Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
        int i, v;
        byte data[20];


        // set mode register to 1 to activate accelerometer
        data[0] = 7;
        data[1] = 1;

        printf("Hit any key to quit\n\n");
        while (1) {
                for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
                        v = (data[i]/2^6)*9.81;
                        if (v>=0x20) v = -(0x40 - v);  //sign extend negatives
                        printf("%c:%3d  ",i+'X',v);
                for (i=3; i<11; i++)
                        printf("%x: %02x  ",i,data[i]);


        return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
void DaThread::run()
	//general variables
        int counter =0;
        unsigned int micro_seconds=22000;
        int gain=5; 
        int count=0;
        double inVal=0;

	//this is for the accelerometer use
        int i, v;
        byte data[20];
        // set mode register to 1 to activate accelerometer
        data[0] = 7;
        data[1] = 1;

	//this is for the servos
// I primarily got the structure of the code from TutorialsPoint website C++ Multithreading, Qthreads I 
// think I read somewhere are object oriented "helpers" of pthreads       
       uint64_t  rs_time=1900;
          int ls_boolean = 1;
          uint64_t  ls_time=1100;
          int rs_boolean = 1;

pthread_t servo_threads[2];
struct servo_thread_data threads_data[2];

//pin BCM18 should be the first thread delay of below
//delay should be less than 1500 mS
//pin 18 is the left side looking from the back of the vehicle


//pin BCM17

//servo running with pin BCM18
pthread_create(&servo_threads[0],NULL,rotateServo, (void *)&threads_data[0]);
//servo running with pin BCM
pthread_create(&servo_threads[1],NULL,rotateServo, (void *)&threads_data[1]);

//while loop reads, calculates on the reading, and should adjust PWM for servos
        double v_cm_per_sec=0;
        double intermediate_double=0;

        //read in data and then in for loop , FORMAT THE DATA!
        for (i=0; i<3; i++) {

             //v = (data[i]/2^6)*9.81;
              v=v&0x0000003F;//int datatype has 4 bytes , set the most significant 26 bits to 0.
             if (v>=0x20)
                  v = -(0x40 - v);
                }  //sign extend negatives <- this clever way was found online 
                 // v= (v<<3)/8;      //<- this other clever way was found in mbed's library
               intermediate_double=v/21.33; //       range for signed 5 bits is -32 to 31. The accel. 
                                            // from +-1.5g. So,  +32/1.5=21.33 approx.  
                                            //I really looked at mbed's library for the MMA7660, but I think
                                            // the math works out
               //look at consel for all three values, X,Y,Z. 
   // we only focus on one access, the forward direction assuming, the accelerometer is parallel to ground
               if(i==0){intermediate_double-=.046882;} //subtracting "x bias" value to get artificial value
               if(i==1){intermediate_double-=.093675;} //subtracting "y bias" value to get artificial value
                                                       //held the accelerometer stationary to get these approx
               printf("%c in g's:%f  ",i+'X',intermediate_double);
//inVal is in g's right now
//Physics:vf= velocity_initial + deltaV;
// where deltaV= a*delta_time or
// deltaV= inVal*9.81*(micro_seconds/1000000.0)*100
// inVal*9.81 converst to m/s^2 then multiply by delta_time or (micro_seconds/1000000.0) to get m/s
// and then multiply this by 100 to get cm/s  
        v_cm_per_sec=v_cm_per_sec + inVal*9.81*(micro_seconds/1000000.0)*100;    
        //adjust speed of servo motors
         if (inVal<TARGET_VELOCITY){ //speed up
         else if(inVal>TARGET_VELOCITY){//slow down
         counter = counter+1;

       //SLEEP because we don't want a very large amount of points
       //taken from StackOverflow
       //         std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000))
        //inVal = gain * sin( M_PI * count/50.0 );

	// add the new input to the plot-Taken from Professor
	memmove( yDataPointer, yDataPointer+1, (DATA-1) * sizeof(double) );
	yDataPointer[DATA-1] = inVal;
      } //end of while 
      //the while loops in the servo thread should exit shortly after setting the booleans below to 0
}//end of run function
Exemplo n.º 3
// Entry point
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	/* Variable Declaration */

        int i;
	double v, voltage, timer, parts[2];
  	byte data[20], data0[2], data1[2], data2[2], data3[2], data4[2], data5[2], data6[2];
	FILE *file1;
	const char *filename1 = "testdata.txt";
	unsigned char file_data[100];
	time_t rawtime;
	struct tm *timeinfo;
	/* Execution */

	printf("Inside main \n");
	// the charger is connected to I2C bus-1 on RPi
	/* Set the registers of charger */

	// first assignment tells the address - total 7 registers (0-6)
	// the next assignment gives the actual value to be stored in decimal format
	// To understand the value -- convert to binary - pad zeros on the left to make 8 bits -
	//	                      each bit represents value for corresponding regitser bit B0 - B7
	data0[0] = 0;
	data0[1] = 148; // 16; //144;   // make the voltage permanent
	data1[0] = 1;
	data1[1] = 64;
	data2[0] = 2;
	data2[1] = 4;
	data3[0] = 3;
	data3[1] = 70;
	data4[0] = 4;
	data4[1] = 42;
	data5[0] = 5;
	data5[1] = 0;
	data6[0] = 6;
	data6[1] = 112;
	// Open the file in read-only mode
	file1 = fopen(filename1, "rb");
	if(file1 != NULL) 
		/* Some more variables */

		char line[1000];
		char *part;
		int q = 0, delV = 0, vBatCode, vBatRegValue, totalDelay = 0;
		/* read a line from file */

		while(fgets(line, sizeof line, file1) != NULL)		
			printf("%s", line);  // print the line contents to stdout

			// parse the line to get time and voltage
			part = strtok(line, ",");
			while(part != NULL) 
				// convert the extracted part to float	
				parts[q] = atof(part);
				// continue parsing
				part = strtok(NULL, ",");
			// reset the array counter for next line
			q = 0;	
			printf("Time: %lf, voltage: %lf \n", parts[0], parts[1]);
			/* Logic for converting voltage to code as needed by the charger */

			// Get voltage over 3.5V, in milivolts
			delV = parts[1] * 1000 - 3500;
			// Regularize bad voltages, no voltage allowed under 3.5 V and over 4.44 V
			if (delV < 0)
				delV = 0;
			else if (delV > 900)
				delV = 900;
			// Our resolution is 20 mV
			vBatCode = delV / 20;
			// as the first two bits are zero, pg - 33  of datasheet
			vBatRegValue = vBatCode * 4;	
			// The zero problem, the voltage starts with 3.6, even trying to set it to 3.5, so rather, starting with 3.52
			if(vBatRegValue == 0)
				data2[1] = 4; //vBatRegValue;
				data2[1] = vBatRegValue;
			// This is the time, from the text file.	
			totalDelay = parts[0];
			setRegisters: 				// GOTO should be used **very rarely**	
			// Find the time of register write
			time (&rawtime);
			timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
			printf("Current local time and data: %s \n", asctime(timeinfo));
			printf("Setting voltage to: %lf \n", 3500.0 + delV);

			// Write data to the I2C device, one register at a time
			printf("data0[1] : %d, data1[1]: %d, data2[1]: %d, data3[1]: %d \n", data0[1], data1[1], data2[1], data3[1]);
			printf("data4[1] : %d, data5[1]: %d, data6[1]: %d \n", data4[1], data5[1], data6[1]);
			I2cSendData(BQ24261_ADDR, data0, 2);
			I2cSendData(BQ24261_ADDR, data1, 2);
			I2cSendData(BQ24261_ADDR, data2, 2);
			I2cSendData(BQ24261_ADDR, data3, 2);
			I2cSendData(BQ24261_ADDR, data4, 2);
			I2cSendData(BQ24261_ADDR, data5, 2);
			I2cSendData(BQ24261_ADDR, data6, 2);
			/* Timing Logic */	
			// The voltage value needs to be re-written to the charger every few seconds (10 here)	
			while (totalDelay > 0) 
				// using delay, makes this platform specific
				if (totalDelay > 10) 
					totalDelay = totalDelay - 10;
					goto setRegisters;
				else if (totalDelay <= 10) 
					delay(totalDelay * 1000);					
					totalDelay = 0;

		// Close the file	
		printf("\n\n\n *****Charging done !!!*****");
	printf("\n\n\n *****Charging done !!!*****");	


        return 0;