Exemplo n.º 1
static void create_directplay_address(void)
    HRESULT hr;
    IDirectPlay8Address *localaddr = NULL;

    hr = CoCreateInstance( &CLSID_DirectPlay8Address, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, &IID_IDirectPlay8Address, (LPVOID*)&localaddr);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "Failed to create IDirectPlay8Address object\n");
        GUID guidsp;

        hr = IDirectPlay8Address_GetSP(localaddr, NULL);
        ok(hr == DPNERR_INVALIDPOINTER, "GetSP failed 0x%08x\n", hr);

        hr = IDirectPlay8Address_GetSP(localaddr, &guidsp);
        ok(hr == DPNERR_DOESNOTEXIST, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);

        hr = IDirectPlay8Address_SetSP(localaddr, &GUID_NULL);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);

        hr = IDirectPlay8Address_GetSP(localaddr, &guidsp);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);
        ok(IsEqualGUID(&guidsp, &GUID_NULL), "wrong guid: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_guid(&guidsp));

        hr = IDirectPlay8Address_SetSP(localaddr, &IID_Random);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);

        hr = IDirectPlay8Address_GetSP(localaddr, &guidsp);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);
        ok(IsEqualGUID(&guidsp, &IID_Random), "wrong guid: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_guid(&guidsp));

        hr = IDirectPlay8Address_SetSP(localaddr, &CLSID_DP8SP_TCPIP);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);

        hr = IDirectPlay8Address_GetSP(localaddr, &guidsp);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);
        ok(IsEqualGUID(&guidsp, &CLSID_DP8SP_TCPIP), "wrong guid: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_guid(&guidsp));

Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: peer.c Projeto: bouk/wine
static void test_enum_hosts(void)
    HRESULT hr;
    IDirectPlay8Address *host = NULL;
    IDirectPlay8Address *local = NULL;
    DPNHANDLE async = 0;
    static const WCHAR localhost[] = {'1','2','7','.','0','.','0','.','1',0};

    memset( &appdesc, 0, sizeof(DPN_APPLICATION_DESC) );
    appdesc.dwSize  = sizeof( DPN_APPLICATION_DESC );
    appdesc.guidApplication  = appguid;

    hr = CoCreateInstance( &CLSID_DirectPlay8Address, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, &IID_IDirectPlay8Address, (LPVOID*)&local);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "IDirectPlay8Address failed with 0x%08x\n", hr);

    hr = IDirectPlay8Address_SetSP(local, &CLSID_DP8SP_TCPIP);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "IDirectPlay8Address_SetSP failed with 0x%08x\n", hr);

    hr = CoCreateInstance( &CLSID_DirectPlay8Address, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, &IID_IDirectPlay8Address, (LPVOID*)&host);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "IDirectPlay8Address failed with 0x%08x\n", hr);

    hr = IDirectPlay8Address_SetSP(host, &CLSID_DP8SP_TCPIP);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "IDirectPlay8Address_SetSP failed with 0x%08x\n", hr);

    hr = IDirectPlay8Address_AddComponent(host, DPNA_KEY_HOSTNAME, localhost, sizeof(localhost),
    ok(hr == S_OK, "IDirectPlay8Address failed with 0x%08x\n", hr);

    hr = IDirectPlay8Peer_EnumHosts(peer, &appdesc, host, local, NULL, 0, INFINITE, 0, INFINITE, NULL,  &async, 0);
    todo_wine ok(hr == DPNSUCCESS_PENDING, "IDirectPlay8Peer_EnumServiceProviders failed with 0x%08x\n", hr);
    todo_wine ok(async, "No Handle returned\n");

    hr = IDirectPlay8Peer_CancelAsyncOperation(peer, async, 0);
    todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "IDirectPlay8Peer_CancelAsyncOperation failed with 0x%08x\n", hr);

Exemplo n.º 3
static void address_duplicate(void)
    HRESULT hr;
    IDirectPlay8Address *localaddr = NULL;
    IDirectPlay8Address *duplicate = NULL;
    DWORD components, dupcomps;
    GUID  guid = IID_Random;

    hr = CoCreateInstance( &CLSID_DirectPlay8Address, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, &IID_IDirectPlay8Address, (LPVOID*)&localaddr);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "Failed to create IDirectPlay8Address object\n");
        hr = IDirectPlay8Address_SetSP(localaddr, &CLSID_DP8SP_TCPIP);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);

        hr = IDirectPlay8Address_AddComponent(localaddr, DPNA_KEY_HOSTNAME, &localhost, sizeof(localhost), DPNA_DATATYPE_STRING);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);

        hr = IDirectPlay8Address_GetNumComponents(localaddr, &components);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);
        ok(components == 2, "components=%d\n", components);

        hr = IDirectPlay8Address_Duplicate(localaddr, &duplicate);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);
            DWORD size, type;
            WCHAR buffer[256];

            hr = IDirectPlay8Address_GetSP(duplicate, &guid);
            ok(hr == S_OK, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);
            ok(IsEqualGUID(&guid, &CLSID_DP8SP_TCPIP), "wrong guid\n");

            hr = IDirectPlay8Address_GetNumComponents(duplicate, &dupcomps);
            ok(hr == S_OK, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);
            ok(components == dupcomps, "expected %d got %d\n", components, dupcomps);

            size = sizeof(buffer);
            hr = IDirectPlay8Address_GetComponentByName(duplicate, DPNA_KEY_HOSTNAME, buffer, &size, &type);
            ok(hr == S_OK, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);
            ok(type == DPNA_DATATYPE_STRING, "incorrect type %d\n", type);
            ok(!lstrcmpW(buffer, localhost), "Invalid string: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(buffer));


Exemplo n.º 4
static void address_setsp(void)
    HRESULT hr;
    IDirectPlay8Address *localaddr = NULL;

    hr = CoCreateInstance( &CLSID_DirectPlay8Address, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, &IID_IDirectPlay8Address, (LPVOID*)&localaddr);
    ok(hr == S_OK, "Failed to create IDirectPlay8Address object\n");
        DWORD components;
        WCHAR *name;
        GUID  guid = IID_Random;
        DWORD type;
        DWORD namelen = 0;
        DWORD bufflen = 0;

        hr = IDirectPlay8Address_GetNumComponents(localaddr, &components);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);
        ok(components == 0, "components=%d\n", components);

        hr = IDirectPlay8Address_SetSP(localaddr, &CLSID_DP8SP_TCPIP);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);

        hr = IDirectPlay8Address_GetNumComponents(localaddr, &components);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);
        ok(components == 1, "components=%d\n", components);

        hr = IDirectPlay8Address_GetComponentByIndex(localaddr, 0, NULL, &namelen, NULL, &bufflen, &type);
        ok(hr == DPNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);

        name =  HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, namelen * sizeof(WCHAR));

        hr = IDirectPlay8Address_GetComponentByIndex(localaddr, 0, name, &namelen, (void*)&guid, &bufflen, &type);
        ok(hr == S_OK, "got 0x%08x\n", hr);
        ok(type == DPNA_DATATYPE_GUID, "wrong datatype: %d\n", type);
        ok(IsEqualGUID(&guid, &CLSID_DP8SP_TCPIP), "wrong guid\n");

        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, name);
