Exemplo n.º 1
// RunAI
void CBaseMonster :: RunAI ( void )
	// to test model's eye height
	//UTIL_ParticleEffect ( pev->origin + pev->view_ofs, g_vecZero, 255, 10 );

	// IDLE sound permitted in ALERT state is because monsters were silent in ALERT state. Only play IDLE sound in IDLE state
	// once we have sounds for that state.
	if ( ( m_MonsterState == MONSTERSTATE_IDLE || m_MonsterState == MONSTERSTATE_ALERT ) && RANDOM_LONG(0,99) == 0 && !(pev->flags & SF_MONSTER_GAG) )

	if ( m_MonsterState != MONSTERSTATE_NONE	&& 
		 m_MonsterState != MONSTERSTATE_PRONE   && 
		 m_MonsterState != MONSTERSTATE_DEAD )// don't bother with this crap if monster is prone. 
		// collect some sensory Condition information.
		// don't let monsters outside of the player's PVS act up, or most of the interesting
		// things will happen before the player gets there!
		// UPDATE: We now let COMBAT state monsters think and act fully outside of player PVS. This allows the player to leave 
		// an area where monsters are fighting, and the fight will continue.
		if ( !FNullEnt( FIND_CLIENT_IN_PVS( edict() ) ) || ( m_MonsterState == MONSTERSTATE_COMBAT ) )
			Look( m_flDistLook );
			Listen();// check for audible sounds. 

			// now filter conditions.
			ClearConditions( IgnoreConditions() );


		// do these calculations if monster has an enemy.
		if ( m_hEnemy != NULL )
			CheckEnemy( m_hEnemy );





	// if the monster didn't use these conditions during the above call to MaintainSchedule() or CheckAITrigger()
	// we throw them out cause we don't want them sitting around through the lifespan of a schedule
	// that doesn't use them. 
	m_afConditions &= ~( bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE | bits_COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE );
Exemplo n.º 2
// TentacleThink
void CTentacle :: Cycle( void )
	// ALERT( at_console, "%s %.2f %d %d\n", STRING( pev->targetname ), pev->origin.z, m_MonsterState, m_IdealMonsterState );
	pev->nextthink = gpGlobals-> time + 0.1;

	// ALERT( at_console, "%s %d %d %d %f %f\n", STRING( pev->targetname ), pev->sequence, m_iGoalAnim, m_iDir, pev->framerate, pev->health );

	if (m_MonsterState == MONSTERSTATE_SCRIPT || m_IdealMonsterState == MONSTERSTATE_SCRIPT)
		pev->angles.y = m_flInitialYaw;
		pev->ideal_yaw = m_flInitialYaw;	
		ClearConditions( IgnoreConditions() );
		MonsterThink( );
		m_iGoalAnim = TENTACLE_ANIM_Pit_Idle;

	DispatchAnimEvents( );
	StudioFrameAdvance( );

	ChangeYaw( pev->yaw_speed );

	CSound *pSound;

	Listen( );

	// Listen will set this if there's something in my sound list
	if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_HEAR_SOUND ) )
		pSound = PBestSound();
		pSound = NULL;

	if ( pSound )
		Vector vecDir;
		if (gpGlobals->time - m_flPrevSoundTime < 0.5)
			float dt = gpGlobals->time - m_flPrevSoundTime;
			vecDir = pSound->m_vecOrigin + (pSound->m_vecOrigin - m_vecPrevSound) / dt - pev->origin;
			vecDir = pSound->m_vecOrigin - pev->origin;
		m_flPrevSoundTime = gpGlobals->time;
		m_vecPrevSound = pSound->m_vecOrigin;

		m_flSoundYaw = UTIL_VecToYaw ( vecDir ) - m_flInitialYaw;
		m_iSoundLevel = Level( vecDir.z );

		if (m_flSoundYaw < -180)
			m_flSoundYaw += 360;
		if (m_flSoundYaw > 180)
			m_flSoundYaw -= 360;

		// ALERT( at_console, "sound %d %.0f\n", m_iSoundLevel, m_flSoundYaw );
		if (m_flSoundTime < gpGlobals->time)
			// play "I hear new something" sound
			char *sound;	

			switch( RANDOM_LONG(0,1) )
			case 0: sound = "tentacle/te_alert1.wav"; break;
			case 1: sound = "tentacle/te_alert2.wav"; break;

			// UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(ENT(pev), pev->origin + Vector( 0, 0, MyHeight()), sound, 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100);
		m_flSoundTime = gpGlobals->time + RANDOM_FLOAT( 5.0, 10.0 );

	// clip ideal_yaw
	float dy = m_flSoundYaw;
	switch( pev->sequence )
	case TENTACLE_ANIM_Floor_Rear:
	case TENTACLE_ANIM_Floor_Rear_Idle:
	case TENTACLE_ANIM_Lev1_Rear:
	case TENTACLE_ANIM_Lev1_Rear_Idle:
	case TENTACLE_ANIM_Lev2_Rear:
	case TENTACLE_ANIM_Lev2_Rear_Idle:
	case TENTACLE_ANIM_Lev3_Rear:
	case TENTACLE_ANIM_Lev3_Rear_Idle:
		if (dy < 0 && dy > -m_flMaxYaw)
			dy = -m_flMaxYaw;
		if (dy > 0 && dy < m_flMaxYaw)
			dy = m_flMaxYaw;
		if (dy < -m_flMaxYaw)
			dy = -m_flMaxYaw;
		if (dy > m_flMaxYaw)
			dy = m_flMaxYaw;
	pev->ideal_yaw = m_flInitialYaw + dy;

	if (m_fSequenceFinished)
		// ALERT( at_console, "%s done %d %d\n", STRING( pev->targetname ), pev->sequence, m_iGoalAnim );
		if (pev->health <= 1)
			m_iGoalAnim = TENTACLE_ANIM_Pit_Idle;
			if (pev->sequence == TENTACLE_ANIM_Pit_Idle)
				pev->health = 75;
		else if ( m_flSoundTime > gpGlobals->time )
			if (m_flSoundYaw >= -(m_flMaxYaw + 30) && m_flSoundYaw <= (m_flMaxYaw + 30))
				// strike
				m_iGoalAnim = LookupActivity( ACT_T_STRIKE + m_iSoundLevel );
			else if (m_flSoundYaw >= -m_flMaxYaw * 2 && m_flSoundYaw <= m_flMaxYaw * 2) 
				// tap
				m_iGoalAnim = LookupActivity( ACT_T_TAP + m_iSoundLevel );
				// go into rear idle
				m_iGoalAnim = LookupActivity( ACT_T_REARIDLE + m_iSoundLevel );
		else if (pev->sequence == TENTACLE_ANIM_Pit_Idle)
			// stay in pit until hear noise
			m_iGoalAnim = TENTACLE_ANIM_Pit_Idle;
		else if (pev->sequence == m_iGoalAnim)
			if (MyLevel() >= 0 && gpGlobals->time < m_flSoundTime)
				if (RANDOM_LONG(0,9) < m_flSoundTime - gpGlobals->time)
					// continue stike
					m_iGoalAnim = LookupActivity( ACT_T_STRIKE + m_iSoundLevel );
					// tap
					m_iGoalAnim = LookupActivity( ACT_T_TAP + m_iSoundLevel );
			else if (MyLevel( ) < 0)
				m_iGoalAnim = LookupActivity( ACT_T_IDLE + 0 );
				if (m_flNextSong < gpGlobals->time)
					// play "I hear new something" sound
					char *sound;	

					switch( RANDOM_LONG(0,1) )
					case 0: sound = "tentacle/te_sing1.wav"; break;
					case 1: sound = "tentacle/te_sing2.wav"; break;

					EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pev), CHAN_VOICE, sound, 1.0, ATTN_NORM);

					m_flNextSong = gpGlobals->time + RANDOM_FLOAT( 10, 20 );

				if (RANDOM_LONG(0,15) == 0)
					// idle on new level
					m_iGoalAnim = LookupActivity( ACT_T_IDLE + RANDOM_LONG(0,3) );
				else if (RANDOM_LONG(0,3)  == 0)
					// tap
					m_iGoalAnim = LookupActivity( ACT_T_TAP + MyLevel( ) );
					// idle
					m_iGoalAnim = LookupActivity( ACT_T_IDLE + MyLevel( ) );
			if (m_flSoundYaw < 0)
				m_flSoundYaw += RANDOM_FLOAT( 2, 8 );
				m_flSoundYaw -= RANDOM_FLOAT( 2, 8 );

		pev->sequence = FindTransition( pev->sequence, m_iGoalAnim, &m_iDir );

		if (m_iDir > 0)
			pev->frame = 0;
			m_iDir = -1; // just to safe
			pev->frame = 255;
		ResetSequenceInfo( );

		m_flFramerateAdj = RANDOM_FLOAT( -0.2, 0.2 );
		pev->framerate = m_iDir * 1.0 + m_flFramerateAdj;

		switch( pev->sequence)
		case TENTACLE_ANIM_Floor_Tap:
		case TENTACLE_ANIM_Lev1_Tap:
		case TENTACLE_ANIM_Lev2_Tap:
		case TENTACLE_ANIM_Lev3_Tap:
				Vector vecSrc;
				UTIL_MakeVectors( pev->angles );

				TraceResult tr1, tr2;

				vecSrc = pev->origin + Vector( 0, 0, MyHeight() - 4);
				UTIL_TraceLine( vecSrc, vecSrc + gpGlobals->v_forward * 512, ignore_monsters, ENT( pev ), &tr1 );

				vecSrc = pev->origin + Vector( 0, 0, MyHeight() + 8);
				UTIL_TraceLine( vecSrc, vecSrc + gpGlobals->v_forward * 512, ignore_monsters, ENT( pev ), &tr2 );

				// ALERT( at_console, "%f %f\n", tr1.flFraction * 512, tr2.flFraction * 512 );

				m_flTapRadius = SetBlending( 0, RANDOM_FLOAT( tr1.flFraction * 512, tr2.flFraction * 512 ) );
			m_flTapRadius = 336; // 400 - 64
		pev->view_ofs.z = MyHeight( );
		// ALERT( at_console, "seq %d\n", pev->sequence );

	if (m_flPrevSoundTime + 2.0 > gpGlobals->time)
		// 1.5 normal speed if hears sounds
		pev->framerate = m_iDir * 1.5 + m_flFramerateAdj;
	else if (m_flPrevSoundTime + 5.0 > gpGlobals->time)
		// slowdown to normal
		pev->framerate = m_iDir + m_iDir * (5 - (gpGlobals->time - m_flPrevSoundTime)) / 2 + m_flFramerateAdj;