Exemplo n.º 1
    Function Name    :  vProcessNewData
    Input(s)         :
    Output           :
    Functionality    :  Process a new Rx/Tx msg
    Member of        :  CMsgContainerLIN
    Friend of        :      -
    Author(s)        :  Anish kumar
    Date Created     :  01.04.2010
void CMsgContainerLIN::vProcessNewData(STLINDATA& sLinData)

    // append : 1. Add item, get count, SetItemCount.
    // OW     : 1. Get ID, Create map index, Search if it is present in map
    //             if present change the offset and time stamp
    //          2. if not present and (get count < max count) save the Buffer index,
    //             ListCtrl index, time stamp, make offest = time stamp in disp entry
    //             and add to the map and array
    //          3. if not present and (get count = max count), do nothing
    //          4. SetItemcount

    if ( IS_A_MESSAGE(sLinData.m_ucDataType) )

        // Add to append buffer
        // If its the very first entry, the time stamp must
        if (m_sLINReadDataSpl.m_lTickCount.QuadPart != 0) // be 0 and will
            // retain such value.
            m_sLINReadDataSpl.m_nDeltime = _abs64(sLinData.m_lTickCount.QuadPart -

        STLINDATA* pStlin = &m_sLINReadDataSpl;
        *pStlin = sLinData;
        if (!bTobeBlocked(sLinData))

            if (NULL != m_pRxMsgCallBack)
                m_pRxMsgCallBack((void*)&sLinData, LIN);
    else //Add the error messages
        // Add to append buffer
        // If its the very first entry, the time stamp must
        if (m_sLINReadDataSpl.m_lTickCount.QuadPart != 0) // be 0 and will
            // retain such value.
            m_sLINReadDataSpl.m_nDeltime = _abs64(sLinData.m_lTickCount.QuadPart -
        STLINDATA* pStlin = &m_sLINReadDataSpl;
        *pStlin = sLinData;

        if (NULL != m_pRxMsgCallBack)
            m_pRxMsgCallBack((void*)&sLinData, LIN);

Exemplo n.º 2
    Function Name    :  vProcessNewData
    Input(s)         :
    Output           :
    Functionality    :  Process a new Rx/Tx msg
    Member of        :  CMsgContainerCAN
    Friend of        :      -
    Author(s)        :  Anish kumar
    Date Created     :  01.04.2010
void CMsgContainerCAN::vProcessNewData(STCANDATA& sCanData)

    // append : 1. Add item, get count, SetItemCount.
    // OW     : 1. Get ID, Create map index, Search if it is present in map
    //             if present change the offset and time stamp
    //          2. if not present and (get count < max count) save the Buffer index,
    //             ListCtrl index, time stamp, make offest = time stamp in disp entry
    //             and add to the map and array
    //          3. if not present and (get count = max count), do nothing
    //          4. SetItemcount

    if ( IS_A_MESSAGE(sCanData.m_ucDataType) )

        // Add to append buffer
        // If its the very first entry, the time stamp must
        if (m_sCANReadDataSpl.m_lTickCount.QuadPart != 0) // be 0 and will
            // retain such value.
            m_sCANReadDataSpl.m_nDeltime = _abs64(sCanData.m_lTickCount.QuadPart -

        STCANDATA* pStcan = &m_sCANReadDataSpl;
        *pStcan = sCanData;
        if (!bTobeBlocked(sCanData))
            unsigned char FDataType = m_sCANReadDataSpl.m_ucDataType;
                HRESULT h_Evaluate = EvaluateMessage(m_sCANReadDataSpl.m_uDataInfo.m_sCANMsg);

            if (nullptr != m_pRxMsgCallBack)
    else //Add the error messages
        // Add to append buffer
        // If its the very first entry, the time stamp must
        if (m_sCANReadDataSpl.m_lTickCount.QuadPart != 0) // be 0 and will
            // retain such value.
            m_sCANReadDataSpl.m_nDeltime = _abs64(sCanData.m_lTickCount.QuadPart -
        STCANDATA* pStcan = &m_sCANReadDataSpl;
        *pStcan = sCanData;

        if (!bTobeBlocked(sCanData))
            if (nullptr != m_pRxMsgCallBack)
