Exemplo n.º 1
pdtrans(char *trans, int *m, int *n, int * mb, int *nb, double *a, int *lda, double *beta,
	double *c__, int *ldc, int *imrow, int *imcol, double *work, int *iwork) {
    /* System generated locals */
    long a_dim1, a_offset, c_dim1, c_offset;
    int i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4;

    /* Local variables */
    int j1, k1, k2, ml, nl, mp, mq, np, nq, mb0, mb1, mb2, nb0,
	    nb1, nb2, kia, kja, kic, kjc, lbm, lbn, lcm, ldt, lbm0, lbm1,
	     lbm2, lbn0, lbn1, lbn2, igcd;
    long ipt;
    int mcol, info, lcmp, lcmq, item, ncol, kmod1, kmod2;
    double tbeta;
    int kpcol, mpcol, npcol, mrcol, mycol, kprow, mprow, nprow, mrrow, myrow;

/*  -- PUMMA Package routine (version 2.1) -- */
/*     Jaeyoung Choi, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. */
/*     Jack Dongarra, Univ. of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. */
/*     David Walker,  Oak Ridge National Laboratory. */
/*     October 31, 1994. */

/*  Purpose */

/*  PDTRANS routine is one of the PUMMA package based on block cyclic */
/*  data distribution on 2-D process configuration. */

/*  It is used for the following matrix transposition, */

/*     Form  C := A' + beta*C */

/*  where beta is a scalar, and A and C are matrices, with A an M by N */
/*  matrix (globally), and C an N by M matrix (globally). */

/*  Parameters */

/*  TRANS  - (input) CHARACTER*1 */
/*           TRANS specifies whether A is transposed or conjugate */
/*           transposed. */

/*              TRANS = 'T',   transpose; */

/*              TRANS = 'C',   conjugate transpose. */

/*  M      - (input) INTEGER */
/*           M specifies the (global) number of rows of the matrix A and */
/*           the (global) number of rows of the matrix C.  M >= 0. */

/*  N      - (input) INTEGER */
/*           N specifies the (global) number of columns of the matrix A */
/*           and columns of the matrix B.  N >= 0. */

/*  MB     - (input) INTEGER */
/*           MB specifies the row block size of the matrix A and the */
/*           column block of the matrix C.  MB >= 1. */

/*  NB     - (input) INTEGER */
/*           NB specifies the column block size of the matrix A and the */
/*           row block size of the matrix C.  NB >= 1. */

/*  A      - (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array of DIMENSION ( LDA, Nq ). */
/*           The leading Mp by Nq part of the array A must contain the */
/*           local matrix  A.  Mp and Nq are local variables */
/*           (see description of local parameters). */

/*  LDA    - (input) INTEGER */
/*           The leading dimension of the (local) array A. */
/*           LDA >= MAX( 1, Mp ). */

/*  BETA   - (input) DOUBLE PRECISION */
/*           BETA  specifies the scalar beta.  When BETA is supplied as */
/*           zero then C need not be set on input. */

/*  C      - (input/ouput) DOUBLE PRECISION array of DIMENSION (LDC, Mq). */
/*           On entry the leading Np by Mq part of the array C must */
/*           contain the local matrix C, except when beta is zero, */
/*           in which case C need not be set on entry. */
/*           On exit, the array C is overwritten by the Np by Mq matrix */
/*           (A'+bata*C).  Np and Mq are local variables */
/*           (see description of local parameters). */

/*  LDC    - (input) INTEGER */
/*           The leading dimension of the (local) array C. */
/*           LDC >= MAX( 1, Np ). */

/*  IMROW  - (input) INTEGER */
/*           IMROW specifies a row of the process template, which holds */
/*           the first block of the matrices.  0 <= IMROW < NPROW. */

/*  IMCOL  - (input) INTEGER */
/*           IMCOL specifies a column of the process template, which */
/*           holds the first block of the matrices.  0 <= IMCOL < NPCOL. */

/*  WORK   - (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array */
/*           See requirements. */

/*  IWORK  - (workspace) INTEGER array */
/*           See requirements. */

/*  Local  Parameters */

/*  LCM   =  the lowest common multiple of P and Q */
/*  LCMP  =  LCM/P = number of template rows in LCM block */
/*  LCMQ  =  LCM/Q = number of template columns in LCM block */
/*  IGCD   =  the greatest common divisor (GCD) of P and Q */
/*  MpxNq =  size of (local) matrix A in the process, iam */
/*  NpxMq =  size of (local) matrix C in the process, iam */
/*  KMOD  =  Define Group I.D. */
/*  item  =  temporal integer parameter */

/*    Two buffers for storing A' and T(= subblock of A') */
/*       WORK       <== A' */
/*       WORK(IPT)  <== T */

/*    Three interger buffers */
/*       IWORK(1,k) <== starting point of row subblock of A  to send and */
/*                      C to receive in K2 loop (rowwise communication) */
/*       IWORK(2,k) <== starting point of column subblock of A to send in */
/*                      J1 loop (columnwise communication) */
/*       IWORK(3,k) <== starting point of column subblock of C to receive */
/*                      in J1 loop (columnwise communication) */

/*  Requirements (approximate) */

/*   Size(IWORK) = 3 x MAX(P, Q) */
/*   Size(WORK)  = 2 x Ceil(Ceil(M,MB),LCM)xMB x Ceil(Ceil(N,NB),LCM)xNB */

/*     Get grid parameters */

    /* Parameter adjustments */
    a_dim1 = *lda;
    a_offset = 1 + a_dim1;
    a -= a_offset;
    c_dim1 = *ldc;
    c_offset = 1 + c_dim1;
    c__ -= c_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    Cblacs_gridinfo(context_1.ictxt, &nprow, &npcol, &myrow, &mycol);

/*     Test for the input parameters. */

    info = 0;
    if (*trans != 'T' && *trans != 'C') {
	info = 1;
    } else if (*m < 0) {
	info = 2;
    } else if (*n < 0) {
	info = 3;
    } else if (*mb < 1) {
	info = 4;
    } else if (*nb < 1) {
	info = 5;
    } else if (*lda < 1) {
	info = 7;
    } else if (*ldc < 1) {
	info = 10;
    } else if (*imrow < 0 || *imrow >= nprow) {
	info = 11;
    } else if (*imcol < 0 || *imcol >= npcol) {
	info = 12;

    if (info != 0) {
	pxerbla( &context_1.ictxt, "PDTRANS", &info );
	return 0;

/*     Initialize parameters */

    mprow = nprow + myrow;
    mpcol = npcol + mycol;
    mrrow = (mprow - *imrow) % nprow;
    mrcol = (mpcol - *imcol) % npcol;

    lcm = ilcm_(&nprow, &npcol);
    lcmp = lcm / nprow;
    lcmq = lcm / npcol;
    igcd = nprow / lcmq;

    mp = numroc_(m, mb, &mrrow, &c__0, &nprow);
    mq = numroc_(m, mb, &mrcol, &c__0, &npcol);
    np = numroc_(n, nb, &mrrow, &c__0, &nprow);
    nq = numroc_(n, nb, &mrcol, &c__0, &npcol);

    i__1 = iceil_(m, mb);
    lbm = iceil_(&i__1, &lcm);
    i__1 = iceil_(n, nb);
    lbn = iceil_(&i__1, &lcm);

/*     Test for the input parameters again with local parameters */

    if (*lda < mp) {
	info = 7;
    } else if (*ldc < np) {
	info = 10;
    if (info != 0) {
	goto L10;

/*     Quick return if possible. */

    if (*m == 0 || *n == 0) {
	return 0;

/*     At first, scale C with beta if beta != 0.0 & beta != 1.0 */

    tbeta = *beta;
    if (*beta != 0. && *beta != 1.) {
	i__1 = mq;
	for (j1 = 1; j1 <= i__1; ++j1) {
	    HPL_dscal( np, *beta, &c__[j1 * c_dim1 + 1], 1 );
/* L20: */
	tbeta = 1.;

    commtrb_1.iaz = lcmp * *mb;
    commtrb_1.jaz = lcmq * *nb;
    commtrb_1.itz = lcmp * *nb;
    commtrb_1.jtz = lcmq * *mb;

    ml = lbm * *mb;
    nl = lbn * *nb;
    ipt = (long)ml * (long)nl + 1;
    ldt = nl;
    kprow = mrrow + nprow;
    kpcol = mrcol + npcol;

/*     Initialize Parameters -- Compute the positions of subblocks */

    i__1 = npcol - 1;
    for (k1 = 0; k1 <= i__1; ++k1) {
	ncol = (kpcol - k1) % npcol;
	i__2 = lcmq - 1;
	for (j1 = 0; j1 <= i__2; ++j1) {
	    item = npcol * j1 + ncol;
	    if (item % nprow == mrrow) {
		iwork[ncol * 3 + 1] = item / nprow;
/* L30: */

    i__2 = lcmq - 1;
    for (j1 = 0; j1 <= i__2; ++j1) {
	item = (npcol * j1 + mrcol) % nprow;
	iwork[item * 3 + 2] = j1;
	iwork[item * 3 + 3] = j1;
	i__1 = igcd - 1;
	for (k1 = 1; k1 <= i__1; ++k1) {
	    iwork[(item + nprow - k1) % nprow * 3 + 2] = j1;
	    iwork[(item + k1) % nprow * 3 + 3] = j1;
/* L40: */

/*     Set parameters for efficient copying */

    lbm0 = lbm;
    lbm1 = lbm;
    lbm2 = lbm;
    lbn0 = lbn;
    lbn1 = lbn;
    lbn2 = lbn;
    mb0 = *mb;
    mb1 = *mb;
    mb2 = *mb;
    nb0 = *nb;
    nb1 = *nb;
    nb2 = *nb;

    if (nprow == npcol) {
	lbm0 = 1;
	lbn0 = 1;
	mb0 = mp;
	nb0 = nq;
    if (nprow == lcm) {
	lbm1 = 1;
	lbn2 = 1;
	mb1 = mp;
	nb2 = np;
    if (npcol == lcm) {
	lbn1 = 1;
	lbm2 = 1;
	nb1 = nq;
	mb2 = mq;

/*     For each K2 loop (rowwise), Copy A' to WORK & Send it to KTPROC */
/*                                 then, Receive WORK and Copy WORK to C */

    kmod1 = (nprow + mrcol - mrrow) % igcd;
    kmod2 = (igcd - kmod1) % igcd;

    i__1 = lcmp - 1;
    for (k2 = 0; k2 <= i__1; ++k2) {

/*        Copy A' to WORK in the appropriate order & Send it */

	k1 = k2 * igcd + kmod1;
	mcol = (kpcol - k1) % npcol;
	kia = iwork[mcol * 3 + 1] * *mb;
	mcol = (mcol + *imcol) % npcol;
	ncol = (mrcol + k2 * igcd + kmod2) % npcol;
	kic = iwork[ncol * 3 + 1] * *nb;
	ncol = (ncol + *imcol) % npcol;

	i__2 = lcmq - 1;
	for (j1 = 0; j1 <= i__2; ++j1) {
	    kja = iwork[(mrrow + igcd * j1) % nprow * 3 + 2] * *nb;

	    if (myrow == (myrow + igcd * j1 + kmod1) % nprow && mycol == mcol)
		kjc = iwork[(kprow - igcd * j1) % nprow * 3 + 3] * *mb;
		i__3 = mp - kia;
		i__4 = nq - kja;
		dtr2mx_(&a[kia + 1 + (kja + 1) * a_dim1], lda, &tbeta, &c__[
			kic + 1 + (kjc + 1) * c_dim1], ldc, &lbm0, &lbn0, &
			mb0, &nb0, &i__3, &i__4);

	    } else {
		i__3 = mp - kia;
		i__4 = nq - kja;
		dtr2bf_(&a[kia + 1 + (kja + 1) * a_dim1], lda, &work[1], &ldt,
			 &lbm1, &lbn1, &mb1, &nb1, &i__3, &i__4);

		if (nprow == npcol && *beta == 0. && *ldc == ldt) {
		    i__3 = (myrow + igcd * j1 + kmod1) % nprow;
		    i__4 = (mprow - igcd * j1 - kmod2) % nprow;
		    kjc = iwork[(kprow - igcd * j1) % nprow * 3 + 3] * *mb;
#if 0
		    Cdgerv2d(context_1.ictxt,nl,ml,&c__[(kjc + 1) * c_dim1 + 1],*ldc,i__4,ncol);
		    Cblacs_dSendrecv( context_1.ictxt,
                          nl, ml, &work[1], nl, i__3, mcol,
                          nl, ml, &c__[(kjc + 1) * c_dim1 + 1], *ldc, i__4, ncol );

		} else {
		    i__3 = (myrow + igcd * j1 + kmod1) % nprow;
		    i__4 = (mprow - igcd * j1 - kmod2) % nprow;
#if 0
		    Cdgerv2d(context_1.ictxt,nl,ml,&work[ipt],nl, i__4,ncol);
        Cblacs_dSendrecv( context_1.ictxt,
                          nl, ml, &work[1],   nl, i__3, mcol,
                          nl, ml, &work[ipt], nl, i__4, ncol );

		    kjc = iwork[(kprow - igcd * j1) % nprow * 3 + 3] * *mb;
		    i__3 = np - kic;
		    i__4 = mq - kjc;
		    dmv2mx_(&work[ipt], &ldt, &tbeta, &c__[kic + 1 + (kjc + 1)
			     * c_dim1], ldc, &lbn2, &lbm2, &nb2, &mb2, &i__3,

    return 0;
} /* pdtrans_ */
Exemplo n.º 2
void HPL_pdpanrlT
   HPL_T_panel *                    PANEL,
   const int                        M,
   const int                        N,
   const int                        ICOFF,
   double *                         WORK
 * Purpose
 * =======
 * HPL_pdpanrlT factorizes  a panel of columns  that is a sub-array of a
 * larger one-dimensional panel A using the Right-looking variant of the
 * usual one-dimensional algorithm.  The lower triangular N0-by-N0 upper
 * block of the panel is stored in transpose form.
 * Bi-directional  exchange  is  used  to  perform  the  swap::broadcast
 * operations  at once  for one column in the panel.  This  results in a
 * lower number of slightly larger  messages than usual.  On P processes
 * and assuming bi-directional links,  the running time of this function
 * can be approximated by (when N is equal to N0):
 *    N0 * log_2( P ) * ( lat + ( 2*N0 + 4 ) / bdwth ) +
 *    N0^2 * ( M - N0/3 ) * gam2-3
 * where M is the local number of rows of  the panel, lat and bdwth  are
 * the latency and bandwidth of the network for  double  precision  real
 * words,  and  gam2-3  is an estimate of the  Level 2 and Level 3  BLAS
 * rate of execution. The  recursive  algorithm  allows indeed to almost
 * achieve  Level 3 BLAS  performance  in the panel factorization.  On a
 * large  number of modern machines,  this  operation is however latency
 * bound,  meaning  that its cost can  be estimated  by only the latency
 * portion N0 * log_2(P) * lat.  Mono-directional links will double this
 * communication cost.
 * Note that  one  iteration of the the main loop is unrolled. The local
 * computation of the absolute value max of the next column is performed
 * just after its update by the current column. This allows to bring the
 * current column only  once through  cache at each  step.  The  current
 * implementation  does not perform  any blocking  for  this sequence of
 * BLAS operations, however the design allows for plugging in an optimal
 * (machine-specific) specialized  BLAS-like kernel.  This idea has been
 * suggested to us by Fred Gustavson, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center.
 * Arguments
 * =========
 * PANEL   (local input/output)          HPL_T_panel *
 *         On entry,  PANEL  points to the data structure containing the
 *         panel information.
 * M       (local input)                 const int
 *         On entry,  M specifies the local number of rows of sub(A).
 * N       (local input)                 const int
 *         On entry,  N specifies the local number of columns of sub(A).
 * ICOFF   (global input)                const int
 *         On entry, ICOFF specifies the row and column offset of sub(A)
 *         in A.
 * WORK    (local workspace)             double *
 *         On entry, WORK  is a workarray of size at least 2*(4+2*N0).
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * .. Local Variables ..
   double                     * A, * Acur, * Anxt, * L1;
   int                        Mm1, Nm1, curr, ii, iip1, jj, lda, m=M,
/* ..
 * .. Executable Statements ..
   A    = PANEL->A;   lda = PANEL->lda;
   L1   = PANEL->L1;  n0  = PANEL->jb;
   curr = (int)( PANEL->grid->myrow == PANEL->prow );

   Nm1  = N - 1; jj = ICOFF;
   if( curr != 0 ) { ii = ICOFF; iip1 = ii+1; Mm1 = m-1; }
   else            { ii = 0;     iip1 = ii;   Mm1 = m;   }
 * Find local absolute value max in first column - initialize WORK[0:3]
   HPL_dlocmax( PANEL, m, ii, jj, WORK );

   while( Nm1 >= 1 )
      Acur = Mptr( A, iip1, jj, lda ); Anxt = Mptr( Acur, 0, 1, lda );
 * Swap and broadcast the current row
      HPL_pdmxswp(  PANEL, m, ii, jj, WORK );
      HPL_dlocswpT( PANEL,    ii, jj, WORK );
 * Scale current column by its absolute value max entry  -  Update trai-
 * ling sub-matrix and find local absolute value max in next column (On-
 * ly one pass through cache for each current column).  This sequence of
 * operations could benefit from a specialized blocked implementation.
      if( WORK[0] != HPL_rzero )
         HPL_dscal( Mm1, HPL_rone / WORK[0], Acur, 1 );
      HPL_daxpy( Mm1, -(*(Mptr( L1, jj+1, jj, n0 ))), Acur, 1, Anxt, 1 );
      HPL_dlocmax( PANEL, Mm1, iip1, jj+1, WORK );

      if( Nm1 > 1 )
         HPL_dger( HplColumnMajor, Mm1, Nm1-1, -HPL_rone, Acur, 1,
                   Mptr( L1, jj+2, jj, n0 ), 1, Mptr( Anxt, 0, 1, lda ),
                   lda );
      if( curr != 0 ) { ii = iip1; iip1++; m = Mm1; Mm1--; }

      Nm1--; jj++;
 * Swap and broadcast last row - Scale last column by its absolute value
 * max entry
   HPL_pdmxswp(  PANEL, m, ii, jj, WORK );
   HPL_dlocswpT( PANEL,    ii, jj, WORK );
   if( WORK[0] != HPL_rzero )
      HPL_dscal( Mm1, HPL_rone / WORK[0], Mptr( A, iip1, jj, lda ), 1 );
 * End of HPL_pdpanrlT