bool Dictionary<K, V, FuncModel>::Add(const K& key, const V& value) { if (_size * 10 >= _capacity * 8)//载荷因子超过0.8,增容 { Dictionary<K, V, FuncModel> tmp(_capacity * 2 + 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < _capacity; ++i) { if (_state[i] == EXIST) { KV node(_table[i]._key, _table[i]._value); size_t adress = HashFunc(_table[i]._key); size_t index = adress; size_t flag = 0; while (tmp._state[index] == EXIST) { index = adress + flag*flag; while (index >= _capacity)//如果到了散列表的末尾,要返回表的头 { index -= _capacity; } flag++; } tmp._table[index] = node; tmp._size++; tmp._state[index] = EXIST; } } Swap(tmp); } size_t adress = HashFunc(key); size_t index = adress;//adress是不能变的,用index来标记最后的位置 size_t flag = 0; while (_state[index] == EXIST)//二次探测 { index = adress + flag*flag; while(index >= _capacity)//如果到了散列表的末尾,要返回表的头 { index -= _capacity; } flag++; } KV tmp(key, value); _table[index] = tmp; _state[index] = EXIST; _size++; return true; }
LSQ_IteratorT LSQ_GetElementByIndex(LSQ_HandleT handle, LSQ_KeyT key) { HashTableDataT* container = NULL; NodeT* node = NULL; assert(handle != LSQ_HandleInvalid); container = (HashTableDataT*)handle; for(node = container->buckets[HashFunc(container, key)]; node != NULL && container->keyCompFunc(node->key, key) != 0; node = node->next); return CreateIterator(container, node, node != NULL ? ITS_DEREFERENCABLE : ITS_PAST_REAR); }
CRezTyp* CRezTypeHashTable::Find(REZTYPE nType) { CRezTypeHash* pItm = GetFirstInBin(HashFunc(nType)); while (pItm != NULL) { ASSERT(pItm->GetRezTyp() != NULL); if (pItm->GetRezTyp()->GetType() == nType) return pItm->GetRezTyp(); pItm = pItm->NextInBin(); } return NULL; };
HashNode * HashInsert(Hash *h, void *v) { HashNode **b = HashFunc(h, v); HashNode *x = HashNew(v, h->keyLen); x->next = *b; *b = x; return x; }
TabRecord* ArrayHashTable:: Search (int key1) { pos = HashFunc(key1)%size; freePos = -1; for(int i=0; i<size; i++) if(recs[pos]==0) return 0; if (recs[pos]->GetKey()==key1) return recs[pos]; if((recs[pos]==pMark) && (freePos==-1)) freePos = pos; pos = SetNextPos(pos); return 0; }
// // Get value from hash // UINT_64 ReducedHashTable::Get(CCHAR_P szKey, const UINT_32 iKeyLength) const { // 1. Calculate hash const UINT_64 iHash = HashFunc(szKey, iKeyLength); // 2. Get position in array const UINT_64 iPos = iHash & iBase; // 3. Check hash value const HashElement & oElement = aElements[iPos]; // Mistake? if (iHash != oElement.hash) { return (UINT_64)-1; } return oElement.value; }
bool HashMap::find(string findStr)//if the element is in a map, returns true. Otherwise false. { auto str_hash = HashFunc(findStr); if ((int)str_hash > SIZE) return false; member* tmp = table[str_hash]; while (tmp != NULL) { if (tmp->key == findStr) return true; tmp = tmp->next; } return false; }
void HashTable<T>::DumpKeys() const { for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_size; ++i) { if (m_keys[i]) { int hash = HashFunc(m_keys[i]); int numCollisions = (i - hash + m_size) & m_mask; AppDebugOut("%03d: %s - %d\n", i, m_keys[i], numCollisions); } else { AppDebugOut("%03d: empty\n", i ); } } }
HashNode * HashSearch(Hash *h, void *v) { HashNode **b = HashFunc(h, v); HashNode *x = *b; while (x) { if (IsEqual(v, x)) { PRs(v); PRs(x->key); break; } x = x->next; } return x; }
void HashMap::showMember(string str) { if (!find(str)) return; auto str_hash = HashFunc(str); member* tmp = table[str_hash]; while (tmp != NULL) { if (tmp->key == str) break; tmp = tmp->next; } cout << " string: " << tmp->key << " str_hash: " << str_hash << " value: " << tmp->hashVal << endl; }
void LSQ_AdvanceOneElement(LSQ_IteratorT iterator) { NodeT* node = NULL; int index = 0; IteratorT* iter = NULL; assert(iterator != LSQ_HandleInvalid); iter = (IteratorT*)iterator; if(iter->status == ITS_PAST_REAR) return; if(iter->status == ITS_DEREFERENCABLE && iter->curNode->next != NULL) { iter->curNode = iter->curNode->next; return; } index = iter->status == ITS_DEREFERENCABLE ? HashFunc(iter->seq, iter->curNode->key) + 1 : 0; for(; index < BUCKETS_ARRAY_SIZE && iter->seq->buckets[index] == NULL; ++index); node = index < BUCKETS_ARRAY_SIZE ? iter->seq->buckets[index] : NULL; iter->curNode = node; iter->status = node == NULL ? ITS_PAST_REAR : ITS_DEREFERENCABLE; }
bool CSecurityCache::Add(SecCachStruct& sec,int style) { unsigned char uid = HashFunc(sec.filename); SecCachStruct *data = new SecCachStruct; memcpy(data->filename,sec.filename,sizeof(sec.filename)); memcpy(data->chkdata,sec.chkdata,sizeof(sec.chkdata)); if(style == 0) data->tag = 3;//表明新增 else data->tag = 4;//表明为学习的数据 m_secuBucket[uid].push_back(data); m_isChange = true;//表明新增 m_number ++; return true; }
size_t Dictionary<K, V, FuncModel>::Find(const K& key) { size_t adress = HashFunc(key); size_t index = adress; for (size_t flag = 0; flag < _capacity;) { if (_table[index]._key == key)//二次探测 { return index; } index = adress + flag*flag; while (index >= _capacity) { index -= _capacity; } flag++; } return -1; }
// // Put value into hash // UINT_32 HashTable::Put(CCHAR_P szKey, const UINT_32 iKeyLength, const UINT_64 iValue) { // 1. Calculate hash const UINT_64 iHash = HashFunc(szKey, iKeyLength); for (;;) { // 2. Get position in array const UINT_64 iPos = iHash & iBase; // 3. Check hash value HashElement & oElement = aElements[iPos]; // Duplicate! if (oElement.hash == iHash) { // is exact duplicate ? if(!strcmp(szKey, oElement.key)) { // yes, exact! Replace oElement.value = iValue; return 0; } else { // Need to Resize! Resize(); } } else { // Resize hash if (oElement.value != (UINT_64)-1) { Resize(); } else { ++iUsed; oElement.key = strdup(szKey); oElement.hash = iHash; oElement.value = iValue; return 0; } } } // Make compiler happy return (UINT_32)-1; }
int IsVariableDefinition(const std::string &a_expression) { bool found = false; int index; for (int i = 0; i < a_expression.length(); i++) { if (a_expression[i] == ':') { if (!found) { found = true; index = i; } else throw ExpressionError("Invalid assignment", new Token); } } if (found) { // parse int name_end = index - 1; while (a_expression[name_end] == ' ' && name_end >= 0) name_end--; if (name_end < 0) throw ExpressionError("Invalid variable definition", new Token); last_variable_name = a_expression.substr(0, name_end + 1); if (!isvalidname(last_variable_name) || isallupper(last_variable_name, true)) return 0; int value_start = index + 1; while (a_expression[value_start] == ' ' && value_start < a_expression.length()) value_start++; if (value_start == a_expression.length()) { G::variables.Remove(HashFunc(last_variable_name)); return 2; } last_variable_value = a_expression.substr(value_start); return 1; } return 0; }
CRezItm* CRezItmHashTableByName::Find(REZCNAME sName, BOOL bIgnoreCase) { ASSERT(sName != NULL); if (sName == NULL) return NULL; CRezItmHashByName* pItm = GetFirstInBin(HashFunc(sName)); if (bIgnoreCase) { while (pItm != NULL) { ASSERT(pItm->GetRezItm() != NULL); ASSERT(pItm->GetRezItm()->GetName() != NULL); if (stricmp(pItm->GetRezItm()->GetName(),sName) == 0) return pItm->GetRezItm(); pItm = pItm->NextInBin(); } } else { while (pItm != NULL) { ASSERT(pItm->GetRezItm() != NULL); ASSERT(pItm->GetRezItm()->GetName() != NULL); if (strcmp(pItm->GetRezItm()->GetName(),sName) == 0) return pItm->GetRezItm(); pItm = pItm->NextInBin(); } } return NULL; };
unsigned int HashTable<T>::GetInsertPos(char const *_key) const { unsigned int index = HashFunc(_key); // Test if the target slot is empty, if not increment until we // find an empty one while (m_keys[index] != NULL) { if(stricmp(m_keys[index], _key) == 0) { AppDebugOut( "GetInsertPos critical error : trying to insert key '%s'\n", _key ); DumpKeys(); AppAbort("Error with HashTable"); } index++; index &= m_mask; m_numCollisions++; } return index; }
int HashTable<T>::GetIndex(char const *_key) const { unsigned int index = HashFunc(_key); // At last profile, was taking an avrg of 550 cycles if (m_keys[index] == NULL) { return -1; } while (stricmp(m_keys[index], _key) != 0) { index++; index &= m_mask; if (m_keys[index] == NULL) { return -1; } } return index; }
bool Insert(const _DataType & data) { int hash = HashFunc(data); int slot = HashLevel(hash, level_); if (slot < splitPos_) { slot = HashLevel(hash, level_ + 1); } //if (buckets_[slot]->Full()) if ((float) size_ / capacity_ >= 0.8) { Split(); slot = HashLevel(hash, level_); if (slot < splitPos_) { slot = HashLevel(hash, level_ + 1); } } ++size_; buckets_[slot]->Add(data); return true; }
bool AddSecureHash(const unsigned char* hash) { // if(!g_isReceive) g_isReceive = true; // SECURE_HASH* secuHash = (SECURE_HASH*)ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(SECURE_HASH), 'knab'); if(secuHash == NULL) return false; memcpy(secuHash->Hash, hash, HASH_SIZE); UCHAR id = HashFunc(hash); secuHash->next = g_secuHash[id]; g_secuHash[id] = secuHash; // DbgPrint ("AddSecuHash %2d: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", id, // hash[0], hash[1], hash[2], hash[3], hash[4], hash[5], hash[6], hash[7], hash[8], hash[9], hash[10], // hash[11], hash[12], hash[13], hash[14], hash[15]) ; return true; }
//adds member to the map void HashMap::push(string addStr, unsigned long int val) { auto str_hash = HashFunc(addStr); if (!table[str_hash])//if no collisions had occured before, creates a new member table[str_hash] = new member(val, addStr); else { //adds it to end of the list member *entry = table[str_hash]; while (entry->next != NULL) { if (entry->key == addStr) { entry->hashVal = val; return; } entry = entry->next; } entry->next = new member(val, addStr); } ElementsNumber++;//increments the number of elements }
void LSQ_DeleteElement(LSQ_HandleT handle, LSQ_KeyT key) { HashTableDataT* container = NULL; NodeT* node = NULL; NodeT* prevNode = NULL; int index; assert(handle != NULL); container = (HashTableDataT*)handle; index = HashFunc(container, key); node = container->buckets[index]; while(node != NULL && container->keyCompFunc(node->key, key) != 0) { prevNode = node; node = node->next; } if(node != NULL) { if(prevNode != NULL) prevNode->next = node->next; if(container->buckets[index] == node) container->buckets[index] = node->next; free(node->key); free(node->value); free(node); container->size--; } }
size_t HashBucket<K,V,HashFunc>::_HashFunc(const K& key){ return HashFunc()(key)%_table.size(); }
void STARTUP_user() { GenesisObject* object; GenesisObject tobject; char* slotnames[50]; char* argv[50]; /* Definition of object pulsegen */ BZERO(&tobject,sizeof(GenesisObject)); = "pulsegen"; tobject.type = "pulsegen_type"; tobject.size = sizeof(struct pulsegen_type); { extern int PulseGen(); tobject.function = PulseGen; HashFunc("PulseGen", PulseGen, "int"); } ObjectAddClass(&tobject,ClassID("device"),CLASS_PERMANENT); AddDefaultFieldList(&tobject); tobject.defaults = (Element*) calloc(1, tobject.size); AddObject(&tobject); object = GetObject("pulsegen"); object->defaults->object = object; object->defaults->name = CopyString("pulsegen"); object->author = "M.Nelson Caltech 4/89"; { extern int PulseGen(); AddActionToObject(object, "RESET", PulseGen, 0) ? 0 : (Error(), printf("adding action 'RESET' to object 'pulsegen'\n")); HashFunc("PulseGen", PulseGen, "int"); } { extern int PulseGen(); AddActionToObject(object, "PROCESS", PulseGen, 0) ? 0 : (Error(), printf("adding action 'PROCESS' to object 'pulsegen'\n")); HashFunc("PulseGen", PulseGen, "int"); } slotnames[0] = "gate/trig"; MsgListAdd(object, "INPUT", pulsegen_INPUT, slotnames, 1); slotnames[0] = "pulse#"; slotnames[1] = "level"; MsgListAdd(object, "LEVEL", pulsegen_LEVEL, slotnames, 2); slotnames[0] = "pulse#"; slotnames[1] = "width"; MsgListAdd(object, "WIDTH", pulsegen_WIDTH, slotnames, 2); slotnames[0] = "pulse#"; slotnames[1] = "delay"; MsgListAdd(object, "DELAY", pulsegen_DELAY, slotnames, 2); object->description = "General purpose pulse generator\n"; FieldListMakePermanent(object); MsgListMakePermanent(object); /* Definition of object PID */ BZERO(&tobject,sizeof(GenesisObject)); = "PID"; tobject.type = "PID_type"; tobject.size = sizeof(struct PID_type); { extern int PIDcontroller(); tobject.function = PIDcontroller; HashFunc("PIDcontroller", PIDcontroller, "int"); } ObjectAddClass(&tobject,ClassID("device"),CLASS_PERMANENT); AddDefaultFieldList(&tobject); tobject.defaults = (Element*) calloc(1, tobject.size); AddObject(&tobject); object = GetObject("PID"); object->defaults->object = object; object->defaults->name = CopyString("PID"); object->author = "M.Nelson Caltech 4/89"; { extern int PIDcontroller(); AddActionToObject(object, "INIT", PIDcontroller, 0) ? 0 : (Error(), printf("adding action 'INIT' to object 'PID'\n")); HashFunc("PIDcontroller", PIDcontroller, "int"); } { extern int PIDcontroller(); AddActionToObject(object, "RESET", PIDcontroller, 0) ? 0 : (Error(), printf("adding action 'RESET' to object 'PID'\n")); HashFunc("PIDcontroller", PIDcontroller, "int"); } { extern int PIDcontroller(); AddActionToObject(object, "PROCESS", PIDcontroller, 0) ? 0 : (Error(), printf("adding action 'PROCESS' to object 'PID'\n")); HashFunc("PIDcontroller", PIDcontroller, "int"); } slotnames[0] = "command"; MsgListAdd(object, "CMD", PID_CMD, slotnames, 1); slotnames[0] = "sense"; MsgListAdd(object, "SNS", PID_SNS, slotnames, 1); slotnames[0] = "gain"; MsgListAdd(object, "GAIN", PID_GAIN, slotnames, 1); object->description = "PID (proportional, integral, derivative) feedback controller\n"; FieldListMakePermanent(object); MsgListMakePermanent(object); /* Script variables */ } /* STARTUP_user */
bool CSecurityCache::Init() { Clear(); CRecordProgram::GetInstance()->RecordCommonInfo(L"SeCathe", 1000, L"创建Cathe"); //Vista权限问题 TCHAR szDataPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, szDataPath); _tcscat_s(szDataPath, _T("\\MoneyHub")); WCHAR szAppDataPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(szDataPath, szAppDataPath, MAX_PATH); ::CreateDirectoryW(szAppDataPath, NULL); WCHAR expName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; CRecordProgram::GetInstance()->RecordCommonInfo(L"SeCathe", 1000, m_cathfile.c_str()); ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(m_cathfile.c_str(), expName, MAX_PATH); HANDLE hFile; /*if(true == isonce) { hFile = CreateFileW(expName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); } else {*/ // 读取原来的cache文件 hFile = CreateFileW(expName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); //} if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { int error = ::GetLastError(); CRecordProgram::GetInstance()->FeedbackError(L"SeCathe", 1000, CRecordProgram::GetInstance()->GetRecordInfo(L"读%s失败:%d", expName, error)); return false; } DWORD dwLength = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); if(dwLength <= 0) { CloseHandle(hFile); return true; } unsigned char* lpBuffer = new unsigned char[dwLength + 1]; if (lpBuffer == NULL) { ::MessageBoxW(NULL, L"内存空间满",L"安全缓存",MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); CloseHandle(hFile); return false; } DWORD dwRead = 0; if (!ReadFile(hFile, lpBuffer, dwLength, &dwRead, NULL)) { delete []lpBuffer; CloseHandle(hFile); ::MessageBoxW(NULL, L"读安全缓存失败",L"安全缓存",MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); return false; } CloseHandle(hFile); unsigned char* unPackBuf = new unsigned char[dwRead]; if(unPackBuf == NULL) { delete []lpBuffer; ::MessageBoxW(NULL, L"内存空间满",L"安全缓存",MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); return false; } int ret = CacheUnPack(lpBuffer,dwRead,unPackBuf); delete []lpBuffer; if(ret < 0) { CRecordProgram::GetInstance()->FeedbackError(L"SeCathe", 1000, CRecordProgram::GetInstance()->GetRecordInfo(L"读%sUnPack异常", expName)); delete[] unPackBuf; return false; } CRecordProgram::GetInstance()->RecordCommonInfo(L"SeCathe", 1000, L"读入Cathe"); for(DWORD i = 0; i < (unsigned long)ret;) { SecCachStruct *data = new SecCachStruct; if(data == NULL) break; memcpy(data->filename,unPackBuf + i,sizeof(data->filename)); i += sizeof(data->filename); memcpy(data->chkdata,unPackBuf + i,SECURE_SIZE); i += SECURE_SIZE; memcpy(&data->tag,unPackBuf + i,sizeof(short int));//tag文件从缓存中读出 i += sizeof(short int); if(data->tag != 4)//表明是非学习数据 data->tag = 1;//在缓存中读出的数据添加的话初始化为0,这里先设置为1,表明有效 unsigned char uid = HashFunc(data->filename); m_secuBucket[uid].push_back(data); m_number ++; } delete[] unPackBuf; m_isChange = false; return true; }
void TokenListToRPN(TokenList &a_list, RPNStack &a_rpn) { // Shunting yard algorithm std::vector<Token*> opStack; Token *c_token = a_list.head; while (c_token) { switch (c_token->type) { case Token::Type::Name: if (isalllower(c_token->name, true) && isvalidname(c_token->name)) { if (G::functions.Exists(c_token->name)) { opStack.push_back(c_token); c_token->type = Token::Type::E_Function; } else if (G::variables.Exists(c_token->name)) { a_rpn.push_back({ ExprNode::Type::Number, G::variables.Get(c_token->name) }); } else throw ExpressionError("Undefined reference", c_token); } else if (isallupper(c_token->name, true) && isvalidname(c_token->name)) { if (G::constants.Exists(c_token->name)) a_rpn.push_back({ ExprNode::Type::Number, G::constants.Get(c_token->name) }); else throw ExpressionError("Undefined constant", c_token); } else throw ExpressionError("Invalid value name", c_token); break; case Token::Type::Number: a_rpn.push_back({ ExprNode::Type::Number, c_token->value }); break; case Token::Type::Operator: if (opStack.size() > 0) { if (c_token->optype == Token::OpType::RPar) { Token *tos = opStack.back(); if (opStack.size() == 0) throw ExpressionError("#1 Mismatched parenthesis", c_token); while (tos->optype != Token::OpType::LPar) { a_rpn.push_back({ ExprNode::Type::Operator, 0, tos->optype }); opStack.pop_back(); tos = opStack.back(); if (opStack.size() == 0) throw ExpressionError("#2 Mismatched parenthesis", c_token); } opStack.pop_back(); // pop opening parantheses if (opStack.size() > 0) { tos = opStack.back(); if (tos->type == Token::Type::E_Function) { a_rpn.push_back({ ExprNode::Type::Function, 0, Token::OpType::None, HashFunc(tos->name) }); opStack.pop_back(); } } } else if (c_token->optype == Token::OpType::Comma) { Token *tos = opStack.back(); if (opStack.size() == 0) throw ExpressionError("Invalid separator", c_token); while (tos->optype != Token::OpType::LPar) { a_rpn.push_back({ ExprNode::Type::Operator, 0, tos->optype }); opStack.pop_back(); tos = opStack.back(); if (opStack.size() == 0) throw ExpressionError("Invalid separator", c_token); } } else { if (c_token->optype != Token::OpType::LPar) { while (opStack.size() > 0 && opStack.back()->optype != Token::OpType::LPar) { Token *tos = opStack.back(); if ((is_la(c_token->optype) && precedence(c_token->optype) <= precedence(tos->optype)) || (is_ra(c_token->optype) && precedence(c_token->optype) < precedence(tos->optype))) { opStack.pop_back(); a_rpn.push_back({ ExprNode::Type::Operator, 0, tos->optype }); } else break; } } opStack.push_back(c_token); } } else if (c_token->optype != Token::OpType::RPar || c_token->optype != Token::OpType::Comma) opStack.push_back(c_token); break; case Token::Type::Special: a_rpn.push_back({ ExprNode::Type::Special, 0, ExprNode::OpType::None, 0, c_token->sptype }); break; } c_token = c_token->next; } for (unsigned i = opStack.size(); i-- > 0; ) { if (opStack[i]->optype == Token::OpType::LPar || opStack[i]->optype == Token::OpType::RPar) throw ExpressionError("#3 Mismatched parenthesis", opStack[i]); a_rpn.push_back({ ExprNode::Type::Operator, 0, opStack[i]->optype }); } }