Exemplo n.º 1
/* Free any resources we have.
static void
im_region_reset( REGION *reg )
    IM_FREEF( im_window_unref, reg->window );
    IM_FREEF( im_buffer_unref, reg->buffer );
    reg->invalid = FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void
read_destroy( Read *read )
	IM_FREE( read->filename );
	IM_FREEF( Mat_VarFree, read->var );
	IM_FREEF( Mat_Close, read->mat );

	im_free( read );
Exemplo n.º 3
static void
write_destroy( Write *write )
	jpeg_destroy_compress( &write->cinfo );
	IM_FREEF( im_close, write->in );
	IM_FREEF( fclose, write->eman.fp );
	IM_FREE( write->row_pointer );
	IM_FREE( write->profile_bytes );
	IM_FREEF( im_close, write->inverted );
	im_free( write );
Exemplo n.º 4
/* Free a Histogram.
static void
hist_free( Histogram *hist )
	IM_FREE( hist->bins );
	IM_FREEF( im_region_free, hist->vreg );
	IM_FREE( hist );
Exemplo n.º 5
static void
workspaceview_layout_loop( WorkspaceLayout *layout )
	layout->cview = NULL;
	layout->area.left = INT_MAX;
	slist_map( layout->undone_columns,
		(SListMapFn) workspaceview_layout_find_leftmost, layout );

	layout->current_columns = NULL;
	layout->area.width = GTK_WIDGET( layout->cview )->allocation.width;
	slist_map( layout->undone_columns,
		(SListMapFn) workspaceview_layout_find_similar_x, layout );

	layout->current_columns = g_slist_sort( layout->current_columns,
		(GCompareFunc) workspaceview_layout_sort_y );

	layout->out_y = workspaceview_layout_top;
	slist_map( layout->current_columns,
		(SListMapFn) workspaceview_layout_set_pos, layout );

	layout->out_x += layout->area.width + workspaceview_layout_hspacing;

	slist_map( layout->current_columns,
		(SListMapFn) workspaceview_layout_strike, layout );

	IM_FREEF( g_slist_free, layout->current_columns );
Exemplo n.º 6
static int
junk_node( JoinNode *node )
	IM_FREEF( g_slist_free, node->overlaps );

	return( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 7
static int
affine_free( Affine *affine )
	IM_FREEF( g_object_unref, affine->interpolate );

	return( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 8
static int
morph_close( Morph *morph )
	IM_FREEF( im_free_imask, morph->mask );
	pass_free( morph );

        return( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 9
static int
read_destroy( Read *read )
#ifdef DEBUG
	printf( "im_magick2vips: read_destroy: %s\n", read->filename );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

	IM_FREEF( DestroyImage, read->image );
	IM_FREEF( DestroyImageInfo, read->image_info ); 
	IM_FREE( read->frames );
	IM_FREE( read->filename );
	DestroyExceptionInfo( &read->exception );
	IM_FREEF( g_mutex_free, read->lock );
	im_free( read );

	return( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 10
static void
pass_free( Morph *morph )
	int i;

	for( i = 0; i < morph->n_pass; i++ )
		IM_FREEF( vips_vector_free, morph->pass[i].vector );
	morph->n_pass = 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
/* Free a sequence value.
static int
aconv_stop( void *vseq, void *a, void *b )
	AConvSequence *seq = (AConvSequence *) vseq;

	IM_FREEF( im_region_free, seq->ir );

	return( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 12
/* Free a sequence value.
static int
shrink_stop( void *vseq, void *a, void *b )
    SeqInfo *seq = (SeqInfo *) vseq;

    IM_FREEF( im_region_free, seq->ir );

    return( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 13
static gboolean
workspace_load( Model *model, 
	ModelLoadState *state, Model *parent, xmlNode *xnode )
	Workspace *ws = WORKSPACE( model );
	char buf[FILENAME_MAX];
	char *txt;

	g_assert( IS_WORKSPACEGROUP( parent ) );

	/* "view" is optional, for backwards compatibility.
	if( get_sprop( xnode, "view", buf, FILENAME_MAX ) ) {
		WorkspaceMode mode = char_to_workspacemode( buf );

		if( (int) mode >= 0 )
			/* Could call workspace_set_mode(), but this is only a
			 * load, so so what.
			ws->mode = mode;

	/* Also optional.
	(void) get_dprop( xnode, "scale", &ws->scale );
	(void) get_dprop( xnode, "offset", &ws->offset );

	(void) get_bprop( xnode, "locked", &ws->locked );

	(void) get_bprop( xnode, "lpane_open", &ws->lpane_open );
	(void) get_iprop( xnode, "lpane_position", &ws->lpane_position );
	(void) get_bprop( xnode, "rpane_open", &ws->rpane_open );
	(void) get_iprop( xnode, "rpane_position", &ws->rpane_position );

	if( get_sprop( xnode, "name", buf, FILENAME_MAX ) ) {
		IM_SETSTR( IOBJECT( ws )->name, buf );
	if( get_sprop( xnode, "caption", buf, FILENAME_MAX ) ) {
		IM_SETSTR( IOBJECT( ws )->caption, buf );

	/* Don't use get_sprop() and avoid a limit on def size.
	if( (txt = (char *) xmlGetProp( xnode, (xmlChar *) "local_defs" )) ) {
		(void) workspace_local_set( ws, txt );
		IM_FREEF( xmlFree, txt );

	(void) get_iprop( xnode, "major", &ws->compat_major );
	(void) get_iprop( xnode, "minor", &ws->compat_minor );

	if( !MODEL_CLASS( parent_class )->load( model, state, parent, xnode ) )
		return( FALSE );

	return( TRUE );
Exemplo n.º 14
 * im_region_buffer:
 * @reg: region to operate upon
 * @r: #Rect of pixels you need to be able to address
 * The region is transformed so that at least @r pixels are available as a
 * memory buffer.
 * Returns: 0 on success, or -1 for error.
im_region_buffer( REGION *reg, Rect *r )
    IMAGE *im = reg->im;

    Rect image;
    Rect clipped;

    im__region_check_ownership( reg );

    /* Clip against image.
    image.top = 0;
    image.left = 0;
    image.width = im->Xsize;
    image.height = im->Ysize;
    im_rect_intersectrect( r, &image, &clipped );

    /* Test for empty.
    if( im_rect_isempty( &clipped ) ) {
        im_error( "im_region_buffer",
                  "%s", _( "valid clipped to nothing" ) );
        return( -1 );

    /* Have we been asked to drop caches? We want to throw everything
     * away.
     * If not, try to reuse the current buffer.
    if( reg->invalid ) {
        im_region_reset( reg );
        if( !(reg->buffer = im_buffer_new( im, &clipped )) )
            return( -1 );
    else {
        /* Don't call im_region_reset() ... we combine buffer unref
         * and new buffer ref in one call to reduce malloc/free
         * cycling.
        IM_FREEF( im_window_unref, reg->window );
        if( !(reg->buffer =
                    im_buffer_unref_ref( reg->buffer, im, &clipped )) )
            return( -1 );

    /* Init new stuff.
    reg->valid = reg->buffer->area;
    reg->bpl = IM_IMAGE_SIZEOF_PEL( im ) * reg->buffer->area.width;
    reg->type = IM_REGION_BUFFER;
    reg->data = reg->buffer->buf;

    return( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 15
static int
junk_table( SymbolTable *st )
	int i;

	for( i = 0; i < st->sz; i++ )
		IM_FREEF( g_slist_free, st->table[i] );

	return( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 16
/* Free a sequence value.
static int
morph_stop( void *vseq, void *a, void *b )
	MorphSequence *seq = (MorphSequence *) vseq;

	IM_FREEF( im_region_free, seq->ir );
	IM_FREE( seq->t1 );
	IM_FREE( seq->t2 );

	return( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 17
static void
read_destroy( Read *read )
	IM_FREE( read->name );
	IM_FREEF( fclose, read->fp );
	if( read->pPng )
		png_destroy_read_struct( &read->pPng, &read->pInfo, NULL );
	IM_FREE( read->row_pointer );
	IM_FREE( read->data );

	im_free( read );
Exemplo n.º 18
/* Unref old, ref new, in a single operation. Reuse stuff if we can. The
 * buffer we return might or might not be done.
im_buffer_t *
im_buffer_unref_ref( im_buffer_t *old_buffer, IMAGE *im, Rect *area )
	im_buffer_t *buffer;

	g_assert( !old_buffer || old_buffer->im == im );

	/* Is the current buffer OK?
	if( old_buffer && 
		im_rect_includesrect( &old_buffer->area, area ) ) 
		return( old_buffer );

	/* Does the new area already have a buffer?
	if( (buffer = buffer_find( im, area )) ) {
		IM_FREEF( im_buffer_unref, old_buffer );
		return( buffer );

	/* Is the current buffer unshared? We can just move it.
	if( old_buffer && old_buffer->ref_count == 1 ) {
		if( buffer_move( old_buffer, area ) ) {
			im_buffer_unref( old_buffer );
			return( NULL );

		return( old_buffer );

	/* Fallback ... unref the old one, make a new one.
	IM_FREEF( im_buffer_unref, old_buffer );
	if( !(buffer = im_buffer_new( im, area )) ) 
		return( NULL );

	return( buffer );
Exemplo n.º 19
static void
read_destroy( Read *read )
	IM_FREEF( g_mutex_free, read->lock );

	while( read->cache ) {
		Tile *tile = (Tile *) read->cache->data;

		tile_destroy( tile );

	im_free( read );
Exemplo n.º 20
static void
buffer_cache_free( im_buffer_cache_t *cache )
	buffer_cache_n -= 1;

	printf( "buffer_cache_free: freeing cache %p on thread %p\n",
		cache, g_thread_self() );
	printf( "\t(%d cachees left)\n", buffer_cache_n );
#endif /*DEBUG_CREATE*/

	IM_FREEF( g_hash_table_destroy, cache->hash );
	IM_FREE( cache );
Exemplo n.º 21
static void
tile_destroy( Tile *tile )
	Read *read = tile->read;

	read->cache = g_slist_remove( read->cache, tile );
	read->ntiles -= 1;
	g_assert( read->ntiles >= 0 );
	tile->read = NULL;

	IM_FREEF( im_region_free, tile->region );

	im_free( tile );
Exemplo n.º 22
static void
icontainer_finalize( GObject *gobject )
	iContainer *icontainer;

	g_return_if_fail( gobject != NULL );
	g_return_if_fail( IS_ICONTAINER( gobject ) );

	icontainer = ICONTAINER( gobject );

	IM_FREEF( g_hash_table_destroy, icontainer->child_hash );

	G_OBJECT_CLASS( parent_class )->finalize( gobject );
Exemplo n.º 23
/* Destroy a sequence value.
static int
maplut_stop( void *vseq, void *a, void *b )
	Seq *seq = (Seq *) vseq;
	LutInfo *st = (LutInfo *) b;

	/* Add to global stats.
	st->overflow += seq->overflow;
	IM_FREEF( im_region_free, seq->ir );

	return( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 24
/* Region should be a pixel buffer. On return, check
 * reg->buffer->done to see if there are pixels there already. Otherwise, you
 * need to calculate.
im_region_buffer( REGION *reg, Rect *r )
	IMAGE *im = reg->im;

	Rect image;
	Rect clipped;

	im__region_check_ownership( reg );

	/* Clip against image.
	image.top = 0;
	image.left = 0;
	image.width = im->Xsize;
	image.height = im->Ysize;
	im_rect_intersectrect( r, &image, &clipped );

	/* Test for empty.
	if( im_rect_isempty( &clipped ) ) {
		im_error( "im_region_buffer", _( "valid clipped to nothing" ) );
		return( -1 );

	/* Already have stuff?
	if( reg->type == IM_REGION_BUFFER &&
		im_rect_includesrect( &reg->valid, &clipped ) &&
		reg->buffer &&
		!reg->buffer->invalid ) 
		return( 0 );

	/* Don't call im_region_reset() ... we combine buffer unref and new
	 * buffer ref in one call to reduce malloc/free cycling.
	IM_FREEF( im_window_unref, reg->window );
	if( !(reg->buffer = im_buffer_unref_ref( reg->buffer, im, &clipped )) )
		return( -1 );

	/* Init new stuff.
	reg->valid = reg->buffer->area;
	reg->bpl = IM_IMAGE_SIZEOF_PEL( im ) * reg->buffer->area.width;
	reg->type = IM_REGION_BUFFER;
	reg->data = reg->buffer->buf;

	return( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 25
/* Free a sequence value.
static int
conv_stop( void *vseq, void *a, void *b )
	ConvSequence *seq = (ConvSequence *) vseq;
	Conv *conv = (Conv *) b;

	/* Add local under/over counts to global counts.
	conv->overflow += seq->overflow;
	conv->underflow += seq->underflow;

	IM_FREEF( im_region_free, seq->ir );

	return( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 26
static Read *
read_new( const char *filename, IMAGE *out )
	Read *read;

	if( !(read = IM_NEW( NULL, Read )) )
		return( NULL );

	read->filename = im_strdup( NULL, filename );
	read->out = out;
	read->mat = NULL;
	read->var = NULL;

	if( !(read->mat = Mat_Open( filename, MAT_ACC_RDONLY )) ) {
		im_error( "im_mat2vips", 
			_( "unable to open \"%s\"" ), filename );
		read_destroy( read );
		return( NULL );

	for(;;) {
		if( !(read->var = Mat_VarReadNextInfo( read->mat )) ) {
			im_error( "im_mat2vips", 
				_( "no matrix variables in \"%s\"" ), 
				filename );
			read_destroy( read );
			return( NULL );

#ifdef DEBUG
		printf( "im_mat2vips: seen:\n" );
		printf( "var->name == %s\n", read->var->name );
		printf( "var->class_type == %d\n", read->var->class_type );
		printf( "var->rank == %d\n", read->var->rank );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

		/* Vector to colour image is OK for us.
		if( read->var->rank >= 1 && read->var->rank <= 3 )

		IM_FREEF( Mat_VarFree, read->var );

	return( read );
Exemplo n.º 27
static void
column_finalize( GObject *gobject )
	Column *col;

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf( "column_finalize\n" );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

	g_return_if_fail( gobject != NULL );
	g_return_if_fail( IS_COLUMN( gobject ) );

	col = COLUMN( gobject ); 

	if( col == column_last_new ) 
		column_last_new = NULL;
	IM_FREEF( g_source_remove, col->scrollto_timeout );

	G_OBJECT_CLASS( parent_class )->finalize( gobject );
Exemplo n.º 28
Arquivo: iimage.c Projeto: DINKIN/nip2
static void
iimage_finalize( GObject *gobject )
	iImage *iimage;

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf( "iimage_finalize\n" );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

	g_return_if_fail( gobject != NULL );
	g_return_if_fail( IS_IIMAGE( gobject ) );

	iimage = IIMAGE( gobject );

	image_value_destroy( &iimage->value );
	IM_FREEF( g_slist_free, iimage->views );
	vips_buf_destroy( &iimage->caption_buffer );

	G_OBJECT_CLASS( parent_class )->finalize( gobject );
Exemplo n.º 29
static void
workspaceview_destroy( GtkObject *object )
	Workspaceview *wview;

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf( "workspaceview_destroy: %p\n", object );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

	g_return_if_fail( object != NULL );
	g_return_if_fail( IS_WORKSPACEVIEW( object ) );

	wview = WORKSPACEVIEW( object );

	/* Instance destroy.
	workspaceview_scroll_stop( wview );
	IM_FREEF( iwindow_cursor_context_destroy, wview->context );
	FREESID( wview->watch_changed_sid, main_watchgroup );
	DESTROY_GTK( wview->popup );

	GTK_OBJECT_CLASS( parent_class )->destroy( object );
Exemplo n.º 30
/* Stop the tally_scroll timer.
static void
workspaceview_scroll_stop( Workspaceview *wview )
        IM_FREEF( g_source_remove, wview->timer );