Exemplo n.º 1
 * test_objnames
 * Tests that UTF-8 can be used for object names in the file.
 * Tests groups, datasets, named datatypes, and soft links.
 * Note that this test doesn't actually mark the names as being
 * in UTF-8.  At the time this test was written, that feature
 * didn't exist in HDF5, and when the character encoding property
 * was added to links it didn't change how they were stored in the file,
 * -JML 2/2/2006
void test_objnames(hid_t fid, const char* string)
  hid_t grp_id, grp1_id, grp2_id, grp3_id;
  hid_t type_id, dset_id, space_id;
  char read_buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char path_buf[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
  hsize_t dims=1;
  hobj_ref_t obj_ref;
  herr_t ret;

  /* Create a group with a UTF-8 name */
  grp_id = H5Gcreate2(fid, string, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(grp_id, FAIL, "H5Gcreate2");

  /* Set a comment on the group to test that we can access the group
   * Also test that UTF-8 comments can be read.
  ret = H5Oset_comment_by_name(fid, string, string, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Oset_comment_by_name");
  ret = H5Oget_comment_by_name(fid, string, read_buf, (size_t)MAX_STRING_LENGTH, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Oget_comment_by_name");

  ret = H5Gclose(grp_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Gclose");

  VERIFY(HDstrcmp(string, read_buf), 0, "strcmp");

  /* Create a new dataset with a UTF-8 name */
  grp1_id = H5Gcreate2(fid, GROUP1_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(grp1_id, FAIL, "H5Gcreate2");

  space_id = H5Screate_simple(RANK, &dims, NULL);
  CHECK(space_id, FAIL, "H5Screate_simple");
  dset_id = H5Dcreate2(grp1_id, string, H5T_NATIVE_INT, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(dset_id, FAIL, "H5Dcreate2");

  /* Make sure that dataset can be opened again */
  ret = H5Dclose(dset_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Dclose");
  ret = H5Sclose(space_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Sclose");

  dset_id = H5Dopen2(grp1_id, string, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Dopen2");
  ret = H5Dclose(dset_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Dclose");
  ret = H5Gclose(grp1_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Gclose");

  /* Do the same for a named datatype */
  grp2_id = H5Gcreate2(fid, GROUP2_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(grp2_id, FAIL, "H5Gcreate2");

  type_id = H5Tcreate(H5T_OPAQUE, (size_t)1);
  CHECK(type_id, FAIL, "H5Tcreate");
  ret = H5Tcommit2(grp2_id, string, type_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(type_id, FAIL, "H5Tcommit2");
  ret = H5Tclose(type_id);
  CHECK(type_id, FAIL, "H5Tclose");

  type_id = H5Topen2(grp2_id, string, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(type_id, FAIL, "H5Topen2");
  ret = H5Tclose(type_id);
  CHECK(type_id, FAIL, "H5Tclose");

  /* Don't close the group -- use it to test that object references
   * can refer to objects named in UTF-8 */

  space_id = H5Screate_simple(RANK, &dims, NULL);
  CHECK(space_id, FAIL, "H5Screate_simple");
  dset_id = H5Dcreate2(grp2_id, DSET3_NAME, H5T_STD_REF_OBJ, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Dcreate2");

  /* Create reference to named datatype */
  ret = H5Rcreate(&obj_ref, grp2_id, string, H5R_OBJECT, -1);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Rcreate");
  /* Write selection and read it back*/
  ret = H5Dwrite(dset_id, H5T_STD_REF_OBJ, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, &obj_ref);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Dwrite");
  ret = H5Dread(dset_id, H5T_STD_REF_OBJ, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, &obj_ref);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Dread");

  /* Ensure that we can open named datatype using object reference */
  type_id = H5Rdereference2(dset_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5R_OBJECT, &obj_ref);
  CHECK(type_id, FAIL, "H5Rdereference2");
  ret = H5Tcommitted(type_id);
  VERIFY(ret, 1, "H5Tcommitted");

  ret = H5Tclose(type_id);
  CHECK(type_id, FAIL, "H5Tclose");
  ret = H5Dclose(dset_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Dclose");
  ret = H5Sclose(space_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Sclose");

  ret = H5Gclose(grp2_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Gclose");

  /* Create "group3".  Build a hard link from group3 to group2, which has
   * a datatype with the UTF-8 name.  Create a soft link in group3
   * pointing through the hard link to the datatype.  Give the soft
   * link a name in UTF-8.  Ensure that the soft link works. */

  grp3_id = H5Gcreate2(fid, GROUP3_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(grp3_id, FAIL, "H5Gcreate2");

  ret = H5Lcreate_hard(fid, GROUP2_NAME, grp3_id, GROUP2_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Lcreate_hard");
  HDstrcpy(path_buf, GROUP2_NAME);
  HDstrcat(path_buf, "/");
  HDstrcat(path_buf, string);
  ret = H5Lcreate_hard(grp3_id, path_buf, H5L_SAME_LOC, string, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Lcreate_hard");

  /* Open named datatype using soft link */
  type_id = H5Topen2(grp3_id, string, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(type_id, FAIL, "H5Topen2");

  ret = H5Tclose(type_id);
  CHECK(type_id, FAIL, "H5Tclose");
  ret = H5Gclose(grp3_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Gclose");
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Function: copy_attr
 * Purpose: copy attributes located in LOC_IN, which is obtained either from
 * loc_id = H5Gopen2( fid, name);
 * loc_id = H5Dopen2( fid, name);
 * loc_id = H5Topen2( fid, name);
 * Return: 0, ok, -1 no
copy_attr(hid_t loc_in, hid_t loc_out, named_dt_t **named_dt_head_p,
        trav_table_t *travt, pack_opt_t *options)
    int         ret_value = 0;
    hid_t       attr_id = -1;  /* attr ID */
    hid_t       attr_out = -1; /* attr ID */
    hid_t       space_id = -1; /* space ID */
    hid_t       ftype_id = -1; /* file type ID */
    hid_t       wtype_id = -1; /* read/write type ID */
    size_t      msize;         /* size of type */
    void       *buf = NULL;    /* data buffer */
    hsize_t     nelmts;        /* number of elements in dataset */
    int         rank;          /* rank of dataset */
    htri_t      is_named;      /* Whether the datatype is named */
    hsize_t     dims[H5S_MAX_RANK];/* dimensions of dataset */
    char        name[255];
    H5O_info_t  oinfo;         /* object info */
    int         j;
    unsigned    u;
    hbool_t     is_ref = 0;
    H5T_class_t type_class = -1;

    if (H5Oget_info(loc_in, &oinfo) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Oget_info failed");

     * copy all attributes
    for (u = 0; u < (unsigned) oinfo.num_attrs; u++) {
        /* open attribute */
        if ((attr_id = H5Aopen_by_idx(loc_in, ".", H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER, H5_ITER_INC, (hsize_t) u, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Aopen_by_idx failed");

        /* get name */
        if (H5Aget_name(attr_id, (size_t) 255, name) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Pclose failed");

        /* get the file datatype  */
        if ((ftype_id = H5Aget_type(attr_id)) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Aget_type failed");

        /* Check if the datatype is committed */
        if ((is_named = H5Tcommitted(ftype_id)) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Tcommitted failed");
        if (is_named && travt) {
            hid_t fidout = -1;

            /* Create out file id */
            if ((fidout = H5Iget_file_id(loc_out)) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Iget_file_id failed");

            /* Copy named dt */
            if ((wtype_id = copy_named_datatype(ftype_id, fidout, named_dt_head_p, travt, options)) < 0) {
                HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "copy_named_datatype failed");
            } /* end if */

            if (H5Fclose(fidout) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Fclose failed");
        } /* end if */
        else {
            if (options->use_native == 1)
                wtype_id = H5Tget_native_type(ftype_id, H5T_DIR_DEFAULT);
                wtype_id = H5Tcopy(ftype_id);
        } /* end else */

        /* get the dataspace handle  */
        if ((space_id = H5Aget_space(attr_id)) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Aget_space failed");

        /* get dimensions  */
        if ((rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(space_id, dims, NULL)) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Sget_simple_extent_dims failed");

        nelmts = 1;
        for (j = 0; j < rank; j++)
            nelmts *= dims[j];

        if ((msize = H5Tget_size(wtype_id)) == 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Tget_size failed");

         * object references are a special case. We cannot just copy the buffers,
         * but instead we recreate the reference.
         * This is done on a second sweep of the file that just copies the referenced
         * objects at copy_refs_attr()
        type_class = H5Tget_class(wtype_id);
        is_ref = (type_class == H5T_REFERENCE);
        if (type_class == H5T_VLEN || type_class == H5T_ARRAY) {
            hid_t base_type = -1;

            base_type = H5Tget_super(ftype_id);
            is_ref = (is_ref || (H5Tget_class(base_type) == H5T_REFERENCE));
            if (H5Tclose(base_type) < 0)
                H5TOOLS_INFO(H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Tclose base_type failed");

        if (type_class == H5T_COMPOUND) {
            int nmembers = H5Tget_nmembers(wtype_id);

            for (j = 0; j < nmembers; j++) {
                hid_t mtid = H5Tget_member_type(wtype_id, (unsigned)j);
                H5T_class_t mtclass = H5Tget_class(mtid);
                if (H5Tclose(mtid) < 0)
                    H5TOOLS_INFO(H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Tclose mtid failed");

                if (mtclass == H5T_REFERENCE) {
                    is_ref = 1;
            } /* for (j=0; i<nmembers; j++) */
        } /* if (type_class == H5T_COMPOUND) */

        if (!is_ref) {
             * read to memory

            buf = (void *)HDmalloc((size_t)(nelmts * msize));
            if (buf == NULL) {
                HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "HDmalloc failed");
            } /* end if */
            if (H5Aread(attr_id, wtype_id, buf) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Aread failed");

             * copy

            if ((attr_out = H5Acreate2(loc_out, name, wtype_id, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Acreate2 failed on ,%s>", name);
            if (H5Awrite(attr_out, wtype_id, buf) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Awrite failed");

            if (H5Aclose(attr_out) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Aclose failed");

            /* Check if we have VL data and string in the attribute's  datatype that must
             * be reclaimed */
            if (TRUE == h5tools_detect_vlen(wtype_id))
                H5Dvlen_reclaim(wtype_id, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, buf);
            buf = NULL;
        } /*H5T_REFERENCE*/

        if (options->verbose)
            printf(FORMAT_OBJ_ATTR, "attr", name);

         * close
        if (H5Sclose(space_id) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Sclose failed");
        space_id = -1;
        if (H5Tclose(wtype_id) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Tclose failed");
        wtype_id = -1;
        if (H5Tclose(ftype_id) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Tclose failed");
        ftype_id = -1;
        if (H5Aclose(attr_id) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(FAIL, H5E_tools_min_id_g, "H5Aclose failed");
        attr_id = -1;
    } /* for u */

        if (buf) {
            /* Check if we have VL data and string in the attribute's  datatype that must
            * be reclaimed */
            if (TRUE == h5tools_detect_vlen(wtype_id))
                H5Dvlen_reclaim(wtype_id, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, buf);

            /* Free buf */
        } /* end if */

    } H5E_END_TRY;

    return ret_value;
} /* end copy_attr() */
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Function: dataset_stats
 * Purpose: Gather statistics about the dataset
 * Return:  Success: 0
 *          Failure: -1
 * Programmer:    Quincey Koziol
 *                Tuesday, August 16, 2005
static herr_t
dataset_stats(iter_t *iter, const char *name, const H5O_info_t *oi)
    unsigned     bin;               /* "bin" the number of objects falls in */
    hid_t     did;               /* Dataset ID */
    hid_t     sid;               /* Dataspace ID */
    hid_t     tid;               /* Datatype ID */
    hid_t     dcpl;              /* Dataset creation property list ID */
    hsize_t     dims[H5S_MAX_RANK];/* Dimensions of dataset */
    H5D_layout_t   lout;              /* Layout of dataset */
    unsigned     type_found;        /* Whether the dataset's datatype was */
                                         /* already found */
    int     ndims;             /* Number of dimensions of dataset */
    hsize_t     storage;           /* Size of dataset storage */
    unsigned     u;                 /* Local index variable */
    int     num_ext;           /* Number of external files for a dataset */
    int     nfltr;             /* Number of filters for a dataset */
    H5Z_filter_t  fltr;              /* Filter identifier */
    herr_t     ret;

    /* Gather statistics about this type of object */

    /* Get object header information */
    iter->dset_ohdr_info.total_size += oi->hdr.space.total;
    iter->dset_ohdr_info.free_size += oi->hdr.space.free;

    did = H5Dopen2(iter->fid, name, H5P_DEFAULT);
    HDassert(did > 0);

    /* Update dataset metadata info */
    iter->datasets_index_storage_size += oi->meta_size.obj.index_size;
    iter->datasets_heap_storage_size += oi->meta_size.obj.heap_size;

    /* Update attribute metadata info */
    ret = attribute_stats(iter, oi);
    HDassert(ret >= 0);

    /* Get storage info */
    storage = H5Dget_storage_size(did);

    /* Gather layout statistics */
    dcpl = H5Dget_create_plist(did);
    HDassert(dcpl > 0);

    lout = H5Pget_layout(dcpl);
    HDassert(lout >= 0);

    /* Object header's total size for H5D_COMPACT layout includes raw data size */
    /* "storage" also includes H5D_COMPACT raw data size */
    if(lout == H5D_COMPACT)
        iter->dset_ohdr_info.total_size -= storage;

    /* Track the layout type for dataset */

    /* Get the number of external files for the dataset */
    num_ext = H5Pget_external_count(dcpl);
    assert (num_ext >= 0);

    /* Accumulate raw data size accordingly */
    if(num_ext) {
        iter->nexternal += (unsigned long)num_ext;
        iter->dset_external_storage_size += (unsigned long)storage;
    } else
        iter->dset_storage_size += storage;

    /* Gather dataspace statistics */
    sid = H5Dget_space(did);
    HDassert(sid > 0);

    ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(sid, dims, NULL);
    HDassert(ndims >= 0);

    /* Check for larger rank of dataset */
    if((unsigned)ndims > iter->max_dset_rank)
        iter->max_dset_rank = (unsigned)ndims;

    /* Track the number of datasets with each rank */

    /* Only gather dim size statistics on 1-D datasets */
    if(ndims == 1) {
       iter->max_dset_dims = dims[0];
       if(dims[0] < SIZE_SMALL_DSETS)

       /* Add dim count to proper bin */
       bin = ceil_log10((unsigned long)dims[0]);
       if((bin + 1) > iter->dset_dim_nbins) {
          /* Allocate more storage for info about dataset's datatype */
          iter->dset_dim_bins = (unsigned long *)HDrealloc(iter->dset_dim_bins, (bin + 1) * sizeof(unsigned long));

          /* Initialize counts for intermediate bins */
          while(iter->dset_dim_nbins < bin)
              iter->dset_dim_bins[iter->dset_dim_nbins++] = 0;

          /* Initialize count for this bin */
          iter->dset_dim_bins[bin] = 1;
        } /* end if */
    } /* end if */

    ret = H5Sclose(sid);
    HDassert(ret >= 0);

    /* Gather datatype statistics */
    tid = H5Dget_type(did);
    HDassert(tid > 0);

    type_found = FALSE;
    for(u = 0; u < iter->dset_ntypes; u++)
        if(H5Tequal(iter->dset_type_info[u].tid, tid) > 0) {
            type_found = TRUE;
        } /* end for */
    else {
        unsigned curr_ntype = iter->dset_ntypes;

        /* Increment # of datatypes seen for datasets */

        /* Allocate more storage for info about dataset's datatype */
        iter->dset_type_info = (dtype_info_t *)HDrealloc(iter->dset_type_info, iter->dset_ntypes * sizeof(dtype_info_t));

        /* Initialize information about datatype */
        iter->dset_type_info[curr_ntype].tid = H5Tcopy(tid);
        HDassert(iter->dset_type_info[curr_ntype].tid > 0);
        iter->dset_type_info[curr_ntype].count = 1;
        iter->dset_type_info[curr_ntype].named = 0;

        /* Set index for later */
        u = curr_ntype;
    } /* end else */

    /* Check if the datatype is a named datatype */
    if(H5Tcommitted(tid) > 0)

    ret = H5Tclose(tid);
    HDassert(ret >= 0);

    /* Track different filters */
    if((nfltr = H5Pget_nfilters(dcpl)) >= 0) {
       if(nfltr == 0)
        for(u = 0; u < (unsigned)nfltr; u++) {
            fltr = H5Pget_filter2(dcpl, u, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
            if(fltr >= 0) {
                if(fltr < (H5_NFILTERS_IMPL - 1))
                    iter->dset_comptype[H5_NFILTERS_IMPL - 1]++; /*other filters*/
            } /* end if */
        } /* end for */
    } /* endif nfltr */

     ret = H5Pclose(dcpl);
     HDassert(ret >= 0);

     ret = H5Dclose(did);
     HDassert(ret >= 0);

     return 0;
}  /* end dataset_stats() */
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Function:    find_objs_cb
 * Purpose:     Callback to find objects, committed types and store them in tables
 * Return:      Success:    SUCCEED
 *              Failure:    FAIL
 * Programmer:  Ruey-Hsia Li
 * Modifications:
static herr_t
find_objs_cb(const char *name, const H5O_info_t *oinfo, const char *already_seen,
    void *op_data)
    find_objs_t *info = (find_objs_t*)op_data;
    herr_t ret_value = 0;

    switch(oinfo->type) {
        case H5O_TYPE_GROUP:
            if(NULL == already_seen)
                add_obj(info->group_table, oinfo->addr, name, TRUE);

        case H5O_TYPE_DATASET:
            if(NULL == already_seen) {
                hid_t dset;

                /* Add the dataset to the list of objects */
                add_obj(info->dset_table, oinfo->addr, name, TRUE);

                /* Check for a dataset that uses a named datatype */
                if((dset = H5Dopen2(info->fid, name, H5P_DEFAULT)) >= 0) {
                    hid_t type = H5Dget_type(dset);

                    if(H5Tcommitted(type) > 0) {
                        H5O_info_t type_oinfo;

                        H5Oget_info(type, &type_oinfo);
                        if(search_obj(info->type_table, type_oinfo.addr) == NULL)
                            add_obj(info->type_table, type_oinfo.addr, name, FALSE);
                    } /* end if */

                } /* end if */
                    ret_value = FAIL;
            } /* end if */

            if(NULL == already_seen) {
                obj_t *found_obj;

                if((found_obj = search_obj(info->type_table, oinfo->addr)) == NULL)
                    add_obj(info->type_table, oinfo->addr, name, TRUE);
                else {
                    /* Use latest version of name */
                    found_obj->objname = HDstrdup(name);

                    /* Mark named datatype as having valid name */
                    found_obj->recorded = TRUE;
                } /* end else */
            } /* end if */

    } /* end switch */

    return ret_value;