Exemplo n.º 1
static void do_limit (OTMultiEditor me) {
	Melder_free (my form1);
	Melder_free (my form2);
	my form1 = GuiText_getString (my form1Text);
	my form2 = GuiText_getString (my form2Text);
	Graphics_updateWs (my g);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void gui_button_cb_addTarget (ArtwordEditor me, GuiButtonEvent /* event */) {
	Artword artword = (Artword) my data;
	char32 *timeText = GuiText_getString (my time);
	double tim = Melder_atof (timeText);
	char32 *valueText = GuiText_getString (my value);
	double value = Melder_atof (valueText);
	ArtwordData a = & artword -> data [my feature];
	int i = 1, oldCount = a -> numberOfTargets;
	Melder_free (timeText);
	Melder_free (valueText);
	Artword_setTarget (artword, my feature, tim, value);

	/* Optimization instead of "updateList (me)". */

	if (tim < 0) tim = 0;
	if (tim > artword -> totalTime) tim = artword -> totalTime;
	while (tim != a -> times [i]) {
		i ++;
		Melder_assert (i <= a -> numberOfTargets);   // can fail if tim is in an extended precision register
	const char32 *itemText = Melder_cat (Melder_single (tim), U"  ", Melder_single (value));
	if (a -> numberOfTargets == oldCount) {
		GuiList_replaceItem (my list, itemText, i);
	} else {
		GuiList_insertItem (my list, itemText, i);
	Graphics_updateWs (my graphics.get());
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void gui_button_cb_insert (StringsEditor me, GuiButtonEvent /* event */) {
	Strings strings = (Strings) my data;
	 * Find the first selected item.
	long numberOfSelected, *selected = GuiList_getSelectedPositions (my list, & numberOfSelected);
	long position = selected ? selected [1] : strings -> numberOfStrings + 1;
	NUMvector_free (selected, 1);
	char32 *text = GuiText_getString (my text);
	 * Change the data.
	Strings_insert (strings, position, text);
	 * Change the list.
	GuiList_insertItem (my list, text, position);
	GuiList_deselectAllItems (my list);
	GuiList_selectItem (my list, position);
	 * Clean up.
	Melder_free (text);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void menu_cb_run (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (ScriptEditor);
	if (my interpreter -> running)
		Melder_throw (U"The script is already running (paused). Please close or continue the pause or demo window.");
	autostring32 text = GuiText_getString (my textWidget);
	trace (U"Running the following script (1):\n", text.peek());
	structMelderFile file = { 0 };
	if (my name [0]) {
		Melder_pathToFile (my name, & file);
		MelderFile_setDefaultDir (& file);
	Melder_includeIncludeFiles (& text);
	int npar = Interpreter_readParameters (my interpreter, text.peek());
	if (npar) {
		 * Pop up a dialog box for querying the arguments.
		forget (my argsDialog);
		my argsDialog = Interpreter_createForm (my interpreter, my d_windowForm, NULL, args_ok, me, false);
		UiForm_do (my argsDialog, false);
	} else {
		autoPraatBackground background;
		if (my name [0]) MelderFile_setDefaultDir (& file);
		trace (U"Running the following script (2):\n", text.peek());
		Interpreter_run (my interpreter, text.peek());
Exemplo n.º 5
void StringsEditor::gui_button_cb_insert (I, GuiButtonEvent event) {
	(void) event;
	StringsEditor *stringsEditor = (StringsEditor *)void_me;
	Strings strings = (structStrings*)stringsEditor->_data;
	 * Find the first selected item.
	long numberOfSelected, *selected = GuiList_getSelectedPositions (stringsEditor->_list, & numberOfSelected);
	long position = selected == NULL ? strings -> numberOfStrings + 1 : selected [1];
	NUMlvector_free (selected, 1);
	wchar_t *text = GuiText_getString (stringsEditor->_text);
	 * Change the data.
	Strings_insert (strings, position, text);
	 * Change the list.
	GuiList_insertItem (stringsEditor->_list, text, position);
	GuiList_deselectAllItems (stringsEditor->_list);
	GuiList_selectItem (stringsEditor->_list, position);
	 * Clean up.
	Melder_free (text);
	stringsEditor->broadcastChange ();
Exemplo n.º 6
static void gui_button_cb_insert (I, GuiButtonEvent event) {
	(void) event;
	iam (StringsEditor);
	Strings strings = (Strings) my data;
	 * Find the first selected item.
	long numberOfSelected, *selected = GuiList_getSelectedPositions (my list, & numberOfSelected);
	long position = selected == NULL ? strings -> numberOfStrings + 1 : selected [1];
	NUMvector_free (selected, 1);
	wchar_t *text = GuiText_getString (my text);
	 * Change the data.
	Strings_insert (strings, position, text);
	 * Change the list.
	GuiList_insertItem (my list, text, position);
	GuiList_deselectAllItems (my list);
	GuiList_selectItem (my list, position);
	 * Clean up.
	Melder_free (text);
	my broadcastDataChanged ();
Exemplo n.º 7
static void saveDocument (TextEditor me, MelderFile file) {
	autostring32 text = GuiText_getString (my textWidget);
	MelderFile_writeText (file, text.peek(), Melder_getOutputEncoding ());
	my dirty = false;
	MelderFile_copy (file, & my file);
	if (my v_fileBased ()) Thing_setName (me, Melder_fileToPath (file));
Exemplo n.º 8
static void menu_cb_expandIncludeFiles (ScriptEditor me, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) {
	structMelderFile file = { 0 };
	autostring32 text = GuiText_getString (my textWidget);
	if (my name [0]) {
		Melder_pathToFile (my name, & file);
		MelderFile_setDefaultDir (& file);
	Melder_includeIncludeFiles (& text);
	GuiText_setString (my textWidget, text.peek());
Exemplo n.º 9
static void gui_button_cb_replace (StringsEditor me, GuiButtonEvent /* event */) {
	Strings strings = (Strings) my data;
	long numberOfSelected, *selected = GuiList_getSelectedPositions (my list, & numberOfSelected);
	char32 *text = GuiText_getString (my text);
	for (long iselected = 1; iselected <= numberOfSelected; iselected ++) {
		Strings_replace (strings, selected [iselected], text);
		GuiList_replaceItem (my list, text, selected [iselected]);
	Melder_free (text);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Exemplo n.º 10
static void insert (CategoriesEditor me, int position) {
	autostring32 text = GuiText_getString (my text);
	if (str32len (text.peek()) != 0) {
		autoSimpleString str = SimpleString_create (text.peek());
		autoCategoriesEditorInsert command = CategoriesEditorInsert_create (me, str.move(), position);
		Command_do (command.peek());
		if (my history) {
			CommandHistory_insertItem_move (my history.peek(), command.move());
		updateWidgets (me);
Exemplo n.º 11
void StringsEditor::gui_button_cb_replace (I, GuiButtonEvent event) {
	(void) event;
	StringsEditor *stringsEditor = (StringsEditor *)void_me;
	Strings strings = (structStrings*)stringsEditor->_data;
	long numberOfSelected, *selected = GuiList_getSelectedPositions (stringsEditor->_list, & numberOfSelected);
	wchar_t *text = GuiText_getString (stringsEditor->_text);
	for (long iselected = 1; iselected <= numberOfSelected; iselected ++) {
		Strings_replace (strings, selected [iselected], text);
		GuiList_replaceItem (stringsEditor->_list, text, selected [iselected]);
	Melder_free (text);
	stringsEditor->broadcastChange ();
Exemplo n.º 12
static void gui_button_cb_replace (I, GuiButtonEvent event) {
	(void) event;
	iam (StringsEditor);
	Strings strings = (Strings) my data;
	long numberOfSelected, *selected = GuiList_getSelectedPositions (my list, & numberOfSelected);
	wchar_t *text = GuiText_getString (my text);
	for (long iselected = 1; iselected <= numberOfSelected; iselected ++) {
		Strings_replace (strings, selected [iselected], text);
		GuiList_replaceItem (my list, text, selected [iselected]);
	Melder_free (text);
	my broadcastDataChanged ();
Exemplo n.º 13
static void menu_cb_learnOne (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (OTMultiEditor);
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Learn one", U"OTGrammar: Learn one...")
		OPTIONMENU_ENUM (U"Update rule", kOTGrammar_rerankingStrategy, kOTGrammar_rerankingStrategy_SYMMETRIC_ALL)
		OPTIONMENU (U"Direction", 3)
			OPTION (U"forward")
			OPTION (U"backward")
			OPTION (U"bidirectionally")
		REAL (U"Plasticity", U"0.1")
		REAL (U"Rel. plasticity spreading", U"0.1")
		Editor_save (me, U"Learn one");
		Melder_free (my form1);
		Melder_free (my form2);
		my form1 = GuiText_getString (my form1Text);
		my form2 = GuiText_getString (my form2Text);
		OTMulti_learnOne ((OTMulti) my data, my form1, my form2,
			GET_ENUM (kOTGrammar_rerankingStrategy, U"Update rule"), GET_INTEGER (U"Direction"),
			GET_REAL (U"Plasticity"), GET_REAL (U"Rel. plasticity spreading"));
		Graphics_updateWs (my g);
		Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Exemplo n.º 14
static void gui_button_cb_replace (CategoriesEditor me, GuiButtonEvent /* event */) {
	long posCount;
	autoNUMvector<long> posList (GuiList_getSelectedPositions (my list, & posCount), 1);
	if (posCount > 0) {
		autostring32 text = GuiText_getString (my text);
		if (str32len (text.peek()) != 0) {
			autoSimpleString str = SimpleString_create (text.peek());
			autoCategoriesEditorReplace command = CategoriesEditorReplace_create (me, str.move(), posList.peek(), posCount);
			Command_do (command.peek());
			if (my history) {
				CommandHistory_insertItem_move (my history.peek(), command.move());
			updateWidgets (me);
Exemplo n.º 15
static void args_ok (UiForm sendingForm, int /* narg */, Stackel /* args */, const char32 * /* sendingString */,
	Interpreter /* interpreter */, const char32 * /* invokingButtonTitle */, bool /* modified */, void *void_me)
	iam (ScriptEditor);
	autostring32 text = GuiText_getString (my textWidget);
	structMelderFile file = { 0 };
	if (my name [0]) {
		Melder_pathToFile (my name, & file);
		MelderFile_setDefaultDir (& file);
	Melder_includeIncludeFiles (& text);

	Interpreter_getArgumentsFromDialog (my interpreter.get(), sendingForm);

	autoPraatBackground background;
	if (my name [0]) MelderFile_setDefaultDir (& file);
	Interpreter_run (my interpreter.get(), text.peek());
Exemplo n.º 16
static void gui_button_cb_append (StringsEditor me, GuiButtonEvent /* event */) {
	Strings strings = (Strings) my data;
	char32 *text = GuiText_getString (my text);
	 * Change the data.
	Strings_insert (strings, 0, text);
	 * Change the list.
	GuiList_insertItem (my list, text, 0);
	GuiList_deselectAllItems (my list);
	GuiList_selectItem (my list, strings -> numberOfStrings);
	 * Clean up.
	Melder_free (text);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Exemplo n.º 17
void StringsEditor::gui_button_cb_append (I, GuiButtonEvent event) {
	(void) event;
	StringsEditor *stringsEditor = (StringsEditor *)void_me;
	Strings strings = (structStrings*)stringsEditor->_data;
	wchar_t *text = GuiText_getString (stringsEditor->_text);
	 * Change the data.
	Strings_insert (strings, 0, text);
	 * Change the list.
	GuiList_insertItem (stringsEditor->_list, text, 0);
	GuiList_deselectAllItems (stringsEditor->_list);
	GuiList_selectItem (stringsEditor->_list, strings -> numberOfStrings);
	 * Clean up.
	Melder_free (text);
	stringsEditor->broadcastChange ();
Exemplo n.º 18
static void gui_button_cb_append (I, GuiButtonEvent event) {
	(void) event;
	iam (StringsEditor);
	Strings strings = (Strings) my data;
	wchar_t *text = GuiText_getString (my text);
	 * Change the data.
	Strings_insert (strings, 0, text);
	 * Change the list.
	GuiList_insertItem (my list, text, 0);
	GuiList_deselectAllItems (my list);
	GuiList_selectItem (my list, strings -> numberOfStrings);
	 * Clean up.
	Melder_free (text);
	my broadcastDataChanged ();
Exemplo n.º 19
static void args_ok (UiForm sendingForm, int narg_dummy, Stackel args_dummy, const char32 *sendingString_dummy, Interpreter interpreter_dummy, const char32 *invokingButtonTitle, bool modified_dummy, I) {
	iam (ScriptEditor);
	(void) narg_dummy;
	(void) args_dummy;
	(void) sendingString_dummy;
	(void) interpreter_dummy;
	(void) invokingButtonTitle;
	(void) modified_dummy;
	autostring32 text = GuiText_getString (my textWidget);
	structMelderFile file = { 0 };
	if (my name [0]) {
		Melder_pathToFile (my name, & file);
		MelderFile_setDefaultDir (& file);
	Melder_includeIncludeFiles (& text);

	Interpreter_getArgumentsFromDialog (my interpreter, sendingForm);

	autoPraatBackground background;
	if (my name [0]) MelderFile_setDefaultDir (& file);
	Interpreter_run (my interpreter, text.peek());
Exemplo n.º 20
static void do_search (Manual me) {
	char32 *query = GuiText_getString (my searchText);
	search (me, query);
	Melder_free (query);