bool FPaperJsonSpriteSheetImporter::ImportTextures(const FString& LongPackagePath, const FString& SourcePath)
	bool bLoadedSuccessfully = true;
	const FString TargetSubPath = LongPackagePath / TEXT("Textures");

	// Load the base texture
	const FString SourceSheetImageFilename = FPaths::Combine(*SourcePath, *ImageName);
	ImageTexture = ImportOrReimportTexture((bIsReimporting && (ExistingBaseTextureName == ImageName)) ? ExistingBaseTexture : nullptr, SourceSheetImageFilename, TargetSubPath);
	if (ImageTexture == nullptr)
		UE_LOG(LogPaperSpriteSheetImporter, Warning, TEXT("Failed to import sprite sheet image '%s'."), *SourceSheetImageFilename);
		bLoadedSuccessfully = false;

	// Try reimporting the normal map
	// Note: We are checking to see if the *base* texture has been renamed, since the .JSON doesn't actually store a name for the normal map.
	// If the base name has changed, we start from scratch for the normal map too, rather than reimport it even if the old computed one still exists
	if (bIsReimporting && (ExistingBaseTextureName == ImageName) && (ExistingNormalMapTexture != nullptr))
		if (FReimportManager::Instance()->Reimport(ExistingNormalMapTexture, /*bAskForNewFileIfMissing=*/ true))
			NormalMapTexture = ExistingNormalMapTexture;
			ComputedNormalMapName = ExistingNormalMapTextureName;

	// If we weren't reimporting (or failed the reimport), try scanning for a normal map (which may not exist, and that is not an error)
	if (NormalMapTexture == nullptr)
		const UPaperImporterSettings* ImporterSettings = GetDefault<UPaperImporterSettings>();

		// Create a list of names to test of the form [ImageName-[BaseMapSuffix]][NormalMapSuffix] or [ImageName][NormalMapSuffix], preferring the former
		const FString ImageNameNoExtension = FPaths::GetBaseFilename(ImageName);
		const FString ImageTypeExtension = FPaths::GetExtension(ImageName, /*bIncludeDot=*/ true);
		const FString NormalMapNameNoSuffix = ImporterSettings->RemoveSuffixFromBaseMapName(ImageNameNoExtension);

		TArray<FString> NamesToTest;
		ImporterSettings->GenerateNormalMapNamesToTest(NormalMapNameNoSuffix, /*inout*/ NamesToTest);
		ImporterSettings->GenerateNormalMapNamesToTest(ImageNameNoExtension, /*inout*/ NamesToTest);

		// Test each name for a file we can try to import
		for (const FString& NameToTestNoExtension : NamesToTest)
			const FString NameToTest = NameToTestNoExtension + ImageTypeExtension;
			const FString NormalMapSourceImageFilename = FPaths::Combine(*SourcePath, *NameToTest);

			if (FPaths::FileExists(NormalMapSourceImageFilename))
				NormalMapTexture = ImportTexture(NormalMapSourceImageFilename, TargetSubPath);
				if (NormalMapTexture != nullptr)
					ComputedNormalMapName = NameToTest;

	return bLoadedSuccessfully;
Exemplo n.º 2
Bitmap::Load(const UncompressedImage &uncompressed, gcc_unused Type type)
  delete texture;
  texture = type == Type::MONO
    ? ImportAlphaTexture(uncompressed)
    : ImportTexture(uncompressed);
  if (texture == nullptr)
    return false;

  if (interpolation)

  size = { uncompressed.GetWidth(), uncompressed.GetHeight() };
  return true;
UTexture2D* FPaperJsonSpriteSheetImporter::ImportOrReimportTexture(UTexture2D* ExistingTexture, const FString& TextureSourcePath, const FString& DestinationAssetFolder)
	UTexture2D* ResultTexture = nullptr;

	// Try reimporting if we have an existing texture
	if (ExistingTexture != nullptr)
		if (FReimportManager::Instance()->Reimport(ExistingTexture, /*bAskForNewFileIfMissing=*/ true))
			ResultTexture = ExistingTexture;

	// If that fails, import the original textures
	if (ResultTexture == nullptr)
		ResultTexture = ImportTexture(TextureSourcePath, DestinationAssetFolder);

	return ResultTexture;
UObject* USpriterImporterFactory::FactoryCreateText(UClass* InClass, UObject* InParent, FName InName, EObjectFlags Flags, UObject* Context, const TCHAR* Type, const TCHAR*& Buffer, const TCHAR* BufferEnd, FFeedbackContext* Warn)
	Flags |= RF_Transactional;

	FEditorDelegates::OnAssetPreImport.Broadcast(this, InClass, InParent, InName, Type);

 	FAssetToolsModule& AssetToolsModule = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FAssetToolsModule>("AssetTools");
 	bool bLoadedSuccessfully = true;
 	const FString CurrentFilename = UFactory::GetCurrentFilename();
 	FString CurrentSourcePath;
 	FString FilenameNoExtension;
 	FString UnusedExtension;
 	FPaths::Split(CurrentFilename, CurrentSourcePath, FilenameNoExtension, UnusedExtension);
 	const FString LongPackagePath = FPackageName::GetLongPackagePath(InParent->GetOutermost()->GetPathName());
 	const FString NameForErrors(InName.ToString());
 	const FString FileContent(BufferEnd - Buffer, Buffer);
 	TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> DescriptorObject = ParseJSON(FileContent, NameForErrors);

	UPaperSpriterImportData* Result = nullptr;
	// Parse the file 
	FSpriterSCON DataModel;
	if (DescriptorObject.IsValid())
		DataModel.ParseFromJSON(DescriptorObject, NameForErrors, /*bSilent=*/ false, /*bPreParseOnly=*/ false);

	// Create the new 'hub' asset and convert the data model over
	if (DataModel.IsValid())
		const bool bSilent = false;

		Result = NewObject<UPaperSpriterImportData>(InParent, InName, Flags);

		//@TODO: Do some things here maybe?
		Result->ImportedData = DataModel;

		// Import the assets in the folders
		for (const FSpriterFolder& Folder : DataModel.Folders)
			for (const FSpriterFile& File : Folder.Files)
				const FString RelativeFilename = File.Name.Replace(TEXT("\\"), TEXT("/"), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive);
				const FString SourceSpriterFilePath = FPaths::Combine(*CurrentSourcePath, *RelativeFilename);

				FString RelativeDestPath;
				FString JustFilename;
				FString JustExtension;
				FPaths::Split(RelativeFilename, /*out*/ RelativeDestPath, /*out*/ JustFilename, /*out*/ JustExtension);

				if (File.FileType == ESpriterFileType::Sprite)
					const FString TargetTexturePath = LongPackagePath / TEXT("Textures") / RelativeDestPath;
					const FString TargetSpritePath = LongPackagePath / TEXT("Sprites") / RelativeDestPath;

					// Import the texture
					UTexture2D* ImportedTexture = ImportTexture(SourceSpriterFilePath, TargetTexturePath);

					if (ImportTexture == nullptr)
						SPRITER_IMPORT_ERROR(TEXT("Failed to import texture '%s' while importing '%s'"), *SourceSpriterFilePath, *CurrentFilename);

					// Create a sprite from it
					UPaperSprite* ImportedSprite = CastChecked<UPaperSprite>(CreateNewAsset(UPaperSprite::StaticClass(), TargetSpritePath, JustFilename, Flags));

					const ESpritePivotMode::Type PivotMode = ConvertNormalizedPivotPointToPivotMode(File.PivotX, File.PivotY);
					const double PivotInPixelsX = File.Width * File.PivotX;
					const double PivotInPixelsY = File.Height * File.PivotY;

					ImportedSprite->SetPivotMode(PivotMode, FVector2D((float)PivotInPixelsX, (float)PivotInPixelsY));

					FSpriteAssetInitParameters SpriteInitParams;
				else if (File.FileType == ESpriterFileType::Sound)
					// Import the sound
					const FString TargetAssetPath = LongPackagePath / RelativeDestPath;
					UObject* ImportedSound = ImportAsset(SourceSpriterFilePath, TargetAssetPath);
				else if (File.FileType != ESpriterFileType::INVALID)
					ensureMsgf(false, TEXT("Importer was not updated when a new entry was added to ESpriterFileType"));
					// 		TMap<FString, class UTexture2D*> ImportedTextures;
					// 		TMap<FString, class UPaperSprite> ImportedSprites;


		for (const FSpriterEntity& Entity : DataModel.Entities)
			// Extract the common/shared skeleton
			FBoneHierarchyBuilder HierarchyBuilder;

			// Create the skeletal mesh
			const FString TargetMeshName = Entity.Name + TEXT("_SkelMesh");
			const FString TargetMeshPath = LongPackagePath;
			USkeletalMesh* SkeletalMesh = CastChecked<USkeletalMesh>(CreateNewAsset(USkeletalMesh::StaticClass(), TargetMeshPath, TargetMeshName, Flags));

			// Create the skeleton
			const FString TargetSkeletonName = Entity.Name + TEXT("_Skeleton");
			const FString TargetSkeletonPath = LongPackagePath;
			USkeleton* EntitySkeleton = CastChecked<USkeleton>(CreateNewAsset(USkeleton::StaticClass(), TargetSkeletonPath, TargetSkeletonName, Flags));

			// Initialize the mesh asset
			FSkeletalMeshResource* ImportedResource = SkeletalMesh->GetImportedResource();
			check(ImportedResource->LODModels.Num() == 0);
			FStaticLODModel& LODModel = *new (ImportedResource->LODModels) FStaticLODModel();

			SkeletalMesh->LODInfo[0].LODHysteresis = 0.02f;
			FSkeletalMeshOptimizationSettings Settings;
			// set default reduction settings values
			SkeletalMesh->LODInfo[0].ReductionSettings = Settings;

			// Create initial bounding box based on expanded version of reference pose for meshes without physics assets. Can be overridden by artist.
// 			FBox BoundingBox(SkelMeshImportDataPtr->Points.GetData(), SkelMeshImportDataPtr->Points.Num());
// 			FBox Temp = BoundingBox;
// 			FVector MidMesh = 0.5f*(Temp.Min + Temp.Max);
// 			BoundingBox.Min = Temp.Min + 1.0f*(Temp.Min - MidMesh);
// 			BoundingBox.Max = Temp.Max + 1.0f*(Temp.Max - MidMesh);
// 			// Tuck up the bottom as this rarely extends lower than a reference pose's (e.g. having its feet on the floor).
// 			// Maya has Y in the vertical, other packages have Z.
// 			//BEN const int32 CoordToTuck = bAssumeMayaCoordinates ? 1 : 2;
// 			//BEN BoundingBox.Min[CoordToTuck]	= Temp.Min[CoordToTuck] + 0.1f*(Temp.Min[CoordToTuck] - MidMesh[CoordToTuck]);
// 			BoundingBox.Min[2] = Temp.Min[2] + 0.1f*(Temp.Min[2] - MidMesh[2]);
// 			SkeletalMesh->Bounds = FBoxSphereBounds(BoundingBox);

			// Store whether or not this mesh has vertex colors
// 			SkeletalMesh->bHasVertexColors = SkelMeshImportDataPtr->bHasVertexColors;

			// Pass the number of texture coordinate sets to the LODModel.  Ensure there is at least one UV coord
			LODModel.NumTexCoords = 1;// FMath::Max<uint32>(1, SkelMeshImportDataPtr->NumTexCoords);

			// Create the reference skeleton and update LOD0
			FReferenceSkeleton& RefSkeleton = SkeletalMesh->RefSkeleton;
			SkeletalMesh->CalculateRequiredBones(LODModel, RefSkeleton, /*BonesToRemove=*/ nullptr);

			// Initialize the skeleton asset

			// Point the mesh and skeleton at each other
			SkeletalMesh->Skeleton = EntitySkeleton;

			// Create the animations
			for (const FSpriterAnimation& Animation : Entity.Animations)
				//@TODO: That thing I said...

				const FString TargetAnimationName = Animation.Name;
				const FString TargetAnimationPath = LongPackagePath / TEXT("Animations");
				UAnimSequence* AnimationAsset = CastChecked<UAnimSequence>(CreateNewAsset(UAnimSequence::StaticClass(), TargetAnimationPath, TargetAnimationName, Flags));


				// if you have one pose(thus 0.f duration), it still contains animation, so we'll need to consider that as MINIMUM_ANIMATION_LENGTH time length
				const float DurationInSeconds = Animation.LengthInMS * 0.001f;
				AnimationAsset->SequenceLength = FMath::Max<float>(DurationInSeconds, MINIMUM_ANIMATION_LENGTH);

				const bool bSourceDataExists = (AnimationAsset->SourceRawAnimationData.Num() > 0);
				TArray<struct FRawAnimSequenceTrack>& RawAnimationData = bSourceDataExists ? AnimationAsset->SourceRawAnimationData : AnimationAsset->RawAnimationData;

				int32 TotalNumKeys = 0;
				for (const FSpriterTimeline& Timeline : Animation.Timelines)
					if (Timeline.ObjectType != ESpriterObjectType::Bone)

					const FName BoneName = Entity.Objects[Timeline.ObjectIndex].ObjectName;

					const int32 RefBoneIndex = EntitySkeleton->GetReferenceSkeleton().FindBoneIndex(BoneName);
					check(RefBoneIndex != INDEX_NONE);

					FRawAnimSequenceTrack RawTrack;

					int32 NumKeysForTrack = 0;

					//@TODO: Quick and dirty resampling code that needs to be replaced (totally ignores curve type, edge cases, etc...)
					const float ResampleFPS = 30.0f;
					int32 DesiredNumKeys = FMath::CeilToInt(ResampleFPS * DurationInSeconds);
					const float TimePerKey = 1.0f / ResampleFPS;
					float CurrentSampleTime = 0.0f;
					for (int32 FrameIndex = 0; FrameIndex < DesiredNumKeys; ++FrameIndex)
						int32 LowerKeyIndex = 0;
						for (; LowerKeyIndex < Timeline.Keys.Num(); ++LowerKeyIndex)
							if (Timeline.Keys[LowerKeyIndex].TimeInMS * 0.001f > CurrentSampleTime)
						if (LowerKeyIndex >= Timeline.Keys.Num())
							LowerKeyIndex = Timeline.Keys.Num() - 1;

						int32 UpperKeyIndex = LowerKeyIndex + 1;
						float UpperKeyTime = 0.0f;
						if (UpperKeyIndex >= Timeline.Keys.Num())
							UpperKeyTime = DurationInSeconds;
							if (Animation.bIsLooping)
								UpperKeyIndex = 0;
								UpperKeyIndex = Timeline.Keys.Num() - 1;
							UpperKeyTime = Timeline.Keys[UpperKeyIndex].TimeInMS * 0.001f;

						const FSpriterFatTimelineKey& TimelineKey0 = Timeline.Keys[LowerKeyIndex];
						const FSpriterFatTimelineKey& TimelineKey1 = Timeline.Keys[UpperKeyIndex];
						const float LowerKeyTime = TimelineKey0.TimeInMS * 0.001f;

						const FTransform LocalTransform0 = TimelineKey0.Info.ConvertToTransform();
						const FTransform LocalTransform1 = TimelineKey1.Info.ConvertToTransform();

						FTransform LocalTransform = LocalTransform0;
						if (LowerKeyIndex != UpperKeyIndex)
							const float Alpha = (CurrentSampleTime - LowerKeyTime) / (UpperKeyTime - LowerKeyTime);

							LocalTransform.Blend(LocalTransform0, LocalTransform1, Alpha);


						CurrentSampleTime += TimePerKey;
// 					for (const FSpriterFatTimelineKey& TimelineKey : Timeline.Keys)
// 					{
// 						//@TODO: Ignoring TimeInMS
// 						const FTransform LocalTransform = TimelineKey.Info.ConvertToTransform();
// 						RawTrack.ScaleKeys.Add(LocalTransform.GetScale3D());
// 						RawTrack.PosKeys.Add(LocalTransform.GetTranslation());
// 						RawTrack.RotKeys.Add(LocalTransform.GetRotation());
// 						++NumKeysForTrack;
// 					}


					// add mapping to skeleton bone track

					TotalNumKeys = FMath::Max(TotalNumKeys, NumKeysForTrack);
				AnimationAsset->NumFrames = TotalNumKeys;


				// compress animation
					GWarn->BeginSlowTask(LOCTEXT("BeginCompressAnimation", "Compress Animation"), true);
					GWarn->StatusForceUpdate(1, 1, LOCTEXT("CompressAnimation", "Compressing Animation"));
					// if source data exists, you should bake it to Raw to apply
					if (bSourceDataExists)
						// otherwise just compress

					// run debug mode

// 					NewAnimation = FFbxImporter->ImportAnimations(Skeleton, Outer, SortedLinks, AnimName, TemplateImportData, FBXMeshNodeArray);
// 					if (NewAnimation)
// 					{
// 						// since to know full path, reimport will need to do same
// 						UFbxAnimSequenceImportData* ImportData = UFbxAnimSequenceImportData::GetImportDataForAnimSequence(NewAnimation, TemplateImportData);
// 						ImportData->SourceFilePath = FReimportManager::SanitizeImportFilename(UFactory::CurrentFilename, NewAnimation);
// 						ImportData->SourceFileTimestamp = IFileManager::Get().GetTimeStamp(*UFactory::CurrentFilename).ToString();
// 					}


 		// Failed to parse the JSON
 		bLoadedSuccessfully = false;

	if (Result != nullptr)
		//@TODO: Need to do this
		// Store the current file path and timestamp for re-import purposes
// 		UAssetImportData* ImportData = UTileMapAssetImportData::GetImportDataForTileMap(Result);
// 		ImportData->SourceFilePath = FReimportManager::SanitizeImportFilename(CurrentFilename, Result);
// 		ImportData->SourceFileTimestamp = IFileManager::Get().GetTimeStamp(*CurrentFilename).ToString();

	FEditorDelegates::OnAssetPostImport.Broadcast(this, Result);

	return Result;