void UIpConnection::InitLocalConnection(UNetDriver* InDriver, class FSocket* InSocket, const FURL& InURL, EConnectionState InState, int32 InMaxPacket, int32 InPacketOverhead)
	InitBase(InDriver, InSocket, InURL, InState, 
		// Use the default packet size/overhead unless overridden by a child class
		(InMaxPacket == 0 || InMaxPacket > MAX_PACKET_SIZE) ? MAX_PACKET_SIZE : InMaxPacket,
		InPacketOverhead == 0 ? UDP_HEADER_SIZE : InPacketOverhead);

	// Figure out IP address from the host URL
	bool bIsValid = false;
	// Get numerical address directly.
	RemoteAddr = InDriver->GetSocketSubsystem()->CreateInternetAddr();
	RemoteAddr->SetIp(*InURL.Host, bIsValid);

	// Try to resolve it if it failed
	if (bIsValid == false)
		// Create thread to resolve the address.
		ResolveInfo = InDriver->GetSocketSubsystem()->GetHostByName(TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*InURL.Host));
		if (ResolveInfo == NULL)
			UE_LOG(LogNet, Verbose, TEXT("IpConnection::InitConnection: Unable to resolve %s"), *InURL.Host);

	// Initialize our send bunch
Exemplo n.º 2
void UDemoNetConnection::InitConnection( UNetDriver* InDriver, EConnectionState InState, const FURL& InURL, int32 InConnectionSpeed )
	// default implementation
	Super::InitConnection( InDriver, InState, InURL, InConnectionSpeed );


	// the driver must be a DemoRecording driver (GetDriver makes assumptions to avoid Cast'ing each time)
	check( InDriver->IsA( UDemoNetDriver::StaticClass() ) );
Exemplo n.º 3
void UDemoNetConnection::FlushNet( bool bIgnoreSimulation )
	// in playback, there is no data to send except
	// channel closing if an error occurs.
	if ( GetDriver()->ServerConnection != NULL )
		Super::FlushNet( bIgnoreSimulation );
void UIpConnection::InitRemoteConnection(UNetDriver* InDriver, class FSocket* InSocket, const FURL& InURL, const class FInternetAddr& InRemoteAddr, EConnectionState InState, int32 InMaxPacket, int32 InPacketOverhead)
	InitBase(InDriver, InSocket, InURL, InState, 
		// Use the default packet size/overhead unless overridden by a child class
		(InMaxPacket == 0 || InMaxPacket > MAX_PACKET_SIZE) ? MAX_PACKET_SIZE : InMaxPacket,
		InPacketOverhead == 0 ? UDP_HEADER_SIZE : InPacketOverhead);

	// Copy the remote IPAddress passed in
	bool bIsValid = false;
	FString IpAddrStr = InRemoteAddr.ToString(false);
	RemoteAddr = InDriver->GetSocketSubsystem()->CreateInternetAddr();
	RemoteAddr->SetIp(*IpAddrStr, bIsValid);

	URL.Host = RemoteAddr->ToString(false);

	// Initialize our send bunch

	// This is for a client that needs to log in, setup ClientLoginState and ExpectedClientLoginMsgType to reflect that
	SetClientLoginState( EClientLoginState::LoggingIn );
	SetExpectedClientLoginMsgType( NMT_Hello );