Exemplo n.º 1
static void ProcessWellFormedWord(char *word, article *a, hashset *stopWords,
				  hashset *wordHash, hashset *articlesSeen)
  currWord w; 
  char* word2 = strdup(word);

  if(HashSetLookup(stopWords, &word2) == NULL)  { //not a stopword
    w.thisWord = word2;	  
    VectorNew(&w.articles, sizeof(article),NULL, 100);
    currWord* elemAddr = (currWord*)HashSetLookup(wordHash,&w);

    if(elemAddr == NULL){ // Hasn't been seen
      a->numOccurrences = 1;
      VectorAppend(&w.articles, a);
      HashSetEnter(wordHash, &w);
    } else {
      UpdateOccurences(&elemAddr->articles,a); // we just need to update, not add
      // clean up

  } else {
    free(word2); // free stop word
Exemplo n.º 2
static void ProcessResponse(const char *askedWord,void* userData)
  if (WordIsWellFormed(askedWord)) {
    rssFeedData *data = userData;
      indexData* resultData = HashSetLookup(&data->indices,&askedWord); 
      printResult(resultData, askedWord);

    }else printf("\tToo common a word to be taken seriously. Try something more specificn %s \n", askedWord);
  }else printf("\tWe won't be allowing words like \"%s\" into our set of indices.\n", askedWord);
Exemplo n.º 3
static indexData* addWordRecord(hashset *indices, char*someWord){
  indexData index;
  index.word = someWord;

  indexData * find = HashSetLookup(indices,&index);
    index.word = strdup(someWord);
    VectorNew(&index.data,sizeof(wordCounter),NULL,1 );
    return HashSetLookup(indices,&index); 
    return find;  
Exemplo n.º 4
static indexData* addWordRecord(hashset *indices, char *word) {
	indexData index;
	index.word = word;
	void *found = HashSetLookup(indices, &index);
	if(found == NULL) {
		index.word = strdup(word);
		VectorNew(&(index.counters), sizeof(wordCounter), NULL, 1);
		HashSetEnter(indices, &index);
		return HashSetLookup(indices, &index);
	} else {
		return (indexData*)found;
Exemplo n.º 5
static void ScanArticle(streamtokenizer *st, article *a, int articleIndex, rssData *allData )
  int numWords = 0;
  char word[1024];
  char longestWord[1024] = {'\0'};

  while (STNextToken(st, word, sizeof(word))) {
    if (strcasecmp(word, "<") == 0) {
      SkipIrrelevantContent(st); // in html-utls.h
    } else {
      if (WordIsWellFormed(word)) {
	char *dummy = word;
	if ( WordNotInStopwords(&allData->stopwords, word)) { 
	  /**  Try looking up the word. If the word is not in the indices, create a new indexEntry 
	   *   initialized with the word and an empty vector and enter it into the hashset
	  indexEntry entry = {word}; 
	  indexEntry *found = HashSetLookup(&allData->indices, &entry);

	  if (found == NULL) {  
	    entry.word = strdup(dummy); 
	    VectorNew(&entry.articles, sizeof(wordcountEntry), NULL, 10); 
	    HashSetEnter(&allData->indices, &entry);

	  // now we act as if the entry was in the index all along
	  found  = (indexEntry*)HashSetLookup( &allData->indices, &entry); 	  

	  UpdateIndices(&found->articles, articleIndex);

	if (strlen(word) > strlen(longestWord))
	  strcpy(longestWord, word);

  printf("\tWe counted %d well-formed words [including duplicates].\n", numWords);
  printf("\tThe longest word scanned was \"%s\".", longestWord);
  if (strlen(longestWord) >= 15 && (strchr(longestWord, '-') == NULL)) 
    printf(" [Ooooo... long word!]");
Exemplo n.º 6
static void ScanArticle(streamtokenizer *st, const char *articleTitle, const char *unused, const char *articleURL,
                        hashset *stopWords, hashset *wordCounts)
  int numWords = 0;
  char word[1024];
  char longestWord[1024] = {'\0'};

  while (STNextToken(st, word, sizeof(word))) {
    if (strcasecmp(word, "<") == 0) {
      SkipIrrelevantContent(st); // in html-utls.h
    } else {
      char *dummy = word;
      void *pos = HashSetLookup(stopWords, &dummy);
      if (WordIsWellFormed(word) && pos == NULL) {
          //if (strlen(word) > strlen(longestWord))
          //  strcpy(longestWord, word);
          wordCountEnter(wordCounts, word, articleURL, articleTitle);

  /*printf("\tWe counted %d well-formed words [including duplicates].\n", numWords);
  printf("\tThe longest word scanned was \"%s\".", longestWord);
  if (strlen(longestWord) >= 15 && (strchr(longestWord, '-') == NULL)) 
    printf(" [Ooooo... long word!]");
Exemplo n.º 7
static void ProcessValidResponse(const char *word, hashset *stopWords,
				 hashset *wordHash, hashset *articlesSeen)
  currWord curr;    
  char* test = strdup(word);      
  curr.thisWord = test;
  currWord* elemAddr = (currWord*)HashSetLookup(wordHash,&curr);

  if(elemAddr != NULL){
    int numArts = VectorLength(&elemAddr->articles);

    if(numArts > 10){
      printf("\nNice! We found %i articles that include the word\"%s\". [We'll just list 10 of them,though.]\n\n",numArts, curr.thisWord);
      numArts = 10;
    } else {
      printf("\nNice! We found %i articles that include the word \"%s\".\n\n",numArts, curr.thisWord);

    VectorSort(&elemAddr->articles, OccurrenceCompare);
    MapFoundArticles(&elemAddr->articles, numArts);

  } else {
    printf("None of today's news articles contain the word \"%s\".\n",word);

Exemplo n.º 8
static void ScanArticle(streamtokenizer *st, void* userData)
  rssFeedData *data = userData;
  articleData* article = AddArticle(&data->articles,&data->item);
  int numWords = 0;
  char word[1024];
  char longestWord[1024] = {'\0'};

  while (STNextToken(st, word, sizeof(word))) {
    if (strcasecmp(word, "<") == 0) {
      SkipIrrelevantContent(st); // in html-utls.h
    } else {
      if (WordIsWellFormed(word)) {
	char* dummy = word;//need this becouse cant do &word in c
	if(HashSetLookup(&data->stopWords,&dummy)==NULL){// skip stopwords

	  indexData *entry = addWordRecord(&data->indices, word);
	  if (strlen(word) > strlen(longestWord))
	    strcpy(longestWord, word);

  printf("\tWe counted %d well-formed words [including duplicates].\n", numWords);
  printf("\tThe longest word scanned was \"%s\".", longestWord);
  if (strlen(longestWord) >= 15 && (strchr(longestWord, '-') == NULL)) 
    printf(" [Ooooo... long word!]");
Exemplo n.º 9
vector *WordCountLookup(const hashset *wordCount, const char *word)
    wordSet *existingWord = (wordSet *) HashSetLookup((hashset *) wordCount, &word);
    if (existingWord == NULL)
        return NULL;
        return &existingWord->occ;
Exemplo n.º 10
static bool WordNotInStopwords(hashset *stopwords, char *word )
  char *dummy = word;
  void *found = HashSetLookup(stopwords, &dummy); 

  if (found == NULL) {
    return true; 
  } else { 
   return false;
Exemplo n.º 11
void WordCountEnter(hashset *wordCount, const char *word, const char *articleTitle,
                    const char *articleURL)
     * Three possible cases:
     * 1. Word has not been entered
     * 2. Word has been entered, but word/article combination has not
     * 3. Word/article combination has been entered

    wordSet *existingWord = (wordSet *) HashSetLookup(wordCount, &word);

    // ensure that the word exists in the hashset
    if (existingWord == NULL) {
        wordSet ws;
        ws.word = strdup(word);
        VectorNew(&ws.occ, sizeof(articleCount), articleCountFreeFn, 25);
        HashSetEnter(wordCount, &ws);

    // an entry for the word should always exist now
    existingWord = (wordSet *) HashSetLookup(wordCount, &word);
    assert(existingWord != NULL);

    // now either add the article to the word count vector or increment its current count
    articleCount articleKey = { { (char *) articleTitle, (char *) articleURL }, 1 };
    int existingArticleIndex = VectorSearch(&existingWord->occ,
                                            &articleKey, articleCountCompareFn, 0, false);
    if (existingArticleIndex == -1) {
        // word/article pairing is new, append it to the vector with a count of 1
        articleCount newArticle;
        (newArticle.source).title = strdup(articleTitle);
        (newArticle.source).url = strdup(articleURL);
        newArticle.count = 1;
        VectorAppend(&existingWord->occ, &newArticle);
    } else {
        // word/article pairing exists, increment its count
        articleCount *existingArticle = (articleCount *) VectorNth(&existingWord->occ, existingArticleIndex);
Exemplo n.º 12
static void ProcessResponse(rssDatabase *db, const char *word)
  if (!WordIsWellFormed(word)) {
    printf("That search term couldn't possibly be in our set of indices.\n\n");
  if (HashSetLookup(&db->stopWords, &word) != NULL) {
    printf("\"%s\" is too common a word to be taken seriously.  Please be more specific.\n\n", word);

  rssIndexEntry entry = { word };
  rssIndexEntry *existingIndex = HashSetLookup(&db->indices, &entry);
  if (existingIndex == NULL) {
    printf("None of today's news articles contain the word \"%s\".\n\n", word);

  ListTopArticles(existingIndex, &db->previouslySeenArticles);
Exemplo n.º 13
static sem_t* findServerLock(hashset *serverLocks, pthread_mutex_t *dataLock, const char* serverURL){
  sem_t * serverLock;
  serverLockData newLockData = {serverURL}; 
  serverLockData* lockDataP = HashSetLookup(serverLocks, &newLockData);

    newLockData.url = strdup(serverURL);
    newLockData.serverLock = malloc(sizeof(sem_t));

    HashSetEnter(serverLocks, &newLockData);
    lockDataP = HashSetLookup(serverLocks, &newLockData);
    //create semaphore
  serverLock = lockDataP->serverLock;
  return serverLock;
Exemplo n.º 14
static void ProcessResponse(const char *word, hashset *stopWords,
			    hashset *wordHash, hashset *articlesSeen)
  if (WordIsWellFormed(word)) {
    if (HashSetLookup(stopWords, &word) != NULL) {
      printf("This is too common a word. Please be more specific.\n");
    } else {
  } else {
      printf("We won't be allowing words like \"%s\" into our set of indices.\n", word);
Exemplo n.º 15
static void ProcessResponse(const char *word, void *userData)
  if (WordIsWellFormed(word)) {
	rssFeedData *data = userData;
	if(HashSetLookup(&data->stopWords, &word)==NULL) {
		indexData *resultData = HashSetLookup(&data->indices, &word);
		if(resultData!=NULL) {
			vector resultVector = resultData->counters;
			printf("there are %d records of this word", VectorLength(&resultVector));
			VectorSort(&resultVector, SortVectorCmpFn);
			int i=1;
			VectorMap(&resultVector, PrintResultMapFn, &i);
		} else {
			printf("\tWe don't have records about %s into our set of indices.\n", word);
  } else {
    printf("\tWe won't be allowing words like \"%s\" into our set of indices.\n", word);
Exemplo n.º 16
static void ParseArticle(const char *articleTitle,const char *articleDescription,
			 const char *articleURL,hashset* stopWords,
			 hashset* wordHash,hashset *articlesSeen)
  url u;
  urlconnection urlconn;
  streamtokenizer st;
  URLNewAbsolute(&u, articleURL);
  URLConnectionNew(&urlconn, &u);

  article currArt;
  currArt.server = strdup(u.serverName);
  currArt.title = strdup(articleTitle);
  currArt.url = strdup(articleURL);
  currArt.numOccurrences = 0;

  switch (urlconn.responseCode) {
      case 0:   printf("Unable to connect to \"%s\".  Domain name or IP address is nonexistent.\n", articleURL);
      case 200:
	        if(HashSetLookup(articlesSeen,&currArt)== NULL){ //if we haven't seen this article before
		  printf("[%s] Indexing \"%s\"\n", u.serverName,articleTitle);
		  HashSetEnter(articlesSeen, &currArt);
		  STNew(&st, urlconn.dataStream, kTextDelimiters, false);
		  ScanArticle(&st, &currArt, stopWords, wordHash, articlesSeen);
		else { //if we have seen it before
		  printf("[Ignoring  \"%s\": we've seen it before.]\n",
      case 301:
      case 302: // just pretend we have the redirected URL all along,though index using the new URL and not the old one...
	        ParseArticle(articleTitle, articleDescription,
			     urlconn.newUrl, stopWords, wordHash,articlesSeen);
      default:  printf("Unable to pull \"%s\" from \"%s\". [Response code: %d] Punting...\n", articleTitle, u.serverName, urlconn.responseCode);
Exemplo n.º 17
void HashSetEnter(hashset *h, const void *elemAddr)
  void *find=HashSetLookup(h, elemAddr);
      memcpy(find, elemAddr, h->elemSize);
      vector* v=HashSetElemVector(h, elemAddr);
      VectorAppend(v, elemAddr);
Exemplo n.º 18
static void AddWordToIndices(hashset *indices, const char *word, int articleIndex)
  rssIndexEntry indexEntry = { word }; // partial intialization
  rssIndexEntry *existingIndexEntry = HashSetLookup(indices, &indexEntry);
  if (existingIndexEntry == NULL) {
    indexEntry.meaningfulWord = strdup(word);
    VectorNew(&indexEntry.relevantArticles, sizeof(rssRelevantArticleEntry), NULL, 0);
    HashSetEnter(indices, &indexEntry);
    existingIndexEntry = HashSetLookup(indices, &indexEntry); // pretend like it's been there all along
    assert(existingIndexEntry != NULL);

  rssRelevantArticleEntry articleEntry = { articleIndex, 0 };
  int existingArticleIndex =
    VectorSearch(&existingIndexEntry->relevantArticles, &articleEntry, ArticleIndexCompare, 0, false);
  if (existingArticleIndex == -1) {
    VectorAppend(&existingIndexEntry->relevantArticles, &articleEntry);
    existingArticleIndex = VectorLength(&existingIndexEntry->relevantArticles) - 1;
  rssRelevantArticleEntry *existingArticleEntry = 
    VectorNth(&existingIndexEntry->relevantArticles, existingArticleIndex);
Exemplo n.º 19
 * Function: ScanArticle
 * ---------------------
 * Parses the specified article, skipping over all HTML tags, and counts the numbers
 * of well-formed words that could potentially serve as keys in the set of indices.
 * Once the full article has been scanned, the number of well-formed words is
 * printed, and the longest well-formed word we encountered along the way
 * is printed as well.
 * This is really a placeholder implementation for what will ultimately be
 * code that indexes the specified content.
static articleData* addArticle(hashset *articles, rssFeedItem *item) {
	articleData article;
	article.title = item->title;
	article.url = item->url;
	articleData *articleP = &article;
	void *found = HashSetLookup(articles, &articleP);
	if(found == NULL) {
		articleData *newArticle = malloc(sizeof(articleData));
		newArticle->title = strdup(item->title);
		newArticle->url = strdup(item->url);
		HashSetEnter(articles, &newArticle);
		return newArticle;
	} else {
		return *(articleData**)found;
Exemplo n.º 20
static void ProcessResponse(const char *word, rssData *allData)

  if (WordIsWellFormed(word)) {
        void *found = HashSetLookup(&allData->indices, &word); 
	if (found != NULL) {
	  indexEntry *entry = (indexEntry*)found;
	  VectorSort(&entry->articles, ReverseWordcountCmp); 
	  VectorMap(&entry->articles, PrintArticle, &allData->explored);
	} else {
	  printf("\tWord not found in our indices\n");
  } else {
	printf("\tWe won't be allowing words like \"%s\" into our set of indices.\n", word);
Exemplo n.º 21
static void ProcessResponse(const char *word, hashset *stopWords, hashset *wordCounts)
  if (!WordIsWellFormed(word)) {
      //printf("\tWell, we don't have the database mapping words to online news articles yet, but if we DID have\n");
      //printf("\tour hashset of indices, we'd list all of the articles containing \"%s\".\n", word);
      printf("\tWe won't be allowing words like \"%s\" into our set of indices.\n", word);
  } else if(HashSetLookup(stopWords, &word)) {
      printf("\tToo common a word to be taken seriously.  Try something more specific.\n");
  } else {
      vector *found = wordCountLookup(wordCounts, word);
      if (found != NULL) {
          printArticles(found, word);
      else {
          printf("\tNone of today's news contain the word \"%s\". \n", word);
static void QueryThesaurus(hashset *thesaurus)
  char response[1024];
  char *responsep = response;
  while (true) {
    printf("Go ahead and enter a word: ");
    fgets(response, sizeof(response), stdin);
    response[strlen(response) - 1] = '\0';
    if (strlen(response) == 0) return;
    thesaurusEntry *found = HashSetLookup(thesaurus, &responsep);
    if (found != NULL) {
      int numSynonyms = VectorLength(&found->synonyms);
      char *synonym = *(char **) VectorNth(&found->synonyms, RandomInteger(0, numSynonyms - 1));
      printf("We found \"%s\" in the thesaurus! Its related word of the day is \"%s\".\n", response, synonym);
    } else {
      printf("My apologies, but I know of no such word spelled \"%s\".\n", response);
Exemplo n.º 23
char* ran(hashset* hash, vector *keys, char *prev) {
  int i, rnd, b;
  char *rs;
  keysv search, *tmp;
  search.string = strdup(prev);
  tmp = (keysv*)HashSetLookup(hash, &search);
  b = tmp->amount;
  if (b == 0) {
    b = keys->currentPosition;
    rnd = rand() % b;
    return  VectorNth(keys, rnd);
  rnd = rand() % b + 1;
  for (i = 0; rnd > 0 && i < tmp->vectorv.currentPosition; i++) {
    rnd = rnd - ((vectorv*)VectorNth(&tmp->vectorv, i))->frecuency;
    rs = ((vectorv*)VectorNth(&tmp->vectorv, i))->string;
  return rs;
Exemplo n.º 24
Arquivo: main.c Projeto: shtef12/CS107
static void BuildTableOfLetterCounts(hashset *counts)
  struct frequency localFreq, *found;
  int ch;
  FILE *fp = fopen("main.c", "r"); // open self as file

  assert(fp != NULL);
  while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF) {
    if (isalpha(ch)) { // only count letters
      localFreq.ch = tolower(ch);
      localFreq.occurrences = 1;

      // See if we already have an entry for this char
      found = (struct frequency *) HashSetLookup(counts, &localFreq);
      if (found != NULL) 		// increment if already there
    localFreq.occurrences = found->occurrences + 1;
      HashSetEnter(counts, &localFreq); // enter should overwrite if needed

Exemplo n.º 25
static void ScanArticle(streamtokenizer *st, rssFeedData *data)
  articleData *article = addArticle(&data->articles, &data->rssItem);
  /*rssFeedItem *item = &(data->rssItem);
  char *articleTitle = item->title;
  char *articleURL = item->url;*/

  int numWords = 0;
  char word[1024];
  char longestWord[1024] = {'\0'};

  while (STNextToken(st, word, sizeof(word))) {
    if (strcasecmp(word, "<") == 0) {
      SkipIrrelevantContent(st); // in html-utls.h
    } else {
      if (WordIsWellFormed(word)) {
	char *dummy = word;
	if (HashSetLookup(&(data->stopWords), &dummy)==NULL) {
		//not in stop list, index the word
		indexData *entry = addWordRecord(&data->indices, word);
		indexWord(&entry->counters, article);
		if (strlen(word) > strlen(longestWord))
	  		strcpy(longestWord, word);

  printf("\tWe counted %d well-formed words [including duplicates].\n", numWords);
  printf("\tThe longest word scanned was \"%s\".", longestWord);
  if (strlen(longestWord) >= 15 && (strchr(longestWord, '-') == NULL)) 
    printf(" [Ooooo... long word!]");
Exemplo n.º 26
void calculateNext(hashset *hash, vector*  keys, int k, char* f, int size) {
  int currK, i, elems = 0, seedNumber;
  char *nxt, *cnt, *key2, *storage = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * k);
  FILE *fileR;
  vectorv keyNext;
  keysv *rs, key;
  fileR = fopen(f, "r");
  assert(fileR != NULL && "Cannot open the file");
  VectorNew(keys, sizeof(char*) * k, NULL, 10);
  while (fgets(storage, k, fileR) != NULL) {
    currK = strlen(storage);
    if (currK < k && storage[currK - 1] == '\n') {
      fgets(&storage[currK], k - currK, fileR);
    VectorAppend(keys, storage);
  storage = (char*)VectorNth(keys, keys->currentPosition - 1);
  HashSetNew(hash, sizeof(keysv), keys->currentPosition * 3, hashVector, cmpVector, NULL);
  for (i = 0; i < (keys->currentPosition - 1); i++) {
    rs = (keysv*)malloc(sizeof(keysv));
    vector nexts;
    cnt = VectorNth(keys, i);
    nxt = VectorNth(keys, i + 1);
    rs->string = strdup(cnt);
    rs = (keysv*)HashSetLookup(hash, rs);
    keyNext.string = nxt;
    key.string = cnt;
    if (rs == NULL) {
      keyNext.frecuency = 1;
      VectorNew(&nexts, sizeof(vectorv), NULL, 1);
      VectorAppend(&nexts, &keyNext);
      key.frecuency = 1;
      key.vectorv = nexts;
      key.amount = 1;
      HashSetEnter(hash, &key);
    } else {
      vectorv* rSucessor;
      int idx = VectorSearch(&rs->vectorv, &keyNext, cmpvct, 0, false);
      if (idx >= 0) {
        rSucessor = VectorNth(&rs->vectorv, idx);
      } else {
        keyNext.frecuency = 1;
        VectorAppend(&rs->vectorv, &keyNext);
  key.string = VectorNth(keys, keys->currentPosition - 1);
  key.frecuency = 1;
  key.amount = 0;
  HashSetEnter(hash, &key);
  if (k == 0) {
    elems = keys->currentPosition;
  } else {
    HashSetMap(hash, mapFn, &elems);
  seedNumber = rand() % elems;
  key2 = (char*)VectorNth(keys, seedNumber);
  printf("Generated text:\n");
  printf("%s", key2);
  if (k > 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < size;) {
      key2 = ran(hash, keys, key2);
      printf("%s", key2);
      if (strstr(key2, " ") != NULL || strstr(key2, "\n") != NULL) {
  else {
    for (i = 0; i < size;) {
      seedNumber = rand() % elems;
      key2 = (char*)VectorNth(keys, seedNumber);
      printf("%s", key2);
      if (strstr(key2, " ") != NULL || strstr(key2, "\n") != NULL) {
Exemplo n.º 27
static bool WordIsWorthIndexing(const char *word, hashset *stopWords)
  return WordIsWellFormed(word) && HashSetLookup(stopWords, &word) == NULL;