Exemplo n.º 1
inline SweptElementData::VertexDataRef::VertexDataRef(const HomCoord &this_min, const HomCoord &this_max,
                                    const HomXform &tmp_xform, SweptVertexData *this_seq)
    : xform(tmp_xform), invXform(tmp_xform.inverse()), srcSeq(this_seq)
  minmax[0] = HomCoord(this_min);
  minmax[1] = HomCoord(this_max); 
Exemplo n.º 2
    EntityHandle shandle,
    const int imin, const int jmin, const int kmin,
    const int imax, const int jmax, const int kmax,
    int *is_p)
    : SequenceData(0, shandle,
                   shandle +
                   calc_num_entities( shandle, imax-imin, jmax-jmin, kmax-kmin, is_p)
                   - 1)
    // need to have meaningful parameters
    assert(imax >= imin && jmax >= jmin && kmax >= kmin);

    isPeriodic[0] = (is_p ? is_p[0] : 0);
    isPeriodic[1] = (is_p ? is_p[1] : 0);

    boxParams[0] = HomCoord(imin, jmin, kmin);
    boxParams[1] = HomCoord(imax, jmax, kmax);
    boxParams[2] = HomCoord(1, 1, 1);

    // assign and compute parameter stuff
    dIJK[0] = boxParams[1][0] - boxParams[0][0] + 1;
    dIJK[1] = boxParams[1][1] - boxParams[0][1] + 1;
    dIJK[2] = boxParams[1][2] - boxParams[0][2] + 1;
    dIJKm1[0] = dIJK[0] - (isPeriodic[0] ? 0 : 1);
    dIJKm1[1] = dIJK[1] - (isPeriodic[1] ? 0 : 1);
    dIJKm1[2] = dIJK[2] - 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
                             EntityHandle shandle,
                             const int imin, const int jmin, const int kmin,
                             const int imax, const int jmax, const int kmax,
			     const int* /*Cq*/ ) 
    : SequenceData(0, shandle,
                   shandle + 
                   calc_num_entities( shandle, imax-imin, jmax-jmin, kmax-kmin )
                   - 1)
    // need to have meaningful parameters
  assert(imax >= imin && jmax >= jmin && kmax >= kmin);
  elementParams[0] = HomCoord(imin, jmin, kmin);
  elementParams[1] = HomCoord(imax, jmax, kmax);
  elementParams[2] = HomCoord(1, 1, 1);
    // assign and compute parameter stuff
  dIJK[0] = elementParams[1][0] - elementParams[0][0] + 1;
  dIJK[1] = elementParams[1][1] - elementParams[0][1] + 1;
  dIJK[2] = elementParams[1][2] - elementParams[0][2] + 1;
  dIJKm1[0] = dIJK[0] - 1;
  dIJKm1[1] = dIJK[1] - 1;
  dIJKm1[2] = dIJK[2] - 1;
Exemplo n.º 4
ErrorCode ScdInterface::create_scd_sequence(const HomCoord &low, const HomCoord &high, EntityType tp,
                                            int starting_id, ScdBox *&new_box,
                                            int *is_periodic)
  HomCoord tmp_size = high - low + HomCoord(1, 1, 1, 0);
  if ((tp == MBHEX && 1 >= tmp_size[2])  ||
      (tp == MBQUAD && 1 >= tmp_size[1]) || 
      (tp == MBEDGE && 1 >= tmp_size[0]))
    return MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;

  Core *mbcore = dynamic_cast<Core*>(mbImpl);
  SequenceManager *seq_mgr = mbcore->sequence_manager();

  EntitySequence *tmp_seq;
  EntityHandle start_ent, scd_set;

    // construct the sequence
  ErrorCode rval = seq_mgr->create_scd_sequence(low, high, tp, starting_id, start_ent, tmp_seq,
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

    // create the set for this rectangle
  rval = create_box_set(low, high, scd_set);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

    // make the ScdBox
  new_box = new ScdBox(this, scd_set, tmp_seq);
  if (!new_box) return MB_FAILURE;

    // set the start vertex/element
  Range new_range;
  if (MBVERTEX == tp) {
    new_range.insert(start_ent, start_ent+new_box->num_vertices()-1);
  else {
    new_range.insert(start_ent, start_ent+new_box->num_elements()-1);

    // put the entities in the box set
  rval = mbImpl->add_entities(scd_set, new_range);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

    // tag the set with the box
  rval = mbImpl->tag_set_data(box_set_tag(), &scd_set, 1, &new_box);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

  return MB_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 5
inline ErrorCode SweptElementData::get_params_connectivity(const int i, const int j, const int k,
                                                           std::vector<EntityHandle>& connectivity) const
  if (contains(HomCoord(i, j, k)) == false) return MB_FAILURE;
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i, j, k));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i+1, j, k));
  if (CN::Dimension(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(start_handle())) < 2) return MB_SUCCESS;
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i+1, j+1, k));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i, j+1, k));
  if (CN::Dimension(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(start_handle())) < 3) return MB_SUCCESS;
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i, j, k+1));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i+1, j, k+1));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i+1, j+1, k+1));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i, j+1, k+1));
  return MB_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 6
inline ErrorCode ScdElementData::get_params_connectivity(const int i, const int j, const int k,
                                                           std::vector<EntityHandle>& connectivity) const
  if (contains(HomCoord(i, j, k)) == false) return MB_FAILURE;
  int ip1 = (isPeriodic[0] ? (i+1)%dIJKm1[0] : i+1),
      jp1 = (isPeriodic[1] ? (j+1)%dIJKm1[1] : j+1);
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i, j, k));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(ip1, j, k));
  if (CN::Dimension(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(start_handle())) < 2) return MB_SUCCESS;
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(ip1, jp1, k));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i, jp1, k));
  if (CN::Dimension(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(start_handle())) < 3) return MB_SUCCESS;
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i, j, k+1));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(ip1, j, k+1));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(ip1, jp1, k+1));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i, jp1, k+1));
  return MB_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 7
 inline EntityHandle get_vertex(int i, int j, int k) const
   { return get_vertex(HomCoord(i,j,k)); }
Exemplo n.º 8
ScdBox::ScdBox(ScdInterface *impl, EntityHandle bset,
               EntitySequence *seq1, EntitySequence *seq2) 
        : scImpl(impl), boxSet(bset), vertDat(NULL), elemSeq(NULL), startVertex(0), startElem(0)
  for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) boxDims[i] = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) locallyPeriodic[i] = false;
  VertexSequence *vseq = dynamic_cast<VertexSequence *>(seq1);
  if (vseq) vertDat = dynamic_cast<ScdVertexData*>(vseq->data());
  if (vertDat) {
      // retrieve the parametric space
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      boxDims[i] = vertDat->min_params()[i];
      boxDims[3+i] = vertDat->max_params()[i];
    startVertex = vertDat->start_handle();
  else if (impl->boxDimsTag) {
      // look for parametric space info on set
    ErrorCode rval = impl->mbImpl->tag_get_data(impl->boxDimsTag, &bset, 1, boxDims);
    if (MB_SUCCESS == rval) {
      Range verts;
      impl->mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(bset, 0, verts);
      if (!verts.empty()) startVertex = *verts.begin();

  elemSeq = dynamic_cast<StructuredElementSeq *>(seq2);
  if (!elemSeq)
    elemSeq = dynamic_cast<StructuredElementSeq *>(seq1);

  if (elemSeq) {
    if (vertDat) {
        // check the parametric space to make sure it's consistent
      assert(elemSeq->sdata()->min_params() == HomCoord(boxDims, 3) && 
             (elemSeq->sdata()->max_params() + HomCoord(1, 1, 1)) == HomCoord(boxDims, 3));

    else {
        // get the parametric space from the element sequence
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        boxDims[i] = elemSeq->sdata()->min_params()[i];
        boxDims[3+i] = elemSeq->sdata()->max_params()[i];

    startElem = elemSeq->start_handle();
  else {
    Range elems;
    impl->mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(bset, (boxDims[2] == boxDims[5] ? (boxDims[1] == boxDims[4] ? 1 : 2) : 3), elems);
    if (!elems.empty()) startElem = *elems.begin();
      // call the following w/o looking at return value, since it doesn't really need to be there
    if (impl->boxPeriodicTag) 
      impl->mbImpl->tag_get_data(impl->boxPeriodicTag, &bset, 1, locallyPeriodic);

  assert(vertDat || elemSeq || 
         boxDims[0] != boxDims[3]|| boxDims[1] != boxDims[4]|| boxDims[2] != boxDims[5]);

  boxSize = HomCoord(boxDims+3, 3) - HomCoord(boxDims, 3) + HomCoord(1, 1, 1);
  boxSizeIJ = (boxSize[1] ? boxSize[1] : 1) * boxSize[0];
  boxSizeIM1 = boxSize[0]-(locallyPeriodic[0] ? 0 : 1);
  boxSizeIJM1 = (boxSize[1] ? (boxSize[1]-(locallyPeriodic[1] ? 0 : 1)) : 1) * boxSizeIM1;

Exemplo n.º 9
ErrorCode ScdInterface::construct_box(HomCoord low, HomCoord high, const double * const coords, unsigned int num_coords,
                                      ScdBox *& new_box, int * const lperiodic, ScdParData *par_data,
                                      bool assign_gids, int tag_shared_ents)
    // create a rectangular structured mesh block
  ErrorCode rval;

  int tmp_lper[3] = {0, 0, 0};
  if (lperiodic) std::copy(lperiodic, lperiodic+3, tmp_lper);
  if (-1 != tag_shared_ents) ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "Parallel capability requested but MOAB not compiled parallel.");
  if (-1 == tag_shared_ents && !assign_gids) assign_gids = true; // need to assign gids in order to tag shared verts
  if (par_data && low == high && ScdParData::NOPART != par_data->partMethod) {
      // requesting creation of parallel mesh, so need to compute partition
    if (!par_data->pComm) {
        // this is a really boneheaded way to have to create a PC
      par_data->pComm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(mbImpl, 0);
      if (NULL == par_data->pComm) par_data->pComm = new ParallelComm(mbImpl, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    int ldims[6];
    rval = compute_partition(par_data->pComm->size(), par_data->pComm->rank(), *par_data, 
                             ldims, tmp_lper, par_data->pDims);
    ERRORR(rval, "Error returned from compute_partition.");
    if (par_data->pComm->get_debug_verbosity() > 0) {
      std::cout << "Proc " << par_data->pComm->rank() << ": " << *par_data;
      std::cout << "Proc " << par_data->pComm->rank() << " local dims: " 
                << low << "-" << high << std::endl;
  HomCoord tmp_size = high - low + HomCoord(1, 1, 1, 0);
  if ((tmp_size[1] && num_coords && (int)num_coords < tmp_size[0]) ||
      (tmp_size[2] && num_coords && (int)num_coords < tmp_size[0]*tmp_size[1]))
    return MB_FAILURE;

  rval = create_scd_sequence(low, high, MBVERTEX, 0, new_box);
  ERRORR(rval, "Trouble creating scd vertex sequence.");

    // set the vertex coordinates
  double *xc, *yc, *zc;
  rval = new_box->get_coordinate_arrays(xc, yc, zc);
  ERRORR(rval, "Couldn't get vertex coordinate arrays.");

  if (coords && num_coords) {
    unsigned int i = 0;
    for (int kl = low[2]; kl <= high[2]; kl++) {
      for (int jl = low[1]; jl <= high[1]; jl++) {
        for (int il = low[0]; il <= high[0]; il++) {
          xc[i] = coords[3*i];
          if (new_box->box_size()[1])
            yc[i] = coords[3*i+1];
          if (new_box->box_size()[2])
            zc[i] = coords[3*i+2];
  else {
    unsigned int i = 0;
    for (int kl = low[2]; kl <= high[2]; kl++) {
      for (int jl = low[1]; jl <= high[1]; jl++) {
        for (int il = low[0]; il <= high[0]; il++) {
          xc[i] = (double) il;
          if (new_box->box_size()[1])
            yc[i] = (double) jl;
          else yc[i] = 0.0;
          if (new_box->box_size()[2])
            zc[i] = (double) kl;
          else zc[i] = 0.0;

    // create element sequence
  Core *mbcore = dynamic_cast<Core*>(mbImpl);
  SequenceManager *seq_mgr = mbcore->sequence_manager();

  EntitySequence *tmp_seq;
  EntityHandle start_ent;

    // construct the sequence
  EntityType this_tp = MBHEX;
  if (1 >= tmp_size[2]) this_tp = MBQUAD;
  if (1 >= tmp_size[2] && 1 >= tmp_size[1]) this_tp = MBEDGE;
  rval = seq_mgr->create_scd_sequence(low, high, this_tp, 0, start_ent, tmp_seq, 
  ERRORR(rval, "Trouble creating scd element sequence.");


    // add vertex seq to element seq, forward orientation, unity transform
  rval = new_box->add_vbox(new_box,
                             // p1: imin,jmin
                           low, low, 
                             // p2: imax,jmin
                           low + HomCoord(1, 0, 0),
                           low + HomCoord(1, 0, 0),
                             // p3: imin,jmax
                           low + HomCoord(0, 1, 0),
                           low + HomCoord(0, 1, 0));
  ERRORR(rval, "Error constructing structured element sequence.");

    // add the new hexes to the scd box set; vertices were added in call to create_scd_sequence
  Range tmp_range(new_box->start_element(), new_box->start_element() + new_box->num_elements() - 1);
  rval = mbImpl->add_entities(new_box->box_set(), tmp_range);
  ERRORR(rval, "Couldn't add new hexes to box set.");

  if (par_data) new_box->par_data(*par_data);

  if (assign_gids) {
    rval = assign_global_ids(new_box);
    ERRORR(rval, "Trouble assigning global ids");

  if (par_data && -1 != tag_shared_ents) {
    rval = tag_shared_vertices(par_data->pComm, new_box);
  return MB_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 10
inline bool SweptVertexData::contains(const int i, const int j, const int k) const
  return contains(HomCoord(i, j, k));