Exemplo n.º 1
void hm2_resolver_process_tram_read(hostmot2_t *hm2, long period) {
    int i;
    hm2_resolver_instance_t *res;
    if (hm2->resolver.num_instances <= 0) return;
    // process each resolver instance independently
    for (i = 0; i < hm2->resolver.num_resolvers; i ++) {
        res = &hm2->resolver.instance[i];
        // sanity check
        if (*res->hal.pin.scale == 0.0) {
            HM2_ERR("resolver.%02d.scale == 0.0, bogus, setting to 1.0\n", i);
            *res->hal.pin.scale = 1.0;
        if (*res->hal.pin.vel_scale == 0.0) {
            HM2_ERR("resolver.%02d.velocity-scale == 0.0, bogus, setting to 1.0\n", i);
            *res->hal.pin.vel_scale = 1.0;
        res->accum += (__s32)(hm2->resolver.position_reg[i] - res->old_reg );
        if ((res->old_reg > hm2->resolver.position_reg[i]) && (res->old_reg - hm2->resolver.position_reg[i] > 0x80000000)){
            if (*res->hal.pin.index_enable){
                int r = (res->index_cnts % *res->hal.pin.index_div);
                if ((*res->hal.pin.index_div  > 1 && r == 1)
                 || (*res->hal.pin.index_div == 1 && r == 0)){
                    res->offset = (res->accum - hm2->resolver.position_reg[i]);
                    *res->hal.pin.index_enable = 0;
        else if ((res->old_reg < hm2->resolver.position_reg[i]) && (hm2->resolver.position_reg[i] - res->old_reg > 0x80000000)){
            if (*res->hal.pin.index_enable && (res->index_cnts % *res->hal.pin.index_div == 0)){
                res->offset = (res->accum - hm2->resolver.position_reg[i] + 0x100000000LL);
                *res->hal.pin.index_enable = 0;
        if (*res->hal.pin.reset){
            res->offset = res->accum;
        res->old_reg = hm2->resolver.position_reg[i];
        *res->hal.pin.angle = hm2->resolver.position_reg[i] / 4294967296.0;
        *res->hal.pin.rawcounts = (res->accum >> 8);
        *res->hal.pin.count = (res->accum - res->offset) >> 8;
        *res->hal.pin.position = (res->accum - res->offset) / 4294967296.0
                                 * *res->hal.pin.scale;
        *res->hal.pin.velocity = ((hm2->resolver.velocity_reg[i] / 4294967296.0)
                                  * hm2->resolver.kHz * *res->hal.pin.vel_scale);
        *res->hal.pin.error = *hm2->resolver.status_reg & (1 << i);
Exemplo n.º 2
int hm2_bspi_setup_chan(char *name, int chan, int cs, int bits, float mhz,
                        int delay, int cpol, int cpha, int clear, int echo)
    hostmot2_t *hm2;
    rtapi_u32 buff;
    int i;
    float board_mhz;
    i = hm2_get_bspi(&hm2, name);
    if (i < 0){
        HM2_ERR_NO_LL("Can not find BSPI instance %s.\n", name);
        return -1;
    if (chan<0 || chan > 15){
        HM2_ERR("BSPI %s: Channel number (%i) is out of range, BSPI only" 
                "supports channels 0-15\n", name, chan);
        return -1;
    if (cs > 15 || cs < 0){
        HM2_ERR("BSPI %s: Chip Select for channel %i (%i) out of range, only "
                "values 0 - 15 are accepted\n", name, chan, cs);
        return -1;
    if (bits > 64 || bits < 1){
        HM2_ERR("BSPI %s: Number of bits for chan %i (%i) is out of range, "
                "BSPI only supports 1-64 bits\n", name, chan, bits);
        return -1;
    if (delay < 0 || delay > 1e6){
        HM2_ERR("The requested frame delay on channel %i of %inS seems "
                "rather implausible for an SPI device. Exiting.\n", delay, chan);
        return -1;
    board_mhz = hm2->bspi.instance[i].clock_freq / 1e6;
    // reduce clock rate of the FPGA isn't fast enough
    if (mhz > board_mhz/2){

    buff = (echo != 0) << 31
        |  (clear != 0) << 30
        | ((delay <= 0)? 0x10 : (rtapi_u32)((delay*board_mhz/1000.0)-1) & 0x1f) << 24
        | (cs & 0xF) << 16
        | (((rtapi_u16)(board_mhz / (mhz * 2) - 1) & 0xF)) << 8
        | (cpha != 0) << 7
        | (cpol != 0) << 6
        | (((rtapi_u16)(bits - 1)) & 0x1F);
    HM2_DBG("BSPI %s Channel %i setup %x\n", name, chan, buff);
    hm2->bspi.instance[i].cd[chan] = buff;
    hm2->bspi.instance[i].conf_flag[chan] = true;
    return 0;
// timeout_s = (timer_counts + 1) / clock_hz
// (timeout_s * clock_hz) - 1 = timer_counts
// (timeout_ns * (1 s/1e9 ns) * clock_hz) - 1 = timer_counts
void hm2_watchdog_force_write(hostmot2_t *hm2) {
    u64 tmp;

    if (hm2->watchdog.num_instances != 1) return;

    if (hm2->watchdog.instance[0].enable == 0) {
        // watchdog is disabled, MSb=1 is secret handshake with FPGA
        hm2->watchdog.timer_reg[0] = 0x80000000;
    } else {
        tmp = (hm2->watchdog.instance[0].hal.param.timeout_ns * ((double)hm2->watchdog.clock_frequency / (double)(1000 * 1000 * 1000))) - 1;
        if (tmp < 0x80000000) {
            hm2->watchdog.timer_reg[0] = tmp;
        } else {
            // truncate watchdog timeout
            tmp = 0x7FFFFFFF;
            hm2->watchdog.timer_reg[0] = tmp;
            hm2->watchdog.instance[0].hal.param.timeout_ns = (tmp + 1) / ((double)hm2->watchdog.clock_frequency / (double)(1000 * 1000 * 1000));
            HM2_ERR("requested watchdog timeout is out of range, setting it to max: %u ns\n", hm2->watchdog.instance[0].hal.param.timeout_ns);

    // set the watchdog timeout (we'll check for i/o errors later)
    hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio, hm2->watchdog.timer_addr, hm2->watchdog.timer_reg, (hm2->watchdog.num_instances * sizeof(u32)));
    hm2->watchdog.instance[0].written_timeout_ns = hm2->watchdog.instance[0].hal.param.timeout_ns;
    hm2->watchdog.instance[0].written_enable = hm2->watchdog.instance[0].enable;

    // re-warn the user if their requested timeout is too short
    hm2->watchdog.instance[0].warned_about_short_timeout = 0;

    // clear the has-bit bit
    hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio, hm2->watchdog.status_addr, hm2->watchdog.status_reg, sizeof(u32));
Exemplo n.º 4
void hm2_set_pin_direction(hostmot2_t *hm2, int pin_number, int direction) {

    if ((pin_number < 0) 
        || (pin_number >= hm2->num_pins)
        || (hm2->ioport.num_instances <= 0)) {
        HM2_ERR("hm2_set_pin_direction: invalid pin number %d\n", pin_number);

    if ((direction != HM2_PIN_DIR_IS_INPUT) && (direction != HM2_PIN_DIR_IS_OUTPUT)) {
        HM2_ERR("hm2_set_pin_direction: invalid pin direction 0x%08X\n", direction);

    hm2->pin[pin_number].direction = direction;
Exemplo n.º 5
int sslbp_write_long(rtapi_u32 addr, rtapi_u32 data){
    rtapi_u32 buff = WRITE_REM_LONG_CMD + addr;
    HM2WRITE(remote->reg_cs_addr, buff);
    HM2WRITE(remote->reg_0_addr, data);
    if (doit() < 0){
        HM2_ERR("Error in sslbp_write_long, trying to abort\n");
        return -1;
    buff = 0;
    HM2WRITE(remote->reg_cs_addr, buff);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
int hm2_bspi_set_write_function(char *name, int (*func)(void *subdata), void *subdata){
    hostmot2_t *hm2;
    int i;
    i = hm2_get_bspi(&hm2, name);
    if (i < 0){
        HM2_ERR_NO_LL("Can not find BSPI instance %s.\n", name);
        return -1;
    if (func == NULL) { 
        HM2_ERR("Invalid function pointer passed to "
        return -1;
    if (subdata == NULL) { 
        HM2_ERR("Invalid data pointer passed to "
        return -1;
    hm2->bspi.instance[i].write_function = func;
    hm2->bspi.instance[i].subdata = subdata;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
rtapi_u16 sslbp_read_word(rtapi_u32 addr){
    rtapi_u32 buff = READ_REM_WORD_CMD + addr;
    rtapi_u32 res;
    HM2WRITE(remote->reg_cs_addr, buff);
    if (doit() < 0){
        HM2_ERR("Error in sslbp_read_word, trying to abort\n");
        return -1;
    HM2READ(remote->reg_0_addr, res);
    buff = 0;
    HM2WRITE(remote->reg_cs_addr, buff);
    return (rtapi_u16)res;
Exemplo n.º 8
rtapi_u32 sslbp_read_long(rtapi_u32 addr){
    rtapi_u32 buff = READ_REM_LONG_CMD + addr;
    rtapi_u32 res=0;
    HM2WRITE(remote->reg_cs_addr, buff);
    if (doit() < 0){
        HM2_ERR("Error in sslbp_read_long, trying to abort\n");
        return -1;
    HM2READ(remote->reg_0_addr, buff);
    buff = 0;
    HM2WRITE(remote->reg_cs_addr, buff);
    return res;
Exemplo n.º 9
int hm2_bspi_write_chan(char* name, int chan, rtapi_u32 val)
    hostmot2_t *hm2;
    rtapi_u32 buff;
    int i, r;
    i = hm2_get_bspi(&hm2, name);
    if (i < 0){
        HM2_ERR_NO_LL("Can not find BSPI instance %s.\n", name);
        return -1;
    if (hm2->bspi.instance[i].conf_flag[chan] != true){
        HM2_ERR("The selected write channel (%i) on bspi instance %s.\n" 
                "Has not been configured.\n", chan, name);
        return -1;
    r = hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio, hm2->bspi.instance[i].addr[chan], &buff, sizeof(rtapi_u32));
    if (r < 0) {
        HM2_ERR("BSPI: hm2->llio->write failure %s\n", name);
    return r;
Exemplo n.º 10
int sslbp_write_double(rtapi_u32 addr, rtapi_u32 data0, rtapi_u32 data1){
    rtapi_u32 buff = WRITE_REM_DOUBLE_CMD + addr;
    HM2WRITE(remote->reg_cs_addr, buff);
    HM2WRITE(remote->reg_0_addr, data0);
    HM2WRITE(remote->reg_1_addr, data1);
    if (doit() < 0){
        HM2_ERR("Error in sslbp_write_double, trying to abort\n");
        return -1;
    buff = 0;
    HM2WRITE(remote->reg_cs_addr, buff);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
int sslbp_read_cookie(void){
    rtapi_u32 buff = READ_COOKIE_CMD;
    rtapi_u32 res;
    HM2WRITE(remote->reg_cs_addr, buff);
    if (doit() < 0){
        HM2_ERR("Error in sslbp_read_cookie, trying to abort\n");
        return -1;
    HM2READ(remote->reg_0_addr, res);
    buff = 0;
    HM2WRITE(remote->reg_cs_addr, buff);
    return res;
Exemplo n.º 12
void hm2_set_pin_source(hostmot2_t *hm2, int pin_number, int source) {
    if ((pin_number < 0) 
        || (pin_number >= hm2->num_pins)
        || (hm2->ioport.num_instances <= 0)) {
        HM2_ERR("hm2_set_pin_source: invalid pin number %d\n", pin_number);
        hm2_pin_t *pin = &(hm2->pin[pin_number]);
        if (source == HM2_PIN_SOURCE_IS_PRIMARY) {
            hm2->ioport.alt_source_reg[pin->port_num] &= ~(1 << pin->bit_num);
            pin->gtag = pin->primary_tag;
        } else if (source == HM2_PIN_SOURCE_IS_SECONDARY) {
            hm2->ioport.alt_source_reg[pin->port_num] |= (1 << pin->bit_num);
            pin->gtag = pin->sec_tag;
        } else {
            HM2_ERR("hm2_set_pin_source: invalid pin source 0x%08X\n", source);
Exemplo n.º 13
void hm2_bspi_prepare_tram_write(hostmot2_t *hm2, long period)
    int i, r;
    int (*func)(void *subdata);
    for (i = 0 ; i < hm2->bspi.num_instances ; i++ ){
        func = hm2->bspi.instance[i].write_function;
        if (func != NULL){
            r = func(hm2->bspi.instance[i].subdata);
            if(r < 0)
                HM2_ERR("BSPI read function @%p failed (returned %d)\n",
                        func, r);
Exemplo n.º 14
int hm2_tram_add_bspi_frame(char *name, int chan, rtapi_u32 **wbuff, rtapi_u32 **rbuff)
    hostmot2_t *hm2;
    int i, r;
    i = hm2_get_bspi(&hm2, name);
    if (i < 0){
        HM2_ERR_NO_LL("Can not find BSPI instance %s.\n", name);
        return -1;
    if (hm2->bspi.instance[i].conf_flag[chan] != true){
        HM2_ERR("The selected write channel (%i) on bspi instance %s.\n" 
                "Has not been configured.\n", chan, name);
        return -1;
    if (wbuff != NULL) {
        r = hm2_register_tram_write_region(hm2,hm2->bspi.instance[i].addr[chan], sizeof(rtapi_u32),wbuff);
        if (r < 0) {
            HM2_ERR("Failed to add TRAM write entry for %s.\n", name);
            return -1;
    } else {
        HM2_ERR("SPI frame must have a write entry for channel (%i) on %s.\n", chan, name);
        return -1;
    if (rbuff != NULL){
        // Don't add a read entry for a no-echo channel
        if(!(hm2->bspi.instance[i].cd[chan] & 0x80000000)) {
            r = hm2_register_tram_read_region(hm2,hm2->bspi.instance[i].addr[0], sizeof(rtapi_u32),rbuff);
            if (r < 0) {
                HM2_ERR( "Failed to add TRAM read entry for %s\n", name);
                return -1;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 15
int hm2_allocate_bspi_tram(char* name)
    hostmot2_t *hm2;
    int i, r;
    i = hm2_get_bspi(&hm2, name);
    if (i < 0){
        HM2_ERR_NO_LL("Can not find BSPI instance %s.\n", name);
        return -1;
    r = hm2_allocate_tram_regions(hm2);
    if (r < 0) {
        HM2_ERR("Failed to register TRAM for BSPI %s\n", name);
        return -1;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 16
rtapi_u64 sslbp_read_double(rtapi_u32 addr){
    rtapi_u64 res;
    rtapi_u32 buff = READ_REM_DOUBLE_CMD + addr;
    HM2WRITE(remote->reg_cs_addr, buff);
    if (doit() < 0){
        HM2_ERR("Error in sslbp_read_double, trying to abort\n");
        return -1;
    HM2READ(remote->reg_1_addr, buff);
    res = buff;
    res <<= 32;
    HM2READ(remote->reg_0_addr, buff);
    res += buff;
    buff = 0;
    HM2WRITE(remote->reg_cs_addr, buff);
    return res;
Exemplo n.º 17
// use -1 for tx_mode and rx_mode to leave the mode unchanged
int hm2_uart_setup(char *name, int bitrate, rtapi_s32 tx_mode, rtapi_s32 rx_mode){
    hostmot2_t *hm2;
    hm2_uart_instance_t *inst = 0;
    rtapi_u32 buff;
    int i,r;
    i = hm2_get_uart(&hm2, name);
    if (i < 0){
        HM2_ERR_NO_LL("Can not find UART instance %s.\n", name);
        return -1;
    inst = &hm2->uart.instance[i];
    buff = (rtapi_u32)((bitrate * 1048576.0)/inst->clock_freq); //20 bits in this version
    r = 0;
    if (buff != inst->bitrate){
        inst->bitrate = buff;
        r += hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio, inst->rx_bitrate_addr, &buff, sizeof(rtapi_u32));
        r += hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio, inst->tx_bitrate_addr, &buff, sizeof(rtapi_u32));
        buff = 0;
        r += hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio, inst->rx_mode_addr, &buff, sizeof(rtapi_u32)); // clear faults
        r += hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio, inst->rx_fifo_count_addr, &buff, sizeof(rtapi_u32)); // clear fifo
        r += hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio, inst->tx_fifo_count_addr, &buff, sizeof(rtapi_u32)); // clear fifo
    if (tx_mode >= 0) {
        buff = ((rtapi_u32)tx_mode) & 0x7f;
        r += hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio, inst->tx_mode_addr, &buff, sizeof(rtapi_u32));
    if (rx_mode >= 0) {
        buff = ((rtapi_u32)rx_mode) & 0xff;
        r += hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio, inst->rx_mode_addr, &buff, sizeof(rtapi_u32));
    if (r < 0) {
        HM2_ERR("UART: hm2->llio->write failure %s\n", name);
        return -1;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
// timeout_s = (timer_counts + 1) / clock_hz
// (timeout_s * clock_hz) - 1 = timer_counts
// (timeout_ns * (1 s/1e9 ns) * clock_hz) - 1 = timer_counts
void hm2_watchdog_force_write(hostmot2_t *hm2) {
    u64 tmp;

    if (hm2->watchdog.num_instances != 1) return;

    if (hm2->watchdog.instance[0].enable == 0) {
        // watchdog is disabled, MSb=1 is secret handshake with FPGA
        hm2->watchdog.timer_reg[0] = 0x80000000;
    } else {
#ifdef __KERNEL__
	/* some gccs don't include 64-bit integer functions until
         linking with gcc, but kbuild links directly with ld; instead,
         use kernel-supplied functions; in this case, replace
         __udivdi3 with do_div */
        tmp = ((u64)hm2->watchdog.instance[0].hal.param.timeout_ns *
        do_div(tmp,(u64)(1000 * 1000 * 1000)) - 1;
        tmp = ((u64)hm2->watchdog.instance[0].hal.param.timeout_ns *
	       hm2->watchdog.clock_frequency / (1000 * 1000 * 1000)) - 1;
        if (tmp < 0x80000000) {
            hm2->watchdog.timer_reg[0] = tmp;
        } else {
            // truncate watchdog timeout
            tmp = 0x7FFFFFFF;
            hm2->watchdog.timer_reg[0] = tmp;
            hm2->watchdog.instance[0].hal.param.timeout_ns = (tmp + 1) / ((double)hm2->watchdog.clock_frequency / (double)(1000 * 1000 * 1000));
            HM2_ERR("requested watchdog timeout is out of range, setting it to max: %u ns\n", hm2->watchdog.instance[0].hal.param.timeout_ns);

    // set the watchdog timeout (we'll check for i/o errors later)
    hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio, hm2->watchdog.timer_addr, hm2->watchdog.timer_reg, (hm2->watchdog.num_instances * sizeof(u32)));
    hm2->watchdog.instance[0].written_timeout_ns = hm2->watchdog.instance[0].hal.param.timeout_ns;
    hm2->watchdog.instance[0].written_enable = hm2->watchdog.instance[0].enable;

    // clear the has-bit bit
    hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio, hm2->watchdog.status_addr, hm2->watchdog.status_reg, sizeof(u32));
Exemplo n.º 19
void hm2_resolver_write(hostmot2_t *hm2, long period){
    //This function needs to handle comms handshaking, so is written as a state machine
    static int state = 0;
    static u32 cmd_val, data_val;
    static u32 timer;
    u32 buff;
    if (hm2->resolver.num_instances <= 0) return;
    switch (state){
        case 0: // Idle/waiting
            if (*hm2->resolver.hal->pin.excitation_khz < 0){
            if (*hm2->resolver.hal->pin.excitation_khz != hm2->resolver.written_khz){
                if (*hm2->resolver.hal->pin.excitation_khz > 8){
                    *hm2->resolver.hal->pin.excitation_khz = 10;
                    hm2->resolver.written_khz = 10;
                    hm2->resolver.kHz = (hm2->resolver.clock_frequency / 5000);
                    cmd_val = 0x803;
                } else if (*hm2->resolver.hal->pin.excitation_khz > 4){
                    *hm2->resolver.hal->pin.excitation_khz = 5;
                    hm2->resolver.written_khz = 5;
                    hm2->resolver.kHz = (hm2->resolver.clock_frequency / 10000);
                    cmd_val = 0x802;
                } else {
                    *hm2->resolver.hal->pin.excitation_khz = 2.5;
                    hm2->resolver.written_khz = 2.5;
                    hm2->resolver.kHz= (hm2->resolver.clock_frequency / 20000);
                    cmd_val = 0x801;
                state = 10;
                timer = 0;
        case 10: // wait for comand register clear before setting params
                            &buff, sizeof(u32));
            if (buff){
                timer += period;
                if (timer > 1e9){
                    HM2_ERR("Command not cleared in hm2_resolver, setting aborted");
                    state = 0;
            hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio, hm2->resolver.data_addr,
            hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio, hm2->resolver.command_addr,
            state = 20;
            timer = 0;
        case 20: // wait for command to clear before processing any more params
                            &buff, sizeof(u32));
            if (buff){
                timer += period;
                if (timer > 1e9){
                    HM2_ERR("Command not cleared after setting in hm2_resolver");
                    state = 0;
            state = 0;
        default: // That's odd
            HM2_ERR("hm2_resolver, unexpected / illegal state in comms state"
Exemplo n.º 20
int hm2_read_pin_descriptors(hostmot2_t *hm2) {
    int i;
    int addr;

    const u8 DB25[] = {1,14,2,15,3,16,4,17,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13};
    hm2->num_pins = hm2->idrom.io_width;
    hm2->pin = kmalloc(sizeof(hm2_pin_t) * hm2->num_pins, GFP_KERNEL);
    if (hm2->pin == NULL) {
        HM2_ERR("out of memory!\n");
        return -ENOMEM;

    addr = hm2->idrom_offset + hm2->idrom.offset_to_pin_desc;
    for (i = 0; i < hm2->num_pins; i ++) {
        hm2_pin_t *pin = &(hm2->pin[i]);
        u32 d;

        if (!hm2->llio->read(hm2->llio, addr, &d, sizeof(u32))) {
            HM2_ERR("error reading Pin Descriptor %d (at 0x%04x)\n", i, addr); 
            return -EIO;

        pin->sec_pin     = (d >>  0) & 0x000000FF;
        pin->sec_tag     = (d >>  8) & 0x000000FF;
        pin->sec_unit    = (d >> 16) & 0x000000FF;
        pin->primary_tag = (d >> 24) & 0x000000FF;

        if (pin->primary_tag == 0) {
            // oops, found the Zero sentinel before the promised number of pins
                "pin %d primary tag is 0 (end-of-list sentinel), expected %d!\n",
            return -EINVAL;

        if (pin->primary_tag != HM2_GTAG_IOPORT) {
                "pin %d primary tag is %d (%s), not IOPort!\n",
            return -EINVAL;

        pin->gtag = pin->primary_tag;
        pin->port_num = i / hm2->idrom.port_width;
        if ((pin->port_num < 0 ) 
            || (pin->port_num >= hm2->llio->num_ioport_connectors)){
            HM2_ERR("hm2_read_pin_descriptors: Calculated port number (%d) is "
                    "invalid\n", pin->port_pin );
            return -EINVAL;
        pin->bit_num = i % hm2->idrom.port_width;
        if ((pin->bit_num < 0 ) || (pin->bit_num > 31)){
            HM2_ERR("hm2_read_pin_descriptors: Calculated bit number (%d) is "
                    "invalid\n", pin->bit_num );
            return -EINVAL;
        switch (hm2->idrom.port_width) {
            case 24:   /* standard 50 pin 24 I/O cards, just the odd pins */
                pin->port_pin = ((i % 24) * 2) + 1;
            case 17:    /* 25 pin 17 I/O parallel port type cards funny DB25 order */
                pin->port_pin = DB25[i % 17];
            case 32:      /* 5I21 punt on this for now */
                pin->port_pin = i + 1;
                HM2_ERR("hm2_print_pin_usage: invalid port width %d\n", hm2->idrom.port_width);
        addr += 4;

    if (debug_pin_descriptors) {

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 21
int hm2_led_parse_md(hostmot2_t *hm2, int md_index) {

    hm2_module_descriptor_t *md = &hm2->md[md_index];
    int r;

    // some standard sanity checks

    if (!hm2_md_is_consistent_or_complain(hm2, md_index, 0, 1, 4, 0x0000)) {
        HM2_ERR("inconsistent Module Descriptor!\n");
        return -EINVAL;

    // LEDs were enumerated during llio setup
    if (hm2->llio->num_leds == 0 || hm2->config.num_leds == 0) return 0;

    if (hm2->config.num_leds > hm2->llio->num_leds) {
        hm2->config.num_leds = hm2->llio->num_leds;
        HM2_ERR( "There are only %d LEDs on this board type, defaulting to %d\n",
                hm2->llio->num_leds, hm2->config.num_leds );
    else if (hm2->config.num_leds == -1) {
        hm2->config.num_leds = hm2->llio->num_leds;

    // looks good, start initializing

    // allocate the module-global HAL shared memory
    hm2->led.instance = (hm2_led_instance_t *)hal_malloc(hm2->config.num_leds * sizeof(hm2_led_instance_t));
    if (hm2->led.instance == NULL) {
        HM2_ERR("out of memory!\n");
        r = -ENOMEM;
        goto fail0;
    hm2->led.led_reg = (u32 *)kmalloc( sizeof(u32), GFP_KERNEL);
    if (hm2->led.led_reg == NULL) {
        HM2_ERR("out of memory!\n");
        r = -ENOMEM;
        goto fail0;

    hm2->led.led_addr = md->base_address;

    // export to HAL
        int i;
        char name[HAL_NAME_LEN+1];
        for (i = 0 ; i < hm2->config.num_leds ; i++) {
            rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.led.CR%02d", hm2->llio->name, i + 1 );
            r = hal_pin_bit_new(name, HAL_IN, &(hm2->led.instance[i].led), hm2->llio->comp_id);
            if (r < 0) {
                HM2_ERR("error adding pin '%s', aborting\n", name);
                goto fail1;
        return 1;



        return r;

Exemplo n.º 22
int sslbp_flash(char *fname){
    const struct rtapi_firmware *fw;
    struct rtapi_device dev;
    int r;
    int write_sz, erase_sz;
    if (strstr("8i20", remote->name)){
        if (hm2->sserial.version < 37){
            rtapi_print("SSLBP Version must be at least v37 to flash the 8i20"
                        "This firmware has v%i. Sorry about that\n"
            return -1;
    else if (hm2->sserial.version < 34){
        rtapi_print("SSLBP Version must be at least v34. This firmware has v%i"
        return -1;
    if (hm2->sserial.baudrate != 115200){
        rtapi_print("To flash firmware the baud rate of the board must be set "
                    "to 115200 by jumper, and in Hostmot2 using the "
                    "sserial_baudrate modparam\n");
        return -1;
    //Copied direct from hostmot2.c. A bit of a faff, but seems to be necessary. 
    memset(&dev, '\0', sizeof(dev));
    rtapi_dev_set_name(&dev, hm2->llio->name);
    dev.release = setsserial_release;
    r = rtapi_device_register(&dev);
    if (r != 0) {
        HM2_ERR("error with device_register\n");
        return -1;
    r = rtapi_request_firmware(&fw, fname, &dev);
    if (r == -ENOENT) {
        HM2_ERR("firmware %s not found\n",fname);
        return -1;
    if (r != 0) {
        HM2_ERR("request for firmware %s failed, aborting\n", fname);
        return -1;
    rtapi_print("Firmware size 0x%zx\n", fw->size);
    if (setup_start() < 0) goto fail0;
    write_sz = 1 << sslbp_read_byte(LBPFLASHWRITESIZELOC);
    erase_sz = 1 << sslbp_read_byte(LBPFLASHERASESIZELOC);
    HM2_PRINT("Write Size = %x, Erase Size = %x\n", write_sz, erase_sz);
    //Programming Loop
        int ReservedBlock = 0;
        int StartBlock = ReservedBlock + 1;
        int blocknum = StartBlock;
        int block_start;
        int i, j, t;
        while (blocknum * erase_sz < fw->size){
            block_start = blocknum * erase_sz;
            for (t = 0; t < erase_sz && fw->data[block_start + t] == 0 ; t++){ }
            if (t <  erase_sz){ // found a non-zero byte
                sslbp_write_long(LBPFLASHOFFSETLOC, block_start);
                sslbp_write_byte(LBPFLASHCOMMITLOC, FLASHERASE_CMD);
                if (sslbp_read_cookie() != LBPCOOKIE){
                    HM2_ERR("Synch failed during block erase: aborting\n");
                    goto fail0;
                HM2_PRINT("Erased block %i\n", blocknum);
                for (i = 0; i < erase_sz ; i += write_sz){
                    sslbp_write_long(LBPFLASHOFFSETLOC, block_start + i);
                    for (j = 0 ; j < write_sz ; j += 8){
                        rtapi_u32 data0, data1, m;
                        m = block_start + i + j;
                        data0 = (fw->data[m] 
                              + (fw->data[m + 1] << 8)
                              + (fw->data[m + 2] << 16)
                              + (fw->data[m + 3] << 24));
                        data1 = (fw->data[m + 4] 
                              + (fw->data[m + 5] << 8)
                              + (fw->data[m + 6] << 16)
                              + (fw->data[m + 7] << 24));
                        sslbp_write_double(j, data0, data1);
                    sslbp_write_byte(LBPFLASHCOMMITLOC, FLASHWRITE_CMD);
                    if (sslbp_read_cookie() != LBPCOOKIE){
                        HM2_ERR("Synch failed during block write: aborting\n");
                        goto fail0;
                HM2_PRINT("Wrote block %i\n", blocknum);
            else // Looks like an all-zeros block
                HM2_PRINT("Skipped Block %i\n", blocknum);
    return 0;
    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 23
int hm2_pwmgen_parse_md(hostmot2_t *hm2, int md_index) {
    hm2_module_descriptor_t *md = &hm2->md[md_index];
    int r;

    // some standard sanity checks

    if (!hm2_md_is_consistent_or_complain(hm2, md_index, 0, 5, 4, 0x0003)) {
        HM2_ERR("inconsistent Module Descriptor!\n");
        return -EINVAL;

    if (hm2->pwmgen.num_instances != 0) {
            "found duplicate Module Descriptor for %s (inconsistent firmware), not loading driver\n",
        return -EINVAL;

    if (hm2->config.num_pwmgens > md->instances) {
            "config.num_pwmgens=%d, but only %d are available, not loading driver\n",
        return -EINVAL;

    if (hm2->config.num_pwmgens == 0) {
        return 0;

    // looks good, start initializing

    if (hm2->config.num_pwmgens == -1) {
        hm2->pwmgen.num_instances = md->instances;
    } else {
        hm2->pwmgen.num_instances = hm2->config.num_pwmgens;

    // allocate the module-global HAL shared memory
    hm2->pwmgen.hal = (hm2_pwmgen_module_global_t *)hal_malloc(sizeof(hm2_pwmgen_module_global_t));
    if (hm2->pwmgen.hal == NULL) {
        HM2_ERR("out of memory!\n");
        r = -ENOMEM;
        goto fail0;

    hm2->pwmgen.instance = (hm2_pwmgen_instance_t *)hal_malloc(hm2->pwmgen.num_instances * sizeof(hm2_pwmgen_instance_t));
    if (hm2->pwmgen.instance == NULL) {
        HM2_ERR("out of memory!\n");
        r = -ENOMEM;
        goto fail0;

    hm2->pwmgen.clock_frequency = md->clock_freq;
    hm2->pwmgen.version = md->version;

    hm2->pwmgen.pwm_value_addr = md->base_address + (0 * md->register_stride);
    hm2->pwmgen.pwm_mode_addr = md->base_address + (1 * md->register_stride);
    hm2->pwmgen.pwmgen_master_rate_dds_addr = md->base_address + (2 * md->register_stride);
    hm2->pwmgen.pdmgen_master_rate_dds_addr = md->base_address + (3 * md->register_stride);
    hm2->pwmgen.enable_addr = md->base_address + (4 * md->register_stride);

    r = hm2_register_tram_write_region(hm2, hm2->pwmgen.pwm_value_addr, (hm2->pwmgen.num_instances * sizeof(rtapi_u32)), &hm2->pwmgen.pwm_value_reg);
    if (r < 0) {
        HM2_ERR("error registering tram write region for PWM Value register (%d)\n", r);
        goto fail0;

    hm2->pwmgen.pwm_mode_reg = (rtapi_u32 *)rtapi_kmalloc(hm2->pwmgen.num_instances * sizeof(rtapi_u32), RTAPI_GFP_KERNEL);
    if (hm2->pwmgen.pwm_mode_reg == NULL) {
        HM2_ERR("out of memory!\n");
        r = -ENOMEM;
        goto fail0;

    // export to HAL
    // FIXME: r hides the r in enclosing function, and it returns the wrong thing
        int i;
        int r;
        char name[HAL_NAME_LEN + 1];

        // these hal parameters affect all pwmgen instances
        r = hal_param_u32_newf(
        if (r < 0) {
            HM2_ERR("error adding pwmgen.pwm_frequency param, aborting\n");
            goto fail1;
        hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pwm_frequency = 20000;
        hm2->pwmgen.written_pwm_frequency = 0;

        r = hal_param_u32_newf(
        if (r < 0) {
            HM2_ERR("error adding pwmgen.pdm_frequency param, aborting\n");
            goto fail1;
        hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pdm_frequency = 20000;
        hm2->pwmgen.written_pdm_frequency = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < hm2->pwmgen.num_instances; i ++) {
            // pins
            rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.pwmgen.%02d.value", hm2->llio->name, i);
            r = hal_pin_float_new(name, HAL_IN, &(hm2->pwmgen.instance[i].hal.pin.value), hm2->llio->comp_id);
            if (r < 0) {
                HM2_ERR("error adding pin '%s', aborting\n", name);
                goto fail1;

            rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.pwmgen.%02d.enable", hm2->llio->name, i);
            r = hal_pin_bit_new(name, HAL_IN, &(hm2->pwmgen.instance[i].hal.pin.enable), hm2->llio->comp_id);
            if (r < 0) {
                HM2_ERR("error adding pin '%s', aborting\n", name);
                goto fail1;

            // parameters

            rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.pwmgen.%02d.scale", hm2->llio->name, i);
            r = hal_param_float_new(name, HAL_RW, &(hm2->pwmgen.instance[i].hal.param.scale), hm2->llio->comp_id);
            if (r < 0) {
                HM2_ERR("error adding param '%s', aborting\n", name);
                goto fail1;

            r = hal_param_s32_newf(
            if (r < 0) {
                HM2_ERR("error adding param, aborting\n");
                goto fail1;

            // init hal objects
            *(hm2->pwmgen.instance[i].hal.pin.enable) = 0;
            *(hm2->pwmgen.instance[i].hal.pin.value) = 0.0;
            hm2->pwmgen.instance[i].hal.param.scale = 1.0;
            hm2->pwmgen.instance[i].hal.param.output_type = HM2_PWMGEN_OUTPUT_TYPE_PWM;

            hm2->pwmgen.instance[i].written_output_type = -666;  // force an update at the start
            hm2->pwmgen.instance[i].written_enable = -666;       // force an update at the start

    return hm2->pwmgen.num_instances;


    hm2->pwmgen.num_instances = 0;
    return r;
Exemplo n.º 24
int hm2_watchdog_parse_md(hostmot2_t *hm2, int md_index) {
    hm2_module_descriptor_t *md = &hm2->md[md_index];
    int r;

    // some standard sanity checks

    if (!hm2_md_is_consistent_or_complain(hm2, md_index, 0, 3, 4, 0)) {
        HM2_ERR("inconsistent Module Descriptor!\n");
        return -EINVAL;

    if (hm2->watchdog.num_instances != 0) {
            "found duplicate Module Descriptor for %s (inconsistent firmware), not loading driver\n",
        return -EINVAL;

    // special sanity checks for watchdog

    if (md->instances != 1) {
        HM2_PRINT("MD declares %d watchdogs!  only using the first one...\n", md->instances);

    // looks good, start initializing

    hm2->watchdog.num_instances = 1;

    hm2->watchdog.instance = (hm2_watchdog_instance_t *)hal_malloc(hm2->watchdog.num_instances * sizeof(hm2_watchdog_instance_t));
    if (hm2->watchdog.instance == NULL) {
        HM2_ERR("out of memory!\n");
        r = -ENOMEM;
        goto fail0;

    hm2->watchdog.clock_frequency = md->clock_freq;
    hm2->watchdog.version = md->version;

    hm2->watchdog.timer_addr = md->base_address + (0 * md->register_stride);
    hm2->watchdog.status_addr = md->base_address + (1 * md->register_stride);
    hm2->watchdog.reset_addr = md->base_address + (2 * md->register_stride);

    r = hm2_register_tram_read_region(hm2, hm2->watchdog.status_addr, (hm2->watchdog.num_instances * sizeof(u32)), &hm2->watchdog.status_reg);
    if (r < 0) {
        HM2_ERR("error registering tram read region for watchdog (%d)\n", r);
        goto fail0;

    r = hm2_register_tram_write_region(hm2, hm2->watchdog.reset_addr, sizeof(u32), &hm2->watchdog.reset_reg);
    if (r < 0) {
        HM2_ERR("error registering tram write region for watchdog (%d)!\n", r);
        goto fail0;

    // allocate memory for register buffers

    hm2->watchdog.timer_reg = (u32 *)kmalloc(hm2->watchdog.num_instances * sizeof(u32), GFP_KERNEL);
    if (hm2->watchdog.timer_reg == NULL) {
        HM2_ERR("out of memory!\n");
        r = -ENOMEM;
        goto fail0;

    // export to HAL

    // pins
    r = hal_pin_bit_newf(
    if (r < 0) {
        HM2_ERR("error adding pin, aborting\n");
        r = -EINVAL;
        goto fail1;

    // params
    r = hal_param_u32_newf(
    if (r < 0) {
        HM2_ERR("error adding param, aborting\n");
        r = -EINVAL;
        goto fail1;

    // the function
	hal_export_xfunct_args_t xfunct_args = {
	    .type = FS_XTHREADFUNC,
	    .funct.x = hm2_pet_watchdog,
	    .arg = hm2,
	    .uses_fp = 0,
	    .reentrant = 0,
	    .owner_id = hm2->llio->comp_id

	if ((r = hal_export_xfunctf(&xfunct_args,
				    hm2->llio->name)) != 0) {
	    HM2_ERR("hal_export pet_watchdog failed - %d\n", r);
	    r = -EINVAL;
            goto fail1;

    // initialize the watchdog

    *hm2->watchdog.instance[0].hal.pin.has_bit = 0;
    hm2->watchdog.instance[0].hal.param.timeout_ns = 5 * 1000 * 1000;  // default timeout is 5 milliseconds
    hm2->watchdog.instance[0].enable = 0;  // the first pet_watchdog will turn it on

    return hm2->watchdog.num_instances;


    hm2->watchdog.num_instances = 0;
    return r;

void hm2_watchdog_print_module(hostmot2_t *hm2) {
    int i;
    HM2_PRINT("Watchdog: %d\n", hm2->watchdog.num_instances);
    if (hm2->watchdog.num_instances <= 0) return;
    HM2_PRINT("    clock_frequency: %d Hz (%s MHz)\n", hm2->watchdog.clock_frequency, hm2_hz_to_mhz(hm2->watchdog.clock_frequency));
    HM2_PRINT("    version: %d\n", hm2->watchdog.version);
    HM2_PRINT("    timer_addr: 0x%04X\n", hm2->watchdog.timer_addr);
    HM2_PRINT("    status_addr: 0x%04X\n", hm2->watchdog.status_addr);
    HM2_PRINT("    reset_addr: 0x%04X\n", hm2->watchdog.reset_addr);
    for (i = 0; i < hm2->watchdog.num_instances; i ++) {
        HM2_PRINT("    instance %d:\n", i);
        HM2_PRINT("        param timeout_ns = %u\n", hm2->watchdog.instance[i].hal.param.timeout_ns);
        HM2_PRINT("        pin has_bit = %d\n", (*hm2->watchdog.instance[i].hal.pin.has_bit));
        HM2_PRINT("        reg timer = 0x%08X\n", hm2->watchdog.timer_reg[i]);
Exemplo n.º 25
void hm2_pwmgen_handle_pdm_frequency(hostmot2_t *hm2) {
    rtapi_u32 dds;

    if (hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pdm_frequency < 1) {
        HM2_ERR("pwmgen.pdm_frequency %d is too low, setting to 1\n", hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pdm_frequency);
        hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pdm_frequency = 1;

    // hal->param.pdm_frequency is the user's desired PDM frequency in Hz
    // We get to play with PDMClock (frequency at which the PDM counter
    // runs) only - PDMBits (number of bits of the PDM Value Register that
    // are used to hold the count, this affects resolution) is fixed at 12.
    // PDMClock is controlled by the 16-bit PDM Master Rate DDS Register:
    //     PDMClock = ClockHigh * DDS / 65536
    // PDMBits is 12.
    // The key equation is:
    //     PDMFreq = PDMClock / (2^PDMBits)
    // This can be rewritten as:
    //     PDMFreq = (ClockHigh * DDS / 65536) / (2^PDMBits)
    //     PDMFreq = (ClockHigh * DDS) / (65536 * 2^PDMBits)
    //     PDMFreq = (ClockHigh * DDS) / (65536 * 4096)
    // The PDMFreq is the frequency at which the 4096-pulse pattern
    // repeats.  The pulse frequency is 4096 times higher:
    //     PulseFreq = PDMFreq * 4096
    //     PulseFreq = (ClockHigh * DDS) / 65536
    // Solve for DDS:
    //     PDMFreq * (65536 * 4096) = ClockHigh * DDS
    //     DDS = (PDMFreq * 65536 * 4096) / ClockHigh
    //     PulseFreq = (ClockHigh * DDS) / 65536
    //     DDS = (PulseFreq * 65536) / ClockHigh

    // can we do it with 12 bits?
    dds = ((double)hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pdm_frequency * 65536.0) / (double)hm2->pwmgen.clock_frequency;
    if (dds == 0) {
        // too slow, set frequency to minimum
        // From above:
        //     PulseFreq = (ClockHigh * DDS) / 65536
        dds = 1;
        hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pdm_frequency = ((double)hm2->pwmgen.clock_frequency * (double)dds) / 65536.0;
        HM2_ERR("min PDM frequency is %d Hz\n", hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pdm_frequency);
        hm2->pwmgen.pdmgen_master_rate_dds_reg = 1;

    if (dds < 65536) {
        // ok
        hm2->pwmgen.pdmgen_master_rate_dds_reg = dds;

    // user wants too much, lower frequency until it'll work with 12 bits
    // From above:
    //     PulseFreq = (ClockHigh * DDS) / 65536
    hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pdm_frequency = ((double)hm2->pwmgen.clock_frequency * 65535.0) / 65536.0;
    HM2_ERR("max PDM frequency is %d Hz\n", hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pdm_frequency);
    hm2->pwmgen.pdmgen_master_rate_dds_reg = 65535;
Exemplo n.º 26
int hm2_bspi_parse_md(hostmot2_t *hm2, int md_index) 
    // All this function actually does is allocate memory
    // and give the bspi modules names. 
    // some standard sanity checks
    int i, j, r = -EINVAL;
    hm2_module_descriptor_t *md = &hm2->md[md_index];
    if (!hm2_md_is_consistent_or_complain(hm2, md_index, 0, 3, 0x40, 0x0007)) {
        HM2_ERR("inconsistent Module Descriptor!\n");
        return -EINVAL;
    if (hm2->bspi.num_instances != 0) {
                "found duplicate Module Descriptor for %s (inconsistent "
                "firmware), not loading driver\n",
        return -EINVAL;
    if (hm2->config.num_bspis > md->instances) {
                "config defines %d bspis, but only %d are available, "
                "not loading driver\n",
        return -EINVAL;
    if (hm2->config.num_bspis == 0) {
        return 0;
    // looks good, start initializing
    if (hm2->config.num_bspis == -1) {
        hm2->bspi.num_instances = md->instances;
    } else {
        hm2->bspi.num_instances = hm2->config.num_bspis;
    hm2->bspi.instance = (hm2_bspi_instance_t *)hal_malloc(hm2->bspi.num_instances 
                                                     * sizeof(hm2_bspi_instance_t));
    if (hm2->bspi.instance == NULL) {
        HM2_ERR("out of memory!\n");
        r = -ENOMEM;
        goto fail0;
    for (i = 0 ; i < hm2->bspi.num_instances ; i++){
        hm2_bspi_instance_t *chan = &hm2->bspi.instance[i];
        chan->clock_freq = md->clock_freq;
        r = sprintf(chan->name, "%s.bspi.%01d", hm2->llio->name, i);
        HM2_PRINT("created Buffered SPI function %s.\n", chan->name);
        chan->base_address = md->base_address + i * md->instance_stride;
        chan->register_stride = md->register_stride;
        chan->instance_stride = md->instance_stride;
        chan->cd_addr = md->base_address + md->register_stride + i * sizeof(rtapi_u32);
        chan->count_addr = md->base_address + 2 * md->register_stride + i * sizeof(rtapi_u32);
        for (j = 0 ; j < 16 ; j++ ){
            chan->addr[j] = chan->base_address + j * sizeof(rtapi_u32);
    return hm2->bspi.num_instances;
    return r;
Exemplo n.º 27
void hm2_pwmgen_handle_pwm_frequency(hostmot2_t *hm2) {
    rtapi_u32 dds;

    if (hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pwm_frequency < 1) {
        HM2_ERR("pwmgen.pwm_frequency %d is too low, setting to 1\n", hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pwm_frequency);
        hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pwm_frequency = 1;

    // hal->param.pwm_frequency is the user's desired PWM frequency in Hz
    // We get to play with PWMClock (frequency at which the PWM counter
    // runs) and PWMBits (number of bits of the PWM Value Register that
    // are used to hold the count, this affects resolution).
    // PWMClock is controlled by the 16-bit PWM Master Rate DDS Register:
    //     PWMClock = ClockHigh * DDS / 65536
    // PWMBits is 9-12.  More is better (higher resolution).
    // The key equation is:
    //     PWMFreq = PWMClock / (2^PWMBits)
    // This can be rewritten as:
    //     PWMFreq = (ClockHigh * DDS / 65536) / (2^PWMBits)
    //     PWMFreq = (ClockHigh * DDS) / (65536 * 2^PWMBits)
    // Solve for DDS:
    //     PWMFreq * (65536 * 2^PWMBits) = ClockHigh * DDS
    //     DDS = (PWMFreq * 65536 * 2^PWMBits) / ClockHigh

    // can we do it with 12 bits?
    dds = ((double)hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pwm_frequency * 65536.0 * 4096.0) / (double)hm2->pwmgen.clock_frequency;
    if (dds < 65536) {
        hm2->pwmgen.pwmgen_master_rate_dds_reg = dds;
        hm2->pwmgen.pwm_bits = 12;

    // try 11 bits
    dds = ((double)hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pwm_frequency * 65536.0 * 2048.0) / (double)hm2->pwmgen.clock_frequency;
    if (dds < 65536) {
        hm2->pwmgen.pwmgen_master_rate_dds_reg = dds;
        hm2->pwmgen.pwm_bits = 11;

    // try 10 bits
    dds = ((double)hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pwm_frequency * 65536.0 * 1024.0) / (double)hm2->pwmgen.clock_frequency;
    if (dds < 65536) {
        hm2->pwmgen.pwmgen_master_rate_dds_reg = dds;
        hm2->pwmgen.pwm_bits = 10;

    // try 9 bits
    dds = ((double)hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pwm_frequency * 65536.0 * 512.0) / (double)hm2->pwmgen.clock_frequency;
    if (dds < 65536) {
        hm2->pwmgen.pwmgen_master_rate_dds_reg = dds;
        hm2->pwmgen.pwm_bits = 9;

    // no joy, lower frequency until it'll work with 9 bits
    // From above:
    //     PWMFreq = (ClockHigh * DDS) / (65536 * 2^PWMBits)
    hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pwm_frequency = ((double)hm2->pwmgen.clock_frequency * 65535.0) / (65536.0 * 512.0);
    HM2_ERR("max PWM frequency is %d Hz\n", hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pwm_frequency);
    hm2->pwmgen.pwmgen_master_rate_dds_reg = 65535;
    hm2->pwmgen.pwm_bits = 9;
Exemplo n.º 28
int hm2_resolver_parse_md(hostmot2_t *hm2, int md_index) {
    hm2_module_descriptor_t *md = &hm2->md[md_index];
    int i, r = 0;
    int resolvers_per_instance;
    // some standard sanity checks
    if ( ! hm2_md_is_consistent_or_complain(hm2, md_index, 0, 5, 4, 0x001F)) {
        HM2_ERR("inconsistent resolver Module Descriptor!\n");
        return -EINVAL;
    if (hm2->resolver.num_instances != 0) {
                "found duplicate Module Descriptor for %s (inconsistent firmware), not loading driver\n",
        return -EINVAL;
    resolvers_per_instance = hm2_resolver_get_param(2); // just returns 6 at the moment
    if (hm2->config.num_resolvers > (md->instances * resolvers_per_instance)) {
                "config.num_resolvers=%d, but only %d are available, not loading driver\n",
                md->instances * resolvers_per_instance);
        return -EINVAL;
    if (hm2->config.num_resolvers == 0) {
        return 0;
    // looks good, start initializing
    /*At the moment it is not clear if there will ever be more than one resolver
     instance. If there were to be more than one then they would need to have
     a different base-address, and this code would need to be re-enterable.
     A bridge to cross when we come to it */
    if (hm2->config.num_resolvers == -1) {
        hm2->resolver.num_resolvers = md->instances * resolvers_per_instance;
        hm2->resolver.num_instances = md->instances;
    } else {
        hm2->resolver.num_resolvers = hm2->config.num_resolvers;
        hm2->resolver.num_instances = md->instances;
    hm2->resolver.hal = (hm2_resolver_global_t *)hal_malloc(
    if (hm2->resolver.hal == NULL) {
        HM2_ERR("out of memory!\n");
        r = -ENOMEM;
        goto fail0;
    hm2->resolver.instance = (hm2_resolver_instance_t *)hal_malloc(
                hm2->resolver.num_resolvers * sizeof(hm2_resolver_instance_t));
    if (hm2->resolver.instance == NULL) {
        HM2_ERR("out of memory!\n");
        r = -ENOMEM;
        goto fail0;
    for (i = 0 ; i < hm2->resolver.num_instances ; i++ ){
        hm2->resolver.stride = md->register_stride;
        hm2->resolver.clock_frequency = md->clock_freq;
        hm2->resolver.version = md->version;
        hm2->resolver.command_addr = md->base_address + (0 * md->register_stride);
        hm2->resolver.data_addr = md->base_address + (1 * md->register_stride);
        hm2->resolver.status_addr = md->base_address + (2 * md->register_stride);
        hm2->resolver.velocity_addr = md->base_address + (3 * md->register_stride);
        hm2->resolver.position_addr = md->base_address + (4 * md->register_stride);
        // If there were multiple resolver function instances, this would need
        // to be the number of resolvers for that particular instance
        r = hm2_register_tram_read_region(hm2, hm2->resolver.status_addr,
        r += hm2_register_tram_read_region(hm2, hm2->resolver.position_addr,
                                          (hm2->resolver.num_resolvers * sizeof(u32)),
        r += hm2_register_tram_read_region(hm2, hm2->resolver.velocity_addr,
                                          (hm2->resolver.num_resolvers * sizeof(u32)),
        if (r < 0) {
            HM2_ERR("error registering tram read region for Resolver "
                    "register (%d)\n", i);
            goto fail1;
    // export the resolvers to HAL
        int i;
        int ret;
        char name[HAL_NAME_LEN + 1];
        rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.resolver.excitation-khz", 
        ret= hal_pin_float_new(name, HAL_IO,
        if (ret < 0) {
            HM2_ERR("error adding pin '%s', aborting\n", name);
            goto fail1;
        for (i = 0; i < hm2->resolver.num_resolvers; i ++) {
            // pins
            rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.resolver.%02d.position", 
                           hm2->llio->name, i);
            ret= hal_pin_float_new(name, HAL_OUT, 
            if (ret < 0) {
                HM2_ERR("error adding pin '%s', aborting\n", name);
                goto fail1;
            rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.resolver.%02d.angle", 
                           hm2->llio->name, i);
            ret= hal_pin_float_new(name, HAL_OUT, 
            if (ret < 0) {
                HM2_ERR("error adding pin '%s', aborting\n", name);
                goto fail1;
            rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.resolver.%02d.velocity", 
                           hm2->llio->name, i);
            ret= hal_pin_float_new(name, HAL_OUT, 
            if (ret < 0) {
                HM2_ERR("error adding pin '%s', aborting\n", name);
                goto fail1;
            rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.resolver.%02d.count", 
                           hm2->llio->name, i);
            ret= hal_pin_s32_new(name, HAL_OUT, 
            if (ret < 0) {
                HM2_ERR("error adding pin '%s', aborting\n", name);
                goto fail1;
            rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.resolver.%02d.rawcounts",
                           hm2->llio->name, i);
            ret= hal_pin_s32_new(name, HAL_OUT, 
            if (ret < 0) {
                HM2_ERR("error adding pin '%s', aborting\n", name);
                goto fail1;
            rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.resolver.%02d.reset", 
                           hm2->llio->name, i);
            ret= hal_pin_bit_new(name, HAL_IN, 
            if (ret < 0) {
                HM2_ERR("error adding pin '%s', aborting\n", name);
                goto fail1;
            rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.resolver.%02d.index-enable", 
                           hm2->llio->name, i);
            ret= hal_pin_bit_new(name, HAL_IO,
            if (ret < 0) {
                HM2_ERR("error adding pin '%s', aborting\n", name);
                goto fail1;
            rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.resolver.%02d.error", 
                           hm2->llio->name, i);
            ret= hal_pin_bit_new(name, HAL_OUT, 
            if (ret < 0) {
                HM2_ERR("error adding pin '%s', aborting\n", name);
                goto fail1;
            // parameters
            rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.resolver.%02d.scale", 
                           hm2->llio->name, i);
            ret= hal_pin_float_new(name, HAL_IO,
            if (ret < 0) {
                HM2_ERR("error adding pin '%s', aborting\n", name);
                goto fail1;
            rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.resolver.%02d.velocity-scale", 
                           hm2->llio->name, i);
            ret= hal_pin_float_new(name, HAL_IO,
            if (ret < 0) {
                HM2_ERR("error adding pin '%s', aborting\n", name);
                goto fail1;

            rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.resolver.%02d.index-divisor",
                           hm2->llio->name, i);
            ret= hal_pin_u32_new(name, HAL_RW,
            if (ret < 0) {
                HM2_ERR("error adding pin '%s', aborting\n", name);
                goto fail1;

            // init the hal objects that need it
            // the things not initialized here will be set by hm2_resolver_tram_init()
            *hm2->resolver.instance[i].hal.pin.reset = 0;
            *hm2->resolver.instance[i].hal.pin.scale = 1.0;
            *hm2->resolver.instance[i].hal.pin.vel_scale = 1.0;
            *hm2->resolver.instance[i].hal.pin.index_div = 1;
            *hm2->resolver.hal->pin.excitation_khz = -1; // don't-write
            hm2->resolver.kHz = (hm2->resolver.clock_frequency / 5000);
    return hm2->resolver.num_instances;
    // This is where we would kfree anything kmalloced. 
    hm2->resolver.num_instances = 0;
    return r;
Exemplo n.º 29
int hm2_dpll_parse_md(hostmot2_t *hm2, int md_index) {

    hm2_module_descriptor_t *md = &hm2->md[md_index];
    int r;

    // some standard sanity checks

    if (!hm2_md_is_consistent_or_complain(hm2, md_index, 0, 7, 4, 0x0000)) {
        HM2_ERR("inconsistent Module Descriptor!\n");
        return -EINVAL;

    if (hm2->config.num_dplls == 0) return 0;

    if (hm2->config.num_dplls > md->instances) {
        hm2->dpll.num_instances = md->instances;
        HM2_ERR( "There are only %d dplls on this board type, using %d\n",
                md->instances, md->instances );
    } else if (hm2->config.num_dplls == -1) {
        hm2->dpll.num_instances = md->instances;
    } else hm2->dpll.num_instances = hm2->config.num_dplls;

    // looks good, start initializing

    hm2->dpll.clock_frequency = md->clock_freq;
    hm2->dpll.base_rate_addr = md->base_address + 0 * md->register_stride;
    hm2->dpll.phase_err_addr = md->base_address + 1 * md->register_stride;
    hm2->dpll.control_reg0_addr = md->base_address + 2 * md->register_stride;
    hm2->dpll.control_reg1_addr = md->base_address + 3 * md->register_stride;
    hm2->dpll.timer_12_addr = md->base_address + 4 * md->register_stride;
    hm2->dpll.timer_34_addr = md->base_address + 5 * md->register_stride;
    hm2->dpll.hm2_dpll_sync_addr = md->base_address + 6 * md->register_stride;
    // export to HAL
    hm2->dpll.pins = hal_malloc(sizeof(hm2_dpll_pins_t));

    r = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(hm2->dpll.pins->time1_us),
            hm2->llio->comp_id, "%s.dpll.01.timer-us", hm2->llio->name);
    r += hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(hm2->dpll.pins->time2_us),
            hm2->llio->comp_id, "%s.dpll.02.timer-us", hm2->llio->name);
    r += hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(hm2->dpll.pins->time3_us),
            hm2->llio->comp_id, "%s.dpll.03.timer-us", hm2->llio->name);
    r += hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(hm2->dpll.pins->time4_us),
            hm2->llio->comp_id, "%s.dpll.04.timer-us", hm2->llio->name);
    r += hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(hm2->dpll.pins->base_freq),
            hm2->llio->comp_id, "%s.dpll.base-freq-khz", hm2->llio->name);
    r += hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_OUT, &(hm2->dpll.pins->phase_error),
            hm2->llio->comp_id, "%s.dpll.phase-error-us", hm2->llio->name);
    r += hal_pin_u32_newf(HAL_IN, &(hm2->dpll.pins->time_const),
            hm2->llio->comp_id, "%s.dpll.time-const", hm2->llio->name);
    r += hal_pin_u32_newf(HAL_IN, &(hm2->dpll.pins->plimit),
            hm2->llio->comp_id, "%s.dpll.plimit", hm2->llio->name);
    r += hal_pin_u32_newf(HAL_OUT, &(hm2->dpll.pins->ddssize),
            hm2->llio->comp_id, "%s.dpll.ddsize", hm2->llio->name);
    r += hal_pin_u32_newf(HAL_OUT, &(hm2->dpll.pins->prescale),
            hm2->llio->comp_id, "%s.dpll.prescale", hm2->llio->name);
    if (r < 0) {
        HM2_ERR("error adding hm2_dpll timer pins, Aborting\n");
        goto fail0;
    *hm2->dpll.pins->time1_us = 100.0;
    *hm2->dpll.pins->time2_us = 100.0;
    *hm2->dpll.pins->time3_us = 100.0;
    *hm2->dpll.pins->time4_us = 100.0;
    *hm2->dpll.pins->prescale = 1;
    *hm2->dpll.pins->base_freq = -1; // An indication it needs init
    *hm2->dpll.pins->time_const = 0xA000;
    *hm2->dpll.pins->plimit = 0x400000;

    r = hm2_register_tram_read_region(hm2, hm2->dpll.hm2_dpll_sync_addr,
            sizeof(u32), &hm2->dpll.hm2_dpll_sync_reg);
    if (r < 0) {
        HM2_ERR("Error registering tram synch write. Aborting\n");
        goto fail0;
    r = hm2_register_tram_read_region(hm2, hm2->dpll.control_reg1_addr,
            sizeof(u32), &hm2->dpll.control_reg1_read);
    if (r < 0) {
        HM2_ERR("Error registering dpll control reg 1. Aborting\n");
        goto fail0;

    return hm2->dpll.num_instances;

    return r;

Exemplo n.º 30
void hm2_pwmgen_force_write(hostmot2_t *hm2) {
    int i;
    rtapi_u32 pwm_width;

    if (hm2->pwmgen.num_instances == 0) return;


    switch (hm2->pwmgen.pwm_bits) {
        case 9: {
            pwm_width = 0x00;
        case 10: {
            pwm_width = 0x01;
        case 11: {
            pwm_width = 0x02;
        case 12: {
            pwm_width = 0x03;
        default: {
            // this should never happen
            HM2_ERR("invalid pwmgen.bits=%d, resetting to 9\n", hm2->pwmgen.pwm_bits);
            hm2->pwmgen.pwm_bits = 9;
            pwm_width = 0x00;

    for (i = 0; i < hm2->pwmgen.num_instances; i ++) {
        rtapi_u32 double_buffered;

        hm2->pwmgen.pwm_mode_reg[i] = pwm_width;

        switch (hm2->pwmgen.instance[i].hal.param.output_type) {
            case HM2_PWMGEN_OUTPUT_TYPE_PWM: {
                // leave the Output Mode bits 0
                double_buffered = 1;

            case HM2_PWMGEN_OUTPUT_TYPE_UP_DOWN: {
                hm2->pwmgen.pwm_mode_reg[i] |= 0x2 << 3;
                double_buffered = 1;

            case HM2_PWMGEN_OUTPUT_TYPE_PDM: {
                hm2->pwmgen.pwm_mode_reg[i] |= 0x3 << 3;
                double_buffered = 0;

            case HM2_PWMGEN_OUTPUT_TYPE_PWM_SWAPPED: {  // Dir & PWM (ie with the output pins swapped), "for locked antiphase"
                hm2->pwmgen.pwm_mode_reg[i] |= 0x1 << 3;
                double_buffered = 1;

            default: {  // unknown pwm mode!  complain and switch to pwm/dir
                    "invalid pwmgen output_type %d requested\n",
                    "supported .output-type values are: %d (PWM & Dir), %d (Up & Down), %d (PDM & Dir), and %d (Dir & PWM)\n",
                HM2_ERR("switching to 1 (PWM & Dir)\n"); 
                hm2->pwmgen.instance[i].hal.param.output_type = HM2_PWMGEN_OUTPUT_TYPE_PWM;
                double_buffered = 1;
                // leave the Output Mode bits 0

        hm2->pwmgen.pwm_mode_reg[i] |= (double_buffered << 5);

    // update enable register
    hm2->pwmgen.enable_reg = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < hm2->pwmgen.num_instances; i ++) {
        if (*(hm2->pwmgen.instance[i].hal.pin.enable)) {
            hm2->pwmgen.enable_reg |= (1 << i);

    hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio, hm2->pwmgen.pwm_mode_addr, hm2->pwmgen.pwm_mode_reg, (hm2->pwmgen.num_instances * sizeof(rtapi_u32)));
    hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio, hm2->pwmgen.enable_addr, &hm2->pwmgen.enable_reg, sizeof(rtapi_u32));
    hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio, hm2->pwmgen.pwmgen_master_rate_dds_addr, &hm2->pwmgen.pwmgen_master_rate_dds_reg, sizeof(rtapi_u32));
    hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio, hm2->pwmgen.pdmgen_master_rate_dds_addr, &hm2->pwmgen.pdmgen_master_rate_dds_reg, sizeof(rtapi_u32));

    if ((*hm2->llio->io_error) != 0) return;

    for (i = 0; i < hm2->pwmgen.num_instances; i ++) {
        hm2->pwmgen.instance[i].written_output_type = hm2->pwmgen.instance[i].hal.param.output_type;
        hm2->pwmgen.instance[i].written_enable = *hm2->pwmgen.instance[i].hal.pin.enable;

    hm2->pwmgen.written_pwm_frequency = hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pwm_frequency;
    hm2->pwmgen.written_pdm_frequency = hm2->pwmgen.hal->param.pdm_frequency;