Exemplo n.º 1
/* The following function exists to put the MCU to sleep when in the idle task. */
void vApplicationIdleHook(void)
  /* Put the processor to sleep if the serial port indicates it is OK, 
   * the command task does not have anything to process, and
   * all of the queues are empty.
   * This will stop the OS scheduler.

  FreeBuffers = QueueHandles[FREE_QINDEX]->uxMessagesWaiting;
  if (   SerialPortReadyToSleep()
      && CommandTaskReadyToSleep()
      && GetTaskDelayLockCount() == 0
      && (FreeBuffers == NUM_MSG_BUFFERS) )
    extern xTaskHandle IdleTaskHandle;
    CheckStackUsage(IdleTaskHandle,"Idle Task");
    /* Call MSP430 Utility function to enable low power mode 3.     */
    /* Put OS and Processor to sleep. Will need an interrupt        */
    /* to wake us up from here.   */
UEditorActorFolders& FActorFolders::InitializeForWorld(UWorld& InWorld)
	// Clean up any stale worlds

	// We intentionally don't pass RF_Transactional to ConstructObject so that we don't record the creation of the object into the undo buffer
	// (to stop it getting deleted on undo as we manage its lifetime), but we still want it to be RF_Transactional so we can record any changes later
	UEditorActorFolders* Folders = NewObject<UEditorActorFolders>(GetTransientPackage(), NAME_None, RF_NoFlags);
	TemporaryWorldFolders.Add(&InWorld, Folders);

	// Ensure the list is entirely up to date with the world before we write our serialized properties into it.
	for (FActorIterator ActorIt(&InWorld); ActorIt; ++ActorIt)
		AddFolderToWorld(InWorld, ActorIt->GetFolderPath());

	// Attempt to load the folder properties from this user's saved world state directory
	const auto Filename = GetWorldStateFilename(InWorld.GetOutermost());
	TUniquePtr<FArchive> Ar(IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader(*Filename));
	if (Ar)
		TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> RootObject = MakeShareable(new FJsonObject);

		auto Reader = TJsonReaderFactory<TCHAR>::Create(Ar.Get());
		if (FJsonSerializer::Deserialize(Reader, RootObject))
			const TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& JsonFolders = RootObject->GetObjectField(TEXT("Folders"));
			for (const auto& KeyValue : JsonFolders->Values)
				// Only pull in the folder's properties if this folder still exists in the world.
				// This means that old stale folders won't re-appear in the world (they'll won't get serialized when the world is saved anyway)
				if (FActorFolderProps* FolderInWorld = Folders->Folders.Find(*KeyValue.Key))
					auto FolderProperties = KeyValue.Value->AsObject();
					FolderInWorld->bIsExpanded = FolderProperties->GetBoolField(TEXT("bIsExpanded"));

	return *Folders;
void FActorFolders::OnMapChange(uint32 MapChangeFlags)
void FActorFolders::OnLevelActorListChanged()