Exemplo n.º 1
dimension_scale::dimension_scale(hid_t loc_id, const std::string& dataset_name, const type& dtype,
                                 const dataspace& space, const std::string& scale_name)
: underlying_dataset_(loc_id, dataset_name, dtype, space, default_property_list,
                      default_property_list, default_property_list)
    if (H5DSset_scale(id(), scale_name.c_str()) < 0)
Exemplo n.º 2
herr_t test_set_scalename(hid_t fid, hid_t did, const char *name, const char *scalename, unsigned int idx)
    herr_t  ret_value = FAIL;
    hid_t   dsid = -1;

    if((dsid = H5Dopen2(fid, name, H5P_DEFAULT)) >= 0) {
        if(H5DSis_attached(did, dsid, idx) == 1) {
            if(H5DSset_scale(dsid, scalename) >= 0) {
                if(H5DSis_attached(did, dsid, idx) == 1) {
                     ret_value = SUCCEED;
        if(H5Dclose(dsid) < 0)
            ret_value = FAIL;

    return ret_value;
Exemplo n.º 3
   create the DS for uniform data.
void NSDFWriter::createUniformMap()
    // Create the container for all the DS
    // TODO: make a common function like `mkdir -p` to avoid repeating this
    htri_t exists;
    herr_t status;
    hid_t uniformMapContainer = require_group(filehandle_, MAPUNIFORMSRC);
    // Create the DS themselves
    for (map< string, vector < unsigned int > >::iterator ii = classFieldToSrcIndex_.begin();
         ii != classFieldToSrcIndex_.end(); ++ii){
        vector < string > pathTokens;
        tokenize(ii->first, "/", pathTokens);
        string className = pathTokens[0];
        string fieldName = pathTokens[1];
        hid_t container = require_group(uniformMapContainer, className);
        char ** sources = (char **)calloc(ii->second.size(), sizeof(char*));
        for (unsigned int jj = 0; jj < ii->second.size(); ++jj){
            sources[jj] = (char*)calloc(src_[ii->second[jj]].path().length()+1, sizeof(char));
        hid_t ds = createStringDataset(container, fieldName, (hsize_t)ii->second.size(), (hsize_t)ii->second.size());
        hid_t memtype = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1);
        status = H5Tset_size(memtype, H5T_VARIABLE);
        assert(status >= 0);
        status = H5Dwrite(ds, memtype, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, sources);
#ifndef NDEBUG        
        cout << "Write dataset: status=" << status << endl;
        assert(status >= 0);
        for (unsigned int jj = 0; jj < ii->second.size(); ++jj){
        status = H5DSset_scale(ds, "source");
        status = H5DSattach_scale(classFieldToUniform_[ii->first], ds, 0);
        status = H5DSset_label(classFieldToUniform_[ii->first], 0, "source");
        status = H5Dclose(ds);
        status = H5Tclose(memtype);                          
Exemplo n.º 4
main(int argc, char **argv)
   printf("\n*** Testing HDF5/NetCDF-4 interoperability...\n");
   printf("*** testing HDF5 compatibility...");
#define GRPA_NAME "grpa"
#define VAR_NAME "vara"
#define NDIMS 2
      int nrowCur = 7;               /* current size */
      int ncolCur = 3;
      int nrowMax = nrowCur + 0;     /* maximum size */
      int ncolMax = ncolCur + 0;

      hid_t xdimId;
      hid_t ydimId;
      hsize_t xscaleDims[1];
      hsize_t yscaleDims[1];
      hid_t xdimSpaceId, spaceId;
      hid_t fileId;
      hid_t fapl;
      hsize_t curDims[2];
      hsize_t maxDims[2];
      hid_t dataTypeId, dsPropertyId, grpaId, grpaPropId, dsId;
      hid_t ydimSpaceId;
      const char * dimNameBase
	 = "This is a netCDF dimension but not a netCDF variable.";
      char dimNameBuf[1000];
      char *varaName = "/grpa/vara";
      short amat[nrowCur][ncolCur];
      int ii, jj;

      xscaleDims[0] = nrowCur;
      yscaleDims[0] = ncolCur;
      if ((xdimSpaceId = H5Screate_simple(1, xscaleDims, NULL)) < 0) ERR;

      /* With the SEMI close degree, the HDF5 file close will fail if
       * anything is left open. */
      if ((fapl = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_fclose_degree(fapl, H5F_CLOSE_SEMI)) ERR;

      /* Create file */
      if((fileId = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC,
			     H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE), fapl)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(fapl) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create data space */
      curDims[0] = nrowCur;
      curDims[1] = ncolCur;
      maxDims[0] = nrowMax;
      maxDims[1] = ncolMax;
      if ((spaceId = H5Screate_simple(2, curDims, maxDims)) < 0) ERR;

      if ((dataTypeId = H5Tcopy(H5T_NATIVE_SHORT)) < 0) ERR;

      if ((dsPropertyId = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;

      if ((grpaPropId = H5Pcreate(H5P_GROUP_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpaId = H5Gcreate2(fileId, GRPA_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT,
			       grpaPropId, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(grpaPropId) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create vara dataset */
      if ((dsId = H5Dcreate2(fileId, varaName, dataTypeId, spaceId,
			     H5P_DEFAULT, dsPropertyId,
			     H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      if (H5Pclose(dsPropertyId) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Tclose(dataTypeId) < 0) ERR;
      if ((ydimSpaceId = H5Screate_simple(1, yscaleDims, NULL)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create xdim dimension dataset */
      if ((xdimId = H5Dcreate2(fileId, "/xdim", H5T_IEEE_F32BE,
			       xdimSpaceId, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT,
			       H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      if (H5Sclose(xdimSpaceId) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create ydim dimension dataset */
      if ((ydimId = H5Dcreate2(fileId, "/ydim", H5T_IEEE_F32BE,
			       ydimSpaceId, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT,
			       H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Sclose(ydimSpaceId) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create xdim scale */
      sprintf(dimNameBuf, "%s%10d", dimNameBase, nrowCur);
      if (H5DSset_scale(xdimId, dimNameBuf) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create ydim scale */
      sprintf(dimNameBuf, "%s%10d", dimNameBase, ncolCur);
      if (H5DSset_scale(ydimId, dimNameBuf) < 0) ERR;

      /* Attach dimension scales to the dataset */
      if (H5DSattach_scale(dsId, xdimId, 0) < 0) ERR;

      if (H5DSattach_scale(dsId, ydimId, 1) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close stuff. */
      if (H5Dclose(xdimId) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dclose(ydimId) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dclose(dsId) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Gclose(grpaId) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Sclose(spaceId) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Fclose(fileId) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create some data */
      for (ii = 0; ii < nrowCur; ii++)
	 for (jj = 0; jj < ncolCur; jj++)
	    amat[ii][jj] = 100 * ii + jj;

      /* Re-open file */
      if ((fileId = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpaId = H5Gopen2(fileId, GRPA_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((dsId = H5Dopen2(grpaId, varaName,  H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Write dataset */
      if (H5Dwrite(dsId, H5T_NATIVE_SHORT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,
		   amat) < 0) ERR;

      /* Write dimension values for both xdim, ydim */
      short xydimMat[ nrowCur >= ncolCur ? nrowCur : ncolCur];
      for (ii = 0; ii < nrowCur; ii++)
	 xydimMat[ii] = 0;    /*#### 100 * ii; */

      /* Write xdim */
      if ((xdimId = H5Dopen2(fileId, "/xdim", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dwrite(xdimId, H5T_NATIVE_SHORT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
		   H5P_DEFAULT, xydimMat) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dclose(xdimId) < 0) ERR;

      /* Write ydim */
      if ((ydimId = H5Dopen2(fileId, "/ydim", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dwrite(ydimId, H5T_NATIVE_SHORT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
		   H5P_DEFAULT, xydimMat) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dclose(ydimId) < 0) ERR;

      if (H5Dclose(dsId) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Gclose(grpaId) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Fclose(fileId) < 0) ERR;

	 int ncid, grpid, nvars, ngatts, ndims, unlimdimid, ngrps;
	 char name_in[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
	 nc_type xtype_in;
	 int ndims_in, natts_in, dimid_in[NDIMS];

/*	 nc_set_log_level(5);*/
	 if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
	 if (nc_inq(ncid, &ndims, &nvars, &ngatts, &unlimdimid)) ERR;
	 if (ndims != 2 || nvars != 0 || ngatts != 0 || unlimdimid != -1) ERR;
	 if (nc_inq_grps(ncid, &ngrps, &grpid)) ERR;
	 if (ngrps != 1) ERR;
	 if (nc_inq(grpid, &ndims, &nvars, &ngatts, &unlimdimid)) ERR;
	 if (ndims != 0 || nvars != 1 || ngatts != 0 || unlimdimid != -1) ERR;

	 if (nc_inq_var(grpid, 0, name_in, &xtype_in, &ndims_in, dimid_in,
			&natts_in)) ERR;
	 if (strcmp(name_in, VAR_NAME) || xtype_in != NC_SHORT || ndims_in != NDIMS ||
	     dimid_in[0] != 0 || dimid_in[1] != 1 || natts_in != 0) ERR;

	 if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
#ifdef USE_SZIP
   printf("*** testing HDF5 compatibility with szip...");

#define MAX_NAME 100
#define NUM_CD_ELEM 10
/* HDF5 defines this... */
#define DEFLATE_NAME "deflate"
#define DIM1_LEN 3000
#define GRP_NAME "George_Washington"
#define BATTLE_RECORD "Battle_Record"

      hid_t fileid, grpid, spaceid, datasetid;
      int data_out[DIM1_LEN], data_in[DIM1_LEN];
      hsize_t dims[1] = {DIM1_LEN};
      hid_t propid;
      char name_in[MAX_NAME + 1];
      int ncid, ndims_in, nvars_in, ngatts_in, unlimdimid_in, ngrps_in;
      int nc_grpid;
      int dimid_in[1], natts_in;

      nc_type xtype_in;
      int i;

      for (i = 0; i < DIM1_LEN; i++)
	 data_out[i] = i;

      /* Open file and create group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT,
			      H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gcreate(fileid, GRP_NAME, 0)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Write an array of bools, with szip compression. */
      if ((propid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_layout(propid, H5D_CHUNKED)) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(propid, 1, dims)) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_szip(propid, H5_SZIP_EC_OPTION_MASK, 32)) ERR;
      if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((datasetid = H5Dcreate(grpid, BATTLE_RECORD, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				 spaceid, propid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dwrite(datasetid, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,
		   data_out) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Pclose(propid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0)

      /* Open the file with netCDF and check it. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq(ncid, &ndims_in, &nvars_in, &ngatts_in, &unlimdimid_in)) ERR;
      if (ndims_in != 0 || nvars_in != 0 || ngatts_in != 0 || unlimdimid_in != -1) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_grps(ncid, &ngrps_in, &nc_grpid)) ERR;
      if (ngrps_in != 1) ERR;
      if (nc_inq(nc_grpid, &ndims_in, &nvars_in, &ngatts_in, &unlimdimid_in)) ERR;
      if (ndims_in != 1 || nvars_in != 1 || ngatts_in != 0 || unlimdimid_in != -1) ERR;

      /* Check the variable. */
      if (nc_inq_var(nc_grpid, 0, name_in, &xtype_in, &ndims_in, dimid_in,
      		     &natts_in)) ERR;
      if (strcmp(name_in, BATTLE_RECORD) || xtype_in != NC_INT || ndims_in != 1 ||
      	  dimid_in[0] != 0 || natts_in != 0) ERR;

      /* Check the data. */
      if (nc_get_var(nc_grpid, 0, data_in)) ERR;
      for (i = 0; i < DIM1_LEN; i++)
	 if (data_in[i] != data_out[i]) ERR;

      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

#endif /* USE_SZIP */
Exemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    char c;
    int ix, iy, iz, i;
    MPI_Comm mpicomm;
    MPI_Info mpiinfo;
    int mpirank;
    int mpisize;
    double *data3d, *data2d, *x, *y, *z, t;
    int localx, localy, localwidth, localheight;
    int maxwidth, maxheight;
    const char* filename = "output.h5";
    hid_t fileid, plist, filespace, memspace, dimvar, varid;
    hsize_t size[NDIMS], maxsize[NDIMS], chunksize[NDIMS];
    hsize_t start[NDIMS], count[NDIMS];
    char varname[32];

    mpicomm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    mpiinfo = MPI_INFO_NULL;

    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_size(mpicomm, &mpisize);
    MPI_Comm_rank(mpicomm, &mpirank);

    if(! mpirank) printf("Creating some data...\n");

    // Distribute our data values in a pism-y way
    GetLocalBounds(XSIZE, YSIZE, mpirank, mpisize,
                   &localx, &localy, &localwidth, &localheight);
    printf("Rank%02d: x=%d, y=%d, width=%d, height=%d\n",
           mpirank, localx, localy, localwidth, localheight);

    data2d = (double*)malloc(localwidth * localheight * sizeof(double));
    data3d = (double*)malloc(localwidth * localheight * ZSIZE * sizeof(double));
    x = (double*)malloc(localwidth * sizeof(double));
    y = (double*)malloc(localheight * sizeof(double));
    z = (double*)malloc(ZSIZE * sizeof(double));
    t = 0.0;
    for(ix = 0; ix < localwidth; ix++)
        x[ix] = ix + localx;
        for(iy = 0; iy < localheight; iy++)
            y[iy] = iy + localy;
            data2d[ix*localheight + iy] = (ix+localx)*localheight + iy+localy;
            for(iz = 0; iz < ZSIZE; iz++)
                z[iz] = iz;
                data3d[ix*localheight*ZSIZE + iy*ZSIZE + iz] =
                    (ix+localx)*YSIZE*ZSIZE + (iy+localy)*ZSIZE + iz;

    if(! mpirank) printf("Creating HDF5 file...\n");

    plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
    H5Pset_fapl_mpio(plist, mpicomm, mpiinfo);

    // TODO: this seems like a good place to put optimizations, and indeed
    // PISM is adding several additional properties, like setting block sizes,
    // cache eviction policies, fs striping parameters, etc.

    fileid = H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, plist);

    if(! mpirank) printf("Setting up dimensions...\n");

    if(! mpirank) printf("Creating time dimension...\n");

    // Define the time dimension
    size[0] = 1;
    maxsize[0] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
    chunksize[0] = 1;

    filespace = H5Screate_simple(1, size, maxsize);
    plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
    H5Pset_chunk(plist, 1, chunksize);  // It is strictly required to set chunksize when using
    // the low-level api.  Contiguous datasets are not allowed
    // to use the unlimited dimension.
    dimvar = H5Dcreate(fileid, TNAME, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, filespace,
                       H5P_DEFAULT, plist, H5P_DEFAULT);
    H5DSset_scale(dimvar, TNAME);

    if(! mpirank) printf("Writing time dimension...\n");
    dimvar = H5Dopen(fileid, TNAME, H5P_DEFAULT);
    filespace = H5Dget_space(dimvar);
    memspace = H5Screate_simple(1, size, 0);
    plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);
    H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(plist, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE); // TODO: Pism does this, but comments suggest it is questionable
    start[0] = 0;
    count[0] = 1;
    H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, 0, count, 0);
    H5Dwrite(dimvar, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, memspace, filespace, plist, &t);

    if(! mpirank) printf("Creating x dimension...\n");

    size[0] = XSIZE;

    filespace = H5Screate_simple(1, size, 0);
    dimvar = H5Dcreate(fileid, XNAME, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, filespace,
                       H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
    H5DSset_scale(dimvar, XNAME);

    if(! mpirank) printf("Writing x dimension...\n");
    dimvar = H5Dopen(fileid, XNAME, H5P_DEFAULT);
    filespace = H5Dget_space(dimvar);
    memspace = H5Screate_simple(1, size, 0);
    plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);
    H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(plist, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE);
    start[0] = 0;
    count[0] = XSIZE;
    H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, 0, count, 0);
    H5Dwrite(dimvar, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, memspace, filespace, plist, x);

    if(! mpirank) printf("Creating y dimension...\n");

    size[0] = YSIZE;

    filespace = H5Screate_simple(1, size, 0);
    dimvar = H5Dcreate(fileid, YNAME, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, filespace,
                       H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
    H5DSset_scale(dimvar, YNAME);

    if(! mpirank) printf("Writing y dimension...\n");
    dimvar = H5Dopen(fileid, YNAME, H5P_DEFAULT);
    filespace = H5Dget_space(dimvar);
    memspace = H5Screate_simple(1, size, 0);
    plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);
    H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(plist, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE);
    start[0] = 0;
    count[0] = YSIZE;
    H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, 0, count, 0);
    H5Dwrite(dimvar, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, memspace, filespace, plist, y);

    if(! mpirank) printf("Creating z dimension...\n");

    size[0] = ZSIZE;

    filespace = H5Screate_simple(1, size, 0);
    dimvar = H5Dcreate(fileid, ZNAME, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, filespace,
                       H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
    H5DSset_scale(dimvar, ZNAME);

    if(! mpirank) printf("Writing z dimension...\n");
    dimvar = H5Dopen(fileid, ZNAME, H5P_DEFAULT);
    filespace = H5Dget_space(dimvar);
    memspace = H5Screate_simple(1, size, 0);
    plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);
    H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(plist, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE);
    start[0] = 0;
    count[0] = ZSIZE;
    H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, 0, count, 0);
    H5Dwrite(dimvar, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, memspace, filespace, plist, z);

    if(! mpirank) printf("Defining variables...\n");

    MPI_Allreduce(&localwidth, &maxwidth, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, mpicomm);
    MPI_Allreduce(&localheight, &maxheight, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, mpicomm);

    size[TDIM] = 1;
    size[XDIM] = XSIZE;
    size[YDIM] = YSIZE;
    size[ZDIM] = ZSIZE;

    maxsize[TDIM] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
    maxsize[XDIM] = XSIZE;
    maxsize[YDIM] = YSIZE;
    maxsize[ZDIM] = ZSIZE;

    chunksize[TDIM] = 1;
    chunksize[XDIM] = maxwidth;
    chunksize[YDIM] = maxheight;
    chunksize[ZDIM] = ZSIZE;  // Looks like pism might use 1 here...

    for(i = 0; i < NVARS; i++)
        sprintf(varname, "var3d-%02d", i);
        plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
        H5Pset_chunk(plist, NDIMS, chunksize);
        filespace = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS, size, maxsize);
        varid = H5Dcreate(fileid, varname, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, filespace,
                          H5P_DEFAULT, plist, H5P_DEFAULT);

        sprintf(varname, "var2d-%02d", i);
        plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
        H5Pset_chunk(plist, NDIMS-1, chunksize);
        filespace = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS-1, size, maxsize);
        varid = H5Dcreate(fileid, varname, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, filespace,
                          H5P_DEFAULT, plist, H5P_DEFAULT);

    if(! mpirank) printf("Writing time dimension...\n");
    start[0] = 0;
    count[0] = 1;
    dimvar = H5Dopen(fileid, TNAME, H5P_DEFAULT);
    filespace = H5Dget_space(dimvar);
    memspace = H5Screate_simple(1, count, 0);
    plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);
    H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(plist, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE); // TODO: Pism does this, but comments suggest it is questionable
    H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, 0, count, 0);
    H5Dwrite(dimvar, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, memspace, filespace, plist, &t);

    if(! mpirank) printf("Writing x dimension...\n");
    start[0] = 0;
    count[0] = XSIZE;
    dimvar = H5Dopen(fileid, XNAME, H5P_DEFAULT);
    filespace = H5Dget_space(dimvar);
    memspace = H5Screate_simple(1, count, 0);
    plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);
    H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(plist, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE);
    H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, 0, count, 0);
    H5Dwrite(dimvar, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, memspace, filespace, plist, x);

    if(! mpirank) printf("Writing y dimension...\n");
    start[0] = 0;
    count[0] = YSIZE;
    dimvar = H5Dopen(fileid, YNAME, H5P_DEFAULT);
    filespace = H5Dget_space(dimvar);
    memspace = H5Screate_simple(1, count, 0);
    plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);
    H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(plist, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE);
    H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, 0, count, 0);
    H5Dwrite(dimvar, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, memspace, filespace, plist, y);

    if(! mpirank) printf("Writing z dimension...\n");
    start[0] = 0;
    count[0] = ZSIZE;
    dimvar = H5Dopen(fileid, ZNAME, H5P_DEFAULT);
    filespace = H5Dget_space(dimvar);
    memspace = H5Screate_simple(1, count, 0);
    plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);
    H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(plist, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE);
    H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, 0, count, 0);
    H5Dwrite(dimvar, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, memspace, filespace, plist, z);

    if(! mpirank) printf("Writing variable data...\n");

    for(i = 0; i < NVARS; i++)
        sprintf(varname, "var3d-%02d", i);
        if(! mpirank) printf("Writing %s...\n", varname);
        start[TDIM] = 0;
        start[XDIM] = localx;
        start[YDIM] = localy;
        start[ZDIM] = 0;
        count[TDIM] = 1;
        count[XDIM] = localwidth;
        count[YDIM] = localheight;
        count[ZDIM] = ZSIZE;
        varid = H5Dopen(fileid, varname, H5P_DEFAULT);
        filespace = H5Dget_space(varid);
        memspace = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS, count, 0);
        plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);
        H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(plist, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE);
        H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, 0, count, 0);
        H5Dwrite(varid, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, memspace, filespace, plist, data3d);

        sprintf(varname, "var2d-%02d", i);
        if(! mpirank) printf("Writing %s...\n", varname);
        start[TDIM] = 0;
        start[XDIM] = localx;
        start[YDIM] = localy;
        count[TDIM] = 1;
        count[XDIM] = localwidth;
        count[YDIM] = localheight;
        varid = H5Dopen(fileid, varname, H5P_DEFAULT);
        filespace = H5Dget_space(varid);
        memspace = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS-1, count, 0);
        plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);
        H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(plist, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE);
        H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, 0, count, 0);
        H5Dwrite(varid, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, memspace, filespace, plist, data2d);

    if(! mpirank) printf("Closing file...\n");


    if(! mpirank) printf("Done.\n");



    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
   printf("\n*** Checking HDF5 dimscales detach.\n");
   printf("*** Creating a file with two vars with one dimension scale...");
#if 0
      hid_t cparmsid;
      hid_t fileid, grpid, spaceid, var1_id, var2_id, dimscaleid;
      hid_t fcpl_id, fapl_id, create_propid, access_propid;
      hsize_t dims[NDIMS] = {DIM_LEN};
      char dimscale_wo_var[STR_LEN];
      float data = 42;

      /* Create file. */
      if ((fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_fclose_degree(fapl_id, H5F_CLOSE_STRONG)) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_cache(fapl_id, 0, CHUNK_CACHE_NELEMS, CHUNK_CACHE_SIZE,
      if (H5Pset_libver_bounds(fapl_id, H5F_LIBVER_18, H5F_LIBVER_18) < 0) ERR;
      if ((fcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_link_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED |
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED |
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcpl_id, fapl_id)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(fapl_id) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(fcpl_id) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gopen2(fileid, "/", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create dimension scale. */
      if ((create_propid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(create_propid, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED|
				     H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED) < 0) ERR;
      if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((dimscaleid = H5Dcreate1(grpid, DIMSCALE_NAME, H5T_IEEE_F32BE,
				   spaceid, create_propid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(create_propid) < 0) ERR;
      sprintf(dimscale_wo_var, "%s%10d", DIM_WITHOUT_VARIABLE, DIM_LEN);
      if (H5DSset_scale(dimscaleid, dimscale_wo_var) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a variable that uses this dimension scale. */
      if ((access_propid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_ACCESS)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_chunk_cache(access_propid, CHUNK_CACHE_NELEMS,
      if ((create_propid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_fill_value(create_propid, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, &data) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_layout(create_propid, H5D_CONTIGUOUS) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(create_propid, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED|
				     H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED) < 0) ERR;
      if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((var1_id = H5Dcreate2(grpid, VAR1_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, spaceid, 
				H5P_DEFAULT, create_propid, access_propid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(create_propid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(access_propid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(var1_id, dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create another variable that uses this dimension scale. */
      if ((access_propid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_ACCESS)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_chunk_cache(access_propid, CHUNK_CACHE_NELEMS,
      if ((create_propid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_fill_value(create_propid, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, &data) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_layout(create_propid, H5D_CONTIGUOUS) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(create_propid, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED|
				     H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED) < 0) ERR;
      if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((var2_id = H5Dcreate2(grpid, VAR2_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, spaceid, 
				H5P_DEFAULT, create_propid, access_propid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(create_propid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(access_propid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(var2_id, dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;

      /* Now detach the scales and remove the dimscale. This doesn't
       * work if I reverse the order of the statements. */
      if (H5DSdetach_scale(var2_id, dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;     
      if (H5DSdetach_scale(var1_id, dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;      

      /* Fold up our tents. */
      if (H5Dclose(var1_id) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dclose(dimscaleid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Gclose(grpid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

      /* /\* Now read the file and check it. *\/ */
      /* { */
      /* 	 hid_t fileid, spaceid = 0, datasetid = 0; */
      /* 	 hsize_t num_obj, i; */
      /* 	 int obj_class; */
      /* 	 char obj_name[STR_LEN + 1]; */
      /* 	 char dimscale_name[STR_LEN+1]; */
      /* 	 htri_t is_scale; */
      /* 	 char label[STR_LEN+1]; */
      /* 	 int num_scales; */
      /* 	 hsize_t dims[1], maxdims[1]; */
      /* 	 H5G_stat_t statbuf; */
      /* 	 HDF5_OBJID_T dimscale_obj, vars_dimscale_obj; */
      /* 	 struct nc_hdf5_link_info link_info; */
      /* 	 hsize_t idx = 0; */

      /* 	 /\* Open the file. *\/ */
      /* 	 if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 	 if ((grpid = H5Gopen2(fileid, "/", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 	 /\* Loop through objects in the root group. *\/ */
      /* 	 if (H5Gget_num_objs(fileid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 	 for (i = 0; i < num_obj; i++) */
      /* 	 { */

      /* 	    if (H5Literate(grpid, H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER, H5_ITER_INC,  */
      /* 			   &idx, visit_link, (void *)&link_info) < 0) ERR; */

      /* 	    printf("Encountered: HDF5 object link_info.name %s\n", link_info.name); */

      /* 	    /\* Deal with object based on its obj_class. *\/ */
      /* 	    switch(link_info.obj_type) */
      /* 	    { */
      /* 	       case H5I_GROUP: */
      /* 		  break; */
      /* 	       case H5I_DATASET: */
      /* 		  /\* Open the dataset. *\/ */
      /* 		  if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(fileid, link_info.name)) < 0) ERR; */

      /* 		  if ((spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 		  if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid, dims, maxdims) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 		  if (maxdims[0] != DIM_LEN) ERR; */
      /* 		  if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) ERR; */

      /* 		  /\* Is this a dimscale? *\/ */
      /* 		  if ((is_scale = H5DSis_scale(datasetid)) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 		  if (is_scale && strcmp(link_info.name, DIMSCALE_NAME)) ERR; */
      /* 		  if (is_scale) */
      /* 		  { */
      /* 		     /\* A dimscale comes with a NAME attribute, in */
      /* 		      * addition to its real name. *\/ */
      /* 		     if (H5DSget_scale_name(datasetid, dimscale_name, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 		     if (strcmp(dimscale_name, dimscale_wo_var)) ERR; */

      /* 		     /\* fileno and objno uniquely identify an object and a */
      /* 		      * HDF5 file. *\/ */
      /* 		     if (H5Gget_objinfo(datasetid, ".", 1, &statbuf) < 0) ERR;  */
      /* 		     dimscale_obj.fileno[0] = statbuf.fileno[0]; */
      /* 		     dimscale_obj.objno[0] = statbuf.objno[0]; */
      /* 		     dimscale_obj.fileno[1] = statbuf.fileno[1]; */
      /* 		     dimscale_obj.objno[1] = statbuf.objno[1]; */
      /* 		     /\*printf("scale statbuf.fileno = %d statbuf.objno = %d\n", */
      /* 		       statbuf.fileno, statbuf.objno);*\/ */

      /* 		  } */
      /* 		  else */
      /* 		  { */
      /* 		     /\* Here's how to get the number of scales attached */
      /* 		      * to the dataset's dimension 0. *\/ */
      /* 		     if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 0)) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 		     if (num_scales != 1) ERR; */

      /* 		     /\* Go through all dimscales for this var and learn about them. *\/ */
      /* 		     if (H5DSiterate_scales(datasetid, 0, NULL, alien_visitor, */
      /* 					    &vars_dimscale_obj) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 		     /\*printf("vars_dimscale_obj.fileno = %d vars_dimscale_obj.objno = %d\n", */
      /* 		       vars_dimscale_obj.fileno, vars_dimscale_obj.objno);*\/ */
      /* 		     /\* if (vars_dimscale_obj.fileno[0] != dimscale_obj.fileno[0] || *\/ */
      /* 		     /\* 	 vars_dimscale_obj.objno[0] != dimscale_obj.objno[0] || *\/ */
      /* 		     /\* 	 vars_dimscale_obj.fileno[1] != dimscale_obj.fileno[1] || *\/ */
      /* 		     /\* 	 vars_dimscale_obj.objno[1] != dimscale_obj.objno[1]) ERR; *\/ */
      /* 		     /\* There's also a label for dimension 0. *\/ */
      /* 		     if (H5DSget_label(datasetid, 0, label, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR; */

      /* 		     /\*printf("found non-scale dataset %s, label %s\n", link_info.name, label);*\/ */
      /* 		  } */
      /* 		  if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 		  break; */
      /* 	       case H5I_DATATYPE: */
      /* 		  break; */
      /* 	       default: */
      /* 		  printf("Unknown object!"); */
      /* 		  ERR; */
      /* 	    } */
      /* 	 } */

      /* 	 /\* Close up the shop. *\/ */
      /* 	 if (H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR; */
      /*   }*/
Exemplo n.º 7
   printf("\n*** Checking HDF5 dimension scales.\n");
#define GRP_NAME "simple_scales"
#define DIMSCALE_NAME "dimscale"
#define NAME_ATTRIBUTE "Billy-Bob"
#define VAR1_NAME "var1"
#define VAR2_NAME "var2"
#define VAR3_NAME "var3"
#define DIM1_LEN 3
#define DIM2_LEN 2
#define FIFTIES_SONG "Mamma said they'll be days like this. They'll be days like this, my mamma said."

   printf("*** Creating simple dimension scales file...");
      hid_t fileid, grpid, dimscaleid;
      hid_t dimscale_spaceid, var1_spaceid, var3_spaceid;
      hid_t var1_datasetid, var2_datasetid, var3_datasetid;
      hsize_t dims[2] = {DIM1_LEN, DIM2_LEN};
      hsize_t dimscale_dims[1] = {DIM1_LEN};

      /* Open file and create group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, 
			      H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gcreate(fileid, GRP_NAME, 0)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Create our dimension scale. Use the built-in NAME attribute
       * on the dimscale. */
      if ((dimscale_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dimscale_dims, 
					       dimscale_dims)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((dimscaleid = H5Dcreate(grpid, DIMSCALE_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 
				  dimscale_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(dimscaleid, NAME_ATTRIBUTE) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a 1D variable which uses the dimscale. Attach a label
       * to this scale. */
      if ((var1_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((var1_datasetid = H5Dcreate(grpid, VAR1_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 
				      var1_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(var1_datasetid, dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_label(var1_datasetid, 0, FIFTIES_SONG) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a 1D variabls that doesn't use the dimension scale. */
      if ((var2_datasetid = H5Dcreate(grpid, VAR2_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 
				      var1_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a 2D dataset which uses the scale for one of its
       * dimensions. */
      if ((var3_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((var3_datasetid = H5Dcreate(grpid, VAR3_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 
				      var3_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(var3_datasetid, dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Dclose(dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(var1_datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(var2_datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(var3_datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(var1_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(var3_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(dimscale_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

      /* HELP! If you are reading this in the future, and time
       * machines have been invented, please come back to July 10,
       * 2005, the Java Java coffee shop in Lafayette, 8:00 am MST +-
       * 20 minutes. Bring back some advanced weapons systems to
       * destroy the sound system here, which is playing 50's rock and
       * roll. Do-op, do-op, la-ma la-ma, ding dong. Save me!!! (Mind
       * you, James Brown is a different story!) */
   printf("*** Checking that simple dimscale file can be read...");
      hid_t fileid, grpid, datasetid = 0;
      hsize_t num_obj, i;
      int obj_class;
      char obj_name[STR_LEN + 1];
      htri_t is_scale;
      int num_scales;

      /* Reopen the file and group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gopen(fileid, GRP_NAME)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Loop through datasets to find variables. */
      if (H5Gget_num_objs(grpid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR;
      for (i=0; i<num_obj; i++)
	 /* Get the type (i.e. group, dataset, etc.), and the name of the
	  * object. Confusingly, this is a different type than the type
	  * of a variable. This type might be better called "class" or
	  * "type of type"  */
	 if ((obj_class = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(grpid, i)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Gget_objname_by_idx(grpid, i, obj_name, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
	 /*printf("\nEncountered: HDF5 object obj_class %d obj_name %s\n", obj_class, obj_name);*/

	 /* Deal with groups and datasets. */
	    case H5G_GROUP:
	    case H5G_DATASET:

	       /*Close the last datasetid, if one is open. */
	       if (datasetid > 0)
	       if ((datasetid = H5Dopen(grpid, obj_name)) < 0) ERR;
	       if ((is_scale = H5DSis_scale(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (is_scale && strcmp(obj_name, DIMSCALE_NAME)) ERR;
	       if (is_scale)
		  char nom_de_quincey[STR_LEN+1];

		  /* A dimscale comes with a NAME attribute, in
		   * addition to its real name. */
		  if (H5DSget_scale_name(datasetid, nom_de_quincey, 
					 STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
		  if (strcmp(nom_de_quincey, NAME_ATTRIBUTE)) ERR;

		  /*printf("found scale %s, NAME %s\n", obj_name, nom_de_quincey);*/

		  char label[STR_LEN+1];

		  /* Here's how to get the number of scales attached
		   * to the dataset. I would think that this would
		   * return 0 scales for a dataset that doesn't have
		   * scales, but instead it errors. So take an error
		   * to be the same as no dimension scales. */
		  num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 0);
		  if (strcmp(obj_name, VAR1_NAME) == 0 && num_scales != 1) ERR;
		  if (strcmp(obj_name, VAR2_NAME) == 0 && num_scales > 0) ERR;
		  if (strcmp(obj_name, VAR3_NAME) == 0 && num_scales != 1) ERR;
		  /* There's also a label for dimension 0 of var1. */
		  if (strcmp(obj_name, VAR1_NAME) == 0)
		     if (H5DSget_label(datasetid, 0, label, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
		     if (strcmp(label, FIFTIES_SONG)) ERR;
	    case H5G_TYPE:
	    case H5G_LINK:
	       printf("Unknown object class %d!", obj_class);

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Creating simple dimension scales file with lots of datasets...");

#define NUM_DATASETS 500
      hid_t fileid, grpid, dimscaleid;
      hid_t dimscale_spaceid, var1_spaceid;
      hid_t var1_datasetid[NUM_DATASETS];
      hsize_t dims[2] = {DIM1_LEN, DIM2_LEN};
      hsize_t dimscale_dims[1] = {DIM1_LEN};
      char var_name[STR_LEN + 1];
      int v;

      /* Open file and create group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, 
			      H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gcreate(fileid, GRP_NAME, 0)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Create our dimension scale. Use the built-in NAME attribute
       * on the dimscale. */
      if ((dimscale_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dimscale_dims, 
					       dimscale_dims)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((dimscaleid = H5Dcreate(grpid, DIMSCALE_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 
				  dimscale_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(dimscaleid, NAME_ATTRIBUTE) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create many 1D datasets which use the dimscale. */
      if ((var1_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      for (v = 0; v < NUM_DATASETS; v++)
	 sprintf(var_name, "var_%d", v);
	 if ((var1_datasetid[v] = H5Dcreate(grpid, var_name, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 
					    var1_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5DSattach_scale(var1_datasetid[v], dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close up the shop. */
      for (v = 0; v < NUM_DATASETS; v++)
	 if (H5Dclose(var1_datasetid[v]) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dclose(dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(var1_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(dimscale_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Creating a file with an unlimited dimension scale...");

      hid_t fileid, grpid, spaceid, datasetid, dimscaleid, cparmsid;
      hsize_t dims[1] = {1}, maxdims[1] = {H5S_UNLIMITED};

      /* Create file and group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, 
			      H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gcreate(fileid, GRP_NAME, 0)) < 0) ERR;

      if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, maxdims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Modify dataset creation properties, i.e. enable chunking  */
      if ((cparmsid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(cparmsid, 1, dims) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create our dimension scale, as an unlimited dataset. */
      if ((dimscaleid = H5Dcreate(grpid, DIMSCALE_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 
				  spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(dimscaleid, NAME_ATTRIBUTE) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a variable which uses it. */
      if ((datasetid = H5Dcreate(grpid, VAR1_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 
				 spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(datasetid, dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_label(datasetid, 0, "dimension label") < 0) ERR;

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Dclose(dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Checking that unlimited dimscale file can be read...");

      hid_t fileid, grpid, spaceid = 0, datasetid = 0;
      hsize_t num_obj, i;
      int obj_class;
      char obj_name[STR_LEN + 1];
      htri_t is_scale;
      int num_scales;
      hsize_t dims[1], maxdims[1];

      /* Reopen the file and group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gopen(fileid, GRP_NAME)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Loop through datasets to find variables. */
      if (H5Gget_num_objs(grpid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR;
      for (i=0; i<num_obj; i++)
	 /* Get the type (i.e. group, dataset, etc.), and the name of
	  * the object. */
	 if ((obj_class = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(grpid, i)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Gget_objname_by_idx(grpid, i, obj_name, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
	 /*printf("\nEncountered: HDF5 object obj_class %d obj_name %s\n", obj_class, obj_name);*/

	 /* Deal with groups and datasets. */
	    case H5G_GROUP:
	    case H5G_DATASET:

	       /*Close the last datasetid, if one is open. */
	       if (datasetid > 0)
		  datasetid = 0;
	       /* Open the dataset. */
	       if ((datasetid = H5Dopen(grpid, obj_name)) < 0) ERR;

	       /* This should be an unlimited dataset. */
	       if ((spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid, dims, maxdims) < 0) ERR;
	       if (maxdims[0] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;

	       /* Is this a dimscale? */
	       if ((is_scale = H5DSis_scale(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (is_scale && strcmp(obj_name, DIMSCALE_NAME)) ERR;
	       if (is_scale)
		  char nom_de_quincey[STR_LEN+1];

		  /* A dimscale comes with a NAME attribute, in
		   * addition to its real name. */
		  if (H5DSget_scale_name(datasetid, nom_de_quincey, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
		  /*printf("found scale %s, NAME %s\n", obj_name, nom_de_quincey);*/

		  char label[STR_LEN+1];
		  int visitor_data = 0;

		  /* Here's how to get the number of scales attached
		   * to the dataset's dimension 0. */
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 0)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;

		  /* Go through all dimscales for this var and learn about them. */
		  if (H5DSiterate_scales(datasetid, 0, NULL, alien_visitor, 
					 &visitor_data) < 0) ERR;
		  /* There's also a label for dimension 0. */
		  if (H5DSget_label(datasetid, 0, label, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;

		  /*printf("found non-scale dataset %s, label %s\n", obj_name, label);*/
	    case H5G_TYPE:
	    case H5G_LINK:
	       printf("Unknown object class %d!", obj_class);

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Creating some 3D datasets using shared dimscales...");

#define NDIMS 3
#define TIME_DIM 0      
#define LAT_DIM 1
#define LON_DIM 2
#define LAT_LEN 2
#define LON_LEN 3
#define LAT_NAME "Lat"
#define LON_NAME "Lon"
#define TIME_NAME "Time"
#define PRES_NAME "Pressure"
#define TEMP_NAME "Temperature"

      hid_t fileid, grpid, lat_spaceid, lon_spaceid, time_spaceid, spaceid;
      hid_t lat_scaleid, lon_scaleid, time_scaleid;
      hid_t pres_dsid, temp_dsid, cparmsid;
      hsize_t dims[NDIMS], max_dims[NDIMS];

      /* Create file and group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT,
			      H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gcreate(fileid, GRP_NAME, 0)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create 3 1D spaces for the 3 dimension scale datasets. Time
       * starts out as size 0. It's an unlimited dimension scale. */
      dims[0] = 0;
      max_dims[0] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
      if ((time_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, max_dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = LAT_LEN;
      max_dims[0] = LAT_LEN;
      if ((lat_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, max_dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = LON_LEN;
      max_dims[0] = LON_LEN;
      if ((lon_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, max_dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Enable chunking for unlimited time scale.  */
      if ((cparmsid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[TIME_DIM] = 1;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(cparmsid, 1, dims) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create our dimension scales. */
      if ((time_scaleid = H5Dcreate(grpid, TIME_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				    time_spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(time_scaleid, TIME_NAME) < 0) ERR;
      if ((lat_scaleid = H5Dcreate(grpid, LAT_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
				   lat_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lat_scaleid, LAT_NAME) < 0) ERR;
      if ((lon_scaleid = H5Dcreate(grpid, LON_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
				   lon_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lon_scaleid, LON_NAME) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a space coresponding to these three dimensions. */
      dims[TIME_DIM] = 0;
      dims[LAT_DIM] = LAT_LEN;
      dims[LON_DIM] = LON_LEN;
      max_dims[TIME_DIM] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
      max_dims[LAT_DIM] = LAT_LEN;
      max_dims[LON_DIM] = LON_LEN;
      if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS, dims, max_dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create two variables which use them, and attach the dimension scales. */
      dims[TIME_DIM] = 1;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(cparmsid, NDIMS, dims) < 0) ERR;
      if ((pres_dsid = H5Dcreate(grpid, PRES_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
				 spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_dsid, time_scaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_dsid, lat_scaleid, 1) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_dsid, lon_scaleid, 2) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_label(pres_dsid, TIME_DIM, TIME_NAME) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_label(pres_dsid, LAT_DIM, LAT_NAME) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_label(pres_dsid, LON_DIM, LON_NAME) < 0) ERR;
      if ((temp_dsid = H5Dcreate(grpid, TEMP_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
				 spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(temp_dsid, time_scaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(temp_dsid, lat_scaleid, 1) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(temp_dsid, lon_scaleid, 2) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_label(temp_dsid, TIME_DIM, TIME_NAME) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_label(temp_dsid, LAT_DIM, LAT_NAME) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_label(temp_dsid, LON_DIM, LON_NAME) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Dclose(pres_dsid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(temp_dsid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(lat_scaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(lon_scaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(time_scaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Checking 3D datasets created with shared dimscales...");

      hid_t fileid, grpid, spaceid = 0, datasetid = 0;
      hsize_t num_obj, i;
      int obj_class;
      char obj_name[STR_LEN + 1];
      htri_t is_scale;
      int num_scales;
      hsize_t dims[NDIMS], max_dims[NDIMS];
      int d;

      /* Reopen the file and group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gopen(fileid, GRP_NAME)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Loop through datasets to find variables. */
      if (H5Gget_num_objs(grpid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR;
      for (i=0; i<num_obj; i++)
	 /* Get the type (i.e. group, dataset, etc.), and the name of
	  * the object. */
	 if ((obj_class = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(grpid, i)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Gget_objname_by_idx(grpid, i, obj_name, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
	 /*printf("\nEncountered: HDF5 object obj_class %d obj_name %s\n", obj_class, obj_name);*/

	 /* Deal with groups and datasets. */
	    case H5G_GROUP:
	    case H5G_DATASET:
	       /* Open the dataset. */
	       if ((datasetid = H5Dopen(grpid, obj_name)) < 0) ERR;
	       /*printf("\nobj_name %s\n", obj_name);*/

	       /* Get the dimensions of this dataset. */
	       if ((spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid, dims, max_dims) < 0) ERR;

	       /* Is this a dimscale? */
	       if ((is_scale = H5DSis_scale(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (is_scale)
		  char nom_de_quincey[STR_LEN+1];

		  /* A dimscale comes with a NAME attribute, in
		   * addition to its real name. */
		  if (H5DSget_scale_name(datasetid, nom_de_quincey, 
					 STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
		  /*printf("found scale %s, NAME %s id 0x%x\n", obj_name, 
		    nom_de_quincey, datasetid);*/

		  /* Check size depending on name. */
		  if ((!strcmp(obj_name, LAT_NAME) && dims[TIME_DIM] != LAT_LEN) ||
		      (!strcmp(obj_name, LON_NAME) && dims[TIME_DIM] != LON_LEN) ||
		      (!strcmp(obj_name, TIME_NAME) && 
		       max_dims[TIME_DIM] != H5S_UNLIMITED)) ERR;

		  char label[STR_LEN+1];
		  int visitor_data = 0;
		  /* SHould have these dimensions... */
		  if (dims[TIME_DIM] != 0 || dims[LAT_DIM] != LAT_LEN || 
		      dims[LON_DIM] != LON_LEN) ERR;
		  if (max_dims[TIME_DIM] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;

		  /* Here's how to get the number of scales attached
		   * to the dataset's dimension 0. */
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 0)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;

		  /* Go through all dimscales for this var and learn
		   * about them. What I want is the dataset id of each
		   * dimscale. Then... */
		  for (d = 0; d < NDIMS; d++)
		     if (H5DSiterate_scales(datasetid, d, NULL, alien_visitor,
					    &visitor_data) < 0) ERR;
		  /*printf("visitor_data: 0x%x\n", visitor_data);*/
		  /* There's also a label for each dimension. */
		  if (H5DSget_label(datasetid, 0, label, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
		  if (strcmp(label, TIME_NAME)) ERR;
		  if (H5DSget_label(datasetid, 1, label, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
		  if (strcmp(label, LAT_NAME)) ERR;
		  if (H5DSget_label(datasetid, 2, label, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
		  if (strcmp(label, LON_NAME)) ERR;
	       if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0) ERR;
	    case H5G_TYPE:
	    case H5G_LINK:
	       printf("Unknown object class %d!", obj_class);

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Creating 3D datasets using shared dimscales in groups...");

#define FATHER "Adam"
#define GOOD_CHILD "Able"
#define BAD_CHILD "Cain"
#define DISTANCE_LEN 3
#define SMELLINESS_NAME "Smelliness"
#define DISTANCE_NAME "Distance"
#define TIME_NAME "Time"
#define TIME_DIM 0      
#define DISTANCE_DIM 2
#define GOAT_NAME "Billy_goat_gruff"
#define CAMEL_NAME "Grumpy_the_camel"

      hid_t fileid, smelliness_spaceid, distance_spaceid, time_spaceid, spaceid;
      hid_t adam_grpid, able_grpid, cain_grpid;
      hid_t time_scaleid, smelliness_scaleid, distance_scaleid;
      hid_t goat_dsid, camel_dsid, cparmsid;
      hsize_t dims[NDIMS], max_dims[NDIMS];

      /* Create file and group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT,
			      H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((adam_grpid = H5Gcreate(fileid, FATHER, 0)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((able_grpid = H5Gcreate(adam_grpid, GOOD_CHILD, 0)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((cain_grpid = H5Gcreate(adam_grpid, BAD_CHILD, 0)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create 3 1D spaces for the 3 dimension scale datasets. Time
       * and smelliness starts out as 0. They are unlimited dimension
       * scales. */
      dims[0] = 0;
      max_dims[0] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
      if ((time_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, max_dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = 0;
      max_dims[0] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
      if ((smelliness_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, max_dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = DISTANCE_LEN;
      max_dims[0] = DISTANCE_LEN;
      if ((distance_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, max_dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Enable chunking for unlimited time and smelliness scale. */
      if ((cparmsid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = 1;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(cparmsid, 1, dims) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create our dimension scales. */
      if ((time_scaleid = H5Dcreate(adam_grpid, TIME_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				    time_spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(time_scaleid, TIME_NAME) < 0) ERR;
      if ((smelliness_scaleid = H5Dcreate(adam_grpid, SMELLINESS_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
					  smelliness_spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(smelliness_scaleid, SMELLINESS_NAME) < 0) ERR;
      if ((distance_scaleid = H5Dcreate(adam_grpid, DISTANCE_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
					distance_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(distance_scaleid, DISTANCE_NAME) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a space coresponding to these three dimensions. */
      dims[TIME_DIM] = 0;
      dims[SMELLINESS_DIM] = 0;
      max_dims[TIME_DIM] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
      max_dims[DISTANCE_DIM] = DISTANCE_LEN;
      if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS, dims, max_dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Set up chunking for our 3D vars. */
      dims[TIME_DIM] = 1;
      dims[SMELLINESS_DIM] = 1;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(cparmsid, NDIMS, dims) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create two variables which use them, and attach the dimension scales. */
      if ((goat_dsid = H5Dcreate(able_grpid, GOAT_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
				 spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(goat_dsid, time_scaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(goat_dsid, smelliness_scaleid, 1) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(goat_dsid, distance_scaleid, 2) < 0) ERR;
      if ((camel_dsid = H5Dcreate(cain_grpid, CAMEL_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
				  spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(camel_dsid, time_scaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(camel_dsid, smelliness_scaleid, 1) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(camel_dsid, distance_scaleid, 2) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Dclose(goat_dsid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(camel_dsid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(smelliness_scaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(distance_scaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(time_scaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(cain_grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(able_grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(adam_grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Checking 3D datasets in groups created with shared dimscales...");

      hid_t fileid, grpid;

      /* Reopen the file and group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gopen(fileid, FATHER)) < 0) ERR;

      /* If we can't scan the group, crash into a flaming heap of
       * smoking, smoldering rubbish. */
      if (rec_scan_group(grpid)) ERR;
      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

Exemplo n.º 8
   printf("\n*** Checking HDF5 dimscales some more.\n");
   printf("*** Creating a file with one var with one dimension scale...");
      hid_t fileid, spaceid, datasetid, dimscaleid, cparmsid;
      hsize_t dims[NDIMS] = {DIM1_LEN}, maxdims[NDIMS] = {H5S_UNLIMITED};

      /* Create file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT,
			      H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the space that will be used both for the dimscale and
       * the 1D dataset that will attach it. */
      if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS, dims, maxdims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Modify dataset creation properties, i.e. enable chunking. */
      dims[0] = 1;
      if ((cparmsid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(cparmsid, NDIMS, dims) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create our dimension scale, as an unlimited dataset. */
      if ((dimscaleid = H5Dcreate(fileid, DIMSCALE_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				  spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(dimscaleid, NAME_ATTRIBUTE) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a variable which uses it. */
      if ((datasetid = H5Dcreate(fileid, VAR1_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				 spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(datasetid, dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_label(datasetid, 0, DIMSCALE_LABEL) < 0) ERR;

      /* Fold up our tents. */
      if (H5Dclose(dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Checking that one var, one dimscale file can be read...");

      hid_t fileid, spaceid = 0, datasetid = 0;
      hsize_t num_obj, i;
      int obj_class;
      char obj_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
      char dimscale_name[NC_MAX_NAME+1];
      htri_t is_scale;
      char label[NC_MAX_NAME+1];
      int num_scales;
      hsize_t dims[1], maxdims[1];
      H5G_stat_t statbuf;
      HDF5_OBJID_T dimscale_obj, vars_dimscale_obj;

      /* Open the file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Loop through objects in the root group. */
      if (H5Gget_num_objs(fileid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR;
      for (i=0; i<num_obj; i++)
	 /* Get the type (i.e. group, dataset, etc.), and the name of
	  * the object. */
	 if ((obj_class = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(fileid, i)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Gget_objname_by_idx(fileid, i, obj_name, NC_MAX_NAME) < 0) ERR;

	 /*printf("\nEncountered: HDF5 object obj_class %d obj_name %s\n",
	   obj_class, obj_name);*/

	 /* Deal with object based on its obj_class. */
	    case H5G_GROUP:
	    case H5G_DATASET:
	       /* Open the dataset. */
	       if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(fileid, obj_name)) < 0) ERR;

	       /* This should be an unlimited dataset. */
	       if ((spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid, dims, maxdims) < 0) ERR;
	       if (maxdims[0] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;

	       /* Is this a dimscale? */
	       if ((is_scale = H5DSis_scale(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (is_scale && strcmp(obj_name, DIMSCALE_NAME)) ERR;
	       if (is_scale)
		  /* A dimscale comes with a NAME attribute, in
		   * addition to its real name. */
		  if (H5DSget_scale_name(datasetid, dimscale_name, NC_MAX_NAME) < 0) ERR;
		  if (strcmp(dimscale_name, NAME_ATTRIBUTE)) ERR;

		  /* fileno and objno uniquely identify an object and a
		   * HDF5 file. */
		  if (H5Gget_objinfo(datasetid, ".", 1, &statbuf) < 0) ERR;
		  dimscale_obj.fileno[0] = statbuf.fileno[0];
		  dimscale_obj.objno[0] = statbuf.objno[0];
		  dimscale_obj.fileno[1] = statbuf.fileno[1];
		  dimscale_obj.objno[1] = statbuf.objno[1];
		  /*printf("statbuf.fileno = %d statbuf.objno = %d\n",
		    statbuf.fileno, statbuf.objno);*/

		  /* Here's how to get the number of scales attached
		   * to the dataset's dimension 0. */
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 0)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;

		  /* Go through all dimscales for this var and learn about them. */
		  if (H5DSiterate_scales(datasetid, 0, NULL, alien_visitor,
					 &vars_dimscale_obj) < 0) ERR;
		  /*printf("vars_dimscale_obj.fileno = %d vars_dimscale_obj.objno = %d\n",
		    vars_dimscale_obj.fileno, vars_dimscale_obj.objno);*/
		  if (vars_dimscale_obj.fileno[0] != dimscale_obj.fileno[0] ||
		      vars_dimscale_obj.objno[0] != dimscale_obj.objno[0] ||
		      vars_dimscale_obj.fileno[1] != dimscale_obj.fileno[1] ||
		      vars_dimscale_obj.objno[1] != dimscale_obj.objno[1]) ERR;
		  /* There's also a label for dimension 0. */
		  if (H5DSget_label(datasetid, 0, label, NC_MAX_NAME) < 0) ERR;

		  /*printf("found non-scale dataset %s, label %s\n", obj_name, label);*/
	       if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0) ERR;
	    case H5G_TYPE:
	    case H5G_LINK:
	       printf("Unknown object class %d!", obj_class);

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Creating a file with one var with two dimension scales...");
#define LAT_LEN 3
#define LON_LEN 2
#define DIMS_2 2
#define LAT_NAME "lat"
#define LON_NAME "lon"
#define PRES_NAME "pres"
      hid_t fileid, lat_spaceid, lon_spaceid, pres_spaceid;
      hid_t pres_datasetid, lat_dimscaleid, lon_dimscaleid;
      hsize_t dims[DIMS_2];

      /* Create file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT,
			      H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the spaces that will be used for the dimscales. */
      dims[0] = LAT_LEN;
      if ((lat_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = LON_LEN;
      if ((lon_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the space for the dataset. */
      dims[0] = LAT_LEN;
      dims[1] = LON_LEN;
      if ((pres_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(DIMS_2, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create our dimension scales. */
      if ((lat_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate(fileid, LAT_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      lat_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lat_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;
      if ((lon_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate(fileid, LON_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      lon_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lon_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a variable which uses these two dimscales. */
      if ((pres_datasetid = H5Dcreate(fileid, PRES_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
				      pres_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, lat_dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, lon_dimscaleid, 1) < 0) ERR;

      /* Fold up our tents. */
      if (H5Dclose(lat_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(lon_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(pres_datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(lat_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(lon_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(pres_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Checking that one var, two dimscales file can be read...");

#define NDIMS2 2
      hid_t fileid, spaceid = 0, datasetid = 0;
      hsize_t num_obj, i;
      int obj_class;
      char obj_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
      htri_t is_scale;
      int num_scales;
      hsize_t dims[NDIMS2], maxdims[NDIMS2];
      H5G_stat_t statbuf;
      HDF5_OBJID_T dimscale_obj[2], vars_dimscale_obj[2];
      int dimscale_cnt = 0;
      int d, ndims;

      /* Open the file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Loop through objects in the root group. */
      if (H5Gget_num_objs(fileid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR;
      for (i=0; i<num_obj; i++)
	 /* Get the type (i.e. group, dataset, etc.), and the name of
	  * the object. */
	 if ((obj_class = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(fileid, i)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Gget_objname_by_idx(fileid, i, obj_name, NC_MAX_NAME) < 0) ERR;

/* 	 printf("\nEncountered: HDF5 object obj_class %d obj_name %s\n", */
/* 		obj_class, obj_name); */

	 /* Deal with object based on its obj_class. */
	    case H5G_GROUP:
	    case H5G_DATASET:
	       /* Open the dataset. */
	       if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(fileid, obj_name)) < 0) ERR;

	       /* Get space info. */
	       if ((spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid, dims, maxdims) < 0) ERR;
	       if ((ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(spaceid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (ndims > NDIMS2) ERR;

	       /* Is this a dimscale? */
	       if ((is_scale = H5DSis_scale(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (is_scale)
		  /* fileno and objno uniquely identify an object and a
		   * HDF5 file. */
		  if (H5Gget_objinfo(datasetid, ".", 1, &statbuf) < 0) ERR;
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno[0] = statbuf.fileno[0];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno[0] = statbuf.objno[0];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno[1] = statbuf.fileno[1];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno[1] = statbuf.objno[1];
/* 		  printf("dimscale_obj[%d].fileno = %d dimscale_obj[%d].objno = %d\n", */
/* 			 dimscale_cnt, dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno, dimscale_cnt,  */
/* 			 dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno); */
		  /* Here's how to get the number of scales attached
		   * to the dataset's dimension 0 and 1. */
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 0)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 1)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;

		  /* Go through all dimscales for this var and learn about them. */
		  for (d = 0; d < ndims; d++)
		     if (H5DSiterate_scales(datasetid, d, NULL, alien_visitor2,
		     &(vars_dimscale_obj[d])) < 0) ERR;

		     /* Verify that the object ids passed from the
		      * alien_visitor2 function match the ones we found
		      * for the lat and lon datasets. */
		     if (vars_dimscale_obj[d].fileno[0] != dimscale_obj[d].fileno[0] ||
		     vars_dimscale_obj[d].objno[0] != dimscale_obj[d].objno[0]) ERR;
		     if (vars_dimscale_obj[d].fileno[1] != dimscale_obj[d].fileno[1] ||
		     vars_dimscale_obj[d].objno[1] != dimscale_obj[d].objno[1]) ERR;
	       if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) ERR;
	    case H5G_TYPE:
	    case H5G_LINK:
	       printf("Unknown object class %d!", obj_class);

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;
   printf("*** Creating a file with one var with two unlimited dimension scales...");
#define U1_LEN 3
#define U2_LEN 2
#define DIMS2 2
#define U1_NAME "u1"
#define U2_NAME "u2"
#define VNAME "v1"
      hid_t fapl_id, fcpl_id, grpid, plistid, plistid2;
      hid_t fileid, lat_spaceid, lon_spaceid, pres_spaceid;
      hid_t pres_datasetid, lat_dimscaleid, lon_dimscaleid;
      hsize_t dims[DIMS2], maxdims[DIMS2], chunksize[DIMS2] = {10, 10};
      hid_t spaceid = 0, datasetid = 0;
      hsize_t num_obj, i;
      int obj_class;
      char obj_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
      htri_t is_scale;
      int num_scales;
      H5G_stat_t statbuf;
      HDF5_OBJID_T dimscale_obj[2], vars_dimscale_obj[2];
      int dimscale_cnt = 0;
      int d, ndims;

      /* Create file access and create property lists. */
      if ((fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((fcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Set latest_format in access propertly list. This ensures that
       * the latest, greatest, HDF5 versions are used in the file. */
      if (H5Pset_libver_bounds(fapl_id, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST) < 0) ERR;

      /* Set H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED in the creation property list. This
       * turns on HDF5 creation ordering in the file. */
      if (H5Pset_link_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED |
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED |
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcpl_id, fapl_id)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Open the root group. */
      if ((grpid = H5Gopen2(fileid, "/", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the spaces that will be used for the dimscales. */
      dims[0] = 0;
      maxdims[0] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
      if ((lat_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, maxdims)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((lon_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, maxdims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the space for the dataset. */
      dims[0] = 0;
      dims[1] = 0;
      maxdims[0] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
      maxdims[1] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
      if ((pres_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(DIMS2, dims, maxdims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Set up the dataset creation property list for the two dimensions. */
      if ((plistid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(plistid, 1, chunksize) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(plistid, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED|
				     H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create our dimension scales. */
      if ((lat_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate(grpid, U1_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      lat_spaceid, plistid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lat_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;
      if ((lon_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate(grpid, U2_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      lon_spaceid, plistid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lon_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;

      /* Set up the dataset creation property list for the variable. */
      if ((plistid2 = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(plistid2, DIMS2, chunksize) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(plistid2, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED|
				     H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a variable which uses these two dimscales. */
      if ((pres_datasetid = H5Dcreate(grpid, VNAME, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, pres_spaceid,
				      plistid2)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, lat_dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, lon_dimscaleid, 1) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close down the show. */
      if (H5Pclose(fapl_id) < 0 ||
	  H5Pclose(fcpl_id) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(lat_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(lon_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(pres_datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(lat_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(lon_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(pres_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Pclose(plistid) < 0 ||
	  H5Pclose(plistid2) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

      /* Open the file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gopen2(fileid, "/", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Loop through objects in the root group. */
      if (H5Gget_num_objs(grpid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR;

      for (i = 0; i < num_obj; i++)
	 /*Get the type (i.e. group, dataset, etc.), and the name of
	   the object. */
	 if ((obj_class = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(grpid, i)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Gget_objname_by_idx(grpid, i, obj_name, NC_MAX_NAME) < 0) ERR;

	 /* Deal with object based on its obj_class. */
	    case H5G_GROUP:
	    case H5G_DATASET:
	       /* Open the dataset. */
	       if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(grpid, obj_name)) < 0) ERR;

	       /* Get space info. */
	       if ((spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid, dims, maxdims) < 0) ERR;
	       if ((ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(spaceid)) < 0) ERR;

	       /* Is this a dimscale? */
	       if ((is_scale = H5DSis_scale(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (is_scale)
		  /* fileno and objno uniquely identify an object and a
		   * HDF5 file. */
		  if (H5Gget_objinfo(datasetid, ".", 1, &statbuf) < 0) ERR;
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno[0] = statbuf.fileno[0];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno[0] = statbuf.objno[0];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno[1] = statbuf.fileno[1];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno[1] = statbuf.objno[1];
		  /* Here's how to get the number of scales attached
		   * to the dataset's dimension 0 and 1. */
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 0)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 1)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;

		  /* Go through all dimscales for this var and learn about them. */
		  for (d = 0; d < ndims; d++)
		     if (H5DSiterate_scales(datasetid, d, NULL, alien_visitor2,
					    &(vars_dimscale_obj[d])) < 0) ERR;

		     /* Verify that the object ids passed from the
		      * alien_visitor2 function match the ones we found
		      * for the lat and lon datasets. */
		     if (vars_dimscale_obj[d].fileno[0] != dimscale_obj[d].fileno[0] ||
			 vars_dimscale_obj[d].objno[0] != dimscale_obj[d].objno[0]) ERR;
		     if (vars_dimscale_obj[d].fileno[1] != dimscale_obj[d].fileno[1] ||
			 vars_dimscale_obj[d].objno[1] != dimscale_obj[d].objno[1]) ERR;


	       if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0) ERR;
	    case H5G_TYPE:
	    case H5G_LINK:
	       printf("Unknown object class %d!", obj_class);

      /* Check the dimension lengths. */
	 hid_t spaceid1;
	 hsize_t h5dimlen[DIMS2], h5dimlenmax[DIMS2];
	 int dataset_ndims;

	 /* Check U1. */
	 if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(grpid, U1_NAME)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((spaceid1 = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((dataset_ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid1, h5dimlen,
							h5dimlenmax)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (dataset_ndims != 1 || h5dimlen[0] != 0 || h5dimlenmax[0] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;
	 if (H5Dclose(datasetid) ||
	     H5Sclose(spaceid1)) ERR;

	 /* Check U2. */
	 if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(grpid, U2_NAME)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((spaceid1 = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((dataset_ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid1, h5dimlen,
							h5dimlenmax)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (dataset_ndims != 1 || h5dimlen[0] != 0 || h5dimlenmax[0] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;
	 if (H5Dclose(datasetid) ||
	     H5Sclose(spaceid1)) ERR;
	 /* Check V1. */
	 if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(grpid, VNAME)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((spaceid1 = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((dataset_ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid1, h5dimlen,
							h5dimlenmax)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (dataset_ndims != 2 || h5dimlen[0] != 0 || h5dimlen[1] != 0 ||
	     h5dimlenmax[0] != H5S_UNLIMITED || h5dimlenmax[1] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;

	 /* All done. */
	 if (H5Dclose(datasetid) ||
	     H5Sclose(spaceid1)) ERR;

      /* Write two hyperslabs. */
#define NUM_VALS 3
	 hid_t file_spaceid, mem_spaceid;
	 hsize_t h5dimlen[DIMS2], h5dimlenmax[DIMS2], xtend_size[DIMS2] = {1, NUM_VALS};
	 hsize_t start[DIMS2] = {0, 0};
	 hsize_t count[DIMS2] = {1, NUM_VALS};
	 double value[NUM_VALS];
	 int dataset_ndims;
	 int i;

	 /* Set up phony data. */
	 for (i = 0; i < NUM_VALS; i++)
	    value[i] = (float)i;

	 /* Open the dataset, check its dimlens. */
	 if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(grpid, VNAME)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((file_spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((dataset_ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(file_spaceid, h5dimlen,
							h5dimlenmax)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (dataset_ndims != 2 || h5dimlen[0] != 0 || h5dimlen[1] != 0 ||
	     h5dimlenmax[0] != H5S_UNLIMITED || h5dimlenmax[1] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;

	 /* Extend the size of the dataset. */
	 if (H5Dextend(datasetid, xtend_size) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((file_spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;

	 /* Check the size. */
	 if ((dataset_ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(file_spaceid, h5dimlen,
							h5dimlenmax)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (dataset_ndims != 2 || h5dimlen[0] != 1 || h5dimlen[1] != NUM_VALS ||
	     h5dimlenmax[0] != H5S_UNLIMITED || h5dimlenmax[1] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;

	 /* Set up the file and memory spaces. */
	 if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_spaceid, H5S_SELECT_SET,
				 start, NULL, count, NULL) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((mem_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(DIMS2, count, NULL)) < 0) ERR;

	 /* Write a slice of data. */
	 if (H5Dwrite(datasetid, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, mem_spaceid, file_spaceid,
		      H5P_DEFAULT, value) < 0)

	 /* Check the size. */
	 if ((file_spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((dataset_ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(file_spaceid, h5dimlen,
							h5dimlenmax)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (dataset_ndims != 2 || h5dimlen[0] != 1 || h5dimlen[1] != NUM_VALS ||
	     h5dimlenmax[0] != H5S_UNLIMITED || h5dimlenmax[1] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;

	 /* Extend the size of the dataset for the second slice. */
	 if (H5Dextend(datasetid, xtend_size) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((file_spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;

	 /* Set up the file and memory spaces for a second slice. */
	 if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_spaceid, H5S_SELECT_SET,
				 start, NULL, count, NULL) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((mem_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(DIMS2, count, NULL)) < 0) ERR;

	 /* Write a second slice of data. */
	 if (H5Dwrite(datasetid, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, mem_spaceid, file_spaceid,
		      H5P_DEFAULT, value) < 0)

	 /* Check the size again. */
	 if ((file_spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((dataset_ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(file_spaceid, h5dimlen,
							h5dimlenmax)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (dataset_ndims != 2 || h5dimlen[0] != 2 || h5dimlen[1] != NUM_VALS ||
	     h5dimlenmax[0] != H5S_UNLIMITED || h5dimlenmax[1] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;

	 /* All done. */
	 if (H5Dclose(datasetid) ||
	     H5Sclose(mem_spaceid) ||
	     H5Sclose(file_spaceid)) ERR;

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Sclose(spaceid)) ERR;
      if (H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
      H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;
   printf("*** Checking dimension scales with attached dimension scales...");
#define LAT_LEN 3
#define LON_LEN 2
#define TIME_LEN 5
#define LEN_LEN 10
#define DIMS_3 3
#define NUM_DIMSCALES1 4
#define LAT_NAME "lat"
#define LON_NAME "lon"
#define PRES_NAME1 "z_pres"
#define TIME_NAME "time"
#define LEN_NAME "u_len"
      hid_t fileid, lat_spaceid, lon_spaceid, time_spaceid, pres_spaceid, len_spaceid;
      hid_t pres_datasetid, lat_dimscaleid, lon_dimscaleid, time_dimscaleid, len_dimscaleid;
      hid_t fapl_id, fcpl_id;
      hsize_t dims[DIMS_3];
      hid_t spaceid = 0, datasetid = 0;
      hsize_t num_obj, i;
      int obj_class;
      char obj_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
      htri_t is_scale;
      int num_scales;
      hsize_t maxdims[DIMS_3];
      H5G_stat_t statbuf;
      HDF5_OBJID_T dimscale_obj[NUM_DIMSCALES1], vars_dimscale_obj[NUM_DIMSCALES1];
      int dimscale_cnt = 0;
      int d, ndims;

      /* Create file access and create property lists. */
      if ((fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((fcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Set latest_format in access propertly list. This ensures that
       * the latest, greatest, HDF5 versions are used in the file. */
      if (H5Pset_libver_bounds(fapl_id, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST) < 0) ERR;

      /* Set H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED in the creation property list. This
       * turns on HDF5 creation ordering in the file. */
      if (H5Pset_link_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED |
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED |
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcpl_id, fapl_id)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the spaces that will be used for the dimscales. */
      dims[0] = LAT_LEN;
      if ((lat_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = LON_LEN;
      if ((lon_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = TIME_LEN;
      if ((time_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = LEN_LEN;
      if ((len_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the space for the dataset. */
      dims[0] = LAT_LEN;
      dims[1] = LON_LEN;
      dims[2] = TIME_LEN;
      if ((pres_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(DIMS_3, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create our dimension scales. */
      if ((lat_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, LAT_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      lat_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lat_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;
      if ((lon_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, LON_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      lon_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lon_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;
      if ((time_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, TIME_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      time_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(time_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;
      if ((len_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, LEN_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      len_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(len_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a variable which uses these three dimscales. */
      if ((pres_datasetid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, PRES_NAME1, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
				      pres_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, lat_dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, lon_dimscaleid, 1) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, time_dimscaleid, 2) < 0) ERR;

      /* Attach a dimscale to a dimscale. Unfortunately, HDF5 does not
       * allow this. Woe is me. */
      /*if (H5DSattach_scale(time_dimscaleid, len_dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;*/

      /* Fold up our tents. */
      if (H5Dclose(lat_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(lon_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(time_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(len_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(pres_datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(lat_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(lon_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(time_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(pres_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(len_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Pclose(fapl_id) < 0 ||
	  H5Pclose(fcpl_id) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

      /* Open the file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Loop through objects in the root group. */
      if (H5Gget_num_objs(fileid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR;
      for (i=0; i<num_obj; i++)
	 /* Get the type (i.e. group, dataset, etc.), and the name of
	  * the object. */
	 if ((obj_class = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(fileid, i)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Gget_objname_by_idx(fileid, i, obj_name, NC_MAX_NAME) < 0) ERR;

 	 /* printf("\nEncountered: HDF5 object obj_class %d obj_name %s\n",  */
/*  		obj_class, obj_name);  */

	 /* Deal with object based on its obj_class. */
	    case H5G_GROUP:
	    case H5G_DATASET:
	       /* Open the dataset. */
	       if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(fileid, obj_name)) < 0) ERR;

	       /* Get space info. */
	       if ((spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid, dims, maxdims) < 0) ERR;
	       if ((ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(spaceid)) < 0) ERR;

	       /* Is this a dimscale? */
	       if ((is_scale = H5DSis_scale(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (is_scale)
		  /* fileno and objno uniquely identify an object and a
		   * HDF5 file. */
		  if (H5Gget_objinfo(datasetid, ".", 1, &statbuf) < 0) ERR;
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno[0] = statbuf.fileno[0];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno[0] = statbuf.objno[0];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno[1] = statbuf.fileno[1];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno[1] = statbuf.objno[1];
		  /* printf("dimscale_obj[%d].fileno = %d dimscale_obj[%d].objno = %d\n", */
/* 			 dimscale_cnt, dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno, dimscale_cnt, */
/* 			 dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno); */
		  /* Here's how to get the number of scales attached
		   * to the dataset's dimension 0 and 1. */
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 0)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 1)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;

		  /* Go through all dimscales for this var and learn about them. */
		  for (d = 0; d < ndims; d++)
		     if (H5DSiterate_scales(datasetid, d, NULL, alien_visitor2,
		     &(vars_dimscale_obj[d])) < 0) ERR;

		     /* Verify that the object ids passed from the
		      * alien_visitor2 function match the ones we found
		      * for the lat and lon datasets. */
		     if (vars_dimscale_obj[d].fileno[0] != dimscale_obj[d].fileno[0] ||
		     vars_dimscale_obj[d].objno[0] != dimscale_obj[d].objno[0]) ERR;
		     if (vars_dimscale_obj[d].fileno[1] != dimscale_obj[d].fileno[1] ||
		     vars_dimscale_obj[d].objno[1] != dimscale_obj[d].objno[1]) ERR;
	       if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) ERR;
	    case H5G_TYPE:
	    case H5G_LINK:
	       printf("Unknown object class %d!", obj_class);

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Checking cration ordering of datasets which are also dimension scales...");
#define LAT_LEN 3
#define LON_LEN 2
#define TIME_LEN 5
#define LEN_LEN 10
#define DIMS_3 3
#define NUM_DIMSCALES2 4
#define LAT_NAME "lat"
#define LON_NAME "lon"
#define PRES_NAME1 "z_pres"
#define TIME_NAME "time"
#define LEN_NAME "u_len"
      hid_t fileid, lat_spaceid, lon_spaceid, time_spaceid, pres_spaceid, len_spaceid;
      hid_t pres_datasetid, lat_dimscaleid, lon_dimscaleid, time_dimscaleid, len_dimscaleid;
      hid_t fapl_id, fcpl_id;
      hsize_t dims[DIMS_3];
      hid_t spaceid = 0, datasetid = 0;
      hsize_t num_obj, i;
      int obj_class;
      char obj_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
      htri_t is_scale;
      int num_scales;
      hsize_t maxdims[DIMS_3];
      H5G_stat_t statbuf;
      HDF5_OBJID_T dimscale_obj[NUM_DIMSCALES2], vars_dimscale_obj[NUM_DIMSCALES2];
      int dimscale_cnt = 0;
      int d, ndims;

      /* Create file access and create property lists. */
      if ((fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((fcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Set latest_format in access propertly list. This ensures that
       * the latest, greatest, HDF5 versions are used in the file. */
      if (H5Pset_libver_bounds(fapl_id, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST) < 0) ERR;

      /* Set H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED in the creation property list. This
       * turns on HDF5 creation ordering in the file. */
      if (H5Pset_link_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED |
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED |
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcpl_id, fapl_id)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the spaces that will be used for the dimscales. */
      dims[0] = LAT_LEN;
      if ((lat_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = LON_LEN;
      if ((lon_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = TIME_LEN;
      if ((time_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = LEN_LEN;
      if ((len_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the space for the dataset. */
      dims[0] = LAT_LEN;
      dims[1] = LON_LEN;
      dims[2] = TIME_LEN;
      if ((pres_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(DIMS_3, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create our dimension scales. */
      if ((lat_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, LAT_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      lat_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lat_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;
      if ((lon_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, LON_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      lon_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lon_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;
      if ((time_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, TIME_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      time_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(time_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;
      if ((len_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, LEN_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      len_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(len_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a variable which uses these three dimscales. */
      if ((pres_datasetid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, PRES_NAME1, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
				      pres_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, lat_dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, lon_dimscaleid, 1) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, time_dimscaleid, 2) < 0) ERR;

      /* Attach a dimscale to a dimscale. Unfortunately, HDF5 does not
       * allow this. Woe is me. */
      /*if (H5DSattach_scale(time_dimscaleid, len_dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;*/

      /* Fold up our tents. */
      if (H5Dclose(lat_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(lon_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(time_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(len_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(pres_datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(lat_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(lon_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(time_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(pres_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(len_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Pclose(fapl_id) < 0 ||
	  H5Pclose(fcpl_id) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

      /* Open the file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Loop through objects in the root group. */
      if (H5Gget_num_objs(fileid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR;
      for (i=0; i<num_obj; i++)
	 /* Get the type (i.e. group, dataset, etc.), and the name of
	  * the object. */
	 if ((obj_class = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(fileid, i)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Gget_objname_by_idx(fileid, i, obj_name, NC_MAX_NAME) < 0) ERR;

 	 /* printf("\nEncountered: HDF5 object obj_class %d obj_name %s\n",  */
/*  		obj_class, obj_name);  */

	 /* Deal with object based on its obj_class. */
	    case H5G_GROUP:
	    case H5G_DATASET:
	       /* Open the dataset. */
	       if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(fileid, obj_name)) < 0) ERR;

	       /* Get space info. */
	       if ((spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid, dims, maxdims) < 0) ERR;
	       if ((ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(spaceid)) < 0) ERR;

	       /* Is this a dimscale? */
	       if ((is_scale = H5DSis_scale(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (is_scale)
		  /* fileno and objno uniquely identify an object and a
		   * HDF5 file. */
		  if (H5Gget_objinfo(datasetid, ".", 1, &statbuf) < 0) ERR;
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno[0] = statbuf.fileno[0];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno[0] = statbuf.objno[0];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno[1] = statbuf.fileno[1];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno[1] = statbuf.objno[1];
		  /* printf("dimscale_obj[%d].fileno = %d dimscale_obj[%d].objno = %d\n", */
/* 			 dimscale_cnt, dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno, dimscale_cnt, */
/* 			 dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno); */
		  /* Here's how to get the number of scales attached
		   * to the dataset's dimension 0 and 1. */
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 0)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 1)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;

		  /* Go through all dimscales for this var and learn about them. */
		  for (d = 0; d < ndims; d++)
		     if (H5DSiterate_scales(datasetid, d, NULL, alien_visitor2,
		     &(vars_dimscale_obj[d])) < 0) ERR;

		     /* Verify that the object ids passed from the
		      * alien_visitor2 function match the ones we found
		      * for the lat and lon datasets. */
		     if (vars_dimscale_obj[d].fileno[0] != dimscale_obj[d].fileno[0] ||
		     vars_dimscale_obj[d].objno[0] != dimscale_obj[d].objno[0]) ERR;
		     if (vars_dimscale_obj[d].fileno[1] != dimscale_obj[d].fileno[1] ||
		     vars_dimscale_obj[d].objno[1] != dimscale_obj[d].objno[1]) ERR;
	       if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) ERR;
	    case H5G_TYPE:
	    case H5G_LINK:
	       printf("Unknown object class %d!", obj_class);

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;
