Exemplo n.º 1
  This function returns the image type according to server replied HTTP message
  and also the image's URI info.

  @param[in]    Uri              The pointer to the image's URI string.
  @param[in]    UriParser        URI Parse result returned by NetHttpParseUrl(). 
  @param[in]    HeaderCount      Number of HTTP header structures in Headers list. 
  @param[in]    Headers          Array containing list of HTTP headers.
  @param[out]   ImageType        The image type of the downloaded file.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The image type is returned in ImageType.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  ImageType, Uri or UriParser is NULL.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  HeaderCount is not zero, and Headers is NULL.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND          Failed to identify the image type.
  @retval Others                 Unexpect error happened.

HttpBootCheckImageType (
  IN      CHAR8                  *Uri,
  IN      VOID                   *UriParser,
  IN      UINTN                  HeaderCount,
  IN      EFI_HTTP_HEADER        *Headers,
  EFI_STATUS            Status;
  EFI_HTTP_HEADER       *Header;
  CHAR8                 *FilePath;
  CHAR8                 *FilePost;

  if (Uri == NULL || UriParser == NULL || ImageType == NULL) {

  if (HeaderCount != 0 && Headers == NULL) {

  // Determine the image type by the HTTP Content-Type header field first.
  //   "application/efi"         -> EFI Image
  //   "application/vnd.efi-iso" -> CD/DVD Image
  //   "application/vnd.efi-img" -> Virtual Disk Image
  Header = HttpFindHeader (HeaderCount, Headers, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE);
  if (Header != NULL) {
    if (AsciiStriCmp (Header->FieldValue, HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_APP_EFI) == 0) {
      *ImageType = ImageTypeEfi;
      return EFI_SUCCESS;
    } else if (AsciiStriCmp (Header->FieldValue, HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_APP_ISO) == 0) {
      *ImageType = ImageTypeVirtualCd;
      return EFI_SUCCESS;
    } else if (AsciiStriCmp (Header->FieldValue, HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_APP_IMG) == 0) {
      *ImageType = ImageTypeVirtualDisk;
      return EFI_SUCCESS;

  // Determine the image type by file extension:
  //   *.efi -> EFI Image
  //   *.iso -> CD/DVD Image
  //   *.img -> Virtual Disk Image
  Status = HttpUrlGetPath (
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  FilePost = FilePath + AsciiStrLen (FilePath) - 4;
  if (AsciiStrCmp (FilePost, ".efi") == 0) {
    *ImageType = ImageTypeEfi;
  } else if (AsciiStrCmp (FilePost, ".iso") == 0) {
    *ImageType = ImageTypeVirtualCd;
  } else if (AsciiStrCmp (FilePost, ".img") == 0) {
    *ImageType = ImageTypeVirtualDisk;
  } else {
    *ImageType = ImageTypeMax;

  FreePool (FilePath);

  return (*ImageType < ImageTypeMax) ? EFI_SUCCESS : EFI_NOT_FOUND;
Exemplo n.º 2
  Set or update a HTTP header with the field name and corresponding value.

  @param[in]  HttpIoHeader       Point to the HTTP header holder.
  @param[in]  FieldName          Null terminated string which describes a field name.
  @param[in]  FieldValue         Null terminated string which describes the corresponding field value.

  @retval  EFI_SUCCESS           The HTTP header has been set or updated.
  @retval  EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Any input parameter is invalid.
  @retval  EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Insufficient resource to complete the operation.
  @retval  Other                 Unexpected error happened.
HttpBootSetHeader (
  IN  HTTP_IO_HEADER       *HttpIoHeader,
  IN  CHAR8                *FieldName,
  IN  CHAR8                *FieldValue
  EFI_HTTP_HEADER       *Header;
  UINTN                 StrSize;
  CHAR8                 *NewFieldValue;
  if (HttpIoHeader == NULL || FieldName == NULL || FieldValue == NULL) {

  Header = HttpFindHeader (HttpIoHeader->HeaderCount, HttpIoHeader->Headers, FieldName);
  if (Header == NULL) {
    // Add a new header.
    if (HttpIoHeader->HeaderCount >= HttpIoHeader->MaxHeaderCount) {
      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
    Header = &HttpIoHeader->Headers[HttpIoHeader->HeaderCount];

    StrSize = AsciiStrSize (FieldName);
    Header->FieldName = AllocatePool (StrSize);
    if (Header->FieldName == NULL) {
      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
    CopyMem (Header->FieldName, FieldName, StrSize);
    Header->FieldName[StrSize -1] = '\0';

    StrSize = AsciiStrSize (FieldValue);
    Header->FieldValue = AllocatePool (StrSize);
    if (Header->FieldValue == NULL) {
      FreePool (Header->FieldName);
      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
    CopyMem (Header->FieldValue, FieldValue, StrSize);
    Header->FieldValue[StrSize -1] = '\0';

  } else {
    // Update an existing one.
    StrSize = AsciiStrSize (FieldValue);
    NewFieldValue = AllocatePool (StrSize);
    if (NewFieldValue == NULL) {
      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
    CopyMem (NewFieldValue, FieldValue, StrSize);
    NewFieldValue[StrSize -1] = '\0';
    if (Header->FieldValue != NULL) {
      FreePool (Header->FieldValue);
    Header->FieldValue = NewFieldValue;

  return EFI_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 3
  Create HTTP header based on a combination of seed header, fields
  to delete, and fields to append.

  The Build() function is used to manage the headers portion of an
  HTTP message by providing the ability to add, remove, or replace
  HTTP headers.

  @param[in]  This                Pointer to EFI_HTTP_UTILITIES_PROTOCOL instance.
  @param[in]  SeedMessageSize     Size of the initial HTTP header. This can be zero.
  @param[in]  SeedMessage         Initial HTTP header to be used as a base for
                                  building a new HTTP header. If NULL,
                                  SeedMessageSize is ignored.
  @param[in]  DeleteCount         Number of null-terminated HTTP header field names
                                  in DeleteList.
  @param[in]  DeleteList          List of null-terminated HTTP header field names to
                                  remove from SeedMessage. Only the field names are
                                  in this list because the field values are irrelevant
                                  to this operation.
  @param[in]  AppendCount         Number of header fields in AppendList.
  @param[in]  AppendList          List of HTTP headers to populate NewMessage with.
                                  If SeedMessage is not NULL, AppendList will be
                                  appended to the existing list from SeedMessage in
  @param[out] NewMessageSize      Pointer to number of header fields in NewMessage.
  @param[out] NewMessage          Pointer to a new list of HTTP headers based on.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             Add, remove, and replace operations succeeded.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    Could not allocate memory for NewMessage.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
                                  This is NULL.
HttpUtilitiesBuild (
  IN     UINTN                       SeedMessageSize,
  IN     VOID                        *SeedMessage, OPTIONAL
  IN     UINTN                       DeleteCount,
  IN     CHAR8                       *DeleteList[], OPTIONAL
  IN     UINTN                       AppendCount,
  IN     EFI_HTTP_HEADER             *AppendList[], OPTIONAL
     OUT UINTN                       *NewMessageSize,
     OUT VOID                        **NewMessage
  EFI_STATUS                Status;
  EFI_HTTP_HEADER           *SeedHeaderFields;
  UINTN                     SeedFieldCount;
  UINTN                     Index;
  EFI_HTTP_HEADER           *TempHeaderFields;
  UINTN                     TempFieldCount;
  EFI_HTTP_HEADER           *NewHeaderFields;
  UINTN                     NewFieldCount;
  EFI_HTTP_HEADER           *HttpHeader;
  UINTN                     StrLength;
  UINT8                     *NewMessagePtr;

  SeedHeaderFields = NULL;
  SeedFieldCount   = 0;
  TempHeaderFields = NULL;
  TempFieldCount   = 0;
  NewHeaderFields  = NULL;
  NewFieldCount    = 0;

  HttpHeader       = NULL;
  StrLength        = 0;
  NewMessagePtr    = NULL;
  *NewMessageSize  = 0;
  Status           = EFI_SUCCESS;
  if (This == NULL) {

  if (SeedMessage != NULL) {
    Status = This->Parse (
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto ON_EXIT;

  // Handle DeleteList
  if (SeedFieldCount != 0 && DeleteCount != 0) {
    TempHeaderFields = AllocateZeroPool (SeedFieldCount * sizeof(EFI_HTTP_HEADER));
    if (TempHeaderFields == NULL) {
      Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
      goto ON_EXIT;
    for (Index = 0, TempFieldCount = 0; Index < SeedFieldCount; Index++) {
      // Check whether each SeedHeaderFields member is in DeleteList
      if (HttpIsValidHttpHeader( DeleteList, DeleteCount, SeedHeaderFields[Index].FieldName)) {
        Status = HttpSetFieldNameAndValue (
        if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
          goto ON_EXIT;
  } else {
    TempHeaderFields = SeedHeaderFields;
    TempFieldCount = SeedFieldCount;

  // Handle AppendList
  NewHeaderFields = AllocateZeroPool ((TempFieldCount + AppendCount) * sizeof (EFI_HTTP_HEADER));
  if (NewHeaderFields == NULL) {
    goto ON_EXIT;

  for (Index = 0; Index < TempFieldCount; Index++) {
    Status = HttpSetFieldNameAndValue (
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto ON_EXIT;
  NewFieldCount = TempFieldCount;

  for (Index = 0; Index < AppendCount; Index++) {
    HttpHeader = HttpFindHeader (NewFieldCount, NewHeaderFields, AppendList[Index]->FieldName);
    if (HttpHeader != NULL) {
      Status = HttpSetFieldNameAndValue (
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        goto ON_EXIT;
    } else {
      Status = HttpSetFieldNameAndValue (
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        goto ON_EXIT;

  // Calculate NewMessageSize, then build NewMessage
  for (Index = 0; Index < NewFieldCount; Index++) {
    HttpHeader = &NewHeaderFields[Index];

    StrLength = AsciiStrLen (HttpHeader->FieldName);
    *NewMessageSize += StrLength;

    StrLength = sizeof(": ") - 1;
    *NewMessageSize += StrLength;

    StrLength = AsciiStrLen (HttpHeader->FieldValue);
    *NewMessageSize += StrLength;

    StrLength = sizeof("\r\n") - 1;
    *NewMessageSize += StrLength;
  StrLength = sizeof("\r\n") - 1;
  *NewMessageSize += StrLength;

  // Final 0 for end flag
  *NewMessageSize += 1; 

  *NewMessage = AllocateZeroPool (*NewMessageSize);
  if (*NewMessage == NULL) {
    goto ON_EXIT;

  NewMessagePtr = (UINT8 *)(*NewMessage);

  for (Index = 0; Index < NewFieldCount; Index++) {
    HttpHeader = &NewHeaderFields[Index];

    StrLength = AsciiStrLen (HttpHeader->FieldName);
    CopyMem (NewMessagePtr, HttpHeader->FieldName, StrLength);
    NewMessagePtr += StrLength;

    StrLength = sizeof(": ") - 1;
    CopyMem (NewMessagePtr, ": ", StrLength);
    NewMessagePtr += StrLength;

    StrLength = AsciiStrLen (HttpHeader->FieldValue);
    CopyMem (NewMessagePtr, HttpHeader->FieldValue, StrLength);
    NewMessagePtr += StrLength;

    StrLength = sizeof("\r\n") - 1;
    CopyMem (NewMessagePtr, "\r\n", StrLength);
    NewMessagePtr += StrLength;
  StrLength = sizeof("\r\n") - 1;
  CopyMem (NewMessagePtr, "\r\n", StrLength);
  NewMessagePtr += StrLength;

  *NewMessagePtr = 0;

  ASSERT (*NewMessageSize == (UINTN)NewMessagePtr - (UINTN)(*NewMessage) + 1);

  // Free allocated buffer 
  if (SeedHeaderFields != NULL) {
    HttpFreeHeaderFields(SeedHeaderFields, SeedFieldCount);
  if (TempHeaderFields != NULL) {
    HttpFreeHeaderFields(TempHeaderFields, TempFieldCount);

  if (NewHeaderFields != NULL) {
    HttpFreeHeaderFields(NewHeaderFields, NewFieldCount);
  return Status;