Exemplo n.º 1
	Return the ISO-639-3 language code, cast to an unsigned int.
isocode FwGrTxtSrc::getLanguage(toffset ich)
	LgCharRenderProps lgchrp;
	int ichMinBogus, ichLimBogus;
	GrResult res = (GrResult)m_qts->GetCharProps(GrToVwOffset(ich), &lgchrp, &ichMinBogus, &ichLimBogus);

	int ws = lgchrp.ws;

	ILgWritingSystemFactoryPtr qwsf;
	ILgWritingSystemPtr qws;
	CheckHr(qwsf->get_EngineOrNull(ws, &qws));

	isocode code;
	if (!qws)
		memset(code.rgch, 0, sizeof(char) * 4);
		return code;

	SmartBstr bstrLang;

	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		code.rgch[i] = (char)(i >= bstrLang.Length() ? 0 : bstrLang[i]);
	return code;
Exemplo n.º 2
	Return the ISO-639-3 language code, cast to an unsigned int.
isocode FwGrTxtSrc::getLanguage(toffset ich)
	LgCharRenderProps lgchrp;
	int ichMinBogus, ichLimBogus;
	GrResult res = (GrResult)m_qts->GetCharProps(GrToVwOffset(ich), &lgchrp, &ichMinBogus, &ichLimBogus);

	int ws = lgchrp.ws;

	ILgWritingSystemFactoryPtr qwsf;
	IWritingSystemPtr qws;
	if (qwsf)
		CheckHr(qwsf->get_EngineOrNull(ws, &qws));
		qwsf.CreateInstance(CLSID_LgWritingSystemFactory);	// Get the memory-based factory.
		CheckHr(qwsf->get_EngineOrNull(ws, &qws));

	isocode code;
	if (!qws)
		memset(code.rgch, 0, sizeof(char) * 4);
		return code;

	SmartBstr bstrLang, bstrScript, bstrCountry, bstrVariant;
	CheckHr(qws->GetIcuLocaleParts(&bstrLang, &bstrScript, &bstrCountry, &bstrVariant));

	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		code.rgch[i] = (char)(i >= bstrLang.Length() ? 0 : bstrLang[i]);
	return code;
Exemplo n.º 3
	Return true if the text uses a right-to-left writing system.
unsigned int FwGrTxtSrc::getDirectionDepth(toffset ich)
	LgCharRenderProps lgchrp;
	int ichMinBogus, ichLimBogus;
	GrResult res = (GrResult)m_qts->GetCharProps(GrToVwOffset(ich), &lgchrp, &ichMinBogus, &ichLimBogus);

	return lgchrp.nDirDepth;
Exemplo n.º 4
	Return true if the text uses a right-to-left writing system.
bool FwGrTxtSrc::getRightToLeft(toffset ich)
	LgCharRenderProps lgchrp;
	int ichMinBogus, ichLimBogus;
	GrResult res = (GrResult)m_qts->GetCharProps(GrToVwOffset(ich), &lgchrp, &ichMinBogus, &ichLimBogus);

	return lgchrp.fWsRtl;
Exemplo n.º 5
	Temporary--eventually these will be of interest only to SegmentPainter.
void FwGrTxtSrc::getColors(toffset ich, int * pclrFore, int * pclrBack)
	LgCharRenderProps lgchrp;
	int ichMinBogus, ichLimBogus;
	GrResult res = (GrResult)m_qts->GetCharProps(GrToVwOffset(ich), &lgchrp, &ichMinBogus, &ichLimBogus);

	*pclrFore = (int)lgchrp.clrFore;
	*pclrBack = (int)lgchrp.clrBack;
Exemplo n.º 6
	Return true if the two characters represent runs that can be rendered in the same
bool FwGrTxtSrc::sameSegment(toffset ich1, toffset ich2)
	int ichMinBogus, ichLimBogus;
	LgCharRenderProps chrp1, chrp2;
	GrResult res = (GrResult)m_qts->GetCharProps(GrToVwOffset(ich1), &chrp1, &ichMinBogus, &ichLimBogus);
	if (ResultFailed(res))
		return false;
	res = (GrResult)m_qts->GetCharProps(GrToVwOffset(ich2), &chrp2, &ichMinBogus, &ichLimBogus);
	if (ResultFailed(res))
		return false;

	if (u_strcmp(chrp1.szFaceName, chrp2.szFaceName) != 0)
		return false;
	if (chrp1.ws != chrp2.ws)
		// Can't compare default fonts for different writing systems.
		StrUni stuFace;
		stuFace.Assign(chrp1.szFaceName, 8);
		if (stuFace == L"<default")
			return false;
	if (chrp1.dympHeight != chrp2.dympHeight)
		return false;
	if (chrp1.ttvBold != chrp2.ttvBold)
		return false;
	if (chrp1.ttvItalic != chrp2.ttvItalic)
		return false;
	if (chrp1.fWsRtl != chrp2.fWsRtl)
		return false;
	if (chrp1.nDirDepth != chrp2.nDirDepth)
		return false;
	if (chrp1.ssv != chrp2.ssv)
		return false;
	if (chrp1.dympOffset != chrp2.dympOffset)
		return false; // eventually improve on this

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
	Return a list of font feature settings for the given character.
size_t FwGrTxtSrc::getFontFeatures(toffset ich, FeatureSetting * prgfset)
	int ichMinBogus, ichLimBogus;

	int cfset = 0;

	int vwIch = GrToVwOffset(ich);
	// The first batch of features comes from the style setting.
	LgCharRenderProps lgchrp;
	GrResult res = (GrResult)m_qts->GetCharProps(vwIch, &lgchrp, &ichMinBogus, &ichLimBogus);
	if (ResultFailed(res))
		return cfset;
#if WIN32
	std::wstring stuFromStyle(lgchrp.szFontVar);
	std::wstring stuFromStyle = StrUtil::wstring(lgchrp.szFontVar);
	ParseFeatureString(stuFromStyle, kMaxFeatures, prgfset, &cfset);

	// The second batch comes from the hard-formatting on the text.
	// Because of the way the strings are stored this step is probably not necessary
	// (the first string is a superset of the second), but just to be on the safe side...
	SmartBstr sbstrString;
	res = (GrResult)m_qts->GetCharStringProp(vwIch, ktptFontVariations, &sbstrString,
		&ichMinBogus, &ichLimBogus);
	if (ResultFailed(res))
		return cfset;

	if (sbstrString)
		std::wstring stuFromString(sbstrString);
		if (stuFromString != stuFromStyle)
			ParseFeatureString(stuFromString, kMaxFeatures, prgfset, &cfset);

	Assert(cfset < kMaxFeatures); // otherwise memory has been clobbered

	//for (int ifeat = 0; ifeat < min(*pcfset, cMax); ifeat++)
	//	prgfset[ifeat].id = rgFeatIDs[ifeat];
	//	prgfset[ifeat].value = rgValues[ifeat];

	return cfset;
Exemplo n.º 8
	Return the size of the text, in points.
float FwGrTxtSrc::getVerticalOffset(toffset ich)
	LgCharRenderProps lgchrp;
	int ichMinBogus, ichLimBogus;
	GrResult res = (GrResult)m_qts->GetCharProps(GrToVwOffset(ich), &lgchrp, &ichMinBogus, &ichLimBogus);

	int dympOffset = lgchrp.dympOffset;

	if(lgchrp.ssv != kssvOff)
		// psuedo device context works since we are getting proportions which are invariant

		IVwGraphicsWin32Ptr qvgW;

		IVwGraphicsPtr qvg;
		CheckHr(qvgW->QueryInterface(IID_IVwGraphics, (void **) &qvg));

		if (lgchrp.ssv == kssvSuper)
			int dSuperscriptYOffsetNumerator;
			int dSuperscriptYOffsetDenominator;
			CheckHr(qvg->GetSuperscriptYOffsetRatio(&dSuperscriptYOffsetNumerator, &dSuperscriptYOffsetDenominator));
			dympOffset += gr::GrEngine::GrIntMulDiv(lgchrp.dympHeight, dSuperscriptYOffsetNumerator, dSuperscriptYOffsetDenominator);
		else if (lgchrp.ssv == kssvSub)
			int dSubscriptYOffsetNumerator;
			int dSubscriptYOffsetDenominator;
			CheckHr(qvg->GetSubscriptYOffsetRatio(&dSubscriptYOffsetNumerator, &dSubscriptYOffsetDenominator));
			dympOffset -= gr::GrEngine::GrIntMulDiv(lgchrp.dympHeight, dSubscriptYOffsetNumerator, dSubscriptYOffsetDenominator);

	return (float)(dympOffset / 1000);
Exemplo n.º 9
	Return the indices of a range of characters that all share the same properties.
std::pair<toffset, toffset> FwGrTxtSrc::propertyRange(toffset ich)
	LgCharRenderProps lgchrp;
	int ichMin, ichLim;
	GrResult res = (GrResult)m_qts->GetCharProps(GrToVwOffset(ich), &lgchrp, &ichMin, &ichLim);

	// for testing UTF-8:
	//if (ichMin != 0)
	//	Assert(false);
	//gr::utf16 prgchw[1000];
	//fetch(0, ichLim, prgchw);
	//ichLim = CountUtf8FromUtf16(prgchw, *pichLim);

	std::pair<toffset, toffset> pairRet;
	pairRet.first = VwToGrOffset(ichMin);
	pairRet.second = VwToGrOffset(ichLim);
	return pairRet;
Exemplo n.º 10

//:>	FwGrTxtSrc

size_t FwGrTxtSrc::fetch(toffset ichMin, size_t cch, gr::utf16 * prgchwBuffer)
	int cchLen;
	IgnoreHr(hr = (gr::GrResult)m_qts->get_Length(&cchLen));
	if (FAILED(hr))

	if (!m_useNFC)
		int cchGet = min(cch, cchLen - ichMin);
		IgnoreHr(hr = (gr::GrResult)m_qts->Fetch(ichMin, ichMin + cchGet, (OLECHAR*)prgchwBuffer));
		if (FAILED(hr))
		return cchGet;
		int vwIchMin = GrToVwOffset(ichMin);
		int len = cchLen - vwIchMin;
		wchar_t* pchNfd;
		StrUni stuText;
		stuText.SetSize(len + 1, &pchNfd);
		IgnoreHr(hr = (gr::GrResult)m_qts->Fetch(vwIchMin, vwIchMin + len, pchNfd));
		if (FAILED(hr))
		pchNfd[len] = '\0';
		stuText.SetSize(len, &pchNfd);
		StrUtil::NormalizeStrUni(stuText, UNORM_NFC);
		int cchGet = min((int) cch, stuText.Length());
		wcsncpy((wchar_t*) prgchwBuffer, stuText.Chars(), cchGet);
		return cchGet;