Exemplo n.º 1
	 * Function used to read the temperature using Chico's Heat Sensor.  There are 9
	 * sensors total: 1 for ambient temperature and the others form the 8-bit temperature
	 * gauge sensor.
	 * @params temp: Pointer to an array to contain temperature values
	 * @returns temp: ambient and all 8-bit temperature values
int * ReadTemperature(int* temp) {

	for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
		/// Start the sequence by initializing the master
		I2C_Master_Start_Transceiver_With_Data((writeData + (i * 2)), 2);
		I2C_Master_Start_Transceiver_With_Data(readData, sizeof(readData));
		I2C_Master_Get_Data_From_Transceiver(result + (i * 2), 2);

	int counter = 1;
	///Finding the average ambient temp
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

		if (i == 9) {
			temp[i] = (temp[1] + temp[2] + temp[3] + temp[4] + temp[5]
					+ temp[6] + temp[7] + temp[8]) / 8;
		} else {
			temp[i] = *(result + counter);
			counter = counter + 2;

	return temp;
Exemplo n.º 2
uint8_t setDateTimeDS1307(pRTCArraySto xSettings)
	// Holds values for the RTC DS1307

	if( xI2CSemaphore != NULL ) // use the xI2CSemaphore if you're sharing the I2C bus.
		// See if we can obtain the semaphore.  If the semaphore is not available
		// wait 10 ticks to see if it becomes free.
		if( xSemaphoreTake( xI2CSemaphore, ( portTickType ) 10 ) == pdTRUE )
			xSettings->I2CAddress = DS1307 + I2C_WRITE;				 // set device address and write mode
			xSettings->Command	  = 0x00;							 // Write to the first address 0x00 (Seconds)
			xSettings->Second	  = decToBcd (xSettings->Second);	 // 0-59
			xSettings->Minute	  = decToBcd (xSettings->Minute);    // 0-59
			xSettings->Hour		  = decToBcd (xSettings->Hour);      // 1-23
			xSettings->Day		  = decToBcd (xSettings->Day);       // Sun=1, Mon=2, Tue=3, Wed=4, Thur=5, Fri=6, Sat=7
			xSettings->Date		  = decToBcd (xSettings->Date);      // 1-28/29/30/31
			xSettings->Month	  = decToBcd (xSettings->Month);     // Jan=1,... Dec=12
			xSettings->Year		  = decToBcd (xSettings->Year);      // '00 - '99
			xSettings->Control    = SQWENABLE;			    		 // enable the 1Hz square wave

			if (I2C_Check_Free_After_Stop() == pdTRUE )
				I2C_Master_Start_Transceiver_With_Data( (uint8_t *)xSettings, sizeof(xRTCArraySto));

			// We have finished accessing the shared resource. Release the i2c semaphore.
			xSemaphoreGive( xI2CSemaphore );

				xSemaphoreGive( xI2CSemaphore );
				return pdFALSE;
	return pdTRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
uint8_t getDateTimeDS1307( pRTCArray xTimeDate)
    uint8_t I2C_command_buf[ 2 ];

	if( xI2CSemaphore != NULL ) // use the xI2CSemaphore if you're sharing the I2C bus.
		// Better to do it anyway.
		// See if we can obtain the semaphore.  If the semaphore is not available
		// wait 10 ticks to see if it becomes free.
		if( xSemaphoreTake( xI2CSemaphore, ( portTickType ) 10 ) == pdTRUE )
			// We were able to obtain the semaphore and can now access the
			// shared resource.

			/*  Reading from the Slave
			1. Send a start sequence
			2. Send 0xD0 ( I2C address of the DS1307 with the R/W bit low (even address)
			3. Send 0x00 (Internal address of the bearing register)

			4. Send a start sequence again (repeated start)
			5. Send 0xD1 ( I2C address of the DS1307 with the R/W bit high (odd address)
			6. Read data byte from DS1307
			7. Repeat, reading the next data byte from DS1307
			8. Send the stop sequence.

			I2C_command_buf[0] = DS1307 + I2C_WRITE; 		// set device address and write mode
			I2C_command_buf[1] = 0x00;                      // write address = 0 (Seconds)

			if (I2C_Check_Free_After_Stop() == pdTRUE )
				I2C_Master_Start_Transceiver_With_Data( (uint8_t *)&I2C_command_buf, 2 );

			xTimeDate->I2CAddress = DS1307 + I2C_READ;		// set device address and read mode

			if (I2C_Check_Free_After_Stop() == pdTRUE )
				// all that matters here is to have the right size of the data we're looking to receive.
				I2C_Master_Start_Transceiver_With_Data( (uint8_t *)xTimeDate, sizeof(xRTCArray) );

			if( I2C_Master_Get_Data_From_Transceiver( (uint8_t *)xTimeDate, sizeof(xRTCArray) ) )
				xTimeDate->Second =  bcdToDec( xTimeDate->Second & 0x7f );  // convert one byte
				xTimeDate->Minute =  bcdToDec( xTimeDate->Minute & 0x7f );  // convert one byte
				xTimeDate->Hour   =  bcdToDec( xTimeDate->Hour   & 0x3f );  // convert one byte
				xTimeDate->Day    =  bcdToDec( xTimeDate->Day    & 0x07 );  // convert one byte
				xTimeDate->Date   =  bcdToDec( xTimeDate->Date   & 0x3f );  // convert one byte
				xTimeDate->Month  =  bcdToDec( xTimeDate->Month  & 0x1f );  // convert one byte
				xTimeDate->Year   =  bcdToDec( xTimeDate->Year );           // convert one byte

				// We have finished accessing the shared resource. Release the i2c semaphore.
				xSemaphoreGive( xI2CSemaphore );
				xSemaphoreGive( xI2CSemaphore );

				return  pdFALSE;           // return 0 to signify failure.


	return pdTRUE;