int AT91_EMAC_LWIP_Driver::Open(int index)
    /* Network interface variables */
    struct ip_addr ipaddr, subnetmask, gateway;
    struct netif *pNetIF;
    int len;
    const SOCK_NetworkConfiguration *iface;

    /* Apply network configuration */
    iface = &g_NetworkConfig.NetworkInterfaces[index];

    len = g_AT91_EMAC_NetIF.hwaddr_len;
    if(len == 0 || iface->macAddressLen < len)
        len = iface->macAddressLen;
        g_AT91_EMAC_NetIF.hwaddr_len = len;
    memcpy(g_AT91_EMAC_NetIF.hwaddr, iface->macAddressBuffer, len);

    if(0 == (iface->flags & SOCK_NETWORKCONFIGURATION_FLAGS_DHCP))
        ipaddr.addr     = iface->ipaddr;
        gateway.addr    = iface->gateway;
        subnetmask.addr = iface->subnetmask;
        /* Set network address variables - this will be set by either DHCP or when the configuration is applied */
        IP4_ADDR(&gateway, 0,0,0,0);
        IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, 0,0,0,0);
        IP4_ADDR(&subnetmask, 255,255,255,0);

    // PHY Power Up
    CPU_GPIO_EnableOutputPin(g_AT91_EMAC_LWIP_Config.PHY_PD_GPIO_Pin, FALSE);

    // Enable Interrupt
    CPU_INTC_ActivateInterrupt(AT91C_ID_EMAC, (HAL_CALLBACK_FPN)AT91_EMAC_LWIP_interrupt, &g_AT91_EMAC_NetIF);


    pNetIF = netif_add( &g_AT91_EMAC_NetIF, &ipaddr, &subnetmask, &gateway, NULL, AT91_EMAC_ethhw_init, ethernet_input );

    netif_set_default( pNetIF );

    LWIP_STATUS_setorclear( LWIP_STATUS_LinkUp, 0 != dm9161_lwip_GetLinkStatus( ) );

    if (LWIP_STATUS_isset(LWIP_STATUS_LinkUp))
        netif_set_link_up( pNetIF );
        netif_set_up     ( pNetIF );


    /* Initialize the continuation routine for the driver interrupt and receive */    
    InitContinuations( pNetIF );

    return g_AT91_EMAC_NetIF.num;
Exemplo n.º 2
int AT91_EMAC_LWIP_Driver::Open(int index)
    /* Network interface variables */
    struct ip_addr ipaddr, subnetmask, gateway;
    struct netif *pNetIF;
    int len;
    const SOCK_NetworkConfiguration *iface;

    /* Apply network configuration */
    iface = &g_NetworkConfig.NetworkInterfaces[index];

    len = g_AT91_EMAC_NetIF.hwaddr_len;
    if(len == 0 || iface->macAddressLen < len)
        len = iface->macAddressLen;
        g_AT91_EMAC_NetIF.hwaddr_len = len;
    memcpy(g_AT91_EMAC_NetIF.hwaddr, iface->macAddressBuffer, len);

    ipaddr.addr = iface->ipaddr;
    gateway.addr = iface->gateway;
    subnetmask.addr = iface->subnetmask;

    // PHY Power Up
    CPU_GPIO_EnableOutputPin(g_AT91_EMAC_LWIP_Config.PHY_PD_GPIO_Pin, FALSE);

    // Enable Interrupt
    CPU_INTC_ActivateInterrupt(AT91C_ID_EMAC, (HAL_CALLBACK_FPN)AT91_EMAC_LWIP_interrupt, &g_AT91_EMAC_NetIF);

    /* Initialize the continuation routine for the driver interrupt and receive */    
    InitContinuations( pNetIF );

    pNetIF = netif_add( &g_AT91_EMAC_NetIF, &ipaddr, &subnetmask, &gateway, NULL, AT91_EMAC_ethhw_init, ethernet_input );

    netif_set_default( pNetIF );

    LwipNetworkStatus = dm9161_lwip_GetLinkStatus( );
    if (LwipNetworkStatus)
        netif_set_up( pNetIF );
    /* Initialize the continuation routine for the driver interrupt and receive */    
    InitContinuations( pNetIF );

    return g_AT91_EMAC_NetIF.num;
int STM32F4_ETH_LWIP_Driver::Open(int index)
    /* Network interface variables */
    struct ip_addr ipaddr, subnetmask, gateway;
    struct netif *pNetIF;
    int len;
    const SOCK_NetworkConfiguration *iface;

    /* Enable Phy Powerdown on Deepsleep */
    STM32F4_SetPowerHandlers(EthernetDeepSleep, EthernetWakeUp);
    /* Apply network configuration */
    iface = &g_NetworkConfig.NetworkInterfaces[index];
    len = g_STM32F4_ETH_NetIF.hwaddr_len;
    if (len == 0 || iface->macAddressLen < len)
        len = iface->macAddressLen;
        g_STM32F4_ETH_NetIF.hwaddr_len = len;
    memcpy(g_STM32F4_ETH_NetIF.hwaddr, iface->macAddressBuffer, len);
    ipaddr.addr = iface->ipaddr;
    gateway.addr = iface->gateway;
    subnetmask.addr = iface->subnetmask;
    pNetIF = netif_add( &g_STM32F4_ETH_NetIF, &ipaddr, &subnetmask, &gateway, NULL, STM32F4_ETH_ethhw_init, ethernet_input );
    CPU_INTC_ActivateInterrupt(ETH_IRQn, (HAL_CALLBACK_FPN)STM32F4_ETH_LWIP_interrupt, &g_STM32F4_ETH_NetIF);
    netif_set_default( pNetIF );

    if (LwipNetworkStatus)
        netif_set_up( pNetIF );
        netif_set_down( pNetIF);
    /* Initialize the continuation routine for the driver interrupt and receive */    
    InitContinuations( pNetIF );
    /* Return LWIP's net interface number */
    return g_STM32F4_ETH_NetIF.num;    
Exemplo n.º 4
int LPC24XX_EMAC_LWIP_Driver::Open(int index)
    /* Network interface variables */
    struct ip_addr ipaddr, subnetmask, gateway;
    struct netif *pNetIF;
    int len;
    const SOCK_NetworkConfiguration *iface;

    /* Apply network configuration */
    iface = &g_NetworkConfig.NetworkInterfaces[index];

    len = g_LPC24XX_EMAC_NetIF.hwaddr_len;
    if(len == 0 || iface->macAddressLen < len)
        len = iface->macAddressLen;
        g_LPC24XX_EMAC_NetIF.hwaddr_len = len;
    memcpy(g_LPC24XX_EMAC_NetIF.hwaddr, iface->macAddressBuffer, len);

    ipaddr.addr = iface->ipaddr;
    gateway.addr = iface->gateway;
    subnetmask.addr = iface->subnetmask;

    pNetIF = netif_add( &g_LPC24XX_EMAC_NetIF, &ipaddr, &subnetmask, &gateway, NULL, lpc24xx_ethhw_init, ethernet_input );
    /* Enable the INTERRUPT */                            
    CPU_INTC_ActivateInterrupt(LPC24XX_VIC::c_IRQ_INDEX_EMAC, (HAL_CALLBACK_FPN)LPC24XX_EMAC_lwip_interrupt, &g_LPC24XX_EMAC_NetIF);

    netif_set_default( pNetIF );
    LwipNetworkStatus = ENET_PHY_lwip_get_link_status( );
    if (LwipNetworkStatus)
        netif_set_up( pNetIF );
    /* Initialize the continuation routine for the driver interrupt and receive */    
    InitContinuations( pNetIF );

    // Return LWIP's net interface number
    return g_LPC24XX_EMAC_NetIF.num;    
int SH7264_SMSC_LWIP_Driver::Open(int index)
    /* Network interface variables */
    struct ip_addr ipaddr, subnetmask, gateway;
    struct netif *pNetIF;
    int len;
    const SOCK_NetworkConfiguration *iface;

    /* Apply network configuration */
    iface = &g_NetworkConfig.NetworkInterfaces[index];

    len = g_SH7264_SMSC_NetIF.hwaddr_len;
    if(len == 0 || iface->macAddressLen < len)
        len = iface->macAddressLen;
        g_SH7264_SMSC_NetIF.hwaddr_len = len;
    memcpy(g_SH7264_SMSC_NetIF.hwaddr, iface->macAddressBuffer, len);

    ipaddr.addr = iface->ipaddr;
    gateway.addr = iface->gateway;
    subnetmask.addr = iface->subnetmask;
    g_SH7264_SMSC_NetIF.flags |= NETIF_FLAG_IGMP;

    pNetIF = netif_add( &g_SH7264_SMSC_NetIF, &ipaddr, &subnetmask, &gateway, NULL, SH7264_SMSC_ethhw_init, ethernet_input );
    netif_set_default( pNetIF );
    LwipNetworkStatus = (SMSC9218_lwip_Get_Link_Mode() != LINK_NO_LINK);
    if (LwipNetworkStatus)
        netif_set_up( pNetIF );
    /* Initialize the continuation routine for the driver interrupt and receive */    
    InitContinuations( pNetIF );

    // Return LWIP's net interface number
    return g_SH7264_SMSC_NetIF.num;    

int ENC28J60_LWIP_Driver::Open( ENC28J60_LWIP_DRIVER_CONFIG* config, int index )

    /* Network interface variables */
    struct ip_addr ipaddr, netmask, gw;
    struct netif *pNetIF;
    int len;
    const SOCK_NetworkConfiguration *iface;

    if(config == NULL) return -1;

    iface = &g_NetworkConfig.NetworkInterfaces[index];

    if(0 == (iface->flags & SOCK_NETWORKCONFIGURATION_FLAGS_DHCP))
        ipaddr.addr  = iface->ipaddr;
        gw.addr      = iface->gateway;
        netmask.addr = iface->subnetmask;
        /* Set network address variables - this will be set by either DHCP or when the configuration is applied */
        IP4_ADDR(&gw     ,   0,   0,   0, 0);
        IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr ,   0,   0,   0, 0);
        IP4_ADDR(&netmask, 255, 255, 255, 0);

    len = g_ENC28J60_NetIF.hwaddr_len;

    if(len == 0 || iface->macAddressLen < len)
        len = iface->macAddressLen;
        g_ENC28J60_NetIF.hwaddr_len = len;
    memcpy(g_ENC28J60_NetIF.hwaddr, iface->macAddressBuffer, len);

    pNetIF = netif_add( &g_ENC28J60_NetIF, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, NULL, enc28j60_ethhw_init, ethernet_input );

    netif_set_default( pNetIF );

    LwipNetworkStatus = enc28j60_get_link_status(&config->SPI_Config);

    /* Initialize the continuation routine for the driver interrupt and receive */    
    InitContinuations( pNetIF );
    /* Enable the INTERRUPT pin */                            
    if (CPU_GPIO_EnableInputPin2(config->INT_Pin, 
                                 FALSE,                                                         /* Glitch filter enable */
                                 (GPIO_INTERRUPT_SERVICE_ROUTINE) &enc28j60_lwip_pre_interrupt, /* ISR                  */
                                 &g_ENC28J60_NetIF,                                             /* minor number         */
                                 GPIO_INT_EDGE_LOW ,                                            /* Interrupt edge       */
                                 RESISTOR_PULLUP) == FALSE)                                     /* Resistor State       */
        return -1;
    /* Enable the CHIP SELECT pin */
    if (CPU_GPIO_EnableInputPin (config->SPI_Config.DeviceCS, 
                            RESISTOR_PULLUP) == FALSE)
        return -1;                          
    return g_ENC28J60_NetIF.num;
void EthernetWakeUp()
    CPU_INTC_ActivateInterrupt(ETH_IRQn, (HAL_CALLBACK_FPN)STM32F4_ETH_LWIP_interrupt, &g_STM32F4_ETH_NetIF);