Exemplo n.º 1
static void
test_Dump_and_Load(TestBatch *batch) {
    Hash *hash = Hash_new(0);
    Obj  *dump;
    Hash *loaded;

    Hash_Store_Str(hash, "foo", 3,
                   (Obj*)CB_new_from_trusted_utf8("foo", 3));
    dump = (Obj*)Hash_Dump(hash);
    loaded = (Hash*)Obj_Load(dump, dump);
    TEST_TRUE(batch, Hash_Equals(hash, (Obj*)loaded),
              "Dump => Load round trip");

    /* TODO: Fix Hash_Load().

    Hash_Store_Str(hash, "_class", 6,
        (Obj*)CB_new_from_trusted_utf8("not_a_class", 11));
    dump = (Obj*)Hash_Dump(hash);
    loaded = (Hash*)Obj_Load(dump, dump);

    TEST_TRUE(batch, Hash_Equals(hash, (Obj*)loaded),
              "Load still works with _class if it's not a real class");


Exemplo n.º 2
int main ()

	FILE* the_table = fopen ("the_table.csv", "w");
	FILE* the_text = fopen ("the_text.txt", "r");

	assert (the_log);
	assert (the_table);
	assert (the_text);

	hash* the_hash = Hash_NEW();
	assert (the_hash);

	char word[MAXLEN] = {};
	int nWords = 0;
	typedef unsigned int (*hash_funcs) (const char* my_key);
	hash_funcs hf[5] = {hf0, hf1, hf2, hf3, hf4};
	int func_num = 0;
	char text_description[2 * MAXLEN] = {};
	strcpy (text_description, "Bradbury's novel \"Fahrenheit 451\"");

	OUT printf ("# This program allows to use hash-functions for sorting\n"
				"# words in %s\n"
                "# The developer:     Yura Gorishniy     <*****@*****.**>\n"
                "# Version 1.00\n"
                "# The file: %s\n"
                "# The compilation time: %s, %s\n\n", text_description, strrchr (__FILE__, '\\'), __DATE__, __TIME__);

	printf ("# You can use 5 hash-functions to analyse the novel:\n"
			"# Function [1]	hash = 0\n"
			"# Function [2]	hash = the ASCII code of the first letter of the word\n"
			"# Function [3]	hash = the sum of ASCII codes of all letters of the word\n"
			"# Function [4]	hash = the average ASCII code of all letters of the word\n"
			"# Function [5]	hash = the number, which we get after right cyclic shift\n"
			"# P.S. All the hashes you get will be counted by module %d\n\n", HASH_SIZE);

	printf ("# Please, enter number of the function you want to use\n");
	if (!scanf ("%d", &func_num))
		printf ("Incorrect input, try again\n");
		abort ();

	if (!(1 <= func_num && func_num <= 5))
			printf ("Incorrect input, try again\n");
			abort ();

	the_hash -> func = hf[func_num - 1];

	while (1)
		if (get_word (the_text, word) == 0) break;
		int hash = the_hash -> func (word) % the_hash -> size;
		elem* new_elem = NULL;
		List_Elem_Find_Key (the_hash -> table[hash], word, &new_elem);
		if (!new_elem) List_Elem_Add (the_hash -> table[hash], word, 1);

	for (int i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; ++i) fprintf (the_table, "%d\n", the_hash -> table[i] -> length);

	Hash_Dump (the_hash);
	Hash_Delete (the_hash);

	fclose (the_text);
	fclose (the_table);
	fclose (the_log);

	printf ("\nThe job is done! \nYou can use the_table.csv in Microsoft Excel to get a nice diagram\nGoodbye!\n\n");
	return 0;