Exemplo n.º 1
hkDemo::Result BroadphaseAddRemoveDemo::stepDemo()
	#if defined(SELF_BENCHMARK)
	LARGE_INTEGER	counter0;
	for(int i=0;i<512;++i)
	LARGE_INTEGER	counter1;
	LARGE_INTEGER	frequency;
	printf("Time: %.I64d ms\r\n",((counter1.QuadPart-counter0.QuadPart)*1000)/frequency.QuadPart);
	if(m_env->m_gamePad->wasButtonPressed(HKG_PAD_BUTTON_2)) m_useBatch=!m_useBatch;
	if(m_env->m_gamePad->wasButtonPressed(HKG_PAD_BUTTON_3)) m_draw=!m_draw;

		HK_TIMER_BEGIN_LIST( "DemoAddBodies", "Add" );
		if(m_bodies.getSize()>=m_maxbodies) m_timer+=m_rate;
		HK_TIMER_SPLIT_LIST( "Remove" );		
	char		text[256];
	hkString::sprintf(text,"%d bodies [%d bodies per second]\r\n[B]atchs: %s\r\n[D]raw: %s",m_bodies.getSize(),(int)(m_count/m_rate),
	return hkDefaultPhysicsDemo::stepDemo();
hkDemo::Result OptimizedWorldRaycastDemo::stepDemo()

	m_time += m_timestep;

	//	Create a number of ray directions
	const int NUM_DIRECTIONS = 8; const hkReal increment = 2.0f;
	//const int NUM_DIRECTIONS = 125; const hkReal increment = 0.5f;

	hkVector4 rayDirections[NUM_DIRECTIONS];
		int i = 0;
		for (hkReal x = -1.0f; x <= 1.0f; x += increment)
			for (hkReal y = -1.0f; y <= 1.0f; y += increment)
				for (hkReal z = -1.0f; z <= 1.0f; z+= increment)

	hkReal angle = 0.5f * m_time;
	// In these first chapter we simply call the hkpWorld castRay version with no further optimizations
		angle += HK_REAL_PI * 0.3f;

		hkReal xPos = m_rayLength * 3.0f * hkMath::sin(angle);
		hkReal zPos = m_rayLength * 3.0f * hkMath::cos(angle);

		hkpWorldRayCastInput      inputs[NUM_DIRECTIONS];
		hkpClosestRayHitCollector collectors[NUM_DIRECTIONS];

		HK_TIMER_BEGIN("NotOptimized", HK_NULL);
			for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DIRECTIONS; i++)
				inputs[i].m_from.set( xPos, 0, zPos);
				inputs[i].m_to.setAddMul4(inputs[i].m_from, rayDirections[i], 1.f*m_rayLength);
				m_world->castRay(inputs[i], collectors[i]);
		displayHits( inputs, NUM_DIRECTIONS, collectors, hkColor::RED);
	// This second set of raycasts (yellow) is using a the group functionality of the hkpWorldRayCaster.
	// Internally it builds an the aabb cache. This is an optimization for broadphase raycasts. 
	// Note that we need to pass in array of collectors to the hkpWorldRayCaster.
	// As the hkpWorldRayCaster has no clue about the size of each collector, we have to pass in the size.
	// Interesting if we use a size of 0, than all raycast will report to the same collector.
		angle += HK_REAL_PI * 0.3f;

		hkReal xPos = m_rayLength * 3.0f * hkMath::sin(angle);
		hkReal zPos = m_rayLength * 3.0f * hkMath::cos(angle);

		hkpWorldRayCastInput inputs[NUM_DIRECTIONS];
		hkpClosestRayHitCollector collectors[NUM_DIRECTIONS];

		//	Cast Rays
		HK_TIMER_BEGIN("CastRayGroup", HK_NULL);
			for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DIRECTIONS; i++)
				inputs[i].m_from.set( xPos, 0, zPos);
				inputs[i].m_to.setAddMul4(inputs[i].m_from, rayDirections[i], 1.f*m_rayLength);

			hkpWorldRayCaster rayCaster;
			rayCaster.castRayGroup( *m_world->getBroadPhase(), inputs, NUM_DIRECTIONS, m_world->getCollisionFilter(), collectors, sizeof(collectors[0]) ); 
		displayHits( inputs, NUM_DIRECTIONS, collectors, hkColor::CYAN);
	// This set of raycasts (yellow) is using a the hkpBroadPhaseAabbCache.
	// So by building the aabb cache. This is an optimization for broadphase raycasts. 
	// The idea is that the aabb cache is actually a reduced broadphase, just storing
	// objects inside the aabb. Therefore using this cache can speed up rayCasts significantly.
	// Unfortunately we cannot use our simple hkpWorld::castRay() function, but have to use
	// a small helper class hkpWorldRayCaster (which is actually used by the hkpWorld::castRay()).
		angle += HK_REAL_PI * 0.3f;

		hkReal xPos = m_rayLength * 3.0f * hkMath::sin(angle);
		hkReal zPos = m_rayLength * 3.0f * hkMath::cos(angle);

		hkpWorldRayCastInput inputs[NUM_DIRECTIONS];
		hkpClosestRayHitCollector collectors[NUM_DIRECTIONS];

		//	Calc Cache
		HK_TIMER_BEGIN_LIST("UseAabbCache", "CalcCache");
		hkpBroadPhaseAabbCache* cache;
		int                    cacheSize;
			hkAabb aabb;
			aabb.m_min.set( xPos - m_rayLength, -m_rayLength, zPos-m_rayLength);
			aabb.m_max.set( xPos + m_rayLength, +m_rayLength, zPos+m_rayLength);

			cacheSize = m_world->getBroadPhase()->getAabbCacheSize();
			cache     = reinterpret_cast<hkpBroadPhaseAabbCache*>(hkAllocateStack<char>(cacheSize));
			m_world->getBroadPhase()->calcAabbCache( aabb, cache );

		//	Cast Rays
			for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DIRECTIONS; i++)
				inputs[i].m_from.set( xPos, 0, zPos);
				inputs[i].m_to.setAddMul4(inputs[i].m_from, rayDirections[i], 1.f*m_rayLength);

				hkpWorldRayCaster rayCaster;
				rayCaster.castRay( *m_world->getBroadPhase(), inputs[i], m_world->getCollisionFilter(), cache, collectors[i] ); 
		hkDeallocateStack<char>( (char*)cache);
		displayHits( inputs, NUM_DIRECTIONS, collectors, hkColor::YELLOW);
	// This third set of raycasts (blue) is using a the hkpBroadPhaseAabbCache and
	// also makes use of the fact that many rays starting at the same position can
	// be handled specially.
	// Unfortunately we cannot use our simple hkpWorld::castRay() function, but have to use
	// a small helper class hkpWorldRayCaster (which is actually used by the hkpWorld::castRay()).
		angle += HK_REAL_PI * 0.3f;

		hkReal xPos = m_rayLength * 3.0f * hkMath::sin(angle);
		hkReal zPos = m_rayLength * 3.0f * hkMath::cos(angle);

		hkpWorldRayCastInput      inputs[NUM_DIRECTIONS];
		hkpClosestRayHitCollector collectors[NUM_DIRECTIONS];

		//	Calc Cache
		HK_TIMER_BEGIN_LIST("CacheSameStart", "CalcCache");
		hkpBroadPhaseAabbCache* cache;
		int                    cacheSize;
			hkAabb aabb;
			aabb.m_min.set( xPos - m_rayLength, -m_rayLength, zPos-m_rayLength);
			aabb.m_max.set( xPos + m_rayLength, +m_rayLength, zPos+m_rayLength);

			cacheSize = m_world->getBroadPhase()->getAabbCacheSize();
			cache = reinterpret_cast<hkpBroadPhaseAabbCache*>(hkAllocateStack<char>(cacheSize));
			m_world->getBroadPhase()->calcAabbCache( aabb, cache );
		//	Cast Rays
			for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DIRECTIONS; i++)
				inputs[i].m_from.set( xPos, 0, zPos);
				inputs[i].m_to.setAddMul4(inputs[i].m_from, rayDirections[i], 1.f*m_rayLength);
			hkpWorldRayCaster rayCaster;
			rayCaster.castRaysFromSinglePoint( *m_world->getBroadPhase(), inputs, NUM_DIRECTIONS, m_world->getCollisionFilter(), cache, collectors, hkSizeOf( collectors[0] ) ); 
		hkDeallocateStack<char>( (char*)cache);
		displayHits( inputs, NUM_DIRECTIONS, collectors, hkColor::BLUE);

	// This 4th set of raycasts (green) is using a the AabbPhantom
	// A phantom is like a persistent aabb cache, so it only makes sense if our aabb shows some
	// framecoherency. 
	// Unfortunetaly the current phantom implementations simply casts the ray against all objects
	// overlapping with the phantom. Therefor, if too many objects are intersecting the phantoms
	// aabb, performance could get bad.
		angle += HK_REAL_PI * 0.3f;
		hkReal xPos = m_rayLength * 3.0f * hkMath::sin(angle);
		hkReal zPos = m_rayLength * 3.0f * hkMath::cos(angle);

		hkpWorldRayCastInput inputs[NUM_DIRECTIONS];
		hkpClosestRayHitCollector collectors[NUM_DIRECTIONS];

		HK_TIMER_BEGIN_LIST("AabbPhantom", "MovePhantom");
			hkAabb aabb;
			aabb.m_min.set( xPos - m_rayLength, -m_rayLength, zPos-m_rayLength);
			aabb.m_max.set( xPos + m_rayLength, +m_rayLength, zPos+m_rayLength);

			m_phantom->setAabb( aabb );

			for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DIRECTIONS; i++)
				inputs[i].m_from.set( xPos, 0, zPos);
				inputs[i].m_to.setAddMul4(inputs[i].m_from, rayDirections[i], 1.f*m_rayLength);
				m_phantom->castRay(inputs[i], collectors[i]);

		displayHits( inputs, NUM_DIRECTIONS, collectors, hkColor::GREEN);

	// fastest (purple), combine all optimizations above
	// We are using a phantom to set up the broadphase cache. This avoids the problem of the hkpPhantom::castRay()
		angle += HK_REAL_PI * 0.3f;
		hkReal xPos = m_rayLength * 3.0f * hkMath::sin(angle);
		hkReal zPos = m_rayLength * 3.0f * hkMath::cos(angle);

		hkpWorldRayCastInput inputs[NUM_DIRECTIONS];
		hkpClosestRayHitCollector collectors[NUM_DIRECTIONS];

		hkpBroadPhaseAabbCache* cache;
		int                    cacheSize;
		HK_TIMER_BEGIN_LIST("AllOpt.", "MovePhantomAndDoCache");
			hkAabb aabb;
			aabb.m_min.set( xPos - m_rayLength, -m_rayLength, zPos-m_rayLength);
			aabb.m_max.set( xPos + m_rayLength, +m_rayLength, zPos+m_rayLength);

			m_phantomUseCache->setAabb( aabb );

			cacheSize = m_world->getBroadPhase()->getAabbCacheSize();
			cache = reinterpret_cast<hkpBroadPhaseAabbCache*>(hkAllocateStack<char>(cacheSize));
			m_world->getBroadPhase()->calcAabbCache( m_phantomUseCache->getOverlappingCollidables(), cache );


			for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DIRECTIONS; i++)
				inputs[i].m_from.set( xPos, 0, zPos);
				inputs[i].m_to.setAddMul4(inputs[i].m_from, rayDirections[i], 1.f*m_rayLength);
			hkpWorldRayCaster rayCaster;
			rayCaster.castRaysFromSinglePoint( *m_world->getBroadPhase(), inputs, NUM_DIRECTIONS, m_world->getCollisionFilter(), cache, collectors, hkSizeOf( collectors[0] ) ); 

		hkDeallocateStack<char>( (char*)cache);
		displayHits( inputs, NUM_DIRECTIONS, collectors, hkColor::PURPLE);


	return hkDefaultPhysicsDemo::stepDemo();
Exemplo n.º 3
void AabbQueryDemo::queryAabbMT()
	HK_TIMER_BEGIN_LIST("queryAabbMT", "setup");

	hkAabb aabb;
	// Grab a body from the world, and compute it's AABB + some padding
	const hkpCollidable* queryCollidable;
		queryCollidable = m_collidables[m_collIdx];
		hkpRigidBody* rb = hkGetRigidBody(queryCollidable);
		queryCollidable->getShape()->getAabb(rb->getTransform(), 20.0f, aabb);

	hkArray<hkpKdTreeAabbCommand> commands;
	// For performance timings, we query the same AABB multiple times and overwrite the results.
	// When using this, make sure to use different output arrays!
	hkArray<hkPrimitiveId> output;

	// Set up the commands for the job
	for (int i=0; i<commands.getSize(); i++)
		hkpKdTreeAabbCommand& command = commands[i];
		command.m_aabb = aabb;
		command.m_results = output.begin();
		command.m_resultsCapacity = output.getSize();
		command.m_numResultsOut = 0;

	// Setup the job
	hkArray<hkpRayCastQueryJobHeader> header(1);
	hkpKdTreeAabbJob aabbJob(header.begin(), commands.begin(), commands.getSize(), &m_semaphore);
	aabbJob.m_numTrees = 1;
	aabbJob.m_trees[0] = m_world->m_kdTreeManager->getTree();

	m_jobQueue->addJob( *reinterpret_cast<hkJobQueue::JobQueueEntry*>(&aabbJob), hkJobQueue::JOB_HIGH_PRIORITY );

	m_jobThreadPool->processAllJobs( m_jobQueue );


	// Run the same query on the broadphase for comparison purposes
	hkArray<hkpBroadPhaseHandlePair> sapHits;
		HK_TIME_CODE_BLOCK("BroadphaseQueryAabb", HK_NULL);
		for (int i=0; i<numQueries; i++)
			m_world->getBroadPhase()->querySingleAabb( aabb, sapHits );


	// Check results and draw 
	for (int i=0; i<commands.getSize(); i++)
		hkpKdTreeAabbCommand& command = commands[i];
		hkBool jobOk = compareHitArrays(command.m_aabb, command.m_results, command.m_numResultsOut, sapHits); 

		for (int j=0; j<command.m_numResultsOut; j++)
			HK_SET_OBJECT_COLOR(command.m_results[j], hkColor::YELLOW);
		HK_SET_OBJECT_COLOR((hkUlong)queryCollidable, hkColor::LIME);

		if( !jobOk )
			m_env->m_textDisplay->outputText("MT Hit lits differed!", 20, 250, (hkUint32) hkColor::RED);
