Exemplo n.º 1
void ladmin_itemfrob_c2(dumb_ptr<block_list> bl, ItemNameId source_id, ItemNameId dest_id)
#define IFIX(v) if (v == source_id) {v = dest_id; }
#define FIX(item) ladmin_itemfrob_fix_item(source_id, dest_id, &item)

    if (!bl)

    switch (bl->bl_type)
        case BL::PC:
            dumb_ptr<map_session_data> pc = bl->is_player();

            for (IOff0 j : IOff0::iter())
            // cart is no longer supported
            // IFIX(pc->status.weapon);

            Option<P<Storage>> stor_ = account2storage2(pc->status_key.account_id);
            if OPTION_IS_SOME(stor, stor_)
                for (SOff0 j : SOff0::iter())

            for (IOff0 j : IOff0::iter())
                P<struct item_data> item = TRY_UNWRAP(pc->inventory_data[j], continue);
                if (item->nameid == source_id)
                    item->nameid = dest_id;
                    if (bool(item->equip))
                        pc_unequipitem(pc, j, CalcStatus::NOW);
                    item->nameid = dest_id;


        case BL::MOB:
            dumb_ptr<mob_data> mob = bl->is_mob();
            for (Item& itm : mob->lootitemv)

        case BL::ITEM:
            dumb_ptr<flooritem_data> item = bl->is_item();
#undef FIX
#undef IFIX
/*jpeg decode
* args: 
*      pic:  pointer to picture data ( decoded image - yuyv format)
*      buf:  pointer to input data ( compressed jpeg )
*      with: picture width 
*      height: picture height
int jpeg_decode(uint8_t *pic, int stride, uint8_t *buf, int width, int height)
	struct ctx ctx;
	struct jpeg_decdata *decdata;
	int i=0, j=0, m=0, tac=0, tdc=0;
	int intwidth=0, intheight=0;
	int mcusx=0, mcusy=0, mx=0, my=0;
	int ypitch=0 ,xpitch=0,x=0,y=0;
	int mb=0;
	int max[6];
	ftopict convert;
	int err = 0;
	int isInitHuffman = 0;
	decdata = (struct jpeg_decdata*) calloc(1, sizeof(struct jpeg_decdata));
	if (!decdata) 
		err = -1;
		goto error;
	if (buf == NULL) 
		err = -1;
		goto error;
	ctx.datap = buf;
	/*check SOI (0xFFD8)*/
	if (getbyte(&ctx) != 0xff) 
		err = ERR_NO_SOI;
		goto error;
	if (getbyte(&ctx) != M_SOI) 
		err = ERR_NO_SOI;
		goto error;
	/*read tables - if exist, up to start frame marker (0xFFC0)*/
	if (readtables(&ctx,M_SOF0, &isInitHuffman)) 
		goto error;
	getword(&ctx);     /*header lenght*/
	i = getbyte(&ctx); /*precision (8 bit)*/
	if (i != 8) 
		err = ERR_NOT_8BIT;
		goto error;
	intheight = getword(&ctx); /*height*/
	intwidth = getword(&ctx);  /*width */

	if ((intheight & 7) || (intwidth & 7)) /*must be even*/
		goto error;
	ctx.info.nc = getbyte(&ctx); /*number of components*/
	if (ctx.info.nc > MAXCOMP) 
		goto error;
	/*for each component*/
	for (i = 0; i < ctx.info.nc; i++) 
		int h, v;
		ctx.comps[i].cid = getbyte(&ctx); /*component id*/
		ctx.comps[i].hv = getbyte(&ctx);
		v = ctx.comps[i].hv & 15; /*vertical sampling   */
		h = ctx.comps[i].hv >> 4; /*horizontal sampling */
		ctx.comps[i].tq = getbyte(&ctx); /*quantization table used*/
		if (h > 3 || v > 3) 
			err = ERR_ILLEGAL_HV;
			goto error;
		if (ctx.comps[i].tq > 3) 
			goto error;
	/*read tables - if exist, up to start of scan marker (0xFFDA)*/ 
	if (readtables(&ctx,M_SOS,&isInitHuffman)) 
		goto error;
	getword(&ctx); /* header lenght */
	ctx.info.ns = getbyte(&ctx); /* number of scans */
	if (!ctx.info.ns)
	ALOGE("info ns %d/n",ctx.info.ns);
		err = ERR_NOT_YCBCR_221111;
		goto error;
	/*for each scan*/
	for (i = 0; i < ctx.info.ns; i++) 
		ctx.dscans[i].cid = getbyte(&ctx); /*component id*/
		tdc = getbyte(&ctx);
		tac = tdc & 15; /*ac table*/
		tdc >>= 4;      /*dc table*/
		if (tdc > 1 || tac > 1) 
			goto error;
		for (j = 0; j < ctx.info.nc; j++)
			if (ctx.comps[j].cid == ctx.dscans[i].cid)
		if (j == ctx.info.nc) 
			goto error;
		ctx.dscans[i].hv = ctx.comps[j].hv;
		ctx.dscans[i].tq = ctx.comps[j].tq;
		ctx.dscans[i].hudc.dhuff = dec_huffdc + tdc;
		ctx.dscans[i].huac.dhuff = dec_huffac + tac;

	i = getbyte(&ctx); /*0 */
	j = getbyte(&ctx); /*63*/
	m = getbyte(&ctx); /*0 */

	if (i != 0 || j != 63 || m != 0) 
		ALOGE("hmm FW error,not seq DCT ??\n");
	/*build huffman tables*/
		if(huffman_init(&ctx) < 0)
			return -ERR_BAD_TABLES;
	if (ctx->dscans[0].cid != 1 || ctx->dscans[1].cid != 2 || ctx->dscans[2].cid != 3) 
		err = ERR_NOT_YCBCR_221111;
		goto error;

	if (ctx->dscans[1].hv != 0x11 || ctx->dscans[2].hv != 0x11) 
		err = ERR_NOT_YCBCR_221111;
		goto error;
	/* if internal width and external are not the same or heigth too 
	and pic not allocated realloc the good size and mark the change 
	need 1 macroblock line more ?? */
	if (intwidth > width || intheight > height) 
#if 0		
		width = intwidth;
		height = intheight;
		// BytesperPixel 2 yuyv , 3 rgb24 
		*pic = (uint8_t*) realloc( *pic, intwidth * (intheight + 8) * 2);

	switch (ctx.dscans[0].hv) 
		case 0x22: // 411
			mcusx = width >> 4;
			mcusy = height >> 4;

			xpitch = 16 * 2;

			ypitch = 16 * stride;
			convert = yuv420pto422; //choose the right conversion function
		case 0x21: //422
			mcusx = width >> 4;
			mcusy = height >> 3;

			xpitch = 16 * 2;

			ypitch = 8 * stride;
			convert = yuv422pto422; //choose the right conversion function
		case 0x11: //444
			mcusx = width >> 3;
			mcusy = height >> 3;

			xpitch = 8 * 2;

			ypitch = 8 * stride;
			if (ctx.info.ns==1) 
				mb = 1;
				convert = yuv400pto422; //choose the right conversion function
				convert = yuv444pto422; //choose the right conversion function
			err = ERR_NOT_YCBCR_221111;
			goto error;

	idctqtab(ctx.quant[ctx.dscans[0].tq], decdata->dquant[0]);
	idctqtab(ctx.quant[ctx.dscans[1].tq], decdata->dquant[1]);
	idctqtab(ctx.quant[ctx.dscans[2].tq], decdata->dquant[2]);
	setinput(&ctx.in, ctx.datap);

	ctx.dscans[0].next = 2;
	ctx.dscans[1].next = 1;
	ctx.dscans[2].next = 0;	/* 4xx encoding */
	for (my = 0,y=0; my < mcusy; my++,y+=ypitch) 
		for (mx = 0,x=0; mx < mcusx; mx++,x+=xpitch) 
			if (ctx.info.dri && !--ctx.info.nm)
				if (dec_checkmarker(&ctx)) 
					err = ERR_WRONG_MARKER;
					goto error;
			switch (mb)
				case 6: 
					decode_mcus(&ctx.in, decdata->dcts, mb, ctx.dscans, max);
					idct(decdata->dcts, decdata->out, decdata->dquant[0],
						IFIX(128.5), max[0]);
					idct(decdata->dcts + 64, decdata->out + 64,
						decdata->dquant[0], IFIX(128.5), max[1]);
					idct(decdata->dcts + 128, decdata->out + 128,
						decdata->dquant[0], IFIX(128.5), max[2]);
					idct(decdata->dcts + 192, decdata->out + 192,
						decdata->dquant[0], IFIX(128.5), max[3]);
					idct(decdata->dcts + 256, decdata->out + 256,
						decdata->dquant[1], IFIX(0.5), max[4]);
					idct(decdata->dcts + 320, decdata->out + 320,
						decdata->dquant[2], IFIX(0.5), max[5]);
				case 4:
					decode_mcus(&ctx.in, decdata->dcts, mb, ctx.dscans, max);
					idct(decdata->dcts, decdata->out, decdata->dquant[0],
						IFIX(128.5), max[0]);
					idct(decdata->dcts + 64, decdata->out + 64,
						decdata->dquant[0], IFIX(128.5), max[1]);
					idct(decdata->dcts + 128, decdata->out + 256,
							decdata->dquant[1], IFIX(0.5), max[4]);
					idct(decdata->dcts + 192, decdata->out + 320,
						decdata->dquant[2], IFIX(0.5), max[5]);
				case 3:
					decode_mcus(&ctx.in, decdata->dcts, mb, ctx.dscans, max);
					idct(decdata->dcts, decdata->out, decdata->dquant[0],
						IFIX(128.5), max[0]);    
					idct(decdata->dcts + 64, decdata->out + 256,
						decdata->dquant[1], IFIX(0.5), max[4]);
					idct(decdata->dcts + 128, decdata->out + 320,
						decdata->dquant[2], IFIX(0.5), max[5]);
				case 1:
					decode_mcus(&ctx.in, decdata->dcts, mb, ctx.dscans, max);
					idct(decdata->dcts, decdata->out, decdata->dquant[0],
						IFIX(128.5), max[0]);
			} // switch enc411
			convert(decdata->out,pic+y+x,stride); //convert to 422

	m = dec_readmarker(&ctx.in);
	if (m != M_EOI) 
		err = ERR_NO_EOI;
		goto error;
	return 0;
	return err;
Exemplo n.º 3
void ByteHomo (ByteImage *srcBuf, ByteImage *destBuf, double a, double b,
                    double c, double d, double e, double f, double m, double n, double p)
    unsigned char *dest, *src;
    double acm, bcn, dfm, efn, dnm, det, xNom, yNom, Denom;
    double h11, h12, h13, h21, h22, h23, h31, h32, h33;
    double xh[4], yh[4], z, tmp;
    double xstartF, xendF;
    double srcXf, srcYf;
    double angle, minAngle;
    int tmpInt;
    int yend, ystart, xstartI, xendI, destX, destY, srcXi, srcYi;
    int x, y, p00, p01, p10, p11;
    int w, h;
    int order[4], startNextOrder, endNextOrder;
    int i, j, best, region, startP, startQ, endP, endQ, delta, minj;
    int h11Fixed, h21Fixed, h31Fixed, xNomFixed, yNomFixed, DenomFixed;
    int srcXfixed, srcYfixed, p00Fixed, p01Fixed;

    /* make compiler happy */
    startNextOrder = endNextOrder = startP = startQ = endP = endQ = minj = 0;
     * Calculate where the source rectangle lands on the destination image.
     * These will be four coordinates, xh[0]..xh[3], yh[0]..yh[3].
    w = srcBuf->width-1;
    h = srcBuf->height-1;
    z = m * 0 + n * 0 + p;
    xh[0] = (a * 0 + b * 0 + c) / z;
    yh[0] = (d * 0 + e * 0 + f) / z;
    z = m * w + n * 0 + p;
    xh[1] = (a * w + b * 0 + c) / z;
    yh[1] = (d * w + e * 0 + f) / z;
    z = m * 0 + n * h + p;
    xh[2] = (a * 0 + b * h + c) / z;
    yh[2] = d * 0 + e * h + f;
    z = m * w + n * h + p;
    xh[3] = (a * w + b * h + c) / z;
    yh[3] = (d * w + e * h + f) / z;

     * calculate all the entries in the inverse matrix H
    acm = a*p  -c*m;
    bcn = b*p  -c*n;
    dnm = d*n - e*m;
    dfm = d*p - f*m;
    efn = e*p - f*n;
    det = a * efn - b * dfm + c*dnm;
    h11 = efn / det;
    h12 = -bcn / det;
    h21 = -dfm / det;
    h22 = acm / det;
    h13 = (b*f - e*c)/ det;
    h23 = -(a*f - d*c)/det;
    h31 = dnm / det;
    h32 = -(a*n - b*m)/det;
    h33 = (a*e - b*d)/det;
    h11Fixed = FIX(h11);
    h21Fixed = FIX(h21);
    h31Fixed = FIX(h31);

     * Sort these 4 coordinates first by y coordinate, then by
     * x coordinate
    for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
        best = i;
        for (j=i+1; j<4; j++) {
            if ((yh[j] < yh[best]) ||
                ((yh[j] == yh[best]) && (xh[j] < xh[best]))) {
                best = j;
        tmp = xh[i];
        xh[i] = xh[best];
        xh[best] = tmp;
        tmp = yh[i];
        yh[i] = yh[best];
        yh[best] = tmp;

     * find the anti-clockwise order of the points
     * start from (x[order[0]], y[order[0]]
     * where (x[order[i+1]], y[order[i+1]]) is the next point of 
     *       (x[order[i]], y[order[i]]) in anti-clockwise direction
    for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
        order[i] = i;
    for (i=1; i<4; i++) {
        minAngle = 2*M_PI;
        /* starting from the horizontal line on the left of point(order[i-1]),
         * rotating the line anti-clockwise,
         * the first point being swept thru is the next point in 
         * anticlockwise direction
        for (j=i; j<4; j++) {
            /* angle = anticlockwise angle from
             *         the horizontal line on the left of point(order[i-1]) to
             *         the line thru point(order[i-1]), point(order[j])
            angle = M_PI - atan2(yh[order[j]] - yh[order[i-1]], 
                            xh[order[j]] - xh[order[i-1]]);
            if (angle < minAngle) {
                    minAngle = angle;
                    minj = j;
        tmpInt = order[i];
        order[i] = order[minj];
        order[minj] = tmpInt;

     * We now have the coordinates to the quadrilateral that the
     * src image maps into on the destination image.  x[0],y[0] is
     * the top, x[3],y[3] is the bottom.  Divide it up into 3 regions:
     * the top (y[0]..y[1]), the middle (y[1]..y[2]) and the bottom
     * (y[2]..y[3]).  For each region, calculate the starting and
     * ending x coordinates for scanline y on the destination image.
     * These are the only pixels in the destination that are affected.
    for (region=0; region<3; region++) {
        if (region == 0) {
            startNextOrder = 1;
            endNextOrder = 3;
            startP = 0;
            startQ = order[1];
            endP = 0;
            endQ = order[3];
        } else {
            if (yh[startQ] > yh[endQ]) {
                endP = endQ;
                endQ = order[--endNextOrder];
            } else {
                startP = startQ;
                startQ = order[++startNextOrder];
        ystart = max(0, (int)floor(yh[region]));
        yend = min(destBuf->height, (int)yh[region+1]);

        for (destY=ystart; destY < yend; destY++) {
             * We're working on scanline destY.  Compute the starting and
             * ending x coordinates (xstart, xend) on the destination
             * image of the region for which source pixels are defined.
             * xstart is given by the x coordinate of the line from
             * (x[startP], y[startP]) to x(x[startQ], y[startQ]) with
             * y coordinate destY.
             * xend is similarly computed from x/y[endP/endQ]
             * The starting coordinate is rounded down, the ending coordinate
             * rounded up.
            xstartF = xh[startP] + 
            xendF = xh[endP] + 
            xstartF = max (0, xstartF);
            xendF = min (xendF, destBuf->width);
            xstartI = (int)ceil(xstartF);
            xendI = (int)(xendF);
            dest = destBuf->firstByte + (destY*destBuf->parentWidth + xstartI);

             * H is the inverse homogeneous matrix which maps destination points
             * back to source image
             * H(x,y,1) = (xNom, yNom, Denom)
             * srcX = xNom/Denom
             * srcY = yNom/Denom
            xNom =  h11 * xstartI + h12 * destY + h13;
            yNom =  h21 * xstartI + h22 * destY + h23;
            Denom = h31 * xstartI + h32 * destY + h33;
            xNomFixed = FIX(xNom);
            yNomFixed = FIX(yNom);
            DenomFixed = FIX(Denom);
            srcXf = xNom / Denom;
            srcYf = yNom / Denom;
            srcXfixed = FIX(srcXf);
            srcYfixed = FIX(srcYf);

            for (destX = xstartI; destX < xendI; destX++, dest++) {

                 * The following code computes the value of a pixel in
                 * the destination image at (destX, destY).  It has been
                 * optimized by using fixed point arithmetic (see macro.h
                 * for a description of the fixed point operators).
                 * src[XY]fixed are the fixed-point coordinates of the
                 * corresponding location in the source image.  We compute
                 * the integer (truncated) value of that location in src[XY]i,
                 * and the remainder in x and y.  p00..p11 are the four closest
                 * pixels to src[XY], and we use them in the bilinear
                 * interpolation routine.  On a Pentium 266, this routine will
                 * process about 2.02 Mpix/sec. For comparison, 320x240
                 * video at 30 fps is 2.3 Mpix/sec
                srcXi = IUNFIX(srcXfixed);
                srcYi = IUNFIX(srcYfixed);
                if ((srcXi >= 0) && (srcXi <= w) && (srcYi >= 0) && (srcYi <= h)) {
                    src = srcBuf->firstByte + (srcYi*srcBuf->parentWidth + srcXi);
                    x = srcXfixed - IFIX(srcXi);
                    y = srcYfixed - IFIX(srcYi);
                    p00 = *src++;
                    p10 = *src;
                    src += srcBuf->parentWidth;
                    p11 = *src--;
                    p01 = *src;

                    p00Fixed = IFIX(p00) + x*(p10-p00);
                    p01Fixed = IFIX(p01) + x*(p11-p01);
                    delta = IUNFIX_ROUND(p01Fixed - p00Fixed);
                    p00Fixed = p00Fixed + y*delta;
                    *dest = IUNFIX_ROUND(p00Fixed);

                 * update the srcX, srcY
                 * H(x+1,y,1) = (xNom+h11, yNom+h21, Denom+h31)
                xNomFixed += h11Fixed;
                yNomFixed += h21Fixed;
                DenomFixed += h31Fixed;
                srcXfixed = FIXDIV(xNomFixed, DenomFixed);
                srcYfixed = FIXDIV(yNomFixed, DenomFixed);