Exemplo n.º 1
/** Copy lattice data with layout described by fieldtype.
 * @param r_buffer data destination
 * @param s_buffer data source
 * @param type     field layout type
MDINLINE void halo_dtcopy(void *r_buffer, void *s_buffer, int count, Fieldtype type) { 
    int i, j;

    HALO_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%d: halo_dtcopy r_buffer=%p s_buffer=%p blocks=%d stride=%d skip=%d\n",this_node,r_buffer,s_buffer,type->vblocks,type->vstride,type->vskip));

    if (type->subtype) {
      halo_copy_vector(r_buffer, s_buffer, count, type, type->vflag);
    } else {
      for (i=0; i<count; i++, s_buffer+=type->extent, r_buffer+=type->extent) { 
	if (!type->count) {
	} else {
	  for (j=0; j<type->count; j++) {




Exemplo n.º 2
/** Frees datastrutures associated with a halo communicator 
 * @param hc halo communicator to be released
void release_halo_communication(HaloCommunicator *hc) {
  int n;

  for (n=0; n<hc->num; n++) {
    HALO_TRACE(fprintf(stderr,"%d: freeing %p\n",this_node,&(hc->halo_info[n].datatype)));


Exemplo n.º 3
MDINLINE void halo_copy_vector(void *r_buffer, void *s_buffer, int count, Fieldtype type, int vflag) {
  int i, j;
  void *dest, *src;

  int vblocks = type->vblocks;
  int vstride = type->vstride;
  int vskip   = type->vskip;
  int extent  = type->extent;

  HALO_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%d: halo_copy_vector %p %p vblocks=%d vstride=%d vskip=%d extent=%d subtype_extent=%d\n",this_node,r_buffer,s_buffer,vblocks,vstride,vskip,extent,type->subtype->extent));

  if (vflag){
    vskip *= type->subtype->extent;

  for (i=0; i<count; i++, s_buffer+=extent, r_buffer+=extent) {
    for (j=0, dest=r_buffer, src=s_buffer; j<vblocks; j++, dest+=vskip, src+=vskip) {

Exemplo n.º 4
/** Copy lattice data with layout described by fieldtype.
 * @param r_buffer data destination
 * @param s_buffer data source
 * @param type     field layout type
MDINLINE void halo_dtcopy(void *r_buffer, void *s_buffer, Fieldtype type) { 
    int i, j, k;
    void *dest, *src;

    int vblocks = type->vblocks;
    int vstride = type->vstride;
    int vskip   = type->vskip;
    int count   = type->count;
    int *lens   = type->lengths;
    int *disps  = type->disps;
    int extent  = type->extent;

    HALO_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%d: halo comm local copy r_buffer=%p s_buffer=%p\n",this_node,r_buffer,s_buffer));

    for (i=0; i<vblocks; i++, r_buffer+=vskip*extent, s_buffer+=vskip*extent) {
	for (j=0, dest=r_buffer, src=s_buffer; j<vstride; j++, dest+=extent, src+=extent) {
	    for (k=0; k<count; k++) {

Exemplo n.º 5
/** Perform communication according to the parallelization scheme
 *  described by the halo communicator
 * @param hc halo communicator describing the parallelization scheme
void halo_communication(HaloCommunicator *hc, void *base) {
  int n, comm_type, s_node, r_node;
  void *s_buffer, *r_buffer ;

  Fieldtype fieldtype;
  MPI_Datatype datatype;
  MPI_Request request;
  MPI_Status status;

    HALO_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%d: halo_comm base=%p num=%d\n", this_node, base, hc->num)) ;

    for (n = 0; n < hc->num; n++) {

	HALO_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%d: halo_comm round %d\n", this_node, n)) ;

	comm_type = hc->halo_info[n].type ;
	s_buffer = (char *)base + hc->halo_info[n].s_offset;
	r_buffer = (char *)base + hc->halo_info[n].r_offset;

	switch (comm_type) {

	    case HALO_LOCL:
	      fieldtype = hc->halo_info[n].fieldtype;
	      break ;

	    case HALO_SENDRECV:
	      datatype = hc->halo_info[n].datatype;
	      s_node = hc->halo_info[n].source_node ;
	      r_node = hc->halo_info[n].dest_node ;
	      HALO_TRACE(fprintf(stderr,"%d: halo_comm sendrecv %d to %d (%d) (%p)\n",this_node,s_node,r_node,REQ_HALO_SPREAD,&datatype));

	      MPI_Sendrecv(s_buffer, 1, datatype, r_node, REQ_HALO_SPREAD,
			   r_buffer, 1, datatype, s_node, REQ_HALO_SPREAD,
			   MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
	      break ;

	    case HALO_SEND:
	      datatype = hc->halo_info[n].datatype;
	      fieldtype = hc->halo_info[n].fieldtype;
	      s_node = hc->halo_info[n].source_node ;
	      r_node = hc->halo_info[n].dest_node ;
	      HALO_TRACE(fprintf(stderr,"%d: halo_comm send to %d.\n",this_node,r_node));

	      MPI_Isend(s_buffer, 1, datatype, r_node, REQ_HALO_SPREAD, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);

	    case HALO_RECV:
	      datatype = hc->halo_info[n].datatype;
	      s_node = hc->halo_info[n].source_node ;
	      r_node = hc->halo_info[n].dest_node ;

	      HALO_TRACE(fprintf(stderr,"%d: halo_comm recv from %d.\n",this_node,s_node));

	      MPI_Irecv(r_buffer, 1, datatype, s_node, REQ_HALO_SPREAD, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);

	    case HALO_OPEN:
	      fieldtype = hc->halo_info[n].fieldtype;

	      HALO_TRACE(fprintf(stderr,"%d: halo_comm open boundaries\n",this_node));

	      /* \todo this does not work for the n_i - <n_i> */


Exemplo n.º 6
/** Preparation of the halo parallelization scheme. Sets up the
 *  necessary datastructures for \ref halo_communication
 * @param hc         halo communicator beeing created (Input/Output)
 * @param lattice    lattice the communcation is created for (Input)
 * @param fieldtype  field layout of the lattice data (Input)
 * @param datatype   MPI datatype for the lattice data (Input)
void prepare_halo_communication(HaloCommunicator *hc, Lattice *lattice, Fieldtype fieldtype, MPI_Datatype datatype) {
  int k, n, dir, lr, cnt, num = 0 ;
  int *grid  = lattice->grid ;
  int *period = lattice->halo_grid ;

  for (n=0; n<hc->num; n++) {

  num = 2*3; /* two communications in each space direction */

  hc->num = num ;
  hc->halo_info = realloc(hc->halo_info,num*sizeof(HaloInfo)) ;

  int extent = fieldtype->extent;

  cnt = 0 ;
  for (dir=0; dir<3; dir++) {
    for (lr=0; lr<2; lr++) {

	      HaloInfo *hinfo = &(hc->halo_info[cnt]) ;

	      int nblocks = 1 ;
	      for (k=dir+1;k<3;k++) {
		  nblocks *= period[k] ;
	      int stride = 1 ;
	      for (k=0;k<dir;k++) {
		  stride *= period[k] ;
	      int skip = 1 ;
	      for (k=0;k<dir+1 && k<2;k++) {
		  skip *= period[k] ;

	      if (lr==0) {
		/* send to left, recv from right */
		hinfo->s_offset = extent * stride * 1;
		hinfo->r_offset = extent * stride * (grid[dir]+1);	      
	      } else {
		/* send to right, recv from left */
		hinfo->s_offset = extent * stride * grid[dir];
		hinfo->r_offset = extent * stride * 0;


	      hinfo->source_node = node_neighbors[2*dir+1-lr];
	      hinfo->dest_node = node_neighbors[2*dir+lr];

	      halo_create_field_vector(nblocks, stride, skip, fieldtype, &hinfo->fieldtype);
	      MPI_Type_vector(nblocks, stride, skip, datatype, &hinfo->datatype);

	      if ( !PERIODIC(dir) && (boundary[2*dir+lr] != 0 || boundary[2*dir+1-lr] != 0) ) {
		if (node_grid[dir] == 1) {
		  hinfo->type = HALO_OPEN;
		else if (lr == 0) {
		  if (boundary[2*dir+lr] == 1) {
		    hinfo->type = HALO_RECV;
		  } else {
		    hinfo->type = HALO_SEND;
		else {
		  if (boundary[2*dir+lr] == -1) {
		    hinfo->type = HALO_RECV;
		  } else {
		    hinfo->type = HALO_SEND;
	      } else
		if (node_grid[dir] == 1) {
		  hc->halo_info[cnt].type = HALO_LOCL;
		else {
		  hc->halo_info[cnt].type = HALO_SENDRECV;

	      HALO_TRACE(fprintf(stderr,"%d: prepare_halo_communication dir=%d lr=%d s_offset=%ld r_offset=%ld s_node=%d d_node=%d type=%d\n",this_node,dir,lr,hinfo->s_offset,hinfo->r_offset,hinfo->source_node,hinfo->dest_node,hinfo->type)) ;



Exemplo n.º 7
/** Perform communication according to the parallelization scheme
 *  described by the halo communicator
 * @param hc halo communicator describing the parallelization scheme
void halo_communication(HaloCommunicator *hc) {
  int n, comm_type, s_node, r_node;
  void *s_buffer, *r_buffer ;

  Fieldtype fieldtype;
  MPI_Datatype datatype;
  MPI_Request request;
  MPI_Status status;

    HALO_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%d: halo_comm %p (num=%d)\n", this_node, hc, hc->num)) ;

    for (n = 0; n < hc->num; n++) {

	HALO_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%d: halo_comm round %d\n", this_node, n)) ;

	comm_type = hc->halo_info[n].type ;
	s_buffer = hc->halo_info[n].send_buffer ;
	r_buffer = hc->halo_info[n].recv_buffer ;

	switch (comm_type) {

	    case HALO_LOCL:
	      fieldtype = hc->halo_info[n].fieldtype;
	      break ;

	    case HALO_SENDRECV:
	      datatype = hc->halo_info[n].datatype;
	      s_node = hc->halo_info[n].source_node ;
	      r_node = hc->halo_info[n].dest_node ;
	      HALO_TRACE(fprintf(stderr,"%d: halo_comm sendrecv %d to %d (%d) (%p)\n",this_node,s_node,r_node,REQ_HALO_SPREAD,&datatype));

	      MPI_Sendrecv(s_buffer, 1, datatype, r_node, REQ_HALO_SPREAD,
			   r_buffer, 1, datatype, s_node, REQ_HALO_SPREAD,
			   MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
	      break ;

	    case HALO_SEND:
	      datatype = hc->halo_info[n].datatype;
	      fieldtype = hc->halo_info[n].fieldtype;
	      s_node = hc->halo_info[n].source_node ;
	      r_node = hc->halo_info[n].dest_node ;
	      HALO_TRACE(fprintf(stderr,"%d: halo_comm send to %d.\n",this_node,r_node));

	      MPI_Isend(s_buffer, 1, datatype, r_node, REQ_HALO_SPREAD, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);

	    case HALO_RECV:
	      datatype = hc->halo_info[n].datatype;
	      s_node = hc->halo_info[n].source_node ;
	      r_node = hc->halo_info[n].dest_node ;

	      HALO_TRACE(fprintf(stderr,"%d: halo_comm recv from %d.\n",this_node,s_node));

	      MPI_Irecv(r_buffer, 1, datatype, s_node, REQ_HALO_SPREAD, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);

	    case HALO_OPEN:
	      fieldtype = hc->halo_info[n].fieldtype;

	      HALO_TRACE(fprintf(stderr,"%d: halo_comm open boundaries\n",this_node));



    HALO_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%d: halo_comm %p finished\n", this_node, hc));
