Exemplo n.º 1
static void TrimCovar (Mat &Covar, int nTrimCovar, unsigned ProfSpec)
ASSERT(nTrimCovar > 0);

int width = nGetProfWidth(Covar.ncols(), ProfSpec);
// so parameter nTrimCovar=1 corresponds only to diag elems
const int nTrimCovar1 = nTrimCovar - 1;
ASSERT(nTrimCovar1 <= (width-1)/ 2);

Mat NewCovar(Covar.nrows(), Covar.ncols());

// upper triangle blocks (each block is width x width)

for (int iyBlock = 0; iyBlock < width; iyBlock++)
    for (int ixBlock = iyBlock+1; ixBlock < width; ixBlock++)
        if (ABS(ixBlock - iyBlock) <= nTrimCovar1)
            const int iyMin = iyBlock * width;
            const int iyMax = iyMin + width;
            for (int iy = iyMin; iy < iyMax; iy++)
                const int ixMin = MAX(0, iy % width - nTrimCovar1) +
                                  ixBlock * width;

                const int ixMax = MIN(width-1, iy % width + nTrimCovar1) +
                                  ixBlock * width;

                for (int ix = ixMin; ix <= ixMax; ix++)
                    NewCovar(iy, ix) = Covar(iy, ix);

// diagonal blocks (done separately for efficiency -- reduces the number
// of compares in inner loops)

for (int iBlock = 0; iBlock < width; iBlock++)
    const int iyMin = iBlock * width;
    const int iyMax = iyMin + width;
    for (int iy = iyMin; iy < iyMax; iy++)
        const int ixMin = MAX(0, iy % width - nTrimCovar1) + iBlock * width;
        const int ixMax = MIN(width-1, iy % width + nTrimCovar1) + iBlock * width;
        for (int ix = ixMin; ix <= ixMax; ix++)
            NewCovar(iy, ix) = Covar(iy, ix);
Covar = NewCovar;

// make symmetrical again (so we can check it later for pos definiteness)

const int nRows = Covar.nrows();

for (int i = 0; i < nRows; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
        Covar(i,j) = Covar(j,i);
Exemplo n.º 2
_dxfPlineDraw (tdmPortHandleP portHandle, xfieldT *xf, int buttonUp)
  Vector *normals ;
  Point *points = 0 ;
  struct p2d {float x, y ;} *pnts2d = 0 ;
  RGBColor *fcolors, *color_map ;
  char *cache_id ;
  enum approxE approx ;
  tdmStripArraySB *stripsSB = 0 ;
  int type, rank, shape, is_2d ;

  DEFPORT(portHandle) ;

  ENTRY(("_dxfPlineDraw(0x%x, 0x%x, %d)", portHandle, xf, buttonUp));

   *  Transparent surfaces are stripped for those ports which implement
   *  transparency with the screen door technique, but we need to sort them
   *  as individual polygons to apply the more accurate alpha composition
   *  method supported by Starbase.
   *  Connection-dependent colors are not supported by Starbase strips.

  approx = buttonUp ? xf->attributes.buttonUp.approx :
	              xf->attributes.buttonDown.approx ;

  if (
      (approx == approx_dots) ||
      (xf->colorsDep == dep_connections))
      int status ;
      PRINT(("drawing as individual polygons"));
      status = _dxfLineDraw (portHandle, xf, buttonUp) ;
      return status ;

   *  Extract rendering data from the xfield.

  if (DXGetArrayClass(xf->fcolors_array) == CLASS_CONSTANTARRAY)
      fcolors = (Pointer) DXGetArrayEntry(xf->fcolors, 0, NULL) ;
      fcolors = (Pointer) DXGetArrayData(xf->fcolors_array) ;

  color_map = (RGBColor *) DXGetArrayData(xf->cmap_array) ;

  if (DXGetArrayClass(xf->normals_array) == CLASS_CONSTANTARRAY)
      normals = (Pointer) DXGetArrayEntry(xf->normals, 0, NULL) ;
      normals = (Pointer) DXGetArrayData(xf->normals_array) ;

#if 0
  if (xf->colorsDep != dep_field)
     *  Dense fields of varying colors are visually confusing
     *  without hidden surface, even with wireframe approximation.
    hidden_surface (FILDES, TRUE, FALSE) ;
  else /* RE : <LUMBA281> */
     hidden_surface(FILDES, TRUE, FALSE);

  hidden_surface(FILDES, TRUE, FALSE);

  if (xf->colorsDep == dep_field)
      /* render field in constant color */
      cache_id = "CpfPline" ;
      SET_COLOR(fill_color, 0) ;
      SET_COLOR(line_color, 0) ;
      cache_id = "CpfPline" ;

   *  Render strips.
  PRINT(("%s", cache_id));
  if (stripsSB = tdmGetTmeshCacheSB (cache_id, xf))
       *  Use pre-constructed Starbase strips obtained from executive cache.
      register tdmTmeshCacheSB *stripArray, *end ;
      PRINT(("got strips from cache"));
      PrintBounds() ;
      stripArray = stripsSB->stripArray ;
      end = &stripArray[stripsSB->num_strips] ;
      for ( ; stripArray < end ; stripArray++)
	    (FILDES, stripArray->clist, stripArray->numverts,
	     stripArray->numcoords, stripArray->vertex_flags, NULL) ;
       *  Construct an array of Starbase strips and cache it.

      register int vsize ;
      int *connections, (*strips)[2] ;
      int cOffs, nOffs, vertex_flags, facet_flags, numStrips ;
      tdmTmeshCacheSB *stripArray ;
      PRINT(("building new strips"));

      /* determine vertex and facet types and sizes */
      vertex_flags = 0 ;
      facet_flags = UNIT_NORMALS ;
      vsize = 3 ;

      if (fcolors && xf->colorsDep != dep_field)
	  /* vertex has at least 6 floats, with color at float 3 */
	  vsize = 6 ; cOffs = 3 ;
	  vertex_flags |= VERTEX_COLOR ;
      /* get positions */
      if (is_2d = IS_2D (xf->positions_array, type, rank, shape))
	pnts2d = (struct p2d *) DXGetArrayData(xf->positions_array) ;
	points = (Point *) DXGetArrayData(xf->positions_array) ;
      /* get strip topology */
      connections = (int *)DXGetArrayData(xf->connections_array) ;
      strips = (int (*)[2])DXGetArrayData(xf->meshes) ;
      numStrips = xf->nmeshes ;
      DebugMessage() ;
      /* allocate space for Starbase strip data */
      stripsSB = (tdmStripArraySB *) tdmAllocate(sizeof(tdmStripArraySB)) ;
      if (!stripsSB)
	  PRINT(("out of memory allocating strip structure"));
	  DXErrorGoto (ERROR_INTERNAL, "#13000") ;
      stripsSB->stripArray = 0 ;
      stripsSB->num_strips = 0 ;
      /* allocate array of Starbase strips */
      stripArray =
	stripsSB->stripArray = (tdmTmeshCacheSB *)
      if (!stripArray)
	  PRINT(("out of memory allocating array of strips"));
	  DXErrorGoto (ERROR_INTERNAL, "#13000") ;
      for ( ; stripsSB->num_strips < numStrips ; stripsSB->num_strips++)
	  /* each iteration constructs and draws one Starbase strip */
	  register float *clist = 0, *gnormals = 0 ;
	  register int i, dV, *pntIdx, numPnts ;
	  stripArray->clist = 0 ;
	  stripArray->gnormals = 0 ;
	  /* get the number of points in this strip */
	  numPnts = strips[stripsSB->num_strips][1] ;
	  /* allocate coordinate list */
	  stripArray->clist = clist =
	    (float *) tdmAllocate(numPnts*vsize*sizeof(float)) ;
	  if (!clist)
	      PRINT(("out of memory allocating coordinate list"));
	      DXErrorGoto(ERROR_INTERNAL, "#13000") ;
	  /* get the sub-array of connections making up this strip */
	  pntIdx = &connections[strips[stripsSB->num_strips][0]] ;
	  /* copy vertex coordinates into clist */
	  if (is_2d)
	    for (i=0, dV=0 ; i<numPnts ; i++, dV+=vsize)
		*(struct p2d *)(clist+dV) = pnts2d[pntIdx[i]] ;
		((Point *)(clist+dV))->z = 0 ;
	    for (i=0, dV=0 ; i<numPnts ; i++, dV+=vsize)
	      *(Point *)(clist+dV) = points[pntIdx[i]] ;
	  /* copy vertex colors */
	  if (vertex_flags & VERTEX_COLOR)
	    if (color_map)
	      for (i=0, dV=cOffs ; i<numPnts ; i++, dV+=vsize)
		*(RGBColor *)(clist+dV) =
		  color_map[((char *)fcolors)[pntIdx[i]]] ;
	      for (i=0, dV=cOffs ; i<numPnts ; i++, dV+=vsize)
		*(RGBColor *)(clist+dV) = fcolors[pntIdx[i]] ;
	  /* save other strip info */
	  stripArray->numverts = numPnts ;
	  stripArray->numcoords = vsize-3 ;
	  stripArray->vertex_flags = vertex_flags ;
	  stripArray->facet_flags = facet_flags ;
	  polyline_with_data3d (FILDES, clist, numPnts,
				vsize-3, vertex_flags, NULL) ;
	  /* increment strip */
	  stripArray++ ;
      /* cache strip array */
      tdmPutTmeshCacheSB (cache_id, xf, stripsSB) ;

  /* restore hidden surface OFF */
  hidden_surface(FILDES, FALSE, FALSE) ;
  return OK ;

  tdmFreeTmeshCacheSB((Pointer)stripsSB) ;
  hidden_surface(FILDES, FALSE, FALSE) ;
  return ERROR ;
Exemplo n.º 3
_dxfPlineDraw (tdmPortHandleP portHandle, xfieldT *xf, int buttonUp)
  Point *points = 0 ;
  struct p2d {float x, y ;} *pnts2d = 0 ;
  Vector *normals ;
  RGBColor *fcolors, *color_map ;
  Type type ;
  int rank, shape, is_2d ;
  float *opacities, *opacity_map ;
  char *cache_id ;
  tdmStripDataXGL *stripsXGL = 0 ;

  DEFPORT(portHandle) ;
  DPRINT("\n(_dxfPlineDraw") ;

  if(xf->colorsDep == dep_connections)
    return _dxfLineDraw(portHandle, xf, buttonUp);

   *  Extract required data from the xfield.

  if (is_2d = IS_2D(xf->positions_array, type, rank, shape))
      pnts2d = (struct p2d *) DXGetArrayData(xf->positions_array) ;
      points = (Point *) DXGetArrayData(xf->positions_array) ;

  color_map = (RGBColor *) DXGetArrayData(xf->cmap_array) ;
  opacity_map = (float *) DXGetArrayData(xf->omap_array) ;

  if (DXGetArrayClass(xf->fcolors_array) == CLASS_CONSTANTARRAY)
      fcolors = (Pointer) DXGetArrayEntry(xf->fcolors, 0, NULL) ;
      fcolors = (Pointer) DXGetArrayData(xf->fcolors_array) ;

  if (DXGetArrayClass(xf->opacities_array) == CLASS_CONSTANTARRAY)
      opacities = (Pointer) DXGetArrayEntry(xf->opacities, 0, NULL) ;
      opacities = (Pointer) DXGetArrayData(xf->opacities_array) ;

  DebugMessage() ;

  /* set default attributes for surface and wireframe approximation */
  xgl_object_set (XGLCTX,
		  0) ;

  /* override above attributes according to color dependencies and lighting */
  if (xf->colorsDep == dep_field)
       *  Field has constant color.  Get color from context.
      CLAMP(&fcolors[0],&fcolors[0]) ;
      cache_id = "CpfPline" ;
      /* get line color from context */
	 XGL_CTX_LINE_COLOR, &fcolors[0],
	 NULL) ;
       *  Field has varying colors.  Get colors from point data.
      cache_id = "CppPline" ;

  DPRINT1("\n%s", cache_id) ;

#if 0 /* may want this when we add transparent lines */
   *  Set up a simple 50% screen door approximation for opacities < 0.75.
   *  We can't do opacity dep position or connection with this technique,
   *  but constant opacity per field is adequate for many visualizations.
   *  USE_SCREEN_DOOR should only be true if we're using the GT through
   *  the XGL 3.0 interface on Solaris; no other access to this effect is
   *  provided by Sun.  The GT with XGL 3.0 also provides alpha
   *  transparency of some sort.  It's not implemented here.

       NULL) ;

  if (opacities && USE_SCREEN_DOOR)
      if ((opacity_map? opacity_map[*(char *)opacities]: opacities[0]) < 0.75)
	       NULL) ;

  if (stripsXGL = _dxf_GetTmeshCacheXGL (cache_id, xf))
       *  Use pre-constructed xgl strips obtained from executive cache.
      register Xgl_pt_list *pt_list, *end ;
      DPRINT("\ngot strips from cache");

      pt_list = stripsXGL->pt_lists ;
      end = &pt_list[stripsXGL->num_strips] ;

      for ( ; pt_list < end ; pt_list++)
	xgl_multipolyline (XGLCTX, NULL, 1, pt_list) ;

       *  Construct an array of xgl strips and cache it.
      register int vsize, fsize ;
      int v_cOffs, v_nOffs, vertex_flags, numStrips ;
      int *connections, (*strips)[2] ;
      Xgl_pt_list *xgl_pt_list ;
      DPRINT("\nbuilding new strips");

      /* determine vertex types and sizes */
      vsize = 3 ;
      fsize = 0 ;
      vertex_flags = XGL_D_3 | XGL_FLT | XGL_NFLG | XGL_NHOM | XGL_DIRECT ;

      if (fcolors && xf->colorsDep != dep_field) {
	/* vertex has 3 more floats to accomodate color */
	v_cOffs = vsize ; vsize += 3 ; 
	vertex_flags |= XGL__CLR ;

      /* get strip topology */
      connections = (int *)DXGetArrayData(xf->connections_array) ;
      strips = (int (*)[2])DXGetArrayData(xf->meshes) ;
      numStrips = xf->nmeshes ;

      /* allocate space for strip data */
      stripsXGL = (tdmStripDataXGL *) tdmAllocate(sizeof(tdmStripDataXGL));
      if (!stripsXGL)
	  DXErrorGoto (ERROR_INTERNAL, "#13000") ;

      stripsXGL->pt_lists = 0 ;
      stripsXGL->facet_lists = 0 ;
      stripsXGL->num_strips = 0 ;

      /* allocate array of xgl point lists */
      xgl_pt_list =
	  stripsXGL->pt_lists = (Xgl_pt_list *)

      if (!xgl_pt_list)
	  DXErrorGoto (ERROR_INTERNAL, "#13000") ;

      for ( ; stripsXGL->num_strips < numStrips ; stripsXGL->num_strips++)
	  /* each iteration constructs and draws one xgl strip */
	  register float *clist, *flist ;
	  register int i, dV, *pntIdx, numPnts ;

	  /* get the number of points in this strip */
	  numPnts = strips[stripsXGL->num_strips][1] ;

	  /* allocate coordinate list */
	  xgl_pt_list->pts.color_normal_f3d =
	      (Xgl_pt_color_normal_f3d *) (clist =
		  (float *) tdmAllocate(numPnts*vsize*sizeof(float))) ;

	  if (!clist)
	      DXErrorGoto (ERROR_INTERNAL, "#13000") ;

	  /* get the sub-array of connections making up this strip */
	  pntIdx = &connections[strips[stripsXGL->num_strips][0]] ;

	  /* copy vertex coordinates into clist */
	  if (is_2d)
	      for (i=0, dV=0 ; i<numPnts ; i++, dV+=vsize)
		  *(struct p2d *)(clist+dV) = pnts2d[pntIdx[i]] ;
		  ((Point *)(clist+dV))->z = 0 ;
	      for (i=0, dV=0 ; i<numPnts ; i++, dV+=vsize)
		  *(Point *)(clist+dV) = points[pntIdx[i]] ;

	  /* copy vertex colors */
	  if (vertex_flags & XGL__CLR)
	      if (color_map)
		  for (i=0, dV=v_cOffs ; i<numPnts ; i++, dV+=vsize)
			  &color_map[((char *)fcolors)[pntIdx[i]]]);
		  for (i=0, dV=v_cOffs ; i<numPnts ; i++, dV+=vsize)
		      CLAMP((clist+dV),&fcolors[pntIdx[i]] ) ;

	  /* set up other point list info */
	  xgl_pt_list->bbox = NULL ;
	  xgl_pt_list->num_pts = numPnts ;
	  xgl_pt_list->pt_type = vertex_flags ;

	  /* send strip to xgl, increment pointlist pointers */
	  xgl_multipolyline (XGLCTX, NULL, 1, xgl_pt_list++) ;

      /* cache all strip data */
      _dxf_PutTmeshCacheXGL (cache_id, xf, stripsXGL) ;

  DPRINT(")") ;
  return OK ;

  _dxf_FreeTmeshCacheXGL((Pointer)stripsXGL) ;
  DPRINT("\nerror)") ;
  return ERROR ;