int WINAPI _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { TCHAR *cmdline; TCHAR seekchar = _T(' '); TCHAR *keyname, *file; // These are turned into heap memory to avoid _chkstk keyname = (TCHAR*) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, STR_SIZE*sizeof(TCHAR)); file = (TCHAR*) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, STR_SIZE*sizeof(TCHAR)); cmdline = GetCommandLine(); if (*cmdline == _T('\"')) seekchar = *cmdline++; while (*cmdline && *cmdline != seekchar) cmdline = CharNext(cmdline); cmdline = CharNext(cmdline); while (*cmdline == _T(' ')) cmdline++; if (*cmdline++ != _T('/')) { ExitProcess(1); return 0; } if (*cmdline == _T('S')) { HKEY rootkey; if (SUCCEEDED(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("Software\\NSIS.Library.RegTool.v3"), 0, KEY_READ, &rootkey))) { while (RegEnumKey(rootkey, 0, keyname, STR_SIZE) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HKEY key; if (SUCCEEDED(RegOpenKeyEx(rootkey, keyname, 0, KEY_READ, &key))) { DWORD t, count, l = sizeof(DWORD); if (SUCCEEDED(RegQueryValueEx(key, _T("count"), NULL, &t, (LPBYTE) &count, &l)) && t == REG_DWORD) { DWORD j; TCHAR valname[128], mode[3]; for (j = 1; j <= count; j++) { wsprintf(valname, _T("%u.mode"), j); l = sizeof(mode); if (FAILED(RegQueryValueEx(key, valname, NULL, &t, (LPBYTE) mode, &l)) || t != REG_SZ) continue; wsprintf(valname, _T("%u.file"), j); l = STR_SIZE*sizeof(TCHAR); if (FAILED(RegQueryValueEx(key, valname, NULL, &t, (LPBYTE) file, &l)) || t != REG_SZ) continue; file[STR_SIZE - 1] = 0; // JP: Note, if this mode[1] is used as anything but a boolean later on, // we'll need to consider the next line carefully. RegFile(mode[0], file, mode[1] == 'X'); } } RegCloseKey(key); RegDeleteKey(rootkey, keyname); } } RegCloseKey(rootkey); RegDeleteKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("Software\\NSIS.Library.RegTool.v3")); } { if (GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), file, STR_SIZE)) { DeleteFileOnReboot(file); } } } else { SetErrorMode(SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX | SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); OleInitialize(NULL); if (*cmdline == _T('D')) { RegDll(cmdline + 1); } else if (*cmdline == _T('T')) { RegTypeLib(cmdline + 1); } OleUninitialize(); SetErrorMode(0); } GlobalFree(keyname); GlobalFree(file); ExitProcess(0); return 0; }
char* GetAccountTypeHelper(BOOL CheckTokenForGroupDeny) { char *group = NULL; HANDLE hToken = NULL; struct group { DWORD auth_id; char *name; }; struct group groups[] = { {DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_USERS, "User"}, // every user belongs to the users group, hence users come before guests {DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_GUESTS, "Guest"}, {DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_POWER_USERS, "Power"}, {DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, "Admin"} }; if (GetVersion() & 0x80000000) // Not NT { return "Admin"; } // First we must open a handle to the access token for this thread. if (OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, FALSE, &hToken) || OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken)) { SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY SystemSidAuthority = {SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY}; TOKEN_GROUPS *ptg = NULL; BOOL ValidTokenGroups = FALSE; DWORD cbTokenGroups; DWORD i, j; if (CheckTokenForGroupDeny) // GetUserName is in advapi32.dll so we can avoid Load/Freelibrary _CheckTokenMembership= (CHECKTOKENMEMBERSHIP) GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle("ADVAPI32"), "CheckTokenMembership"); // Use "old school" membership check? if (!CheckTokenForGroupDeny || _CheckTokenMembership == NULL) { // We must query the size of the group information associated with // the token. Note that we expect a FALSE result from GetTokenInformation // because we've given it a NULL buffer. On exit cbTokenGroups will tell // the size of the group information. if (!GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenGroups, NULL, 0, &cbTokenGroups) && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { // Allocate buffer and ask for the group information again. // This may fail if an administrator has added this account // to an additional group between our first call to // GetTokenInformation and this one. if ((ptg = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, cbTokenGroups)) && GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenGroups, ptg, cbTokenGroups, &cbTokenGroups)) { ValidTokenGroups=TRUE; } } } if (ValidTokenGroups || (CheckTokenForGroupDeny && _CheckTokenMembership)) { PSID psid; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(groups)/sizeof(struct group); i++) { // Create a SID for the local group and then check if it exists in our token if (AllocateAndInitializeSid( &SystemSidAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, groups[i].auth_id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,&psid)) { BOOL IsMember = FALSE; if (CheckTokenForGroupDeny && _CheckTokenMembership) { _CheckTokenMembership(0, psid, &IsMember); } else if (ValidTokenGroups) { for (j = 0; j < ptg->GroupCount; j++) { if (EqualSid(ptg->Groups[j].Sid, psid)) { IsMember = TRUE; } } } if (IsMember) group=groups[i].name; FreeSid(psid); } } } if (ptg) GlobalFree(ptg); CloseHandle(hToken); return group; } return ""; }
void __declspec(dllexport) LangDialog(HWND hwndParent, int string_size, char *variables, stack_t **stacktop) { g_hwndParent=hwndParent; EXDLL_INIT(); { int i; int doauto = 0; BOOL pop_empty_string = FALSE; // get texts if (popstring(g_wndtitle)) return; if (popstring(g_wndtext)) return; // get flags if (popstring(temp)) return; // parse flags { char *p=temp; while (*p) { if (*p == 'A') doauto=1; // parse auto count flag if (*p == 'F') dofont=1; // parse font flag if (*p == 'C') docp=1; // parse codepage flag p++; } } if (doauto) { // automatic language count stack_t *th; langs_num=0; th=(*g_stacktop); while (th && th->text[0]) { langs_num++; th = th->next; } if (!th) return; if (docp) langs_num /= 3; else langs_num /= 2; pop_empty_string = TRUE; } else { // use counts languages langs_num = myatou(temp); } // zero languages? if (!langs_num) return; // initialize visible languages count visible_langs_num = 0; // allocate language struct langs = (struct lang *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, langs_num*sizeof(struct lang)); if (!langs) return; // fill language struct for (i = 0; i < langs_num; i++) { if (popstring(temp)) { visible_langs_num = 0; break; } langs[visible_langs_num].name = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, lstrlen(temp)+1); if (!langs[visible_langs_num].name) { visible_langs_num = 0; break; } lstrcpy(langs[visible_langs_num].name, temp); if (popstring(temp)) { visible_langs_num = 0; break; } langs[visible_langs_num].id = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, lstrlen(temp)+1); if (!langs[visible_langs_num].id) { visible_langs_num = 0; break; } lstrcpy(langs[visible_langs_num].id, temp); if (docp) { if (popstring(temp)) { visible_langs_num = 0; break; } langs[visible_langs_num].cp = myatou(temp); } if (!docp || langs[visible_langs_num].cp == GetACP() || langs[visible_langs_num].cp == 0) { visible_langs_num++; } else { GlobalFree(langs[visible_langs_num].name); GlobalFree(langs[visible_langs_num].id); } } // pop the empty string to keep the stack clean if (pop_empty_string) { if (popstring(temp)) { visible_langs_num = 0; } } // start dialog if (visible_langs_num > 1) { DialogBox(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG), 0, DialogProc); } else if (visible_langs_num == 0) { pushstring(""); } else { pushstring(langs[0].id); } // free structs for (i = 0; i < visible_langs_num; i++) { if (langs[i].name) GlobalFree(langs[i].name); if (langs[i].id) GlobalFree(langs[i].id); } GlobalFree(langs); } }
// // Entry point for conversion // UT_Error IE_ImpGraphic_Win32Native::_convertGraphic(UT_ByteBuf * pBB, std::string& mimetype) { IPicture* pPicture = NULL; IStream* stream; HGLOBAL hG; HBITMAP hBitmap; OLE_HANDLE* hB; PBITMAPINFO bi; UT_ByteBuf bBufBMP; UT_Error err; /* If the system has GDI+, use it*/ if (isGDIPlusAvailable()) { m_pBB = new UT_ByteBuf(); return GDIconvertGraphic(pBB, m_pBB, mimetype); } // the code below always writes out PNG's for now; we could update it to support // native JPEG images as well, or just delete it and always use GDI+. mimetype = "image/png"; // We need to store the incoming bytebuffer in a Windows global heap size_t nBlockLen = pBB->getLength(); hG = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, nBlockLen); if (!hG) return UT_IE_NOMEMORY; CopyMemory(hG, pBB->getPointer(0), nBlockLen); // Create a stream from heap HRESULT hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(hG,false,&stream); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || !stream) { GlobalFree(hG); return UT_IE_NOMEMORY; } hr = OleLoadPicture(stream,0,false,IID_IPicture,(void**)&pPicture); stream->Release(); GlobalFree(hG); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || !pPicture) { return UT_IE_UNKNOWNTYPE; } pPicture->get_Handle((unsigned int*)&hB); hBitmap = (HBITMAP)CopyImage(hB,IMAGE_BITMAP,0,0,LR_COPYRETURNORG); HWND hWnd = GetDesktopWindow(); // Create a BMP file from a BITMAP bi = CreateBitmapInfoStruct(hBitmap); CreateBMPFile(hWnd, bBufBMP, bi, hBitmap, GetDC(hWnd)); LocalFree ((HLOCAL)bi); InitializePrivateClassData(); /* Read Header Data */ err = Read_BMP_Header(&bBufBMP); /* It's not a bitmap, then we have to rendered it into a device context and get a bitmap from there. Case wmf graphics */ if (err) { if (err!=UT_IE_BOGUSDOCUMENT) { pPicture->Release(); return err; } long nWidth = 0; long nHeight = 0; long nScaleToWidth= 500; long nScaleToHeight= 500; RECT rc, rect; BYTE *imagedata; HBITMAP hBit; HBITMAP hOld; BITMAPINFO bmi; HDC hWndDC = GetDC(hWnd); HDC hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hWndDC); HBRUSH hBrush = (HBRUSH)GetCurrentObject(hMemDC, OBJ_BRUSH); pPicture->get_Width (&nWidth); pPicture->get_Height(&nHeight); bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = nScaleToWidth; bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = nScaleToHeight; bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24; // as we want true-color bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; // no compression bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = (((bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth * bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount + 31) & ~31) >> 3) * bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight; bmi.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bmi.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bmi.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0; bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; // we are not using palette hBit = CreateDIBSection(hMemDC,&bmi,DIB_RGB_COLORS,(void**)&imagedata,0,0); hOld = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(hMemDC, hBit); rect.left = 0; = nScaleToHeight; rect.right = nScaleToWidth; rect.bottom = 0; FillRect(hMemDC, &rect, hBrush); pPicture->Render(hMemDC, 0,0, nScaleToWidth, nScaleToHeight, 0, nHeight, nWidth, -nHeight, &rc); hBit = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hMemDC, hOld); bi = CreateBitmapInfoStruct(hBit); CreateBMPFile(hWnd, bBufBMP, &bmi, hBit, hMemDC); LocalFree ((HLOCAL)bi); DeleteDC(hMemDC); DeleteDC(hWndDC); DeleteObject(hBrush); DeleteObject(hBit); err = Read_BMP_Header(&bBufBMP); if (err) { pPicture->Release(); return err; } } pPicture->Release(); if ((err = Initialize_PNG())) { return err; } /* Read Palette, if no palette set Header accordingly */ if(m_iBitsPerPlane < 24) { if ((err = Convert_BMP_Palette(&bBufBMP))) return err; } else { UT_uint16 bitsPerChannel; UT_uint16 colorType; if (m_iBitsPerPlane == 24) { bitsPerChannel = 8; colorType = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB; } else if (m_iBitsPerPlane == 32) { bitsPerChannel = 8; colorType = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA; } else if (m_iBitsPerPlane == 48) { bitsPerChannel = 16; colorType = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB; } else if (m_iBitsPerPlane == 64) { bitsPerChannel = 16; colorType = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA; } else { return UT_ERROR; } png_set_IHDR ( m_pPNG, m_pPNGInfo, m_iWidth, m_iHeight, bitsPerChannel, colorType, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_DEFAULT ); } if ((err = Convert_BMP(&bBufBMP))) { return err; } /* Clean Up Memory Used */ //FREEP(m_pPNGInfo->palette); png_destroy_write_struct(&m_pPNG, &m_pPNGInfo); return UT_OK; }
void operator delete( void *p ) { if (p) GlobalFree(p); }
int MyOpen(HWND hEdit) { int id; HWND hMain; DWORD dwSize = 0L; OPENFILENAME ofn; HANDLE hFile; DWORD dwAccBytes; LPTSTR lpszBuf; HGLOBAL hMem; id = MyConfirm(hEdit); if (id == IDCANCEL) return -1; // OPENFILENAME構造体を設定 memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(OPENFILENAME)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = hEdit; ofn.lpstrFilter = TEXT("text(*.txt)\0*.txt\0All files(*.*)\0*.*\0\0"); ofn.lpstrFile = szFile; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = szFileTitle; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH; ofn.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY; ofn.lpstrDefExt = TEXT("txt"); ofn.lpstrTitle = TEXT("猫でもわかるファイルオープン"); if(GetOpenFileName(&ofn) == 0) // 「ファイルを開く」ダイアログ return -1; hFile = CreateFile(szFile, // ファイル名 GENERIC_READ, // 読み取り/書き込みアクセス 0, // 共有設定 0だと共有対象としない NULL, // セキュリティ属性 OPEN_ALWAYS, // ファイルがすでに存在しているかどうか FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // ファイル属性 NULL); dwSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); // ファイルサイズを取得 // メモリを動的に確保 hMem = GlobalAlloc(GHND, dwSize + sizeof(TCHAR)); if (hMem == NULL) { MessageBox(hEdit, TEXT("メモリを確保できません"), TEXT("猫でもわかるメモ帳もどき"), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK); return -1; } lpszBuf = (LPTSTR)GlobalLock(hMem); // ファイルを読み込み、エディットコントロールに表示する ReadFile(hFile, lpszBuf, dwSize, &dwAccBytes, NULL); lpszBuf[dwAccBytes] = TEXT('\0'); Edit_SetText(hEdit, lpszBuf); // タイトルバーの設定 wsprintf(szTitle, szTitle_org, szFileTitle, dwSize); hMain = GetParent(hEdit); SetWindowText(hMain, szTitle); CloseHandle(hFile); GlobalUnlock(hMem); GlobalFree(hMem); return 0; }
void PrintingCleanup(void) { if (hDevNames) GlobalFree(hDevNames); if (hDevMode) GlobalFree(hDevMode); }
/** Print out a stacktrace. */ static void Stacktrace(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS e, HANDLE hThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL pSym; STACKFRAME sf; HANDLE process, thread; DWORD dwModBase, Disp; BOOL more = FALSE; int count = 0; char modname[MAX_PATH]; pSym = (PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, 16384); BOOL suspended = FALSE; CONTEXT c; if (e) { c = *e->ContextRecord; thread = GetCurrentThread(); } else { SuspendThread(hThread); suspended = TRUE; memset(&c, 0, sizeof(CONTEXT)); c.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL; // FIXME: This does not work if you want to dump the current thread's stack if (!GetThreadContext(hThread, &c)) { ResumeThread(hThread); return; } thread = hThread; } ZeroMemory(&sf, sizeof(sf)); sf.AddrPC.Offset = c.Eip; sf.AddrStack.Offset = c.Esp; sf.AddrFrame.Offset = c.Ebp; sf.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat; sf.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat; sf.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat; process = GetCurrentProcess(); // use globalalloc to reduce risk for allocator related deadlock char* printstrings = (char*)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, 0); bool containsOglDll = false; while (true) { more = StackWalk( IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386, // TODO: fix this for 64 bit windows? process, thread, &sf, &c, NULL, SymFunctionTableAccess, SymGetModuleBase, NULL ); if (!more || sf.AddrFrame.Offset == 0) { break; } dwModBase = SymGetModuleBase(process, sf.AddrPC.Offset); if (dwModBase) { GetModuleFileName((HINSTANCE)dwModBase, modname, MAX_PATH); } else { strcpy(modname, "Unknown"); } pSym->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL); pSym->MaxNameLength = MAX_PATH; char *printstringsnew = (char *)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, (count + 1) * BUFFER_SIZE); memcpy(printstringsnew, printstrings, count * BUFFER_SIZE); GlobalFree(printstrings); printstrings = printstringsnew; if (SymGetSymFromAddr(process, sf.AddrPC.Offset, &Disp, pSym)) { // This is the code path taken on VC if debugging syms are found. SNPRINTF(printstrings + count * BUFFER_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE, "(%d) %s(%s+%#0lx) [0x%08lX]", count, modname, pSym->Name, Disp, sf.AddrPC.Offset); } else { // This is the code path taken on MinGW, and VC if no debugging syms are found. SNPRINTF(printstrings + count * BUFFER_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE, "(%d) %s [0x%08lX]", count, modname, sf.AddrPC.Offset); } // OpenGL lib names (ATI): "atioglxx.dll" "atioglx2.dll" containsOglDll = containsOglDll || strstr(modname, "atiogl"); // OpenGL lib names (Nvidia): "nvoglnt.dll" "nvoglv32.dll" "nvoglv64.dll" (last one is a guess) containsOglDll = containsOglDll || strstr(modname, "nvogl"); ++count; } if (containsOglDll) { PRINT("This stack trace indicates a problem with your graphic card driver. " "Please try upgrading or downgrading it. " "Specifically recommended is the latest driver, and one that is as old as your graphic card. " "Make sure to use a driver removal utility, before installing other drivers."); } if (suspended) { ResumeThread(hThread); } for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { PRINT("%s", printstrings + i * BUFFER_SIZE); } GlobalFree(printstrings); GlobalFree(pSym); }
static LRESULT CALLBACK vboxClipboardWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT rc = 0; VBOXCLIPBOARDCONTEXT *pCtx = &g_ctx; switch (msg) { case WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE: { Log(("WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE\n")); if (GetClipboardOwner() != hwnd) { /* Clipboard was updated by another application. */ vboxClipboardChanged(pCtx); } } break; case WM_CHANGECBCHAIN: { Log(("WM_CHANGECBCHAIN\n")); if (vboxClipboardIsNewAPI(pCtx)) { rc = DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); break; } HWND hwndRemoved = (HWND)wParam; HWND hwndNext = (HWND)lParam; if (hwndRemoved == pCtx->hwndNextInChain) { /* The window that was next to our in the chain is being removed. * Relink to the new next window. */ pCtx->hwndNextInChain = hwndNext; } else { if (pCtx->hwndNextInChain) { /* Pass the message further. */ DWORD_PTR dwResult; rc = SendMessageTimeout(pCtx->hwndNextInChain, WM_CHANGECBCHAIN, wParam, lParam, 0, CBCHAIN_TIMEOUT, &dwResult); if (!rc) rc = (LRESULT)dwResult; } } } break; case WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD: { Log(("WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD\n")); if (GetClipboardOwner () != hwnd) { /* Clipboard was updated by another application. */ vboxClipboardChanged (pCtx); } if (pCtx->hwndNextInChain) { Log(("WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD next %p\n", pCtx->hwndNextInChain)); /* Pass the message to next windows in the clipboard chain. */ DWORD_PTR dwResult; rc = SendMessageTimeout(pCtx->hwndNextInChain, msg, wParam, lParam, 0, CBCHAIN_TIMEOUT, &dwResult); if (!rc) rc = dwResult; } } break; case WM_TIMER: { if (vboxClipboardIsNewAPI(pCtx)) break; HWND hViewer = GetClipboardViewer(); /* Re-register ourselves in the clipboard chain if our last ping * timed out or there seems to be no valid chain. */ if (!hViewer || pCtx->fCBChainPingInProcess) { removeFromCBChain(pCtx); addToCBChain(pCtx); } /* Start a new ping by passing a dummy WM_CHANGECBCHAIN to be * processed by ourselves to the chain. */ pCtx->fCBChainPingInProcess = TRUE; hViewer = GetClipboardViewer(); if (hViewer) SendMessageCallback(hViewer, WM_CHANGECBCHAIN, (WPARAM)pCtx->hwndNextInChain, (LPARAM)pCtx->hwndNextInChain, CBChainPingProc, (ULONG_PTR) pCtx); } break; case WM_RENDERFORMAT: { /* Insert the requested clipboard format data into the clipboard. */ uint32_t u32Format = 0; UINT format = (UINT)wParam; Log(("WM_RENDERFORMAT %d\n", format)); switch (format) { case CF_UNICODETEXT: u32Format |= VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_FMT_UNICODETEXT; break; case CF_DIB: u32Format |= VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_FMT_BITMAP; break; default: if (format >= 0xC000) { TCHAR szFormatName[256]; int cActual = GetClipboardFormatName(format, szFormatName, sizeof(szFormatName)/sizeof (TCHAR)); if (cActual) { if (strcmp (szFormatName, "HTML Format") == 0) { u32Format |= VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_FMT_HTML; } } } break; } if (u32Format == 0 || pCtx->pClient == NULL) { /* Unsupported clipboard format is requested. */ Log(("WM_RENDERFORMAT unsupported format requested or client is not active.\n")); EmptyClipboard (); } else { int vboxrc = vboxClipboardReadDataFromClient (pCtx, u32Format); dprintf(("vboxClipboardReadDataFromClient vboxrc = %d, pv %p, cb %d, u32Format %d\n", vboxrc, pCtx->pClient->data.pv, pCtx->pClient->data.cb, pCtx->pClient->data.u32Format)); if ( RT_SUCCESS (vboxrc) && pCtx->pClient->data.pv != NULL && pCtx->pClient->data.cb > 0 && pCtx->pClient->data.u32Format == u32Format) { HANDLE hMem = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_DDESHARE | GMEM_MOVEABLE, pCtx->pClient->data.cb); dprintf(("hMem %p\n", hMem)); if (hMem) { void *pMem = GlobalLock (hMem); dprintf(("pMem %p, GlobalSize %d\n", pMem, GlobalSize (hMem))); if (pMem) { Log(("WM_RENDERFORMAT setting data\n")); if (pCtx->pClient->data.pv) { memcpy (pMem, pCtx->pClient->data.pv, pCtx->pClient->data.cb); RTMemFree (pCtx->pClient->data.pv); pCtx->pClient->data.pv = NULL; } pCtx->pClient->data.cb = 0; pCtx->pClient->data.u32Format = 0; /* The memory must be unlocked before inserting to the Clipboard. */ GlobalUnlock (hMem); /* 'hMem' contains the host clipboard data. * size is 'cb' and format is 'format'. */ HANDLE hClip = SetClipboardData (format, hMem); dprintf(("vboxClipboardHostEvent hClip %p\n", hClip)); if (hClip) { /* The hMem ownership has gone to the system. Nothing to do. */ break; } } GlobalFree (hMem); } } RTMemFree (pCtx->pClient->data.pv); pCtx->pClient->data.pv = NULL; pCtx->pClient->data.cb = 0; pCtx->pClient->data.u32Format = 0; /* Something went wrong. */ EmptyClipboard (); } } break; case WM_RENDERALLFORMATS: { Log(("WM_RENDERALLFORMATS\n")); /* Do nothing. The clipboard formats will be unavailable now, because the * windows is to be destroyed and therefore the guest side becomes inactive. */ int vboxrc = vboxOpenClipboard(hwnd); if (RT_SUCCESS(vboxrc)) { EmptyClipboard(); CloseClipboard(); } else { LogFlow(("vboxClipboardWndProc: WM_RENDERALLFORMATS: error in open clipboard. hwnd: %x, rc: %Rrc\n", hwnd, vboxrc)); } } break; case WM_USER: { if (pCtx->pClient == NULL || pCtx->pClient->fMsgFormats) { /* Host has pending formats message. Ignore the guest announcement, * because host clipboard has more priority. */ Log(("WM_USER ignored\n")); break; } /* Announce available formats. Do not insert data, they will be inserted in WM_RENDER*. */ uint32_t u32Formats = (uint32_t)lParam; Log(("WM_USER u32Formats = %02X\n", u32Formats)); int vboxrc = vboxOpenClipboard(hwnd); if (RT_SUCCESS(vboxrc)) { EmptyClipboard(); Log(("WM_USER emptied clipboard\n")); HANDLE hClip = NULL; if (u32Formats & VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_FMT_UNICODETEXT) { dprintf(("window proc WM_USER: VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_FMT_UNICODETEXT\n")); hClip = SetClipboardData (CF_UNICODETEXT, NULL); } if (u32Formats & VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_FMT_BITMAP) { dprintf(("window proc WM_USER: VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_FMT_BITMAP\n")); hClip = SetClipboardData (CF_DIB, NULL); } if (u32Formats & VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_FMT_HTML) { UINT format = RegisterClipboardFormat ("HTML Format"); dprintf(("window proc WM_USER: VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_FMT_HTML 0x%04X\n", format)); if (format != 0) { hClip = SetClipboardData (format, NULL); } } CloseClipboard(); dprintf(("window proc WM_USER: hClip %p, err %d\n", hClip, GetLastError ())); } else { dprintf(("window proc WM_USER: failed to open clipboard. rc: %Rrc\n", vboxrc)); } } break; case WM_DESTROY: { /* MS recommends to remove from Clipboard chain in this callback */ Assert(pCtx->hwnd); removeFromCBChain(pCtx); if (pCtx->timerRefresh) KillTimer(pCtx->hwnd, 0); PostQuitMessage(0); } break; default: { Log(("WM_ %p\n", msg)); rc = DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } } Log(("WM_ rc %d\n", rc)); return rc; }
BOOL InitializeOptions ( IN LPSTR lpCmdLine ) { BOOL Success1 = FALSE; BOOL Success2 = FALSE; DWORD ArgC = 0; LPTSTR * ArgV = CommandLineToArgv(lpCmdLine, &ArgC); if (ArgV) { for (DWORD i=0; i<ArgC; i++) { if (_stricmp(ArgV[i], "/s")==0) { OptionSilent = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(ArgV[i],"/silent")==0) { OptionSilent = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(ArgV[i],"/path")==0) { if (((i+1)<ArgC) && (ArgV[i+1])) { strcpy(InfPath, ArgV[i+1]); Success1 = TRUE; i++; } } else if (_stricmp(ArgV[i],"/path:relative")==0) { if (((i+1)<ArgC) && (ArgV[i+1])) { GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, InfPath); strcat(InfPath, "\\"); strcat(InfPath, ArgV[i+1]); Success1 = TRUE; i++; } } else if (_stricmp(ArgV[i],"/ddinstall")==0) { if (((i+1)<ArgC) && (ArgV[i+1])) { strcpy(DDInstallSection, ArgV[i+1]); Success2 = TRUE; i++; } } else if (_stricmp(ArgV[i],"/os")==0) { if (((i+1)<ArgC) && (ArgV[i+1])) { strcpy(ExpectedOsVersion, ArgV[i+1]); OptionOsVersionCheck = TRUE; i++; } } else if (_stricmp(ArgV[i],"/buildnumber")==0) { if (((i+1)<ArgC) && (ArgV[i+1])) { ExpectedOsBuildNumber = atoi(ArgV[i+1]); OptionOsBuildNumberCheck = TRUE; i++; } } else if (_stricmp(ArgV[i],"/sp")==0) { if (((i+1)<ArgC) && (ArgV[i+1])) { ExpectedOsServicePack = atoi(ArgV[i+1]); OptionOsServicePackCheck = TRUE; i++; } } } GlobalFree(HGLOBAL(ArgV)); } return (Success1 && Success2); }
HRESULT WINAPI ObjectFromLresult( LRESULT result, REFIID riid, WPARAM wParam, void **ppObject ) { WCHAR atom_str[sizeof(lresult_atom_prefix)/sizeof(WCHAR)+3*8+3]; HANDLE server_proc, server_mapping, mapping; DWORD proc_id, size; IStream *stream; HGLOBAL data; void *view; HRESULT hr; WCHAR *p; TRACE("%ld %s %ld %p\n", result, debugstr_guid(riid), wParam, ppObject ); if(wParam) FIXME("unsupported wParam = %lx\n", wParam); if(!ppObject) return E_INVALIDARG; *ppObject = NULL; if(result != (ATOM)result) return E_FAIL; if(!GlobalGetAtomNameW(result, atom_str, sizeof(atom_str)/sizeof(WCHAR))) return E_FAIL; if(memcmp(atom_str, lresult_atom_prefix, sizeof(lresult_atom_prefix))) return E_FAIL; p = atom_str + sizeof(lresult_atom_prefix)/sizeof(WCHAR); proc_id = strtoulW(p, &p, 16); if(*p != ':') return E_FAIL; server_mapping = ULongToHandle( strtoulW(p+1, &p, 16) ); if(*p != ':') return E_FAIL; size = strtoulW(p+1, &p, 16); if(*p != 0) return E_FAIL; server_proc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, FALSE, proc_id); if(!server_proc) return E_FAIL; if(!DuplicateHandle(server_proc, server_mapping, GetCurrentProcess(), &mapping, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE|DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) return E_FAIL; CloseHandle(server_proc); GlobalDeleteAtom(result); view = MapViewOfFile(mapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); CloseHandle(mapping); if(!view) return E_FAIL; data = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, size); memcpy(data, view, size); UnmapViewOfFile(view); if(!data) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(data, TRUE, &stream); if(FAILED(hr)) { GlobalFree(data); return hr; } hr = CoUnmarshalInterface(stream, riid, ppObject); IStream_Release(stream); return hr; }
ALERROR dibLoadFromBlock (IReadBlock &Data, HBITMAP *rethDIB, EBitmapTypes *retiType) // dibLoadFromBlock // // Loads a DIB into memory { ALERROR error; HBITMAP hDIB; HANDLE hFileData; int iBitsOffset; BITMAPINFOHEADER bi; if (error = Data.Open()) return error; // Get information if (error = ReadDIBInfo(&Data, &hFileData, &iBitsOffset, &bi)) return error; // Return the bit-depth of the original bitmap if (retiType) { switch (bi.biBitCount) { case 1: *retiType = bitmapMonochrome; break; case 8: *retiType = bitmapAlpha; break; default: *retiType = bitmapRGB; break; } } // Calculate how much space we need for the bits DWORD dwBits = bi.biSizeImage; DWORD dwPaletteSize = dibPaletteSize(&bi); DWORD dwLen = bi.biSize + dwPaletteSize + dwBits; // Create a DIBSection if (error = dibCreate16bitDIB(bi.biWidth, bi.biHeight, &hDIB, NULL)) { GlobalFree(hFileData); return error; } // Set the bits HDC hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); SetDIBits(hDC, hDIB, 0, bi.biHeight, Data.GetPointer(iBitsOffset, -1), (BITMAPINFO *)GlobalLock(hFileData), DIB_RGB_COLORS); ::DeleteDC(hDC); GlobalUnlock(hFileData); GlobalFree(hFileData); // Done *rethDIB = hDIB; return NOERROR; }
int CNetWorkFinder::StartFind(LPNETRESOURCE lpnr) { DWORD dwResult, dwResultEnum; HANDLE hEnum; DWORD cbBuffer = 16384; // 16K is a good size DWORD cEntries = (DWORD)-1; // enumerate all possible entries LPNETRESOURCE lpnrLocal; // pointer to enumerated structures DWORD i; int count = 0; // // Call the WNetOpenEnum function to begin the enumeration. // dwResult = WNetOpenEnum(RESOURCE_GLOBALNET, // all network resources RESOURCETYPE_ANY, // all resources 0, // enumerate all resources lpnr, // NULL first time the function is called &hEnum); // handle to the resource TCHAR szDescription[256]; TCHAR szProvider[256]; DWORD dwWNetResult, dwLastError; if (dwResult != NO_ERROR) { dwWNetResult = WNetGetLastError(&dwLastError, // error code szDescription, // buffer for error description sizeof(szDescription), // size of error buffer szProvider, // buffer for provider name sizeof(szProvider)); // size of name buffer // // Process errors with an application-defined error handler. // return count; } // // Call the GlobalAlloc function to allocate resources. // lpnrLocal = (LPNETRESOURCE) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, cbBuffer); if (lpnrLocal == NULL) return count; do { // // Initialize the buffer. // ZeroMemory(lpnrLocal, cbBuffer); // // Call the WNetEnumResource function to continue // the enumeration. // dwResultEnum = WNetEnumResource(hEnum, // resource handle &cEntries, // defined locally as -1 lpnrLocal, // LPNETRESOURCE &cbBuffer); // buffer size // // If the call succeeds, loop through the structures. // bool bRecursive = m_bRecursive; if (dwResultEnum == NO_ERROR) { count += cEntries; // Sort as per thier name as qsort(lpnrLocal, cEntries, sizeof(NETRESOURCE), (GenericCompareFn)CompareNetResource); for(i = 0; i < cEntries && !m_bAborted; i++) { // Call callback if (mNetWorkFindCallBack != NULL) { switch (mNetWorkFindCallBack(lpnrLocal+i,m_pUserParam)) { case FCB_ABORT: m_bAborted = true; break; case FCB_DORECURSIVE: bRecursive = true; break; case FCB_NORECURSIVE: bRecursive = false; break; } } if (!m_bAborted && cEntries > 0 && bRecursive) { if(RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER == (lpnrLocal[i].dwUsage & RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER)) count += StartFind(&lpnrLocal[i]); } } } // Process errors. // else if (dwResultEnum != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { break; } } // // End do. // while(dwResultEnum != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS && !m_bAborted); // // Call the GlobalFree function to free the memory. // GlobalFree((HGLOBAL)lpnrLocal); // // Call WNetCloseEnum to end the enumeration. // dwResult = WNetCloseEnum(hEnum); return count; }
/** Modifies the wininit.ini file to rename / delete a file. * * @param prevName The previous / current name of the file. * @param newName The new name to move the file to. If NULL, the current file * will be deleted. */ void RenameViaWininit(TCHAR* prevName, TCHAR* newName) { static char szRenameLine[1024]; static TCHAR wininit[1024]; static TCHAR tmpbuf[1024]; #ifdef _UNICODE static char shortExisting[1024]; static char shortNew[1024]; #endif int cchRenameLine; static const char szRenameSec[] = "[Rename]\r\n"; // rename section marker HANDLE hfile; DWORD dwFileSize; DWORD dwBytes; DWORD dwRenameLinePos; char *pszWinInit; // Contains the file contents of wininit.ini int spn; // length of the short path name in TCHARs. lstrcpy(tmpbuf, _T("NUL")); if (newName) { // create the file if it's not already there to prevent GetShortPathName from failing CloseHandle(myOpenFile(newName,0,CREATE_NEW)); spn = GetShortPathName(newName,tmpbuf,1024); if (!spn || spn > 1024) return; } // wininit is used as a temporary here spn = GetShortPathName(prevName,wininit,1024); if (!spn || spn > 1024) return; // Because wininit.ini is an ASCII text file, we need to be careful what we // convert here to TCHARs. #ifdef _UNICODE // The short name produced by GetShortPathName is always in the ASCII range // of characters. // Convert short name of new name to ANSI if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, tmpbuf, -1, shortNew, sizeof(shortNew), NULL, NULL) == 0) { // We have a failure in conversion to ANSI return; } // Convert short name of old name to ANSI if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wininit, -1, shortExisting, sizeof(shortExisting), NULL, NULL) == 0) { // We have a failure in conversion to ANSI return; } cchRenameLine = wsprintfA(szRenameLine, "%s=%s\r\n", shortNew, shortExisting); #else cchRenameLine = wsprintfA(szRenameLine, "%s=%s\r\n", tmpbuf, wininit); #endif // Get the path to the wininit.ini file. GetWindowsDirectory(wininit, 1024-16); lstrcat(wininit, _T("\\wininit.ini")); hfile = myOpenFile(wininit, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, OPEN_ALWAYS); if (hfile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // We are now working on the Windows wininit file dwFileSize = GetFileSize(hfile, NULL); pszWinInit = (char*) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwFileSize + cchRenameLine + 10); if (pszWinInit != NULL) { if (ReadFile(hfile, pszWinInit, dwFileSize, &dwBytes, NULL) && dwFileSize == dwBytes) { // Look for the rename section in the current file. LPSTR pszRenameSecInFile = mystrstriA(pszWinInit, szRenameSec); if (pszRenameSecInFile == NULL) { // No rename section. So we add it to the end of file. lstrcpyA(pszWinInit+dwFileSize, szRenameSec); dwFileSize += 10; dwRenameLinePos = dwFileSize; } else { // There is a rename section, but is there another section after it? char *pszFirstRenameLine = pszRenameSecInFile+10; char *pszNextSec = mystrstriA(pszFirstRenameLine,"\n["); if (pszNextSec) { char *p = pszWinInit + dwFileSize; char *pEnd = pszWinInit + dwFileSize + cchRenameLine; while (p > pszNextSec) { *pEnd-- = *p--; } dwRenameLinePos = pszNextSec - pszWinInit + 1; // +1 for the \n } // rename section is last, stick item at end of file else dwRenameLinePos = dwFileSize; } mini_memcpy(&pszWinInit[dwRenameLinePos], szRenameLine, cchRenameLine); dwFileSize += cchRenameLine; SetFilePointer(hfile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); WriteFile(hfile, pszWinInit, dwFileSize, &dwBytes, NULL); GlobalFree(pszWinInit); } } CloseHandle(hfile); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int exfc, infc; char **exfv, **infv; char *x_opt; DWORD dwVerInfoSize; DWORD dwVerHnd; char szFullPath[_MAX_PATH]; int retcode; #ifdef WIN32 char *ptr; #else HFILE hfile; OFSTRUCT ofs; #endif HANDLE hMem; /* handle to mem alloc'ed */ if (argc < 2) /* We must have an archive to unzip */ { printf("usage: %s <zipfile> [entry1 [entry2 [...]]] [-x xentry1 [...]]", "example"); return 0; } hDCL = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, (DWORD)sizeof(DCL)); if (!hDCL) { return 0; } lpDCL = (LPDCL)GlobalLock(hDCL); if (!lpDCL) { GlobalFree(hDCL); return 0; } hUF = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, (DWORD)sizeof(USERFUNCTIONS)); if (!hUF) { GlobalUnlock(hDCL); GlobalFree(hDCL); return 0; } lpUserFunctions = (LPUSERFUNCTIONS)GlobalLock(hUF); if (!lpUserFunctions) { GlobalUnlock(hDCL); GlobalFree(hDCL); GlobalFree(hUF); return 0; } lpUserFunctions->password = password; lpUserFunctions->print = DisplayBuf; lpUserFunctions->sound = NULL; lpUserFunctions->replace = GetReplaceDlgRetVal; lpUserFunctions->SendApplicationMessage = ReceiveDllMessage; /* First we go look for the unzip dll */ #ifdef WIN32 if (SearchPath( NULL, /* address of search path */ UNZ_DLL_NAME, /* address of filename */ NULL, /* address of extension */ _MAX_PATH, /* size, in characters, of buffer */ szFullPath, /* address of buffer for found filename */ &ptr /* address of pointer to file component */ ) == 0) #else hfile = OpenFile(UNZ_DLL_NAME, &ofs, OF_SEARCH); if (hfile == HFILE_ERROR) #endif { char str[256]; wsprintf (str, DLL_WARNING, UNZ_DLL_NAME); printf("%s\n", str); FreeUpMemory(); return 0; } #ifndef WIN32 else lstrcpy(szFullPath, ofs.szPathName); _lclose(hfile); #endif /* Now we'll check the unzip dll version information. Note that this is not the same information as is returned from a call to UzpVersion() */ dwVerInfoSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(szFullPath, &dwVerHnd); if (dwVerInfoSize) { BOOL fRet, fRetName; char str[256]; LPSTR lpstrVffInfo; /* Pointer to block to hold info */ LPSTR lszVer = NULL; LPSTR lszVerName = NULL; UINT cchVer = 0; /* Get a block big enough to hold the version information */ hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, dwVerInfoSize); lpstrVffInfo = GlobalLock(hMem); /* Get the version information */ if (GetFileVersionInfo(szFullPath, 0L, dwVerInfoSize, lpstrVffInfo)) { fRet = VerQueryValue(lpstrVffInfo, TEXT("\\StringFileInfo\\040904E4\\FileVersion"), (LPVOID)&lszVer, &cchVer); fRetName = VerQueryValue(lpstrVffInfo, TEXT("\\StringFileInfo\\040904E4\\CompanyName"), (LPVOID)&lszVerName, &cchVer); if (!fRet || !fRetName || (lstrcmpi(lszVer, UNZ_DLL_VERSION) != 0) || (lstrcmpi(lszVerName, COMPANY_NAME) != 0)) { wsprintf (str, DLL_VERSION_WARNING, UNZ_DLL_NAME); printf("%s\n", str); FreeUpMemory(); GlobalUnlock(hMem); GlobalFree(hMem); return 0; } } /* free memory */ GlobalUnlock(hMem); GlobalFree(hMem); } else { char str[256]; wsprintf (str, DLL_VERSION_WARNING, UNZ_DLL_NAME); printf("%s\n", str); FreeUpMemory(); return 0; } /* Okay, now we know that the dll exists, and has the proper version * information in it. We can go ahead and load it. */ hUnzipDll = LoadLibrary(UNZ_DLL_NAME); #ifndef WIN32 if (hUnzipDll > HINSTANCE_ERROR) #else if (hUnzipDll != NULL) #endif { Wiz_SingleEntryUnzip = (_DLL_UNZIP)GetProcAddress(hUnzipDll, "Wiz_SingleEntryUnzip"); } else { char str[256]; wsprintf (str, "Could not load %s", UNZ_DLL_NAME); printf("%s\n", str); FreeUpMemory(); return 0; } /* Here is where the actual extraction process begins. First we set up the flags to be passed into the dll. */ lpDCL->ncflag = 0; /* Write to stdout if true */ lpDCL->fQuiet = 0; /* We want all messages. 1 = fewer messages, 2 = no messages */ lpDCL->ntflag = 0; /* test zip file if true */ lpDCL->nvflag = 0; /* give a verbose listing if true */ lpDCL->nzflag = 0; /* display a zip file comment if true */ lpDCL->ndflag = 1; /* Recreate directories if true */ lpDCL->naflag = 0; /* Do not convert CR to CRLF */ lpDCL->nfflag = 0; /* Do not freshen existing files only */ lpDCL->noflag = 1; /* Over-write all files if true */ lpDCL->ExtractOnlyNewer = 0; /* Do not extract only newer */ lpDCL->PromptToOverwrite = 0; /* "Overwrite all" selected -> no query mode */ lpDCL->lpszZipFN = argv[1]; /* The archive name */ lpDCL->lpszExtractDir = NULL; /* The directory to extract to. This is set to NULL if you are extracting to the current directory. */ /* As this is a quite short example, intended primarily to show how to load and call in to the dll, the command-line parameters are only parsed in a very simplistic way: We assume that the command-line parameters after the zip archive make up a list of file patterns: " [file_i1] [file_i2] ... [file_iN] [-x file_x1 [file_x2] ...]". We scan for an argument "-x"; all arguments in front are "include file patterns", all arguments after are "exclude file patterns". If no more arguments are given, we extract ALL files. In summary, the example program should be run like: example <> [files to include] [-x files to exclude] ("<...> denotes mandatory arguments, "[...]" optional arguments) */ x_opt = NULL; if (argc > 2) { infv = &argv[2]; for (infc = 0; infc < argc-2; infc++) if (!strcmp("-x", infv[infc])) { x_opt = infv[infc]; infv[infc] = NULL; break; } exfc = argc - infc - 3; if (exfc > 0) exfv = &argv[infc+3]; else { exfc = 0; exfv = NULL; } } else { infc = exfc = 0; infv = exfv = NULL; } retcode = (*Wiz_SingleEntryUnzip)(infc, infv, exfc, exfv, lpDCL, lpUserFunctions); if (x_opt) { infv[infc] = x_opt; x_opt = NULL; } if (retcode != 0) printf("Error unzipping...\n"); FreeUpMemory(); FreeLibrary(hUnzipDll); return 1; }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : llSystemsShutdown Description : Shut down systems required by the system Inputs : Outputs : Return : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void llSystemsShutdown(void) { //memory GlobalFree(utyMemoryHeap); }
HRGN DibCreateRegion( LPBYTE lpDib, BYTE byColor ) { LPBYTE lpData; int x, y, cx, cy; DWORD dwMaxRect; RECT r; RGNDATA *pRd; HGLOBAL hMem; HRGN hRgn; if ( !lpDib || DIB_BPP( lpDib ) != 8 ) return NULL; cx = DIB_CX( lpDib ); cy = DIB_CY( lpDib ); dwMaxRect = 3000; hMem = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER) + sizeof(RECT) * dwMaxRect ); pRd = (RGNDATA *)GlobalLock( hMem ); pRd->rdh.dwSize = sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER); pRd->rdh.iType = RDH_RECTANGLES; pRd->rdh.nCount = 0; pRd->rdh.nRgnSize = 0; SetRect( &(pRd->rdh.rcBound), cx, cy, 0, 0 ); for ( y = 0; y < cy; y++ ) { lpData = DIB_DATA8XY_INV( lpDib, 0, y ); for ( x = 0; x < cx; x++ ) { if ( *lpData == byColor ) { // get run length rect r.left = x; = r.bottom = y; while ( *lpData == byColor && x < cx ) { x++; lpData++; } r.right = x; // update bound rect if ( r.left < pRd->rdh.rcBound.left ) pRd->rdh.rcBound.left = r.left; if ( < pRd-> ) pRd-> =; if ( r.right > pRd->rdh.rcBound.right ) pRd->rdh.rcBound.right = r.right; if ( r.bottom > pRd->rdh.rcBound.bottom ) pRd->rdh.rcBound.bottom = r.bottom; memcpy( &pRd->Buffer[pRd->rdh.nCount++], &r, sizeof(RECT) ); if ( pRd->rdh.nCount >= dwMaxRect ) goto exitLoop; } lpData++; } } exitLoop: pRd->rdh.nRgnSize = sizeof(RECT) * pRd->rdh.nCount; hRgn = ExtCreateRegion( NULL, sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER) + sizeof(RECT) * pRd->rdh.nCount, pRd ); GlobalUnlock( hMem ); GlobalFree( hMem ); return hRgn; }
void *ClientData::run() { USHORT sz,fr; if(type==ClientData::t_send) { // Send on the socket the datas shared // Send the format of the clipboard data char info[sizeof(USHORT)*2]; sz=htons(*size); fr=htons(*format); memcpy(info,&sz,sizeof(USHORT)); memcpy(info+sizeof(USHORT),&fr,sizeof(USHORT)); // Send the data int result=send(s,info,sizeof(USHORT)*2,NULL); if(result==0 || result==SOCKET_ERROR) { //printError(L"send"); //MessageBox(hWnd,_T("Invio dei dati preliminari fallito"),_T("Errore"),MB_OK); return NULL; } result=send(s,data,*size,NULL); if(result==0 || result==SOCKET_ERROR) { //printError(L"send"); //MessageBox(hWnd,_T("Invio dei dati fallito"),_T("Errore"),MB_OK); return NULL; } }else{ // Connect with the owner of the clipboard required sockaddr_in c_in; int addr_sz=sizeof(c_in); SOCKET s_tmp=accept(s,reinterpret_cast<sockaddr *>(&c_in),&addr_sz); if(s_tmp==INVALID_SOCKET) { //printError(L"accept"); MessageBox(hWnd,_T("Nessuna risposta dal proprietario; trasferimento della clipboard fallito."),_T("Errore"),MB_OK); return NULL; } closesocket(s); s=s_tmp; // Receive the size and format of the clipboard data char info[sizeof(USHORT)*2]; if(!recv_timeout(s,info,sizeof(USHORT)*2,0)) { //MessageBox(hWnd,_T("Nessun dato preliminare dal client!"),_T("Errore"),MB_OK); MessageBox(hWnd,_T("Nessuna risposta dal proprietario; trasferimento della clipboard fallito."),_T("Errore"),MB_OK); return NULL; } memcpy(&sz,info,sizeof(USHORT)); memcpy(&fr,info+sizeof(USHORT),sizeof(USHORT)); sz=htons(sz); fr=htons(fr); // Receive the data if(sz<1) { MessageBox(hWnd,_T("Ricevuto un valore di size inaccettabile; trasferimento della clipboard fallito."),_T("Errore"),MB_OK); return NULL; } char *cbData=new char[sz]; if(!recv_timeout(s,cbData,sz,0)) { //printError(L"recv_timeout"); MessageBox(hWnd,_T("Nessuna risposta dal proprietario; trasferimento della clipboard fallito."),_T("Errore"),MB_OK); return NULL; } // Copy datas in the clipboard if(OpenClipboard(hWnd)==false) { //printError(L"OpenClipboard"); MessageBox(hWnd,L"Impossibile accedere alla Clipboard; trasferimento della clipboard fallito.",_T("Errore"),MB_OK); delete[] cbData; return false; } if(EmptyClipboard()==false) { //printError(L"EmptyClipboard"); MessageBox(hWnd,L"Impossibile svuotare la clipboard; trasferimento della clipboard fallito.",_T("Errore"),MB_OK); delete[] cbData; CloseClipboard(); return false; } HANDLE hData=GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, sz); if (hData == NULL) { //printError(L"GlobalAlloc"); MessageBox(hWnd,L"Impossibile allocare l'oggetto globale; trasferimento della clipboard fallito.",_T("Errore"),MB_OK); delete[] cbData; CloseClipboard(); return false; } // Lock the handle and copy the text to the buffer. LPVOID lptstrCopy = GlobalLock(hData); memcpy(lptstrCopy, cbData, sz); GlobalUnlock(hData); // Place the handle on the clipboard. if(SetClipboardData(fr,hData)==NULL) { //printError(L"SetClipboardData"); MessageBox(hWnd,L"Impossibile impostare i dati nella clipboard.",_T("Errore"),MB_OK); GlobalFree(hData); delete[] cbData; return false; } if(CloseClipboard()==false) { printError(L"CloseClipboard"); MessageBox(hWnd,L"Impossibile chiudere la Clipboard.",_T("Errore"),MB_OK); return false; } MessageBox(hWnd,_T("I dati richiesti sono stati trasferiti nella tua clipboard."),_T("Avviso"),MB_OK); } return NULL; }
Proxy* WinHttpIO::getautoproxy() { Proxy* proxy = new Proxy(); proxy->setProxyType(Proxy::NONE); WINHTTP_CURRENT_USER_IE_PROXY_CONFIG ieProxyConfig = { 0 }; if (WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser(&ieProxyConfig) == TRUE) { if (ieProxyConfig.lpszProxy) { string proxyURL; proxy->setProxyType(Proxy::CUSTOM); int len = wcslen(ieProxyConfig.lpszProxy); proxyURL.assign((const char*)ieProxyConfig.lpszProxy, len * sizeof(wchar_t) + 1); // only save one proxy for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { wchar_t* character = (wchar_t*)( + i * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (*character == ' ' || *character == ';') { proxyURL.resize(i*sizeof(wchar_t)); len = i; break; } } // remove protocol prefix, if any for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { wchar_t* character = (wchar_t*)( + i * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (*character == '/') { proxyURL = proxyURL.substr((i + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); break; } } proxy->setProxyURL(&proxyURL); } else if (ieProxyConfig.lpszAutoConfigUrl || ieProxyConfig.fAutoDetect == TRUE) { WINHTTP_AUTOPROXY_OPTIONS autoProxyOptions; if (ieProxyConfig.lpszAutoConfigUrl) { autoProxyOptions.dwFlags = WINHTTP_AUTOPROXY_CONFIG_URL; autoProxyOptions.lpszAutoConfigUrl = ieProxyConfig.lpszAutoConfigUrl; autoProxyOptions.dwAutoDetectFlags = 0; } else { autoProxyOptions.dwFlags = WINHTTP_AUTOPROXY_AUTO_DETECT; autoProxyOptions.lpszAutoConfigUrl = NULL; autoProxyOptions.dwAutoDetectFlags = WINHTTP_AUTO_DETECT_TYPE_DHCP | WINHTTP_AUTO_DETECT_TYPE_DNS_A; } autoProxyOptions.fAutoLogonIfChallenged = TRUE; autoProxyOptions.lpvReserved = NULL; autoProxyOptions.dwReserved = 0; WINHTTP_PROXY_INFO proxyInfo; if (WinHttpGetProxyForUrl(hSession, L"", &autoProxyOptions, &proxyInfo)) { if (proxyInfo.lpszProxy) { string proxyURL; proxy->setProxyType(Proxy::CUSTOM); proxyURL.assign((const char*)proxyInfo.lpszProxy, wcslen(proxyInfo.lpszProxy) * sizeof(wchar_t)); proxy->setProxyURL(&proxyURL); } } } } if (ieProxyConfig.lpszProxy) { GlobalFree(ieProxyConfig.lpszProxy); } if (ieProxyConfig.lpszProxyBypass) { GlobalFree(ieProxyConfig.lpszProxyBypass); } if (ieProxyConfig.lpszAutoConfigUrl) { GlobalFree(ieProxyConfig.lpszAutoConfigUrl); } return proxy; }
/* This function will open a wave input file and prepare it for reading, * so the data can be easily * read with WaveReadFile. Returns 0 if successful, the error code if not. * pszFileName - Input filename to load. * phmmioIn - Pointer to handle which will be used * for further mmio routines. * ppwfxInfo - Ptr to ptr to WaveFormatEx structure * with all info about the file. * */ int WaveOpenFile( char *pszFileName, // (IN) HMMIO *phmmioIn, // (OUT) WAVEFORMATEX **ppwfxInfo, // (OUT) MMCKINFO *pckInRIFF // (OUT) ) { HMMIO hmmioIn; MMCKINFO ckIn; // chunk info. for general use. PCMWAVEFORMAT pcmWaveFormat; // Temp PCM structure to load in. WORD cbExtraAlloc; // Extra bytes for waveformatex int nError; // Return value. // Initialization... *ppwfxInfo = NULL; nError = 0; hmmioIn = NULL; if ((hmmioIn = mmioOpen(pszFileName, NULL, MMIO_ALLOCBUF | MMIO_READ)) == NULL) { nError = ER_CANNOTOPEN; goto ERROR_READING_WAVE; } if ((nError = (int)mmioDescend(hmmioIn, pckInRIFF, NULL, 0)) != 0) { goto ERROR_READING_WAVE; } if ((pckInRIFF->ckid != FOURCC_RIFF) || (pckInRIFF->fccType != mmioFOURCC('W', 'A', 'V', 'E'))) { nError = ER_NOTWAVEFILE; goto ERROR_READING_WAVE; } /* Search the input file for for the 'fmt ' chunk. */ ckIn.ckid = mmioFOURCC('f', 'm', 't', ' '); if ((nError = (int)mmioDescend(hmmioIn, &ckIn, pckInRIFF, MMIO_FINDCHUNK)) != 0) { goto ERROR_READING_WAVE; } /* Expect the 'fmt' chunk to be at least as large as <PCMWAVEFORMAT>; * if there are extra parameters at the end, we'll ignore them */ if (ckIn.cksize < (long) sizeof(PCMWAVEFORMAT)) { nError = ER_NOTWAVEFILE; goto ERROR_READING_WAVE; } /* Read the 'fmt ' chunk into <pcmWaveFormat>.*/ if (mmioRead(hmmioIn, (HPSTR) &pcmWaveFormat, (long) sizeof(pcmWaveFormat)) != (long) sizeof(pcmWaveFormat)) { nError = ER_CANNOTREAD; goto ERROR_READING_WAVE; } // Ok, allocate the waveformatex, but if its not pcm // format, read the next word, and thats how many extra // bytes to allocate. if ( == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) cbExtraAlloc = 0; else { // Read in length of extra bytes. if (mmioRead(hmmioIn, (LPSTR) &cbExtraAlloc, (long) sizeof(cbExtraAlloc)) != (long) sizeof(cbExtraAlloc)) { nError = ER_CANNOTREAD; goto ERROR_READING_WAVE; } } // Ok, now allocate that waveformatex structure. // if ((*ppwfxInfo = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)+cbExtraAlloc)) == NULL) // { // nError = ER_MEM; // goto ERROR_READING_WAVE; // } // Copy the bytes from the pcm structure to the waveformatex structure memcpy(*ppwfxInfo, &pcmWaveFormat, sizeof(pcmWaveFormat)); (*ppwfxInfo)->cbSize = cbExtraAlloc; // Now, read those extra bytes into the structure, if cbExtraAlloc != 0. if (cbExtraAlloc != 0) { if (mmioRead(hmmioIn, (LPSTR) (((BYTE*)&((*ppwfxInfo)->cbSize))+sizeof(cbExtraAlloc)), (long) (cbExtraAlloc)) != (long) (cbExtraAlloc)) { nError = ER_NOTWAVEFILE; goto ERROR_READING_WAVE; } } /* Ascend the input file out of the 'fmt ' chunk. */ if ((nError = mmioAscend(hmmioIn, &ckIn, 0)) != 0) { goto ERROR_READING_WAVE; } goto TEMPCLEANUP; ERROR_READING_WAVE: if (*ppwfxInfo != NULL) { GlobalFree(*ppwfxInfo); *ppwfxInfo = NULL; } if (hmmioIn != NULL) { mmioClose(hmmioIn, 0); hmmioIn = NULL; } TEMPCLEANUP: *phmmioIn = hmmioIn; return(nError); }
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd = { sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), 1, PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER, PFD_TYPE_RGBA, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, PFD_MAIN_PLANE, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static GLuint PixelFormat; static HWND hEdit; static HFONT hFont; static HINSTANCE hRtLib; static BOOL bEditVisible = TRUE; static HGLRC hRC; switch (msg) { case WM_CREATE: hRtLib = LoadLibrary(TEXT("RICHED32")); hFont = CreateFont(24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, TEXT("Consolas")); hEdit = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_LAYERED, RICHEDIT_CLASS, 0, WS_VISIBLE | WS_POPUP | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL | ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOVSCROLL | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_NOHIDESEL, 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, 0, ((LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam)->hInstance, 0); SendMessage(hEdit, EM_SETTEXTMODE, TM_PLAINTEXT, 0); SendMessage(hEdit, EM_LIMITTEXT, -1, 0); EditWndProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLong(hEdit, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)EditProc); SendMessage(hEdit, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hFont, 0); if (!(hDC = GetDC(hWnd)) || !(PixelFormat = ChoosePixelFormat(hDC, &pfd)) || !SetPixelFormat(hDC, PixelFormat, &pfd) || !(hRC = wglCreateContext(hDC)) || !wglMakeCurrent(hDC, hRC) || glewInit() != GLEW_OK || !InitGL()) return -1; SetWindowText(hEdit, TEXT("#define pi 3.14159265358979\r\n") TEXT("uniform float time;\r\n") TEXT("void main()\r\n") TEXT("{\r\n") TEXT(" vec2 p = gl_FragCoord;\r\n") TEXT(" float c = 0.0;\r\n") TEXT(" for (float i = 0.0; i < 5.0; i++)\r\n") TEXT(" {\r\n") TEXT(" vec2 b = vec2(\r\n") TEXT(" sin(time + i * pi / 7) * 256 + 512,\r\n") TEXT(" cos(time + i * pi / 2) * 256 + 384\r\n") TEXT(" );\r\n") TEXT(" c += 32 / distance(p, b);\r\n") TEXT(" }\r\n") TEXT(" gl_FragColor = vec4(c*c / sin(time), c*c / 2, c*c, 1.0);\r\n") TEXT("}\r\n") ); PostMessage(hWnd, WM_CREATED, 0, 0); break; case WM_CREATED: SendMessage(hWnd, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(0, EN_CHANGE), (long)hEdit); SendMessage(hEdit, EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, (LPARAM)(SendMessage(hEdit, EM_GETEVENTMASK, 0, 0) | ENM_CHANGE)); SetFocus(hEdit); PostMessage(hEdit, WM_SETALPHA, SHOWEDITALPHA, 0); break; case WM_MOVE: { RECT rect; GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect); ClientToScreen(hWnd, (LPPOINT)&rect.left); ClientToScreen(hWnd, (LPPOINT)&rect.right); MoveWindow(hEdit, rect.left + 16, + 16, rect.right - rect.left - 32, rect.bottom - - 32, 1); } break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case 0: if (HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE) { const DWORD dwSize = GetWindowTextLengthA(hEdit); if (!dwSize) return 0; LPSTR lpszText = (LPSTR)GlobalAlloc(0, (dwSize + 1)*sizeof(CHAR)); if (!lpszText) return 0; GetWindowTextA(hEdit, lpszText, dwSize + 1); const GLuint newProgram = CreateProgram(vsrc, lpszText); if (newProgram) { if (program) glDeleteProgram(program); program = newProgram; SetWindowText(hWnd, TEXT("フラグメントシェーダ [コンパイル成功]")); } else { SetWindowText(hWnd, TEXT("フラグメントシェーダ [コンパイル失敗]")); } GlobalFree(lpszText); } break; case ID_EDITSHOW: ShowWindow(hEdit, IsWindowVisible(hEdit) ? SW_HIDE : SW_NORMAL); break; case ID_SELECTALL: if (IsWindowVisible(hEdit)) { SendMessage(hEdit, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); SetFocus(hEdit); } break; } break; case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: SendMessage(hWnd, WM_COMMAND, ID_EDITSHOW, 0); break; case WM_ACTIVATE: active = !HIWORD(wParam); break; case WM_DESTROY: DeleteObject(hFont); if (program) glDeleteProgram(program); if (vbo) glDeleteBuffers(1, &vbo); if (vao) glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &vao); if (hRC) { wglMakeCurrent(0, 0); wglDeleteContext(hRC); } if (hDC) ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC); DestroyWindow(hEdit); FreeLibrary(hRtLib); PostQuitMessage(0); break; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: switch (wParam) { case SC_SCREENSAVE: case SC_MONITORPOWER: return 0; } default: return DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } return 0; }
int WaveLoadFile( char *pszFileName, // (IN) UINT *cbSize, // (OUT) DWORD *pcSamples, // (OUT) WAVEFORMATEX **ppwfxInfo, // (OUT) BYTE **ppbData // (OUT) ) { HMMIO hmmioIn; MMCKINFO ckInRiff; MMCKINFO ckIn; int nError; UINT cbActualRead; *ppbData = NULL; *ppwfxInfo = NULL; *cbSize = 0; if ((nError = WaveOpenFile(pszFileName, &hmmioIn, ppwfxInfo, &ckInRiff)) != 0) { goto ERROR_LOADING; } if ((nError = WaveStartDataRead(&hmmioIn, &ckIn, &ckInRiff)) != 0) { goto ERROR_LOADING; } // Ok, size of wave data is in ckIn, allocate that buffer. if ((*ppbData = (BYTE *)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, ckIn.cksize)) == NULL) { nError = ER_MEM; goto ERROR_LOADING; } if ((nError = WaveReadFile(hmmioIn, ckIn.cksize, *ppbData, &ckIn, &cbActualRead)) != 0) { goto ERROR_LOADING; } *cbSize = cbActualRead; goto DONE_LOADING; ERROR_LOADING: if (*ppbData != NULL) { GlobalFree(*ppbData); *ppbData = NULL; } if (*ppwfxInfo != NULL) { GlobalFree(*ppwfxInfo); *ppwfxInfo = NULL; } DONE_LOADING: // Close the wave file. if (hmmioIn != NULL) { mmioClose(hmmioIn, 0); hmmioIn = NULL; } return(nError); }
LRESULT HandleConvertCommand(HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HIMC hIMC = ImmGetContext(hWndCompStr); DWORD dwSel; DWORD dwSize; LPCANDIDATELIST lpCL = NULL; switch(wParam) { case IDM_CONVERT: ImmNotifyIME(hIMC,NI_COMPOSITIONSTR,CPS_CONVERT,0); break; case IDM_CANCEL: ImmNotifyIME(hIMC,NI_COMPOSITIONSTR,CPS_CANCEL,0); break; case IDM_REVERT: ImmNotifyIME(hIMC,NI_COMPOSITIONSTR,CPS_REVERT,0); break; case IDM_COMPLETE: ImmNotifyIME(hIMC,NI_COMPOSITIONSTR,CPS_COMPLETE,0); break; case IDM_OPENCAND: ImmNotifyIME(hIMC,NI_OPENCANDIDATE,0,0); break; case IDM_CLOSECAND: ImmNotifyIME(hIMC,NI_CLOSECANDIDATE,0,0); break; case IDM_NEXTCAND: /* fall-through */ case IDM_PREVCAND: if (dwSize = ImmGetCandidateList(hIMC,0x0,NULL,0)) { lpCL = (LPCANDIDATELIST)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,dwSize); ImmGetCandidateList(hIMC,0x0,lpCL,dwSize); dwSel = lpCL->dwSelection; if (wParam == IDM_NEXTCAND) { if (++dwSel >= lpCL->dwCount) { dwSel = 0; } } else { if (dwSel) { dwSel--; } else { dwSel = lpCL->dwCount - 1; } } GlobalFree((HANDLE)lpCL); ImmNotifyIME(hIMC,NI_SELECTCANDIDATESTR,0,dwSel); } break; } ImmReleaseContext(hWndCompStr,hIMC); return 1; }
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static HWND hEdit1, hEdit2, hEdit3, hButton; static HWND hStatic1, hStatic2; static HWND hCheck; switch (msg) { case WM_CREATE: hStatic1 = CreateWindow(TEXT("Static"), TEXT("対象リスト"), WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, 0, ((LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam)->hInstance, 0); hEdit1 = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, TEXT("EDIT"), TEXT(""), WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_AUTOVSCROLL | ES_MULTILINE | ES_WANTRETURN, 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, 0, ((LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam)->hInstance, 0); SendMessage(hEdit1, EM_LIMITTEXT, 0, 0); hCheck = CreateWindow(TEXT("Button"), TEXT("HTMLエスケープ"), WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, 0, ((LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam)->hInstance, 0); hEdit3 = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, TEXT("EDIT"), TEXT(""), WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | ES_AUTOHSCROLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, 0, ((LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam)->hInstance, 0); hButton = CreateWindow(TEXT("Button"), TEXT(">変換>"), WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, (HMENU)IDOK, ((LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam)->hInstance, 0); hStatic2 = CreateWindow(TEXT("Static"), TEXT("結果リスト"), WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, 0, ((LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam)->hInstance, 0); hEdit2 = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, TEXT("EDIT"), TEXT(""), WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_AUTOVSCROLL | ES_MULTILINE | ES_READONLY, 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, 0, ((LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam)->hInstance, 0); SendMessage(hEdit2, EM_LIMITTEXT, 0, 0); DragAcceptFiles(hWnd, TRUE); break; case WM_DROPFILES: { const HDROP hDrop = (HDROP)wParam; const UINT nFiles = DragQueryFile(hDrop, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 0); if (nFiles == 1) { TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; DragQueryFile(hDrop, 0, szFileName, sizeof(szFileName)); const HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(szFileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { const DWORD dwFileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, 0); DWORD dwReadSize; LPSTR lpszText = (LPSTR)GlobalAlloc(0, dwFileSize + 1); ReadFile(hFile, lpszText, dwFileSize, &dwReadSize, 0); lpszText[dwReadSize] = 0; SetWindowTextA(hEdit1, lpszText); GlobalFree(lpszText); CloseHandle(hFile); } } DragFinish(hDrop); } break; case WM_SIZE: { const int button_width = 128; const int width = (LOWORD(lParam) - button_width - 20) / 2; MoveWindow(hStatic1, 0, 0, width, 32, TRUE); MoveWindow(hEdit1, 0, 32, width, HIWORD(lParam) - 32, TRUE); MoveWindow(hCheck, width + 10, HIWORD(lParam) / 2 - 16 - 10 - 32, button_width, 32, TRUE); MoveWindow(hEdit3, width + 10, HIWORD(lParam) / 2 - 16, button_width, 32, TRUE); MoveWindow(hButton, width + 10, HIWORD(lParam) / 2 + 16 + 10, button_width, 32, TRUE); MoveWindow(hStatic2, width + button_width + 20, 0, width, 32, TRUE); MoveWindow(hEdit2, width + button_width + 20, 32, width, HIWORD(lParam) - 32, TRUE); } break; case WM_COMMAND: if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK) { EnableWindow(hButton, FALSE); SetWindowTextA(hEdit2, 0); const INT_PTR nEditLineCount1 = SendMessageA(hEdit1, EM_GETLINECOUNT, 0, 0); const INT_PTR bHtmlEscape = SendMessageA(hCheck, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0); LPSTR lpszEdit3 = 0; const int nEditLenght3 = GetWindowTextLengthA(hEdit3); if (nEditLenght3) { lpszEdit3 = (LPSTR)GlobalAlloc(0, sizeof(CHAR) * (nEditLenght3 + 1)); GetWindowTextA(hEdit3, lpszEdit3, nEditLenght3 + 1); } BOOL bIsFound; for (INT_PTR i = 0; i < nEditLineCount1; ++i) { bIsFound = FALSE; const INT_PTR nEditLineIndex1 = SendMessageA(hEdit1, EM_LINEINDEX, i, 0); const INT_PTR nEditLineLength1 = SendMessageA(hEdit1, EM_LINELENGTH, nEditLineIndex1, 0); if (!nEditLineLength1) continue; LPSTR lpszEditLine1 = (LPSTR)GlobalAlloc(0, sizeof(CHAR)* (nEditLineLength1 + 1 + 2)); // 改行文字2文字分追加 *(WORD *)lpszEditLine1 = (WORD)nEditLineLength1; SendMessageA(hEdit1, EM_GETLINE, i, (LPARAM)lpszEditLine1); lpszEditLine1[nEditLineLength1] = 0; { const std::string target(lpszEditLine1); std::regex re(R"(https?://[-_.!~*\'()a-zA-Z0-9;/?:@&=+$,%#]+)"); std::smatch match; for (auto it = target.begin(); regex_search(it, target.end(), match, re); it += match.position(0) + match.length(0)) { std::string str(match.str(0)); if (bHtmlEscape) { str = Replace(str, "&", "&"); str = Replace(str, "%3D", "="); str = Replace(str, "%22", "\""); str = Replace(str, "%20", " "); } if (!lpszEdit3 || StrStrIA(str.c_str(), lpszEdit3)) { INT_PTR dwEditTextLength = SendMessageA(hEdit2, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0); SendMessageA(hEdit2, EM_SETSEL, dwEditTextLength, dwEditTextLength); SendMessageA(hEdit2, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, (LPARAM)str.c_str()); SendMessageA(hEdit2, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, (LPARAM)"\r\n"); } } } GlobalFree(lpszEditLine1); } if (lpszEdit3) { GlobalFree(lpszEdit3); } SendMessageA(hEdit2, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); SetFocus(hEdit2); EnableWindow(hButton, TRUE); } break; case WM_CLOSE: DestroyWindow(hWnd); break; case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); break; default: return DefDlgProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } return 0; }
void STDMETHODCALLTYPE IECrossfireBHO::OnDocumentComplete(IDispatch *pDisp, VARIANT *pvarURL) { BSTR bstr = pvarURL->bstrVal; if (bstr && m_htmlToDisplay && wcscmp(bstr, ABOUT_BLANK) == 0) { CComPtr<IUnknown> webBrowserIUnknown = NULL; HRESULT hr = m_webBrowser->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)&webBrowserIUnknown); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComPtr<IUnknown> pDispIUnknown = NULL; hr = pDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pDispIUnknown); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (webBrowserIUnknown == pDispIUnknown) { /* this is the top-level page frame */ size_t length = (wcslen(m_htmlToDisplay) + 1) * 2; HGLOBAL buffer = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, length); if (buffer) { wcscpy_s((wchar_t*)buffer, length, m_htmlToDisplay); CComPtr<IStream> stream = NULL; HRESULT hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(buffer, false, &stream); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComPtr<IDispatch> document = NULL; HRESULT hr = m_webBrowser->get_Document(&document); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComPtr<IPersistStreamInit> persistStreamInit = NULL; hr = document->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistStreamInit, (void**)&persistStreamInit); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = persistStreamInit->InitNew(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = persistStreamInit->Load(stream); } } } if (FAILED(hr)) { Logger::error("IECrossfireBHO.OnDocumentComplete(): failed setting page content", hr); } } else { Logger::error("IECrossfireBHO.OnDocumentComplete(): CreateStreamOnHGlobal() failed", hr); } GlobalFree(buffer); } free(m_htmlToDisplay); m_htmlToDisplay = NULL; } } } if (FAILED(hr)) { Logger::error("IECrossfireBHO.OnDocumentComplete() failed", hr); } return; } if (m_serverState != STATE_CONNECTED) { return; } CComPtr<IUnknown> webBrowserIUnknown = NULL; HRESULT hr = m_webBrowser->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)&webBrowserIUnknown); if (FAILED(hr)) { Logger::error("IECrossfireBHO.OnDocumentComplete(): QI(IUnknown)[1] failed", hr); } else { CComPtr<IUnknown> pDispIUnknown = NULL; hr = pDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pDispIUnknown); if (FAILED(hr)) { Logger::error("IECrossfireBHO.OnDocumentComplete(): QI(IUnknown)[2] failed", hr); } else { if (webBrowserIUnknown == pDispIUnknown) { /* this is the top-level page frame */ HRESULT hr = m_server->contextLoaded(GetCurrentProcessId()); if (FAILED(hr)) { Logger::error("IECrossfireBHO.OnDocumentComplete(): contextLoaded() failed", hr); } } } } }
// // FUNCTION: About(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG) // // PURPOSE: Processes messages for "About" dialog box // This version allows greater flexibility over the contents of the 'About' box, // by pulling out values from the 'Version' resource. // // MESSAGES: // // WM_INITDIALOG - initialize dialog box // WM_COMMAND - Input received // // LRESULT CALLBACK About(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static HFONT hfontDlg; // Font for dialog text static HFONT hFinePrint; // Font for 'fine print' in dialog DWORD dwVerInfoSize; // Size of version information block LPSTR lpVersion; // String pointer to 'version' text DWORD dwVerHnd=0; // An 'ignored' parameter, always '0' UINT uVersionLen; BOOL bRetCode; int i; char szFullPath[256]; char szResult[256]; char szGetName[256]; DWORD dwVersion; char szVersion[40]; DWORD dwResult; switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: ShowWindow (hDlg, SW_HIDE); if (PRIMARYLANGID(GetUserDefaultLangID()) == LANG_JAPANESE) { hfontDlg = CreateFont(14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SHIFTJIS_CHARSET, 0, 0, 0, VARIABLE_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, ""); hFinePrint = CreateFont(11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SHIFTJIS_CHARSET, 0, 0, 0, VARIABLE_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, ""); } else { hfontDlg = CreateFont(14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, VARIABLE_PITCH | FF_SWISS, ""); hFinePrint = CreateFont(11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, VARIABLE_PITCH | FF_SWISS, ""); } CenterWindow (hDlg, GetWindow (hDlg, GW_OWNER)); GetModuleFileName (hInst, szFullPath, sizeof(szFullPath)); // Now lets dive in and pull out the version information: dwVerInfoSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(szFullPath, &dwVerHnd); if (dwVerInfoSize) { LPSTR lpstrVffInfo; HANDLE hMem; hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, dwVerInfoSize); lpstrVffInfo = GlobalLock(hMem); GetFileVersionInfo(szFullPath, dwVerHnd, dwVerInfoSize, lpstrVffInfo); // The below 'hex' value looks a little confusing, but // essentially what it is, is the hexidecimal representation // of a couple different values that represent the language // and character set that we are wanting string values for. // 040904E4 is a very common one, because it means: // US English, Windows MultiLingual characterset // Or to pull it all apart: // 04------ = SUBLANG_ENGLISH_USA // --09---- = LANG_ENGLISH // --11---- = LANG_JAPANESE // ----04E4 = 1252 = Codepage for Windows:Multilingual _snprintf_s(szGetName, 256, _TRUNCATE, "%sProductName", GetStringRes(IDS_VER_INFO_LANG)); // Set the title of the dialog: bRetCode = VerQueryValue((LPVOID)lpstrVffInfo, (LPSTR)szGetName, (LPVOID)&lpVersion, (UINT *)&uVersionLen); // Notice order of version and string... if (PRIMARYLANGID(GetUserDefaultLangID()) == LANG_JAPANESE) { _snprintf_s(szResult, 256, _TRUNCATE, "%s のバージョン情報", lpVersion); } else { _snprintf_s(szResult, 256, _TRUNCATE, "About %s", lpVersion); } // ----------------------------------------------------- SetWindowText (hDlg, szResult); // Walk through the dialog items that we want to replace: for (i = DLG_VERFIRST; i <= DLG_VERLAST; i++) { GetDlgItemText(hDlg, i, szResult, sizeof(szResult)); _snprintf_s(szGetName, 256, _TRUNCATE, "%s%s", GetStringRes(IDS_VER_INFO_LANG), szResult); uVersionLen = 0; lpVersion = NULL; bRetCode = VerQueryValue((LPVOID)lpstrVffInfo, (LPSTR)szGetName, (LPVOID)&lpVersion, (UINT *)&uVersionLen); if ( bRetCode && uVersionLen && lpVersion) { // Replace dialog item text with version info strncpy_s(szResult, 256, lpVersion, _TRUNCATE); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, i, szResult); } else { dwResult = GetLastError(); _snprintf_s(szResult, 256, _TRUNCATE, GetStringRes(IDS_VERSION_ERROR), dwResult); SetDlgItemText (hDlg, i, szResult); } SendMessage (GetDlgItem (hDlg, i), WM_SETFONT, (UINT_PTR)((i==DLG_VERLAST)?hFinePrint:hfontDlg), TRUE); } // for (i = DLG_VERFIRST; i <= DLG_VERLAST; i++) GlobalUnlock(hMem); GlobalFree(hMem); } else { // No version information available. } // if (dwVerInfoSize) SendMessage (GetDlgItem (hDlg, IDC_LABEL), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hfontDlg,(LPARAM)TRUE); // We are using GetVersion rather then GetVersionEx // because earlier versions of Windows NT and Win32s // didn't include GetVersionEx: dwVersion = GetVersion(); if (dwVersion < 0x80000000) { // Windows NT _snprintf_s(szVersion, 40, _TRUNCATE, "Microsoft Windows NT %u.%u (Build: %u)", (DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))), (DWORD)(HIBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))), (DWORD)(HIWORD(dwVersion)) ); } else if (LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))<4) { // Win32s _snprintf_s(szVersion, 40, _TRUNCATE, "Microsoft Win32s %u.%u (Build: %u)", (DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))), (DWORD)(HIBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))), (DWORD)(HIWORD(dwVersion) & ~0x8000) ); } else { // Windows 95 _snprintf_s(szVersion, 40, _TRUNCATE, "Microsoft Windows 95 %u.%u", (DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))), (DWORD)(HIBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))) ); } SetWindowText (GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_OSVERSION), szVersion); ShowWindow (hDlg, SW_SHOW); return (TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK || LOWORD(wParam) == IDCANCEL) { EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); DeleteObject (hfontDlg); DeleteObject (hFinePrint); return (TRUE); } break; } return FALSE; }
int audio_play_samples(struct audio_info_struct *ai,unsigned char *buf,int len) { HGLOBAL hg, hg2; LPWAVEHDR wh; MMRESULT res; void *b; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Wait for a few FREE blocks... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// while(nBlocks > MAX_BLOCKS) Sleep(77); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FIRST allocate some memory for a copy of the buffer! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// hg2 = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, len); if(!hg2) { MessageBox(NULL, "GlobalAlloc failed!", "Error...", MB_OK); return(-1); } b = GlobalLock(hg2); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Here we can call any modification output functions we want.... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CopyMemory(b, buf, len); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // now make a header and WRITE IT! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// hg = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof (WAVEHDR)); if(!hg) { return -1; } wh = GlobalLock(hg); wh->dwBufferLength = len; wh->lpData = b; EnterCriticalSection( &cs ); res = waveOutPrepareHeader(dev, wh, sizeof (WAVEHDR)); if(res) { GlobalUnlock(hg); GlobalFree(hg); LeaveCriticalSection( &cs ); return -1; } res = waveOutWrite(dev, wh, sizeof (WAVEHDR)); if(res) { GlobalUnlock(hg); GlobalFree(hg); LeaveCriticalSection( &cs ); return (-1); } nBlocks++; LeaveCriticalSection( &cs ); return(len); }
void CAddEdit_Attachment::ShowPreview() { CItemAtt &att = M_attachment(); HRESULT hr(S_OK); int rc(0); // Assume not an image m_attType = ATTACHMENT_NOT_IMAGE; if (!att.HasContent()) { // No content so filename must not be empty if (m_AttFileName.IsEmpty()) return; int status = att.Import(LPCWSTR(m_AttFileName)); if (status != PWScore::SUCCESS) { // most likely file error - TBD better error reporting rc = 1; goto load_error; } // Get media type before we find we can't load it m_csMediaType = att.GetMediaType().c_str(); // Get other properties wchar_t szFileSize[256]; StrFormatByteSize(att.GetContentSize(), szFileSize, 256); m_csSize = szFileSize; m_csFileCTime = att.GetFileCTime().c_str(); if (m_csFileCTime.IsEmpty()) m_csFileCTime.LoadString(IDS_NA); m_csFileMTime = att.GetFileMTime().c_str(); if (m_csFileMTime.IsEmpty()) m_csFileMTime.LoadString(IDS_NA); if (m_csMediaType.Left(5) == L"image") { // Should be an image file - but may not be supported by CImage - try.. hr = m_AttImage.Load(m_AttFileName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_stImgAttachment.Load(m_AttFileName); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Success - was an image m_attType = ATTACHMENT_IS_IMAGE; } } // Create UUID if not already present if (!att.HasUUID()) att.CreateUUID(); } else {// att.HasContent() // This should only be the case during the InitDialog - maybe m_bInitDone // in the logic for this processing rather than att.HasContent ASSERT(!m_bInitdone); if (m_csMediaType.Left(5) == L"image") { // Should be an image file - but may not be supported by CImage - try.. // Allocate attachment buffer UINT imagesize = (UINT)att.GetContentSize(); HGLOBAL gMemory = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, imagesize); ASSERT(gMemory); if (gMemory == NULL) { rc = 2; goto load_error; } BYTE *pBuffer = (BYTE *)GlobalLock(gMemory); ASSERT(pBuffer); if (pBuffer == NULL) { rc = 3; GlobalFree(gMemory); goto load_error; } // Load image into buffer att.GetContent(pBuffer, imagesize); // Put it into a IStream IStream *pStream = NULL; hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(gMemory, FALSE, &pStream); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Load it hr = m_AttImage.Load(pStream); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_stImgAttachment.Load(pStream); } } // Clean up - no real need to trash the buffer if (pStream != NULL) pStream->Release(); GlobalUnlock(gMemory); GlobalFree(gMemory); // Check image load (or previous error of putting content into an IStream) if (FAILED(hr)) { goto load_error; } // Success - was an image m_attType = ATTACHMENT_IS_IMAGE; } } return; load_error: // Ooops??? m_stImgAttachment.IssueError(rc, hr); }
~AutoGrobalFree() { GlobalFree(m_hGlobal); }
bool SaveFile(LPCSTR pszFile, int iCodePage, bool bSaveCopy) { HANDLE hFile; bool bWriteSuccess; LPSTR lpData; DWORD cbData; DWORD dwBytesWritten; hFile = CreateFile(pszFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); // failure could be due to missing attributes (2k/XP) if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes(pszFile); if (dwAttributes != 0) // INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY { dwAttributes = dwAttributes & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM); hFile = CreateFile(pszFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | dwAttributes, NULL); } } if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return FALSE; // get text cbData = SendMessage(hwnd,SCI_GETLENGTH,0,0); lpData = GlobalAlloc(GPTR,cbData + 1); SendMessage(hwnd,SCI_GETTEXT,GlobalSize(lpData),(LPARAM)lpData); if (cbData == 0) bWriteSuccess = SetEndOfFile(hFile); else { if (iCodePage & NCP_UNICODE) { LPWSTR lpDataWide; int cbDataWide; CPINFO cpi; UINT uCP_UTF8; // UTF-8 text is interpreted as ANSI when saving as Unicode on Windows 95 uCP_UTF8 = (GetCPInfo(CP_UTF8, &cpi) || IsValidCodePage(CP_UTF8)) ? CP_UTF8 : CP_ACP; lpDataWide = GlobalAlloc(GPTR,cbData * 2 + 16); cbDataWide = MultiByteToWideChar(uCP_UTF8,0,lpData,cbData,lpDataWide,GlobalSize(lpDataWide)); if (iCodePage & NCP_UNICODE_BOM) { if (iCodePage & NCP_UNICODE_REVERSE) WriteFile(hFile,(LPCVOID)"\xFE\xFF",2,&dwBytesWritten,NULL); else WriteFile(hFile,(LPCVOID)"\xFF\xFE",2,&dwBytesWritten,NULL); } if (iCodePage & NCP_UNICODE_REVERSE) { _swab((char*)lpDataWide,(char*)lpDataWide,cbDataWide * sizeof(WCHAR)); } bWriteSuccess = WriteFile(hFile,lpDataWide,cbDataWide * sizeof(WCHAR),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); GlobalFree(lpData); } else if (iCodePage & NCP_UTF8) { if (iCodePage & NCP_UTF8_SIGN) WriteFile(hFile,(LPCVOID)"\xEF\xBB\xBF",3,&dwBytesWritten,NULL); bWriteSuccess = WriteFile(hFile,lpData,cbData,&dwBytesWritten,NULL); } else // convert text to 8bit { //LPWSTR lpDataWide = GlobalAlloc(GPTR,cbData * 2 + 16); //int cbDataWide = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8,0,lpData,cbData,lpDataWide,GlobalSize(lpDataWide)); //ZeroMemory(lpData,GlobalSize(lpData)); //cbData = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,lpDataWide,cbDataWide,lpData,GlobalSize(lpData),NULL,NULL); //GlobalFree(lpDataWide); bWriteSuccess = WriteFile(hFile,lpData,cbData,&dwBytesWritten,NULL); GlobalFree(lpData); } } CloseHandle(hFile); if (bWriteSuccess) { if (!bSaveCopy) SendMessage(hwnd,SCI_SETSAVEPOINT,0,0); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }