Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: IO.c Projeto: bialk/SPOOLES
   purpose -- to write an Perm object for a human eye

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise

   created -- 96jan05, cca
Perm_writeForHumanEye ( 
   Perm   *perm, 
   FILE   *fp 
) {
int   ierr, rc ;

if ( perm == NULL || fp == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Perm_writeForHumanEye(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", perm, fp) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( (rc = Perm_writeStats(perm, fp)) == 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Perm_writeForHumanEye(%p,%p)"
           "\n rc = %d, return from Perm_writeStats(%p,%p)\n",
           perm, fp, rc, perm, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
if ( perm->isPresent == 2 || perm->isPresent == 3 ) {
   fprintf(fp, "\n\n old-to-new permutation") ;
   IVfp80(fp, perm->size, perm->oldToNew, 80, &ierr) ;
if ( perm->isPresent == 1 || perm->isPresent == 3 ) {
   fprintf(fp, "\n\n new-to-old permutation") ;
   IVfp80(fp, perm->size, perm->newToOld, 80, &ierr) ;

return(1) ; }
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: IO.c Projeto: bialk/SPOOLES
   purpose -- to write an Perm object to a formatted file

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise

   created -- 96jan05, cca
Perm_writeToFormattedFile ( 
   Perm   *perm, 
   FILE   *fp 
) {
int   ierr, rc ;
   check the input
if ( perm == NULL || fp == NULL || perm->size <= 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Perm_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", perm, fp) ;
   exit(-1) ;
   write out the two scalar parameters
rc = fprintf(fp, "\n %d %d", perm->isPresent, perm->size) ;
if ( rc < 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Perm_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n rc = %d, return from first fprintf\n", perm, fp, rc) ;
   return(0) ;
if ( perm->isPresent == 2 || perm->isPresent == 3 ) {
   write out the old-to-new permutation vector
   IVfp80(fp, perm->size, perm->oldToNew, 80, &ierr) ;
   if ( ierr < 0 ) {
              "\n fatal error in Perm_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n ierr = %d, return from oldToNew[] IVfp80\n", 
              perm, fp, ierr) ;
      return(0) ;
if ( perm->isPresent == 1 || perm->isPresent == 3 ) {
   write out the new-to-old permutation vector
   IVfp80(fp, perm->size, perm->newToOld, 80, &ierr) ;
   if ( ierr < 0 ) {
              "\n fatal error in Perm_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n ierr = %d, return from newToOld[] IVfp80\n", 
              perm, fp, ierr) ;
      return(0) ;

return(1) ; }
Exemplo n.º 3
   sort the entries in ivec1[] and ivec2[] into lexicographic order,
   using dvec[] as a companion vector. then compress out the duplicates
   and sum the same values of dvec[]

   return value -- # of compressed entries

   created -- 97dec18, cca
IV2DVsortUpAndCompress (
   int      n,
   int      ivec1[],
   int      ivec2[],
   double   dvec[]
) {
int   first, ierr, ii, key, length, start ;
   check the input
if ( n < 0 || ivec1 == NULL || ivec2 == NULL || dvec == NULL ) {
           "\n fatal error in IV2DVsortAndCompress(%d,%p,%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input, n = %d, ivec1 = %p, ivec2 = %p, dvec = %p",
           n, ivec1, ivec2, dvec, n, ivec1, ivec2, dvec) ;
if ( n == 0 ) {
   return(0) ;
   sort ivec1[] in ascending order with 
   ivec2[] and dvec[] as companion vectors
IV2DVqsortUp(n, ivec1, ivec2, dvec) ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n ivec1[] after sort up") ;
IVfp80(stdout, n, ivec1, 80, &ierr) ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n ivec2[] after sort up") ;
IVfp80(stdout, n, ivec2, 80, &ierr) ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n dvec[] after sort up") ;
DVfprintf(stdout, n, dvec) ;
first = start = 0 ;
key   = ivec1[0] ;
for ( ii = 1 ; ii < n ; ii++ ) {
   if ( key != ivec1[ii] ) {
      length = IVDVsortUpAndCompress(ii - start, 
                                     ivec2 + start, dvec + start) ;
      IVfill(length, ivec1 + first, key) ;
      IVcopy(length, ivec2 + first, ivec2 + start) ;
      DVcopy(length, dvec  + first, dvec  + start) ;
      start = ii ;
      first += length ;
      key = ivec1[ii] ;
length = IVDVsortUpAndCompress(n - start, ivec2 + start, dvec + start) ;
IVfill(length, ivec1 + first, key) ;
IVcopy(length, ivec2 + first, ivec2 + start) ;
DVcopy(length, dvec  + first, dvec  + start) ;
first += length ;

return(first) ; }
Exemplo n.º 4
   purpose -- to write an IVL object for a human eye

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise

   created -- 95sep29, cca
IVL_writeForHumanEye ( 
   IVL    *ivl, 
   FILE   *fp 
) {
int   ierr, j, size, rc ;
int   *ind ;

if ( ivl == NULL || fp == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in IVL_writeForHumanEye(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", ivl, fp) ;
if ( (rc = IVL_writeStats(ivl, fp)) == 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in IVL_writeForHumanEye(%p,%p)"
           "\n rc = %d, return from IVL_writeStats(%p,%p)\n",
           ivl, fp, rc, ivl, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < ivl->nlist ; j++ ) {
   IVL_listAndSize(ivl, j, &size, &ind) ;
   if ( size > 0 ) {
      fprintf(fp, "\n %5d :", j) ;
      IVfp80(fp, size, ind, 8, &ierr) ;
      if ( ierr < 0 ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in IVL_writeForHumanEye(%p,%p)"
                 "\n ierr = %d, return from IVfp80, list %d\n", 
                 ivl, fp, ierr, j) ;
         return(0) ;

return(1) ; }
Exemplo n.º 5
   sort the entries in ivec[] into ascending order,
   using dvec[] as a companion vector.
   then compress out the duplicates integer keys,
   summing the double values

   return value -- # of compressed entries

   created -- 97dec18, cca
IVDVsortUpAndCompress (
   int      n,
   int      ivec[],
   double   dvec[]
) {
int   first, ierr, ii, key ;
   check the input
if ( n < 0 || ivec == NULL || dvec == NULL) {
           "\n fatal error in IVDVsortAndCompress(%d,%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input, n = %d, ivec = %p, dvec = %p",
           n, ivec, dvec, n, ivec, dvec) ;
if ( n == 0 ) {
   return(0) ;
   sort ivec[] in ascending order
   with dvec[] as a companion vector
IVDVqsortUp(n, ivec, dvec) ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n ivec[] after sort up") ;
IVfp80(stdout, n, ivec, 80, &ierr) ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n dvec[] after sort up") ;
DVfprintf(stdout, n, dvec) ;
first = 1 ;
key   = ivec[0] ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n first = %d, key = %d, ivec[%d] = %d",
        first, key, 0, ivec[0]) ;
for ( ii = 1 ; ii < n ; ii++ ) {
#if MYDEBUG > 0
   fprintf(stdout, "\n first = %d, key = %d, ivec[%d] = %d",
           first, key, 0, ivec[0]) ;
   if ( key == ivec[ii] ) {
      dvec[first-1] += dvec[ii] ;
   } else if ( key != ivec[ii] ) {
#if MYDEBUG > 0
      fprintf(stdout, "\n setting ivec[%d] = %d",
              first, ivec[ii]) ;
      ivec[first] = key = ivec[ii] ;
      dvec[first] = dvec[ii] ;
      first++ ;
return(first) ; }
Exemplo n.º 6
   sort the entries in ivec[] into ascending order,
   then compress out the duplicates

   return value -- # of compressed entries

   created -- 97dec18, cca
IVsortUpAndCompress (
   int   n,
   int   ivec[]
) {
int   first, ierr, ii, key ;
   check the input
if ( n < 0 || ivec == NULL ) {
           "\n fatal error in IVsortAndCompress(%d,%p)"
           "\n bad input, n = %d, ivec = %p",
           n, ivec, n, ivec) ;
if ( n == 0 ) {
   return(0) ;
   sort the vector in ascending order
IVqsortUp(n, ivec) ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n ivec[] after sort up") ;
IVfp80(stdout, n, ivec, 80, &ierr) ;
   purge the duplicates
first = 1 ;
key   = ivec[0] ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n first = %d, key = %d, ivec[%d] = %d",
        first, key, 0, ivec[0]) ;
for ( ii = 1 ; ii < n ; ii++ ) {
#if MYDEBUG > 0
   fprintf(stdout, "\n first = %d, key = %d, ivec[%d] = %d",
           first, key, 0, ivec[0]) ;
   if ( key != ivec[ii] ) {
#if MYDEBUG > 0
      fprintf(stdout, "\n setting ivec[%d] = %d",
              first, ivec[ii]) ;
      ivec[first++] = key = ivec[ii] ;
return(first) ; }
Exemplo n.º 7
   purpose -- to write the object to a file
              in human readable form

   return value -- 
      1 -- normal return
     -1 -- mtx is NULL
     -2 -- fp is NULL

   created -- 98may02, cca
DenseMtx_writeForHumanEye (
   DenseMtx   *mtx,
   FILE       *fp
) {
A2    a2 ;
int   ierr, ncol, nrow ;
int   *colind, *rowind ; 
   check the input
if ( mtx == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in DenseMtx_writeForHumanEye()"
           "\n mtx is NULL\n") ;
   return(-1) ;
if ( fp == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in DenseMtx_writeForHumanEye()"
           "\n mtx is NULL\n") ;
   return(-2) ;
DenseMtx_writeStats(mtx, fp) ;
DenseMtx_rowIndices(mtx, &nrow, &rowind) ;
if ( nrow > 0 && rowind != NULL ) {
   fprintf(fp, "\n mtx's row indices at %p", rowind) ;
   IVfp80(fp, nrow, rowind, 80, &ierr) ;
DenseMtx_columnIndices(mtx, &ncol, &colind) ;
if ( ncol > 0 && colind != NULL ) {
   fprintf(fp, "\n mtx's column indices at %p", colind) ;
   IVfp80(fp, ncol, colind, 80, &ierr) ;
if ( nrow > 0 && ncol > 0 ) {
   A2_setDefaultFields(&a2) ;
   DenseMtx_setA2(mtx, &a2) ;
   A2_writeForHumanEye(&a2, fp) ;
return(1) ; }
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: IO.c Projeto: bialk/SPOOLES
   purpose -- to write an IV object for a human eye

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise

   created -- 95oct06, cca
IV_writeForHumanEye ( 
   IV    *iv, 
   FILE   *fp 
) {
int   ierr, rc ;

if ( iv == NULL || fp == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in IV_writeForHumanEye(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", iv, fp) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( (rc = IV_writeStats(iv, fp)) == 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in IV_writeForHumanEye(%p,%p)"
           "\n rc = %d, return from IV_writeStats(%p,%p)\n",
           iv, fp, rc, iv, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
IVfp80(fp, iv->size, iv->vec, 80, &ierr) ;

return(1) ; }
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: IO.c Projeto: bialk/SPOOLES
   purpose -- to write an IV object to a formatted file

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise

   created -- 95oct06, cca
IV_writeToFormattedFile ( 
   IV    *iv, 
   FILE   *fp 
) {
int   ierr, rc ;
   check the input
if ( iv == NULL || fp == NULL || iv->size <= 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in IV_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", iv, fp) ;
   fprintf(stderr, "\n iv->size = %d", iv->size) ;
   exit(-1) ;
   write out the size of the vector
rc = fprintf(fp, "\n %d", iv->size) ;
if ( rc < 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in IV_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n rc = %d, return from first fprintf\n", iv, fp, rc) ;
   return(0) ;
if ( iv->size > 0 ) {
   IVfp80(fp, iv->size, iv->vec, 80, &ierr) ;
   if ( ierr < 0 ) {
              "\n fatal error in IV_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n ierr = %d, return from sizes[] IVfp80\n", 
              iv, fp, ierr) ;
      return(0) ;

return(1) ; }
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: IO.c Projeto: bialk/SPOOLES
  purpose -- to write out an integer vector with eighty column lines
   input --
      fp     -- file pointer, must be formatted and write access
      column -- present column
      pierr  -- pointer to int to hold return value, 
                should be 1 if any print was successful,
                if fprintf() failed, then ierr = -1
   return value -- present column
   created -- 96jun22, cca
IV_fp80 (
   IV     *iv,
   FILE   *fp,
   int    column,
   int    *pierr
) {
   check the input
if ( iv == NULL || fp == NULL || pierr == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in IV_fp80(%p,%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", iv, fp, pierr) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( iv->size > 0 && iv->vec != NULL ) {
   column = IVfp80(fp, iv->size, iv->vec, column, pierr) ;

return(column) ; }
Exemplo n.º 11
   purpose -- to write an SolveMap object for a human eye

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise

   created -- 98apr09, cca
SolveMap_writeForHumanEye ( 
   SolveMap   *solvemap, 
   FILE       *fp 
) {
int   ierr, kk, rc ;

if ( solvemap == NULL || fp == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in SolveMap_writeForHumanEye(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", solvemap, fp) ;
if ( (rc = SolveMap_writeStats(solvemap, fp)) == 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in SolveMap_writeForHumanEye(%p,%p)"
           "\n rc = %d, return from SolveMap_writeStats(%p,%p)\n",
           solvemap, fp, rc, solvemap, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
fprintf(fp, "\n\n front owners map") ;
IVfp80(fp, solvemap->nfront, solvemap->owners, 80, &ierr) ;
if ( solvemap->nblockUpper > 0 ) {
   fprintf(fp, "\n\n upper block map") ;
   for ( kk = 0 ; kk < solvemap->nblockUpper ; kk++ ) {
      fprintf(fp, "\n block(%d,%d) owned by process %d",
              solvemap->rowidsUpper[kk], solvemap->colidsUpper[kk],
              solvemap->mapUpper[kk]) ;
if ( solvemap->symmetryflag == 2 && solvemap->nblockLower > 0 ) {
   fprintf(fp, "\n\n lower block map") ;
   for ( kk = 0 ; kk < solvemap->nblockLower ; kk++ ) {
      fprintf(fp, "\n block(%d,%d) owned by process %d",
              solvemap->rowidsLower[kk], solvemap->colidsLower[kk],
              solvemap->mapLower[kk]) ;
return(1) ; }
Exemplo n.º 12
main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
   read BPG from file and get the Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition

   created -- 96mar08, cca
char     *inBPGFileName ;
double   t1, t2 ;
int      ierr, msglvl, rc ;
int      *dmflags, *stats ;
BPG      *bpg ;
FILE     *msgFile ;

if ( argc != 4 ) {
      "\n\n usage : %s msglvl msgFile inFile "
      "\n    msglvl   -- message level"
      "\n    msgFile  -- message file"
      "\n    inFile   -- input file, must be *.bpgf or *.bpgb"
      "\n", argv[0]) ;
   return(0) ;
msglvl = atoi(argv[1]) ;
if ( strcmp(argv[2], "stdout") == 0 ) {
   msgFile = stdout ;
} else if ( (msgFile = fopen(argv[2], "a")) == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in %s"
           "\n unable to open file %s\n",
           argv[0], argv[2]) ;
   return(-1) ;
inBPGFileName  = argv[3] ;
        "\n %s "
        "\n msglvl   -- %d" 
        "\n msgFile  -- %s" 
        "\n inFile   -- %s" 
        argv[0], msglvl, argv[2], inBPGFileName) ;
fflush(msgFile) ;
   read in the BPG object
if ( strcmp(inBPGFileName, "none") == 0 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n no file to read from") ;
   exit(0) ;
bpg = BPG_new() ;
rc = BPG_readFromFile(bpg, inBPGFileName) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %9.5f : read in graph from file %s",
        t2 - t1, inBPGFileName) ;
if ( rc != 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n return value %d from BPG_readFromFile(%p,%s)",
           rc, bpg, inBPGFileName) ;
   exit(-1) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n after reading BPG object from file %s",
        inBPGFileName) ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
   BPG_writeForHumanEye(bpg, msgFile) ;
} else {
   BPG_writeStats(bpg, msgFile) ;
fflush(msgFile) ;
   test out the max flow DMdecomposition method
dmflags = IVinit(bpg->nX + bpg->nY, -1) ;
stats   = IVinit(6, 0) ;
BPG_DMviaMaxFlow(bpg, dmflags, stats, msglvl, msgFile) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n CPU %9.5f : find DM via maxflow", t2 - t1) ;
if ( msglvl > 0 ) {
           "\n\n BPG_DMviaMaxFlow"
           "\n |X_I| = %6d, |X_E| = %6d, |X_R| = %6d"
           "\n |Y_I| = %6d, |Y_E| = %6d, |Y_R| = %6d",
           stats[0], stats[1], stats[2],
           stats[3], stats[4], stats[5]) ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n dmflags") ;
   IVfp80(msgFile, bpg->nX + bpg->nY, dmflags, 80, &ierr) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   test out the matching DMcomposition method
IVfill(bpg->nX + bpg->nY, dmflags, -1) ;
IVfill(6, stats, -1) ;
BPG_DMdecomposition(bpg, dmflags, stats, msglvl, msgFile) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n CPU %9.5f : find DM via matching", t2 - t1) ;
if ( msglvl > 0 ) {
           "\n\n BPG_DMdecomposition"
           "\n |X_I| = %6d, |X_E| = %6d, |X_R| = %6d"
           "\n |Y_I| = %6d, |Y_E| = %6d, |Y_R| = %6d",
           stats[0], stats[1], stats[2],
           stats[3], stats[4], stats[5]) ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n dmflags") ;
   IVfp80(msgFile, bpg->nX + bpg->nY, dmflags, 80, &ierr) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   free the storage
IVfree(dmflags) ;
IVfree(stats) ;
BPG_free(bpg) ;

fprintf(msgFile, "\n") ;
fclose(msgFile) ;

return(1) ; }
Exemplo n.º 13
   compute an old-to-new ordering for 
   local nested dissection in three dimensions

   n1       -- number of grid points in first direction
   n2       -- number of grid points in second direction
   n3       -- number of grid points in third direction
   p1       -- number of domains in first direction
   p2       -- number of domains in second direction
   p3       -- number of domains in third direction
   dsizes1  -- domain sizes in first direction, size p1
               if NULL, then we construct our own
   dsizes2  -- domain sizes in second direction, size p2
               if NULL, then we construct our own
   dsizes3  -- domain sizes in third direction, size p3
               if NULL, then we construct our own
   oldToNew -- old-to-new permutation vector

   note : the following must hold
      n1 > 0, n2 >0, n3 > 0,
      n1 >= 2*p1 - 1, n2 >= 2*p2 - 1, n3 >= 2*p3 - 1, p3 > 1
      sum(dsizes1) = n1 - p1 + 1, sum(dsizes2) = n2 - p2 + 1
      sum(dsizes3) = n3 - p3 + 1

   created -- 95nov16, cca
localND3D ( 
   int   n1, 
   int   n2, 
   int   n3, 
   int   p1, 
   int   p2, 
   int   p3,
   int   dsizes1[], 
   int   dsizes2[], 
   int   dsizes3[], 
   int   oldToNew[] 
) {
int   i, idom, ijk, isw, j, jdom, jsw, k, kdom, ksw, 
      length1, length2, length3, m, m1, m2, m3, msize, now, nvtx ;
int   *length1s, *length2s, *length3s, *isws, *jsws, *ksws, *temp ;
   check the input
if ( n1 <= 0 || n2 <= 0 || n3 <= 0
   || 2*p1 - 1 > n1 || 2*p2 - 1 > n2 || 2*p3 - 1 > n3 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in input data") ;
   return ; 
if ( p3 <= 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n p3 must be > 1") ;
   return ; 
if ( oldToNew == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n oldToNew = NULL") ;
   return ; 
if ( dsizes1 != NULL && IVsum(p1, dsizes1) != n1 - p1 + 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n IVsum(p1, dsizes1) != n1 - p1 + 1 ") ;
   return ; 
if ( dsizes2 != NULL && IVsum(p2, dsizes2) != n2 - p2 + 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n IVsum(p2, dsizes2) != n2 - p2 + 1 ") ;
   return ; 
if ( dsizes3 != NULL && IVsum(p3, dsizes3) != n3 - p3 + 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n IVsum(p3, dsizes3) != n3 - p3 + 1 ") ;
   return ; 
if ( dsizes1 != NULL && IVmin(p1, dsizes1, &i) <= 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n IVmin(p1, dsizes1) must be > 0") ;
   return ; 
if ( dsizes2 != NULL && IVmin(p2, dsizes2, &i) <= 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n IVmin(p2, dsizes2) must be > 0") ;
   return ; 
if ( dsizes3 != NULL && IVmin(p3, dsizes3, &i) <= 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n IVmin(p3, dsizes3) must be > 0") ;
   return ; 
nvtx = n1*n2*n3 ;
   construct the domain sizes vectors
if ( dsizes1 == NULL ) {
   length1s = IVinit(p1, 0) ;
   length1 = (n1 - p1 + 1) / p1 ;
   m1 = (n1 - p1 + 1) % p1 ;
   for ( i = 0 ; i < m1 ; i++ ) {
      length1s[i] = length1 + 1 ;
   for ( ; i < p1 ; i++ ) {
      length1s[i] = length1 ;
} else {
   length1s = dsizes1 ;
if ( dsizes2 == NULL ) {
   length2s = IVinit(p2, 0) ;
   length2 = (n2 - p2 + 1) / p2 ;
   m2 = (n2 - p2 + 1) % p2 ;
   for ( i = 0 ; i < m2 ; i++ ) {
      length2s[i] = length2 + 1 ;
   for ( ; i < p2 ; i++ ) {
      length2s[i] = length2 ;
} else {
   length2s = dsizes2 ;
if ( dsizes3 == NULL ) {
   length3s = IVinit(p3, 0) ;
   length3 = (n3 - p3 + 1) / p3 ;
   m3 = (n3 - p3 + 1) % p3 ;
   for ( i = 0 ; i < m3 ; i++ ) {
      length3s[i] = length3 + 1 ;
   for ( ; i < p3 ; i++ ) {
      length3s[i] = length3 ;
} else {
   length3s = dsizes3 ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n inside localND3D") ;
        "\n n1 = %d, n2 = %d, n3 = %d, p1 = %d, p2 = %dm p3 = %d", 
        n1, n2, n3, p1, p2, p3) ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n length1s[%d] = ", p1) ;
IVfp80(stdout, p1, length1s, 12) ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n length2s[%d] = ", p2) ;
IVfp80(stdout, p2, length2s, 12) ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n length3s[%d] = ", p3) ;
IVfp80(stdout, p3, length3s, 13) ;
   determine the first and last domain ids 
   and the array of southwest points
isws = IVinit(p1, -1) ;
for ( idom = 0, isw = 0 ; idom < p1 ; idom++ ) {
   isws[idom] = isw ;
   isw += length1s[idom] + 1 ;
jsws = IVinit(p2, -1) ;
for ( jdom = 0, jsw = 0 ; jdom < p2 ; jdom++ ) {
   jsws[jdom] = jsw ;
   jsw += length2s[jdom] + 1 ;
ksws = IVinit(p3, -1) ;
for ( kdom = 0, ksw = 0 ; kdom < p3 ; kdom++ ) {
   ksws[kdom] = ksw ;
   ksw += length3s[kdom] + 1 ;
#if MYDEBUG > 1
fprintf(stdout, "\n isws[%d] = ", p1) ;
IVfp80(stdout, p1, isws, 12) ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n jsws[%d] = ", p2) ;
IVfp80(stdout, p2, jsws, 12) ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n ksws[%d] = ", p3) ;
IVfp80(stdout, p3, ksws, 12) ;
   create a temporary permutation vector for the domains' orderings
msize = IVmax(p1, length1s, &i) * IVmax(p2, length2s, &i) 
                                * IVmax(p3, length3s, &k) ;
temp  = IVinit(msize, -1) ;
   fill in the domain nodes
now = 0 ;
for ( kdom = 0 ; kdom < p3 ; kdom++ ) {
   ksw     = ksws[kdom] ;
   length3 = length3s[kdom] ;
   for ( jdom = 0 ; jdom < p2 ; jdom++ ) {
      jsw     = jsws[jdom] ;
      length2 = length2s[jdom] ;
      for ( idom = 0 ; idom < p1 ; idom++ ) {
         isw     = isws[idom] ;
         length1 = length1s[idom] ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n domain (%d,%d,%d), size %d x %d x %d",
        idom, jdom, kdom, length1, length2, length3) ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n (isw, jsw, ksw) = (%d, %d, %d)",
        isw, jsw, ksw) ;
         mkNDperm(length1, length2, length3, temp, 
                  0, length1-1, 0, length2-1, 0, length3-1) ;
         for ( m = 0 ; m < length1*length2*length3 ; m++ ) {
            ijk = temp[m] ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n    m = %d, ijk = %d", m, ijk) ;
            k   = ksw + ijk / (length1*length2) ;
            ijk = ijk % (length1*length2) ;
            j   = jsw + ijk / length1 ;
            i   = isw + ijk % length1 ;
fprintf(stdout, ", (i, j, k) = (%d, %d, %d)", i, j, k) ;
            ijk = i + j*n1 + k*n1*n2 ;
            oldToNew[ijk] = now++ ;
#if MYDEBUG > 2
fprintf(stdout, "\n old-to-new after domains are numbered") ;
fp3DGrid(n1, n2, n3, oldToNew, stdout) ;
   fill in the lower separator nodes
for ( kdom = 0 ; kdom < (p3/2) ; kdom++ ) {
   ksw  = ksws[kdom] ;
   length3   = length3s[kdom] ;
   for ( jdom = 0 ; jdom < p2 ; jdom++ ) {
      jsw  = jsws[jdom] ;
      length2   = length2s[jdom] ;
      for ( idom = 0 ; idom < p1 ; idom++ ) {
         isw  = isws[idom] ;
         length1   = length1s[idom] ;
   3 faces
         if ( isw > 0 ) {
            i = isw - 1 ;
            for ( j = jsw ; j <= jsw + length2 - 1 ; j++ ) {
               for ( k = ksw ; k <= ksw + length3 - 1 ; k++ ) {
                  ijk = i + j*n1 + k*n1*n2 ;
                  oldToNew[ijk] = now++ ;
         if ( jsw > 0 ) {
            j = jsw - 1 ;
            for ( i = isw ; i <= isw + length1 - 1 ; i++ ) {
               for ( k = ksw ; k <= ksw + length3 - 1 ; k++ ) {
                  ijk = i + j*n1 + k*n1*n2 ;
                  oldToNew[ijk] = now++ ;
         if ( ksw > 0 ) {
            k = ksw - 1 ;
            for ( j = jsw ; j <= jsw + length2 - 1 ; j++ ) {
               for ( i = isw ; i <= isw + length1 - 1 ; i++ ) {
                  ijk = i + j*n1 + k*n1*n2 ;
                  oldToNew[ijk] = now++ ;
         three edges
         if ( isw > 0 && jsw > 0 ) {
            i = isw - 1 ;
            j = jsw - 1 ;
            for ( k = ksw ; k <= ksw + length3 - 1 ; k++ ) {
               ijk = i + j*n1 + k*n1*n2 ;
               oldToNew[ijk] = now++ ;
         if ( isw > 0 && ksw > 0 ) {
            i = isw - 1 ;
            k = ksw - 1 ;
            for ( j = jsw ; j <= jsw + length2 - 1 ; j++ ) {
               ijk = i + j*n1 + k*n1*n2 ;
               oldToNew[ijk] = now++ ;
         if ( jsw > 0 && ksw > 0 ) {
            j = jsw - 1 ;
            k = ksw - 1 ;
            for ( i = isw ; i <= isw + length1 - 1 ; i++ ) {
               ijk = i + j*n1 + k*n1*n2 ;
               oldToNew[ijk] = now++ ;
         one corner point
         if ( isw > 0 && jsw > 0 && ksw > 0 ) {
            i = isw - 1 ;
            j = jsw - 1 ;
            k = ksw - 1 ;
            ijk = i + j*n1 + k*n1*n2 ;
            oldToNew[ijk] = now++ ;
#if MYDEBUG > 2
fprintf(stdout, "\n after the lower separators filled in") ;
fp2DGrid(n1, n2, oldToNew, stdout) ;
   fill in the upper separator nodes
for ( kdom = p3 - 1 ; kdom >= (p3/2) ; kdom-- ) {
   ksw  = ksws[kdom] ;
   length3   = length3s[kdom] ;
   for ( jdom = p2 - 1 ; jdom >= 0 ; jdom-- ) {
      jsw  = jsws[jdom] ;
      length2   = length2s[jdom] ;
      for ( idom = p1 - 1 ; idom >= 0 ; idom-- ) {
         isw  = isws[idom] ;
         length1   = length1s[idom] ;
         3 faces
         if ( isw + length1 < n1 ) {
            i = isw + length1 ;
            for ( j = jsw ; j <= jsw + length2 - 1 ; j++ ) {
               for ( k = ksw ; k <= ksw + length3 - 1 ; k++ ) {
                  ijk = i + j*n1 + k*n1*n2 ;
                  oldToNew[ijk] = now++ ;
         if ( jsw + length2 < n2 ) {
            j = jsw + length2 ;
            for ( i = isw ; i <= isw + length1 - 1 ; i++ ) {
               for ( k = ksw ; k <= ksw + length3 - 1 ; k++ ) {
                  ijk = i + j*n1 + k*n1*n2 ;
                  oldToNew[ijk] = now++ ;
         if ( ksw + length3 < n3 ) {
            k = ksw + length3 ;
            for ( j = jsw ; j <= jsw + length2 - 1 ; j++ ) {
               for ( i = isw ; i <= isw + length1 - 1 ; i++ ) {
                  ijk = i + j*n1 + k*n1*n2 ;
                  oldToNew[ijk] = now++ ;
         three edges
         if ( isw + length1 < n1 && jsw + length2 < n2 ) {
            i = isw + length1 ;
            j = jsw + length2 ;
            for ( k = ksw ; k <= ksw + length3 - 1 ; k++ ) {
               ijk = i + j*n1 + k*n1*n2 ;
               oldToNew[ijk] = now++ ;
         if ( isw + length1 < n1 && ksw + length3 < n3 ) {
            i = isw + length1 ;
            k = ksw + length3 ;
            for ( j = jsw ; j <= jsw + length2 - 1 ; j++ ) {
               ijk = i + j*n1 + k*n1*n2 ;
               oldToNew[ijk] = now++ ;
         if ( jsw + length2 < n2 && ksw + length3 < n3 ) {
            j = jsw + length2 ;
            k = ksw + length3 ;
            for ( i = isw ; i <= isw + length1 - 1 ; i++ ) {
               ijk = i + j*n1 + k*n1*n2 ;
               oldToNew[ijk] = now++ ;
         one corner point
         if ( isw + length1 < n1 && jsw + length2 < n2 
                                 && ksw + length3 < n3 ) {
            i = isw + length1 ;
            j = jsw + length2 ;
            k = ksw + length3 ;
            ijk = i + j*n1 + k*n1*n2 ;
            oldToNew[ijk] = now++ ;
#if MYDEBUG > 2
fprintf(stdout, "\n after the upper separators filled in") ;
fp2DGrid(n1, n2, oldToNew, stdout) ;
   fill in the top level separator
m1 = p3 / 2 ;
for ( kdom = 0, k = 0 ; kdom < m1 ; kdom++ ) {
   k += length3s[kdom] + 1 ;
k-- ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < n2 ; j++ ) { 
   for ( i = 0 ; i < n1 ; i++ ) { 
      ijk = i + j*n1 + k*n1*n2 ;
      oldToNew[ijk] = now++ ;
   free the working storage
if ( dsizes1 == NULL ) {
   IVfree(length1s) ;
if ( dsizes2 == NULL ) {
   IVfree(length2s) ;
if ( dsizes3 == NULL ) {
   IVfree(length3s) ;
IVfree(isws) ;
IVfree(jsws) ;
IVfree(ksws) ;
IVfree(temp) ;

return ; }
Exemplo n.º 14
   split the graph partition object into pieces

   created -- 95nov29, cca
GPart_split (
   GPart   *gpart
) {
FILE    *msgFile ;
GPart   *gpartchild ;
Graph   *g, *gchild ;
int     domwght, icomp, ierr, msglvl, ncomp, nvtot, nvtx, sepwght ;
int     *compids, *cweights, *map ;
   check the input
if ( gpart == NULL || (g = gpart->g) == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in GPart_split(%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", gpart) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( gpart->fch != NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in GPart_split(%p)"
           "\n child(ren) exist, already split\n", gpart) ;
   exit(-1) ;
msgFile = gpart->msgFile ;
msglvl  = gpart->msglvl  ;
   count the number of subgraphs
   and fill the cweights[] vector
nvtx = g->nvtx ;
GPart_setCweights(gpart) ;
ncomp    = gpart->ncomp ;
cweights = IV_entries(&gpart->cweightsIV) ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
           "\n\n inside GPart_split, %d components, cweights : ", 
           ncomp) ;
   IV_fp80(&gpart->cweightsIV, msgFile, 25, &ierr) ;
if ( ncomp == 1 ) {
   return ;
   compute the weight of the components and
   count the number of nontrivial components
sepwght = cweights[0] ;
domwght = 0 ;
for ( icomp = 1 ; icomp <= ncomp ; icomp++ ) {
   domwght += cweights[icomp] ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
           "\n separator weight = %d, weight of components = %d",
           sepwght, domwght) ;
   for each component
      create its subgraph with boundary
      create a GPart object to contain the subgraph
         and set as the child of the present GPart object
   end for
compids = IV_entries(&gpart->compidsIV) ;
for ( icomp = 1 ; icomp <= ncomp ; icomp++ ) {
   gpartchild = GPart_new() ;
   gchild = Graph_subGraph(g, icomp, compids, &map) ;
   if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
      fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n component %d", icomp) ;
      fprintf(msgFile, "\n map to parent") ;
      IVfp80(msgFile, gchild->nvtx + gchild->nvbnd, map, 80, &ierr) ;
      Graph_writeForHumanEye(gchild, msgFile) ;
      fflush(msgFile) ;
   GPart_init(gpartchild, gchild) ;
   nvtot = gpartchild->nvtx + gpartchild->nvbnd ;
   IV_init2(&gpartchild->vtxMapIV, nvtot, nvtot, 1, map) ;
   gpartchild->par = gpart      ;
   gpartchild->sib = gpart->fch ;
   gpart->fch      = gpartchild ;
   gpartchild->msglvl  = gpart->msglvl  ;
   gpartchild->msgFile = gpart->msgFile ;

return ; }
Exemplo n.º 15
main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
   test the Drand random number generator object
double   ddot, dmean, param1, param2 ;
double   *dvec ;
Drand    drand ;
FILE     *msgFile ;
int      distribution, ierr, imean, msglvl, n, seed1, seed2 ;
int      *ivec ;

if ( argc != 9 ) {
"\n\n usage : testDrand msglvl msgFile "
"\n         distribution param1 param2 seed1 seed2 n"
"\n    msglvl       -- message level"
"\n    msgFile      -- message file"
"\n    distribution -- 1 for uniform(param1,param2)"
"\n                 -- 2 for normal(param1,param2)"
"\n    param1       -- first parameter"
"\n    param2       -- second parameter"
"\n    seed1        -- first random number seed"
"\n    seed2        -- second random number seed"
"\n    n            -- length of the vector"
) ;
   return(0) ;
msglvl = atoi(argv[1]) ;
if ( strcmp(argv[2], "stdout") == 0 ) {
   msgFile = stdout ;
} else if ( (msgFile = fopen(argv[2], "a")) == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in %s"
           "\n unable to open file %s\n",
           argv[0], argv[2]) ;
   return(-1) ;
distribution = atoi(argv[3]) ;
if ( distribution < 1 || distribution > 2 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in testDrand"
           "\n distribution must be 1 (uniform) or 2 (normal)") ;
   exit(-1) ;
param1 = atof(argv[4]) ;
param2 = atof(argv[5]) ;
seed1  = atoi(argv[6]) ;
seed2  = atoi(argv[7]) ;
n      = atoi(argv[8]) ;

Drand_init(&drand) ;
Drand_setSeeds(&drand, seed1, seed2) ;
switch ( distribution ) {
case 1 : 
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n uniform in [%f,%f]", param1, param2) ;
   Drand_setUniform(&drand, param1, param2) ; 
   break ;
case 2 : 
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n normal(%f,%f)", param1, param2) ;
   Drand_setNormal(&drand, param1, param2) ; 
   break ;
   fill the integer and double precision vectors
dvec = DVinit(n, 0.0) ;
Drand_fillDvector(&drand, n, dvec) ;
dmean = DVsum(n, dvec)/n ;
ddot  = DVdot(n, dvec, dvec) ;
if ( msglvl > 0 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n dvec mean = %.4f, variance = %.4f",
           dmean, sqrt(fabs(ddot - n*dmean)/n)) ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n dvec") ;
   DVfprintf(msgFile, n, dvec) ;
DVqsortUp(n, dvec) ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n sorted dvec") ;
   DVfprintf(msgFile, n, dvec) ;
ivec = IVinit(n, 0) ;
Drand_fillIvector(&drand, n, ivec) ;
imean = IVsum(n, ivec)/n ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n ivec") ;
   IVfp80(msgFile, n, ivec, 80, &ierr) ;
IVqsortUp(n, ivec) ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n sorted ivec") ;
   IVfp80(msgFile, n, ivec, 80, &ierr) ;

fprintf(msgFile, "\n") ;

return(1) ; }
Exemplo n.º 16
   purpose -- to write a Graph object to a formatted file

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise

   created -- 95sep29, cca
Graph_writeToFormattedFile ( 
   Graph   *graph, 
   FILE    *fp 
) {
int   ierr, rc ;
   check the input
if ( graph == NULL || fp == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Graph_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", graph, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
if ( graph->type < 0 || 3 < graph->type ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Graph_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad type = %d", graph, fp, graph->type) ;
   return(0) ;
   write out the six scalar parameters
rc = fprintf(fp, "\n %d %d %d %d %d %d", 
             graph->type, graph->nvtx, graph->nvbnd,
             graph->nedges, graph->totvwght, graph->totewght) ;
if ( rc < 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Graph_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n rc = %d, return from first fprintf\n", graph, fp, rc) ;
   return(0) ;
   write out the adjacency structure
rc = IVL_writeToFormattedFile(graph->adjIVL, fp) ;
if ( rc < 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Graph_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n rc = %d, return from IVL_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)" 
           "\n while attempting to write out adjIVL\n",
           graph, fp, rc, graph->adjIVL, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
   write out the vwghts[] vector, if present
if ( graph->type % 2 == 1 ) {
   if ( graph->vwghts == NULL ) {
              "\n fatal error in Graph_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n graph->type = %d, graph->vwghts == NULL\n",
              graph, fp, graph->type) ;
      return(0) ;
   IVfp80(fp, graph->nvtx+graph->nvbnd, graph->vwghts, 80, &ierr) ;
   if ( ierr < 0 ) {
              "\n fatal error in Graph_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n ierr = %d, return from vwghts[] IVfp80\n", 
              graph, fp, ierr) ;
      return(0) ;
   write out the edge weights IVL object 
if ( graph->type >= 2 ) {
   if ( graph->ewghtIVL == NULL ) {
              "\n fatal error in Graph_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n graph->type = %d, graph->ewghtIVL == NULL\n",
              graph, fp, graph->type) ;
      return(0) ;
   rc = IVL_writeToFormattedFile(graph->ewghtIVL, fp) ;
   if ( rc < 0 ) {
              "\n fatal error in Graph_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n rc = %d, return from IVL_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n while attempting to write out ewghtIVL\n",
              graph, fp, rc, graph->ewghtIVL, fp) ;
      return(0) ;

return(1) ; }
Exemplo n.º 17
   purpose -- to write an SolveMap object to a formatted file

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise

   created -- 98apr09, cca
SolveMap_writeToFormattedFile ( 
   SolveMap    *solvemap, 
   FILE   *fp 
) {
int   ierr, rc ;
   check the input
if ( solvemap == NULL || fp == NULL ) {
           "\n fatal error in SolveMap_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", solvemap, fp) ;
   write out the five scalar parameters
rc = fprintf(fp, "\n %d %d %d %d %d", 
             solvemap->nblockLower) ;
if ( rc < 0 ) {
           "\n fatal error in SolveMap_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n rc = %d, return from first fprintf\n", 
           solvemap, fp, rc) ;
   return(0) ;
if ( solvemap->nfront > 0 ) {
   IVfp80(fp, solvemap->nfront, solvemap->owners, 80, &ierr) ;
   if ( ierr < 0 ) {
              "\n fatal error in SolveMap_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n ierr = %d, return from owners[] IVfp80\n", 
              solvemap, fp, ierr) ;
      return(0) ;
if ( solvemap->nblockUpper > 0 ) {
   IVfp80(fp, solvemap->nblockUpper, solvemap->rowidsUpper, 80, &ierr) ;
   if ( ierr < 0 ) {
              "\n fatal error in SolveMap_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n ierr = %d, return from rowidsUpper[] IVfp80\n", 
              solvemap, fp, ierr) ;
      return(0) ;
   IVfp80(fp, solvemap->nblockUpper, solvemap->colidsUpper, 80, &ierr) ;
   if ( ierr < 0 ) {
              "\n fatal error in SolveMap_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n ierr = %d, return from colidsUpper[] IVfp80\n", 
              solvemap, fp, ierr) ;
      return(0) ;
   IVfp80(fp, solvemap->nblockUpper, solvemap->mapUpper, 80, &ierr) ;
   if ( ierr < 0 ) {
              "\n fatal error in SolveMap_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n ierr = %d, return from mapUpper[] IVfp80\n", 
              solvemap, fp, ierr) ;
      return(0) ;
if ( solvemap->symmetryflag == 2 && solvemap->nblockLower > 0 ) {
   IVfp80(fp, solvemap->nblockLower, solvemap->rowidsLower, 80, &ierr) ;
   if ( ierr < 0 ) {
              "\n fatal error in SolveMap_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n ierr = %d, return from rowidsLower[] IVfp80\n", 
              solvemap, fp, ierr) ;
      return(0) ;
   IVfp80(fp, solvemap->nblockLower, solvemap->colidsLower, 80, &ierr) ;
   if ( ierr < 0 ) {
              "\n fatal error in SolveMap_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n ierr = %d, return from colidsLower[] IVfp80\n", 
              solvemap, fp, ierr) ;
      return(0) ;
   IVfp80(fp, solvemap->nblockLower, solvemap->mapLower, 80, &ierr) ;
   if ( ierr < 0 ) {
              "\n fatal error in SolveMap_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n ierr = %d, return from mapLower[] IVfp80\n", 
              solvemap, fp, ierr) ;
      return(0) ;
return(1) ; }
Exemplo n.º 18
   purpose -- eliminate vertex v
      1) create v's boundary list
      2) merge boundary list onto reach list
      3) for each vertex in the boundary
         3.1) add v to the subtree list

   created -- 96feb25, cca
MSMD_eliminateVtx ( 
   MSMD       *msmd,
   MSMDvtx    *v,
   MSMDinfo   *info 
) {
int       i, ierr, j, nadj, nbnd, nedge, uid, wid, wght ;
int       *adj, *bnd, *edges ;
IP        *ip, *ip2, *prev ;
IV        *reachIV ;
MSMDvtx   *u, *w ;
   check the input
if ( msmd == NULL || v == NULL || info == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in MSMD_eliminateVtx(%p,%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", msmd, v, info) ;
   exit(-1) ;
adj     = IV_entries(&msmd->ivtmpIV) ;
reachIV = &msmd->reachIV ;
   create the boundary set for v
v->mark = 'X' ;
if ( v->subtrees == NULL ) {
   v is a leaf, look at its uncovered edge list, move v and 
   any indistinguishable vertices to the end of the list
   if ( info->msglvl > 3 ) {
      fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n vertex %d is a leaf", v->id) ;
      fflush(info->msgFile) ;
   v->status = 'L' ;
   nedge = v->nadj ;
   edges = v->adj  ;
   i = 0 ; j = nedge - 1 ;
   while ( i <= j ) {
      wid = edges[i] ;
      w   = msmd->vertices + wid ;
      if ( w == v || w->status == 'I' ) {
         edges[i] = edges[j] ;
         edges[j] = wid      ;
         j-- ;
      } else {
         w->mark = 'X' ;
         i++ ;
   v->nadj = j + 1 ;
} else {
   v is not a leaf, merge its subtrees' boundaries
   with its uncovered edge list to get the new boundary
   if ( info->msglvl > 3 ) {
      fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n vertex %d is not a leaf", v->id) ;
      fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n  vertex %d, subtrees :", v->id) ;
      IP_fp80(info->msgFile, v->subtrees, 20) ;
      fflush(info->msgFile) ;
   v->status = 'E' ;
   nadj = 0 ;
   while ( (ip = v->subtrees) != NULL ) {
      if ( info->msglvl > 3 ) {
         fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n    subtree %d, ip(%p)<%d,%p>",
                 ip->val, ip, ip->val, ip->next) ;
         fflush(info->msgFile) ;
      uid    = ip->val ;
      u      = msmd->vertices + uid ;
      u->par = v ;
      nbnd   = u->nadj ;
      bnd    = u->adj  ;
      if ( info->msglvl > 3 ) {
         fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n    bnd of adj subtree %d :", u->id) ;
         IVfp80(info->msgFile, nbnd, bnd, 25, &ierr) ;
         fflush(info->msgFile) ;
      for ( i = 0 ; i < nbnd ; i++ ) {
         wid = bnd[i] ;
         w   = msmd->vertices + wid ;
         if ( w->mark == 'O' && w->status != 'I' ) {
            w->mark = 'X' ;
            adj[nadj++] = wid ;
      if ( u->status == 'E' ) {
         u is not a leaf, free its boundary storage
         IVfree(u->adj) ;
         info->nbytes -= u->nadj * sizeof(int) ;
      u->adj  = NULL ;
      u->nadj =   0  ;
      put this IP structure on the free list
      v->subtrees = ip->next    ;
      ip->val     = -1          ;
      ip->next    = msmd->freeIP ;
      msmd->freeIP = ip          ;
      if ( info->msglvl > 3 ) {
                 "\n   v->subtrees = %p, msmd->freeIP = %p",
                 v->subtrees, msmd->freeIP) ;
         fflush(info->msgFile) ;
   merge all uncovered edges into the boundary list
   nedge = v->nadj ;
   edges = v->adj  ;
   for ( i = 0 ; i < nedge ; i++ ) {
      wid = edges[i] ;
      w   = msmd->vertices + wid ;
      if ( w->mark == 'O' && w->status != 'I' ) {
         w->mark     = 'X' ;
         adj[nadj++] = wid ;
   if boundary is not empty, allocate new storage for entries
   v->nadj = nadj ;
   if ( nadj > 0 ) {
      v->adj = IVinit(nadj, -1) ;
      IVcopy(nadj, v->adj, adj) ;
      info->nbytes += nadj*sizeof(int) ;
      if ( info->maxnbytes < info->nbytes ) {
         info->maxnbytes = info->nbytes ;
   } else {
      v->adj = NULL ;
if ( info->msglvl > 3 ) {
   fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n    bnd(%d) :", v->id) ;
   if ( v->nadj > 0 ) {
      IVfp80(info->msgFile, v->nadj, v->adj, 17, &ierr) ;
   fflush(info->msgFile) ;
   for each boundary vertex
      1. add v to subtree list
      2. put v on reach set if not already there
      3. unmark and add weight to boundary weight
nbnd = v->nadj ;
bnd  = v->adj  ;
if ( info->msglvl > 3 ) {
   fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n %d's bnd :", v->id) ;
   IVfp80(info->msgFile, nbnd, bnd, 12, &ierr) ;
   fflush(info->msgFile) ;
wght = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nbnd ; i++ ) {
   wid = bnd[i] ;
   w   = msmd->vertices + wid ;
   if ( info->msglvl > 4 ) {
      fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n   adjacent vertex %d", w->id) ;
      fflush(info->msgFile) ;
   add v to the subtree list for w
   if ( (ip = msmd->freeIP) == NULL ) {
      if ( info->msglvl > 2 ) {
         fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n   need to get more IP objects") ;
         fflush(info->msgFile) ;
      no more free IP structures, allocate more storage
      if ( (ip = IP_init(msmd->incrIP, IP_FORWARD)) == NULL ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in MSMD_eliminateVtx%p,%p,%p)"
                 "\n unable to allocate more IP objects",
                 msmd, v, info) ;
         exit(-1) ;
      if ( info->msglvl > 4 ) {
         fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n   old baseIP = %p", msmd->baseIP) ;
         fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n   new baseIP = %p", ip) ;
         fflush(info->msgFile) ;
      ip->next = msmd->baseIP ;
      msmd->baseIP = ip ;
      info->nbytes += msmd->incrIP*sizeof(struct _IP) ;
      if ( info->maxnbytes < info->nbytes ) {
         info->maxnbytes = info->nbytes ;
      ip = msmd->freeIP = msmd->baseIP + 1 ;
      if ( info->msglvl > 2 ) {
         fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n   all set") ;
         fflush(info->msgFile) ;
   msmd->freeIP = ip->next ;
   ip->val     = v->id    ;
   ip->next    = NULL     ;
   for ( ip2 = w->subtrees, prev = NULL ; 
         ip2 != NULL && ip2->val > ip->val ;
         ip2 = ip2->next ) {
      prev = ip2 ;
   if ( prev == NULL ) {
      w->subtrees = ip ;
   } else {
      prev->next = ip ;
   ip->next = ip2 ;
   if ( info->msglvl > 3 ) {
      fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n %d's subtrees :", w->id) ;
      IP_fp80(info->msgFile, w->subtrees, 15) ;
      fflush(info->msgFile) ;
   add w to reach list if necessary
   if ( info->msglvl > 4 ) {
      fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n    status[%d] = %c", wid, w->status) ;
      fflush(info->msgFile) ;
   switch ( w->status ) {
   case 'D' :
      if ( info->msglvl > 4 ) {
         fprintf(info->msgFile, ", remove from heap") ;
         fflush(info->msgFile) ;
      IIheap_remove(msmd->heap, wid) ;
   case 'O' :
   case 'B' :
      if ( info->msglvl > 4 ) {
         fprintf(info->msgFile, ", add to reach set, nreach = %d",
                 IV_size(reachIV) + 1) ;
         fflush(info->msgFile) ;
      IV_push(reachIV, wid) ;
      w->status = 'R' ;
   case 'R' :
      break ;
   case 'I' :
      break ;
   default :
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in MSMD_eliminateVtx(%p,%p,%p)"
              "\n status[%d] = '%c'\n",
              msmd, v, info, wid, w->status) ;
      fprintf(stderr, "\n msmd->nvtx = %d", msmd->nvtx) ;
      exit(-1) ;
   unmark the boundary vertices and
   store the weight of the boundary
   w->mark = 'O' ;
   wght += w->wght ;
   unmark v and set its boundary weight
v->mark    = 'O'  ;
v->bndwght = wght ;

return ; }
Exemplo n.º 19
   identify the wide separator
   return -- IV object that holds the nodes in the wide separator

   created -- 96oct21, cca
IV *
GPart_identifyWideSep (
   GPart   *gpart,
   int     nlevel1,
   int     nlevel2
) {
FILE    *msgFile ;
Graph   *g ;
int     count, first, ierr, ii, ilevel, last, msglvl,
        nfirst, now, nsecond, nsep, nvtx, v, vsize, w ;
int     *compids, *list, *mark, *vadj ;
IV      *sepIV ;
   check the input
if (  gpart == NULL || (g = gpart->g) == NULL 
   || nlevel1 < 0 || nlevel2 < 0 ) {
  fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in GPart_identifyWideSep(%p,%d,%d)"
           "\n bad input\n", gpart, nlevel1, nlevel2) ;
   exit(-1) ;
g       = gpart->g ;
compids = IV_entries(&gpart->compidsIV) ;
nvtx    = g->nvtx ;
mark    = IVinit(nvtx, -1) ;
list    = IVinit(nvtx, -1) ;
msglvl  = gpart->msglvl ;
msgFile = gpart->msgFile ;
   load the separator nodes into the list
nsep = 0 ;
for ( v = 0 ; v < nvtx ; v++ ) {
   if ( compids[v] == 0 ) {
      list[nsep++] = v ;
      mark[v] = 0 ;
count = nsep ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
           "\n GPart_identifyWideSep : %d separator nodes loaded", 
           count) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
   IVfp80(msgFile, nsep, list, 80, &ierr) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   loop over the number of levels out that form 
   the wide separator towards the first component
if ( nlevel1 >= 1 ) {
   first = count ;
   if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
      fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n level = %d, first = %d", 1, first) ;
      fflush(msgFile) ;
   for ( now = 0 ; now < nsep ; now++ ) {
      v = list[now] ;
      Graph_adjAndSize(g, v, &vsize, &vadj) ;
      if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
         fprintf(msgFile, "\n %d : ", v) ;
         IVfp80(msgFile, vsize, vadj, 80, &ierr) ;
         fflush(msgFile) ;
      for ( ii = 0 ; ii < vsize ; ii++ ) {
         w = vadj[ii] ;
         if ( w < nvtx && mark[w] == -1 && compids[w] == 1 ) {
            if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
               fprintf(msgFile, "\n    adding %d to list", w) ;
               fflush(msgFile) ;
            list[count++] = w ;
            mark[w] = 1 ;
   now = first ;
   for ( ilevel = 2 ; ilevel <= nlevel1 ; ilevel++ ) {
      if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
         fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n level = %d, first = %d", ilevel, first);
         fflush(msgFile) ;
      last = count - 1 ;
      while ( now <= last ) {
         v = list[now++] ;
         Graph_adjAndSize(g, v, &vsize, &vadj) ;
         if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
            fprintf(msgFile, "\n %d : ", v) ;
            IVfp80(msgFile, vsize, vadj, 80, &ierr) ;
            fflush(msgFile) ;
         for ( ii = 0 ; ii < vsize ; ii++ ) {
            w = vadj[ii] ;
            if ( w < nvtx && mark[w] == -1 && compids[w] == 1 ) {
               if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
                  fprintf(msgFile, "\n    adding %d to list", w) ;
                  fflush(msgFile) ;
               mark[w] = 1 ;
               list[count++] = w ;
nfirst = count - nsep ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
           "\n %d nodes added from the first component", nfirst) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
   IVfp80(msgFile, nfirst, &list[nsep], 80, &ierr) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   loop over the number of levels out that form 
   the wide separator towards the second component
if ( nlevel2 >= 1 ) {
   first = count ;
   if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
      fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n level = %d, first = %d", 1, first) ;
      fflush(msgFile) ;
   for ( now = 0 ; now < nsep ; now++ ) {
      v = list[now] ;
      Graph_adjAndSize(g, v, &vsize, &vadj) ;
      if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
         fprintf(msgFile, "\n %d : ", v) ;
         IVfp80(msgFile, vsize, vadj, 80, &ierr) ;
         fflush(msgFile) ;
      for ( ii = 0 ; ii < vsize ; ii++ ) {
         w = vadj[ii] ;
         if ( w < nvtx && mark[w] == -1 && compids[w] == 2 ) {
            if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
               fprintf(msgFile, "\n    adding %d to list", w) ;
               fflush(msgFile) ;
            list[count++] = w ;
            mark[w] = 2 ;
   now = first ;
   for ( ilevel = 2 ; ilevel <= nlevel2 ; ilevel++ ) {
      if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
         fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n level = %d, first = %d", ilevel, first);
         fflush(msgFile) ;
      last = count - 1 ;
      while ( now <= last ) {
         v = list[now++] ;
         Graph_adjAndSize(g, v, &vsize, &vadj) ;
         if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
            fprintf(msgFile, "\n %d : ", v) ;
            IVfp80(msgFile, vsize, vadj, 80, &ierr) ;
            fflush(msgFile) ;
         for ( ii = 0 ; ii < vsize ; ii++ ) {
            w = vadj[ii] ;
            if ( w < nvtx && mark[w] == -1 && compids[w] == 2 ) {
               if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
                  fprintf(msgFile, "\n    adding %d to list", w) ;
                  fflush(msgFile) ;
               mark[w] = 2 ;
               list[count++] = w ;
nsecond = count - nsep - nfirst ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n %d nodes added from the second component", 
           nsecond) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
   IVfp80(msgFile, nsecond, &list[nsep + nfirst], 80, &ierr) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
IVqsortUp(count, list) ;
   create the IV object
sepIV = IV_new() ;
IV_init(sepIV, count, NULL) ;
IVcopy(count, IV_entries(sepIV), list) ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n separator has %d nodes", IV_size(sepIV)) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n sepIV") ;
   IV_writeForHumanEye(sepIV, msgFile) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   free the working storage
IVfree(mark) ;
IVfree(list) ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n return from GPart_identifyWideSep") ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
return(sepIV) ; }
Exemplo n.º 20
   given a domain decomposition, find a bisector
   1. construct the domain/segment graph
   2. use block kernihan-lin to get an initial bisector

   alpha   -- cost function parameter for BKL
   seed    -- random number seed
   cpus    -- array to store CPU times
              cpus[0] -- time to find domain/segment map
              cpus[1] -- time to find domain/segment bipartite graph
              cpus[2] -- time to find two-set partition

   return value -- cost of the partition

   created  -- 96mar09, cca
GPart_TwoSetViaBKL (
    GPart       *gpart,
    double      alpha,
    int         seed,
    double      cpus[]
) {
    BKL      *bkl ;
    BPG      *bpg ;
    double   t1, t2 ;
    FILE     *msgFile ;
    float    bestcost ;
    Graph    *g, *gc ;
    int      c, flag, ierr, msglvl, ndom, nseg, nvtx, v ;
    int      *compids, *cweights, *dscolors, *dsmap, *vwghts ;
    IV       *dsmapIV ;
       check the input
    if (  gpart == NULL || cpus == NULL ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in GPart_DDsep(%p,%f,%d,%p)"
                "\n bad input\n", gpart, alpha, seed, cpus) ;
        exit(-1) ;
    g        = gpart->g        ;
    nvtx     = gpart->nvtx     ;
    compids  = IV_entries(&gpart->compidsIV)  ;
    cweights = IV_entries(&gpart->cweightsIV) ;
    vwghts   = g->vwghts      ;
    msglvl   = gpart->msglvl  ;
    msgFile  = gpart->msgFile ;
    alpha = 1.0 ;
       (1) get the domain/segment map
       (2) get the compressed graph
       (3) create the bipartite graph
    MARKTIME(t1) ;
    dsmapIV = GPart_domSegMap(gpart, &ndom, &nseg) ;
    dsmap = IV_entries(dsmapIV) ;
    MARKTIME(t2) ;
    cpus[0] = t2 - t1 ;
    if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
        fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %9.5f : generate domain-segment map",
                t2 - t1) ;
        fprintf(msgFile, "\n ndom = %d, nseg = %d", ndom, nseg) ;
        fflush(msgFile) ;
       create the domain/segment bipartite graph
    MARKTIME(t1) ;
    gc = Graph_compress(gpart->g, dsmap, 1) ;
    bpg = BPG_new() ;
    BPG_init(bpg, ndom, nseg, gc) ;
    MARKTIME(t2) ;
    if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
        fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %9.5f : create domain-segment graph",
                t2 - t1) ;
        fflush(msgFile) ;
    cpus[1] = t2 - t1 ;
    if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
        if ( bpg->graph->vwghts != NULL ) {
            fprintf(msgFile, "\n domain weights :") ;
            IVfp80(msgFile, bpg->nX, bpg->graph->vwghts, 17, &ierr) ;
            fprintf(msgFile, "\n segment weights :") ;
            IVfp80(msgFile, bpg->nY, bpg->graph->vwghts+bpg->nX, 18, &ierr) ;
            fflush(msgFile) ;
    if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
        fprintf(msgFile, "\n dsmapIV ") ;
        IV_writeForHumanEye(dsmapIV, msgFile) ;
        fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n domain/segment bipartite graph ") ;
        BPG_writeForHumanEye(bpg, msgFile) ;
        fflush(msgFile) ;
       create and initialize the BKL object
    MARKTIME(t1) ;
    flag = 5 ;
    bkl = BKL_new() ;
    BKL_init(bkl, bpg, alpha) ;
    BKL_setInitPart(bkl, flag, seed, NULL) ;
    bestcost = BKL_evalfcn(bkl) ;
    gpart->ncomp = 2 ;
    MARKTIME(t2) ;
    cpus[2] = t2 - t1 ;
    if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
        fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %9.5f : initialize BKL object", t2 - t1) ;
        fflush(msgFile) ;
    if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
        fprintf(msgFile, "\n BKL : flag = %d, seed = %d", flag, seed) ;
        fprintf(msgFile, ", initial cost = %.2f", bestcost) ;
        fflush(msgFile) ;
        fprintf(msgFile, ", cweights = < %d %d %d >",
                bkl->cweights[0], bkl->cweights[1], bkl->cweights[2]) ;
        fflush(msgFile) ;
    if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
        fprintf(msgFile, "\n colors") ;
        IVfp80(msgFile, bkl->nreg, bkl->colors, 80, &ierr) ;
        fflush(msgFile) ;
    if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
        fprintf(msgFile, "\n BKL initial weights : ") ;
        IVfp80(msgFile, 3, bkl->cweights, 25, &ierr) ;
        fflush(msgFile) ;
       improve the partition via fidmat
    MARKTIME(t1) ;
    bestcost = BKL_fidmat(bkl) ;
    MARKTIME(t2) ;
    cpus[2] += t2 - t1 ;
    if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
        fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %9.5f : improve the partition via fidmat",
                t2 - t1) ;
        fflush(msgFile) ;
    if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
        fprintf(msgFile, "\n BKL : %d passes", bkl->npass) ;
        fprintf(msgFile, ", %d flips", bkl->nflips) ;
        fprintf(msgFile, ", %d gainevals", bkl->ngaineval) ;
        fprintf(msgFile, ", %d improve steps", bkl->nimprove) ;
        fprintf(msgFile, ", cost = %9.2f", bestcost) ;
    if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
                "\n BKL STATS < %9d %9d %9d > %9.2f < %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d >",
                bkl->cweights[0], bkl->cweights[1], bkl->cweights[2],
                bestcost, bkl->npass, bkl->npatch, bkl->nflips, bkl->nimprove,
                bkl->ngaineval) ;
        fflush(msgFile) ;
    if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
        fprintf(msgFile, "\n colors") ;
        IVfp80(msgFile, bkl->nreg, bkl->colors, 80, &ierr) ;
        fflush(msgFile) ;
       set compids[] and cweights[]
    MARKTIME(t1) ;
    dscolors = bkl->colors ;
    gpart->ncomp = 2 ;
    IV_setSize(&gpart->cweightsIV, 3) ;
    cweights = IV_entries(&gpart->cweightsIV) ;
    cweights[0] = cweights[1] = cweights[2] = 0 ;
    if ( vwghts == NULL ) {
        for ( v = 0 ; v < nvtx ; v++ ) {
            compids[v] = c = dscolors[dsmap[v]] ;
            cweights[c]++ ;
    } else {
        for ( v = 0 ; v < nvtx ; v++ ) {
            compids[v] = c = dscolors[dsmap[v]] ;
            cweights[c] += vwghts[v] ;
    if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
        fprintf(msgFile, "\n BKL partition : < %d %d %d >",
                cweights[0], cweights[1], cweights[2]) ;
        fflush(msgFile) ;
       free the BKL object, the BPG object
       and the domain/segment map IV object
    BKL_free(bkl) ;
    IV_free(dsmapIV) ;
    BPG_free(bpg) ;
    MARKTIME(t2) ;
    cpus[2] += t2 - t1 ;

    return((double) bestcost) ;
Exemplo n.º 21
   fill *pndom with ndom, the number of domains.
   fill *pnseg with nseg, the number of segments.
   domains are numbered in [0, ndom), segments in [ndom,ndom+nseg).

   return -- an IV object that contains the map 
             from vertices to segments

   created -- 99feb29, cca
IV *
GPart_domSegMap (
   GPart   *gpart,
   int     *pndom,
   int     *pnseg
) {
FILE    *msgFile ;
Graph   *g ;
int     adjdom, count, d, first, ierr, ii, jj1, jj2, last, ndom, 
        msglvl, nextphi, nPhi, nPsi, nV, phi, phi0, phi1, phi2, phi3, 
        psi, sigma, size, size0, size1, size2, v, vsize, w ;
int     *adj, *adj0, *adj1, *adj2, *compids, *dmark, *dsmap, *head, 
        *link, *list, *offsets, *PhiToPsi, *PhiToV, *PsiToSigma, 
        *vadj, *VtoPhi ;
IV      *dsmapIV ;
IVL     *PhiByPhi, *PhiByPowD, *PsiByPowD ;
   set the initial time
icputimes = 0 ;
MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
   check the input
if (  gpart == NULL 
   || (g = gpart->g) == NULL 
   || pndom == NULL
   || pnseg == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in GPart_domSegMap(%p,%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", gpart, pndom, pnseg) ;
   exit(-1) ;
compids = IV_entries(&gpart->compidsIV) ;
msglvl  = gpart->msglvl  ;
msgFile = gpart->msgFile ;
   create the map IV object
nV = g->nvtx ;
dsmapIV = IV_new() ;
IV_init(dsmapIV, nV, NULL) ;
dsmap = IV_entries(dsmapIV) ;
   check compids[] and get the number 
   of domains and interface vertices
icputimes++ ;
MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
ndom = nPhi = 0 ;
for ( v = 0 ; v < nV ; v++ ) {
   if ( (d = compids[v]) < 0 ) {
              "\n fatal error in GPart_domSegMap(%p,%p,%p)"
              "\n compids[%d] = %d\n", gpart, pndom, pnseg,
              v, compids[v]) ;
      exit(-1) ;
   } else if ( d == 0 ) {
      nPhi++ ;
   } else if ( ndom < d ) {
      ndom = d ;
*pndom = ndom ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n Inside GPart_domSegMap") ;
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n %d domains, %d Phi vertices", ndom, nPhi) ;
if ( ndom == 1 ) {
   IVfill(nV, dsmap, 0) ;
   *pndom = 1 ;
   *pnseg = 0 ;
   return(dsmapIV) ;
   get the maps
   PhiToV : [0,nPhi) |---> [0,nV)
   VtoPhi : [0,nV)   |---> [0,nPhi)
icputimes++ ;
MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
PhiToV = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
VtoPhi = IVinit(nV,   -1) ;
for ( v = 0, phi = 0 ; v < nV ; v++ ) {
   if ( (d = compids[v]) == 0 ) {
      PhiToV[phi] = v ;
      VtoPhi[v]   = phi++ ;
if ( phi != nPhi ) {
           "\n fatal error in GPart_domSegMap(%p,%p,%p)"
           "\n phi = %d != %d = nPhi\n", 
           gpart, pndom, pnseg, phi, nPhi) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n PhiToV(%d) :", nPhi) ;
   IVfp80(msgFile, nPhi, PhiToV, 15, &ierr) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n VtoPhi(%d) :", nV) ;
   IVfp80(msgFile, nV, VtoPhi, 15, &ierr) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   create an IVL object, PhiByPowD, to hold lists from 
   the interface vertices to their adjacent domains
icputimes++ ;
MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
dmark = IVinit(ndom+1, -1) ;
if ( nPhi >= ndom ) {
   list = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
} else {
   list = IVinit(ndom, -1) ;
PhiByPowD = IVL_new() ;
IVL_init1(PhiByPowD, IVL_CHUNKED, nPhi) ;
for ( phi = 0 ; phi < nPhi ; phi++ ) {
   v = PhiToV[phi] ;
   Graph_adjAndSize(g, v, &vsize, &vadj) ;
if ( phi == 0 ) {
   int   ierr ;
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n adj(%d,%d) = ", v, phi) ;
   IVfp80(msgFile, vsize, vadj, 15, &ierr) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   count = 0 ;
   for ( ii = 0 ; ii < vsize ; ii++ ) {
      if ( (w = vadj[ii]) < nV  
        && (d = compids[w]) > 0 
        && dmark[d] != phi ) {
         dmark[d] = phi ;
         list[count++] = d ;
   if ( count > 0 ) {
      IVqsortUp(count, list) ;
      IVL_setList(PhiByPowD, phi, count, list) ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n PhiByPowD : interface x adjacent domains") ;
   IVL_writeForHumanEye(PhiByPowD, msgFile) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   create an IVL object, PhiByPhi to hold lists
   from the interface vertices to interface vertices.
   (s,t) are in the list if (s,t) is an edge in the graph
   and s and t do not share an adjacent domain
icputimes++ ;
MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
PhiByPhi = IVL_new() ;
IVL_init1(PhiByPhi, IVL_CHUNKED, nPhi) ;
offsets = IVinit(nPhi,  0)  ;
head    = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
link    = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
for ( phi1 = 0 ; phi1 < nPhi ; phi1++ ) {
   count = 0 ;
   if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
      v = PhiToV[phi1] ;
      Graph_adjAndSize(g, v, &vsize, &vadj) ;
      fprintf(msgFile, "\n checking out phi = %d, v = %d", phi1, v) ;
      fprintf(msgFile, "\n adj(%d) : ", v) ;
      IVfp80(msgFile, vsize, vadj, 10, &ierr) ;
   get (phi1, phi0) edges that were previously put into the list
   if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
      if ( head[phi1] == -1 ) {
         fprintf(msgFile, "\n    no previous edges") ;
      } else {
         fprintf(msgFile, "\n    previous edges :") ;
   for ( phi0 = head[phi1] ; phi0 != -1 ; phi0 = nextphi ) {
      if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
         fprintf(msgFile, " %d", phi0) ;
      nextphi = link[phi0] ;
      list[count++] = phi0 ;
      IVL_listAndSize(PhiByPhi, phi0, &size0, &adj0) ;
      if ( (ii = ++offsets[phi0]) < size0 ) {
         link phi0 into the next list
         phi2       = adj0[ii]   ;
         link[phi0] = head[phi2] ;
         head[phi2] = phi0       ;
   get new edges (phi1, phi2)
   IVL_listAndSize(PhiByPowD, phi1, &size1, &adj1) ;
   v = PhiToV[phi1] ;
   Graph_adjAndSize(g, v, &vsize, &vadj) ;
   for ( ii = 0 ; ii < vsize ; ii++ ) {
      if (  (w = vadj[ii]) < nV 
         && compids[w] == 0 
         && (phi2 = VtoPhi[w]) > phi1 ) {
         if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
            fprintf(msgFile, "\n    checking out phi2 = %d", phi2) ;
         see if phi1 and phi2 have a common adjacent domain
         IVL_listAndSize(PhiByPowD, phi2, &size2, &adj2) ;
         adjdom = 0 ;
         jj1 = jj2 = 0 ;
         while ( jj1 < size1 && jj2 < size2 ) {
            if ( adj1[jj1] < adj2[jj2] ) {
               jj1++ ;
            } else if ( adj1[jj1] > adj2[jj2] ) {
               jj2++ ;
            } else {
               if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
                  fprintf(msgFile, ", common adj domain %d", adj1[jj1]) ;
               adjdom = 1 ;
               break ;
         if ( adjdom == 0 ) {
            if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
               fprintf(msgFile, ", no adjacent domain") ;
            list[count++] = phi2 ;
   if ( count > 0 ) {
      set the list for phi1
      IVqsortUp(count, list) ;
      IVL_setList(PhiByPhi, phi1, count, list) ;
      if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
         fprintf(msgFile, "\n    edge list for %d :", phi1) ;
         IVfp80(msgFile, count, list, 15, &ierr) ;
      for ( ii = 0, phi2 = -1 ; ii < count ; ii++ ) {
         if ( list[ii] > phi1 ) {
            offsets[phi1] = ii ;
            phi2 = list[ii] ;
            break ;
      if ( phi2 != -1 ) {
      if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
                 "\n       linking %d into list for %d", phi1, phi2) ;
         link[phi1] = head[phi2] ;
         head[phi2] = phi1       ;
      phi2 = list[0] ;
      link[phi1] = head[phi2] ;
      head[phi2] = phi1 ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n PhiByPhi : interface x interface") ;
   IVL_writeForHumanEye(PhiByPhi, msgFile) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   get the PhiToPsi map
icputimes++ ;
MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
PhiToPsi = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
nPsi = 0 ;
for ( phi = 0 ; phi < nPhi ; phi++ ) {
   if ( PhiToPsi[phi] == -1 ) {
      phi not yet mapped to a psi
      first = last = 0 ;
      list[0] = phi ;
      PhiToPsi[phi] = nPsi ;
      while ( first <= last ) {
         phi2 = list[first++] ;
         IVL_listAndSize(PhiByPhi, phi2, &size, &adj) ;
         for ( ii = 0 ; ii < size ; ii++ ) {
            phi3 = adj[ii] ;
            if ( PhiToPsi[phi3] == -1 ) {
               PhiToPsi[phi3] = nPsi ;
               list[++last] = phi3 ; 
      nPsi++ ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n nPsi = %d", nPsi) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n PhiToPsi(%d) :", nPhi) ;
   IVfp80(msgFile, nPhi, PhiToPsi, 15, &ierr) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   create an IVL object, Psi --> 2^D
icputimes++ ;
MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
IVfill(nPsi, head, -1) ;
IVfill(nPhi, link, -1) ;
for ( phi = 0 ; phi < nPhi ; phi++ ) {
   psi = PhiToPsi[phi] ;
   link[phi] = head[psi] ;
   head[psi] =   phi     ;
PsiByPowD = IVL_new() ;
IVL_init1(PsiByPowD, IVL_CHUNKED, nPsi) ;
IVfill(ndom+1, dmark, -1) ;
for ( psi = 0 ; psi < nPsi ; psi++ ) {
   count = 0 ;
   for ( phi = head[psi] ; phi != -1 ; phi = link[phi] ) {
      v = PhiToV[phi] ;
      Graph_adjAndSize(g, v, &size, &adj) ;
      for ( ii = 0 ; ii < size ; ii++ ) {
         if (  (w = adj[ii]) < nV
            && (d = compids[w]) > 0 
            && dmark[d] != psi ) {
            dmark[d]      = psi ;
            list[count++] =  d  ;
   if ( count > 0 ) {
      IVqsortUp(count, list) ;
      IVL_setList(PsiByPowD, psi, count, list) ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n PsiByPowD(%d) :", nPhi) ;
   IVL_writeForHumanEye(PsiByPowD, msgFile) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
icputimes++ ;
MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
   now get the map Psi |---> Sigma that 
   is the equivalence map over PhiByPowD
icputimes++ ;
MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
PsiToSigma = IVL_equivMap1(PsiByPowD) ;
*pnseg = 1 + IVmax(nPsi, PsiToSigma, &ii) ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n nSigma = %d", *pnseg) ;
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n PsiToSigma(%d) :", nPhi) ;
   IVfp80(msgFile, nPsi, PsiToSigma, 15, &ierr) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   now fill the map from the vertices to the domains and segments
icputimes++ ;
MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
for ( v = 0 ; v < nV ; v++ ) {
   if ( (d = compids[v]) > 0 ) {
      dsmap[v] = d - 1 ;
   } else {
      phi      = VtoPhi[v] ;
      psi      = PhiToPsi[phi] ;
      sigma    = PsiToSigma[psi] ;
      dsmap[v] = ndom + sigma ;
   free the working storage
icputimes++ ;
MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
IVL_free(PhiByPhi)  ;
IVL_free(PhiByPowD) ;
IVL_free(PsiByPowD) ;
IVfree(PhiToV)      ;
IVfree(VtoPhi)      ;
IVfree(dmark)       ;
IVfree(list)        ;
IVfree(PhiToPsi)    ;
IVfree(head)        ;
IVfree(link)        ;
IVfree(offsets)     ;
IVfree(PsiToSigma)  ;
icputimes++ ;
MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n domain/segment map timings split") ;
   "\n %9.5f : create the DSmap object"
   "\n %9.5f : get numbers of domain and interface vertices"
   "\n %9.5f : generate PhiToV and VtoPhi"
   "\n %9.5f : generate PhiByPowD"
   "\n %9.5f : generate PhiByPhi"
   "\n %9.5f : generate PhiToPsi"
   "\n %9.5f : generate PsiByPowD"
   "\n %9.5f : generate PsiToSigma"
   "\n %9.5f : generate dsmap"
   "\n %9.5f : free working storage"
   "\n %9.5f : total time",
   cputimes[1] - cputimes[0],
   cputimes[2] - cputimes[1],
   cputimes[3] - cputimes[2],
   cputimes[4] - cputimes[3],
   cputimes[5] - cputimes[4],
   cputimes[6] - cputimes[5],
   cputimes[7] - cputimes[6],
   cputimes[8] - cputimes[7],
   cputimes[9] - cputimes[8],
   cputimes[10] - cputimes[9],
   cputimes[11] - cputimes[0]) ;

return(dsmapIV) ; }
Exemplo n.º 22
   purpose -- to order the graph using multi-stage minimum degree

   g      -- Graph object
   stages -- stage vector for vertices, 
      if NULL then
         all vertices on stage zero.
         vertices with stage istage are eliminated 
         before any vertices with stage > istage

   working storage is free'd,
   statistics can be accessed through their variables or printed
   via the void MSMD_printStats(MSMD*,FILE*) method.

   created -- 96feb25, cca
MSMD_order ( 
   MSMD       *msmd,
   Graph      *g, 
   int        stages[],
   MSMDinfo   *info
) {
double          t0, t1, t2, t3 ;
int             istage, iv, nstage, nvtx ;
IP              *ip ;
MSMDstageInfo   *now, *total ;
MSMDvtx         *v ;
   check the input
if (  msmd == NULL || g == NULL || info == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in MSMD_order(%p,%p,%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", msmd, g, stages, info) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( info->msglvl > 2 ) {
   fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n\n inside MSMD_order()") ;
   if ( stages != NULL ) {
      int ierr ;
      fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n stages[%d]", g->nvtx) ;
      IVfp80(info->msgFile, g->nvtx, stages, 80, &ierr) ;
   fflush(info->msgFile) ;
   check the information structure
if ( MSMDinfo_isValid(info) != 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in MSMD_order(%p,%p,%p,%p)"
           "\n bad MSMDinfo object\n", msmd, g, stages, info) ;
   exit(-1) ;
   initialize the object
if ( info->msglvl > 3 ) {
   fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n\n trying to initialize MSMD object ") ;
   Graph_writeForHumanEye(g, info->msgFile) ;
   fflush(info->msgFile) ;
MSMD_init(msmd, g, stages, info) ;
nvtx   = g->nvtx ;
nstage = info->nstage ;
if ( info->msglvl > 2 ) {
           "\n\n MSMD object initialized, %d stages", nstage) ;
   fflush(info->msgFile) ;
   load the reach set with all vertices
if ( info->compressFlag / 4 >= 1 ) {
   compress the graph
   if ( info->msglvl > 2 ) {
      fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n\n initial compression") ;
      fflush(info->msgFile) ;
   IV_setSize(&msmd->reachIV, nvtx) ;
   IV_ramp(&msmd->reachIV, 0, 1) ;
   MSMD_findInodes(msmd, info) ;
   if ( info->msglvl > 2 ) {
              "\n\n %d checked, %d found indistinguishable",
              info->stageInfo->ncheck, info->stageInfo->nindst) ;
      fflush(info->msgFile) ;
   MSMD_cleanReachSet(msmd, info) ;
   for ( iv = 0, v = msmd->vertices ; iv < nvtx ; iv++, v++ ) {
      MSMD_cleanEdgeList(msmd, v, info) ;
IV_setSize(&msmd->reachIV, 0) ;
   loop over the stages
for ( info->istage = 0 ; info->istage <= nstage ; info->istage++ ) {
   if ( info->msglvl > 2 ) {
              "\n\n ##### elimination stage %d", info->istage) ;
      fflush(info->msgFile) ;
   if ( info->istage == nstage ) {
      info->msglvl = 5 ;
   MARKTIME(t1) ;
   MSMD_eliminateStage(msmd, info) ;
   MARKTIME(t2) ;
   info->stageInfo->cpu = t2 - t1 ;
   info->stageInfo++ ;
   final cleanup 
MSMDvtx   *first, *last, *v ;

IV_setSize(&msmd->reachIV, 0) ;
first = msmd->vertices ;
last  = first + nvtx - 1 ;
for ( v = first ; v <= last ; v++ ) {
   switch ( v->status ) {
   case 'E' :
   case 'L' :
   case 'I' :
      break ;
   default :
      IV_push(&msmd->reachIV, v->id) ;
      break ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n reach set, %d entries", IV_size(&msmd->reachIV)) ;
IV_writeForHumanEye(&msmd->reachIV, stdout) ;
MSMD_findInodes(msmd, info) ;
   make info->stagInfo point back to beginning of the stages
info->stageInfo -= nstage + 1 ;
   get the total statistics
for ( istage = 0, now = info->stageInfo,
      total = info->stageInfo + nstage + 1 ; 
      istage <= nstage ; 
      istage++, now++ ) {
   total->nstep    += now->nstep    ;
   total->nfront   += now->nfront   ;
   total->welim    += now->welim    ;
   total->nfind    += now->nfind    ;
   total->nzf      += now->nzf      ;
   total->ops      += now->ops      ;
   total->nexact2  += now->nexact2  ;
   total->nexact3  += now->nexact3  ;
   total->napprox  += now->napprox  ;
   total->ncheck   += now->ncheck   ;
   total->nindst   += now->nindst   ;
   total->noutmtch += now->noutmtch ;
   free some working storage (leave the MSMDvtx objects
   so the user can extract the permutations and/or ETree
IIheap_free(msmd->heap) ;
msmd->heap = NULL ;
IV_clearData(&msmd->ivtmpIV) ;
IV_clearData(&msmd->reachIV) ;
while ( (ip = msmd->baseIP) != NULL ) {
   msmd->baseIP = ip->next ;
   IP_free(ip) ;
info->totalCPU = t3 - t0 ;

return ; }
Exemplo n.º 23
   purpose -- 

   if the elimination has halted before all the stages have been 
   eliminated, then create the schur complement graph and the map 
   from the original vertices those in the schur complement graph.

   schurGraph -- Graph object to contain the schur complement graph
   VtoPhi     -- IV object to contain the map from vertices in V
                 to schur complement vertices in Phi

   created -- 97feb01, cca
MSMD_makeSchurComplement (
   MSMD    *msmd,
   Graph   *schurGraph,
   IV      *VtoPhiIV
) {
int       nedge, nPhi, nvtx, totewght, totvwght ;
int       *mark, *rep, *VtoPhi, *vwghts ;
int       count, *list ;
int       ierr, ii, size, *adj ;
int       phi, psi, tag ;
IP        *ip ;
IVL       *adjIVL ;
MSMDvtx   *u, *v, *vertices, *vfirst, *vlast, *w ;
   check the input
if ( msmd == NULL || schurGraph == NULL || VtoPhiIV == NULL ) {
           "\n\n fatal error in MSMD_makeSchurComplement(%p,%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", msmd, schurGraph, VtoPhiIV) ;
   exit(-1) ;
vertices = msmd->vertices ;
nvtx     = msmd->nvtx     ;
   initialize the V-to-Phi map IV object
IV_clearData(VtoPhiIV) ;
IV_setSize(VtoPhiIV, nvtx) ;
IV_fill(VtoPhiIV, -2) ;
VtoPhi = IV_entries(VtoPhiIV) ;
   count the number of Schur complement vertices
vfirst = vertices ;
vlast  = vfirst + nvtx - 1 ;
nPhi   = 0 ;
for ( v = vfirst ; v <= vlast ; v++ ) {
#if MYDEBUG > 0
   fprintf(stdout, "\n v->id = %d, v->status = %c", v->id, v->status) ;
   fflush(stdout) ;
   switch ( v->status ) {
   case 'L' :
   case 'E' :
   case 'I' :
      break ;
   case 'B' :
      VtoPhi[v->id] = nPhi++ ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
      fprintf(stdout, ", VtoPhi[%d] = %d", v->id, VtoPhi[v->id]) ;
      fflush(stdout) ;
      break ;
   default :
      break ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n\n nPhi = %d", nPhi) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
   get the representative vertex id for each Phi vertex
rep = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
for ( v = vfirst ; v <= vlast ; v++ ) {
   if ( (phi = VtoPhi[v->id]) >= 0 ) {
#if MYDEBUG > 0
      fprintf(stdout, "\n rep[%d] = %d", phi, v->id) ;
      fflush(stdout) ;
      rep[phi] = v->id ;
   set the map for indistinguishable vertices
for ( v = vfirst ; v <= vlast ; v++ ) {
   if ( v->status == 'I' ) {
      w = v ;
      while ( w->status == 'I' ) {
         w = w->par ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
      fprintf(stdout, "\n v = %d, status = %c, w = %d, status = %c", 
              v->id, v->status, w->id, w->status) ;
      fflush(stdout) ;
      VtoPhi[v->id] = VtoPhi[w->id] ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n\n VtoPhi") ;
IV_writeForHumanEye(VtoPhiIV, stdout) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
   initialize the Graph object
Graph_clearData(schurGraph) ;
Graph_init1(schurGraph, 1, nPhi, 0, 0, IVL_CHUNKED, IVL_CHUNKED) ;
adjIVL = schurGraph->adjIVL ;
vwghts = schurGraph->vwghts ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n\n schurGraph initialized, nvtx = %d",
        schurGraph->nvtx) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
   fill the vertex adjacency lists
mark = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
list = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
nedge = totvwght = totewght = 0 ;
for ( phi = 0 ; phi < nPhi ; phi++ ) {
   get the representative vertex
   v = vfirst + rep[phi] ; 
#if MYDEBUG > 0
   fprintf(stdout, "\n phi = %d, v = %d", phi, v->id) ;
   fflush(stdout) ;
   MSMDvtx_print(v, stdout) ;
   fflush(stdout) ;
   count = 0 ;
   tag   = v->id ;
   load self in adjacency list
   mark[phi] = tag ;
   totewght += v->wght * v->wght ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
   fprintf(stdout, "\n    mark[%d] = %d", phi, mark[phi]) ;
   fflush(stdout) ;
   list[count++] = phi ;
   load boundary lists of adjacent subtrees 
   for ( ip = v->subtrees ; ip != NULL ; ip = ip->next ) {
      u    = vertices + ip->val ;
      size = u->nadj ;
      adj  = u->adj  ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
      fprintf(stdout, "\n    subtree %d :", u->id) ;
      IVfp80(stdout, size, adj, 15, &ierr) ;
      fflush(stdout) ;
      for ( ii = 0 ; ii < size ; ii++ ) {
         w = vertices + adj[ii] ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
         fprintf(stdout, "\n       w %d, status %c, psi %d",
                 w->id, w->status, VtoPhi[w->id]) ;
         fflush(stdout) ;
         if ( (psi = VtoPhi[w->id]) != -2 && mark[psi] != tag ) {
            mark[psi] = tag ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
            fprintf(stdout, ", mark[%d] = %d", psi, mark[psi]) ;
            fflush(stdout) ;
            list[count++] = psi ;
            totewght += v->wght * w->wght ;
   load adjacent vertices 
   size = v->nadj ;
   adj  = v->adj  ;
   for ( ii = 0 ; ii < size ; ii++ ) {
      w = vertices + adj[ii] ;
      if ( (psi = VtoPhi[w->id]) != -2 && mark[psi] != tag ) {
         mark[psi] = tag ;
         list[count++] = psi ;
         totewght += v->wght * w->wght ;
   sort the list and inform adjacency IVL object
   IVqsortUp(count, list) ;
   IVL_setList(adjIVL, phi, count, list) ;
   set the vertex weight and increment 
   the total vertex weight and edge count
   vwghts[phi] =  v->wght ;
   totvwght    += v->wght ;
   nedge       += count   ;
schurGraph->totvwght = totvwght ;
schurGraph->nedges   = nedge    ;
schurGraph->totewght = totewght ;
   free the working storage
IVfree(list) ;
IVfree(mark) ;
IVfree(rep)  ;

return ; }
Exemplo n.º 24
main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
   test the Chv_addChevron() method.

   created -- 98apr18, cca
Chv     *chv ;
double   alpha[2] ;
double   imag, real, t1, t2 ;
double   *chvent, *entries ;
Drand    *drand ;
FILE     *msgFile ;
int      chvsize, count, ichv, ierr, ii, iloc, irow, jcol,
         lastcol, msglvl, ncol, nD, nent, nL, nrow, nU, 
         off, seed, symflag, type, upper ;
int      *chvind, *colind, *keys, *rowind, *temp ;

if ( argc != 10 ) {
           "\n\n usage : %s msglvl msgFile nD nU type symflag seed "
           "\n         alphareal alphaimag"
           "\n    msglvl  -- message level"
           "\n    msgFile -- message file"
           "\n    nD      -- # of rows and columns in the (1,1) block"
           "\n    nU      -- # of columns in the (1,2) block"
           "\n    type    -- entries type"
           "\n       1 --> real"
           "\n       2 --> complex"
           "\n    symflag -- symmetry flag"
           "\n       0 --> symmetric"
           "\n       1 --> hermitian"
           "\n       2 --> nonsymmetric"
           "\n    seed    -- random number seed"
           "\n    alpha   -- scaling parameter"
           "\n", argv[0]) ;
   return(0) ;
if ( (msglvl = atoi(argv[1])) < 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n message level must be positive\n") ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( strcmp(argv[2], "stdout") == 0 ) {
   msgFile = stdout ;
} else if ( (msgFile = fopen(argv[2], "a")) == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n unable to open file %s\n", argv[2]) ;
   return(-1) ;
nD       = atoi(argv[3]) ;
nU       = atoi(argv[4]) ;
type     = atoi(argv[5]) ;
symflag  = atoi(argv[6]) ;
seed     = atoi(argv[7]) ;
alpha[0] = atof(argv[8]) ;
alpha[1] = atof(argv[9]) ;
if (  nD <= 0 || nU < 0 || symflag < 0 || symflag > 2 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n invalid input"
           "\n nD = %d, nU = %d, symflag = %d\n", nD, nU, symflag) ;
   exit(-1) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n alpha = %12.4e + %12.4e*i ;", alpha[0], alpha[1]) ;
nL = nU ;
   initialize the random number generator
drand = Drand_new() ;
Drand_init(drand) ;
Drand_setSeed(drand, seed) ;
Drand_setUniform(drand, -1.0, 1.0) ;
   initialize the Chv object
chv = Chv_new() ;
Chv_init(chv, 0, nD, nL, nU, type, symflag) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n %% CPU : %.3f to initialize chv object",
        t2 - t1) ;
fflush(msgFile) ;
Chv_columnIndices(chv, &ncol, &colind) ;
temp = IVinit(2*(nD+nU), -1) ;
IVramp(2*(nD+nU), temp, 0, 1) ;
IVshuffle(2*(nD+nU), temp, ++seed) ;
IVcopy(ncol, colind, temp) ;
IVqsortUp(ncol, colind) ;
   Chv_rowIndices(chv, &nrow, &rowind) ;
   IVcopy(nrow, rowind, colind) ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n %% column indices") ;
   IVfprintf(msgFile, ncol, colind) ;
lastcol = colind[ncol-1] ;
nent = Chv_nent(chv) ;
entries = Chv_entries(chv) ;
if ( CHV_IS_REAL(chv) ) {
   Drand_fillDvector(drand, nent, entries) ;
} else if ( CHV_IS_COMPLEX(chv) ) {
   Drand_fillDvector(drand, 2*nent, entries) ;
if ( CHV_IS_HERMITIAN(chv) ) {
   hermitian example, set imaginary part of diagonal to zero
   for ( irow = 0 ; irow < nD ; irow++ ) {
      Chv_complexEntry(chv, irow, irow, &real, &imag) ;
      Chv_setComplexEntry(chv, irow, irow, real, 0.0) ;

if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n a = zeros(%d,%d) ;", lastcol+1, lastcol+1) ;
   Chv_writeForMatlab(chv, "a", msgFile) ;
   fill a chevron with random numbers and indices
   that are a subset of a front's, as in the assembly
   of original matrix entries.
Drand_setUniform(drand, 0, nD) ;
iloc = (int) Drand_value(drand) ;
ichv = colind[iloc] ;
   upper = nD - iloc + nU ;
} else {
   upper = 2*(nD - iloc) - 1 + nL + nU ;
Drand_setUniform(drand, 1, upper) ;
chvsize = (int) Drand_value(drand) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n %% iloc = %d, ichv = %d, chvsize = %d", 
        iloc, ichv, chvsize) ;
chvind  = IVinit(chvsize, -1) ;
chvent  = DVinit(2*chvsize, 0.0) ;
Drand_setNormal(drand, 0.0, 1.0) ;
if ( CHV_IS_REAL(chv) ) {
   Drand_fillDvector(drand, chvsize, chvent) ;
} else if ( CHV_IS_COMPLEX(chv) ) {
   Drand_fillDvector(drand, 2*chvsize, chvent) ;
keys    = IVinit(upper+1, -1) ;
keys[0] = 0 ;
   for ( ii = iloc + 1, count = 1 ; ii < nD + nU ; ii++ ) {
      keys[count++] = colind[ii] - ichv ;
} else {
   for ( ii = iloc + 1, count = 1 ; ii < nD + nU ; ii++ ) {
      keys[count++] =   colind[ii] - ichv ;
      keys[count++] = - colind[ii] + ichv ;
if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n %% iloc = %d, ichv = %d", iloc, ichv) ;
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n %% upper = %d", upper) ;
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n %% chvsize = %d", chvsize) ;
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n %% initial keys") ;
   IVfprintf(msgFile, count, keys) ;
   IVshuffle(count, keys, ++seed) ;
if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n %% shuffled keys") ;
   IVfp80(msgFile, count, keys, 80, &ierr) ;
IVcopy(chvsize, chvind, keys) ;
if ( CHV_IS_REAL(chv) ) {
   IVDVqsortUp(chvsize, chvind, chvent) ;
} else if ( CHV_IS_COMPLEX(chv) ) {
   IVZVqsortUp(chvsize, chvind, chvent) ;
if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n %% chvind") ;
   IVfprintf(msgFile, chvsize, chvind) ;
if ( CHV_IS_HERMITIAN(chv) ) {
   for ( ii = 0 ; ii < chvsize ; ii++ ) {
      if ( chvind[ii] == 0 ) {
         chvent[2*ii+1] = 0.0 ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n b = zeros(%d,%d) ;", lastcol+1, lastcol+1) ;
   if ( CHV_IS_REAL(chv) ) {
      if ( CHV_IS_SYMMETRIC(chv) ) {
         for ( ii = 0 ; ii < chvsize ; ii++ ) {
            off = chvind[ii] ;
            fprintf(msgFile, "\n b(%d,%d) = %20.12e ;",
                    colind[iloc]+1, colind[iloc]+off+1, chvent[ii]) ;
            fprintf(msgFile, "\n b(%d,%d) = %20.12e ;",
                    colind[iloc]+off+1, colind[iloc]+1, chvent[ii]) ;
      } else {
         for ( ii = 0 ; ii < chvsize ; ii++ ) {
            off = chvind[ii] ;
            if ( off > 0 ) {
               fprintf(msgFile, "\n b(%d,%d) = %20.12e ;",
                       colind[iloc]+1, colind[iloc]+off+1, chvent[ii]) ;
            } else {
               fprintf(msgFile, "\n b(%d,%d) = %20.12e ;",
                       colind[iloc]-off+1, colind[iloc]+1, chvent[ii]) ;
   } else if ( CHV_IS_COMPLEX(chv) ) {
      if ( CHV_IS_SYMMETRIC(chv) || CHV_IS_HERMITIAN(chv) ) {
         for ( ii = 0 ; ii < chvsize ; ii++ ) {
            off = chvind[ii] ;
            fprintf(msgFile, "\n b(%d,%d) = %20.12e + %20.12e*i;",
                    colind[iloc]+1, colind[iloc]+off+1,
                    chvent[2*ii], chvent[2*ii+1]) ;
            if ( CHV_IS_HERMITIAN(chv) ) {
               fprintf(msgFile, "\n b(%d,%d) = %20.12e + %20.12e*i;",
                       colind[iloc]+off+1, colind[iloc]+1, 
                       chvent[2*ii], -chvent[2*ii+1]) ;
            } else {
               fprintf(msgFile, "\n b(%d,%d) = %20.12e + %20.12e*i;",
                       colind[iloc]+off+1, colind[iloc]+1, 
                       chvent[2*ii], chvent[2*ii+1]) ;
      } else {
         for ( ii = 0 ; ii < chvsize ; ii++ ) {
            off = chvind[ii] ;
            if ( off > 0 ) {
               fprintf(msgFile, "\n b(%d,%d) = %20.12e + %20.12e*i;",
                       colind[iloc]+1, colind[iloc]+off+1,
                       chvent[2*ii], chvent[2*ii+1]) ;
            } else {
               fprintf(msgFile, "\n b(%d,%d) = %20.12e + %20.12e*i;",
                       colind[iloc]-off+1, colind[iloc]+1, 
                       chvent[2*ii], chvent[2*ii+1]) ;
   add the chevron into the Chv object
Chv_addChevron(chv, alpha, ichv, chvsize, chvind, chvent) ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n %% after adding the chevron") ;
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n c = zeros(%d,%d) ;", lastcol+1, lastcol+1) ;
   Chv_writeForMatlab(chv, "c", msgFile) ;
   compute the error
fprintf(msgFile, "\n max(max(abs(c - (a + alpha*b))))") ;
   free the working storage
Chv_free(chv) ;
Drand_free(drand) ;
IVfree(temp) ;
IVfree(chvind) ;
DVfree(chvent) ;
IVfree(keys) ;

fprintf(msgFile, "\n") ;

return(1) ; }
Exemplo n.º 25
   purpose -- to write an IVL object to a formatted file

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise

   created -- 95sep29, cca
IVL_writeToFormattedFile ( 
   IVL    *ivl, 
   FILE   *fp 
) {
int   count, ierr, j, jsize, nlist, rc ;
int   *jind ;
   check the input
if ( ivl == NULL || fp == NULL || (nlist = ivl->nlist) <= 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in IVL_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", ivl, fp) ;
   write out the three scalar parameters
rc = fprintf(fp, "\n %d %d %d", ivl->type, ivl->nlist, ivl->tsize) ;
if ( rc < 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in IVL_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n rc = %d, return from first fprintf\n", ivl, fp, rc) ;
   return(0) ;
if ( ivl->nlist > 0 ) {
   IVfp80(fp, ivl->nlist, ivl->sizes, 80, &ierr) ;
   if ( ierr < 0 ) {
              "\n fatal error in IVL_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n ierr = %d, return from sizes[] IVfp80\n", 
              ivl, fp, ierr) ;
      return(0) ;
switch ( ivl->type ) {
   break ;
case IVL_SOLO    :
   for ( j = 0, count = 80 ; j < ivl->nlist ; j++ ) {
      IVL_listAndSize(ivl, j, &jsize, &jind) ;
      if ( jsize > 0 ) {
         count = IVfp80(fp, jsize, jind, count, &ierr) ;
         if ( ierr < 0 ) {
                    "\n fatal error in IVL_writeToFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
                    "\n ierr = %d, return from IVfp80, list %d\n", 
                    ivl, fp, ierr, j) ;
            return(0) ;
   break ;

return(1) ; }
Exemplo n.º 26
   compute an old-to-new ordering for 
   local nested dissection in two dimensions

   n1       -- number of grid points in first direction
   n2       -- number of grid points in second direction
   p1       -- number of domains in first direction
   p2       -- number of domains in second direction
   dsizes1  -- domain sizes in first direction, size p1
               if NULL, then we construct our own
   dsizes2  -- domain sizes in second direction, size p2
               if NULL, then we construct our own
   oldToNew -- old-to-new permutation vector

   note : the following must hold
      n1 > 0, n2 >0, n1 >= 2*p1 - 1, n2 >= 2*p2 - 1, p2 > 1
      sum(dsizes1) = n1 - p1 + 1 and sum(dsizes2) = n2 - p2 + 1

   created -- 95nov16, cca
localND2D ( 
   int   n1, 
   int   n2, 
   int   p1, 
   int   p2, 
   int   dsizes1[], 
   int   dsizes2[], 
   int   oldToNew[] 
) {
int   i, idom, ij, isw, j, jdom, jsw, length1, length2, 
      m, m1, m2, msize, now, nvtx ;
int   *length1s, *length2s, *isws, *jsws, *temp ;
   check the input
if ( n1 <= 0 || n2 <= 0 || 2*p1 - 1 > n1 || 2*p2 - 1 > n2 
   || oldToNew == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in localND2D(%d,%d,%d,%d,%p,%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n",
           n1, n2, p1, p2, dsizes1, dsizes2, oldToNew) ;
   exit(-1) ; 
if ( p2 <= 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in localND2D(%d,%d,%d,%d,%p,%p,%p)"
           "\n p2 = %d, must be > 1", 
           n1, n2, p1, p2, dsizes1, dsizes2, oldToNew, p2) ;
   exit(-1) ; 
if ( dsizes1 != NULL && IVsum(p1, dsizes1) != n1 - p1 + 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in localND2D(%d,%d,%d,%d,%p,%p,%p)"
           "\n IVsum(p1, dsizes1) = %d != %d = n1 - p1 + 1 ",
           n1, n2, p1, p2, dsizes1, dsizes2, oldToNew, 
           IVsum(p1, dsizes1), n1 - p1 + 1) ;
   return ; 
if ( dsizes1 != NULL && IVmin(p1, dsizes1, &i) <= 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in localND2D(%d,%d,%d,%d,%p,%p,%p)"
           "\n IVmin(p1, dsizes1) = %d must be > 0",
           n1, n2, p1, p2, dsizes1, dsizes2, oldToNew, 
           IVmin(p1, dsizes1, &i)) ;
   return ; 
if ( dsizes2 != NULL && IVsum(p2, dsizes2) != n2 - p2 + 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in localND2D(%d,%d,%d,%d,%p,%p,%p)"
           "\n IVsum(p2, dsizes2) = %d != %d = n2 - p2 + 1 ",
           n1, n2, p1, p2, dsizes1, dsizes2, oldToNew, 
           IVsum(p2, dsizes2), n2 - p2 + 1) ;
   return ; 
if ( dsizes2 != NULL && IVmin(p2, dsizes2, &i) <= 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in localND2D(%d,%d,%d,%d,%p,%p,%p)"
           "\n IVmin(p2, dsizes2) = %d must be > 0",
           n1, n2, p1, p2, dsizes1, dsizes2, oldToNew, 
           IVmin(p2, dsizes2, &i)) ;
   return ; 
nvtx = n1*n2 ;
   construct the domain sizes vectors
if ( dsizes1 == NULL ) {
   length1s = IVinit(p1, 0) ;
   length1  = (n1 - p1 + 1) / p1 ;
   m1       = (n1 - p1 + 1) % p1 ;
   for ( i = 0 ; i < m1 ; i++ ) {
      length1s[i] = length1 + 1 ;
   for ( ; i < p1 ; i++ ) {
      length1s[i] = length1 ;
} else {
   length1s = dsizes1 ;
if ( dsizes2 == NULL ) {
   length2s = IVinit(p2, 0) ;
   length2  = (n2 - p2 + 1) / p2 ;
   m2       = (n2 - p2 + 1) % p2 ;
   for ( i = 0 ; i < m2 ; i++ ) {
      length2s[i] = length2 + 1 ;
   for ( ; i < p2 ; i++ ) {
      length2s[i] = length2 ;
} else {
   length2s = dsizes2 ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n inside localND2D") ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n n1 = %d, n2 = %d, p1 = %d, p2 = %d", 
        n1, n2, p1, p2) ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n length1s[%d] = ", p1) ;
IVfp80(stdout, p1, length1s, 12) ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n length2s[%d] = ", p2) ;
IVfp80(stdout, p2, length2s, 12) ;
   determine the first and last domain ids 
   and the array of southwest points
isws = IVinit(p1, -1) ;
for ( idom = 0, isw = 0 ; idom < p1 ; idom++ ) {
   isws[idom] = isw ;
   isw += length1s[idom] + 1 ;
jsws = IVinit(p2, -1) ;
for ( jdom = 0, jsw = 0 ; jdom < p2 ; jdom++ ) {
   jsws[jdom] = jsw ;
   jsw += length2s[jdom] + 1 ;
#if MYDEBUG > 1
fprintf(stdout, "\n isws[%d] = ", p1) ;
IVfp80(stdout, p1, isws, 12) ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n jsws[%d] = ", p2) ;
IVfp80(stdout, p2, jsws, 12) ;
   create a temporary permutation vector for the domains' orderings
msize = IVmax(p1, length1s, &i) * IVmax(p2, length2s, &i) ;
temp  = IVinit(msize, -1) ;
   fill in the domain nodes
now = 0 ;
for ( jdom = 0; jdom < p2 ; jdom++ ) {
   jsw     = jsws[jdom] ;
   length2 = length2s[jdom] ;
   for ( idom = 0 ; idom < p1 ; idom++ ) {
      length1 = length1s[idom] ;
      isw     = isws[idom] ;
      mkNDperm(length1, length2, 1, temp, 0, length1-1, 
               0, length2-1, 0, 0) ;
      for ( m = 0 ; m < length1*length2 ; m++ ) {
         ij = temp[m] ;
         i  = isw + (ij % length1) ;
         j  = jsw + (ij / length1) ;
         ij = i + j*n1 ;
         oldToNew[ij] = now++ ;
#if MYDEBUG > 2
fprintf(stdout, "\n old-to-new after domains are numbered") ;
fp2DGrid(n1, n2, oldToNew, stdout) ;
   fill in the lower separator nodes
for ( jdom = 0 ; jdom < (p2/2) ; jdom++ ) {
   jsw     = jsws[jdom] ;
   length2 = length2s[jdom] ;
   for ( idom = 0 ; idom < p1 ; idom++ ) {
      isw     = isws[idom] ;
      length1 = length1s[idom] ;
      if ( isw > 0 ) {
         i = isw - 1 ;
         for ( j = jsw ; j <= jsw + length2 - 1 ; j++ ) {
            ij = i + j*n1 ;
            oldToNew[ij] = now++ ;
      if ( isw > 0 && jsw > 0 ) {
         i = isw - 1 ;
         j = jsw - 1 ;
         ij = i + j*n1 ;
         oldToNew[ij] = now++ ;
      if ( jsw > 0 ) {
         j = jsw - 1 ;
         for ( i = isw ; i <= isw + length1 - 1 ; i++ ) {
            ij = i + j*n1 ;
            oldToNew[ij] = now++ ;
#if MYDEBUG > 2
fprintf(stdout, "\n after the lower separators filled in") ;
fp2DGrid(n1, n2, oldToNew, stdout) ;
   fill in the upper separator nodes
for ( jdom = p2 - 1 ; jdom >= (p2/2) ; jdom-- ) {
   jsw     = jsws[jdom] ;
   length2 = length2s[jdom] ;
   for ( idom = p1 - 1 ; idom >= 0 ; idom-- ) {
      isw     = isws[idom] ;
      length1 = length1s[idom] ;
      if ( isw + length1 < n1 ) {
         i = isw + length1 ;
         for ( j = jsw ; j <= jsw + length2 - 1 ; j++ ) {
            ij = i + j*n1 ;
            oldToNew[ij] = now++ ;
      if ( isw + length1 < n1 && jsw + length2 < n2 ) {
         i = isw + length1 ;
         j = jsw + length2 ;
         ij = i + j*n1 ;
         oldToNew[ij] = now++ ;
      if ( jsw + length2 < n2 ) {
         j = jsw + length2 ;
         for ( i = isw ; i <= isw + length1 - 1 ; i++ ) {
            ij = i + j*n1 ;
            oldToNew[ij] = now++ ;
#if MYDEBUG > 2
fprintf(stdout, "\n after the upper separators filled in") ;
fp2DGrid(n1, n2, oldToNew, stdout) ;
   fill in the top level separator
m1 = p2 / 2 ;
for ( jdom = 0, j = 0 ; jdom < m1 ; jdom++ ) {
   j += length2s[jdom] + 1 ;
j-- ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n1 ; i++ ) { 
   ij = i + j*n1 ;
   oldToNew[ij] = now++ ;
   free the working storage
if ( dsizes1 == NULL ) {
   IVfree(length1s) ;
if ( dsizes2 == NULL ) {
   IVfree(length2s) ;
IVfree(isws) ;
IVfree(jsws) ;
IVfree(temp) ;

return ; }
Exemplo n.º 27
   load entries from sigma*A

   chv     -- pointer to the Chv object that holds the front
   pencil  -- pointer to a Pencil that holds the matrix entries 
   msglvl  -- message level
   msgFile -- message file

   created  -- 97jul18, cca
FrontMtx_loadEntries (
   Chv      *chv,
   Pencil   *pencil,
   int      msglvl,
   FILE     *msgFile
) {
InpMtx   *inpmtxA, *inpmtxB ;
double   one[2] = {1.0,0.0} ;
double   *sigma ;
double   *chvent ;
int      chvsize, ichv, ncol, nD, nL, nU ;
int      *chvind, *colind ;
   check the input
if ( chv == NULL || (msglvl > 0 && msgFile == NULL) ) {
           "\n fatal error in FrontMtx_loadEntries(%p,%p,%d,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", chv, pencil, msglvl, msgFile) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
           "\n\n # inside loadEntries for chv %d" 
           ", sigma = %12.4e + i*%12.4e",
           chv->id, pencil->sigma[0], pencil->sigma[1]) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
Chv_dimensions(chv, &nD, &nL, &nU) ;
Chv_columnIndices(chv, &ncol, &colind) ;
   load the original entries, A + sigma * B
inpmtxA = pencil->inpmtxA ;
sigma   = pencil->sigma   ;
inpmtxB = pencil->inpmtxB ;
if ( inpmtxA != NULL ) {
   int   ii ;
   load entries from A
   for ( ii = 0 ; ii < nD ; ii++ ) {
      ichv = colind[ii] ;
      if ( INPMTX_IS_REAL_ENTRIES(inpmtxA) ) { 
         InpMtx_realVector(inpmtxA, ichv, &chvsize, &chvind, &chvent) ;
      } else if ( INPMTX_IS_COMPLEX_ENTRIES(inpmtxA) ) { 
                              ichv, &chvsize, &chvind, &chvent) ;
      if ( chvsize > 0 ) {
         if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
            int ierr ;
            fprintf(msgFile, "\n inpmtxA chevron %d : chvsize = %d", 
                    ichv, chvsize) ;
            fprintf(msgFile, "\n chvind") ;
            IVfp80(msgFile, chvsize, chvind, 80, &ierr) ;
            fprintf(msgFile, "\n chvent") ;
            if ( INPMTX_IS_REAL_ENTRIES(inpmtxA) ) { 
               DVfprintf(msgFile, chvsize, chvent) ;
            } else if ( INPMTX_IS_COMPLEX_ENTRIES(inpmtxA) ) { 
               DVfprintf(msgFile, 2*chvsize, chvent) ;
            fflush(msgFile) ;
         Chv_addChevron(chv, one, ichv, chvsize, chvind, chvent) ;
} else {
   double   *entries ;
   int      ii, off, stride ;
   load the identity
   entries = Chv_entries(chv) ;
   if ( CHV_IS_REAL(chv) ) {
      if ( CHV_IS_SYMMETRIC(chv) || CHV_IS_HERMITIAN(chv) ) {
         stride = nD + chv->nU ;
         off    = 0 ;
         for ( ii = 0 ; ii < nD ; ii++ ) {
            entries[off] += 1.0 ;
            off += stride ;
            stride-- ;
      } else if ( CHV_IS_NONSYMMETRIC(chv) ) {
         stride = 2*nD + chv->nL + chv->nU - 2 ;
         off    = nD + chv->nL - 1 ;
         for ( ii = 0 ; ii < nD ; ii++ ) {
            entries[off] += 1.0 ;
            off += stride ;
            stride -= 2 ;
   } else if ( CHV_IS_COMPLEX(chv) ) {
      if ( CHV_IS_SYMMETRIC(chv) || CHV_IS_HERMITIAN(chv) ) {
         stride = nD + chv->nU ;
         off    = 0 ;
         for ( ii = 0 ; ii < nD ; ii++ ) {
            entries[2*off] += 1.0 ;
            off += stride ;
            stride-- ;
      } else if ( CHV_IS_NONSYMMETRIC(chv) ) {
         stride = 2*nD + chv->nL + chv->nU - 2 ;
         off    = nD + chv->nL - 1 ;
         for ( ii = 0 ; ii < nD ; ii++ ) {
            entries[2*off] += 1.0 ;
            off += stride ;
            stride -= 2 ;
if ( inpmtxB != NULL ) {
   int   ii ;
   load entries from sigma*B
   for ( ii = 0 ; ii < nD ; ii++ ) {
      ichv = colind[ii] ;
      if ( INPMTX_IS_REAL_ENTRIES(inpmtxB) ) { 
         InpMtx_realVector(inpmtxB, ichv, &chvsize, &chvind, &chvent) ;
      } else if ( INPMTX_IS_COMPLEX_ENTRIES(inpmtxA) ) { 
                              ichv, &chvsize, &chvind, &chvent) ;
      if ( chvsize > 0 ) {
         if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
            int ierr ;
            fprintf(msgFile, "\n inpmtxB chevron %d : chvsize = %d", 
                    ichv, chvsize) ;
            fprintf(msgFile, "\n chvind") ;
            IVfp80(msgFile, chvsize, chvind, 80, &ierr) ;
            fprintf(msgFile, "\n chvent") ;
            if ( INPMTX_IS_REAL_ENTRIES(inpmtxA) ) { 
               DVfprintf(msgFile, chvsize, chvent) ;
            } else if ( INPMTX_IS_COMPLEX_ENTRIES(inpmtxA) ) { 
               DVfprintf(msgFile, 2*chvsize, chvent) ;
         Chv_addChevron(chv, sigma, ichv, chvsize, chvind, chvent) ;
} else {
   double   *entries ;
   int      ii, off, stride ;
   load a scalar multiple of the identity
   entries = Chv_entries(chv) ;
   if ( CHV_IS_REAL(chv) ) {
      if ( CHV_IS_SYMMETRIC(chv) ) {
         stride = nD + chv->nU ;
         off    = 0 ;
         for ( ii = 0 ; ii < nD ; ii++ ) {
            entries[off] += sigma[0] ;
            off += stride ;
            stride-- ;
      } else if ( CHV_IS_NONSYMMETRIC(chv) ) {
         stride = 2*nD + chv->nL + chv->nU - 2 ;
         off    = nD + chv->nL - 1 ;
         for ( ii = 0 ; ii < nD ; ii++ ) {
            entries[off] += sigma[0] ;
            off += stride ;
            stride -= 2 ;
   } else if ( CHV_IS_COMPLEX(chv) ) {
      if ( CHV_IS_SYMMETRIC(chv) || CHV_IS_HERMITIAN(chv) ) {
         if ( CHV_IS_HERMITIAN(chv) && sigma[1] != 0.0 ) {
                    "\n fatal error in FrontMtx_loadEntries()"
                    "\n chevron is hermitian" 
                    "\n sigma = %12.4e + %12.4e*i\n",
                    sigma[0], sigma[1]) ;
            exit(-1) ;
         stride = nD + chv->nU ;
         off    = 0 ;
         for ( ii = 0 ; ii < nD ; ii++ ) {
            entries[2*off]   += sigma[0] ;
            entries[2*off+1] += sigma[1] ;
            off += stride ;
            stride-- ;
      } else if ( CHV_IS_NONSYMMETRIC(chv) ) {
         stride = 2*nD + chv->nL + chv->nU - 2 ;
         off    = nD + chv->nL - 1 ;
         for ( ii = 0 ; ii < nD ; ii++ ) {
            entries[2*off]   += sigma[0] ;
            entries[2*off+1] += sigma[1] ;
            off += stride ;
            stride -= 2 ;
return ; }
Exemplo n.º 28
   perform an exhaustive search over a subspace of domains
   mdom    -- number of domains in the subspace
   domids  -- vector of domain ids, size mdom
   tcolors -- temporary vector to hold active domain colors, size mdom

   note : region colors and component weights of the best
          partition are left in bkl->colors[] and bkl->cweights[].

   return value -- cost of best partition

   created -- 95oct07, cca
BKL_exhSearch (
   BKL   *bkl,
   int   mdom,
   int   domids[],
   int   tcolors[]
) {
float   bestcost, newcost ;
int     idom, ierr, iflip, iloc, jloc, nflip ;
int     *colors ;
   check the input
if ( bkl == NULL || mdom < 1 || domids == NULL || tcolors == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in BKL_exhaustiveSearch(%p,%d,%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n",  bkl, mdom, domids, tcolors) ;
   exit(-1) ;
colors = bkl->colors ;
bkl->nflips = 0 ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n inside BKL_exhSearch(%p,%d,%p,%p)",
        bkl, mdom, domids, tcolors) ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n bkl->nflips = %d", bkl->nflips) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
   copy the present colors and component weights
for ( iloc = 0 ; iloc < mdom ; iloc++ ) {
   idom = domids[iloc] ;
   tcolors[iloc] = colors[idom] ;
   compute the best cost
bestcost = BKL_evalfcn(bkl) ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n inside BKL_exhSearch(%p,%d,%p,%p)",
        bkl, mdom, domids, tcolors) ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n %d domain ids : ", mdom) ;
IVfp80(stdout, mdom, domids, 20, &ierr) ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n color weights < %6d %6d %6d >, cost %9.2f",
        bkl->cweights[0], bkl->cweights[1], bkl->cweights[2],
        bestcost) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
#if MYDEBUG > 2
fprintf(stdout, "\n colors ") ;
IVfp80(stdout, bkl->nreg, colors, 80, &ierr) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
   count the number of flips to make
for ( idom = 0, nflip = 1 ; idom < mdom ; idom++ ) {
   nflip *= 2 ;
   loop over the 2^mdom flips
for ( iflip = 1 ; iflip < nflip ; iflip++ ) {
   iloc = BKL_greyCodeDomain(bkl, iflip) ;
   idom = domids[iloc] ;
#if MYDEBUG > 1
   fprintf(stdout, "\n FLIP %4d domain %4d", bkl->nflips, idom) ;
   fflush(stdout) ;
#if MYDEBUG > 2
   fprintf(stdout, "\n colors before flip") ;
   IVfp80(stdout, bkl->nreg, colors, 80, &ierr) ;
   fflush(stdout) ;
   BKL_flipDomain(bkl, idom) ;
#if MYDEBUG > 2
fprintf(stdout, "\n colors after flip") ;
IVfp80(stdout, bkl->nreg, colors, 80, &ierr) ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n cweights : < %9d %9d %9d > ",
        bkl->cweights[0], bkl->cweights[1], bkl->cweights[2]) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
   newcost = BKL_evalfcn(bkl) ;
#if MYDEBUG > 1
fprintf(stdout, ", < %6d %6d %6d >, cost %9.2f",
        bkl->cweights[0], bkl->cweights[1], bkl->cweights[2],
           newcost) ;
   fflush(stdout) ;
   if ( newcost < bestcost ) {
#if MYDEBUG > 1
      fprintf(stdout, ", better") ;
      fflush(stdout) ;
      bkl->nimprove++ ;
      for ( jloc = 0 ; jloc < mdom ; jloc++ ) {
         tcolors[jloc] = colors[domids[jloc]] ;
      bestcost = newcost ;
   restore the best colors and update the segment colors
for ( iloc = 0 ; iloc < mdom ; iloc++ ) {
   idom = domids[iloc] ;
   if ( colors[idom] != tcolors[iloc] ) {
      BKL_flipDomain(bkl, idom) ;

return(bestcost) ; }
Exemplo n.º 29
   purpose -- to write a Graph object for a human eye

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise

   created -- 95sep29, cca
Graph_writeForHumanEye ( 
   Graph    *graph, 
   FILE   *fp 
) {
int   ierr, rc ;

if ( graph == NULL || fp == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Graph_writeForHumanEye(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", graph, fp) ;
   write out the statistics
if ( (rc = Graph_writeStats(graph, fp)) == 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Graph_writeForHumanEye(%p,%p)"
           "\n rc = %d, return from Graph_writeStats(%p,%p)\n",
           graph, fp, rc, graph, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
if ( graph->adjIVL != NULL ) {
   write out the adjacency IVL object
   fprintf(fp, "\n\n adjacency IVL object") ;
   rc = IVL_writeForHumanEye(graph->adjIVL, fp) ;
   if ( rc < 0 ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Graph_writeForHumanEye(%p,%p)"
              "\n rc = %d, return from IVL_writeForHumanEye(%p,%p)" 
              "\n while attempting to write out adjIVL\n",
              graph, fp, rc, graph->adjIVL, fp) ;
      return(0) ;
   write out the vertex weights vector if present
if ( graph->type % 2 == 1 ) {
   if ( graph->vwghts == NULL ) {
              "\n fatal error in Graph_writeForHumanEye(%p,%p)"
              "\n graph->type = %d, graph->vwghts == NULL\n",
              graph, fp, graph->type) ;
      return(0) ;
   fprintf(fp, "\n\n vertex weights ") ;
   IVfp80(fp, graph->nvtx + graph->nvbnd, graph->vwghts, 80, &ierr) ;
   if ( ierr < 0 ) {
              "\n fatal error in Graph_writeForHumanEye(%p,%p)"
              "\n ierr = %d, return from vwghts[] IVfp80\n", 
              graph, fp, ierr) ;
      return(0) ;
   write out the edge weight IVL object, if present
if ( graph->type >= 2 ) {
   if ( graph->ewghtIVL == NULL ) {
              "\n fatal error in Graph_writeForHumanEye(%p,%p)"
              "\n graph->type = %d, graph->ewghtIVL == NULL\n",
              graph, fp, graph->type) ;
      return(0) ;
   fprintf(fp, "\n\n edge weights IVL object") ;
   rc = IVL_writeForHumanEye(graph->ewghtIVL, fp) ;
   if ( rc < 0 ) {
              "\n fatal error in Graph_writeForHumanEye(%p,%p)"
              "\n rc = %d, return from IVL_writeForHumanEye(%p,%p)"
              "\n while attempting to write out ewghtIVL\n",
              graph, fp, rc, graph->ewghtIVL, fp) ;
      return(0) ;

return(1) ; }
Exemplo n.º 30
   for each uncovered (v,w)
      if v->subtrees \cap w->subtrees != emptyset
         remove (v,w) from uncovered edges
      end if
   end for

   created -- 95nov08, cca
MSMD_cleanEdgeList ( 
   MSMD       *msmd,
   MSMDvtx    *v,
   MSMDinfo   *info
) {
int       i, ierr, j, nedge, wid ;
int       *edges ;
IP        *ip1, *ip2 ;
MSMDvtx   *w ;
   check the input
if ( msmd == NULL || v == NULL || info == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n inside MSMD_cleanEdgeList(%p,%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", msmd, v, info) ;
   exit(-1) ;
   remove covered edges from the uncovered list
nedge = v->nadj ;
edges = v->adj  ;
if ( info->msglvl > 5 ) {
   fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n inside MSMD_cleanEdgeList(%p,%p)"
           "\n %d's edges :", msmd, v, v->id) ;
   IVfp80(info->msgFile, nedge, edges, 12, &ierr) ;
   fflush(info->msgFile) ;
i = 0 ; j = nedge - 1 ;
while ( i <= j ) {
   wid = edges[i] ;
   w = msmd->vertices + wid ;
   if ( info->msglvl > 5 ) {
      fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n   <%d,%c>", wid, w->status) ;
      fflush(info->msgFile) ;
   if ( w == v ) {
      purge v from uncovered edge list
      edges[i] = edges[j] ;
      edges[j] = wid ;
      j-- ;
   } else {
      switch ( w->status ) {
      case 'I' :
      case 'L' :
      case 'E' :
         purge w from uncovered edge list
         edges[i] = edges[j] ;
         edges[j] = wid ;
         j-- ;
         break ;
      default :
         ip1 = v->subtrees ;
         ip2 = w->subtrees ;
         if ( info->msglvl > 5 ) {
            fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n subtree list for %d :", v->id) ;
            IP_fp80(info->msgFile, ip1, 30) ;
            fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n subtree list for %d :", w->id) ;
            IP_fp80(info->msgFile, ip2, 30) ;
         while ( ip1 != NULL && ip2 != NULL ) {
            if ( ip1->val > ip2->val ) {
               ip1 = ip1->next ;
            } else if ( ip1->val < ip2->val ) {
               ip2 = ip2->next ;
            } else {
               this edge has been covered, break
               edges[i] = edges[j] ;
               edges[j] = wid ;
               j-- ;
               break ;
         if ( ip1 == NULL || ip2 == NULL ) {
            this edge was not covered, keep
            i++ ;
v->nadj = j + 1 ;
if ( info->msglvl > 5 ) {
   fprintf(info->msgFile, "\n leaving MSMD_cleanEdgeList(%p,%p)"
           "\n %d's edges :", msmd, v, v->id) ;
   IVfp80(info->msgFile, v->nadj, edges, 12, &ierr) ;
   fflush(info->msgFile) ;

return ; }