Exemplo n.º 1
// Main
void main(void)
// Step 1. Initialize System Control:
// PLL, WatchDog, enable Peripheral Clocks
// This example function is found in the F2837xS_SysCtrl.c file.

// Step 2. Initialize GPIO:
// This example function is found in the F2837xS_Gpio.c file and
// illustrates how to set the GPIO to it's default state.
   // InitGpio(); Skipped for this example

// Step 3. Clear all __interrupts and initialize PIE vector table:
// Disable CPU __interrupts

// Initialize PIE control registers to their default state.
// The default state is all PIE __interrupts disabled and flags
// are cleared.
// This function is found in the F2837xS_PieCtrl.c file.

// Disable CPU __interrupts and clear all CPU __interrupt flags:
   IER = 0x0000;
   IFR = 0x0000;

// Initialize the PIE vector table with pointers to the shell Interrupt
// Service Routines (ISR).
// This will populate the entire table, even if the __interrupt
// is not used in this example.  This is useful for debug purposes.
// The shell ISR routines are found in F2837xS_DefaultIsr.c.
// This function is found in F2837xS_PieVect.c.

// Step 4. User specific code:

    // This example is a basic pinout

#endif  // - EXAMPLE1


    // This example is a communications pinout

Exemplo n.º 2
void main(void)

	int i=0;					// Loop Variable
	timeout_ctr	= 0	;

//############################ Initialisation ###############################//

						// _SOURCE_
	DeviceInit();		// DeviceInit.c
	InitGpio();			// GpioInit.c
	InitPieVectTable();	// PieVect.c
	InitPieCtrl();		// PieCtrl.c

	InitSci();			// Serial.c
	init_lcd_menu();	// LcdMenu.c
	lcd_init();			// LcdDriver.c

	SineRefInit();		// SineRefInit.c
	AdcInit();			// AdcInit.c
	PwmInit();			// PwmInit.c

	State.all				= 0;
	State.bit.Start			= 1;
	PeripheralEn.bit.Buttons= 1;	// Allow button checks

	EnableInterrupts();				// PieCtrl.c
	DisableInverter();				// Ensure inverter is disabled on start-up

	lcd_puts("Kingfisher");				// Print introductory message on top line
	lcd_position(0x0,0x1);				// Start Cursor From First Line
	lcd_puts("  Hydro Controller    ");	// Print introductory message on bottom line

	asm(" CLRC INTM, DBGM");			// Enable global interrupts and real-time debug

	CpuTimer0Regs.PRD.all =  COUNTER0_PRD;	// Initialise CPU timer0
	CpuTimer1Regs.PRD.all =  COUNTER1_PRD;	// Initialise CPU timer0

//############################# Polling Loop ################################//


	//									STATES 								 //
	//############################ START STATE ##############################//

	//######################### EXCITATION STATE ############################//
		if (State.bit.Excitation)
			data_out.bit.led_ctrl_green	= 1;
			data_out.bit.led_ctrl_red	= 0;

			if ( (AdcSignal.V_HVDC < 50) && (AdcSignal.Shaft_Velocity > 2000) && !(State.bit.Fault) )
//				PeripheralEn.bit.Buttons= 0;

				if (timeout_ctr > 3)
					State.all		= 0;
					State.bit.Fault	= 1;
					timeout_ctr		= 0;
					data_out.bit.startup = 1;
					if (CpuTimer0Regs.TCR.bit.TIF == 1)
						for (i=1;i<=2;i++)						// wait 2 seconds
							CpuTimer0Regs.TCR.bit.TIF	= 1;	// Clear flag
					data_out.bit.startup = 0;
					if (CpuTimer0Regs.TCR.bit.TIF == 1)
						for(i=1;i<=3;i++)						// wait 3 seconds
							CpuTimer0Regs.TCR.bit.TIF	= 1;	// Clear flag
			else if ( (AdcSignal.V_HVDC >= 50) && (AdcSignal.V_HVDC < 250) )
				timeout_ctr			= 0;
				State.all			= 0;
				State.bit.Excited	= 1;
				// Perhaps change LCD Screen to message saying "Slowly increase turbine speed to increase voltage."
			else if ( (AdcSignal.V_HVDC > 250) )
				timeout_ctr					= 0;		// Resets the timeout counter for excitation
				State.all					= 0;
				State.bit.StartupSequence	= 1;

	//############################ EXCITED STATE ############################//
		if (State.bit.Excited)
			if (AdcSignal.V_HVDC > 250)
				timeout_ctr					= 0;		// Resets the timeout counter for excitation
				State.all					= 0;
				State.bit.StartupSequence	= 1;

	//############################# FAULT STATE #############################//
		if (State.bit.Fault)
			if (PeripheralEn.bit.Inverter)
				data_out.bit.led_dump1		= 0;
				data_out.bit.led_dump2		= 0;
				data_out.bit.led_inverter	= 0;
				data_out.bit.led_update		= 0;
			data_out.bit.protect_trig	= 1;

			data_out.bit.led_ctrl_green	= 0;
			data_out.bit.led_ctrl_red	= 1;
			if ( !(LED_Fault_Ctr++ % 16384) )
				data_out.bit.led_dump1		= ~(data_out.bit.led_dump1);
				data_out.bit.led_dump2		= ~(data_out.bit.led_dump2);
				data_out.bit.led_inverter	= ~(data_out.bit.led_inverter);
				data_out.bit.led_update		= ~(data_out.bit.led_update);

	//########################### DC STABLE STATE ###########################//
		if (State.bit.DcStable)
			if ( !(PeripheralEn.bit.Inverter) )	EnableInverter();
			data_out.bit.led_ctrl_green	= 1;
			data_out.bit.led_ctrl_red	= 0;

	//############################## TEST STATE #############################//
		if (State.bit.Test)


	//########################### TURNED OFF STATE ##########################//
		if (State.bit.TurnOff)
			data_out.bit.led_ctrl_green	= 0;
			data_out.bit.led_ctrl_red	= 0;
			data_out.bit.led_dump1		= 0;
			data_out.bit.led_dump2		= 0;
			data_out.bit.led_inverter	= 0;
			data_out.bit.led_update		= 0;

	//								FLAGS 									 //
	//######################## SCREEN UPDATE FLAG #######################//
		if (flag_bc)
			flag_bc = 0;
		asm(" nop");

	//########################### READ IN DATA FLAG #########################//
		if (flag.bit.DataIN)
			flag.bit.DataIN = 0;

	//########################## SEND OUT DATA FLAG #########################//
		if (flag.bit.DataOUT)
			flag.bit.DataOUT = 0;

	//######################## HVDC VOLTAGE REGULATION ######################//
		if (flag.bit.V_HVDC)
			if ( !(State.bit.TurnOff) && !(State.bit.Fault) )
				V_DcError	= V_DC_REF - AdcSignal.V_HVDC;			// Calculate the DC error from the reference
				DutyError	= 0.75*K_DC*V_DcError + 0.25*DutyError;	// Modify the dump load duty cycle with respect to the DC error

				if (V_DcError > 0)		// If the DC voltage is less than the reference, dump no power
					EPwm3Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA= 0;
					EPwm3Regs.CMPB			= 0;
				else if (DutyError > DUMP1_DUTY_MAX)
					DutyFeedback			= 1.0*(DUMP1_DUTY_MAX)*DUMP_PRD;
					EPwm3Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA= DutyFeedback;
					DutyFeedback			= 1.0*(DutyError - DUMP1_DUTY_MAX)*DUMP_PRD;
					EPwm3Regs.CMPB			= DutyFeedback;
					DutyFeedback			= 1.0*(DutyError)*DUMP_PRD;
					EPwm3Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA= DutyFeedback;
					EPwm3Regs.CMPB			= 0;
			}else		// If there is a fault or the system is off, dump all power
				EPwm3Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA	= (DUMP1_DUTY_MAX)*DUMP_PRD;	// Dump all power!
				EPwm3Regs.CMPB				= DUMP_PRD;	// Dump all power!

			flag.bit.V_HVDC	= 0;		// Reset the flag

	//###################### SHAFT VELOCITY MEASUREMENT #####################//
		if (ShaftVelocCtr >= 1000)										// Updates the measured velocity every 1000*(1/EPWM8) = 0.5s
			AdcSignal.Shaft_Velocity	= shaftspeedtest; //0.8*(ShaftPulseCtr/0.5)*60 + 0.2*AdcSignal.Shaft_Velocity;	// Where 1 pulse = 1 rotation
			ShaftPulseCtr				= 0;	// { Reset counters
			ShaftVelocCtr				= 0;	// {

	//################### OUTPUT AC VOLTAGE FREQUENCY MEASURE ################//
		if (V_AcOutPrdCtr >= 10)
			AdcSignal.V_AcOut_Freq	= (SYSCLK/ADC_SAMP_PRD+1)*(V_AcOutPrdCtr/FreqOutDivCtr);	// Approximate frequency over at least 10 periods
			AcOutFreqError			= AC_OUT_FREQ - AdcSignal.V_AcOut_Freq;	// Find frequency error
			V_AcOutReqFreq			= V_AcOutReqFreq + 0.05*AcOutFreqError;	// Frequency feedback loop
			sinGen.freq				= V_AcOutReqFreq*(BIT31)*(2*BIT32*INVERTER_PWM_PRD)*(1/(sinGen.step_max*SYSCLK));	// Alter reference sine wave frequency
			V_AcOutPrdCtr			= 0	;	// }
			FreqOutDivCtr			= 0	;	// } Reset counters

	//####################### INVERTER CONTROL #######################//
		if (flag.bit.Inverter)
/* BROKEN	InverterMaxDuty	= V_AC_OUT_REF*(1.0/(AdcSignal.V_HVDC));	// Find the maximum duty cycle necessary to create Vacoutpeak=325V
			DutyScaleMax	= (BIT16*InverterMaxDuty-BIT15)*30.51850948e-6;	// 30.51850948e-6 = 1/(BIT15-1)

			if ( !(State.bit.InvSoftStart) )
				DutyScaleError	= DutyScaleMax - DutyScale;
				DutyScale	= DutyScale + 0.01*DutyScaleError;
				if (DutyScale < 0.2)
				DutyScale	= 0.2;

			// ----- Toggle the onboard LED to show inverter control is active
			if (GPIO34_count >= 4000)						// toggle_time = GPIO34_count_limit/fpwm
				GpioDataRegs.GPBTOGGLE.bit.GPIO34	= 1;	// Toggle the pin
				GPIO34_count	= 0;						// Reset the count

			flag.bit.Inverter	= 0;

	//################### INPUT AC VOLTAGE FREQUENCY MEASURE ################//
		if (V_AcInPrdCtr >= 10)
			AdcSignal.V_AcIn_Freq	= 0.8*((SYSCLK/ADC_SAMP_PRD+1)*(V_AcInPrdCtr/FreqInDivCtr)) + 0.2*(AdcSignal.V_AcIn_Freq);	// Approximate frequency over at least 10 periods
			genSlip					= 100*((AdcSignal.V_AcIn_Freq*60) - (AdcSignal.Shaft_Velocity))/(AdcSignal.V_AcIn_Freq*60);	// Calculates slip: s= 100%*((ns-nr)/ns)
			V_AcInPrdCtr			= 0	;	// }
			FreqInDivCtr			= 0	;	// } Reset counters

/*		if(SendADCResult)
			SendADCResult = 0;

			SerialSendStr("Voltage: ");
			SerialSendStr("   PWM1: ");
			SerialSendStr("   PWM2: ");


// Main
void main(void)
// Step 1. Initialize System Control:
// PLL, WatchDog, enable Peripheral Clocks
// This example function is found in the F2837xS_SysCtrl.c file.

// Step 2. Initialize GPIO:
// This example function is found in the F2837xS_Gpio.c file and
// illustrates how to set the GPIO to it's default state.
// For this example, only enable the GPIO for McBSP-A

// Step 3. Clear all interrupts and initialize PIE vector table:
// Disable CPU interrupts

// Initialize PIE control registers to their default state.
// The default state is all PIE interrupts disabled and flags
// are cleared.
// This function is found in the F2837xS_PieCtrl.c file.

// Disable CPU interrupts and clear all CPU interrupt flags:
   IER = 0x0000;
   IFR = 0x0000;

// Initialize the PIE vector table with pointers to the shell Interrupt
// Service Routines (ISR).
// This will populate the entire table, even if the interrupt
// is not used in this example.  This is useful for debug purposes.
// The shell ISR routines are found in F2837xS_DefaultIsr.c.
// This function is found in F2837xS_PieVect.c.

// Step 4. User specific code
   sdata1 = 0x55aa;
   sdata2 = 0xaa55;

// Main loop to transfer 32-bit words through MCBSP in SPI mode periodically

        // Master waits until RX data is ready
        while( McbspaRegs.SPCR1.bit.RRDY == 0 ) {}
        rdata2 = McbspaRegs.DRR2.all;   // Read DRR2 first.
        rdata1 = McbspaRegs.DRR1.all;   // Then read DRR1 to complete
                                        // receiving of data.

        // Check that correct data is received.
        if((rdata2 != sdata2)&&(rdata1 != sdata1))
            error( );



       __asm("    nop");                // Good place for a breakpoint
void main(void)
// WARNING: Always ensure you call memcpy before running any functions from RAM
// InitSysCtrl includes a call to a RAM based function and without a call to
// memcpy first, the processor will go "into the weeds"
   #ifdef _FLASH
	memcpy(&RamfuncsRunStart, &RamfuncsLoadStart, (size_t)&RamfuncsLoadSize);

// Step 1. Initialize System Control:
// PLL, WatchDog, enable Peripheral Clocks
// This example function is found in the f2802x_SysCtrl.c file.

// Step 2. Initialize GPIO:
// This example function is found in the f2802x_Gpio.c file and
// illustrates how to set the GPIO to it's default state.
// InitGpio();  // Skipped for this example

// Step 3. Clear all interrupts and initialize PIE vector table:
// Disable CPU interrupts

// Initialize the PIE control registers to their default state.
// The default state is all PIE interrupts disabled and flags
// are cleared.
// This function is found in the f2802x_PieCtrl.c file.

// Disable CPU interrupts and clear all CPU interrupt flags:
   IER = 0x0000;
   IFR = 0x0000;

// Initialize the PIE vector table with pointers to the shell Interrupt
// Service Routines (ISR).
// This will populate the entire table, even if the interrupt
// is not used in this example.  This is useful for debug purposes.
// The shell ISR routines are found in f2802x_DefaultIsr.c.
// This function is found in f2802x_PieVect.c.

// Step 4. Initialize all the Device Peripherals:
// Not required for this example

// For this example, only initialize the ePWM
// Step 5. User specific code, enable interrupts:
   UpdateFine = 1;
   PeriodFine = 0;
   status = SFO_INCOMPLETE;

   // Calling SFO() updates the HRMSTEP register with calibrated MEP_ScaleFactor.
   // HRMSTEP must be populated with a scale factor value prior to enabling
   // high resolution period control.
   while  (status== SFO_INCOMPLETE) // Call until complete
       status = SFO();
       if (status == SFO_ERROR)
           error();   // SFO function returns 2 if an error occurs & # of MEP
                      // steps/coarse step
       }              // exceeds maximum of 255.

// Some useful PWM period vs Frequency values
//  TBCLK = 60 MHz     40 MHz
//  Period   Freq      Freq
//  1000     30 KHz    20 KHz
//  800    37.5 KHz    25 KHz
//  600      50 KHz    33 KHz
//  500      60 KHz    40 KHz
//  250     120 KHz    80 KHz
//  200     150 KHz   100 KHz
//  100     300 KHz   200 KHz
//  50      600 KHz   400 KHz
//  30        1 MHz   667 KHz
//  25      1.2 MHz   800 KHz
//  20      1.5 MHz     1 MHz
//  12      2.5 MHz   1.7 MHz
//  10        3 MHz     2 MHz
//  9       3.3 MHz   2.2 MHz
//  8       3.8 MHz   2.5 MHz
//  7       4.3 MHz   2.9 MHz
//  6       5.0 MHz   3.3 MHz
//  5       6.0 MHz   4.0 MHz

// ePWM and HRPWM register initialization
   HRPWM_Config(20);        // ePWMx target
        // Sweep PeriodFine as a Q16 number from 0.2 - 0.999
        for(PeriodFine = 0x3333; PeriodFine < 0xFFBF; PeriodFine++)
            // Because auto-conversion is enabled, the desired
            // fractional period must be written directly to the
            // TBPRDHR (or TBPRDHRM) register in Q16 format
            // (lower 8-bits are ignored)

            EPwm1Regs.TBPRDHR = PeriodFine;

            // The hardware will automatically scale
            // the fractional period by the MEP_ScaleFactor
            // in the HRMSTEP register (which is updated
            // by the SFO calibration software).

            // Hardware conversion:
            // MEP delay movement = ((TBPRDHR(15:0) >> 8) *  HRMSTEP(7:0) + 0x80) >> 8

                EPwm1Regs.TBPRDHR = PeriodFine; //In Q16 format
                // No high-resolution movement on TBPRDHR.
                EPwm1Regs.TBPRDHR = 0;

            // Call the scale factor optimizer lib function SFO(0)
            // periodically to track for any change due to temp/voltage.
            // This function generates MEP_ScaleFactor by running the
            // MEP calibration module in the HRPWM logic. This scale
            // factor can be used for all HRPWM channels. HRMSTEP
            // register is automatically updated by the SFO function.

            status = SFO(); // in background, MEP calibration module continuously updates MEP_ScaleFactor
            if (status == SFO_ERROR)
                error();   // SFO function returns 2 if an error occurs & # of MEP steps/coarse step
            }              // exceeds maximum of 255.
        } // end PeriodFine for loop
    }     // end infinite for loop
}         // end main
Exemplo n.º 5
void main(void)
// Step 1. Initialize System Control:
// PLL, WatchDog, enable Peripheral Clocks
// This example function is found in the DSP2803x_SysCtrl.c file.

// Step 2. Initialize GPIO:
// This example function is found in the DSP2803x_Gpio.c file and
// illustrates how to set the GPIO to it's default state.
// InitGpio();  // Skipped for this example

// Step 3. Clear all interrupts and initialize PIE vector table:
// Disable CPU interrupts

// Initialize the PIE control registers to their default state.
// The default state is all PIE interrupts disabled and flags
// are cleared.
// This function is found in the DSP2803x_PieCtrl.c file.

// Disable CPU interrupts and clear all CPU interrupt flags:
   IER = 0x0000;
   IFR = 0x0000;

// Initialize the PIE vector table with pointers to the shell Interrupt
// Service Routines (ISR).
// This will populate the entire table, even if the interrupt
// is not used in this example.  This is useful for debug purposes.
// The shell ISR routines are found in DSP2803x_DefaultIsr.c.
// This function is found in DSP2803x_PieVect.c.

// Interrupts that are used in this example are re-mapped to
// ISR functions found within this file.
   EALLOW;  // This is needed to write to EALLOW protected registers
   PieVectTable.EPWM1_INT = &epwm1_timer_isr;
   PieVectTable.EPWM2_INT = &epwm2_timer_isr;
   PieVectTable.EPWM3_INT = &epwm3_timer_isr;
   EDIS;    // This is needed to disable write to EALLOW protected registers

// Step 4. Initialize all the Device Peripherals:
   InitEPwmTimer();    // For this example, only initialize the ePWM Timers

// Step 5. User specific code, enable interrupts:

// Copy time critical code and Flash setup code to RAM
// This includes the following ISR functions: epwm1_timer_isr(), epwm2_timer_isr()
// epwm3_timer_isr and and InitFlash();
// The  RamfuncsLoadStart, RamfuncsLoadEnd, and RamfuncsRunStart
// symbols are created by the linker.
   memcpy((uint16_t *)&RamfuncsRunStart,(uint16_t *)&RamfuncsLoadStart, (unsigned long)&RamfuncsLoadSize);

// Call Flash Initialization to setup flash waitstates
// This function must reside in RAM

// Initialize counters:
   EPwm1TimerIntCount = 0;
   EPwm2TimerIntCount = 0;
   EPwm3TimerIntCount = 0;
   LoopCount = 0;

// Enable CPU INT3 which is connected to EPWM1-3 INT:
   IER |= M_INT3;

// Enable EPWM INTn in the PIE: Group 3 interrupt 1-3
   PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER3.bit.INTx1 = PWM1_INT_ENABLE;
   PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER3.bit.INTx2 = PWM2_INT_ENABLE;
   PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER3.bit.INTx3 = PWM3_INT_ENABLE;

// Enable global Interrupts and higher priority real-time debug events:
   EINT;   // Enable Global interrupt INTM
   ERTM;   // Enable Global realtime interrupt DBGM

// Step 6. IDLE loop. Just sit and loop forever (optional):
   GpioCtrlRegs.GPBMUX1.bit.GPIO34 = 0;
   GpioCtrlRegs.GPBDIR.bit.GPIO34 = 1;

       // This loop will be interrupted, so the overall
       // delay between pin toggles will be longer.
       GpioDataRegs.GPBTOGGLE.bit.GPIO34 = 1;