Exemplo n.º 1
 * CheckHelpBlock - see if a topic is in the 2nd half of a block
static int CheckHelpBlock( HelpFp help_file, char *topic, char *buffer,
                           long int start )
    int         retn;
    char        *ftopic;
    char        *end;
    unsigned    len;

    HelpSeek( help_file, start, HELP_SEEK_SET );
    retn = 0;
    do {
        if( helpGetString( buffer, BUF_LEN, help_file ) == NULL ) {
            retn = -1;
    } while( memcmp( buffer, "::::", 4 ) != 0 );
    if( retn == 0 ) {
        ftopic = scanTopic( buffer, &end );
        len = end - ftopic;
        retn = strnicmp( topic, ftopic, len );
        if( !retn && topic[len] != '\0' ) {
            retn = 1;
    return( retn );
Exemplo n.º 2
static void seek_line( int line )
    int                 i;

    if( line > lastHelpLine ) {
        HelpSeek( helpFileHdl, topPos + helpPos[lastHelpLine], HELP_SEEK_SET );
        for( i = lastHelpLine; ; ++i ) {
            save_line( i, HelpTell( helpFileHdl ) );
            if( i == line )
            if( !mygetline() || strnicmp( helpInBuf, "::::", 4 ) == 0 ) {
                maxLine = i;
    } else if( line >= 0 ) {
        HelpSeek( helpFileHdl, topPos + helpPos[line], HELP_SEEK_SET );
Exemplo n.º 3
 * OpenTopicInFile - open a help file and look for a topic
static int OpenTopicInFile( help_file *fileinfo, char *topic, char *buffer )
    long int            start_offset;     /* - starting offset in HELP file        */
    long int            size_left;        /* - size left to search                 */
    int                 next_posn;        /* - contains indicator for next pos'n   */
    unsigned long       topic_pos;

    if( fileinfo->f == -1 )
        return( 0 );
    if( fileinfo->searchhdl != NULL ) {
        /* search by new method */
        topic_pos = HelpFindTopicOffset( fileinfo->searchhdl, topic );
        if( topic_pos == (unsigned long)-1 ) {
            return( 0 );
        } else {
            HelpSeek( fileinfo->f, topic_pos, HELP_SEEK_SET );
            if( helpGetString( buffer, BUF_LEN, fileinfo->f ) == NULL ) {
                return( 0 );
            } else {
                return( 1 );
    } else {
        start_offset = 0L;
    size_left = HelpFileLen( fileinfo->f );
    do {
        size_left = size_left / 2;
        if( size_left <= 8 ) {
            if( CheckHelpBlock( fileinfo->f, topic, buffer, start_offset ) != 0 ) {
                return( 0 );
            } else {
                return( 1 );
        next_posn = CheckHelpBlock( fileinfo->f, topic, buffer, start_offset + size_left );
        if( next_posn > 0 ) {
            start_offset += size_left;
    } while( next_posn != 0 );
    return( 1 );
Exemplo n.º 4
 * helpGetString
static char *helpGetString( char *buf, size_t size, HelpFp fp )
    long int            pos;
    int                 bytesread;
    int                 cnt;

    pos = HelpTell( fp );
    bytesread = HelpRead( fp, buf, size - 1 );
    if( bytesread == 0 || bytesread == -1 )
        return( NULL );
    for( cnt = 0; cnt < bytesread; ++cnt ) {
        if( buf[cnt] == '\n' ) {
    HelpSeek( fp, pos + cnt, HELP_SEEK_SET );
    buf[cnt] = '\0';
    return( buf );
Exemplo n.º 5
static void loadPage( HelpHdl hdl, unsigned long pagenum )
    unsigned long       offset;
    unsigned            tmp;

    if( curFile == hdl->fp && pageHeader->page_num == pagenum ) return;
    if( hdl->header.ver_maj == 1 ) {
        tmp = sizeof( HelpHeader ) - sizeof( uint_16 );   // no str_size
    } else {
        tmp = sizeof( HelpHeader );
    offset = tmp + hdl->header.str_size + pagenum * PAGE_SIZE
           + hdl->header.datapagecnt * sizeof( uint_16 );
    HelpSeek( hdl->fp, offset, HELP_SEEK_SET );
    HelpRead( hdl->fp, curPage, PAGE_SIZE );
    curFile = hdl->fp;
    pageHeader = (HelpPageHeader *)curPage;
    pageIndex = curPage + sizeof( HelpPageHeader );
    if( pageHeader->type == PAGE_DATA ) {
        stringBlock = curPage + sizeof( HelpPageHeader )
                    + pageHeader->num_entries * sizeof( PageIndexEntry );
Exemplo n.º 6
HelpHdl InitHelpSearch( HelpFp fp )
    HelpHdl     hdl;
    unsigned    len;
    char        *topic;
    char        *description;
    uint_16     str_cnt;
    uint_16     *str_len;
    char        *ptr;
    char        *buffer;

    HelpSeek( fp, 0, HELP_SEEK_SET );
    hdl = HelpMemAlloc( sizeof( struct HelpHdl ) );
    hdl->fp = fp;
    HelpRead( fp, &( hdl->header ), sizeof( HelpHeader ) );
    if( hdl->header.sig[0] != HELP_SIG_1
        || hdl->header.sig[1] != HELP_SIG_2
        || hdl->header.ver_min != HELP_MIN_VER ) {
        HelpMemFree( hdl );
        hdl = NULL;
    } else if( hdl->header.ver_maj != HELP_MAJ_VER ) {
        if( hdl->header.ver_maj != 1 ) {
            HelpMemFree( hdl );
            hdl = NULL;
        } else {
            HelpSeek( fp, -sizeof( uint_16 ), SEEK_CUR ); // no str_size in header
            topic = HelpMemAlloc( strlen( DEFAULTTOPIC ) + 1 );
            strcpy( topic, DEFAULTTOPIC );
            hdl->def_topic = topic;
            hdl->desc_str = NULL;
            hdl->header.str_size = 0;   // no str_size in old header format
            len = hdl->header.datapagecnt * sizeof( uint_16 );
            hdl->itemindex = HelpMemAlloc( len );
            HelpRead( fp, hdl->itemindex, len );
    } else {
        buffer = HelpMemAlloc( hdl->header.str_size );
        HelpRead( fp, buffer, hdl->header.str_size );
        ptr = buffer;
        str_len = (uint_16 *)ptr;
        str_cnt = *str_len;
        if( *str_len != 0 ) {
            topic = HelpMemAlloc( *str_len );
            ptr += (str_cnt + 1) * sizeof( uint_16 );
            strcpy( topic, ptr);        // assume topic is first string
        } else {
            topic = HelpMemAlloc( strlen( DEFAULTTOPIC ) + 1 );
            strcpy( topic, DEFAULTTOPIC );
        ptr = buffer;
        ptr += ( str_cnt + 1 ) * ( sizeof( uint_16 ) );
        ptr += ( *str_len ) * ( sizeof( char ) );
        if( *str_len != 0 ) {
            description = HelpMemAlloc( *str_len );
            strcpy( description, ptr );
        } else {
            description = NULL;
        HelpMemFree( buffer );
        hdl->def_topic = topic;
        hdl->desc_str = description;
        len = ( hdl->header.datapagecnt ) * ( sizeof( uint_16 ) );
        hdl->itemindex = HelpMemAlloc( len );
        HelpRead( fp, hdl->itemindex, len );

    return( hdl );