static void mac_groweventlog(WindowPtr window, EventRecord *event) { Session *s = mac_windowsession(window); Rect limits; long grow_result; #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON Rect rect; Point cellsize; #else GrafPtr saveport; #endif SetRect(&limits, 15, 0, SHRT_MAX, SHRT_MAX); grow_result = GrowWindow(window, event->where, &limits); if (grow_result == 0) return; SizeWindow(window, LoWord(grow_result), HiWord(grow_result), TRUE); LSize(LoWord(grow_result) - 15, HiWord(grow_result), s->eventlog); mac_adjusteventlogscrollbar(s); /* We would use SetListCellSize in Carbon, but it's missing. */ (*s->eventlog)->cellSize.h = LoWord(grow_result) - 15; #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON cellsize.h = LoWord(grow_result) - 15; GetListViewBounds(s->eventlog, &rect); InvalWindowRect(window, &rect); #else GetPort(&saveport); SetPort(window); InvalRect(&(*s->eventlog)->rView); SetPort(saveport); #endif }
extended DoubleToExtended(double q) { extended x; uint32 mant, mant2; int16 sign; uint16 exp; sign = q<0 ? 0x8000 : 0; if (sign) { q = -q; } exp = (uint16) (log(q)/log(2.)); mant = (uint32)(q/pow(2., (double)exp-31.)); q -= (double )mant * pow(2.,(double)exp-31.); mant2 = (uint32)(q/pow(2.,(double)exp-63)); exp += 0x3FFF; exp |= sign; x.exp[0] = exp;[0] = HiWord(mant);[1] = LoWord(mant);[2] = HiWord(mant2);[3] = LoWord(mant2); return x; }
static void DoMenuCommand( long menuAndItem ) { int myMenuNum; int myItemNum; int myResult; Str255 myDAName; WindowPtr myWindow; myMenuNum = HiWord(menuAndItem); myItemNum = LoWord(menuAndItem); GetPort(&myWindow); switch (myMenuNum) { case mApple: switch( myItemNum ) { case iAbout: DoAboutBox(); break; default: GetMenuItemText(GetMenuHandle(mApple), myItemNum, myDAName); myResult = OpenDeskAcc(myDAName); break; } break; case mFile: switch (myItemNum) { case iQuit: Com_Quit_f(); break; } break; } HiliteMenu(0); }
void handleMenuSelection(long result) { int menuID, menuItem; RgnHandle rgnHandle = NewRgn(); menuID = HiWord(result); menuItem = LoWord(result); if (menuID == FILE_MENU) { if (menuItem == FILE_SAVE) saveToPICTFile(); else if (menuItem == FILE_QUIT) gDone = true; else if (menuItem == FILE_CLOSE) { DisposeWindow(FrontWindow()); if (FrontWindow() == NULL) gDone = true; } else if (menuItem == FILE_NEW) { } else if (menuItem == FILE_REFRESH) { createImage(); drawImage(FrontWindow()); QDFlushPortBuffer(GetWindowPort(FrontWindow()), GetPortVisibleRegion(GetWindowPort(FrontWindow()), rgnHandle)); } } HiliteMenu(0); DisposeRgn(rgnHandle); }
bool GHOST_SystemCarbon::handleMenuCommand(GHOST_TInt32 menuResult) { short menuID; short menuItem; UInt32 command; bool handled; OSErr err; menuID = HiWord(menuResult); menuItem = LoWord(menuResult); err = ::GetMenuItemCommandID(::GetMenuHandle(menuID), menuItem, &command); handled = false; if (err || command == 0) { } else { switch (command) { } } ::HiliteMenu(0); return handled; }
boolean clickcolorpopup (Point pt, RGBColor *rgb) { long result; short lo, hi; if (!flpopupinit) flpopupinit = initcolorpopup (); setcursortype (cursorisarrow); CalcMenuSize (colormenu); InsertMenu (colormenu, hierMenu); LocalToGlobal (&pt); result = PopUpMenuSelect (colormenu, pt.v, pt.h, -1); DeleteMenu ((**colormenu).menuID); lo = LoWord (result); hi = HiWord (result); if (hi > 0) { /*something was selected*/ *rgb = (*ctable) [lo - 1].rgb; return (true); } return (false); } /*clickcolorpopup*/
void DoMenuCommand(long menuResult) { short menuID; /* the resource ID of the selected menu */ short menuItem; /* the item number of the selected menu */ menuID = HiWord(menuResult); /* use macros to get item & menu number */ menuItem = LoWord(menuResult); switch (menuID) { case mApple: switch (menuItem) { case iAbout: DoAboutBox(); break; case iQuit: ExitToShell(); break; default: break; } break; case mFile: break; case mEdit: break; } HiliteMenu(0); /* unhighlight what MenuSelect (or MenuKey) hilited */ }
SInt32 myWindowHitTest(WindowRef window,SInt32 param) { /*------------------------------------------------------ Determine the region of the window which was hit --------------------------------------------------------*/ Point hitPoint; static RgnHandle tempRgn=nil; if(!tempRgn) tempRgn=NewRgn(); SetPt(&hitPoint,LoWord(param),HiWord(param));//get the point clicked if(IsWindowHilited(window)){ //make sure the window is in front for these if(PtInRgn(hitPoint,getWindowGrowBoxRegion(window,tempRgn)))//in GrowBox? return wInGrow; if(PtInRgn(hitPoint,getWindowCloseBoxRegion(window,tempRgn)))//in the Close Box? return wInGoAway; if(PtInRgn(hitPoint,getWindowZoomBoxRegion(window,tempRgn)))//in the Zoom Box? return wInZoomOut; //Mac OS 8.0 or later if(PtInRgn(hitPoint,getWindowCollapseBoxRegion(window,tempRgn)))//in the Collapse Box? return wInCollapseBox; } //Mac OS 8.5 or later if(PtInRgn(hitPoint,getWindowContentRegion(window,tempRgn))) //in window content region? return wInContent; if(PtInRgn(hitPoint,getWindowDragRegion(window,tempRgn)))//in window drag region? return wInDrag; return wNoHit;//no significant area was hit. }
void DoCommand(long mResult) { short theItem; short theMenu; Str255 daName; short daRefNum; theItem = LoWord(mResult); theMenu = HiWord(mResult); switch (theMenu) { case appleID: { if (theItem == 1) { Alert(rUserAlert, nil); } else { /* all non-About items in this menu are DAs */ /* type Str255 is an array in MPW 3 */ GetMenuItemText(GetMenuHandle(appleID), theItem, daName); daRefNum = OpenDeskAcc(daName); } break; } case fileID: { quit = 1; break; } case editID: { if (!SystemEdit(theItem-1)) // call Desk Manager to handle editing command if desk accessory window is the active window { switch (theItem) { case cutCommand: TECut(textH); break; case copyCommand: TECopy(textH); break; case pasteCommand: TEPaste(textH); break; case clearCommand: TEDelete(textH); break; default: break; } } } default: break; } HiliteMenu(0); }
void doMouseDown(EventRecord *eventStrucPtr) { WindowRef windowRef; WindowPartCode partCode, zoomPart; BitMap screenBits; Rect constraintRect, mainScreenRect; Point standardStateHeightAndWidth; long newSize; partCode = FindWindow(eventStrucPtr->where,&windowRef); switch(partCode) { case inMenuBar: break; case inContent: if(windowRef != FrontWindow()) SelectWindow(windowRef); else doInContent(eventStrucPtr,windowRef); break; case inDrag: DragWindow(windowRef,eventStrucPtr->where,NULL); break; case inGoAway: break; case inGrow: = 75; constraintRect.left = 250; constraintRect.bottom = constraintRect.right = 32767; newSize = GrowWindow(windowRef,eventStrucPtr->where,&constraintRect); if (newSize != 0) SizeWindow(windowRef,LoWord(newSize),HiWord(newSize),true); window_adjust_scrollbars(windowRef); window_invalidate(windowRef); break; case inZoomIn: case inZoomOut: mainScreenRect = GetQDGlobalsScreenBits(&screenBits)->bounds; standardStateHeightAndWidth.v = mainScreenRect.bottom; standardStateHeightAndWidth.h = mainScreenRect.right; if(IsWindowInStandardState(windowRef,&standardStateHeightAndWidth,NULL)) zoomPart = inZoomIn; else zoomPart = inZoomOut; if(TrackBox(windowRef,eventStrucPtr->where,partCode)) { ZoomWindowIdeal(windowRef,zoomPart,&standardStateHeightAndWidth); window_adjust_scrollbars(windowRef); } break; } }
static void mac_updatelicence(WindowPtr window) { Handle h; int len; long fondsize; Rect textrect; SetPort((GrafPtr)GetWindowPort(window)); BeginUpdate(window); fondsize = GetScriptVariable(smRoman, smScriptSmallFondSize); TextFont(HiWord(fondsize)); TextSize(LoWord(fondsize)); h = Get1Resource('TEXT', wLicence); len = GetResourceSizeOnDisk(h); #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(window), &textrect); #else textrect = window->portRect; #endif if (h != NULL) { HLock(h); TETextBox(*h, len, &textrect, teFlushDefault); HUnlock(h); } EndUpdate(window); }
void DataSerializer::Serialize<float>(const float& value) { const uint32_t& tmp = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t&>(value); const uint16_t lo = LoWord(tmp); const uint16_t hi = HiWord(tmp); *this << HiByte(hi) << LoByte(hi) << HiByte(lo) << LoByte(lo); }
virtual void PopUp( wxWindow *WXUNUSED(win), int x, int y ) { long menuResult = ::PopUpMenuSelect(m_osxMenu, y, x, 0) ; if ( HiWord(menuResult) != 0 ) { MenuCommand macid; GetMenuItemCommandID( GetMenuHandle(HiWord(menuResult)) , LoWord(menuResult) , &macid ); int id = wxMacCommandToId( macid ); wxMenuItem* item = NULL ; wxMenu* realmenu ; item = m_peer->FindItem( id, &realmenu ) ; if ( item ) { m_peer->HandleCommandProcess(item, NULL ); } } }
static pascal long WindowMaskProc(short varCode, WindowRef window, short message, long param) { #pragma unused( varCode ) switch (message) { case kWindowMsgGetFeatures: *(OptionBits*) param = kWindowCanGetWindowRegion | kWindowDefSupportsColorGrafPort; return 1; case kWindowMsgGetRegion: { GetWindowRegionRec* rgnRec = (GetWindowRegionRec*) param; switch (rgnRec->regionCode) { case kWindowTitleBarRgn: case kWindowTitleTextRgn: case kWindowCloseBoxRgn: case kWindowZoomBoxRgn: case kWindowDragRgn: case kWindowGrowRgn: case kWindowCollapseBoxRgn: SetEmptyRgn(rgnRec->winRgn); break; case kWindowStructureRgn: case kWindowContentRgn: getWindowContentRegion(window, rgnRec->winRgn); break; case kWindowUpdateRgn: break; case kWindowOpaqueRgn: SetEmptyRgn(rgnRec -> winRgn); break; default: return errWindowRegionCodeInvalid; } return noErr; } case kWindowMsgHitTest: { Point hitPoint; static RgnHandle tempRgn = nil; if (!tempRgn) tempRgn = NewRgn(); SetPt(&hitPoint, LoWord(param), HiWord(param));//get the point clicked if (PtInRgn(hitPoint, getWindowContentRegion(window, tempRgn))) return wInContent; else return wNoHit; } break; default: break; } return 0; }
IPopupMenu* IGraphicsCarbon::CreateIPopupMenu(IPopupMenu* pMenu, IRECT* pAreaRect) { // Get the plugin gui frame rect within the host's window HIRect rct; HIViewGetFrame(this->mView, &rct); // Get the host's window rect within the screen Rect wrct; GetWindowBounds(this->mWindow, kWindowContentRgn, &wrct); #ifdef RTAS_API int xpos = wrct.left + this->GetLeftOffset() + pAreaRect->L; int ypos = + this->GetTopOffset() + pAreaRect->B + 5; #else HIViewRef contentView; HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(this->mWindow), kHIViewWindowContentID, &contentView); HIViewConvertRect(&rct, HIViewGetSuperview((HIViewRef)this->mView), contentView); int xpos = wrct.left + rct.origin.x + pAreaRect->L; int ypos = + rct.origin.y + pAreaRect->B + 5; #endif MenuRef menuRef = CreateMenu(pMenu); if (menuRef) { int32_t popUpItem = 1; int32_t PopUpMenuItem = PopUpMenuSelect(menuRef, ypos, xpos, popUpItem); short result = LoWord(PopUpMenuItem) - 1; short menuIDResult = HiWord(PopUpMenuItem); IPopupMenu* resultMenu = 0; if (menuIDResult != 0) { MenuRef usedMenuRef = GetMenuHandle(menuIDResult); if (usedMenuRef) { if (GetMenuItemRefCon(usedMenuRef, 0, (URefCon*)&resultMenu) == noErr) { resultMenu->SetChosenItemIdx(result); } } } CFRelease(menuRef); return resultMenu; } else { return 0; } }
static void handlemenu (long codeword) { short idmenu, iditem; iditem = LoWord (codeword); idmenu = HiWord (codeword); if (SharedMenuHit (idmenu, iditem)) /*See Step #3*/ goto exit; switch (idmenu) { case applemenu: switch (iditem) { case aboutitem: Alert (262, nil); break; default: { Str255 s; GetItem (happlemenu, iditem, s); OpenDeskAcc (s); break; } } /*switch*/ break; /*apple menu*/ case filemenu: switch (iditem) { case quititem: flexitmainloop = true; break; } /*switch*/ break; /*file menu*/ } /*switching on which menu was invoked*/ exit: HiliteMenu (0); } /*handlemenu*/
void dogrowwin (Point start, WindowPtr wp) { Rect r; long newsize; /* todo: find out what is normally done when there is no maximum size that needs to be enforced */ SetRect (&r, ICONWIDTHUSED, ICONHEIGHTUSED, 32767, 32767); newsize = GrowWindow (wp, start, &r); SizeWindow (wp, LoWord (newsize), HiWord (newsize), true); InvalRect (&wp->portRect); straightenwindow (wp); }
static void mac_menucommand(long result) { short menu, item; WindowPtr window; #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON Str255 da; #endif menu = HiWord(result); item = LoWord(result); window = FrontWindow(); /* Things which do the same whatever window we're in. */ switch (menu) { case mApple: switch (item) { case iAbout: mac_openabout(); goto done; #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON default: GetMenuItemText(GetMenuHandle(mApple), item, da); OpenDeskAcc(da); goto done; #endif } break; case mFile: switch (item) { case iNew: mac_newkey(); goto done; case iClose: mac_closewindow(window); goto done; case iQuit: cleanup_exit(0); goto done; } break; } /* If we get here, handling is up to window-specific code. */ if (mac_wininfo(window)->menu != NULL) (*mac_wininfo(window)->menu)(window, menu, item); done: HiliteMenu(0); }
static void doMenu( long menuSelection ) { short whichMenu = HiWord(menuSelection); short whichMenuItem = LoWord(menuSelection); switch (whichMenu) { case kAppleMenuID: switch (whichMenuItem) { case kAppleMenuAbout: Alert(128, NULL); break; default: break; } break; case kFileMenuID: switch (whichMenuItem) { case kFileMenuQuit: gDone = true; break; } break; case kDemoMenuID: if (window) { DisposeWindow( window ); window = NULL; }; switch (whichMenuItem) { case kDemoMenuDraw: DrawImage(); break; case kDemoMenuScaleRotate: ScaleAndRotate(); break; case kDemoMenuAlpha: AlphaComposite(); break; case kDemoMenuMoreInfo: GetMoreInfo(); break; case kDemoMenuMultipleImage: MultipleImage(); break; case kDemoMenuURLImage: ImageFromURL(); break; case kDemoMenuFiltersExport: FilterExport(); break; case kDemoMenuMovieImage: MovieToImage(); break; case kDemoMenuDeepImages: DeepImages(); break; case kDemoMenuDrawCMYK: DrawCMYK(); break; case kDemoMenuDrawUsingCGImage: DrawUsingCGImage(); break; case kDemoMenuExportFromCGBitmapContext: ExportFromCGBitmapContext(); break; default: break; } // switch } HiliteMenu(0); }
int _handle_user_event( unsigned long ticks) { EventRecord event; if( WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &event, ticks, nil)){ long menuResult = 0; short menuID, menuItem; WindowPtr window; Str255 daName; switch ( event.what ) { case mouseDown: if( FindWindow(event.where, &window) == inMenuBar) menuResult = MenuSelect(event.where); break; case keyDown: if( event.modifiers & cmdKey ) menuResult = MenuKey((short)event.message & charCodeMask); break; case kHighLevelEvent: AEProcessAppleEvent(&event); break; } menuID = HiWord(menuResult); menuItem = LoWord(menuResult); switch ( menuID ) { case mFile: MLDone = MLAbort = 1; break; case mApple: switch ( menuItem ) { case iAbout: do_about_box(); break; default: GetMenuItemText(GetMenuHandle(mApple), menuItem, daName); break; } HiliteMenu(0); } } return MLDone; }
long wait () { EventRecord event; WindowPtr window; MenuInfo **m; long r; Str255 tmp; /* wait for an event */ WaitNextEvent (everyEvent,&event,(long) 6,NIL); switch (event.what) { /* got one -- what is it? */ case mouseDown: /* mouse clicked */ switch (FindWindow (event.where,&window)) { case inMenuBar: /* menu bar item? */ /* yes, interesting event? */ if (r = MenuSelect (event.where)) { /* round-about test for Apple menu */ if ((*(m = GetMHandle (HiWord (r))))->menuData[1] == appleMark) { /* get desk accessory name */ GetItem (m,LoWord (r),tmp); OpenDeskAcc (tmp); /* fire it up */ SetPort (window); /* put us back at our window */ } else SysBeep (60); /* the fool forgot to disable it! */ } HiliteMenu (0); /* unhighlight it */ break; case inContent: /* some window was selected */ if (window != FrontWindow ()) SelectWindow (window); break; default: /* ignore all others */ break; } break; case keyDown: /* key hit - if COMMAND/. then punt */ if ((event.modifiers & cmdKey) && (event.message & charCodeMask) == '.') return NIL; break; default: /* ignore all others */ break; } return T; /* try wait test again */ }
static SInt32 wxShapedMacWindowHitTest(WindowRef window,SInt32 param) { /*------------------------------------------------------ Determine the region of the window which was hit --------------------------------------------------------*/ Point hitPoint; static RgnHandle tempRgn=nil; if(!tempRgn) tempRgn=NewRgn(); SetPt(&hitPoint,LoWord(param),HiWord(param));//get the point clicked //Mac OS 8.5 or later wxShapedMacWindowStructureRegion(window, tempRgn); if (PtInRgn(hitPoint, tempRgn)) //in window content region? return wInContent; return wNoHit;//no significant area was hit. }
static void mac_createeventlog(Session *s) { Rect view; ListBounds bounds = { 0, 0, 0, 1 }; /* 1 column, 0 rows */ Point csize = { 0, 0 }; GrafPtr saveport; long fondsize; WinInfo *wi; s->eventlog_window = GetNewWindow(wEventLog, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1); wi = snew(WinInfo); memset(wi, 0, sizeof(*wi)); wi->s = s; wi->wtype = wEventLog; wi->click = &mac_clickeventlog; wi->activate = &mac_activateeventlog; wi->grow = &mac_groweventlog; wi->update = &mac_updateeventlog; wi->close = &mac_closeeventlog; SetWRefCon(s->eventlog_window, (long)wi); GetPort(&saveport); SetPort((GrafPtr)GetWindowPort(s->eventlog_window)); fondsize = GetScriptVariable(smRoman, smScriptSmallFondSize); TextFont(HiWord(fondsize)); TextSize(LoWord(fondsize)); SetPort(saveport); #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(s->eventlog_window), &view); #else view = s->eventlog_window->portRect; #endif view.right -= 15; /* Scrollbar */ s->eventlog = LNew(&view, &bounds, csize, 0, s->eventlog_window, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE); mac_adjusteventlogscrollbar(s); #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON SetListSelectionFlags(s->eventlog, lExtendDrag | lNoDisjoint | lNoExtend); #else (*s->eventlog)->selFlags = lExtendDrag | lNoDisjoint | lNoExtend; #endif }
void nsNativeViewerApp::DispatchMenuItemWithoutWindow(PRInt32 menuResult) { long menuID = HiWord(menuResult); long menuItem = LoWord(menuResult); switch (menuID) { case menu_Apple: switch (menuItem) { case cmd_About: ::Alert(128, nil); break; default: Str255 daName; GetMenuItemText(GetMenuHandle(menu_Apple), menuItem, daName); #if !TARGET_CARBON OpenDeskAcc(daName); #endif break; } break; case menu_File: switch (menuItem) { case cmd_New: gTheApp->OpenWindow(); break; case cmd_Open: nsBrowserWindow * newWindow; gTheApp->OpenWindow((PRUint32)0, newWindow); newWindow->DoFileOpen(); break; case cmd_Quit: gTheApp->Exit(); break; } break; } }
Boolean InitAnimatedCursors( short acurID ) { register short i = 0; register short cursID; Boolean noErrFlag = 0; if ( gCursorList = (acurHandle) GetResource( 'acur',acurID ) ) { /* Got it! */ noErrFlag = 1; while ( (i < (*gCursorList)->numberOfFrames) && noErrFlag ) { /* The id of the cursor is stored in the high word of the frame handle */ cursID = (short) HiWord( (long) (*gCursorList)->frame[i] ); (*gCursorList)->frame[i] = GetCursor( cursID ); if ( (*gCursorList)->frame[i] ) i++; /* Get the next one */ else noErrFlag = 0; /* Couldn't find the cursor */ } } if ( noErrFlag ) { (*gCursorList)->whichFrame = 0; } else { /* Free up memory we won't use */ if ( gCursorList ) { (*gCursorList)->numberOfFrames = i; /* These are all we managed to get */ ReleaseAnimatedCursors(); } gCursorList = NULL; } return noErrFlag; }
static void mac_event(EventRecord *event) { short part; WindowPtr window; switch (event->what) { case mouseDown: part = FindWindow(event->where, &window); switch (part) { case inMenuBar: mac_adjustmenus(); mac_menucommand(MenuSelect(event->where)); break; #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON case inSysWindow: SystemClick(event, window); break; #endif case inContent: if (window != FrontWindow()) /* XXX: check for movable modal dboxes? */ SelectWindow(window); else mac_contentclick(window, event); break; case inGoAway: if (TrackGoAway(window, event->where)) mac_closewindow(window); break; case inDrag: /* XXX: moveable modal check? */ #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON { BitMap screenBits; GetQDGlobalsScreenBits(&screenBits); DragWindow(window, event->where, &screenBits.bounds); } #else DragWindow(window, event->where, &qd.screenBits.bounds); #endif break; case inGrow: mac_growwindow(window, event); break; case inZoomIn: case inZoomOut: if (TrackBox(window, event->where, part)) mac_zoomwindow(window, part); break; } break; case keyDown: case autoKey: mac_keypress(event); break; case activateEvt: mac_activatewindow((WindowPtr)event->message, event); break; case updateEvt: mac_updatewindow((WindowPtr)event->message); break; #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON case diskEvt: if (HiWord(event->message) != noErr) { Point pt; SetPt(&pt, 120, 120); DIBadMount(pt, event->message); } break; #endif case osEvt: switch ((event->message & osEvtMessageMask) >> 24) { case suspendResumeMessage: mac_suspendresume(event); break; } break; case kHighLevelEvent: AEProcessAppleEvent(event); /* errors? */ break; } }
void DataSerializer::Serialize<uint32_t>(const uint32_t& value) { Serialize(LoWord(value)); Serialize(HiWord(value)); }
static void HandleMenuChoice(long wParam) { UINT update; Str255 applname; #if defined(SUPPORT_STATSAVE) UINT num; char ext[16]; #endif update = 0; switch(wParam) { case IDM_ABOUT: AboutDialogProc(); break; case IDM_RESET: pccore_cfgupdate(); pccore_reset(); break; case IDM_CONFIGURE: ConfigDialogProc(); break; case IDM_NEWDISK: dialog_newdisk(); break; case IDM_FONT: dialog_font(); break; case IDM_EXIT: np2running = FALSE; break; case IDM_FDD1OPEN: dialog_changefdd(0); break; case IDM_FDD1EJECT: diskdrv_setfdd(0, NULL, 0); break; case IDM_FDD2OPEN: dialog_changefdd(1); break; case IDM_FDD2EJECT: diskdrv_setfdd(1, NULL, 0); break; case IDM_FDD3OPEN: dialog_changefdd(2); break; case IDM_FDD3EJECT: diskdrv_setfdd(2, NULL, 0); break; case IDM_FDD4OPEN: dialog_changefdd(3); break; case IDM_FDD4EJECT: diskdrv_setfdd(3, NULL, 0); break; case IDM_SASI1OPEN: dialog_changehdd(0x00); break; case IDM_SASI1REMOVE: diskdrv_sethdd(0x00, NULL); break; case IDM_SASI2OPEN: dialog_changehdd(0x01); break; case IDM_SASI2REMOVE: diskdrv_sethdd(0x01, NULL); break; case IDM_SCSI0OPEN: dialog_changehdd(0x20); break; case IDM_SCSI0REMOVE: diskdrv_sethdd(0x20, NULL); break; case IDM_SCSI1OPEN: dialog_changehdd(0x21); break; case IDM_SCSI1REMOVE: diskdrv_sethdd(0x21, NULL); break; case IDM_SCSI2OPEN: dialog_changehdd(0x22); break; case IDM_SCSI2REMOVE: diskdrv_sethdd(0x22, NULL); break; case IDM_SCSI3OPEN: dialog_changehdd(0x23); break; case IDM_SCSI3REMOVE: diskdrv_sethdd(0x23, NULL); break; case IDM_ROLNORMAL: menu_setrotate(0); changescreen(scrnmode & (~SCRNMODE_ROTATEMASK)); break; case IDM_ROLLEFT: menu_setrotate(1); changescreen((scrnmode & (~SCRNMODE_ROTATEMASK)) | SCRNMODE_ROTATELEFT); break; case IDM_ROLRIGHT: menu_setrotate(2); changescreen((scrnmode & (~SCRNMODE_ROTATEMASK)) | SCRNMODE_ROTATERIGHT); break; case IDM_DISPSYNC: menu_setdispmode(np2cfg.DISPSYNC ^ 1); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_RASTER: menu_setraster(np2cfg.RASTER ^ 1); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_NOWAIT: menu_setwaitflg(np2oscfg.NOWAIT ^ 1); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_AUTOFPS: menu_setframe(0); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_60FPS: menu_setframe(1); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_30FPS: menu_setframe(2); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_20FPS: menu_setframe(3); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_15FPS: menu_setframe(4); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_SCREENOPT: dialog_scropt(); break; case IDM_MOUSE: mousemng_toggle(MOUSEPROC_SYSTEM); menu_setmouse(np2oscfg.MOUSE_SW ^ 1); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_MIDIOPT: MPU98DialogProc(); break; case IDM_MIDIPANIC: rs232c_midipanic(); mpu98ii_midipanic(); pc9861k_midipanic(); break; case IDM_KEY: menu_setkey(0); keystat_resetjoykey(); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_JOY1: menu_setkey(1); keystat_resetjoykey(); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_JOY2: menu_setkey(2); keystat_resetjoykey(); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_MOUSEKEY: menu_setkey(3); keystat_resetjoykey(); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_XSHIFT: menu_setxshift(np2cfg.XSHIFT ^ 1); keystat_forcerelease(0x70); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_XCTRL: menu_setxshift(np2cfg.XSHIFT ^ 2); keystat_forcerelease(0x74); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_XGRPH: menu_setxshift(np2cfg.XSHIFT ^ 4); keystat_forcerelease(0x73); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_F11KANA: menu_setf11key(0); mackbd_resetf11(); update |= SYS_UPDATEOSCFG; break; case IDM_F11STOP: menu_setf11key(1); mackbd_resetf11(); update |= SYS_UPDATEOSCFG; break; case IDM_F11NFER: menu_setf11key(3); mackbd_resetf11(); update |= SYS_UPDATEOSCFG; break; case IDM_F11USER: menu_setf11key(4); mackbd_resetf11(); update |= SYS_UPDATEOSCFG; break; case IDM_F12MOUSE: menu_setf12key(0); mackbd_resetf12(); update |= SYS_UPDATEOSCFG; break; case IDM_F12COPY: menu_setf12key(1); mackbd_resetf12(); update |= SYS_UPDATEOSCFG; break; case IDM_F12XFER: menu_setf12key(3); mackbd_resetf12(); update |= SYS_UPDATEOSCFG; break; case IDM_F12USER: menu_setf12key(4); mackbd_resetf12(); update |= SYS_UPDATEOSCFG; break; case IDM_BEEPOFF: menu_setbeepvol(0); beep_setvol(0); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_BEEPLOW: menu_setbeepvol(1); beep_setvol(1); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_BEEPMID: menu_setbeepvol(2); beep_setvol(2); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_BEEPHIGH: menu_setbeepvol(3); beep_setvol(3); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_NOSOUND: menu_setsound(0); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_PC9801_14: menu_setsound(0x01); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_PC9801_26K: menu_setsound(0x02); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_PC9801_86: menu_setsound(0x04); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_PC9801_26_86: menu_setsound(0x06); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_PC9801_86_CB: menu_setsound(0x14); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_PC9801_118: menu_setsound(0x08); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_SPEAKBOARD: menu_setsound(0x20); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_SPARKBOARD: menu_setsound(0x40); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_AMD98: menu_setsound(0x80); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_JASTSND: menu_setjastsnd(np2oscfg.jastsnd ^ 1); update |= SYS_UPDATEOSCFG; break; case IDM_SEEKSND: menu_setmotorflg(np2cfg.MOTOR ^ 1); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_MEM640: menu_setextmem(0); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_MEM16: menu_setextmem(1); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_MEM36: menu_setextmem(3); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_MEM76: menu_setextmem(7); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_MEM116: menu_setextmem(11); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_MEM136: menu_setextmem(13); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_BMPSAVE: dialog_writebmp(); break; case IDM_CALENDAR: CalendarDialogProc(); break; case IDM_DISPCLOCK: menu_setdispclk(np2oscfg.DISPCLK ^ 1); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_DISPFLAME: menu_setdispclk(np2oscfg.DISPCLK ^ 2); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_JOYX: menu_setbtnmode(np2cfg.BTN_MODE ^ 1); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_RAPID: menu_setbtnrapid(np2cfg.BTN_RAPID ^ 1); update |= SYS_UPDATECFG; break; case IDM_I286SAVE: debugsub_status(); break; default: if (HiWord(wParam) == IDM_APPLE) { GetMenuItemText(GetMenuHandle(IDM_APPLE), LoWord(wParam), applname); #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON (void)OpenDeskAcc(applname); #endif } #if defined(SUPPORT_STATSAVE) else if (HiWord(wParam) == IDM_STATSAVE) { num = LoWord(wParam); if ((num >= 1) && (num < (1 + 10))) { SPRINTF(ext, np2flagext, num - 1); flagsave(ext); } else if ((num >= 12) && (num < (12 + 10))) { SPRINTF(ext, np2flagext, num - 12); flagload(ext, TRUE); } } #endif break; } sysmng_update(update); HiliteMenu(0); }
void TkMacHandleMenuSelect( long mResult, int optionKeyPressed) { short theItem = LoWord(mResult); short theMenu = HiWord(mResult); Str255 name; Tk_Window tkwin; Window window; TkDisplay *dispPtr; if (mResult == 0) { TkMacHandleTearoffMenu(); TkMacClearMenubarActive(); return; } switch (theMenu) { case kAppleMenu: switch (theItem) { case kAppleAboutItem: { Tcl_CmdInfo dummy; if (optionKeyPressed || gInterp == NULL || Tcl_GetCommandInfo(gInterp, "tkAboutDialog", &dummy) == 0) { TkAboutDlg(); } else { Tcl_Eval(gInterp, "tkAboutDialog"); } break; } default: GetMenuItemText(tkAppleMenu, theItem, name); HiliteMenu(0); OpenDeskAcc(name); return; } break; case kFileMenu: switch (theItem) { case kSourceItem: /* TODO: source script */ SourceDialog(); break; case kCloseItem: /* Send close event */ if (TkMacHaveAppearance() >= 0x110) { window = TkMacGetXWindow(FrontNonFloatingWindow()); } else { window = TkMacGetXWindow(FrontWindow()); } dispPtr = TkGetDisplayList(); tkwin = Tk_IdToWindow(dispPtr->display, window); TkGenWMDestroyEvent(tkwin); break; case kQuitItem: /* Exit */ if (optionKeyPressed || gInterp == NULL) { Tcl_Exit(0); } else { Tcl_Eval(gInterp, "exit"); } break; } break; case kEditMenu: /* * This implementation just send keysyms * the Tk thinks are associated with function keys that * do Cut, Copy & Paste on a Sun keyboard. */ GenerateEditEvent(theItem); break; default: TkMacDispatchMenuEvent(theMenu, theItem); TkMacClearMenubarActive(); break; } /* * Finally we unhighlight the menu. */ HiliteMenu(0); } /* TkMacHandleMenuSelect */
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static Boolean dialogFilter(EventRecord *event, DialogRef *theDialog, DialogItemIndex *itemHit) { /* See the comments for HandleKeyDown in PrefsWindow.c about why we're using virtual key codes instead of character codes. */ Boolean eventHandled = false; char charCode, keyCode; switch (event->what) { case keyDown: // handle key presses not handled by DialogSelect case autoKey: *theDialog = GetDialogFromWindow(FrontNonFloatingWindow()); SetPortDialogPort(*theDialog); charCode = event->message & charCodeMask; keyCode = (event->message & keyCodeMask) >> 8; if ((event->modifiers & cmdKey) != 0) // check to see if any menu commands { // were selected - this isn't necessarily handling the event UInt32 menuChoice; OSErr error; MenuCommand commandID; menuChoice = MenuEvent(event); error = GetMenuItemCommandID(GetMenuRef(HiWord(menuChoice)), LoWord(menuChoice), &commandID); if (error == noErr) { if (commandID == 0) // if the menu item chosen does not have a commandID = (MenuCommand)menuChoice; // command ID HandleMenuChoice(commandID); // (but they all should) } } if ( (keyCode == kEnterKeyCode) || (keyCode == kReturnKeyCode) || (keyCode == kEscapeKeyCode) || ( ((event->modifiers & cmdKey) != 0) && (charCode == '.') ) ) { ControlRef button; unsigned long finalTicks; if ( (keyCode == kEnterKeyCode) || (keyCode == kReturnKeyCode) ) { GetDialogItemAsControl(*theDialog, kStdOkItemIndex, &button); *itemHit = kStdOkItemIndex; } else { GetDialogItemAsControl(*theDialog, kStdCancelItemIndex, &button); *itemHit = kStdCancelItemIndex; } HiliteControl(button, kControlButtonPart); Delay(8, &finalTicks); HiliteControl(button, kControlNoPart); eventHandled = true; } } return eventHandled; }