Exemplo n.º 1
* Function Name: I2C_1_Stop
* Summary:
*  Disables the SCB component and its interrupt.
*  It also disables all TX interrupt sources so as not to cause an unexpected
*  interrupt trigger because after the component is enabled, the TX FIFO 
*  is empty.
* Parameters:
*  None
* Return:
*  None
void I2C_1_Stop(void)
#endif /* (I2C_1_SCB_IRQ_INTERNAL) */

    /* Call Stop function specific to current operation mode */

    /* Disable SCB IP */
    I2C_1_CTRL_REG &= (uint32) ~I2C_1_CTRL_ENABLED;

    /* Disable all TX interrupt sources so as not to cause an unexpected
    * interrupt trigger because after the component is enabled, the TX FIFO
    * is empty.
    * For SCB IP v0, it is critical as it does not mask-out interrupt
    * sources when they are disabled. This can cause a code lock-up in the
    * interrupt handler because TX FIFO cannot be loaded after the block
    * is disabled.

#endif /* (I2C_1_SCB_IRQ_INTERNAL) */
Exemplo n.º 2
* Function Name: I2C_1_I2CMasterClearWriteBuf
* Summary:
*  Resets the write buffer pointer back to the first byte in the buffer.
* Parameters:
*  None
* Return:
*  None
* Global variables:
*  I2C_1_mstrRdBufIndex - used to current index within master read
*   buffer.
*  I2C_1_mstrStatus - used to store current status of I2C Master.
void I2C_1_I2CMasterClearWriteBuf(void)
    I2C_1_DisableInt();  /* Lock from interruption */

    I2C_1_mstrWrBufIndex = 0u;
    I2C_1_mstrStatus    &= (uint16) ~I2C_1_I2C_MSTAT_WR_CMPLT;

    I2C_1_EnableInt();   /* Release lock */
Exemplo n.º 3
* Function Name: I2C_1_I2CSlaveClearReadStatus
* Summary:
*  Clears the read status flags and returns their values. No other status flags
*  are affected.
* Parameters:
*  None
* Return:
*  Current read status of I2C slave.
* Global variables:
*  I2C_1_slStatus  - used to store current status of I2C slave.
uint32 I2C_1_I2CSlaveClearReadStatus(void)
    uint32 status;

    I2C_1_DisableInt();  /* Lock from interruption */

    /* Mask of transfer complete flag and error status */
    status = ((uint32) I2C_1_slStatus & I2C_1_I2C_SSTAT_RD_MASK);
    I2C_1_slStatus &= (uint8) ~I2C_1_I2C_SSTAT_RD_CLEAR;

    I2C_1_EnableInt();   /* Release lock */

Exemplo n.º 4
* Function Name: I2C_1_I2CSlaveInitWriteBuf
* Summary:
*  Sets the buffer pointer and size of the read buffer. This function also
*  resets the transfer count returned with the I2C_SlaveGetReadBufSize function.
* Parameters:
*  writeBuf:  Pointer to the data buffer to be read by the master.
*  bufSize:  Size of the buffer exposed to the I2C master.
* Return:
*  None
* Global variables:
*  I2C_1_slWrBufPtr   - used to store pointer to slave write buffer.
*  I2C_1_slWrBufSize  - used to store salve write buffer size.
*  I2C_1_slWrBufIndex - used to store current index within slave
*  write buffer.
* Side Effects:
*  If this function is called during a bus transaction, data from the previous
*  buffer location and the beginning of current buffer may be transmitted.
void I2C_1_I2CSlaveInitWriteBuf(uint8 * wrBuf, uint32 bufSize)
    /* Check buffer pointer */
    if(NULL != wrBuf)
        I2C_1_DisableInt();  /* Lock from interruption */

        I2C_1_slWrBufPtr   = (volatile uint8 *) wrBuf; /* Set buffer pointer  */
        I2C_1_slWrBufSize  = bufSize;                  /* Set buffer size     */
        I2C_1_slWrBufIndex = 0u;                       /* Clear buffer index  */

        I2C_1_EnableInt();   /* Release lock */
Exemplo n.º 5
* Function Name: I2C_1_Stop
* Summary:
*  Disables the SCB component and its interrupt.
* Parameters:
*  None
* Return:
*  None
void I2C_1_Stop(void)
#endif /* (I2C_1_SCB_IRQ_INTERNAL) */

    I2C_1_CTRL_REG &= (uint32) ~I2C_1_CTRL_ENABLED;  /* Disable scb IP */

#endif /* (I2C_1_SCB_IRQ_INTERNAL) */

    I2C_1_ScbModeStop(); /* Calls scbMode specific Stop function */
Exemplo n.º 6
* Function Name: I2C_1_I2CMasterClearStatus
* Summary:
*  Clears all status flags and returns the master status.
* Parameters:
*  None
* Return:
*  Current status of I2C master.
* Global variables:
*  I2C_1_mstrStatus - used to store current status of I2C Master.
uint32 I2C_1_I2CMasterClearStatus(void)
    uint32 status;

    I2C_1_DisableInt();  /* Lock from interruption */

    /* Read and clear master status */
    status = (uint32) I2C_1_mstrStatus;
    I2C_1_mstrStatus = I2C_1_I2C_MSTAT_CLEAR;

    I2C_1_EnableInt();   /* Release lock */

Exemplo n.º 7
* Function Name: I2C_1_I2CSlaveInitReadBuf
* Summary:
*  Sets the buffer pointer and size of the read buffer. This function also
*  resets the transfer count returned with the I2C_SlaveGetReadBufSize function.
* Parameters:
*  readBuf:  Pointer to the data buffer to be read by the master.
*  bufSize:  Size of the read buffer exposed to the I2C master.
* Return:
*  None
* Global variables:
*  I2C_1_slRdBufPtr   - used to store pointer to slave read buffer.
*  I2C_1_slRdBufSize  - used to store salve read buffer size.
*  I2C_1_slRdBufIndex - used to store current index within slave
*  read buffer.
* Side Effects:
*  If this function is called during a bus transaction, data from the previous
*  buffer location and the beginning of current buffer may be transmitted.
void I2C_1_I2CSlaveInitReadBuf(uint8 * rdBuf, uint32 bufSize)
    /* Check for proper buffer */
    if(NULL != rdBuf)
        I2C_1_DisableInt();  /* Lock from interruption */

        I2C_1_slRdBufPtr      = (volatile uint8 *) rdBuf; /* Set buffer pointer  */
        I2C_1_slRdBufSize     = bufSize;                  /* Set buffer size     */
        I2C_1_slRdBufIndex    = 0u;                       /* Clear buffer index  */
        I2C_1_slRdBufIndexTmp = 0u;                       /* Clear buffer index  */

        I2C_1_EnableInt();   /* Release lock */
Exemplo n.º 8
* Function Name: I2C_1_I2CMasterStatus
* Summary:
*  Returns the master's communication status.
* Parameters:
*  None
* Return:
*  Current status of I2C master.
* Global variables:
*  I2C_1_mstrStatus - used to store current status of I2C Master.
uint32 I2C_1_I2CMasterStatus(void)
    uint32 status;

    I2C_1_DisableInt();  /* Lock from interruption */

    status = (uint32) I2C_1_mstrStatus;

        /* Add status of master pending transaction: MSTAT_XFER_INP */
        status |= (uint32) I2C_1_I2C_MSTAT_XFER_INP;

    I2C_1_EnableInt();   /* Release lock */

Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: I2C_1.c Projeto: Qmax/PT6
* Function Name: I2C_1_Stop
* Summary:
*  Disables I2C hardware and disables I2C interrupt. Disables Active mode power
*  template bits or clock gating as appropriate.
* Parameters:
*  None
* Return:
*  None
void I2C_1_Stop(void)
#if((I2C_1_FF_IMPLEMENTED)  || \
    uint8 enableInterrupts;
#endif /* ((I2C_1_FF_IMPLEMENTED)  || \
               (I2C_1_UDB_IMPLEMENTED && I2C_1_MODE_SLAVE_ENABLED)) */


    I2C_1_DISABLE_INT_ON_STOP;   /* Interrupt on Stop can be enabled by write */
    (void) I2C_1_CSR_REG;        /* Clear CSR reg */

#endif  /* End (I2C_1_TIMEOUT_ENABLED) */

    /* Store registers which are held in reset when Master and Slave bits are cleared */
    I2C_1_backup.addr = I2C_1_ADDR_REG;
#endif /* (I2C_1_MODE_SLAVE_ENABLED) */

    I2C_1_backup.clkDiv1  = I2C_1_CLKDIV1_REG;
    I2C_1_backup.clkDiv2  = I2C_1_CLKDIV2_REG;

    /* Reset FF block */
    I2C_1_CFG_REG &= ((uint8) ~I2C_1_ENABLE_MS);
    I2C_1_CFG_REG |= ((uint8)  I2C_1_ENABLE_MS);

    /* Restore registers */
    I2C_1_ADDR_REG = I2C_1_backup.addr;
#endif /* (I2C_1_MODE_SLAVE_ENABLED) */

    I2C_1_CLKDIV1_REG = I2C_1_backup.clkDiv1;
    I2C_1_CLKDIV2_REG = I2C_1_backup.clkDiv2;

#endif /* (CY_PSOC3 || CY_PSOC5LP) */

    /* Disable power to I2C block */
    enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();
    I2C_1_ACT_PWRMGR_REG  &= ((uint8) ~I2C_1_ACT_PWR_EN);
    I2C_1_STBY_PWRMGR_REG &= ((uint8) ~I2C_1_STBY_PWR_EN);


    /* Disable slave bit counter */
    enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();
    I2C_1_COUNTER_AUX_CTL_REG &= ((uint8) ~I2C_1_CNT7_ENABLE);
#endif /* (I2C_1_MODE_SLAVE_ENABLED) */

    I2C_1_CFG_REG &= ((uint8) ~I2C_1_ENABLE_MS);

#endif /* (I2C_1_FF_IMPLEMENTED) */

    I2C_1_ClearPendingInt();  /* Clear interrupt triggers on reset */

    I2C_1_state = I2C_1_SM_IDLE;  /* Reset software FSM */
Exemplo n.º 10
* Function Name: I2C_1_I2CMasterWriteBuf
* Summary:
* Automatically writes an entire buffer of data to a slave device.
* Once the data transfer is initiated by this function, further data transfer
* is handled by the included ISR.
* Enables the I2C interrupt and clears SCB_ I2C_MSTAT_WR_CMPLT status.
* Parameters:
*  slaveAddr: 7-bit slave address.
*  xferData:  Pointer to buffer of data to be sent.
*  cnt:       Size of buffer to send.
*  mode:      Transfer mode defines: start or restart condition generation at
*             begin of the transfer and complete the transfer or halt before
*             generating a stop.
* Return:
*  Error status.
* Global variables:
*  I2C_1_mstrStatus  - used to store current status of I2C Master.
*  I2C_1_state       - used to store current state of software FSM.
*  I2C_1_mstrControl - used to control master end of transaction with
*  or without the Stop generation.
*  I2C_1_mstrWrBufPtr - used to store pointer to master write buffer.
*  I2C_1_mstrWrBufIndex - used to current index within master write
*  buffer.
*  I2C_1_mstrWrBufSize - used to store master write buffer size.
uint32 I2C_1_I2CMasterWriteBuf(uint32 slaveAddress, uint8 * wrData, uint32 cnt, uint32 mode)
    uint32 errStatus;

    errStatus = I2C_1_I2C_MSTR_NOT_READY;

    if(NULL != wrData)  /* Check buffer pointer */
        /* Check FSM state and bus before generating Start/ReStart condition */
            I2C_1_DisableInt();  /* Lock from interruption */

            /* Check bus state */
            errStatus = I2C_1_CHECK_I2C_STATUS(I2C_1_I2C_STATUS_BUS_BUSY) ?
                            I2C_1_I2C_MSTR_BUS_BUSY : I2C_1_I2C_MSTR_NO_ERROR;
        else if(I2C_1_CHECK_I2C_FSM_HALT)
            I2C_1_mstrStatus &= (uint16) ~I2C_1_I2C_MSTAT_XFER_HALT;
                              errStatus  = I2C_1_I2C_MSTR_NO_ERROR;
            /* Unexpected FSM state: exit */

    /* Check if master is ready to start  */
    if(I2C_1_I2C_MSTR_NO_ERROR == errStatus) /* No error proceed */
    #if (!I2C_1_CY_SCBIP_V0 && \
    #endif /* (!I2C_1_CY_SCBIP_V0) */

        /* Set up write transaction */
        I2C_1_state = I2C_1_I2C_FSM_MSTR_WR_ADDR;
        I2C_1_mstrWrBufIndexTmp = 0u;
        I2C_1_mstrWrBufIndex    = 0u;
        I2C_1_mstrWrBufSize     = cnt;
        I2C_1_mstrWrBufPtr      = (volatile uint8 *) wrData;
        I2C_1_mstrControl       = (uint8) mode;

        slaveAddress = I2C_1_GET_I2C_8BIT_ADDRESS(slaveAddress);

        I2C_1_mstrStatus &= (uint16) ~I2C_1_I2C_MSTAT_WR_CMPLT;

        /* The TX and RX FIFO have to be EMPTY */

        /* Generate Start or ReStart */
            I2C_1_TX_FIFO_WR_REG = slaveAddress;
            I2C_1_TX_FIFO_WR_REG = slaveAddress;

         /* Catch when address is sent */

    I2C_1_EnableInt();   /* Release lock */

Exemplo n.º 11
* Function Name: I2C_1_I2CMasterSendStart
* Summary:
*  Generates Start condition and sends slave address with read/write bit.
*  Disables the I2C interrupt.
*  This function is blocking and does not return until start condition and
*  address byte are sent and ACK/NACK response is received or errors occurred.
* Parameters:
*  slaveAddress: Right justified 7-bit Slave address (valid range 8 to 120).
*  bitRnW:       Direction of the following transfer. It is defined by
*                read/write bit within address byte.
* Return:
*  Erorr status.
* Global variables:
*  I2C_1_state - used to store current state of software FSM.
uint32 I2C_1_I2CMasterSendStart(uint32 slaveAddress, uint32 bitRnW)
    uint32  resetIp;
    uint32 errStatus;

    resetIp   = 0u;
    errStatus = I2C_1_I2C_MSTR_NOT_READY;

    /* Check FSM state before generating Start condition */
        /* If bus is free, generate Start condition */
            errStatus = I2C_1_I2C_MSTR_BUS_BUSY;
            I2C_1_DisableInt();  /* Lock from interruption */

        #if (!I2C_1_CY_SCBIP_V0 && \
        #endif /* (!I2C_1_CY_SCBIP_V0) */

            slaveAddress = I2C_1_GET_I2C_8BIT_ADDRESS(slaveAddress);

            if(0u == bitRnW) /* Write direction */
                I2C_1_state = I2C_1_I2C_FSM_MSTR_WR_DATA;
            else /* Read direction */
                I2C_1_state = I2C_1_I2C_FSM_MSTR_RD_DATA;
                         slaveAddress |= I2C_1_I2C_READ_FLAG;

            /* TX and RX FIFO have to be EMPTY */

            I2C_1_TX_FIFO_WR_REG = slaveAddress; /* Put address in TX FIFO */


            while(!I2C_1_CHECK_INTR_MASTER(I2C_1_INTR_MASTER_I2C_ACK      |
                                                      I2C_1_INTR_MASTER_I2C_NACK     |
                                                      I2C_1_INTR_MASTER_I2C_ARB_LOST |
                * Write: wait until address has been transferred
                * Read : wait until address has been transferred, data byte is going to RX FIFO as well.

            /* Check the results of the address phase */
                errStatus = I2C_1_I2C_MSTR_NO_ERROR;
            else if(I2C_1_CHECK_INTR_MASTER(I2C_1_INTR_MASTER_I2C_NACK))
                errStatus = I2C_1_I2C_MSTR_ERR_LB_NAK;
            else if(I2C_1_CHECK_INTR_MASTER(I2C_1_INTR_MASTER_I2C_ARB_LOST))
                I2C_1_state = I2C_1_I2C_FSM_IDLE;
                             errStatus = I2C_1_I2C_MSTR_ERR_ARB_LOST;
                             resetIp   = I2C_1_I2C_RESET_ERROR;
            else /* I2C_1_INTR_MASTER_I2C_BUS_ERROR set is else condition */
                I2C_1_state = I2C_1_I2C_FSM_IDLE;
                             errStatus = I2C_1_I2C_MSTR_ERR_BUS_ERR;
                             resetIp   = I2C_1_I2C_RESET_ERROR;

            I2C_1_ClearMasterInterruptSource(I2C_1_INTR_MASTER_I2C_ACK      |
                                                        I2C_1_INTR_MASTER_I2C_NACK     |
                                                        I2C_1_INTR_MASTER_I2C_ARB_LOST |

            /* Reset block in case of: LOST_ARB or BUS_ERR */
            if(0u != resetIp)

Exemplo n.º 12
* Function Name: I2C_1_I2CMasterReadBuf
* Summary:
*  Automatically reads an entire buffer of data from a slave device.
*  Once the data transfer is initiated by this function, further data transfer
*  is handled by the included ISR.
* Enables the I2C interrupt and clears SCB_ I2C_MSTAT_RD_CMPLT status.
* Parameters:
*  slaveAddr: 7-bit slave address.
*  xferData:  Pointer to buffer where to put data from slave.
*  cnt:       Size of buffer to read.
*  mode:      Transfer mode defines: start or restart condition generation at
*             begin of the transfer and complete the transfer or halt before
*             generating a stop.
* Return:
*  Error status.
* Global variables:
*  I2C_1_mstrStatus  - used to store current status of I2C Master.
*  I2C_1_state       - used to store current state of software FSM.
*  I2C_1_mstrControl - used to control master end of transaction with
*  or without the Stop generation.
*  I2C_1_mstrRdBufPtr - used to store pointer to master write buffer.
*  I2C_1_mstrRdBufIndex - used to current index within master write
*  buffer.
*  I2C_1_mstrRdBufSize - used to store master write buffer size.
uint32 I2C_1_I2CMasterReadBuf(uint32 slaveAddress, uint8 * rdData, uint32 cnt, uint32 mode)
    uint32 errStatus;

    errStatus = I2C_1_I2C_MSTR_NOT_READY;

    if(NULL != rdData)
        /* Check FSM state and bus before generating Start/ReStart condition */
            I2C_1_DisableInt();  /* Lock from interruption */

            /* Check bus state */
            errStatus = I2C_1_CHECK_I2C_STATUS(I2C_1_I2C_STATUS_BUS_BUSY) ?
                            I2C_1_I2C_MSTR_BUS_BUSY : I2C_1_I2C_MSTR_NO_ERROR;
        else if(I2C_1_CHECK_I2C_FSM_HALT)
            I2C_1_mstrStatus &= (uint16) ~I2C_1_I2C_MSTAT_XFER_HALT;
                              errStatus  =  I2C_1_I2C_MSTR_NO_ERROR;
            /* Unexpected FSM state: exit */

    /* Check master ready to proceed */
    if(I2C_1_I2C_MSTR_NO_ERROR == errStatus) /* No error proceed */
        #if (!I2C_1_CY_SCBIP_V0 && \
        #endif /* (!I2C_1_CY_SCBIP_V0) */

        /* Set up read transaction */
        I2C_1_state = I2C_1_I2C_FSM_MSTR_RD_ADDR;
        I2C_1_mstrRdBufIndex = 0u;
        I2C_1_mstrRdBufSize  = cnt;
        I2C_1_mstrRdBufPtr   = (volatile uint8 *) rdData;
        I2C_1_mstrControl    = (uint8) mode;

        slaveAddress = (I2C_1_GET_I2C_8BIT_ADDRESS(slaveAddress) | I2C_1_I2C_READ_FLAG);

        I2C_1_mstrStatus &= (uint16) ~I2C_1_I2C_MSTAT_RD_CMPLT;


        /* TX and RX FIFO have to be EMPTY */

        /* Generate Start or ReStart */
            I2C_1_TX_FIFO_WR_REG = (slaveAddress);
            I2C_1_TX_FIFO_WR_REG = (slaveAddress);

        /* Prepare reading */
        if(I2C_1_mstrRdBufSize < I2C_1_I2C_FIFO_SIZE) /* Reading byte-by-byte */
        else /* Receive RX FIFO chunks */

    I2C_1_EnableInt();   /* Release lock */
