Exemplo n.º 1
 TestHexGrad( size_t n )
 : coord("coord",n)
 , gradient("grad",n)
   std::cout << "TestHexGrad::coord("
             << " " << coord.dimension_0() 
             << " " << coord.dimension_1()
             << " " << coord.dimension_2()
             << " " << coord.dimension_3()
             << " )" << std::endl ;
Exemplo n.º 2
void srTRadIntPowerDensity::SetupNativeRotation()
	srTConstTrjDat* ConstTrjDatPtr = (srTConstTrjDat*)(TrjHndl.rep);

	TVector3d uLab(ConstTrjDatPtr->MagConst.Bx, 0., ConstTrjDatPtr->MagConst.Bz);
	double Bcon = sqrt(uLab.x*uLab.x + uLab.z*uLab.z);
	uLab = (1./Bcon)*uLab;
	TVector3d uLoc(0.,0.,1.), Zero(0.,0.,0.);

	BconG = Bcon;
	RmaG = 3.33564076253*(ConstTrjDatPtr->EbmDat.Energy)/BconG; // Magnet radius in m assuming Energy[GeV] and BconG[T]

	TVector3d uLab_mi_uLoc = uLab - uLoc;
	//double NormEst = Abs(uLab_mi_uLoc);
	double NormEst = uLab_mi_uLoc.Abs();
	const double RelTolNotRotate = 1.E-05; // To steer

	if(NormEst < RelTolNotRotate)
		TVector3d AxVect = uLab^uLoc;
		double uLab_uLoc = uLab*uLoc;
		double Angle = acos(uLab_uLoc);
		TrLab2Loc.SetupRotation(Zero, AxVect, Angle);
		TVector3d TestVect = TrLab2Loc.TrBiPoint(uLab);
		double TestScal = TestVect*uLab;
		if(TestScal < 0.)
			TrLab2Loc.SetupRotation(Zero, AxVect, -Angle);

	TVector3d InitCoord(ConstTrjDatPtr->EbmDat.x0, 0., ConstTrjDatPtr->EbmDat.z0);
	InitCoord = TrLab2Loc.TrPoint(InitCoord);
	TVector3d InitAng(ConstTrjDatPtr->EbmDat.dxds0, 0., ConstTrjDatPtr->EbmDat.dzds0);
	InitAng = TrLab2Loc.TrPoint(InitAng);
	LocInitCoordAng.x0 = InitCoord.x; LocInitCoordAng.z0 = InitCoord.z;
	LocInitCoordAng.dxds0 = InitAng.x; LocInitCoordAng.dzds0 = InitAng.z;
Exemplo n.º 3
void srTConstTrjDat::DetermineIntegLimitsForArbTrj(srTWfrSmp& DistrInfoDat, double& sStart, double& sEnd)
	const int AmOfSafetyInterv = 10; // To steer
	const double RelTolNotRotate = 1.E-05; // To steer

	TVector3d uLab(MagConst.Bx, 0., MagConst.Bz);
	double Bcon = sqrt(uLab.x*uLab.x + uLab.z*uLab.z);
	double Rmag = 3.33564076253*(EbmDat.Energy)/Bcon;
	double ds = 0;

        ds = Rmag*sqrt(EbmDat.GammaEm2);
		double LambMax_m;
			double eMin = DistrInfoDat.LambStart;
			LambMax_m = 1.24E-06/eMin;
			LambMax_m = 1.E-09*((DistrInfoDat.nLamb > 1)? DistrInfoDat.LambEnd : DistrInfoDat.LambStart);
        double ds1 = pow(LambMax_m*Rmag*Rmag, 1./3.);
        double ds2 = LambMax_m/EbmDat.GammaEm2;

		//ds = (ds1 > ds2)? ds1 : ds2;
		ds = (ds1 < ds2)? ds1 : ds2;

	uLab = (1./Bcon)*uLab;
	TVector3d uLoc(0.,0.,1.), Zero(0.,0.,0.);
	TVector3d uLab_mi_uLoc = uLab - uLoc;
	//double NormEst = Abs(uLab_mi_uLoc);
	double NormEst = uLab_mi_uLoc.Abs();

	gmTrans Rot;
	if(NormEst < RelTolNotRotate)
		TVector3d AxVect = uLab^uLoc;
		double uLab_uLoc = uLab*uLoc;
		double Angle = acos(uLab_uLoc);
		Rot.SetupRotation(Zero, AxVect, Angle);
		TVector3d TestVect = Rot.TrBiPoint(uLab);
		double TestScal = TestVect*uLab;
		if(TestScal < 0.)
			Rot.SetupRotation(Zero, AxVect, -Angle);

	TVector3d P1(DistrInfoDat.xStart, 0., DistrInfoDat.zStart);
	P1 = Rot.TrPoint(P1);
	double xLocMin = P1.x, xLocMax = P1.x;
	if(DistrInfoDat.nx > 1)
		TVector3d P2(DistrInfoDat.xEnd, 0., DistrInfoDat.zStart);
		P2 = Rot.TrPoint(P2);
		if(xLocMin > P2.x) xLocMin = P2.x;
		if(xLocMax < P2.x) xLocMax = P2.x;
	if(DistrInfoDat.nz > 1)
		TVector3d P3(DistrInfoDat.xStart, 0., DistrInfoDat.zEnd);
		P3 = Rot.TrPoint(P3);
		if(xLocMin > P3.x) xLocMin = P3.x;
		if(xLocMax < P3.x) xLocMax = P3.x;

		if(DistrInfoDat.nx > 1)
			TVector3d P4(DistrInfoDat.xEnd, 0., DistrInfoDat.zEnd);
			P4 = Rot.TrPoint(P4);
			if(xLocMin > P4.x) xLocMin = P4.x;
			if(xLocMax < P4.x) xLocMax = P4.x;

	TVector3d InitCoord(EbmDat.x0, 0., EbmDat.z0);
	InitCoord = Rot.TrPoint(InitCoord);
	TVector3d InitAng(EbmDat.dxds0, 0., EbmDat.dzds0);
	InitAng = Rot.TrPoint(InitAng);

	double y1Inv = 1./(DistrInfoDat.yStart - EbmDat.s0);
	double xAngMin = (xLocMin - InitCoord.x)*y1Inv - InitAng.x;
	double xAngMax = (xLocMax - InitCoord.x)*y1Inv - InitAng.x;

	sStart = EbmDat.s0 + xAngMin*Rmag - AmOfSafetyInterv*ds;
	sEnd = EbmDat.s0 + xAngMax*Rmag + AmOfSafetyInterv*ds;