Exemplo n.º 1
/*	Define the representation associated with a file suffix
**	-------------------------------------------------------
**	Calling this with suffix set to "*" will set the default
**	representation.
**	Calling this with suffix set to "*.*" will set the default
**	representation for unknown suffix files which contain a ".".
PUBLIC void HTSetSuffix ARGS4(
	WWW_CONST char *,	suffix,
	WWW_CONST char *,	representation,
	WWW_CONST char *,	encoding,
	float,		value)
    HTSuffix * suff;
    if (strcmp(suffix, "*")==0) suff = &no_suffix;
    else if (strcmp(suffix, "*.*")==0) suff = &unknown_suffix;
    else {
	suff = (HTSuffix*) calloc(1, sizeof(HTSuffix));
	if (suff == NULL) outofmem(__FILE__, "HTSetSuffix");
	if (!HTSuffixes) HTSuffixes = HTList_new();
	HTList_addObject(HTSuffixes, suff);
	StrAllocCopy(suff->suffix, suffix);

    suff->rep = HTAtom_for(representation);
    	char *enc = NULL, *p;
	StrAllocCopy(enc, encoding);
	for (p=enc; *p; p++) *p = TOLOWER(*p);
	suff->encoding = HTAtom_for(enc);
        free (enc);
    suff->quality = value;
Exemplo n.º 2
** Remove a conversion routine from the presentation list.
** The conversion routine must match up with the given args.
PUBLIC void HTRemoveConversion ARGS3(
	WWW_CONST char *, representation_in,
	WWW_CONST char *, representation_out,
	HTConverter*,	converter
int numberOfPresentations; 
HTPresentation * pres;
HTAtom *rep_in, *rep_out;
int x;

    numberOfPresentations = HTList_count(HTPresentations);

    rep_in = HTAtom_for(representation_in);
    rep_out = HTAtom_for(representation_out);

    for (x = 0; x < numberOfPresentations; x++) {
        pres = HTList_objectAt(HTPresentations, x);
	if (pres) {
		if ((!strcmp(pres->rep->name,rep_in->name)) &&
		    (!strcmp(pres->rep_out->name,rep_out->name)) &&
		    (pres->converter == converter)) {
Exemplo n.º 3
/*	Define a built-in function for a content-type
**	---------------------------------------------
PUBLIC void HTSetConversion ARGS7(
	HTList *,	conversions,
	CONST char *, 	representation_in,
	CONST char *, 	representation_out,
	HTConverter*,	converter,
	float,		quality,
	float,		secs,
	float,		secs_per_byte

    HTPresentation * pres = (HTPresentation *)malloc(sizeof(HTPresentation));
    if (pres == NULL) outofmem(__FILE__, "HTSetPresentation");

    pres->rep = HTAtom_for(representation_in);
    pres->rep_out = HTAtom_for(representation_out);
    pres->converter = converter;
    pres->command = NULL;		/* Fixed */
    pres->quality = quality;
    pres->secs = secs;
    pres->secs_per_byte = secs_per_byte;
    pres->command = 0;

/*    if (!HTPresentations) HTPresentations = HTList_new();  */

#ifdef OLD_CODE
    if (strcmp(representation_in, "*")==0) {
        if (default_presentation) free(default_presentation);
	default_presentation = pres;
    } else
    HTList_addObject(conversions, pres);
Exemplo n.º 4
/*	Define a presentation system command for a content-type
**	-------------------------------------------------------
PUBLIC void HTSetPresentation ARGS5(
	WWW_CONST char *, representation,
	WWW_CONST char *, command,
	float,	quality,
	float,	secs, 
	float,	secs_per_byte

    HTPresentation * pres = (HTPresentation *)malloc(sizeof(HTPresentation));
    pres->rep = HTAtom_for(representation);
    pres->rep_out = WWW_PRESENT;		/* Fixed for now ... :-) */
    pres->converter = HTSaveAndExecute;		/* Fixed for now ...     */
    pres->quality = quality;
    pres->secs = secs;
    pres->secs_per_byte = secs_per_byte;
    pres->rep = HTAtom_for(representation);
    pres->command = 0;
    StrAllocCopy(pres->command, command);
    if (!HTPresentations) HTPresentations = HTList_new();
    if (strcmp(representation, "*")==0) {
        if (default_presentation) free(default_presentation);
	default_presentation = pres;
    } else {
        HTList_addObjectAtEnd(HTPresentations, pres);
Exemplo n.º 5
/*	Define a built-in function for a content-type
**	---------------------------------------------
PUBLIC void HTSetConversion ARGS6(
	WWW_CONST char *, representation_in,
	WWW_CONST char *, representation_out,
	HTConverter*,	converter,
	float,	quality,
	float,	secs, 
	float,	secs_per_byte

    HTPresentation * pres = (HTPresentation *)malloc(sizeof(HTPresentation));
    pres->rep = HTAtom_for(representation_in);
    pres->rep_out = HTAtom_for(representation_out);
    pres->converter = converter;
    pres->command = NULL;		/* Fixed */
    pres->quality = quality;
    pres->secs = secs;
    pres->secs_per_byte = secs_per_byte;
    pres->command = 0;
    if (!HTPresentations) HTPresentations = HTList_new();
    if (strcmp(representation_in, "*")==0) {
        if (default_presentation) free(default_presentation);
	default_presentation = pres;
    } else {
        HTList_addObject(HTPresentations, pres);
Exemplo n.º 6
/*	Define a presentation system command for a content-type
**	-------------------------------------------------------
PUBLIC void HTSetPresentation ARGS6(
	HTList *,	conversions,
	CONST char *, 	representation,
	CONST char *, 	command,
	float,		quality,
	float,		secs,
	float,		secs_per_byte

    HTPresentation * pres = (HTPresentation *)malloc(sizeof(HTPresentation));
    if (pres == NULL) outofmem(__FILE__, "HTSetPresentation");

    pres->rep = HTAtom_for(representation);
    pres->rep_out = WWW_PRESENT;		/* Fixed for now ... :-) */
    pres->converter = HTSaveAndExecute;		/* Fixed for now ...     */
    pres->quality = quality;
    pres->secs = secs;
    pres->secs_per_byte = secs_per_byte;
    pres->rep = HTAtom_for(representation);
    pres->command = 0;
    StrAllocCopy(pres->command, command);

/*    if (!HTPresentations) HTPresentations = HTList_new(); */

#ifdef OLD_CODE
    if (strcmp(representation, "*")==0) {
        if (default_presentation) free(default_presentation);
	default_presentation = pres;
    } else
    HTList_addObject(conversions, pres);
Exemplo n.º 7
/*	Define a presentation system command for a content-type
**	-------------------------------------------------------
**	conversions:	The list of conveters and presenters
**	representation:	the MIME-style format name
**	command:	the MAILCAP-style command template
**	quality:	A degradation faction [0..1]
**	maxbytes:	A limit on the length acceptable as input (0 infinite)
**	maxsecs:	A limit on the time user will wait (0 for infinity)
PUBLIC void HTPresentation_add (HTList *	conversions,
				const char *	representation,
				const char *	command,
				const char *	test_command,
				double		quality,
				double		secs, 
				double		secs_per_byte)
    HTPresentation * pres;
    if (presentation_converter) {
	if ((pres = (HTPresentation  *) HT_CALLOC(1,sizeof(HTPresentation))) == NULL)
        pres->rep = HTAtom_for(representation);
	pres->rep_out = WWW_PRESENT;		/* Fixed for now ... :-) */
	pres->converter = presentation_converter;
	pres->quality = quality;
	pres->secs = secs;
	pres->secs_per_byte = secs_per_byte;
	pres->rep = HTAtom_for(representation);
	pres->command = NULL;
	StrAllocCopy(pres->command, command);
	pres->test_command = NULL;
	StrAllocCopy(pres->test_command, test_command);
	HTTRACE(CORE_TRACE, "Presentation Adding `%s\' with quality %.2f\n" _ 
		    command _ quality);
	HTList_addObject(conversions, pres);
Exemplo n.º 8
PUBLIC int HTMIME_contentType (HTRequest * request, HTResponse * response,
			       char * token, char * value)
    char * field;
    if ((field = HTNextField(&value)) != NULL) {

	/* Get the Content-Type */
        char *lc = field;
	while ((*lc = TOLOWER(*lc))) lc++; 
	HTResponse_setFormat(response, HTAtom_for(field));

	/* Get all the parameters to the Content-Type */
	    char * param;
	    while ((field = HTNextField(&value)) != NULL &&
		   (param = HTNextField(&value)) != NULL) {
		lc = field;
		while ((*lc = TOLOWER(*lc))) lc++;
		lc = param;
		while ((*lc = TOLOWER(*lc))) lc++;
		HTResponse_addFormatParam(response, field, param);
    return HT_OK;
Exemplo n.º 9
**  Charset parameter to Content-Type
PUBLIC HTCharset HTResponse_charset (HTResponse * me)
    if (me && me->type_parameters) {
        char * charset = HTAssocList_findObject(me->type_parameters,"charset");
        return HTAtom_for(charset);
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 10
**	Level parameter to Content-Type
PUBLIC HTLevel HTAnchor_level (HTParentAnchor * me)
    if (me && me->type_parameters) {
	char * level = HTAssocList_findObject(me->type_parameters, "level");
	return HTAtom_for(level);
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 11
PUBLIC int HTMIME_contentTransferEncoding (HTRequest * request, HTResponse * response,
					   char * token, char * value)
    char * field;
    if ((field = HTNextField(&value)) != NULL) {
        char *lc = field;
	while ((*lc = TOLOWER(*lc))) lc++;
	HTResponse_setContentTransferEncoding(response, HTAtom_for(field));
    return HT_OK;
Exemplo n.º 12
PRIVATE HTRequest * create_request (void) {
    HTRequest * me = HTRequest_new();

    /* set output and debug streans */
    HTRequest_setOutputStream(me, HTFWriter_new(me, stdout, YES));
    HTRequest_setDebugStream(me, HTFWriter_new(me, stderr, YES));


    return me;
Exemplo n.º 13
/*	Define a built-in function for a content-type
**	---------------------------------------------
PUBLIC void HTConversion_add (HTList *		conversions,
			      const char *	representation_in,
			      const char *	representation_out,
			      HTConverter *	converter,
			      double		quality,
			      double		secs, 
			      double		secs_per_byte)
    HTPresentation * pres;
    if ((pres = (HTPresentation*) HT_CALLOC(1,sizeof(HTPresentation))) == NULL)
    pres->rep = HTAtom_for(representation_in);
    pres->rep_out = HTAtom_for(representation_out);
    pres->converter = converter;
    pres->command = NULL;		/* Fixed */
    pres->test_command = NULL;
    pres->quality = quality;
    pres->secs = secs;
    pres->secs_per_byte = secs_per_byte;
    HTTRACE(CORE_TRACE, "Conversions. Adding %p with quality %.2f\n" _ 
		converter _ quality);
    HTList_addObject(conversions, pres);
Exemplo n.º 14
** LOCK requests
PRIVATE BOOL lock_request (Cmdline * arg) {

    HTDAVHeaders * headers = HTDAVHeaders_new();
    HTRequest * request = create_request ();
    HTAnchor * dst = HTAnchor_findAddress(arg->request_uri);
    HTParentAnchor * src = NULL;
    HTParentAnchor * base = NULL;
    BOOL status = NO;
    char * data = NULL;
    if (arg->I) {
        HTPrint ("Adding If header %s\n",arg->I);
        HTDAV_setIfHeader (headers,arg->I);

    if (arg->arg1)  {
        data = create_body (arg->arg1);
        HTPrint ("xml body  %s\n",data);
        /* chose the func */
        if (arg->func==1) {
            src = HTTmpAnchor(NULL);
            HTAnchor_setDocument(src, data);
            HTAnchor_setFormat(src, HTAtom_for ("text/xml"));
            HTAnchor_setLength(src, strlen(data));

    if (arg->base_str && *(arg->base_str)) 
        base = (HTParentAnchor *) HTAnchor_findAddress(arg->base_str);

    if (arg->D) HTDAV_setDepthHeader (headers,arg->D);
    if (arg->T) HTDAV_setTimeoutHeader (headers,arg->T);

    HTPrint ("function %d src? %s\n",arg->func,(src)?"yes":"no");

    switch (arg->func) {
        case 1: status = HTLOCKDocumentAnchor (request,dst,src,headers);
        case 2: status = HTLOCKAnchor (request,dst,data,headers);
        case 3: status = HTLOCKAbsolute (request,arg->request_uri,data,headers);
        case 4: status = HTLOCKRelative (request,arg->request_uri,base,data,headers);

    return status;
Exemplo n.º 15
PUBLIC void HTAcceptLanguage ARGS3(HTList *,	list,
				   char *,	lang,
				   float,	quality)
    HTAcceptNode * node;

    if (!list || !lang || !*lang) return;

    node = (HTAcceptNode*)calloc(1, sizeof(HTAcceptNode));
    if (!node) outofmem(__FILE__, "HTAcceptLanguage");

    HTList_addObject(list, (void*)node);
    node->atom = HTAtom_for(lang);
    node->quality = quality;
Exemplo n.º 16
/*	Define a built-in function for a content-type
**	---------------------------------------------
PUBLIC void HTSetConversion ARGS7(
	CONST char *,	representation_in,
	CONST char *,	representation_out,
	HTConverter*,	converter,
	float,		quality,
	float,		secs,
	float,		secs_per_byte,
	long int,	maxbytes)
    HTPresentation * pres = typecalloc(HTPresentation);
    if (pres == NULL)
	outofmem(__FILE__, "HTSetConversion");

    pres->rep = HTAtom_for(representation_in);
    pres->rep_out = HTAtom_for(representation_out);
    pres->converter = converter;
    pres->command = NULL;		/* Fixed */
    pres->quality = quality;
    pres->secs = secs;
    pres->secs_per_byte = secs_per_byte;
    pres->maxbytes = maxbytes;
    pres->command = NULL;

     *	Memory Leak fixed.
     *	05-28-94 Lynx 2-3-1 Garrett Arch Blythe
    if (!HTPresentations)	{
	HTPresentations = HTList_new();

    HTList_addObject(HTPresentations, pres);
Exemplo n.º 17
/*	Determine file format from file name -- string version
**	------------------------------------------------------
PUBLIC char *HTFileMimeType ARGS2 (
			WWW_CONST char *,	filename,
                        WWW_CONST char *,   default_type)
  HTAtom *pencoding;
  HTFormat format;
  int compressed;

  format = HTFileFormat (filename, &pencoding, HTAtom_for (default_type),

  if (HTAtom_name (format))
    return HTAtom_name (format);
    return default_type;
Exemplo n.º 18
PUBLIC void HTLanguage_add (HTList *		list,
			    const char *	lang,
			    double		quality)
    HTAcceptNode * node;
    if (!list || !lang || !*lang)  {
	HTTRACE(CORE_TRACE, "Languages... Bad argument\n");
    if ((node = (HTAcceptNode *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTAcceptNode))) == NULL)

    HTList_addObject(list, (void*)node);
    node->atom = HTAtom_for(lang);
    node->quality = quality;
Exemplo n.º 19
PUBLIC void HTCharset_add (HTList *		list,
			   const char *		charset,
			   double		quality)
    HTAcceptNode * node;
    if (!list || !charset || !*charset)  {
	HTTRACE(CORE_TRACE, "Charset..... Bad argument\n");
    if ((node = (HTAcceptNode *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTAcceptNode))) == NULL)

    HTList_addObject(list, (void*)node);
    node->atom = HTAtom_for(charset);
    node->quality = quality;
Exemplo n.º 20
** MOVE requests
PRIVATE BOOL move_request ( Cmdline * arg ) { 
    HTDAVHeaders * headers = HTDAVHeaders_new();
    HTRequest * request = create_request ();
    HTAnchor * src = HTAnchor_findAddress(arg->request_uri);
    HTParentAnchor * body = NULL;
    HTParentAnchor * base = NULL;
    BOOL status = NO;
    if (arg->arg1) {
       HTPrint ("Adding Destination header %s\n",arg->arg1);
       HTDAV_setDestinationHeader (headers,arg->arg1);
    if (arg->I) {
       HTPrint ("Adding If header %s\n",arg->I);
       HTDAV_setIfHeader (headers,arg->I);

    /* chose the func */
    if (arg->func==2 && arg->arg2 ) {
        body = HTTmpAnchor(NULL);
        HTAnchor_setDocument(body, arg->arg2);
        HTAnchor_setFormat(body, HTAtom_for ("text/xml"));
        HTAnchor_setLength(body, strlen(arg->arg2));                

    if (arg->base_str && *(arg->base_str)) 
        base = (HTParentAnchor *) HTAnchor_findAddress(arg->base_str);

    if (arg->D) HTDAV_setDepthHeader (headers,arg->D);
    if (arg->O == 'T') HTDAV_setOverwriteHeader (headers,YES);
    else if (arg->O == 'F') HTDAV_setOverwriteHeader (headers,NO);

    switch (arg->func) {
        case 1: status = HTMOVEAnchor (request,src,arg->arg2,headers);
        case 2: status = HTMOVEDocumentAnchor (request,src,body,headers);
        case 3: status = HTMOVEAbsolute (request,arg->request_uri,arg->arg2, headers);
        case 4: status = HTMOVERelative (request,arg->request_uri,base,arg->arg2,headers);

    return status;
Exemplo n.º 21
** PROPFIND requests
PRIVATE BOOL propfind_request (Cmdline * arg) {
    BOOL status = NO;
    HTDAVHeaders * headers = HTDAVHeaders_new();
    HTRequest * request = create_request ();
    HTAnchor * dst = HTAnchor_findAddress(arg->request_uri);
    HTParentAnchor *base = NULL;
    HTParentAnchor *src = NULL;
    char * xmlbody = NULL;

    /* chose the func */
    HTPrint ("should we set the xml body?\n");
    if (arg->arg1 && *(arg->arg1)) {
        if (!strcasecomp (arg->arg1,"allprop") || !strcasecomp (arg->arg1,"propname")) 
            xmlbody = create_propbody (arg->arg1);
            xmlbody = arg->arg1;
        HTPrint ("xml body %s\n",xmlbody);        
    if (arg->func==2 && xmlbody && *xmlbody) {
        src = HTTmpAnchor(NULL);
        HTAnchor_setDocument(src, xmlbody);
        HTAnchor_setFormat(src, HTAtom_for ("text/xml"));
        HTAnchor_setLength(src, strlen(xmlbody));                

    if (arg->base_str && *(arg->base_str)) 
        base = (HTParentAnchor *) HTAnchor_findAddress(arg->base_str);

    HTPrint ("setting headers\n");
    if (arg->D) HTDAV_setDepthHeader (headers,arg->D);

    switch (arg->func) {
        case 1: status = HTPROPFINDAnchor (request,dst,xmlbody,headers);
        case 2: status = HTPROPFINDDocumentAnchor (request,dst,src,headers);
        case 3: status = HTPROPFINDAbsolute (request,arg->request_uri,xmlbody,headers);
        case 4: status = HTPROPFINDRelative (request,arg->request_uri,base,xmlbody,headers);

    return status;
Exemplo n.º 22
** PROPPATCH requests
PRIVATE BOOL proppatch_request (Cmdline * arg) {
    BOOL status = NO;
    HTDAVHeaders * headers = HTDAVHeaders_new();
    HTRequest * request = create_request ();
    HTAnchor * dst = HTAnchor_findAddress(arg->request_uri);
    HTParentAnchor *base = NULL;
    HTParentAnchor *src = NULL;
    char * xmlbody = NULL;
    if (arg->arg1 && *(arg->arg1)) 
        xmlbody = arg->arg1;        
        return NO;
    HTPrint ("xml body **%s**\n",xmlbody);        
    if (arg->func==2) {
        src = HTTmpAnchor(NULL);
        HTAnchor_setDocument(src, xmlbody);
        HTAnchor_setFormat(src, HTAtom_for ("text/xml"));
        HTAnchor_setLength(src, strlen(xmlbody));                

    if (arg->base_str && *(arg->base_str)) 
        base = (HTParentAnchor *) HTAnchor_findAddress(arg->base_str);

    HTPrint ("setting headers\n");
    if (arg->I && *(arg->I)) {           
        HTPrint ("Adding If header %s\n",arg->I);
        HTDAV_setIfHeader (headers,arg->I);

    HTPrint ("Chosing func\n");
    switch (arg->func) {
        case 1: status = HTPROPPATCHAnchor (request,dst,xmlbody,headers);
        case 2: status = HTPROPPATCHDocumentAnchor (request,dst,src,headers);
        case 3: status = HTPROPPATCHAbsolute (request,arg->request_uri,xmlbody,headers);
        case 4: status = HTPROPPATCHRelative (request,arg->request_uri,base,xmlbody,headers);

    return status;
Exemplo n.º 23
**	Content Language
PUBLIC HTList * HTAnchor_language (HTParentAnchor * me)
    if (me) {
	if (me->content_language == NULL && me->headers) {
	    char * value = HTAssocList_findObject(me->headers, "content-language");
	    char * field;
	    if (!me->content_language) me->content_language = HTList_new();
	    while ((field = HTNextField(&value)) != NULL) {
		char * lc = field;
		while ((*lc = TOLOWER(*lc))) lc++;
		HTList_addObject(me->content_language, HTAtom_for(field));
	return me->content_language;
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 24
PUBLIC void HTAcceptEncoding ARGS3(HTList *,	list,
				   char *,	enc,
				   float,	quality)
    HTAcceptNode * node;
    char * cur;

    if (!list || !enc || !*enc) return;

    for(cur=enc; *cur; cur++) *cur=TOLOWER(*cur);

    node = (HTAcceptNode*)calloc(1, sizeof(HTAcceptNode));
    if (!node) outofmem(__FILE__, "HTAcceptEncoding");
    HTList_addObject(list, (void*)node);

    node->atom = HTAtom_for(enc);
    node->quality = quality;
Exemplo n.º 25
int LYLoadKeymap( char *arg, HTParentAnchor *anAnchor, HTFormat format_out, HTStream *sink )
  HTFormat format_in = HTAtom_for( "text/html" );
  HTStream *target;
  char *buf = 0;
  int i;
  target = HTStreamStack( format_in, format_out, &sink[0]._HTStream, anAnchor );
  if ( target == 0 || target == 0 )
    HTSprintf0( &buf, gettext( "Sorry, no known way of converting %s to %s." ), format_in->name, format_out->name );
    HTAlert( buf );
    if ( buf )
      free( buf );
      buf = 0;
    return -29999;
    anAnchor->no_cache = 1;
    HTSprintf0( &buf, "&lt;html&gt;\n&lt;head&gt;\n&lt;title&gt;%s&lt;/title&gt;\n&lt;/head&gt;\n&lt;body&gt;\n", gettext( "Current Key Map" ) );
    ebx( target, buf, strlen( buf ) );
    HTSprintf0( &buf, "&lt;pre&gt;\n" );
    ebx( target, buf, strlen( buf ) );
    i = 98;
    for ( ; i <= 123; i++ )
      print_binding( target, i, 1 );
      // i++;
    i = 1;
    for ( ; i <= 660; i++ )
      if ( ( i > 127 || i <= 32 || !( *(short*)(*(int*)(__ctype_b_loc( )) + ( ( i + -1 ) * 2 )) & 1024 ) ) && ( LYUseMouse || keymap[ i ] != 84 ) )
        print_binding( target, i, 0 );
      // i++;
    HTSprintf0( &buf, "&lt;/pre&gt;\n&lt;/body&gt;\n&lt;/html&gt;\n" );
    ebx( target, buf, strlen( buf ) );
Exemplo n.º 26
/*		Find the cost of a filter stack
**		-------------------------------
**	Must return the cost of the same stack which StreamStack would set up.
** On entry,
**	length	The size of the data to be converted
PUBLIC float HTStackValue ARGS4(
	HTFormat,		format_in,
	HTFormat,		rep_out,
	float,			initial_value,
	long int,		length)
    HTAtom * wildcard = HTAtom_for("*");

    if (www2Trace) fprintf(stderr,
    	"HTFormat: Evaluating stream stack for %s worth %.3f to %s\n",
	HTAtom_name(format_in),	initial_value,
    if (rep_out == WWW_SOURCE ||
    	rep_out == format_in) return 0.0;

    if (!HTPresentations) HTFormatInit();	/* set up the list */
	int n = HTList_count(HTPresentations);
	int i;
	HTPresentation * pres;
	for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
	    pres = HTList_objectAt(HTPresentations, i);
	    if (pres->rep == format_in && (
	    		pres->rep_out == rep_out ||
			pres->rep_out == wildcard)) {
	        float value = initial_value * pres->quality;
		if (HTMaxSecs != 0.0)
		value = value - (length*pres->secs_per_byte + pres->secs)
		return value;
    return -1e30;		/* Really bad */

Exemplo n.º 27
PUBLIC BOOL HTCoding_add (HTList * 	list,
			  const char *	encoding,
			  HTCoder *	encoder,
			  HTCoder *	decoder,
			  double	quality)
    if (list && encoding && (encoder || decoder)) {
	HTCoding * me;
	if ((me = (HTCoding *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTCoding))) == NULL)
	me->encoding = HTAtom_for(encoding);
	me->encoder = encoder;
	me->decoder = decoder;
	me->quality = quality;
	HTTRACE(CORE_TRACE, "Codings..... Adding %s with quality %.2f\n" _ 
		    encoding _ quality);
	return HTList_addObject(list, (void *) me);
    HTTRACE(CORE_TRACE, "Codings..... Bad argument\n");
    return NO;
Exemplo n.º 28
/*	Define a presentation system command for a content-type
**	-------------------------------------------------------
PUBLIC void HTSetPresentation ARGS6(
	CONST char *,	representation,
	CONST char *,	command,
	double,		quality,
	double,		secs,
	double,		secs_per_byte,
	long int,	maxbytes)
    HTPresentation * pres = typecalloc(HTPresentation);
    if (pres == NULL)
	outofmem(__FILE__, "HTSetPresentation");

    pres->rep = HTAtom_for(representation);
    pres->rep_out = WWW_PRESENT;		/* Fixed for now ... :-) */
    pres->converter = HTSaveAndExecute;		/* Fixed for now ...	 */
    pres->quality = (float) quality;
    pres->secs = (float) secs;
    pres->secs_per_byte = (float) secs_per_byte;
    pres->maxbytes = maxbytes;
    pres->command = NULL;
    StrAllocCopy(pres->command, command);

     *	Memory leak fixed.
     *	05-28-94 Lynx 2-3-1 Garrett Arch Blythe
    if (!HTPresentations)	{
	HTPresentations = HTList_new();

    if (strcmp(representation, "*")==0) {
	default_presentation = pres;
    } else {
	HTList_addObject(HTPresentations, pres);
Exemplo n.º 29
PRIVATE int HTGuess_flush (HTStream * me)
    if (!me->transparent) {
	HTResponse * response = me->response;

	**  First we look for magic tokens and evaluate the contents of the buffer
	**  that we are investigating. 
	if (me->cnt) {
	    HTTRACE(STREAM_TRACE, "GUESSING.... Result of content analysis: Text=%d%% Newlines=%d%% Ctrl=%d%% High=%d%%\n" _ 
			(int)(100*me->text_cnt/me->cnt + 0.5) _ 
			(int)(100*me->lf_cnt  /me->cnt + 0.5) _ 
			(int)(100*me->ctrl_cnt/me->cnt + 0.5) _ 
			(int)(100*me->high_cnt/me->cnt + 0.5));
	if (!me->ctrl_cnt ||
	    me->text_cnt + me->lf_cnt >= 16 * (me->ctrl_cnt + me->high_cnt)) {
	    char *ptr;
	    /* some kind of text */
	    *me->write_ptr = 0;	/* terminate buffer */
	    if (me->high_cnt > 0)
		HTResponse_setContentTransferEncoding(response, WWW_CODING_8BIT);
		HTResponse_setContentTransferEncoding(response, WWW_CODING_7BIT);
	    if (is_html(me->buffer))
		HTResponse_setFormat(response, HTAtom_for("text/html"));
	    else if (!strncmp(me->buffer, "%!", 2))
		HTResponse_setFormat(response, HTAtom_for("application/postscript"));
	    else if (strstr(me->buffer, "#define") &&
		     strstr(me->buffer, "_width") &&
		     strstr(me->buffer, "_bits"))
		HTResponse_setFormat(response, HTAtom_for("image/x-xbitmap"));
	    else if ((ptr = strstr(me->buffer, "converted with BinHex"))!=NULL)
		HTResponse_setContentTransferEncoding(response, WWW_CODING_MACBINHEX);

	    else if (!strncmp(me->buffer, "begin ", 6))
		HTResponse_setContentTransferEncoding(response, WWW_CODING_BASE64);

		HTResponse_setFormat(response, WWW_PLAINTEXT);
	else {
	    if (!strncmp(me->buffer, "GIF", 3))
		HTResponse_setFormat(response, WWW_GIF);

	    else if (!strncmp(me->buffer, "\377\330\377\340", 4))
		HTResponse_setFormat(response, WWW_JPEG);

	    else if (!strcmp(me->buffer, "MM"))	/* MM followed by a zero */
		HTResponse_setFormat(response, WWW_TIFF);

 	    else if (!strncmp(me->buffer, "\211PNG\r\n\032\n", 8))
 		HTResponse_setFormat(response, WWW_PNG);

	    else if (!strncmp(me->buffer, ".snd", 4))
		HTResponse_setFormat(response, WWW_AUDIO);

	    else if (!strncmp(me->buffer, "\037\235", 2))
		HTResponse_addEncoding(response, WWW_CODING_COMPRESS);

	    else if (!strncmp(me->buffer, "\037\213", 2))
		HTResponse_addEncoding(response, WWW_CODING_GZIP);

		HTResponse_setFormat(response, WWW_BINARY);
	**  If we couldn't find any magic tokens then we try and look at the suffix
	**  of the URL file name and use our own bindings to see if that gives any
	**  results.
	if (HTResponse_format(response) == WWW_UNKNOWN) {
	    HTParentAnchor * anchor = HTRequest_anchor(me->request);
	    char * addr = HTAnchor_physical(anchor);
	    HTTRACE(STREAM_TRACE, "GUESSING.... Hmm - trying local bindings\n");
	    HTBind_getResponseBindings (response, addr);

	**  If nothing worked then give up and say binary...
	if (HTResponse_format(response) == WWW_UNKNOWN) {
	    HTTRACE(STREAM_TRACE, "GUESSING.... That's it - I'm giving up!\n");
	    HTResponse_setFormat(response, WWW_BINARY);
	HTTRACE(STREAM_TRACE, "Guessed..... Content-Type `%s\'\n" _ HTAtom_name(HTResponse_format(response)));

	**  Set up the new stream stack with the type we figured out 
	if ((me->target = HTStreamStack(HTResponse_format(response),
					me->output_format, me->output_stream,
					me->request, NO)) == NULL) {
	    HTTRACE(STREAM_TRACE, "HTGuess..... Can't convert media type\n");
	    me->target = HTErrorStream();
	me->transparent = YES;
	return PUT_BLOCK(me->buffer, me->cnt);
    return HT_OK;
Exemplo n.º 30
/*		Create a filter stack
**		---------------------
**	If a wildcard match is made, a temporary HTPresentation
**	structure is made to hold the destination format while the
**	new stack is generated. This is just to pass the out format to
**	MIME so far.  Storing the format of a stream in the stream might
**	be a lot neater.
PUBLIC HTStream * HTStreamStack ARGS5(
	HTFormat,		format_in,
	HTFormat,		rep_out,
        int,                    compressed,
	HTStream*,		sink,
	HTParentAnchor*,	anchor)
  HTAtom * wildcard = HTAtom_for("*");
  HTPresentation temp;

  /* Inherit force_dump_to_file from mo-www.c. */
  extern int force_dump_to_file;

  if (www2Trace) 
            "[HTStreamStack] Constructing stream stack for %s to %s\n",
  if (www2Trace)
    fprintf (stderr,
             "               Compressed is %d\n", compressed);
  if (rep_out == WWW_SOURCE ||
      rep_out == format_in) 
      if (www2Trace)
        fprintf (stderr,
                 "[HTStreamStack] rep_out == WWW_SOURCE | rep_out == format_in; returning sink\n");
      return sink;
  if (!HTPresentations) 
    HTFormatInit();	/* set up the list */
  if (force_dump_to_file && format_in != WWW_MIME)
      return HTSaveAndExecute (NULL, anchor, sink, format_in, compressed);
    int n = HTList_count(HTPresentations);
    int i;
    HTPresentation * pres;
    for(i=0; i<n; i++) 
        pres = HTList_objectAt(HTPresentations, i);
        if (www2Trace)
            fprintf (stderr, "HTFormat: looking at pres '%s'\n",
                     HTAtom_name (pres->rep));
            if (pres->command)
              fprintf (stderr, "HTFormat: pres->command is '%s'\n",
              fprintf (stderr, "HTFormat: pres->command doesn't exist\n");
        if (pres->rep == format_in ||
            partial_wildcard_matches (pres->rep, format_in))
            if (pres->command && strstr (pres->command, "mosaic-internal-present"))
                if (www2Trace)
                  fprintf (stderr, "[HTStreamStack] HEY HEY HEY caught internal-present\n");
                return HTPlainPresent (pres, anchor, sink, format_in, compressed);
            if (pres->rep_out == rep_out)
                if (www2Trace)
                  fprintf (stderr,
                           "[HTStreamStack] pres->rep_out == rep_out\n");
                return (*pres->converter)(pres, anchor, sink, format_in, compressed);
            if (pres->rep_out == wildcard) 
                if (www2Trace)
                  fprintf (stderr,
                           "[HTStreamStack] pres->rep_out == wildcard\n");
                temp = *pres;/* make temp conversion to needed fmt */
                temp.rep_out = rep_out;		/* yuk */
                return (*pres->converter)(&temp, anchor, sink, format_in, compressed);

  if (www2Trace)
      fprintf (stderr, "[HTStreamStack] Returning NULL at bottom.\n");
  return NULL;