projection (), projection.Output_Projection ());
					xy_flag = true;
				} else {
					on_off_report_data.file = new Db_Header ();

					if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_ON_OFF_REPORT_FORMAT, i)) {
						on_off_report_data.file->Dbase_Format (format);
					on_off_report_data.file->File_Type (String ("New On-Off Report File #%d") % i);
					on_off_report_data.file->Create (Project_Filename (key));
			} else {
				on_off_report_data.file = 0;

			//---- store the control data ----

			on_off_report_array.push_back (on_off_report_data);

	//---- access report data ----

	num_files = Highest_Control_Group (ACCESS_REPORT_STOPS);

	if (num_files > 0) {
		access_flag = true;

		//---- read the access report keys ----

		for (i=1; i <= num_files; i++) {
			if (!Check_Control_Key (ACCESS_REPORT_STOPS, i)) continue;
			Print (1);

			//---- report number and title ----

			access_report_data.number = i;
			access_report_data.title = Get_Control_Text (ACCESS_REPORT_TITLE, i);

			//---- stop range ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (ACCESS_REPORT_STOPS, i);
			if (key.empty ()) continue;

			access_report_data.stops.clear ();

			if (!key.empty () && !key.Equals ("ALL")) {
				access_report_data.all_stops = false;
				if (!access_report_data.stops.Add_Ranges (key)) {
					exe->Error ("Adding Stop Ranges");
			} else {
				access_report_data.all_stops = true;

			//---- select modes ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (ACCESS_REPORT_MODES, i);

			access_report_data.modes.clear ();

			if (!key.empty () && !key.Equals ("ALL")) {
				access_report_data.all_modes = false;
				if (!access_report_data.modes.Add_Ranges (key)) {
					exe->Error ("Adding Modes Ranges");
			} else {
				access_report_data.all_modes = true;

			//---- level of detail ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (ACCESS_REPORT_DETAILS, i);

			if (!key.empty ()) {
				char ch = key [0];
				if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') ch = ch - 'a' + 'A';

				if (ch == 'T' || ch == 'Y' || ch == '1') {
					access_report_data.details = 1;
				} else if (ch == 'M' || ch == '2') {
					access_report_data.details = 2;
				} else {
					access_report_data.details = 0;
			} else {
				access_report_data.details = 0;

			//---- output data file ----

			key = Get_Control_String (NEW_ACCESS_REPORT_FILE, i);

			if (!key.empty ()) {
				access_report_data.file = new Db_Header ();
				access_report_data.file->File_Type (String ("New Access Report File #%d") % i);

				if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_ACCESS_REPORT_FORMAT, i)) {
					access_report_data.file->Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_ACCESS_REPORT_FORMAT, i));
				access_report_data.file->Create (Project_Filename (key));

				if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_ACCESS_REPORT_FORMAT, i)) {
					format = Get_Control_String (NEW_ACCESS_REPORT_FORMAT, i);

					access_report_data.arcview_flag = format.Equals ("ARCVIEW");
				} else {
					access_report_data.arcview_flag = false;
				Print (1);
				if (access_report_data.arcview_flag) {
					access_report_data.file = access_report_data.arc_file = new Arcview_File ();

					access_report_data.arc_file->File_Type (String ("New Access Report File #%d") % i);
					access_report_data.arc_file->Shape_Type (DOT);
					access_report_data.arc_file->Z_Flag (z_flag);
					access_report_data.arc_file->M_Flag (m_flag);

					access_report_data.arc_file->Create (Project_Filename (key));

					access_report_data.arc_file->Set_Projection (projection.Input_Projection (), projection.Output_Projection ());
					xy_flag = true;
				} else {
					access_report_data.file = new Db_Header ();

					if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_ACCESS_REPORT_FORMAT, i)) {
						access_report_data.file->Dbase_Format (format);
					access_report_data.file->File_Type (String ("New Access Report File #%d") % i);
					access_report_data.file->Create (Project_Filename (key));
			} else {
				access_report_data.file = 0;

			//---- store the control data ----

			access_report_array.push_back (access_report_data);

	//---- stop report data ----

	num_files = Highest_Control_Group (STOP_REPORT_STOPS);

	if (num_files > 0) {
		access_flag = true;

		//---- read the stop report keys ----

		for (i=1; i <= num_files; i++) {
			if (!Check_Control_Key (STOP_REPORT_STOPS, i)) continue;
			Print (1);

			//---- report number and title ----

			stop_report_data.number = i;
			stop_report_data.title = Get_Control_Text (STOP_REPORT_TITLE, i);

			//---- stop range ----
			key = Get_Control_Text (STOP_REPORT_STOPS, i);
			if (key.empty ()) continue;

			stop_report_data.stops.clear ();

			if (!stop_report_data.stops.Add_Ranges (key)) {
				exe->Error ("Adding Stop Ranges");

			//---- select modes ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (STOP_REPORT_MODES, i);
			stop_report_data.modes.clear ();

			if (!key.empty () && !key.Equals ("ALL")) {
				stop_report_data.all_modes = false;
				if (!stop_report_data.modes.Add_Ranges (key)) {
					exe->Error ("Adding Modes Ranges");
			} else {
				stop_report_data.all_modes = true;

			//---- line range ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (STOP_REPORT_LINES, i);
			stop_report_data.lines.clear ();

			if (!key.empty () && !key.Equals ("ALL")) {
				stop_report_data.all_lines = false;
				key.Parse (stop_report_data.lines);
			} else {
				stop_report_data.all_lines = true;

			//---- transfer modes ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (STOP_REPORT_TRANSFERS, i);
			stop_report_data.transfers.clear ();

			if (!key.empty () && !key.Equals ("NONE")) {
				if (!stop_report_data.transfers.Add_Ranges (key)) {
					exe->Error ("Adding Transfer Mode Ranges");

			//---- store the control data ----

			stop_report_array.push_back (stop_report_data);

	//---- total report data ----

	num_files = Highest_Control_Group (TOTAL_REPORT_LINES);

	if (num_files > 0) {

		//---- read the total report keys ----

		for (i=1; i <= num_files; i++) {
			if (!Check_Control_Key (TOTAL_REPORT_LINES, i)) continue;
			Print (1);

			//---- report number and title ----

			total_report_data.number = i;
			total_report_data.title = Get_Control_Text (TOTAL_REPORT_TITLE, i);

			//---- line range ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (TOTAL_REPORT_LINES, i);
			if (key.empty ()) continue;

			key.Parse (total_report_data.lines);

			//---- selected modes ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (TOTAL_REPORT_MODES, i);
			total_report_data.modes.clear ();

			if (!key.empty () && !key.Equals ("ALL")) {
				total_report_data.all_modes = false;
				if (!total_report_data.modes.Add_Ranges (key)) {
					exe->Error ("Adding Modes Ranges");
			} else {
				total_report_data.all_modes = true;

			//---- output data file ----

			key = Get_Control_String (NEW_TOTAL_REPORT_FILE, i);
			if (!key.empty ()) {
				total_report_data.file = new Db_Header ();
				total_report_data.file->File_Type (String ("New Total Report File #%d") % i);

				if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_TOTAL_REPORT_FORMAT, i)) {
					total_report_data.file->Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_TOTAL_REPORT_FORMAT, i));
				total_report_data.file->Create (Project_Filename (key));

				//---- peak hours ----

				total_report_data.peak_hours = (double) Get_Control_Time (TOTAL_REPORT_PEAK_HOURS, i) / hour;
				//---- offpeak hours ----

				total_report_data.offpeak_hours = (double) Get_Control_Time (TOTAL_REPORT_OFFPEAK_HOURS, i) / hour;
			} else {
				total_report_data.file = 0;

			//---- store the control data ----

			total_report_array.push_back (total_report_data);

	//---- open the node XY file ----

	if (xy_flag) {
		key = Get_Control_String (NODE_XY_FILE);

		if (key.empty ()) {
			Error ("Node XY File is Required for Stop Shapefiles");
		if (Check_Control_Key (NODE_XY_FORMAT)) {
			node_xy_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NODE_XY_FORMAT));
		node_xy_file.File_Type ("Node XY File");

		Print (1);
		node_xy_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));

	//---- link rider file data ----

	num_files = Highest_Control_Group (NEW_LINK_RIDER_FILE);

	if (num_files > 0) {
		arcview_flag = false;

		//---- read the link rider keys ----

		for (i=1; i <= num_files; i++) {

			//---- output data file ---

			key = Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_RIDER_FILE, i);
			if (key.empty ()) continue;
			link_rider_data.number = i;

			if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_LINK_RIDER_FORMAT, i)) {
				format = Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_RIDER_FORMAT, i);

				link_rider_data.arcview_flag = format.Equals ("ARCVIEW");
			} else {
				link_rider_data.arcview_flag = false;
			Print (1);
			if (link_rider_data.arcview_flag) {
				link_rider_data.file = link_rider_data.arc_file = new Arcview_File ();

				link_rider_data.arc_file->File_Type (String ("New Link Rider File #%d") % i);
				link_rider_data.arc_file->Shape_Type (VECTOR);
				link_rider_data.arc_file->Z_Flag (z_flag);
				link_rider_data.arc_file->M_Flag (m_flag);

				link_rider_data.arc_file->Create (Project_Filename (key));

				link_rider_data.arc_file->Set_Projection (projection.Input_Projection (), projection.Output_Projection ());
				arcview_flag = true;
			} else {
				link_rider_data.file = new Db_Header ();

				if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_LINK_RIDER_FORMAT, i)) {
					link_rider_data.file->Dbase_Format (format);
				link_rider_data.file->File_Type (String ("New Link Rider File #%d") % i);
				link_rider_data.file->Create (Project_Filename (key));

			//---- selected modes ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (LINK_RIDER_MODES, i);
			link_rider_data.modes.clear ();

			if (!key.empty () && !key.Equals ("ALL")) {
				link_rider_data.all_modes = false;
				if (!link_rider_data.modes.Add_Ranges (key)) {
					exe->Error ("Adding Modes Ranges");
			} else {
				link_rider_data.all_modes = true;

			//---- selected lines ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (LINK_RIDER_LINES, i);
			link_rider_data.lines.clear ();
			link_rider_data.all_lines = false;
			link_rider_data.each_line = false;

			if (key.empty ()) {
				link_rider_data.all_lines = true;
			} else if (key.Equals ("ALL")) {
				link_rider_data.all_lines = true;
			} else if (key.Equals ("EACH")) {
				link_rider_data.each_line = true;
			} else {
				key.Parse (link_rider_data.lines);
			//---- peak hours ----

			link_rider_data.peak_hours = (double) Get_Control_Time (LINK_RIDER_PEAK_HOURS, i) / hour;

			//---- peak factor ----

			link_rider_data.peak_fac = Get_Control_Double (LINK_RIDER_PEAK_FACTOR, i);

			//---- peak capacity ----

			link_rider_data.peak_cap = Get_Control_Double (LINK_RIDER_PEAK_CAPACITY, i);
			//---- offpeak hours ----

			link_rider_data.offpeak = (double) Get_Control_Time (LINK_RIDER_OFFPEAK_HOURS, i) / hour;

			//---- open node file for arcview output ----

			if (link_rider_data.arcview_flag) {
				key = Get_Control_String (LINK_RIDER_XY_FILE, i);

				if (key.empty ()) {
					Error ("A Link Rider XY File is required for Arcview Output");
				link_rider_data.xy_file = new Db_Header ();
				link_rider_data.xy_file->File_Type (String ("Link Rider XY File #%d") % i);

				if (Check_Control_Key (LINK_RIDER_XY_FORMAT, i)) {
					link_rider_data.xy_file->Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (LINK_RIDER_XY_FORMAT, i));
				link_rider_data.xy_file->Open (Project_Filename (key));

				link_rider_data.node_fld = link_rider_data.xy_file->Required_Field (NODE_FIELD_NAMES);
				link_rider_data.xcoord_fld = link_rider_data.xy_file->Required_Field (X_FIELD_NAMES);
				link_rider_data.ycoord_fld = link_rider_data.xy_file->Required_Field (Y_FIELD_NAMES);

				link_rider_data.offset = Get_Control_Double (LINK_RIDER_SIDE_OFFSET, i);
			} else {
				link_rider_data.offset = 0.0;

			//---- store the control data ----

			link_rider_array.push_back (link_rider_data);

		//---- open the link shape file ----

		if (arcview_flag) {
			key = Get_Control_String (LINK_SHAPE_FILE);

			if (!key.empty ()) {
				Print (1);
				shape_flag = true;

				link_shape.File_Type ("Link Shape File");
				link_shape.Set_Projection (projection.Input_Projection (), projection.Output_Projection ());

				link_shape.Open (Project_Filename (key));

				//---- get the field numbers ----

				key = Get_Control_Text (LINK_SHAPE_ANODE);

				anode_field = link_shape.Required_Field (key);
				Print (0, ", Number=") << anode_field;
				key = Get_Control_Text (LINK_SHAPE_BNODE);

				bnode_field = link_shape.Required_Field (key);
				Print (0, ", Number=") << bnode_field;

		//---- process service level files ----

		key = Get_Control_String (SERVICE_FILE);

		if (!key.empty ()) {
			Print (1);
			service_file.File_Type ("Service File");
			service_flag = true;

			//---- get the file format ----

			if (Check_Control_Key (SERVICE_FORMAT)) {
				service_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (SERVICE_FORMAT));
			service_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));

			//---- get the field numbers ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (SERVICE_LINE_FIELD);

			line_fld = service_file.Required_Field (key);
			Print (0, ", Number=") << line_fld;

			if (Check_Control_Key (SERVICE_PEAK_FIELD)) {
				key = Get_Control_Text (SERVICE_PEAK_FIELD);

				peak_fld = service_file.Required_Field (key);
				Print (0, ", Number=") << peak_fld;
			if (Check_Control_Key (SERVICE_OFFPEAK_FIELD)) {
				key = Get_Control_Text (SERVICE_OFFPEAK_FIELD);

				offpeak_fld = service_file.Required_Field (key);
				Print (0, ", Number=") << offpeak_fld;

	//---- initialize the base routes ----

	num_files = Highest_Control_Group (BASE_ROUTE_FILE, 0);

	if (num_files > 0) {
		base_routes.Initialize (num_files);
		Print (1);

		//---- open each file ----

		for (i=1; i <= num_files; i++) {

			//---- open the base ridership file ----

			key = Get_Control_String (BASE_ROUTE_FILE, i);
			if (key.empty ()) continue;
			fh = base_routes [i-1];

			fh->File_Type (String ("Base Route File #%d") % i);
			fh->File_ID (String ("Base%d") % i);

			//---- get the file format ----

			if (Check_Control_Key (BASE_ROUTE_FORMAT, i)) {
				fh->Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (BASE_ROUTE_FORMAT, i));
			fh->Open (Project_Filename (key));

	//---- initialize the alternative routes ----

	num_files = Highest_Control_Group (ALTERNATIVE_ROUTE_FILE, 0);

	if (num_files > 0) {
		alt_routes.Initialize (num_files);
		Print (1);

		//---- open each file ----

		for (i=1; i <= num_files; i++) {

			//---- open the alternative ridership file ----

			key = Get_Control_String (ALTERNATIVE_ROUTE_FILE, i);
			if (key.empty ()) continue;
			fh = alt_routes [i-1];

			fh->File_Type (String ("Alternative Route File #%d") % i);
			fh->File_ID (String ("Alte%d") % i);

			//---- get the file format ----

			if (Check_Control_Key (ALTERNATIVE_ROUTE_FORMAT, i)) {
				fh->Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (ALTERNATIVE_ROUTE_FORMAT, i));
			fh->Open (Project_Filename (key));
Exemplo n.º 11
void NewFormat::Program_Control (void)
	bool type_flag, flat_flag, time_flag;
	String key;

	//---- open the support files ----

	Data_Service::Program_Control ();

	if (Check_Control_Key (VERSION4_PLAN_FILE) && Check_Control_Key (TRIP_SORT_TYPE)) {
		Warning ("Plan Sorting is Limited to Version 5 Plan files");
		Show_Message (1);
	Print (2, String ("%s Control Keys:") % Program ());

	//---- copy existing fields ----

	copy_flag = Get_Control_Flag (COPY_EXISTING_FIELDS);

	if (copy_flag) {
		if (System_File_Flag (LOCATION) && System_File_Flag (NEW_LOCATION)) {
			Location_File *file = (Location_File *) System_File_Handle (LOCATION);
			new_loc_file = (Location_File *) System_File_Handle (NEW_LOCATION);
			new_loc_file->Add_User_Fields (file);
		if (System_File_Flag (ZONE) && System_File_Flag (NEW_ZONE)) {
			Zone_File *file = (Zone_File *) System_File_Handle (ZONE);
			new_zone_file = (Zone_File *) System_File_Handle (NEW_ZONE);
			new_zone_file->Add_User_Fields (file);

	//---- copy existing configuration ----

	if (System_File_Flag (LINK_DELAY) && System_File_Flag (NEW_LINK_DELAY)) {
		Link_Delay_File *file = (Link_Delay_File *) System_File_Header (LINK_DELAY);
		if (file->Turn_Flag ()) {
			file = (Link_Delay_File *) System_File_Header (NEW_LINK_DELAY);
			file->Clear_Fields ();
			file->Turn_Flag (true);
			file->Set_Nesting (true);
			file->Create_Fields ();
			file->Write_Header ();
	if (System_File_Flag (PERFORMANCE) && System_File_Flag (NEW_PERFORMANCE)) {
		Performance_File *file = (Performance_File *) System_File_Header (PERFORMANCE);
		if (file->Turn_Flag ()) {
			file = (Performance_File *) System_File_Header (NEW_PERFORMANCE);
			file->Clear_Fields ();
			file->Turn_Flag (true);
			file->Set_Nesting (true);
			file->Create_Fields ();
			file->Write_Header ();
	//---- flatten output flag ----

	flat_flag = Get_Control_Flag (FLATTEN_OUTPUT_FLAG);

	if (flat_flag) {
		if (System_File_Flag (NEW_SHAPE)) {
			System_File_Header (NEW_SHAPE)->Flatten_File ();
		if (System_File_Flag (NEW_PARKING)) {
			System_File_Header (NEW_PARKING)->Flatten_File ();
		if (System_File_Flag (NEW_SIGNAL)) {
			System_File_Header (NEW_SIGNAL)->Flatten_File ();
		if (System_File_Flag (NEW_TIMING_PLAN)) {
			System_File_Header (NEW_TIMING_PLAN)->Flatten_File ();
		if (System_File_Flag (NEW_PHASING_PLAN)) {
			System_File_Header (NEW_PHASING_PLAN)->Flatten_File ();
		if (System_File_Flag (NEW_TRANSIT_ROUTE)) {
			System_File_Header (NEW_TRANSIT_ROUTE)->Flatten_File ();
		if (System_File_Flag (NEW_TRANSIT_SCHEDULE)) {
			System_File_Header (NEW_TRANSIT_SCHEDULE)->Flatten_File ();
		if (System_File_Flag (NEW_TRANSIT_DRIVER)) {
			System_File_Header (NEW_TRANSIT_DRIVER)->Flatten_File ();
		if (System_File_Flag (NEW_ROUTE_NODES)) {
			System_File_Header (NEW_ROUTE_NODES)->Flatten_File ();
		if (System_File_Flag (NEW_HOUSEHOLD)) {
			System_File_Header (NEW_HOUSEHOLD)->Flatten_File ();
		if (System_File_Flag (NEW_LINK_DELAY)) {
			System_File_Header (NEW_LINK_DELAY)->Flatten_File ();
		if (System_File_Flag (NEW_PERFORMANCE)) {
			System_File_Header (NEW_PERFORMANCE)->Flatten_File ();
		if (System_File_Flag (NEW_PLAN)) {
			System_File_Header (NEW_PLAN)->Flatten_File ();

	//---- toll file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (TOLL_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		toll_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
		toll_flag = true;

	//---- activity file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (ACTIVITY_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		activity_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
		activity_flag = true;

		if (!System_File_Flag (NEW_TRIP)) {
			Error ("A New Trip file is required to convert an Activity File");
		if (!System_File_Flag (VEHICLE)) {
			Error ("A Vehicle file is required to convert an Activity File");

	//---- person file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (PERSON_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		person_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
		person_flag = true;

	//---- snapshot file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (SNAPSHOT_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		Print (1);
		snap_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
		snap_flag = true;

	//---- new snapshot file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_SNAPSHOT_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		new_snap_file.Compress_Flag (Set_Control_Flag (NEW_SNAPSHOT_COMPRESSION));

		if (new_snap_file.Compress_Flag ()) {
			new_snap_file.Dbase_Format (BINARY);
		} else {
			if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_SNAPSHOT_FORMAT)) {
				new_snap_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_SNAPSHOT_FORMAT));
			new_snap_file.Location_Flag (snap_file.Location_Flag ());
			new_snap_file.Cell_Flag (snap_file.Cell_Flag ());
			new_snap_file.Status_Flag (snap_file.Status_Flag ());
		new_snap_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));

	} else if (snap_flag) {
		Error ("A New Snapshot File is required for Output");

	//---- version 4 time format ----

	time_units = Units_Code (Get_Control_Text (VERSION4_TIME_FORMAT));
	time_flag = Check_Control_Key (VERSION4_TIME_FORMAT);

	if (time_flag) {
		int num;
		Field_Ptr fld_ptr;

		if (System_File_Flag (TRIP)) {
			Trip_File *file = (Trip_File *) System_File_Base (TRIP);
			if (file->Version () <= 40) {
				num = file->Optional_Field (START_FIELD_NAMES);
				if (num >= 0) {
					fld_ptr = file->Field (num);
					fld_ptr->Units (time_units);
				num = file->Optional_Field (END_FIELD_NAMES);
				if (num >= 0) {
					fld_ptr = file->Field (num);
					fld_ptr->Units (time_units);
				num = file->Optional_Field (DURATION_FIELD_NAMES);
				if (num >= 0) {
					fld_ptr = file->Field (num);
					fld_ptr->Units (time_units);
		if (activity_flag) {
			num = activity_file.Optional_Field ("START_MIN", "START", "START_TIME", "STARTTIME");
			if (num >= 0) {
				fld_ptr = activity_file.Field (num);
				fld_ptr->Units (time_units);
			num = activity_file.Optional_Field ("START_MAX", "START", "START_TIME", "STARTTIME");
			if (num >= 0) {
				fld_ptr = activity_file.Field (num);
				fld_ptr->Units (time_units);
			num = activity_file.Optional_Field ("END_MIN", "END", "END_TIME", "ENDTIME");
			if (num >= 0) {
				fld_ptr = activity_file.Field (num);
				fld_ptr->Units (time_units);
			num = activity_file.Optional_Field ("END_MAX", "END", "END_TIME", "ENDTIME");
			if (num >= 0) {
				fld_ptr = activity_file.Field (num);
				fld_ptr->Units (time_units);
			num = activity_file.Optional_Field ("TIME_MIN", "DURATION");
			if (num >= 0) {
				fld_ptr = activity_file.Field (num);
				fld_ptr->Units (time_units);
			num = activity_file.Optional_Field ("TIME_MAX", "DURATION");
			if (num >= 0) {
				fld_ptr = activity_file.Field (num);
				fld_ptr->Units (time_units);

	//---- plan file ----

	if (Check_Control_Key (VERSION4_PLAN_FILE)) {
		if (System_File_Flag (PLAN)) {
			Error ("A plan file and Version 4 plan file must be processed separateley");
		if (!System_File_Flag (NEW_PLAN)) {
			Error ("A new plan file is required to convert a Version 4 plan file");
		Print (1);
		plan_flag = true;
		old_plan.File_Type ("Version4 Plan File");

		//---- get the list type ----

		key = Get_Control_String (NODE_LIST_PATHS);

		if (!key.empty ()) {
			type_flag = key.Bool ();
		} else {
			type_flag = true;
		old_plan.Node_Based_Flag (type_flag);

		//---- get the traveler scale ----

		key = Get_Control_String (TRAVELER_SCALING_FACTOR);

		if (!key.empty ()) {
			scale = key.Integer ();

			if (scale < 2 || scale > 100) {
				Control_Key_Error (TRAVELER_SCALING_FACTOR, "(2..100)");
			old_plan.Traveler_Scale (scale);

		//---- get the file format ----

		if (Check_Control_Key (VERSION4_PLAN_FORMAT)) {
			old_plan.File_Format (Get_Control_String (VERSION4_PLAN_FORMAT));

		//---- open the file and print the parameters ----

		if (!old_plan.Open (Project_Filename (Get_Control_String (VERSION4_PLAN_FILE)))) {
			File_Error ("Opening Version4 Plan File", old_plan.Filename ());
		Get_Control_Text (VERSION4_PLAN_FORMAT);

		type_flag = old_plan.Node_Based_Flag ();

		if (type_flag) {
			Print (1, "Plan File contains Node List Paths");
			if (!System_File_Flag (NODE) || !System_File_Flag (LINK) || !System_File_Flag (PARKING)) {
				Error ("A Node, Link and Parking Files are Required for Node-Based Plan Files");
			AB_Map_Flag (true);
		} else {
			Print (1, "Plan File contains Link List Paths");
		Get_Control_Integer (TRAVELER_SCALING_FACTOR);

	} else if (snap_flag && snap_file.Version () <= 40) {

		//---- get the traveler scale ----

		scale= Get_Control_Integer (TRAVELER_SCALING_FACTOR);

		if (scale < 2 || scale > 100) {
			Control_Key_Error (TRAVELER_SCALING_FACTOR, "(2..100)");

	//---- Version 4 Route Header and Node files ----

	if (Check_Control_Key (VERSION4_ROUTE_HEADER)) {
		if (!System_File_Flag (NEW_ROUTE_NODES)) {
			Error ("A New Route Nodes File is Required");
		int i, num;
		String field;
		Field_Ptr fld_ptr;

		if (!time_flag) time_units = MINUTES;

		Print (1);
		route_flag = true;

		Route_Nodes_File *file = (Route_Nodes_File *) System_File_Base (NEW_ROUTE_NODES);

		key = Get_Control_String (VERSION4_ROUTE_HEADER);

		route_header.File_Type ("Version4 Route Header");
		route_header.File_ID ("Header");

		route_header.Open (Project_Filename (key));

		for (i=1; i <= 24; i++) {
			field ("HEADWAY_%d") % i;
			num = route_header.Optional_Field (field.c_str ());
			if (num < 0) break;

			fld_ptr = route_header.Field (num);
			fld_ptr->Units (time_units);

			field ("OFFSET_%d") % i;
			num = route_header.Optional_Field (field.c_str ());
			if (num >= 0) {
				fld_ptr = route_header.Field (num);
				fld_ptr->Units (time_units);
			field ("TTIME_%d") % i;
			num = route_header.Optional_Field (field.c_str ());
			if (num >= 0) {
				fld_ptr = route_header.Field (num);
				fld_ptr->Units (time_units);
		route_periods = i - 1;
		if (route_periods != file->Num_Periods ()) {
			file->Num_Periods (route_periods);
			file->Clear_Fields ();
			file->Create_Fields ();
			file->Write_Header ();
		key = Get_Control_String (VERSION4_ROUTE_NODES);

		if (key.empty ()) {
			Error ("A Version4 Route Nodes file is Required");
		route_nodes.File_Type ("Version4 Route Nodes");
		route_nodes.File_ID ("Nodes");

		route_nodes.Open (Project_Filename (key));
Exemplo n.º 12
void PerfPrep::Program_Control (void)
	String key;
	Strings list;
	Str_Itr str_itr;

	//---- open network files ----

	Data_Service::Program_Control ();
	Read_Select_Keys ();
	Read_Flow_Time_Keys ();

	Print (2, String ("%s Control Keys:") % Program ());

	new_file_flag = System_File_Flag (NEW_PERFORMANCE);

	//---- open the merge performance ----
	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_PERFORMANCE_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		merge_file.File_Type ("Merge Performance File");
		Print (1);

		if (Check_Control_Key (MERGE_PERFORMANCE_FORMAT)) {
			merge_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (MERGE_PERFORMANCE_FORMAT));
		merge_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
		merge_flag = true;

		if (!new_file_flag) {
			Error ("A New Performance File is required for Merge Processing");

	//---- open the base performance ----
	key = Get_Control_String (BASE_PERFORMANCE_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		base_file.File_Type ("Base Performance File");
		Print (1);

		if (Check_Control_Key (BASE_PERFORMANCE_FORMAT)) {
			base_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (BASE_PERFORMANCE_FORMAT));
		base_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
		base_flag = true;

		if (!new_file_flag) {
			Error ("A New Performance File is required for Base Processing");

	//---- open the merge turn delay ----

	turn_flag = System_File_Flag (TURN_DELAY);

	if (turn_flag) {
		key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_TURN_DELAY_FILE);

		if (!key.empty ()) {
			turn_file.File_Type ("Merge Turn Delay File");
			Print (1);

			if (Check_Control_Key (MERGE_TURN_DELAY_FORMAT)) {
				turn_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (MERGE_TURN_DELAY_FORMAT));
			turn_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
			turn_merge_flag = true;

			if (!System_File_Flag (NEW_TURN_DELAY)) {
				Error ("A New Turn Delay File is required for Merge Processing");

	//---- processing method ----

	Print (1);
	key = Get_Control_Text (PROCESSING_METHOD);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		method = Combine_Code (key);

		if (method != UPDATE_TIMES) {
			if (merge_flag || turn_merge_flag) {
				if (method == WEIGHTED_LINK_AVG || method == REPLACE_AVERAGE) {

					//---- merge weighting factor ----

					factor = Get_Control_Double (MERGE_WEIGHTING_FACTOR);
			} else {
				//Error (String ("Processing Method %s requires Merge Files") % key);

	//---- read the smoothing parameters ----

	smooth_flag = smooth_data.Read_Control ();

	if (smooth_flag) {
		if (!smooth_data.Num_Input (time_periods.Num_Periods ())) {
			Error ("Smooth Parameters are Illogical");
		if (!new_file_flag) {
			Error ("A New Performance File is required for Data Smoothing");

	//---- set min travel time ----

	min_time_flag = Get_Control_Flag (SET_MIN_TRAVEL_TIME);

	if (min_time_flag && !new_file_flag) {
		Error ("A New Performance File is required for Minimum Travel Times");

	//---- set merge transit data ----

	key = Get_Control_Text (MERGE_TRANSIT_DATA);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		transit_flag = true;

		if (!System_File_Flag (TRANSIT_STOP) || !System_File_Flag (TRANSIT_ROUTE) ||
			!System_File_Flag (TRANSIT_SCHEDULE) || !System_File_Flag (TRANSIT_DRIVER)) {

			Error ("Transit Network Files are Required for Transit Loading");
		if (!new_file_flag) {
			Error ("A New Performance File is required to Merge Transit Data");
		key.Parse (list);
		for (str_itr = list.begin (); str_itr != list.end (); str_itr++) {
			if (str_itr->Starts_With ("VEH")) {
				transit_veh_flag = true;
			} else if (str_itr->Starts_With ("PER")) {
				transit_person_flag = true;
			} else if (str_itr->Starts_With ("PCE") || str_itr->Starts_With ("CAR_EQ")) {
				transit_pce_flag = true;
		if (!System_File_Flag (VEHICLE_TYPE) && transit_pce_flag) {
			Warning ("Vehicle Type File is Required for Transit PCE Loading");
		if (!System_File_Flag (RIDERSHIP) && transit_person_flag) {
			Warning ("Ridership File is Required for Transit Person Loading");
		if (!merge_flag) {
			method = Combine_Code (Get_Control_Text (PROCESSING_METHOD));

	//---- open the time constraint file ----
	key = Get_Control_String (TIME_CONSTRAINT_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		constraint_file.File_Type ("Time Constraint File");
		Print (1);

		if (Check_Control_Key (TIME_CONSTRAINT_FORMAT)) {
			constraint_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (TIME_CONSTRAINT_FORMAT));
		constraint_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
		constraint_flag = true;

	//---- open the time ratio file ----
	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_TIME_RATIO_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		time_ratio_file.File_Type ("New Time Ratio File");

		time_ratio_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
		time_ratio_flag = true;

	//---- open the deleted record file ----
	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_DELETED_RECORD_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		deleted_file.File_Type ("New Deleted Record File");
		Print (1);

		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_DELETED_RECORD_FORMAT)) {
			deleted_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_DELETED_RECORD_FORMAT));
		deleted_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
		del_file_flag = true;

	List_Reports ();

	first_delete = deleted_flag = (Report_Flag (DELETED_RECORDS) || del_file_flag);
Exemplo n.º 13
void TPPlusNet::Program_Control (void)
	int len;
	char *str_ptr, *format_ptr;

	//---- create the network files ----

	Network_Service::Program_Control ();

	//---- get the projection data ----

	proj_service.Read_Control ();

	projection.Set_Projection (proj_service.Input_Projection (), proj_service.Output_Projection ());

	//---- open the TP+ link file ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TPPLUS_LINK_FILE);

	if (str_ptr == NULL) goto control_error;

	len = (int) strlen (str_ptr);
	len = (len > 4) ? len - 4 : 0;

	if ((format_ptr = strchr (str_ptr + len, '.')) != NULL) {
		link_shape_flag = (str_cmp (format_ptr, ".shp") == 0);

	if (link_shape_flag) {

		//---- set the projection data ----

		link_shape_file.Set_Projection (proj_service.Input_Projection (), proj_service.Output_Projection ());

		link_shape_file.File_Type ("TPPlus Link File");
		link_shape_file.File_ID ("TPPLUS");

		Print (1);
		link_shape_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));

		link_shape_file.File_Access (MODIFY);
	} else {
		link_file.File_Type ("TPPlus Link File");
		link_file.File_ID ("TPPLUS");

		format_ptr = Get_Control_String (TPPLUS_LINK_FORMAT);

		if (format_ptr != NULL) {
			link_file.Dbase_Format (format_ptr);
		Print (1);
		link_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));

		link_file.File_Access (MODIFY);

	//---- open the TP+ node file ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TPPLUS_NODE_FILE);

	if (str_ptr == NULL) goto control_error;

	len = (int) strlen (str_ptr);
	len = (len > 4) ? len - 4 : 0;

	if ((format_ptr = strchr (str_ptr + len, '.')) != NULL) {
		node_shape_flag = (str_cmp (format_ptr, ".shp") == 0);

	if (node_shape_flag) {

		//---- set the projection data ----

		node_shape_file.Set_Projection (proj_service.Input_Projection (), proj_service.Output_Projection ());

		node_shape_file.File_Type ("TPPlus Node File");
		node_shape_file.File_ID ("TPPLUS");

		Print (1);
		node_shape_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));
	} else {
		node_file.File_Type ("TPPlus Node File");
		node_file.File_ID ("TPPLUS");

		format_ptr = Get_Control_String (TPPLUS_NODE_FORMAT);

		if (format_ptr != NULL) {
			node_file.Dbase_Format (format_ptr);
		Print (1);
		node_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));

	//---- open the speed capacity table ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TPPLUS_SPDCAP_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		spdcap_file.File_Type ("TPPlus Speed-Capacity File");
		spdcap_file.File_ID ("TPPLUS");

		format_ptr = Get_Control_String (TPPLUS_SPDCAP_FORMAT);

		if (format_ptr != NULL) {
			spdcap_file.Dbase_Format (format_ptr);
		} else {
			spdcap_file.Dbase_Format (FIXED_COLUMN);
		Print (1);
		spdcap_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));
		spdcap_flag = true;

		//---- convert units ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (CONVERT_MPH_TO_MPS);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Print (1, "Convert MPH to MPS = %s", str_ptr);

			units_flag = Get_Control_Flag (CONVERT_MPH_TO_MPS);

		//---- facility index field ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (FACILITY_INDEX_FIELD);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Print (1, "Facility Index Field = %s", str_ptr);

			if (link_shape_flag) {
				fac_fld = link_shape_file.Required_Field (str_ptr);
			} else {
				fac_fld = link_file.Required_Field (str_ptr);
			Print (0, " (Number = %d)", fac_fld);

		//---- area type index field ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (AREA_TYPE_INDEX_FIELD);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Print (1, "Area Type Index Field = %s", str_ptr);

			if (link_shape_flag) {
				at_fld = link_shape_file.Required_Field (str_ptr);
			} else {
				at_fld = link_file.Required_Field (str_ptr);
			Print (0, " (Number = %d)", at_fld);
		if ((fac_fld == 0 && at_fld > 0) || (fac_fld > 0 && at_fld == 0)) {
			Error ("Facility and Area Types Index Fields are Required");

	//---- open the conversion script ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (CONVERSION_SCRIPT);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (1);
		script_file.File_Type ("Conversion Script");

		script_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));
		convert_flag = true;

	//---- external zone number ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (EXTERNAL_ZONE_NUMBER);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		ext_zone = atoi (str_ptr);

		if (ext_zone < 0 || ext_zone > 10000) {
			Error ("External Zone Number %d is Out of Range (0..10000)", ext_zone);
		Print (2, "First External Zone Number = %d", ext_zone);

	//---- open the link detail file ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_DETAIL_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (1);
		detail_file.Notes_Flag (Notes_Name_Flag ());

		detail_file.Create (Project_Filename (str_ptr));
		detail_flag = true;

	if (link_shape_flag) {
		shape_file = (Shape_File *) Network_Db_Base (NEW_SHAPE);

		if (link_shape_file.Z_Flag () && shape_file != NULL) {
			shape_file->Z_Flag (true);

			shape_file->Clear_Fields ();
			shape_file->Create_Fields ();
			shape_file->Write_Header ();

	Error ("Missing Control Key = %s", Current_Key ());
Exemplo n.º 14
void SmoothData::Program_Control (void)
	int i, lvalue, nfile, nheader, nfield, increment, max_field;
	int naverage, default_average, niter, default_iter, max_size, max_iter;
	char *str_ptr, *format_ptr, buffer [FIELD_BUFFER];
	char input_data [FIELD_BUFFER], output_data [FIELD_BUFFER];
	char input_format [FIELD_BUFFER], output_format [FIELD_BUFFER];
	char initial_file [STRING_BUFFER], initial_format [FIELD_BUFFER];
	double dvalue, forward, backward, factor;
	bool loop_flag, initial_flag, replicate_flag;

	File_Group *group_ptr;

	nfile = 0;
	nheader = 1;
	nfield = 0;
	max_field = 100;
	increment = 0;
	default_average = 3;
	max_size = 9;
	forward = 20.0;
	backward = 20.0;
	default_iter = 0;
	max_iter = 25;
	loop_flag = true;
	initial_flag = false;
	replicate_flag = false;
	input_data [0] = output_data [0] = '\0';

	str_cpy (input_format, sizeof (input_format), "HOURS");
	str_cpy (output_format, sizeof (output_format), "HOURS");

	//---- number of input files ----

	nfile = Highest_Control_Group (INPUT_DATA_FILE_x, 0);

	if (nfile == 0) {
		Error ("No Input Data File Keys");
	file_group.Max_Records (nfile);

	//---- get the default file format ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (INPUT_DATA_FORMAT);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		str_cpy (input_data, sizeof (input_data), str_ptr);
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (OUTPUT_DATA_FORMAT);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		str_cpy (output_data, sizeof (output_data), str_ptr);

	//---- get the default distribution filename ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DISTRIBUTION_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		str_cpy (initial_file, sizeof (initial_file), str_ptr);
		initial_flag = true;

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DISTRIBUTION_FORMAT);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			str_cpy (initial_format, sizeof (initial_format), str_ptr);
		} else {
			initial_format [0] = '\0';

	//---- get the time of day format ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (INPUT_TIME_FORMAT);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		str_cpy (input_format, sizeof (input_format), str_ptr);
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (OUTPUT_TIME_FORMAT);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		str_cpy (output_format, sizeof (output_format), str_ptr);

	//---- read the field number ----	

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SMOOTH_FIELD_NUMBER);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue);
		if (lvalue < 1 || lvalue > max_field) goto field_error;
		nfield = lvalue;

	//---- time increment ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SMOOTH_TIME_INCREMENT);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue);
		if (lvalue < 0 || lvalue > 3600) goto increment_error;
		increment = lvalue;
	if (increment > 0) {
		max_size = 2 * 3600 / increment + 1;
		max_iter = (max_size + 1) / 2;
		if (max_iter > 100) max_iter = 100;
		max_iter *= max_iter;
	} else {
		max_size = 9;
		max_iter = 25;

	//---- read the number smooth records ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SMOOTH_GROUP_SIZE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue);
		if (lvalue < 3 || lvalue > max_size) goto size_error;
		if ((lvalue % 2) != 1) goto odd_error;
		default_average = lvalue;

	//---- read the percent distributed forward ----

	factor = 100.0 - 50.0 / default_average;

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (PERCENT_MOVED_FORWARD);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);
		if (dvalue < 0.0 || dvalue > factor) goto forward_error;
		forward = dvalue;

	//---- read the percent distributed backwarde ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (PERCENT_MOVED_BACKWARD);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);
		if (dvalue < 0.0 || dvalue > factor) goto backward_error;
		backward = dvalue;

	factor = forward + backward;
	dvalue = 100.0 - 100.0 / default_average;
	if (factor < 5.0 || factor > dvalue) goto combined_error;

	//---- number of iterations ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue);
		if (lvalue < 1 || lvalue > max_iter) goto iteration_error;
		default_iter = lvalue;

	//---- read the circular smoothing flag ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (CIRCULAR_GROUP_FLAG);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		loop_flag = Get_Control_Flag (CIRCULAR_GROUP_FLAG);

	//---- read the replicate fields flag ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (REPLICATE_FIELDS_FLAG);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		replicate_flag = Get_Control_Flag (REPLICATE_FIELDS_FLAG);

	//---- open each file ----

	for (i=1; i <= nfile; i++) {

		//---- get the next filename ---
		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (INPUT_DATA_FILE_x, i);

		if (str_ptr == NULL) continue;

		group_ptr = file_group.New_Record (true);

		group_ptr->Group (i);

		//---- create the input file ----

		Print (1);
		group_ptr->Input_File (new Diurnal_File ());

		str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Input Data File #%d", i);

		group_ptr->Input_File ()->File_Type (buffer);

		format_ptr = Get_Control_String (INPUT_DATA_FORMAT_x, i);

		if (format_ptr != NULL) {
			group_ptr->Input_File ()->Dbase_Format (format_ptr);
		} else if (input_data [0] != '\0') {
			group_ptr->Input_File ()->Dbase_Format (input_data);

		//---- open the file ----

		if (!group_ptr->Input_File ()->Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr))) {
			File_Error (buffer, group_ptr->Input_File ()->Filename ());

		//---- open the output file ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (OUTPUT_DATA_FILE_x, i);

		if (str_ptr == NULL) goto control_error;

		group_ptr->Output_File (new Diurnal_File (Db_Code::CREATE));
		str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Output Data File #%d", i);

		group_ptr->Output_File ()->File_Type (buffer);

		format_ptr = Get_Control_String (OUTPUT_DATA_FORMAT_x, i);

		if (format_ptr != NULL) {
			group_ptr->Output_File ()->Dbase_Format (format_ptr);
		} else if (output_data [0] != '\0') {
			group_ptr->Output_File ()->Dbase_Format (output_data);
		if (!group_ptr->Output_File ()->Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr))) {
			File_Error (buffer, group_ptr->Output_File ()->Filename ());

		//---- get the distribution file ----
		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DISTRIBUTION_FILE_x, i);

		if (str_ptr == NULL) {
			if (initial_flag) {
				str_ptr = initial_file;
				if (initial_format [0] != '\0') {
					format_ptr = initial_format;
				} else {
					format_ptr = NULL;
		} else {
			format_ptr = Get_Control_String (DISTRIBUTION_FORMAT_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			group_ptr->Initial_File (new Diurnal_File ());

			str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Distribution File #%d", i);

			group_ptr->Initial_File ()->File_Type (buffer);

			if (format_ptr != NULL) {
				group_ptr->Initial_File ()->Dbase_Format (format_ptr);
			if (!group_ptr->Initial_File ()->Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr))) {
				File_Error (buffer, group_ptr->Initial_File ()->Filename ());
		} else {
			group_ptr->Initial_File (NULL);

		//---- get the time of day format ----
		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (INPUT_TIME_FORMAT_x, i);

		if (str_ptr == NULL) {
			str_ptr = input_format;
		if (!group_ptr->Input_Format (str_ptr)) {
			Error ("Input Time Format %s was Unrecognized", str_ptr);
		Print (1, "Input Time Format = %s", str_ptr);
		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (OUTPUT_TIME_FORMAT_x, i);

		if (str_ptr == NULL) {
			str_ptr = output_format;
		if (!group_ptr->Output_Format (str_ptr)) {
			Error ("Output Time Format %s was Unrecognized", str_ptr);
		Print (1, "Output Time Format = %s", str_ptr);

		//---- read the field number ----	

		max_field = group_ptr->Input_File ()->Num_Fields ();

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SMOOTH_FIELD_NUMBER_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue);
			if (lvalue < 1 || lvalue > max_field) goto field_error;
		} else {
			lvalue = nfield;
		group_ptr->Field_Number (lvalue);

		if (lvalue > 0) {
			Print (1, "Smooth Field Number = %d", lvalue);
			group_ptr->Input_File ()->Share_Field (lvalue);

		//---- time increment ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SMOOTH_TIME_INCREMENT_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue);
			if (lvalue < 0 || lvalue > 3600) goto increment_error;
		} else {
			lvalue = increment;
		if (lvalue > 0) {
			Print (1, "Smooth Time Increment = %d seconds", lvalue);

			max_size = 2 * 3600 / lvalue + 1;
			max_iter = (max_size + 1) / 2;
			if (max_iter > 100) max_iter = 100;
			max_iter *= max_iter;

			naverage = default_average;
			niter = default_iter;

			if (niter == 0) {
				niter = max_iter / 2;
		} else {
			Print (1, "Smooth Based on Input Time Periods");

			max_size = 9;
			max_iter = 25;
			naverage = default_average; 
			niter = default_iter;
		group_ptr->Increment (lvalue);

		//---- read the number smooth records ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SMOOTH_GROUP_SIZE_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue);
			if (lvalue < 3 || lvalue > max_size) goto size_error;
			if ((lvalue % 2) != 1) goto odd_error;
		} else {
			lvalue = naverage;
		Print (1, "Smooth Group Size = %d", lvalue);
		group_ptr->Num_Average (lvalue);

		//---- read the percent distributed forward ----

		factor = 100.0 - 50.0 / lvalue;

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (PERCENT_MOVED_FORWARD_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);
			if (dvalue < 0.0 || dvalue > factor) goto forward_error;
		} else {
			dvalue = forward;
		Print (1, "Percent Distributed Forward = %.1lf percent", dvalue);
		group_ptr->Forward (dvalue);

		//---- read the percent distributed backwarde ----
		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (PERCENT_MOVED_BACKWARD_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);
			if (dvalue < 0.0 || dvalue > factor) goto backward_error;
		} else {
			dvalue = backward;
		Print (1, "Percent Distributed Backward = %.1lf percent", dvalue);
		group_ptr->Backward (dvalue);

		factor = group_ptr->Forward () + group_ptr->Backward ();
		dvalue = 100.0 - 100.0 / group_ptr->Num_Average ();
		if (factor < 5.0 || factor > dvalue) goto combined_error;

		//---- number of iterations ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue);
			if (lvalue < 1 || lvalue > max_iter) goto iteration_error;
		} else {
			lvalue = niter;
		Print (1, "Number of Iterations = %d", lvalue);
		group_ptr->Num_Iteration (lvalue);

		//---- read the circular smoothing flag ----
		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (CIRCULAR_GROUP_FLAG_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			group_ptr->Loop_Flag (Get_Control_Flag (CIRCULAR_GROUP_FLAG_x, i));
		} else {
			group_ptr->Loop_Flag (loop_flag);
		Print (1, "Circular Group Flag = %s", (group_ptr->Loop_Flag () ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));

		//---- read the replicate fields flag ----
		if (Get_Control_String (REPLICATE_FIELDS_FLAG_x, i) != NULL) {
			group_ptr->Replicate_Flag (Get_Control_Flag (REPLICATE_FIELDS_FLAG_x, i));
		} else {
			group_ptr->Replicate_Flag (replicate_flag);
		Print (1, "Replicate Fields Flag = %s", (group_ptr->Replicate_Flag () ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));

		if (group_ptr->Replicate_Flag ()) {
			int field, num;
			bool binary;
			Db_Field *fld;
			Diurnal_File *file;

			group_ptr->Output_File ()->Share_Field (0);
			group_ptr->Output_File ()->Clear_Fields ();

			//---- copy all fields ----

			file = group_ptr->Input_File ();
			binary = (file->Record_Format () == Db_Code::BINARY);

			num = file->Num_Fields ();

			for (field=1; field <= num; field++) {
				fld = file->Field (field);
				if (fld == NULL) continue;

				if (field == file->Start_Field () || field == file->End_Field ()) {
					group_ptr->Output_File ()->Add_Field (fld->Name (), Db_Code::STRING, 20);
				} else {
					group_ptr->Output_File ()->Add_Field (fld->Name (), fld->Type (), fld->Size (), 
															fld->Decimal (), -1, binary);
			group_ptr->Output_File ()->Write_Header ();
			group_ptr->Output_File ()->Share_Field (group_ptr->Input_File ()->Share_Field ());

		//---- add the group record ----

		if (!file_group.Add ()) {
			Error ("Adding File Group");

	//---- error message ----

	Error ("Missing Control Key = %s", Current_Key ());

	Error ("Field Number %d is Out of Range (1..%d)", lvalue, max_field);

	Error ("Smooth Time Increment %d is Out of Range (0..3600)", lvalue);

	Error ("Smooth Group Size %d is Out of Range (1..%d)", lvalue, max_size);

	Error ("Smooth Group Size %d must be an Odd Number", lvalue);

	Error ("Forward Percentage %.1lf is Out of Range (0..%.1lf)", dvalue, factor);

	Error ("Backward Percentage %.1lf is Out of Range (0..%.1lf)", dvalue, factor);

	Error ("Combined Distribution Percentage %.1lf is Out of Range (5..%.0lf)", factor, dvalue);

	Error ("Number of Iterations %d is Out of Range (1-%d)", lvalue, max_iter);
Exemplo n.º 15
void TransimsNet::Program_Control (void)
	int i, num, lvalue;
	double dvalue;
	char *str_ptr, buffer [FIELD_BUFFER];

	Area_Type *type_ptr;

	//---- open network files ----

	Network_Service::Program_Control ();

	//---- set the file flags ----

	shape_flag = Network_File_Flag (NEW_SHAPE);
	zone_flag = Network_File_Flag (ZONE);
	zout_flag = Network_File_Flag (NEW_ZONE);

	name_flag = (((Link_File *) Network_Db_Base (LINK))->Name_Flag () && 
				((Link_File *) Network_Db_Base (NEW_LINK))->Name_Flag ());

	turn_flag = Network_File_Flag (TURN_PROHIBITION);

	//---- set the zone fields ----

	if (zout_flag) {
		if (!zone_flag) {
			Print (2, "Zone Centroids Copied from Node File");
		} else {
			Zone_File *file = (Zone_File *) Network_Db_File (ZONE);
			Zone_File *new_file = (Zone_File *) Network_Db_File (NEW_ZONE);

			new_file->Clear_Fields ();
			new_file->Replicate_Fields (file);
			new_file->Write_Header ();

	//---- keep node list ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (KEEP_NODE_LIST);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (1);
		keep_nodes.File_Type ("Keep Node List File");

		keep_nodes.Open (Network_Filename (str_ptr));

	//---- link node equivalance ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (LINK_NODE_EQUIVALENCE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (1);
		node_string.File_Type ("Link Node Equivalence File");

		node_string.Create (New_Filename (str_ptr));

	//---- get the pocket lane lengths ----

	Print (1);

	num = Highest_Control_Group (POCKET_LENGTHS_FOR_FACILITY_x, 0);

	if (num >= EXTERNAL) num = EXTERNAL - 1;

	for (i=1; i <= num; i++) {
		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (POCKET_LENGTHS_FOR_FACILITY_x, i);
		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Print (1, "Pocket Lengths for Facility Type %d = %s meters", i, str_ptr);

			while (str_ptr != NULL) {
				str_ptr = Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);

				if (dvalue < 0.0 || dvalue > 2000.0) {
					Error ("Pocket Length %.1lf for Facility %d is Out of Range (0..2000)", dvalue, i);
				if (!pocket_len [i].Add (Round (dvalue))) {
					Error ("Adding Pocket Lane Length");

	//---- get the pocket to facility ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (POCKET_TO_FACILITY_BY_AREA_TYPE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		pocket_to_flag = true;

		Print (1, "Pocket To Facility Types by Area Type = %s", str_ptr);

		while (str_ptr != NULL) {
			str_ptr = Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue);

			if (lvalue < 0 || lvalue > EXTERNAL) {
				Error ("Pocket To Facility %d is Out of Range (0..%d)", lvalue, EXTERNAL);
			if (!pocket_to.Add (lvalue)) {
				Error ("Adding Pocket To Facility");

	//---- get the signal warrants ----

	Print (1);

	num = Highest_Control_Group (SIGNAL_WARRANT_FOR_AREA_TYPE_x, 0);

	for (i=1; i <= num; i++) {
		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SIGNAL_WARRANT_FOR_AREA_TYPE_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Area_Type type_rec (i);

			Print (1, "Signal Warrant for Area Type %d = %s", i, str_ptr);

            str_ptr = Get_Token (str_ptr, buffer, sizeof (buffer));

			type_rec.Primary (Facility_Code (buffer));

			str_ptr = Get_Token (str_ptr, buffer, sizeof (buffer));

			type_rec.Secondary (Facility_Code (buffer));

			str_ptr = Get_Token (str_ptr, buffer, sizeof (buffer));

			if (*buffer == '\0') {
				str_cpy (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "ACTUATED");

			type_rec.Signal_Type (Signal_Code (buffer));

			str_ptr = Get_Token (str_ptr, buffer, sizeof (buffer));

			if (*buffer == '\0') {
				str_cpy (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "SINGLE_RING");

			type_rec.Ring_Type (Ring_Code (buffer));

			if (!area_type.Add (&type_rec)) goto type_error;

	//---- get the sign warrants ----

	Print (1);

	num = Highest_Control_Group (STOP_WARRANT_FOR_AREA_TYPE_x, 0);

	for (i=1; i <= num; i++) {
		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (STOP_WARRANT_FOR_AREA_TYPE_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			type_ptr = area_type.Get (i);

			lvalue = Facility_Code (str_ptr);

			if (type_ptr == NULL) {
				Area_Type type_rec (i);
				type_rec.All_Stop (lvalue);

				if (!area_type.Add (&type_rec)) goto type_error;
			} else {
				type_ptr->All_Stop (lvalue);
			Print (1, "Stop Warrant for Area Type %d = %s", i, str_ptr);

	//---- activity location side offset ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (ACTIVITY_LOCATION_SIDE_OFFSET);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Double (str_ptr, &location_side);

		if (location_side < 0.0 || location_side > 100.0) {
			Error ("Activity Location Side Offset %.2lf is Out of Range (0..100)", location_side);
	Print (2, "Activity Location Side Offset = %.2lf meters", location_side);

	//---- get the facility type access flags ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (FACILITY_TYPE_ACCESS_FLAGS);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		for (i=1; str_ptr != NULL; i++) {
			str_ptr = Get_Token (str_ptr, buffer, sizeof (buffer));

			if (*buffer == '\0') break;

			access_flag [i] = (*buffer == '1' || *buffer == 't' || *buffer == 'T' || 
				*buffer == 'y' || *buffer == 'Y');
	Print (2, "Facility Type Access Flags = ");

	for (i=1; i <= EXTERNAL; i++) {
		if (i > 1) {
			Print (0, ", %d", access_flag [i]);
		} else {
			Print (0, "%d", access_flag [i]);

	//---- get the number of access points ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (MAXIMUM_ACCESS_POINTS);

	if (str_ptr == NULL) goto control_error;

	Get_Integer (str_ptr, &max_splits);

	if (max_splits < 1 || max_splits > 20) {
		Error ("Maximum Number of Access Points %d is Out of Range", max_splits);
	Print (2, "Maximum Number of Access Points Per Link = %d", max_splits);

	//---- get the min split length ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (MINIMUM_SPLIT_LENGTHS);

	if (str_ptr == NULL) goto control_error;

	Print (2, "Minimum Split Lengths = %s meters", str_ptr);

	for (i=1; str_ptr != NULL; i++) {
		str_ptr = Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue);

		if (lvalue == 0) continue;

		if (lvalue < 40 || lvalue > 4000) {
			Error ("Minimum Split Length %d is Out of Range (40-4000)", lvalue);
		lvalue = Round (lvalue);

		type_ptr = area_type.Get (i);

		if (type_ptr == NULL) {
			Area_Type type_rec (i);
			type_rec.Split_Len (lvalue);

			if (!area_type.Add (&type_rec)) goto type_error;
		} else {
			type_ptr->Split_Len (lvalue);

	//---- get the cell size ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (CELL_SIZE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Double (str_ptr, &cell_size);

		if (cell_size < 4.0 || cell_size > 9.0) {
			Error ("Cell Size %.2lf is Out of Range (4..9)", cell_size);
	Print (2, "Cell Size = %.2lf meters", cell_size);

	//---- get the minimum link length ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (MINIMUM_LINK_LENGTH);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);

		if (dvalue < cell_size || dvalue > 100.0) {
			Error ("Minimum Link Length %.1lf is Out of Range (%.1lf..100.0)", dvalue, cell_size);
	} else {
		dvalue = cell_size * 5.0;
	min_length = Round (dvalue);
	Print (2, "Minimum Link Length = %.1lf meters", UnRound (min_length));

	//---- get the maximum length factor ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (MAXIMUM_LENGTH_TO_XY_RATIO);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Double (str_ptr, &max_length_factor);

		if (max_length_factor < 1.0 || max_length_factor > 2.0) {
			Error ("Maximum Length to XY Ratio %.1lf is Out of Range (1.0..2.0)", max_length_factor);
	Print (2, "Maximum Length to XY Ratio = %.2lf", max_length_factor);

	//---- get the maximum connection angle ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (MAXIMUM_CONNECTION_ANGLE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue);

		if (lvalue < 90 || lvalue > 180) {
			Error ("Maximum Connection Angle %d is Out of Range (90..180)", lvalue);
		max_angle = compass.Num_Points () * lvalue / 360;
	Print (2, "Maximum Connection Angle = %d degrees", max_angle * 360 / compass.Num_Points ());

	//---- uturn flag ----

	uturn_flag = Get_Control_Flag (ADD_UTURN_TO_DEADEND_LINKS);

	if (uturn_flag) {
		Print (1, "U-Turns will be added to Dead-End Links");
	} else {
		Print (1, "U-Turns will not be added to Dead-End Links");

	//---- get the setback distance ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (INTERSECTION_SETBACK_DISTANCE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);

		if (dvalue < 0.0 || dvalue > 20.0) {
			Error ("Intersection Setback Distance %.1lf is Out of Range (0.0..20.0)", dvalue);
	} else {
		dvalue = 0.0;
	setback = Round (dvalue);
	Print (2, "Intersection Setback Distance = %.1lf meters", UnRound (setback));

	//---- get the external zone number ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (FIRST_EXTERNAL_ZONE_NUMBER);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Integer (str_ptr, &ext_zone);

		if (ext_zone < 0 || ext_zone > 10000) {
			Error ("External Zone Number %d is Out of Range (0..10000)", ext_zone);
	} else {
		ext_zone = 0;
	Print (2, "First External Zone Number = %d", ext_zone);

	//---- get the zone connector flag ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (KEEP_ZONE_CONNECTORS_AS_LOCALS);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (1, "Keep Zone Connectors as Locals = %s", str_ptr);

		connect_flag = Get_Control_Flag (KEEP_ZONE_CONNECTORS_AS_LOCALS);

	//---- get the replicate MPO network ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (REPLICATE_MPO_NETWORK);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (1, "Replication MPO Network = %s", str_ptr);

		replicate_flag = Get_Control_Flag (REPLICATE_MPO_NETWORK);

	//---- collapse nodes flag ----

	if (Get_Control_String (COLLAPSE_NODES_FLAG) != NULL) {
		collapse_flag = Get_Control_Flag (COLLAPSE_NODES_FLAG);
	if (collapse_flag) {
		Print (2, "Extra Nodes will be Removed from the Network");
	} else {
		Print (2, "All Nodes in the Network will be Kept");

	//---- update node range ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (UPDATE_NODE_RANGE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		update_flag = true;
		Print (2, "Update Node Range = %s", str_ptr);

		if (!update_nodes.Add_Ranges (str_ptr)) {
			Error ("Adding Update Nodes");

	//---- update node file ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (UPDATE_NODE_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		update_flag = update_node_flag = true;
		Print (1);
		update_node_file.File_Type ("Update Node File");

		if (!update_node_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr))) {
			Error ("Opening %s", update_node_file.File_Type ());

	//---- update link range ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (UPDATE_LINK_RANGE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		update_flag = true;
		Print (2, "Update Link Range = %s", str_ptr);

		if (!update_links.Add_Ranges (str_ptr)) {
			Error ("Adding Update Links");

	//---- update link file ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (UPDATE_LINK_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		update_flag = update_link_flag = true;
		Print (1);
		update_link_file.File_Type ("Update Link File");

		if (!update_link_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr))) {
			Error ("Opening %s", update_link_file.File_Type ());

	//---- delete node range ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DELETE_NODE_RANGE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		delete_flag = true;
		Print (2, "Delete Node Range = %s", str_ptr);

		if (!delete_nodes.Add_Ranges (str_ptr)) {
			Error ("Adding Delete Nodes");

	//---- delete node file ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DELETE_NODE_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		delete_flag = delete_node_flag = true;
		Print (1);
		delete_node_file.File_Type ("Delete Node File");

		if (!delete_node_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr))) {
			Error ("Opening %s", delete_node_file.File_Type ());

	//---- delete link range ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DELETE_LINK_RANGE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		delete_flag = true;
		Print (2, "Delete Link Range = %s", str_ptr);

		if (!delete_links.Add_Ranges (str_ptr)) {
			Error ("Adding Delete Links");

	//---- delete link file ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DELETE_LINK_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		delete_flag = delete_link_flag = true;
		Print (1);
		delete_link_file.File_Type ("Delete Link File");

		if (!delete_link_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr))) {
			Error ("Opening %s", delete_link_file.File_Type ());

	//---- link detail file ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (LINK_DETAIL_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (1);
		detail_flag = true;

		if (!detail_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr))) {
			Error ("Opening %s", detail_file.File_Type ());
		lane_use_flag = Network_File_Flag (NEW_LANE_USE);

	//---- get the projection data ----

	projection.Read_Control ();

	coord.Set_Projection (projection.Input_Projection (), projection.Output_Projection ());

	Set_Projection (&coord);


	//---- error message ----

	Error ("Missing Control Key = %s", Current_Key ());

	Error ("Adding Area Type Record");
Exemplo n.º 16
void Network_Service::Program_Control (void)
	bool first, new_flag, notes_flag;
	char *str_ptr, *format_ptr;
	Format_Type default_format, file_format, network_format;
	Access_Type access;

	first = true;
	new_flag = false;
	network_format = default_format = Network_Format ();

	if (Get_Control_String (CREATE_NOTES_AND_NAME_FIELDS) != NULL) {
		Notes_Name_Flag (Get_Control_Flag (CREATE_NOTES_AND_NAME_FIELDS));
	notes_flag = Notes_Name_Flag ();

	File_Data *file = network_file;

	//---- open the files ----

	for (int i=0; i < END_NETWORK; i++, file++) {
		if (file->flag || file->option) {
			if (i == DIRECTORY) {
				first = true;

				//---- get the network format ----

				format_ptr = Get_Control_String (file->format);

				if (format_ptr != NULL) {
					network_format = Format_Code (format_ptr);
					if (network_format != default_format) {
						Print (2, "Default Network Format = %s", format_ptr);
						first = false;
				} else {
					network_format = default_format;
				Network_Format (network_format);
			} else if (i == NEW_DIRECTORY) {
				first = true;

				//---- get the new network format ----

				format_ptr = Get_Control_String (file->format);

				if (format_ptr != NULL) {
					network_format = Format_Code (format_ptr);
					if (network_format != default_format) {
						Print (2, "Default New Network Format = %s", format_ptr);
						first = false;
				} else {
					network_format = default_format;
				Network_Format (network_format);

			//---- get the filename ----

			str_ptr = Get_Control_String (file->key);

			if (str_ptr == NULL) {
				if (file->flag) goto control_error;
			} else {
				if (first) {
					Print (1);
					first = false;
				file->flag = true;

				if (i == DIRECTORY) {
					Print_Filename (1, "Network Directory", str_ptr);
					Network_Directory (str_ptr);

				} else if (i == NEW_DIRECTORY) {
					Print_Filename (1, "New Network Directory", str_ptr);
					New_Directory (str_ptr);

				} else {
					format_ptr = Get_Control_String (file->format);

					if (format_ptr != NULL) {
						file_format = Format_Code (format_ptr);
						//if (file_format != network_format) Print (1);
					} else {
						file_format = network_format;
					access = file->access;

					if (i > NEW_DIRECTORY) {
						new_flag = true;
						str_ptr = New_Filename (str_ptr);
					} else {
						str_ptr = Network_Filename (str_ptr);

					switch (i) {
						case NODE:
						case NEW_NODE:
							file->file = new Node_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
						case ZONE:
						case NEW_ZONE:
							file->file = new Zone_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
						case SHAPE:
						case NEW_SHAPE:
							file->file = new Shape_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
						case LINK:
						case NEW_LINK:
							file->file = new Link_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
						case POCKET_LANE:
						case NEW_POCKET_LANE:
							file->file = new Pocket_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
						case LANE_USE:
						case NEW_LANE_USE:
							file->file = new Lane_Use_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
						case TOLL:
						case NEW_TOLL:
							file->file = new Toll_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
							file->file = new Connect_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
							file->file = new Turn_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
							if (((Turn_File *) (file->file))->Node_Based ()) AB_Key_Flag (true);
						case PARKING:
						case NEW_PARKING:
							file->file = new Parking_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
							file->file = new Location_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
						case PROCESS_LINK:
						case NEW_PROCESS_LINK:
							file->file = new Access_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
							file->file = new Sign_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
							file->file = new Signal_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
						case TIMING_PLAN:
						case NEW_TIMING_PLAN:
							file->file = new Timing_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
						case PHASING_PLAN:
						case NEW_PHASING_PLAN:
							file->file = new Phasing_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
						case DETECTOR:
						case NEW_DETECTOR:
							file->file = new Detector_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
							file->file = new Coordinator_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
						case TRANSIT_STOP:
						case NEW_TRANSIT_STOP:
							file->file = new Stop_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
						case TRANSIT_FARE:
						case NEW_TRANSIT_FARE:
							file->file = new Fare_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
						case TRANSIT_ROUTE:
							file->file = new Line_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
							file->file = new Schedule_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
						case TRANSIT_DRIVER:
							file->file = new Driver_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
						case ROUTE_HEADER:
						case NEW_ROUTE_HEADER:
							file->file = new Route_Header_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
						case ROUTE_NODES:
						case NEW_ROUTE_NODES:
							file->file = new Route_Nodes_File (str_ptr, access, file_format, notes_flag);
							file->file = new Db_Header (Project_Filename (str_ptr));
	if (new_flag && notes_flag) {
		Print (2, "Notes and Name Fields will be Created");
	Network_Format (default_format);
	control_flag = true;
	Error ("Missing Control Key = %s", Current_Key ());
Exemplo n.º 17
void TripPrep::MPI_Setup (void)
#ifdef MPI_EXE
	if (MPI_Size () == 1) return;

	int range [2];

	if (Master ()) {
		int num_parts, rank;
		Db_File temp_file;
		String key, dir;
		Integers count;
		Int_Itr itr;
		Int_RItr ritr;

		dir = Get_Control_String (PROJECT_DIRECTORY);
		if (!dir.empty ()) {
			Fix_Directory (dir);
		key = Get_Control_String (System_File_ID (TRIP));
		temp_file.Filename (dir + key);
		num_parts = temp_file.Num_Parts ();
		if (num_parts < 2) return;

		Write (1, "Number of MPI Processors = ") << MPI_Size ();
		Write (1, "Number of Trip Partitions = ") << num_parts;
		Write (1);

		count.assign (MPI_Size (), 0);

		for (itr = count.begin (); itr != count.end (); itr++) {
			if (--num_parts == 0) break;
		while (num_parts > 0) {
			for (ritr = count.rbegin (); ritr != count.rend (); ritr++) {
				if (--num_parts == 0) break;
		num_parts = 0;

		for (rank=0, itr = count.begin (); itr != count.end (); itr++, rank++) {
			range [0] = num_parts;
			num_parts += *itr;
			range [1] = num_parts - 1;

			if (rank == 0) {
				First_Partition (range [0]);
				Last_Partition (range [1]);
			} else {
				Send_MPI_Array (range, 2, rank);

	} else {	//---- slave ----

		Get_MPI_Array (range, 2, 0);

		First_Partition (range [0]);
		Last_Partition (range [1]);
Exemplo n.º 18
void SubareaNet::Program_Control (void)
	char *str_ptr;
	Db_Header *file;

	//---- open network files ----

	Network_Service::Program_Control ();

	if (Network_File_Flag (TRANSIT_STOP) || Network_File_Flag (TRANSIT_ROUTE) ||
		Network_File_Flag (TRANSIT_SCHEDULE) || Network_File_Flag (TRANSIT_DRIVER) ||
		Network_File_Flag (NEW_TRANSIT_STOP) || Network_File_Flag (NEW_TRANSIT_ROUTE) ||
		Network_File_Flag (NEW_TRANSIT_SCHEDULE) || Network_File_Flag (NEW_TRANSIT_DRIVER)) {

		transit_flag = (Network_File_Flag (TRANSIT_STOP) && Network_File_Flag (TRANSIT_ROUTE) &&
			Network_File_Flag (TRANSIT_SCHEDULE) && Network_File_Flag (TRANSIT_DRIVER) &&
			Network_File_Flag (NEW_TRANSIT_STOP) && Network_File_Flag (NEW_TRANSIT_ROUTE) &&
			Network_File_Flag (NEW_TRANSIT_SCHEDULE) && Network_File_Flag (NEW_TRANSIT_DRIVER));

		if (!transit_flag) {
			Error ("Existing and New Transit Stop, Route, Schedule, and Driver Files are Required");
	//---- get the subarea boundary ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SUBAREA_BOUNDARY_POLYGON);

	if (str_ptr == NULL) goto control_error;
	Print (1);
	subarea_boundary.File_Type ("Subarea Boundary Polygon");

	subarea_boundary.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));
	if (!subarea_boundary.Read_Record ()) {
		Error ("Reading the Boundary Polygon");

	//---- get the external offset length ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (EXTERNAL_OFFSET_LENGTH);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		external_offset = atoi (str_ptr);

		if (external_offset < 1 || external_offset > 50) {
			Error ("External Offset Length %d is Out of Range (1..50)", external_offset);
		external_offset = Round (external_offset);
	Print (2, "External Offset Length = %d meters", Resolve (external_offset));

	//---- replicate the field names ----

	Network_Copy_Header (NODE, NEW_NODE);
	Network_Copy_Header (ZONE, NEW_ZONE);
	Network_Copy_Header (LINK, NEW_LINK);
	Network_Copy_Header (POCKET_LANE, NEW_POCKET_LANE);
	Network_Copy_Header (PARKING, NEW_PARKING);
	Network_Copy_Header (LANE_USE, NEW_LANE_USE);
	Network_Copy_Header (TOLL, NEW_TOLL);
	Network_Copy_Header (TIMING_PLAN, NEW_TIMING_PLAN);
	Network_Copy_Header (DETECTOR, NEW_DETECTOR);

	if (transit_flag) {

	//---- setup the node database ----

	file = (Db_Header *) Network_Db_Base (NODE);

	node_db.Replicate_Fields (file, true);
	node_db.File_ID ("Node");

	//---- replicate the timing plan fields ----

	if (Network_File_Flag (TIMING_PLAN)) {
		file = (Db_Header *) Network_Db_Base (TIMING_PLAN);

		timing_db.Replicate_Fields (file, true);
		timing_db.File_ID ("Timing");

	//---- replicate the signal coordinator fields ----

	if (Network_File_Flag (SIGNAL_COORDINATOR)) {
		file = (Db_Header *) Network_Db_Base (SIGNAL_COORDINATOR);

		coordinator_db.Replicate_Fields (file, true);
		coordinator_db.File_ID ("Coordinataor");

	//---- error message ----

	Error ("Missing Control Key = %s", Current_Key ());
Exemplo n.º 19
void ConvertTours::Program_Control (void)
	int i, j, num_file, lvalue;
	double dvalue;
	bool factor_flag;
	char *str_ptr, buffer [FIELD_BUFFER], *format_ptr;

	File_Group *group;

	char *time_control [] = {"ORIGIN", "DESTINATION", "MID-TRIP", NULL};

	factor_flag = false;

	//---- open demand and network files ----

	Demand_Service::Program_Control ();

	//---- set the file points ----

	zone_flag = Network_File_Flag (ZONE);

	trip_file = (Trip_File *) Demand_Db_Base (NEW_TRIP);
	household_file = (Household_File *) Demand_Db_Base (NEW_HOUSEHOLD);
	population_file = (Population_File *) Demand_Db_Base (NEW_POPULATION);
	vehicle_file = (Vehicle_File *) Demand_Db_Base (NEW_VEHICLE);

	//---- check for copy commands ----

	if (Demand_File_Flag (TRIP)) {
		trip_file->Clear_Fields ();
		trip_file->Replicate_Fields (Demand_Db_Base (TRIP));
		trip_file->Write_Header ();
	if (Demand_File_Flag (HOUSEHOLD)) {
		household_file->Clear_Fields ();
		household_file->Replicate_Fields (Demand_Db_Base (HOUSEHOLD));
		household_file->Write_Header ();
	if (Demand_File_Flag (POPULATION)) {
		population_file->Clear_Fields ();
		population_file->Replicate_Fields (Demand_Db_Base (POPULATION));
		population_file->Write_Header ();
	if (Demand_File_Flag (VEHICLE)) {
		vehicle_file->Clear_Fields ();
		vehicle_file->Replicate_Fields (Demand_Db_Base (VEHICLE));
		vehicle_file->Write_Header ();

	//---- get the tour data file ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TOUR_DATA_FILE);

	if (str_ptr == NULL) goto control_error;

	Print (1);
	format_ptr = Get_Control_String (TOUR_DATA_FORMAT);

	if (format_ptr != NULL) {
		tour_file.Dbase_Format (format_ptr);
	tour_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));

	tour_file_db.Add_Field ("SORTKEY", INTEGER, 10);

	tour_file_db.Replicate_Fields (&tour_file, true);
	tour_file_db.File_ID ("Tour");

	//---- set tour field numbers ----

	Print (1);

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TOUR_HOUSEHOLD_FIELD);
	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		lvalue = tour_file.HHold_Field (str_ptr);
	} else {
		lvalue = tour_file.HHold_Field ();
	if (lvalue > 0) {
		Print (1, "Tour Household Field = %s, Number = %d", tour_file.Field (lvalue)->Name (), lvalue);
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TOUR_PERSON_FIELD);
	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		lvalue = tour_file.Person_Field (str_ptr);
	} else {
		lvalue = tour_file.Person_Field ();
	if (lvalue > 0) {
		Print (1, "Tour Person Field = %s, Number = %d", tour_file.Field (lvalue)->Name (), lvalue);
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TOUR_NUMBER_FIELD);
	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		lvalue = tour_file.Tour_Field (str_ptr);
	} else {
		lvalue = tour_file.Tour_Field ();
	if (lvalue > 0) {
		Print (1, "Tour Number Field = %s, Number = %d", tour_file.Field (lvalue)->Name (), lvalue);
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TOUR_PURPOSE_FIELD);
	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		lvalue = tour_file.Purpose_Field (str_ptr);
	} else {
		lvalue = tour_file.Purpose_Field ();
	if (lvalue > 0) {
		Print (1, "Tour Purpose Field = %s, Number = %d", tour_file.Field (lvalue)->Name (), lvalue);
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TOUR_MODE_FIELD);
	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		lvalue = tour_file.Mode_Field (str_ptr);
	} else {
		lvalue = tour_file.Mode_Field ();
	if (lvalue > 0) {
		Print (1, "Tour Mode Field = %s, Number = %d", tour_file.Field (lvalue)->Name (), lvalue);
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TOUR_ORIGIN_FIELD);
	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		lvalue = tour_file.Origin_Field (str_ptr);
	} else {
		lvalue = tour_file.Origin_Field ();
	if (lvalue > 0) {
		Print (1, "Tour Origin Field = %s, Number = %d", tour_file.Field (lvalue)->Name (), lvalue);
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TOUR_DESTINATION_FIELD);
	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		lvalue = tour_file.Dest_Field (str_ptr);
	} else {
		lvalue = tour_file.Dest_Field ();
	if (lvalue > 0) {
		Print (1, "Tour Destination Field = %s, Number = %d", tour_file.Field (lvalue)->Name (), lvalue);
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TOUR_STOP_OUT_FIELD);
	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		lvalue = tour_file.Stop_Out_Field (str_ptr);
	} else {
		lvalue = tour_file.Stop_Out_Field ();
	if (lvalue > 0) {
		Print (1, "Tour Stop Out Field = %s, Number = %d", tour_file.Field (lvalue)->Name (), lvalue);
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TOUR_STOP_IN_FIELD);
	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		lvalue = tour_file.Stop_In_Field (str_ptr);
	} else {
		lvalue = tour_file.Stop_In_Field ();
	if (lvalue > 0) {
		Print (1, "Tour Stop In Field = %s, Number = %d", tour_file.Field (lvalue)->Name (), lvalue);
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TOUR_START_FIELD);
	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		lvalue = tour_file.Start_Field (str_ptr);
	} else {
		lvalue = tour_file.Start_Field ();
	if (lvalue > 0) {
		Print (1, "Tour Start Field = %s, Number = %d", tour_file.Field (lvalue)->Name (), lvalue);
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TOUR_RETURN_FIELD);
	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		lvalue = tour_file.Return_Field (str_ptr);
	} else {
		lvalue = tour_file.Return_Field ();
	if (lvalue > 0) {
		Print (1, "Tour Return Field = %s, Number = %d", tour_file.Field (lvalue)->Name (), lvalue);
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TOUR_GROUP_FIELD);
	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		lvalue = tour_file.Group_Field (str_ptr);
	} else {
		lvalue = tour_file.Group_Field ();
	if (lvalue > 0) {
		Print (1, "Tour Group Field = %s, Number = %d", tour_file.Field (lvalue)->Name (), lvalue);

	//---- get the tour group script -----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TOUR_GROUP_SCRIPT);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		script_file.File_Type ("Tour Group Script");

		script_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));
		script_flag = true;

	//---- get the household list file -----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (HOUSEHOLD_LIST);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		hhlist_file.File_Type ("Household List File");

		hhlist_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));
		hhlist_flag = true;

	//---- get the starting hhold id ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (STARTING_HOUSEHOLD_ID);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Integer (str_ptr, &hhold_id);
		if (hhold_id < 1) {
			Error ("Starting Household ID %d is Out of Range", hhold_id);
	} else {
		hhold_id = 1;
    Print (2, "Starting Household ID = %d", hhold_id);

	//---- get the starting vehicle id ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (STARTING_VEHICLE_ID);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Integer (str_ptr, &vehicle_id);
		if (vehicle_id < 1) {
			Error ("Starting Vehicle ID %d is Out of Range", vehicle_id);
	} else {
		vehicle_id = 1;
	Print (1, "Starting Vehicle ID = %d", vehicle_id);

	//---- get the time of day format ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT);

	if (str_ptr == NULL) {
		str_ptr = "24_HOUR_CLOCK";
	if (!trip_time.Format (str_ptr)) {
		Error ("Time of Day Format %s was Unrecognized", str_ptr);
	Print (2, "Time of Day Format = %s", str_ptr);

	//---- get the additional travel time ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (ADDITIONAL_TRAVEL_TIME);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Integer (str_ptr, &additional_time);

		if (additional_time < 0) {
			Error ("Additional Travel Time %d is Out of Range", additional_time);
	Print (2, "Additional Travel Time = %d seconds", additional_time);

	//---- open the zone location map ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (ZONE_LOCATION_MAP_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		zone_loc_flag = true;
		Print (1);

		zone_loc_map.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));

	//---- random number seed ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (RANDOM_NUMBER_SEED);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		random_org.Seed (atoi (str_ptr));
	Print (2, "Random Number Seed = %d", random_org.Seed ());
	random_des.Seed (random_org.Seed () + 1);
	random_tod.Seed (random_org.Seed () + 2);
	random_stop.Seed (random_org.Seed () + 3);

	//---- open the zone equivalence ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (ZONE_EQUIVALENCE_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		equiv_flag = true;
		Print (1);

		zone_equiv.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));

	//---- open the travel time skim ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TRAVEL_TIME_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		skim_flag = true;
		Print (1);

		skim_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));

	//---- open the diurnal allocation file ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (NEW_DIURNAL_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		diurnal_flag = true;
		diurnal_file.File_Type ("New Diurnal File");
		Print (1);

		diurnal_file.Create (Project_Filename (str_ptr));

	//---- write the report names ----

	List_Reports ();

	//---- get the number of files ----

	num_file = Highest_Control_Group (TRIP_TIME_FILE_x, 0);

	if (num_file == 0) {
		Error ("No Trip Time Files were Found");

	//---- allocate file space ----

	if (!file_group.Max_Records (num_file)) {
		Error ("Insufficient Memory for %d File Groups", num_file);

	//---- process each file ----

	for (i=1; i <= num_file; i++) {

		//---- get the trip time file ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TRIP_TIME_FILE_x, i);

		if (!Break_Check (15)) {
			Print (1);
		if (str_ptr == NULL) continue;

		group = file_group.New_Record (true);

		group->Group (i);

		group->Time_File (new Diurnal_File ());

		str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Trip Time File #%d", i);

		group->Time_File ()->File_Type (buffer);

		format_ptr = Get_Control_String (TRIP_TIME_FORMAT_x, i);

		if (format_ptr != NULL) {
			group->Time_File ()->Dbase_Format (format_ptr);
		group->Time_File ()->Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));

		//---- get the trip time field ----

		if (!script_flag) {
			str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TRIP_TIME_FIELD_x, i);

			if (str_ptr != NULL) {
				if (!group->Time_Field (str_ptr)) {
					Error ("Trip Time Field %s was Not Found", str_ptr);
				Print (1, "Trip Time Field Name = %s, Number = %d", str_ptr, group->Time_Field ());

		//---- get the time period range ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TIME_PERIOD_RANGE_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Print (1, "Time Period Range = %s", str_ptr);

			if (!group->Time_Periods (str_ptr)) {
				Error ("Time Period Range %s is Illogical", str_ptr);

		//---- get the time control point ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TIME_CONTROL_POINT_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			for (j=0; time_control [j] != NULL; j++) {
				if (str_cmp (str_ptr, time_control [j]) == 0) break;
			if (time_control [j] == NULL) {
				Error ("Time Control Point %s was Unrecognized", str_ptr);
			group->Method (j);
		} else {
			group->Method (0);
		Print (1, "Time Control Point = %s", time_control [group->Method ()]);

		//---- get the origin weight ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (ORIGIN_WEIGHT_FIELD_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			group->Org_Wt (Network_Db_Base (ACTIVITY_LOCATION)->Field_Number (str_ptr));

			if (group->Org_Wt () == 0) {
				Error ("Origin Weight Field %s was Not Found in the Activity Location File", str_ptr);
			Print (1, "Origin Weight Field Name = %s, Number = %d", str_ptr, group->Org_Wt ());
		} else {
			group->Org_Wt (0);
			Print (1, "No Origin Weight Field --> Equal Weights");

		//---- get the destination weight ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DESTINATION_WEIGHT_FIELD_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			group->Des_Wt (Network_Db_Base (ACTIVITY_LOCATION)->Field_Number (str_ptr));

			if (group->Des_Wt () == 0) {
				Error ("Destination Weight Field %s was Not Found in the Activity Location File", str_ptr);
			Print (1, "Destination Weight Field Name = %s, Number = %d", str_ptr, group->Des_Wt ());
		} else {
			group->Des_Wt (0);
			Print (1, "No Destination Weight Field --> Equal Weights");

		//---- get the distance weight ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DISTANCE_WEIGHT_FLAG_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			group->Dist_Wt (Get_Control_Flag (DISTANCE_WEIGHT_FLAG_x, i));

			Print (1, "Distance Weight Flag = %s", str_ptr);
		} else {
			group->Dist_Wt (true);

		//---- get the stop weight ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (STOP_WEIGHT_FIELD_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			group->Stop_Wt (Network_Db_Base (ACTIVITY_LOCATION)->Field_Number (str_ptr));

			if (group->Stop_Wt () == 0) {
				Error ("Stop Weight Field %s was Not Found in the Activity Location File", str_ptr);
			Print (1, "Stop Weight Field Name = %s, Number = %d", str_ptr, group->Stop_Wt ());
		} else {
			group->Stop_Wt (0);
			Print (1, "No Stop Weight Field --> Equal Weights");

		//---- get the trip purpose ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TRIP_PURPOSE_CODE_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue);
			if (lvalue < 0 || lvalue > 100) {
				Error ("Trip Purpose %d is Out of Range (0..100)", lvalue);
			group->Purpose (lvalue);
		} else {
			group->Purpose (1);
		Print (1, "Trip Purpose Code = %d", group->Purpose ());

		//---- get the travel mode ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TRAVEL_MODE_CODE_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue);

			if (lvalue < 0 || lvalue >= MAX_MODE) {
				Error ("Travel Mode %d is Out of Range (0..%d)", lvalue, MAX_MODE);
			group->Mode (lvalue);
		} else {
			group->Mode (DRIVE_ALONE);
		Print (1, "Travel Mode Code = %d", group->Mode ());

		//---- stop duration ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TRIP_STOP_DURATION_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue);

			if (lvalue < 1 || lvalue > 4 * 60) {
				Error ("Trip Stop Duration %d is Out of Range (1..240)", lvalue);
		} else {
			lvalue = 5;
		group->Duration (lvalue * 60);

		//---- average speed ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (AVERAGE_TRAVEL_SPEED_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);

			if (dvalue < 1.0 || dvalue > 50.0) {
				Error ("Average Travel Speed %.1lf is Out of Range (1..50)", dvalue);
		} else {
			dvalue = 10.0;
		group->Speed (Round (dvalue));

		Print (1, "Average Travel Speed = %.1lf (meters/second)", UnRound (group->Speed ()));

		//---- get the vehicle type ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (VEHICLE_TYPE_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue);

			if (lvalue < 1 || lvalue > 20) {
				Error ("Vehicle Type %d is Out of Range (1..20)", lvalue);
			group->Type (lvalue);
		} else {
			group->Type (1);

		//---- get the vehicle subtype ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (VEHICLE_SUBTYPE_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue);

			if (lvalue < 0 || lvalue > 20) {
				Error ("Vehicle Subtype %d is Out of Range (0..20)", lvalue);
			group->SubType (lvalue);
		} else {
			group->SubType (0);
		Print (1, "Vehicle Type = %d, Subtype = %d", group->Type (), group->SubType ());

		//---- get the trip scaling factor ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TRIP_SCALING_FACTOR_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);
			if (dvalue < 0.001 || dvalue > 100.0) {
				Error ("Trip Scaling Factor %.2lf is Out of Range (0.001..100.0)", dvalue);
			group->Scaling_Factor (dvalue);
			Print (1, "Trip Scaling Factor = %.3lf", dvalue);
		} else {
			group->Scaling_Factor (1.0);

		//---- get the trip adjustment factors ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TRIP_ADJUSTMENT_FACTORS_x, i);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			group->Trip_Factor (new Factor_File ());

			str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Trip Adjustment Factors #%d", i);

			group->Trip_Factor ()->File_Type (buffer);

			format_ptr = Get_Control_String (TRIP_ADJUSTMENT_FORMAT_x, i);

			if (format_ptr != NULL) {
				group->Trip_Factor ()->Dbase_Format (format_ptr);
			if (!group->Trip_Factor ()->Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr))) {
				Error ("Opening Trip Adjustment Factors #%d", i);
			factor_flag = true;

		//---- time period equivalence ----

		//if (factor_flag || group->Trip_File ()->Period_Flag ()) {

		//	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TIME_PERIOD_EQUIVALENCE_x, i);

		//	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		//		if (!group->Time_Equiv_File (Project_Filename (str_ptr))) {
		//			Error ("Opening Time Period Equivalence #%d", i);
		//		}
		//	} else if (group->Trip_File ()->Period_Flag ()) {
		//		Warning ("Trip Table Time Periods will be Ignored");
		//	}

		//---- set the field map ----

		if (group->Org_Wt () != 0) {
			j = field_map.Get_Index (group->Org_Wt ());

			if (j == 0) {
				field_map.Add (group->Org_Wt ());

				group->Org_Wt (field_map.Record_Index ());
			} else {
				group->Org_Wt (j);
		if (group->Des_Wt () != 0) {
			j = field_map.Get_Index (group->Des_Wt ());

			if (j == 0) {
				field_map.Add (group->Des_Wt ());

				group->Des_Wt (field_map.Record_Index ());
			} else {
				group->Des_Wt (j);

		//---- add the group record to the list ----

		file_group.Add ();
	Write (2, "Highest Trip Group Number = %d", num_file);
	Write (1, "Number of Trip Table Groups = %d", file_group.Num_Records ());

	if (field_map.Num_Records () > 0) {
		Print (2, "Number of Unique Activity Location Weight Fields = %d", field_map.Num_Records ());

		Convert_Location *loc_ptr = (Convert_Location *) location_data.New_Record ();

		loc_ptr->Num_Weight (field_map.Num_Records ());
	Show_Message (1);

	//---- read the zone equiv ----

	if (factor_flag) {
		if (equiv_flag) {
			zone_equiv.Read (Report_Flag (ZONE_EQUIV));
		} else {
			Write (2, "Trip Adjustment Factors are Zone-Based");

	//---- read the zone location map ----

	if (zone_loc_flag) {
		zone_loc_map.Read (false);

	//---- error message ----

	Error ("Missing Control Key = %s", Current_Key ());
Exemplo n.º 20
void RunSetup::Program_Control (void)
	int i, num_group;
	char *str_ptr, buffer [STRING_BUFFER];

	Db_File setup_file;
	Setup_Group setup;

	//---- check for setup files ----

	num_group = Highest_Control_Group (SETUP_CONTROL_FILE_x, 0);

	setup_flag = (num_group > 0);

	//---- process the master control keys ----

	Key_Processing (true);

	//---- process each setup group ----

	for (i=1; i <= num_group; i++) {

		//---- get the setup control file ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SETUP_CONTROL_FILE_x, i);
		if (str_ptr == NULL) continue;

		Print (1);
		setup.group_num = i;

		//---- open setup control file ----

		str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Setup Control File #%d", i);
		setup_file.File_Type (buffer);

		if (!setup_file.Open (str_ptr)) {
			File_Error (setup_file.File_Type (), setup_file.Filename ());
		str_cpy (setup.setup_file, sizeof (setup.setup_file), setup_file.Filename ());
		setup_file.Close ();

		//---- get the setup parameter ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SETUP_PARAMETER_x, i);

		if (str_ptr == NULL) {
			setup.parameter [0] = '\0';
		} else {
			str_cpy (setup.parameter, sizeof (setup.parameter), str_ptr);

			Print (1, "Setup Parameter #%d = %s", i, str_ptr);

		//---- add the files to the group ----

		if (!setup_group.Add (&setup)) goto mem_error;

	Error ("Insufficient Memory for Control Files");
Exemplo n.º 21
void PlanSum::Program_Control (void)
	String key;
	bool link_flag, report_flag;

	link_flag = report_flag = false;

	if (!Set_Control_Flag (UPDATE_FLOW_RATES) && !Set_Control_Flag (UPDATE_TRAVEL_TIMES)) {
		System_File_False (NEW_LINK_DELAY);

	//---- initialize the MPI thread range ----

	MPI_Setup ();

	//---- set equivalence flags ---
	if (Report_Flag (LINK_GROUP) || Report_Flag (RIDER_GROUP)) {
		Link_Equiv_Flag (true);
		link_flag = true;
	if (skim_flag || trip_flag) {
		Zone_Equiv_Flag (true);
		zone_flag = true;
	Stop_Equiv_Flag (Report_Flag (STOP_GROUP));

	//---- create the network files ----

	Data_Service::Program_Control ();
	Read_Select_Keys ();
	Read_Flow_Time_Keys ();

	plan_file = (Plan_File *) System_File_Handle (PLAN);
	if (!plan_file->Part_Flag ()) Num_Threads (1);

	select_flag = System_File_Flag (SELECTION);
	new_delay_flag = System_File_Flag (NEW_LINK_DELAY);

	if (System_File_Flag (LINK_DELAY)) {
		link_flag = true;
		Link_Delay_File *file = (Link_Delay_File *) System_File_Handle (LINK_DELAY);
		turn_flag = file->Turn_Flag ();
	if (new_delay_flag) {
		link_flag = true;
		Link_Delay_File *file = (Link_Delay_File *) System_File_Handle (NEW_LINK_DELAY);
		turn_flag = file->Turn_Flag ();
	} else {
		turn_flag = System_File_Flag (CONNECTION);
	Print (2, String ("%s Control Keys:") % Program ());

	//---- new trip time file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_TRIP_TIME_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		time_file.File_Type ("New Trip Time File");
		time_file.File_ID ("Time");

		if (Master ()) {
			time_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
		time_flag = true;

	//---- new link volume file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_VOLUME_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		volume_file.File_Type ("New Link Volume File");
		volume_file.File_ID ("Volume");

		if (Master ()) {
			volume_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));

			volume_file.Num_Decimals (1);
			volume_file.Data_Units (Performance_Units_Map (FLOW_DATA));
			volume_file.Copy_Periods (sum_periods);

			volume_file.Create_Fields ();
			volume_file.Write_Header ();
		volume_flag = new_delay_flag = link_flag = true;

	//---- read report types ----

	List_Reports ();

	if (Report_Flag (TOP_100) || Report_Flag (VC_RATIO) || Report_Flag (LINK_GROUP)) {
		new_delay_flag = link_flag = report_flag = true;
		cap_factor = (double) sum_periods.Range_Length () / (Dtime (1, HOURS) * sum_periods.Num_Periods ());
	if (link_flag && (!System_File_Flag (LINK) || !System_File_Flag (NODE))) {
		Error ("Link and Node Files are Required for Link-Based Output");
	if (System_File_Flag (LANE_USE) && !System_File_Flag (LINK)) {
		Error ("A Link File is Required for Lane-Use Processing");
	travel_flag = Report_Flag (SUM_TRAVEL);

	//---- ridership summary ----

	passenger_flag = Report_Flag (SUM_PASSENGERS);
	transfer_flag = (Report_Flag (SUM_STOPS) || Report_Flag (STOP_GROUP));
	rider_flag = (System_File_Flag (NEW_RIDERSHIP) || Report_Flag (SUM_RIDERS) || Report_Flag (RIDER_GROUP));
	xfer_flag = Report_Flag (SUM_TRANSFERS);
	xfer_detail = Report_Flag (XFER_DETAILS);

	if (passenger_flag || transfer_flag || rider_flag || xfer_flag || xfer_detail) {
		if (!System_File_Flag (TRANSIT_STOP) || !System_File_Flag (TRANSIT_ROUTE) ||
			!System_File_Flag (TRANSIT_SCHEDULE)) {

			Error ("Transit Network Files are Required for Ridership Output");
		if ((passenger_flag || rider_flag) && !System_File_Flag (TRANSIT_DRIVER)) {
			Error ("A Transit Driver File is needed for Passengers Summaries");
	} else {
		System_File_False (TRANSIT_STOP);
		System_File_False (TRANSIT_ROUTE);
		System_File_False (TRANSIT_SCHEDULE);
		System_File_False (TRANSIT_DRIVER);

	//---- process support data ----

	if (Link_Equiv_Flag ()) {
		link_equiv.Read (Report_Flag (LINK_EQUIV));
	if (Zone_Equiv_Flag ()) {
		zone_equiv.Read (Report_Flag (ZONE_EQUIV));
	if (Stop_Equiv_Flag ()) {
		stop_equiv.Read (Report_Flag (STOP_EQUIV));

	//---- allocate work space ----

	if (time_flag || Report_Flag (TRIP_TIME)) {
		time_flag = true;

		int periods = sum_periods.Num_Periods ();
		start_time.assign (periods, 0);
		mid_time.assign (periods, 0);
		end_time.assign (periods, 0);

	//---- transfer arrays ----

	if (xfer_flag || xfer_detail) {
		Integers rail;

		rail.assign (10, 0);
		total_on_array.assign (10, rail);

		if (xfer_detail) {
			int num = sum_periods.Num_Periods ();
			if (num < 1) num = 1;

			walk_on_array.assign (num, total_on_array);
			drive_on_array.assign (num, total_on_array);

	//---- initialize the trip summary data ----

	if (travel_flag) {
		trip_sum_data.Copy_Periods (sum_periods);

	//---- initialize the passenger summary data ----

	if (passenger_flag) {
		pass_sum_data.Copy_Periods (sum_periods);
Exemplo n.º 22
void NewFormat::Program_Control (void)
	char *str_ptr;

	//---- open the transit driver plan file ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (VERSION3_DRIVER_PLANS);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		driver_flag = true;
		driver_plan.File_Type ("Version3 Driver Plans");

		Print (1);
		driver_plan.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));

		Network_File_True (NODE);
		Network_File_True (LINK);
		Network_File_True (NEW_TRANSIT_DRIVER);

		AB_Key_Flag (true);
	} else {
		Network_File_False (NODE);
		//Network_File_False (LINK);
		Network_File_False (PARKING);
		Network_File_False (NEW_TRANSIT_DRIVER);

	//---- open the population file ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (VERSION3_POPULATION_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		population_flag = true;
		pop_file.File_Type ("Version3 Population File");

		Print (1);
		pop_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));

		Demand_File_True (NEW_HOUSEHOLD);
		Demand_File_True (NEW_POPULATION);

	} else {
		Demand_File_False (NEW_HOUSEHOLD);
		Demand_File_False (NEW_POPULATION);

	//---- open the activity file ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (VERSION3_ACTIVITY_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		if (!population_flag) {
			Error ("Version3 Population is needed for Activity Conversion");
		activity_flag = true;
		activity_file.File_Type ("Version3 Activity File");

		Print (1);
		activity_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));

		Demand_File_True (NEW_ACTIVITY);

		//---- get the time of day format ----
		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT);

		if (str_ptr == NULL) {
			str_ptr = "HOURS";
		if (!activity_time.Format (str_ptr)) {
			Error ("Time of Day Format %s was Unrecognized", str_ptr);
		Print (2, "Time of Day Format = %s", str_ptr);

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (VERSION3_SURVEY_ACTIVITY);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Write (1, "Activity and Survey Conversion need to be Separated");

	} else {

		//---- open the survey activity file ----
		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (VERSION3_SURVEY_ACTIVITY);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			survey_flag = true;
			survey_file.File_Type ("Version3 Survey Activity");
			survey_file.Dbase_Format (SPACE_DELIMITED);

			Print (1);
			survey_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));

			Demand_File_True (NEW_ACTIVITY);
			//---- get the time of day format ----
			str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT);

			if (str_ptr == NULL) {
				str_ptr = "HOURS";
			if (!activity_time.Format (str_ptr)) {
				Error ("Time of Day Format %s was Unrecognized", str_ptr);
			Print (2, "Time of Day Format = %s", str_ptr);
		} else {
			Demand_File_False (NEW_ACTIVITY);

	//---- check the flags ----

	if (!driver_flag && !population_flag && !survey_flag && !activity_flag) {
		Error ("No Version3 Files have been Identified");

	//---- open the support files ----

	Demand_Service::Program_Control ();

	if (survey_flag) {
		Activity_File *activity_file;

		//---- get the projection data ----

		xy_flag = proj_service.Read_Control ();

		if (xy_flag) {
			projection.Set_Projection (proj_service.Input_Projection (), proj_service.Output_Projection ());

			activity_file = (Activity_File *) Demand_Db_Base (NEW_ACTIVITY);

			activity_file->Add_Field ("X_COORD", DOUBLE, 14, 2);
			activity_file->Add_Field ("Y_COORD", DOUBLE, 14, 2);

			loc_flag = Network_File_Flag (ACTIVITY_LOCATION);

			if (loc_flag) {
				activity_file->Add_Field ("CODE", INTEGER, 5);
			activity_file->Write_Header ();

		} else {
			Network_File_False (ACTIVITY_LOCATION);
			loc_flag = false;
Exemplo n.º 23
void ArcSnapshot::Program_Control (void)
	int i;
	String key, text;
	bool z_flag, m_flag;

	string method_text [] = { "AT_INCREMENT", "TOTAL", "MAXIMUM", "" };

	Set_Range_String (SUMMARY_TIME_INCREMENT, "0.0..1440.0");

	//---- open network files ----

	Data_Service::Program_Control ();

	Read_Select_Keys ();

	max_time = Model_End_Time ();

	//---- get the projection data ----

	project_flag = projection.Read_Control ();

	//---- get the z coordinate flag ----

	m_flag = projection.M_Flag ();
	z_flag = projection.Z_Flag ();

	//---- open the snapshot file ----

	Print (2, String ("%s Control Keys:") % Program ());

	key = Get_Control_String (SNAPSHOT_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		if (Check_Control_Key (SNAPSHOT_FORMAT)) {
			snapshot_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (SNAPSHOT_FORMAT));
		snapshot_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
	} else {
		key = Get_Control_String (OCCUPANCY_FILE);

		if (key.empty ()) {
			Error ("A Snapshot or Occupancy file is Required");
		if (Check_Control_Key (OCCUPANCY_FORMAT)) {
			occupancy_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (OCCUPANCY_FORMAT));
		occupancy_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
		occupancy_flag = true;

	//---- get the arcview snapshot file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_ARC_SNAPSHOT_FILE);
	if (!key.empty ()) {
		if (key.Ends_With (".shp")) {
			key.Split_Last (text, ".");
		shapename = Project_Filename (key);
		text = shapename + "_time_of_day.shp";

		Print_Filename (2, "New Arc Snapshot File", text);
		snapshot_flag = true;

	//---- new snapshot file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_SNAPSHOT_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		Print (1);
		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_SNAPSHOT_FORMAT)) {
			new_snapshot_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_SNAPSHOT_FORMAT));
		new_snapshot_file.Location_Flag (true);

		new_snapshot_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
		output_flag = true;

		if (project_flag) {
			project_coord.Set_Projection (projection.Input_Projection (), projection.Output_Projection ());

	//---- new link summary file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_SUMMARY_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		if (occupancy_flag) {
			Error ("New Link Summary File requires a Snapshot File");
		Print (1);
		summary_file.File_Type ("Link Summary File");
		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_LINK_SUMMARY_FORMAT)) {
			summary_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_SUMMARY_FORMAT));
		sum_flag = true;

		summary_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
	if (!snapshot_flag && !output_flag && !sum_flag) {
		Error ("An Arcview Snapshot, New Snapshot, or New Link Summary File is Required");

	//---- cell size ----
	cell_size = Get_Control_Double (CELL_SIZE);

	//---- lane width ----

	Read_Draw_Keys ();

	//---- draw vehicle shapes ----

	if (snapshot_flag && !shape_flag) {
		circle_flag = Get_Control_Flag (ADD_PASSENGER_CIRCLE_SIZE);
		square_flag = Get_Control_Flag (ADD_PASSENGER_SQUARE_SIZE);

	//---- pad file time labels ----

	pad_flag = Get_Control_Flag (PAD_FILE_TIME_LABEL);

	//---- get the time processing method ----

	key = Get_Control_Text (TIME_PROCESSING_METHOD);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		for (i=0; (int) method_text [i].size () > 0; i++) {
			if (key.Equals (method_text [i])) {
				method = i;
		if ((int) method_text [i].size () == 0) {
			Error (String ("Unrecognized Time Processing Method = %s") % key);
		if (!occupancy_flag && method == TOTAL) {
			Error ("Snapshot Files cannot be Totaled");

	//---- initialize the shape file ----

	arcview_snapshot.File_Type ("New Arc Snapshot File");
	arcview_snapshot.File_Access (CREATE);
	arcview_snapshot.Shape_Type ((shape_flag) ? POLYGON : DOT);
	arcview_snapshot.Z_Flag (z_flag);
	arcview_snapshot.M_Flag (m_flag);

	if (occupancy_flag) {
		arcview_snapshot.Replicate_Fields (&occupancy_file);
		arcview_snapshot.LinkDir_Type ((Direction_Type) occupancy_file.LinkDir_Type ());

		link_field = occupancy_file.Link_Field ();
		dir_field = occupancy_file.Dir_Field ();
		start_field = occupancy_file.Start_Field ();
		end_field = occupancy_file.End_Field ();
		lane_field = occupancy_file.Lane_Field ();
		offset_field = occupancy_file.Offset_Field ();
		occ_field = occupancy_file.Occupancy_Field ();
		type_field = -1;
	} else {
		Snapshot_File *file = &snapshot_file;
		if (file->Compress_Flag ()) {
			dummy_snapshot.Status_Flag ();
			dummy_snapshot.Create_Fields ();
			file = &dummy_snapshot;
		arcview_snapshot.Replicate_Fields (file);
		arcview_snapshot.LinkDir_Type ((Direction_Type) file->LinkDir_Type ());

		link_field = file->Link_Field ();
		dir_field = file->Dir_Field ();
		lane_field = file->Lane_Field ();
		offset_field = file->Offset_Field ();
		type_field = file->Type_Field ();
		cell_field = file->Cell_Field ();
		occ_field = start_field = end_field = -1;

		if (circle_flag) {
			arcview_snapshot.Add_Field ("RADIUS", DB_DOUBLE, 14.2);
			circle_field = arcview_snapshot.Field_Number ("RADIUS");
		if (square_flag) {
			arcview_snapshot.Add_Field ("SQUARE", DB_DOUBLE, 14.2);
			square_field = arcview_snapshot.Field_Number ("SQUARE");
	arcview_snapshot.Set_Projection (projection.Input_Projection (), projection.Output_Projection ());
Exemplo n.º 24
void EventSum::Program_Control (void)
	String key;

	//---- create the network files ----

	Data_Service::Program_Control ();

	Read_Select_Keys ();
	select_flag = System_File_Flag (SELECTION);
	trip_file_flag = System_File_Flag (TRIP);
	new_select_flag = System_File_Flag (NEW_SELECTION);
	update_flag = System_File_Flag (PLAN) || System_File_Flag (NEW_PLAN);

	if (update_flag && (!System_File_Flag (PLAN) || !System_File_Flag (NEW_PLAN))) {
		Error ("Input and Output Plan Files are Required for Plan Updates");
	num_inc = sum_periods.Num_Periods ();

	Print (2, String ("%s Control Keys:") % Program ());

	//---- get the compare travel time file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (TRAVEL_TIME_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		if (Check_Control_Key (TRAVEL_TIME_FORMAT)) {
			time_in_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (TRAVEL_TIME_FORMAT));
		time_in_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
		time_in_flag = true;

	//---- get the travel time file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_TRAVEL_TIME_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_TRAVEL_TIME_FORMAT)) {
			travel_time_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_TRAVEL_TIME_FORMAT));
		travel_time_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
		time_file_flag = true;

	//---- get the time summary file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_TIME_SUMMARY_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		time_sum_file.File_Type ("New Time Summary File");

		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_TIME_SUMMARY_FORMAT)) {
			time_sum_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_TIME_SUMMARY_FORMAT));
		time_sum_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
		time_sum_flag = true;

		//---- get the minimum schedule variance ----

		min_variance = Get_Control_Time (MINIMUM_SCHEDULE_VARIANCE);

	//---- get the link event file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_EVENT_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		link_event_file.File_Type ("New Link Event File");

		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_LINK_EVENT_FORMAT)) {
			link_event_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_EVENT_FORMAT));
		link_event_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
		link_event_flag = true;

	//---- new time distribution file ----

	time_diff.Open_Distribution (Get_Control_String (NEW_TIME_DISTRIBUTION_FILE));

	//---- new trip time gap file ----

	time_gap.Open_Trip_Gap_File (Get_Control_String (NEW_TRIP_TIME_GAP_FILE));

	//---- read report types ----

	List_Reports ();

	//---- set report flags ----

	time_flag = time_diff.Report_Flags (Report_Flag (TOTAL_TIME), Report_Flag (PERIOD_TIME), 
										Report_Flag (TOT_TIME_SUM), Report_Flag (PER_TIME_SUM));

	if (time_diff.Output_Flag () || Report_Flag (PERIOD_TIME) || Report_Flag (PER_TIME_SUM)) {
		time_diff.Set_Periods (sum_periods);
		time_flag = time_diff_flag = true;
	if (time_gap.Output_Flag () || Report_Flag (TRP_TIME_GAP)) {
		time_gap.Report_Flags (Report_Flag (TRP_TIME_GAP));
		time_gap.Set_Periods (sum_periods);
		time_gap_flag = true;

	//---- set the compare flag ----

	compare_flag = (time_in_flag || trip_file_flag);
Exemplo n.º 25
void ZoneData::Program_Control (void)
	int i, size, num, decimal, existing;
	char *str_ptr, *format_ptr, name [FIELD_BUFFER], buffer [FIELD_BUFFER];
	Db_Code::Field_Type type;

	Db_Header *file;

	//---- open network files ----

	Network_Service::Program_Control ();

	input_file = (Zone_File *) Network_Db_File (ZONE);
	input_file->File_ID ("In");

	output_file = (Zone_File *) Network_Db_File (NEW_ZONE);
	output_file->File_ID ("Out");

	//---- copy existing fields ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (COPY_EXISTING_FIELDS);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (2, "Copy Existing Fields = %s", str_ptr);

		copy_flag = Get_Control_Flag (COPY_EXISTING_FIELDS);

		if (copy_flag) {
			output_file->Clear_Fields ();
			output_file->Replicate_Fields (input_file, false);

	//---- get the new zone fields ----

	num = Highest_Control_Group (NEW_ZONE_FIELD_x, 0);

	if (num == 0) {
		if (Get_Control_String (NEW_ZONE_FIELD) != NULL) {
			num = 1;
	} else {

	if (num == 0) {
		if (!copy_flag) {
			Warning ("No New Zone Fields");
	} else {
		Print (1);

		for (i=0; i < num; i++) {
			if (i == 0) {
				str_ptr = Get_Control_String (NEW_ZONE_FIELD);
			} else {
				str_ptr = Get_Control_String (NEW_ZONE_FIELD_x, i);
			if (str_ptr == NULL) continue;

			if (i == 0) {
				Print (1, "New Zone Field = %s", str_ptr);
			} else {
				Print (1, "New Zone Field #%d = %s", i, str_ptr);
			str_ptr = Get_Token (str_ptr, name, sizeof (name));
			if (name [0] == '\0') goto data_error;

			existing = output_file->Field_Number (name);
			if (existing != 0) goto field_error;

			str_ptr = Get_Token (str_ptr, buffer, sizeof (buffer));
			if (buffer [0] == '\0' || buffer [0] == 'I') {
				type = INTEGER;
			} else if (buffer [0] == 'R' || buffer [0] == 'D') {
				type = DOUBLE;
			} else if (buffer [0] == 'S' || buffer [0] == 'C') {
				type = STRING;
			} else {
				goto data_error;
			str_ptr = Get_Token (str_ptr, buffer);
			if (buffer [0] == '\0') {
				size = 10;
				if (type == DOUBLE) {
					decimal = 2;
				} else {
					decimal = 0;
			} else {
				size = atoi (buffer);

				if (type == DOUBLE) {
					str_ptr = strchr (buffer, '.');
					if (str_ptr != NULL) {
						decimal = atoi (str_ptr+1);
					} else {
						decimal = 2;
				} else {
					decimal = 0;
			output_file->Add_Field (name, type, size, decimal);
	if (copy_flag && output_file->Notes_Flag ()) {
		if (output_file->Field_Number ("NOTES") == 0) {
			output_file->Add_Field ("NOTES", STRING, FIELD_BUFFER);
	output_file->Write_Header ();
	//---- check for data files ----

	num_data_files = Highest_Control_Group (DATA_FILE_x, 0);

	if (num_data_files == 0) {
		if (Get_Control_String (DATA_FILE) != NULL) {
			num_data_files = 1;
	} else {
	if (num_data_files > 0) {
		data_flag = true;

	//---- check for polygon files ----

	num_polygons = Highest_Control_Group (BOUNDARY_POLYGON_x, 0);

	if (num_polygons == 0) {
		if (Get_Control_String (BOUNDARY_POLYGON) != NULL) {
			num_polygons = 1;
	} else {
	if (num_polygons > 0) {
		polygon_flag = true;

	//---- read conversion script ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (CONVERSION_SCRIPT);

	if (str_ptr == NULL) {
		if (data_flag || polygon_flag) {
			Error ("A Convertion Script is needed for Data Processing");
	} else {
		script_flag = true;
		Print (1);
		program_file.File_Type ("Conversion Script");
		program_file.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));
		Print (1);

	//---- read data files ----

	if (data_flag) {

		//---- allocate data files ----

		data_files = new Db_Header * [num_data_files];
		data_field = new int [num_data_files];
		zone_field = new int [num_data_files];

		if (data_files == NULL || data_field == NULL || zone_field == NULL) {
			Error ("Insufficient Memory for %d Data Files", num_data_files);
		memset (data_files, '\0', num_data_files * sizeof (Db_Header *));
		memset (data_field, '\0', num_data_files * sizeof (int));
		memset (zone_field, '\0', num_data_files * sizeof (int));

		//---- open each file ----

		for (i=0; i < num_data_files; i++) {
			if (i == 0) {
				str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DATA_FILE);
			} else {
				str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DATA_FILE_x, i);
			if (str_ptr == NULL) continue;

			//---- create a header file and file labels ----

			Print (1);
			data_files [i] = file = new Db_Header ();

			if (i == 0) {
				file->File_Type ("Data File");
				file->File_ID ("Data");
				format_ptr = Get_Control_String (DATA_FORMAT);
			} else {
				str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Data File #%d", i);
				file->File_Type (buffer);

				str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Data%d", i);
				file->File_ID (buffer);

				format_ptr = Get_Control_String (DATA_FORMAT_x, i);

			//---- open the file ----

			if (format_ptr != NULL) {
				file->Dbase_Format (format_ptr);
			file->Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));

			//---- find the data join field ----

			if (i == 0) {
				str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DATA_JOIN_FIELD);
			} else {
				str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DATA_JOIN_FIELD_x, i);
			if (str_ptr == NULL) goto control_error;

			data_field [i] = file->Field_Number (str_ptr);

			if (data_field [i] == 0) {
				Error ("Data Join Field %s was Not Found", str_ptr);
			if (i == 0) {
				Print (1, "Data Join Field = %s, Number = %d", str_ptr, data_field [i]);
			} else {
				Print (1, "Data Join Field #%d = %s, Number = %d", i, str_ptr, data_field [i]);

			//---- find the zone join field ----

			if (i == 0) {
				str_ptr = Get_Control_String (ZONE_JOIN_FIELD);
			} else {
				str_ptr = Get_Control_String (ZONE_JOIN_FIELD_x, i);
			if (str_ptr == NULL) goto control_error;

			zone_field [i] = input_file->Field_Number (str_ptr);

			if (zone_field [i] == 0) {
				Error ("Zone Join Field %s was Not Found", str_ptr);
			if (i == 0) {
				Print (1, "Zone Join Field = %s, Number = %d", str_ptr, zone_field [i]);
			} else {
				Print (1, "Zone Join Field #%d = %s, Number = %d", i, str_ptr, zone_field [i]);

	//---- read the boundary polygons ----

	if (polygon_flag) {
		Arcview_File *poly_file;

		projection.Read_Control ();

		//---- allocate data files ----

		polygon_files = new Arcview_File * [num_polygons];
		polygons = new Index_Array * [num_polygons];
		polygon_db = new Db_Index_Array * [num_polygons];

		if (polygon_files == NULL || polygons == NULL || polygon_db == NULL) {
			Error ("Insufficient Memory for %d Polygon Files", num_polygons);
		memset (polygon_files, '\0', num_polygons * sizeof (Arcview_File *));
		memset (polygons, '\0', num_polygons * sizeof (Index_Array *));
		memset (polygon_db, '\0', num_polygons * sizeof (Db_Index_Array *));

		//---- open each file ----

		for (i=0; i < num_polygons; i++) {
			if (i == 0) {
				str_ptr = Get_Control_String (BOUNDARY_POLYGON);
			} else {
				str_ptr = Get_Control_String (BOUNDARY_POLYGON_x, i);
			if (str_ptr == NULL) continue;

			//---- open the file ----

			polygon_files [i] = poly_file = new Arcview_File ();
			polygons [i] = new Index_Array (sizeof (Boundary));

			poly_file->Set_Projection (projection.Input_Projection (), projection.Output_Projection ());

			Print (1);
			if (i == 0) {
				poly_file->File_Type ("Boundary Polygon File");
				poly_file->File_ID ("Polygon");
			} else {
				str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Boundary Polygon File #%d", i);
				poly_file->File_Type (buffer);

				str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Polygon%d", i);
				poly_file->File_ID (buffer);
			poly_file->Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));
	Show_Message (1);

	Error ("Missing Control Key = %s", Current_Key ());

	Error ("New Zone Field %d is Improperly Specified", i);

	Error ("New Zone Field %s already exists as Field %d", name, existing);
Exemplo n.º 26
void PlanSelect::Program_Control (void)
	int i, nsel, lvalue;
	char *str_ptr, buffer [FIELD_BUFFER];
	double dvalue;
	Box box;

	//---- open network files ----

	Demand_Service::Program_Control ();

	//---- open the plan file ----
	if (Get_Control_String (NODE_LIST_PATHS) != NULL) {
		type_flag = Get_Control_Flag (NODE_LIST_PATHS);
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (PLAN_FILE);

	if (str_ptr == NULL) goto control_error;

	str_ptr = Project_Filename (str_ptr, Extension ());

	Print_Filename (2, plan_file.File_Type (), str_ptr);

	plan_file.Filename (str_ptr);

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (PLAN_FORMAT);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		plan_file.File_Format (str_ptr);
		Print (1, "%s Format = %s", plan_file.File_Type (), str_ptr);
	plan_file.Node_Based_Flag (type_flag);

	if (!plan_file.Open (0)) {
		File_Error ("Opening Plan File", plan_file.Filename ());
	type_flag = plan_file.Node_Based_Flag ();

	//---- node list paths ----

	if (type_flag) {
		Print (1, "Plan File contains Node List Paths");
	} else {
		Print (1, "Plan File contains Link List Paths");

	//---- check for a link delay file ----

	if (Demand_File_Flag (LINK_DELAY)) {
		Delay_File *file = (Delay_File *) Demand_Db_File (LINK_DELAY);

		if (!Network_File_Flag (LINK) || !Network_File_Flag (NODE)) {
			Error ("Link and Node files are Required for Link Delay Processing");
		if (file->Dbase_Format () == VERSION3) {
			turn_flag = false;
			Network_File_False (LANE_CONNECTIVITY);
		} else if (!Network_File_Flag (LANE_CONNECTIVITY)) {
			Warning ("Lane Connectivity is required for Turning Delays");
			Show_Message (1);
			turn_flag = false;
		} else {
			turn_flag = true;
		delay_flag = true;
	} else {
		Network_File_False (LANE_CONNECTIVITY);

	//---- open the population file ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (POPULATION_FILE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		pop_file.File_Type ("Population File");
		Print (1);

		pop_file.Open (str_ptr);
		pop_flag = true;

	//---- get the household list ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (NEW_HOUSEHOLD_LIST);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		hhlist_file.File_Type ("New Household List");
		hhlist_file.File_Access (CREATE);

		str_ptr = Project_Filename (str_ptr, Extension ());
		hhlist_file.Filename (str_ptr);

		Print_Filename (2, hhlist_file.File_Type (), str_ptr);

		if (!hhlist_file.Open (0)) {
			File_Error ("Opening Household List File", hhlist_file.Filename ());
		if (hhlist_file.Extend () == 0 && plan_file.Extend () != 0) {
			Warning ("Household List File is Not Partitioned");
	} else {
		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (NEW_HOUSEHOLD_RECORD_FILE);

		if (str_ptr == NULL) {
			Error ("A New Household List or Household Record File is Required");
		hhrec_flag = true;
		hhrec_file.File_Access (CREATE);

		str_ptr = Project_Filename (str_ptr, Extension ());
		hhrec_file.Filename (str_ptr);

		Print_Filename (2, hhrec_file.File_Type (), str_ptr);

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (NEW_HOUSEHOLD_RECORD_FORMAT);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			hhrec_file.Dbase_Format (str_ptr);
			Print (1, "%s Format = %s", hhrec_file.File_Type (), str_ptr);
		if (!hhrec_file.Open (0)) {
			File_Error ("Opening Household Record file", hhrec_file.Filename ());
		if (hhrec_file.Extend () == 0 && plan_file.Extend () != 0) {
			Warning ("Household Record File is Not Partitioned");

	//---- get the select travelers ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_TRAVELERS);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (2, "Select Traveler IDs = %s", str_ptr);

		if (!travelers.Add_Ranges (str_ptr)) {
			File_Error ("Traveler ID Range", str_ptr);
	//---- get the select nodes ----

	nsel = Highest_Control_Group (SELECT_NODES_x, 0);

	if (nsel > 0) {

		nodes.Max_Records (nsel);

		for (i=1; i <= nsel; i++) {
			str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_NODES_x, i);

			if (str_ptr == NULL) continue;

			Print (2, "Select Nodes for Group #%d = %s", i, str_ptr);

			Data_Range *ptr = new Data_Range ();

			if (!ptr->Add_Ranges (str_ptr)) {
				File_Error ("Path Node Numbers", str_ptr);
			if (!nodes.Add (ptr)) {
				Error ("Adding Node Ranges to the List");
	//---- get the select links ----

	nsel = Highest_Control_Group (SELECT_LINKS_x, 0);

	if (nsel > 0) {

		links.Max_Records (nsel);

		for (i=1; i <= nsel; i++) {
			str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_LINKS_x, i);

			if (str_ptr == NULL) continue;

			Print (2, "Select Links for Group #%d = %s", i, str_ptr);

			Data_Range *ptr = new Data_Range (1, -MAX_INTEGER, MAX_INTEGER, 0);

			if (!ptr->Add_Ranges (str_ptr)) {
				File_Error ("Path Link Numbers", str_ptr);
			if (!links.Add (ptr)) {
				Error ("Adding Link Ranges to the List");

	//---- get the select time periods ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_TIME_PERIODS);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (2, "Select Time Periods = %s", str_ptr);

		times.Format (Time_Step::HOURS);

		if (!times.Add_Ranges (str_ptr)) {
			File_Error ("Time Period Range", str_ptr);
	//---- get the select travel modes ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_TRAVEL_MODES);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {

		Print (2, "Select Travel Modes = %s", str_ptr);

		memset (mode_flag, '\0', sizeof (mode_flag));
		nsel = 0;

		while (str_ptr != NULL) {
			char *old_ptr = str_ptr;

			str_ptr = Get_Integer (str_ptr, &i);

			if (i < 0 || i > DRIVER_MODE || (i == 0 && *old_ptr != '0')) {
				Error ("Selected Travel Mode %s is Out of Range (0..%d)", old_ptr, DRIVER_MODE);
			mode_flag [i] = true;
		if (nsel == 0) {
			Error ("No Modes were Selected for Processing");
	} else {
		for (i=0; i <= DRIVER_MODE; i++) {
			mode_flag [i] = true;

	//---- get the select facility types ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_FACILITY_TYPES);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {

		Print (2, "Select Facility Types = %s", str_ptr);

		factype_flag = true;
		memset (facility_flag, '\0', sizeof (facility_flag));
		nsel = 0;

		while (str_ptr != NULL) {
			str_ptr = Get_Token (str_ptr, buffer, sizeof (buffer));
			if (buffer [0] == '\0') break;

			i = Facility_Code (buffer);
			facility_flag [i] = true;
		if (nsel == 0) {
			Error ("No Facility Types were Selected for Processing");

	//---- get the select locations ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_LOCATIONS);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (2, "Select Activity Locations = %s", str_ptr);

		if (!locations.Add_Ranges (str_ptr)) {
			File_Error ("Activity Location Range", str_ptr);

	//---- get the select parking lots ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_PARKING_LOTS);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (2, "Select Parking Lots = %s", str_ptr);

		if (!parking_lots.Add_Ranges (str_ptr)) {
			File_Error ("Parking Lot Range", str_ptr);

	//---- get the select transit stops ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_TRANSIT_STOPS);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (2, "Select Transit Stops = %s", str_ptr);

		if (!transit_stops.Add_Ranges (str_ptr)) {
			File_Error ("Transit Stop Range", str_ptr);

	//---- get the select transit routes ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_TRANSIT_ROUTES);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (2, "Select Transit Routes = %s", str_ptr);

		if (!transit_routes.Add_Ranges (str_ptr)) {
			File_Error ("Transit Route Range", str_ptr);

	//---- get the select vc ratio ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_VC_RATIOS);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		if (!delay_flag) {
			Error ("Select V/C Ratios requires a Link Delay file");
		vc_flag = true;
		Get_Double (str_ptr, &vc_ratio);

		if (vc_ratio < 1.0) {
			Error ("Select V/C Ratios %.2lf is Out of Range (>= 1.0)", vc_ratio);
		Print (2, "Select V/C Ratios >= %.2lf", vc_ratio);

	//---- get the select time ratio ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_TIME_RATIOS);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		if (!delay_flag) {
			Error ("Select Travel Time Ratios requires a Link Delay file");
		ratio_flag = true;
		Get_Double (str_ptr, &time_ratio);

		if (time_ratio < 1.0) {
			Error ("Select Time Ratios %.2lf is Out of Range (>= 1.0)", time_ratio);
		Print (2, "Select Time Ratios >= %.2lf", time_ratio);

	//---- get the select coordinates ----

	nsel = Highest_Control_Group (SELECT_COORDINATES_x, 0);

	for (i=0; i <= nsel; i++) {
		if (i == 0) {
			str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_COORDINATES);
		} else {
			str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_COORDINATES_x, i);
		if (str_ptr == NULL) continue;

		if (!Network_File_Flag (NODE)) {
			Error ("Select Coordinates requires a Node file");
		coord_flag = true;

		if (i == 0) {
			Print (2, "Select Coordinates = %s", str_ptr);
		} else {
			if (coord_box.Num_Records () == 0) Print (1);

			Print (1, "Select Coordinates #%d = %s", i, str_ptr);
		str_ptr = Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);
		box.x1 = Round (dvalue);

		if (str_ptr == NULL) goto coord_error;

		str_ptr = Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);
		box.y1 = Round (dvalue);

		if (str_ptr == NULL) goto coord_error;

		str_ptr = Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);
		box.x2 = Round (dvalue);

		if (box.x2 < box.x1) {
			lvalue = box.x2;
			box.x2 = box.x1;
			box.x1 = lvalue;
		if (str_ptr == NULL) goto coord_error;

		str_ptr = Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);
		box.y2 = Round (dvalue);

		if (box.y2 < box.y1) {
			lvalue = box.y2;
			box.y2 = box.y1;
			box.y1 = lvalue;
		if (!coord_box.Add (&box)) goto mem_error;

	//---- get the select od coordinates ----

	nsel = Highest_Control_Group (SELECT_OD_COORDINATES_x, 0);

	for (i=0; i <= nsel; i++) {
		if (i == 0) {
			str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_OD_COORDINATES);
		} else {
			str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_OD_COORDINATES_x, i);
		if (str_ptr == NULL) continue;

		if (!Network_File_Flag (NODE)) {
			Error ("Select OD Coordinates requires a Node file");
		in_flag = true;

		if (i == 0) {
			Print (2, "Select OD Coordinates = %s", str_ptr);
		} else {
			if (od_box.Num_Records () == 0) Print (1);

			Print (1, "Select OD Coordinates #%d = %s", i, str_ptr);
		str_ptr = Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);
		box.x1 = Round (dvalue);

		if (str_ptr == NULL) goto coord_error;

		str_ptr = Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);
		box.y1 = Round (dvalue);

		if (str_ptr == NULL) goto coord_error;

		str_ptr = Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);
		box.x2 = Round (dvalue);

		if (box.x2 < box.x1) {
			lvalue = box.x2;
			box.x2 = box.x1;
			box.x1 = lvalue;
		if (str_ptr == NULL) goto coord_error;

		str_ptr = Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);
		box.y2 = Round (dvalue);

		if (box.y2 < box.y1) {
			lvalue = box.y2;
			box.y2 = box.y1;
			box.y1 = lvalue;
		if (!od_box.Add (&box)) goto mem_error;

	//---- get the exclude od coordinates ----

	nsel = Highest_Control_Group (EXCLUDE_OD_COORDINATES_x, 0);

	for (i=0; i <= nsel; i++) {
		if (i == 0) {
			str_ptr = Get_Control_String (EXCLUDE_OD_COORDINATES);
		} else {
			str_ptr = Get_Control_String (EXCLUDE_OD_COORDINATES_x, i);
		if (str_ptr == NULL) continue;

		if (!Network_File_Flag (NODE)) {
			Error ("Excludet OD Coordinates requires a Node file");
		out_flag =  true;

		if (i == 0) {
			Print (2, "Exclude OD Coordinates = %s", str_ptr);
		} else {
			if (exclude_box.Num_Records () == 0) Print (1);

			Print (1, "Excludet OD Coordinates #%d = %s", i, str_ptr);
		str_ptr = Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);
		box.x1 = Round (dvalue);

		if (str_ptr == NULL) goto od_coord_error;

		str_ptr = Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);
		box.y1 = Round (dvalue);

		if (str_ptr == NULL) goto od_coord_error;

		str_ptr = Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);
		box.x2 = Round (dvalue);

		if (box.x2 < box.x1) {
			lvalue = box.x2;
			box.x2 = box.x1;
			box.x1 = lvalue;
		if (str_ptr == NULL) goto od_coord_error;

		str_ptr = Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue);
		box.y2 = Round (dvalue);

		if (box.y2 < box.y1) {
			lvalue = box.y2;
			box.y2 = box.y1;
			box.y1 = lvalue;
		if (!exclude_box.Add (&box)) goto mem_error;

	//---- get the select subarea polygon ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_SUBAREA_POLYGON);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		if (!Network_File_Flag (LINK) || !Network_File_Flag (NODE)) {
			Error ("Link and Node files are Required for Subarea Polygon Selection");
		Print (1);
		select_subarea.File_Type ("Select Subarea Polygon");

		select_subarea.Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr));
		if (!select_subarea.Read_Record ()) {
			Error ("Reading %s", select_subarea.File_Type ());
		subarea_flag = true;

	//---- get the select vehicle types ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_VEHICLE_TYPES);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (2, "Select Vehicle Types = %s", str_ptr);

		if (!vehicle_types.Add_Ranges (str_ptr)) {
			File_Error ("Vehicle Type Range", str_ptr);
		vehicle_flag = true;
		if (!Demand_File_Flag (VEHICLE)) {
			Error ("A Vehicle File is Required for Vehicle Type Selection");
	} else {
		Demand_File_False (VEHICLE);

	//---- get the percent time difference ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (PERCENT_TIME_DIFFERENCE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		if (!delay_flag) {
			Error ("Percent Time Difference requires a Link Delay file");
		diff_flag = true;
        Get_Double (str_ptr, &percent_diff);

		if (percent_diff < 0.1 || percent_diff > 100.0) {
			Error ("Percent Time Difference %.2lf is Out of Range (0.1-100.0)", percent_diff);
		Print (2, "Percent Time Difference = %.1lf%%", percent_diff);

		percent_diff /= 100.0;

		//---- get the minimum time difference ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (MINIMUM_TIME_DIFFERENCE);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Get_Integer (str_ptr, &min_time);

			if (min_time < 0 || min_time > 120) {
				Error ("Minimum Time Difference %d is Out of Range (0-120)", min_time);
		Print (1, "Minimum Time Difference = %d minute%s", 
			min_time, ((min_time != 1) ? "s" : " "));

		//---- get the maximum time difference ----

		str_ptr = Get_Control_String (MAXIMUM_TIME_DIFFERENCE);

		if (str_ptr != NULL) {
			Get_Integer (str_ptr, &max_time);

			if (max_time < min_time || max_time > 1440) {
				Error ("Maximum Time Difference %d is Out of Range (%d-1440)", max_time, min_time);
		Print (1, "Maximum Time Difference = %d minutes", max_time);

		min_time *= 60;
		max_time *= 60;

	//---- get the selection percentage ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECTION_PERCENTAGE);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Double (str_ptr, &percent);

		if (percent < 0.1 || percent > 100.0) {
			Error ("Selection Percentage %.2lf is Out of Range (0.1-100.0)", percent);
		select_flag = (percent != 100.0);
	Print (2, "Selection Percentage = %.1lf%%", percent);

	percent /= 100.0;

	//---- get the max percent selected ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (MAXIMUM_PERCENT_SELECTED);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Get_Double (str_ptr, &max_percent);

		if (max_percent < 1.0 || max_percent > 100.0) {
			Error ("Maximum Percent Selected %.1lf is Out of Range (1.0-100.0)", max_percent);
	Print (1, "Maximum Percent Selected = %.1lf%%", max_percent);

	max_percent /= 100.0;

	//---- random number seed ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (RANDOM_NUMBER_SEED);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		random.Seed (atoi (str_ptr));
	if (str_ptr != NULL || percent != 1.0 || max_percent != 1.0) {
		Print (1, "Random Number Seed = %d", random.Seed ());

	//---- reset the network flags ----

	if (!vc_flag && !diff_flag && !ratio_flag) {
		delay_flag = parking_flag = turn_flag = false;
		Demand_File_False (LINK_DELAY);
		Network_File_False (LANE_USE);
		Network_File_False (PARKING);
		Network_File_False (LANE_CONNECTIVITY);

		if (!coord_flag && !out_flag && !in_flag && !subarea_flag && !factype_flag && 
			nodes.Num_Records () == 0 && links.Num_Records () == 0) {
			Network_File_False (LINK);
			Network_File_False (NODE);
			Network_File_False (TRANSIT_STOP);
			Network_File_False (TRANSIT_DRIVER);
		} else if (!factype_flag && type_flag && links.Num_Records () == 0) {
			Network_File_False (LINK);
	} else {
		parking_flag = Network_File_Flag (PARKING);

		if (!diff_flag) {
			turn_flag = false;
			Network_File_False (LANE_CONNECTIVITY);
	transit_flag = (Network_File_Flag (TRANSIT_STOP) && Network_File_Flag (TRANSIT_DRIVER));


	//---- error message ----

	Error ("Missing Control Key = %s", Current_Key ());

	Error ("Select Coordinates are Incomplete");

	Error ("Exclude OD Coordinates are Incomplete");

	Error ("Insufficient Memory for Coordinate Groups");
Exemplo n.º 27
void DynusTNet::Program_Control (void)
	int i, lvalue;
	char *str_ptr, buffer [STRING_BUFFER], project [STRING_BUFFER];

	//---- create the network files ----

	Demand_Service::Program_Control ();

	//---- get the time of day format ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT);

	if (str_ptr == NULL) {
		str_ptr = "24_HOUR_CLOCK";
	if (!time_range.Format (str_ptr)) {
		Error ("Time of Day Format %s was Unrecognized", str_ptr);
	Print (2, "Time of Day Format = %s", str_ptr);
	//---- get the select time period ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SELECT_TIME_PERIOD);

	if (str_ptr != NULL) {
		Print (2, "Select Time Period = %s", str_ptr);

		if (!time_range.Add_Ranges (str_ptr)) {
			File_Error ("Time Period Range", str_ptr);
	} else {
		time_range.Add_Ranges ("0:00..24:00");

	//---- saturation flow rates ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SATURATION_FLOW_RATES);
	i = 0;

	while (str_ptr != NULL && i < EXTERNAL) {
		str_ptr = Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue);
		if (lvalue == 0) break;

		if (lvalue < 1000 || lvalue > 3000) {
			Error ("Saturation Flow Rate %d is Out of Range (1000..3000)", lvalue);
		sat_flow [++i] = lvalue;
	if (i) {
		for (; i <= EXTERNAL; i++) {
			sat_flow [i] = lvalue;
	Print (2, "Saturation Flow Rates = ");

	for (i=1; i <= EXTERNAL; i++) {
		Print (0, "%d ", sat_flow [i]);

	//---- service flow rates ----

	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SERVICE_FLOW_RATES);
	i = 0;

	while (str_ptr != NULL && i < EXTERNAL) {
		str_ptr = Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue);
		if (lvalue == 0) break;

		if (lvalue < 1000 || lvalue > 3000) {
			Error ("Service Flow Rate %d is Out of Range (1000..3000)", lvalue);
		ser_flow [++i] = lvalue;
	if (i) {
		for (; i <= EXTERNAL; i++) {
			ser_flow [i] = lvalue;
	Print (2, "Service Flow Rates = ");

	for (i=1; i <= EXTERNAL; i++) {
		Print (0, "%d ", ser_flow [i]);

	//---- open the DynusT project name  ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DYNUST_PROJECT_NAME);

	if (str_ptr == NULL) {
		str_ptr = "ProjectName";
	Print (2, "DynusT Project Name = %s", str_ptr);

	str_cpy (project, sizeof (project), str_ptr);

	//---- open the DynusT network directory  ----
	str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DYNUST_NETWORK_DIRECTORY);

	if (str_ptr == NULL) goto control_error;
	str_cpy (net_dir, sizeof (net_dir), Project_Filename (str_ptr));

	Print (2, "DynusT Network Directory = %s", net_dir);

	//---- project dws ----

	dws_file.File_Type ("DynusT Project File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/%s.dws", net_dir, project);

	dws_file.Create (buffer);

	fprintf (dws_file.File (), "VERSION = \"%3.1lf\"\nORIGIN = \"BOTTOM_LEFT\"\n", 1.3);

	dws_file.Close ();

	//---- xy.dat ----

	xy_file.File_Type ("DynusT Node Coordinate File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/xy.dat", net_dir);

	xy_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- network.dat ----

	net_file.File_Type ("DynusT Network File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/network.dat", net_dir);

	net_file.Create (buffer);

	if (Network_File_Flag (SHAPE)) {

		//---- linkxy.dat ----

		shp_file.File_Type ("DynusT Link Coordinate File");

		str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/linkxy.dat", net_dir);

		shp_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- linkname.dat ----

	name_file.File_Type ("DynusT Link Name File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/linkname.dat", net_dir);

	name_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- movement.dat ----

	move_file.File_Type ("DynusT Movement File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/movement.dat", net_dir);

	move_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- control.dat ----

	ctl_file.File_Type ("DynusT Control File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/control.dat", net_dir);

	ctl_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- origin.dat ----

	org_file.File_Type ("DynusT Generation Link File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/origin.dat", net_dir);

	org_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- destination.dat ----

	des_file.File_Type ("DynusT Destination File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/destination.dat", net_dir);

	des_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- bus.dat ----

	bus_file.File_Type ("DynusT Bus File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/bus.dat", net_dir);

	bus_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- GradeLengthPCE.dat ----

	pce_file.File_Type ("DynusT Grade Length PCE File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/GradeLengthPCE.dat", net_dir);

	pce_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- leftcap.dat ----

	left_file.File_Type ("DynusT Left Capacity File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/leftcap.dat", net_dir);

	left_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- output_option.dat ----

	out_file.File_Type ("DynusT Output Option File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/output_option.dat", net_dir);

	out_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- ramp.dat ----

	ramp_file.File_Type ("DynusT Ramp File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/ramp.dat", net_dir);

	ramp_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- StopCap2Way.dat ----

	cap2_file.File_Type ("DynusT Stop Capacity 2 Way File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/StopCap2Way.dat", net_dir);

	cap2_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- StopCap4Way.dat ----

	cap4_file.File_Type ("DynusT Stop Capacity 4 Way File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/StopCap4Way.dat", net_dir);

	cap4_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- superzone.dat ----

	super_file.File_Type ("DynusT SuperZone File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/superzone.dat", net_dir);

	super_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- TrafficFlowModel.dat ----

	model_file.File_Type ("DynusT Traffic Flow Model File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/TrafficFlowModel.dat", net_dir);

	model_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- vms.dat ----

	vms_file.File_Type ("DynusT VMS File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/vms.dat", net_dir);

	vms_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- yield.dat ----

	yield_file.File_Type ("DynusT Yield Capacity File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/YieldCap.dat", net_dir);

	yield_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- zone.dat ----

	zone_file.File_Type ("DynusT Zone File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/zone.dat", net_dir);

	zone_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- demand.dat ----

	dem_file.File_Type ("DynusT Demand File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/Demand.dat", net_dir);

	dem_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- demand_truck.dat ----

	trk_file.File_Type ("DynusT Demand Truck File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/demand_truck.dat", net_dir);

	trk_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- demand_hov.dat ----

	hov_file.File_Type ("DynusT Demand HOV File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/demand_HOV.dat", net_dir);

	hov_file.Create (buffer);

	//---- zone_map.dat ----

	zmap_file.File_Type ("Zone Number Equivalence File");

	str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/zone_map.dat", net_dir);

	zmap_file.Create (buffer);


	//---- error message ----

	Error ("Missing Control Key = %s", Current_Key ());
Exemplo n.º 28
void NetMerge::Program_Control (void)
	String key, merge_dir;

	//---- open network and demand files ----

	Data_Service::Program_Control ();

	Print (2, String ("%s Control Keys:") % Program ());
	Print (1);

	//---- merge directory ----

	merge_dir = Get_Control_String (MERGE_DIRECTORY);

	if (!merge_dir.empty ()) {
		Print_Filename (1, "Merge Directory", merge_dir);
		Fix_Directory (merge_dir);

	//---- open merge node file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_NODE_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		node_file.File_Type ("Merge Node File");
		node_file.Open (merge_dir + key);

	//---- open merge link file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_LINK_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		link_file.File_Type ("Merge Link File");
		link_file.Open (merge_dir + key);

	//---- open merge shape file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_SHAPE_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		shape_file.File_Type ("Merge Shape File");
		shape_file.Open (merge_dir + key);
		shape_flag = true;

	//---- open merge pocket file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_POCKET_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		pocket_file.File_Type ("Merge Pocket File");
		pocket_file.Open (merge_dir + key);
		pocket_flag = true;

	//---- open merge lane use file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_LANE_USE_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		lane_use_file.File_Type ("Merge Lane Use File");
		lane_use_file.Open (merge_dir + key);
		lane_use_flag = true;

	//---- open merge location file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_LOCATION_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		location_file.File_Type ("Merge Location File");
		location_file.Open (merge_dir + key);
		location_flag = true;

	//---- open merge connection file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_CONNECTION_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		connect_file.File_Type ("Merge Connection File");
		connect_file.Open (merge_dir + key);
		connect_flag = true;
	//---- open merge parking file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_PARKING_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		parking_file.File_Type ("Merge Parking File");
		parking_file.Open (merge_dir + key);
		parking_flag = true;

	//---- open merge access file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_ACCESS_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		access_file.File_Type ("Merge Access File");
		access_file.Open (merge_dir + key);
		access_flag = true;

	//---- open merge stop file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_STOP_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		stop_file.File_Type ("Merge Stop File");
		stop_file.Open (merge_dir + key);
		stop_flag = true;

	//---- open merge sign file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_SIGN_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		sign_file.File_Type ("Merge Sign File");
		sign_file.Open (merge_dir + key);
		sign_flag = true;

	//---- open merge signal file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_SIGNAL_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		signal_file.File_Type ("Merge Signal File");
		signal_file.Open (merge_dir + key);
		signal_flag = true;

	//---- open merge timing file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_TIMING_PLAN_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		timing_file.File_Type ("Merge Timing Plan File");
		timing_file.Open (merge_dir + key);
		timing_flag = true;

	//---- open merge phasing file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_PHASING_PLAN_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		phasing_file.File_Type ("Merge Phasing Plan File");
		phasing_file.Open (merge_dir + key);
		phasing_flag = true;

	//---- open merge detector file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_DETECTOR_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		detector_file.File_Type ("Merge Detector File");
		detector_file.Open (merge_dir + key);
		detector_flag = true;

	//---- open merge zone file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_ZONE_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		zone_file.File_Type ("Merge Zone File");
		zone_file.Open (merge_dir + key);
		zone_flag = true;

	//---- open merge performance file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_PERFORMANCE_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		performance_file.File_Type ("Merge Performance File");
		performance_file.Open (merge_dir + key);
		performance_flag = true;

	//---- open merge turn_delay file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (MERGE_TURN_DELAY_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		turn_delay_file.File_Type ("Merge Turn Delay File");
		turn_delay_file.Open (merge_dir + key);
		turn_delay_flag = true;
