Exemplo n.º 1
const std::string ComputationNodeBase::ShapeDescription() const
    return msra::strfun::strprintf("[%s%s%ls]",
        HasMBLayout() ? " x " : "",
        HasMBLayout() ? GetMBLayout()->GetAxisName() : L"");
/*virtual*/ void GatherPackedNode<ElemType>::Validate(bool isFinalValidationPass) /*override*/

    // inherit MBLayout from indexData
    m_pMBLayout = Input(INDEXDATA)->GetMBLayout();
    if (isFinalValidationPass && (!Input(INDEXDATA)->HasMBLayout()))
        LogicError("%ls requires first argument (index data) to have a time dimension.", NodeDescription().c_str());

    bool sourceHasTimeDimension = Input(SOURCEDATA)->HasMBLayout();

    if (isFinalValidationPass && Input(INDEXDATA)->GetSampleLayout().GetNumElements() != 1)
        InvalidArgument("%ls requires the first argument (index data) to be a scalar time sequence.", NodeDescription().c_str());

    // inherit tensor dimension from sourceData, minus the last (column or time) dimension. TODO this needs to become simpler...
    if (sourceHasTimeDimension)
        SetDims(Input(SOURCEDATA)->GetSampleLayout(), HasMBLayout());
        SmallVector<size_t> layout = { 1 }; // Scalar
        if (Input(SOURCEDATA)->GetSampleLayout().GetRank() > 1)
            auto srcLayout = Input(SOURCEDATA)->GetSampleLayout().GetDims();
            layout.assign(srcLayout.begin(), srcLayout.end() - 1);
        SetDims(TensorShape(layout), HasMBLayout());
Exemplo n.º 3
// binary zip operation, e.g. Plus
// If allowBroadcast then one can be a sub-dimension of the other (if layout then only for rows, otherwise for cols, too).
// This also helpfully resizes the children if not yet sized.
void ComputationNodeBase::ValidateBinaryZip(bool isFinalValidationPass, bool allowBroadcast)
    assert(m_inputs.size() == 2);


    if (isFinalValidationPass)
        ValidateMBLayout(Input(0), Input(1));

    // result has tensor shape with dimensions being the max over both
    let shape0 = GetInputSampleLayout(0);
    let shape1 = GetInputSampleLayout(1);
    SmallVector<size_t> dims = shape0.GetDims();
    if (shape1.GetRank() > dims.size())
        dims.resize(shape1.GetRank(), 1); // pad with ones

    // If rank of [0] is higher than we only need to take max over rank [1].
    // If rank of [1] is higher then we have padded to equal lentgh.
    for (size_t k = 0; k < shape1.GetRank(); k++)
        size_t dim1 = shape1[k];
        // BUGBUG: We must consider the allowBroadcast flag here.
        if (dims[k] <= 1 && dim1 != 0)                     // is [0] broadcasting (1) or unspecified (0)?
            dims[k] = dim1;                                // then use dimension we broadcast to
        else if (dim1 <= 1 && dims[k] != 0)                // if [1] is broadcasting or unspecified
            ;                                              // then dims is already correct
        else if (isFinalValidationPass && dim1 != dims[k]) // no broadcasting or unspecified: they must match
            InvalidArgument("%ls: Input dimensions [%s] and [%s] are not compatible.",
                            NodeDescription().c_str(), string(shape0).c_str(), string(shape1).c_str());

    SetDims(TensorShape(dims), HasMBLayout());
Exemplo n.º 4
// same as GetTensorSliceFor() except that 'fr' refers to a single column, and result will not have seq/time axes
// This is needed by TimesNode when the left argument has to be broken up into individual matrices/GEMM calls.
// To enable its first argument to have an MBLayout, it needs to un-pad if we have an MBLayout but only refer to a single sequence and time step.
TensorShape ComputationNodeBase::GetOneSampleTensorSliceFor(size_t rank, const FrameRange& fr) const
    TensorShape result = GetTensorSliceFor(rank, fr);
    // undo the adding of (seq, time) axes that was done by GetTensorShape()
    if (!fr.IsOneColumnWrt(GetMBLayout()))
        LogicError("GetOneSampleTensorSliceFor: Requires 'fr' to refer to a single sample.");
    if (HasMBLayout())
        result.TrimRankInPlace(rank); // Note: This function will verify once again that the extra dimensions have been reduced to [1 x 1]
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 5
// form the actual tensor that describes the full object
TensorShape ComputationNodeBase::GetTensorShape(size_t rank) const
    // If we have an MB layout then add the necessary sequence and time axes. If we have none, then absorb the column dimension.
    TensorShape tensorShape = GetSampleLayout(); // TODO: Do we need to expect this tensor to have arbitrary strides? In case it came out of a Slice, Reshape, or Transpose op in-place?
    if (HasMBLayout())
        size_t i = (rank != SIZE_MAX) ? rank : tensorShape.GetRank();
        tensorShape.AppendInPlace(i++, GetMBLayout()->GetNumParallelSequences());
        tensorShape.AppendInPlace(i++, GetMBLayout()->GetNumTimeSteps());
    return tensorShape;
/*virtual*/ void PackedIndexNode<ElemType>::Validate(bool isFinalValidationPass) /*override*/

    // inherit both MBLayout and sample dimension (scalar) from indexData
    // Because we map (per-seq) index sequence to (packed) index sequence. Target is only for index calculation.
    m_pMBLayout = Input(INDEXDATA)->GetMBLayout();
    if (isFinalValidationPass && (!Input(INDEXDATA)->HasMBLayout() || !Input(SOURCEDATA)->HasMBLayout()))
        LogicError("%ls %ls operation requires both inputs to be minibatch data (must have MBLayouts).", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str());

    if (isFinalValidationPass && Input(INDEXDATA)->GetSampleLayout().GetNumElements() != 1)
        InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation requires the second argument (indexData) to be a scalar sequence.", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str());

    SetDims(Input(INDEXDATA)->GetSampleLayout(), HasMBLayout());
Exemplo n.º 7
/*virtual*/ void GatherPackedNode<ElemType>::Validate(bool isFinalValidationPass) /*override*/

    // inherit MBLayout from indexData
    m_pMBLayout = Input(INDEXDATA)->GetMBLayout();
    if (isFinalValidationPass && (!Input(INDEXDATA)->HasMBLayout() || !Input(SOURCEDATA)->HasMBLayout()))
        LogicError("%ls %ls operation requires both inputs to be minibatch data (must have MBLayouts).", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str());

    if (isFinalValidationPass && Input(INDEXDATA)->GetSampleLayout().GetNumElements() != 1)
        InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation requires the first argument (indexData) to be a scalar sequence.", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str());

    // inherit tensor dimension from sourceData
    SetDims(Input(SOURCEDATA)->GetSampleLayout(), HasMBLayout());
/*virtual*/ void ScatterPackedNode<ElemType>::Validate(bool isFinalValidationPass) /*override*/

    // inherit MBLayout from layoutData (that's the only thing we use it for)
    m_pMBLayout = Input(LAYOUTDATA)->GetMBLayout();
    if (isFinalValidationPass && (!Input(LAYOUTDATA)->HasMBLayout() || !Input(INDEXDATA)->HasMBLayout() || !Input(SOURCEDATA)->HasMBLayout()))
        LogicError("%ls %ls operation requires all inputs to be minibatch data (must have MBLayouts).", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str());

    if (isFinalValidationPass && Input(INDEXDATA)->GetSampleLayout().GetNumElements() != 1)
        InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation requires the second argument (indexData) to be a scalar sequence.", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str());

    // TODO: We also know that indexData and sourceData must have the same MBLayout. But that is checked at runtime.

    // inherit tensor dimension from sourceData
    SetDims(Input(SOURCEDATA)->GetSampleLayout(), HasMBLayout());
Exemplo n.º 9
// binary zip operation, e.g. Plus
// If allowBroadcast then one can be a sub-dimension of the other (if layout then only for rows, otherwise for cols, too).
// This also helpfully resizes the children if not yet sized.
void ComputationNodeBase::ValidateBinaryZip(bool isFinalValidationPass, bool allowBroadcast)
    assert(m_inputs.size() == 2);


    if (isFinalValidationPass &&
        Input(0)->GetMBLayout() != Input(1)->GetMBLayout() && Input(0)->HasMBLayout() && Input(1)->HasMBLayout())
        LogicError("%ls: Minibatch layouts are not the same between arguments and might get out of sync during runtime. If this is by design, use ReconcileDynamicAxis() to forward layouts between nodes.", NodeDescription().c_str());

    // result has tensor shape with dimensions being the max over both
    let shape0 = GetInputSampleLayout(0);
    let shape1 = GetInputSampleLayout(1);
    SmallVector<size_t> dims = shape0.GetDims();
    if (shape1.GetRank() > dims.size())
        dims.resize(shape1.GetRank(), 1); // pad with ones

    // If rank of [0] is higher than we only need to take max over rank [1].
    // If rank of [1] is higher then we have padded to equal lentgh.
    for (size_t k = 0; k < shape1.GetRank(); k++)
        size_t dim1 = shape1[k];
        // BUGBUG: We must consider the allowBroadcast flag here.
        if (dims[k] == 1)                                  // is [0] broadcasting?
            dims[k] = dim1;                                // then use dimension we broadcast to
        else if (dim1 == 1)                                // if [1] is broadcasting
            ;                                              // dims is already correct
        else if (isFinalValidationPass && dim1 != dims[k]) // no broadcasting: they must match
            InvalidArgument("%ls: Input dimensions [%s] and [%s] are not compatible.",
                            NodeDescription().c_str(), string(shape0).c_str(), string(shape1).c_str());

    SetDims(TensorShape(dims), HasMBLayout());
Exemplo n.º 10
// N-nary zip operation, e.g. for TernaryZip for clip()
// If allowBroadcast then one can be a sub-dimension of the other (if layout then only for rows, otherwise for cols, too).
// This also helpfully resizes the children if not yet sized.
void ComputationNodeBase::ValidateNaryZip(bool isFinalValidationPass, bool allowBroadcast, size_t numInputs)
    assert(m_inputs.size() == numInputs);


    // check minibatch layout consistency for all possible pairs (n choose 2)
    if (isFinalValidationPass)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < numInputs; i++)
            for (size_t j = i + 1; j < numInputs; j++)
                ValidateMBLayout(Input(i), Input(j));

    // result has tensor shape with dimensions being the max over all inputs
    let shape0 = GetInputSampleLayout(0);

    // dims is max over all inputs
    size_t maxRank = shape0.GetRank();    
    for (size_t i = 1; i < numInputs; i++)
        let shape = GetInputSampleLayout(i);
        if (shape.GetRank() > maxRank)
            maxRank = shape.GetRank();
    SmallVector<size_t> dims = shape0.GetDims();
    dims.resize(maxRank, 1); // pad with 1

    // first check for invalid dimensions
    for (size_t k = 0; k < maxRank; k++)
        size_t maxDim = 0;
        TensorShape maxShape = shape0; // arbitrary; this is just used for the error message
        for (size_t i = 0; i < numInputs; i++)
            let currentShape = GetInputSampleLayout(i);
            size_t currentRank = currentShape.GetRank();
            // make sure that the rank of this input is bigger than the current index (otherwise, these are implied singleton dimensions that do not need to be checked)
            if (currentRank > k)
                size_t currentDim = currentShape[k];
                if (currentDim > 1 && maxDim != currentDim && maxDim > 1) // 1=broadcasting, 0=not known yet, meant to be inferred
                    InvalidArgument("%ls: Input dimensions [%s] and [%s] are not compatible.",
                        NodeDescription().c_str(), string(maxShape).c_str(), string(currentShape).c_str());
                else if (currentDim > maxDim)
                    maxDim = currentDim;
                    maxShape = currentShape;

    // now set up the right dims
    for (size_t k = 0; k < maxRank; k++)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < numInputs; i++)
            let shape = GetInputSampleLayout(i);

            if (shape.GetRank() > k)
                size_t dim = shape[k];
                if (dims[k] <= 1 && dim != 0)
                    dims[k] = dim;

    SetDims(TensorShape(dims), HasMBLayout());