Exemplo n.º 1
void InsertCommandString(
  void *theEnv,
  const char *str,
  unsigned int position)
   CommandLineData(theEnv)->CommandString = 
Exemplo n.º 2
void CPlaceInternalPunct::OnButtonPlace(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
	long nStart;
	long nEnd;
	//int len = m_tgtPhrase.Length();
	// BEW 5Mar15 comment out this test and message. Working with Sally Barton in Canberra it was
	// a problem, she had a single word translation and the source text was 3 words with comma after
	// the first word, and this test prevented comma placement at the end of the single world. It's 
	// better to allow the placement be anywhere, and if at the end and there is stored ending punctuation
	// which is different, the placed one is given preference - that's consistent with how things behave
	// elsewhere in the app, so that's what we do now
	//if (nEnd > len || nEnd < 0 || nEnd == 0 || nEnd == len )
	//	wxMessageBox(_("Sorry, within this dialog it is an error to place phrase medial punctuation at the beginning or end of a phrase."),_T(""), wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK);
	//	return;

	// must not allow a selection to cause loss of data, so to be safe
	// we remove any selection the user might have left in the box
	if (nEnd != nStart)
		nStart = nEnd;
	int strLen = 1; // default - we place something!

	if (m_pListPunctsBox->GetCount() == 0)
		nEnd = 0;
		goto a;

		if (!ListBoxPassesSanityCheck((wxControlWithItems*)m_pListPunctsBox))
			// message can be in English, it's never likely to occur
			wxMessageBox(_T("List box error when getting the current selection, Adaptit will do nothing."),
				_T(""), wxICON_EXCLAMATION | wxOK);

		int nSel;
		nSel = m_pListPunctsBox->GetSelection();
		//if (nSel == -1) //LB_ERR 
		//	// message can be in English, it's never likely to occur
		//	wxMessageBox(_T("List box error when getting the current selection, Adaptit will do nothing."),
		//		_T(""), wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
		//	return;

		// get the selected string
		wxString str;
		str = m_pListPunctsBox->GetStringSelection(); // the list box punctuation at wherever selection is
		wxString target = m_tgtPhrase; // copy of the box's string
		if (m_pListPunctsBox->GetCount() > 0)
			m_pListPunctsBox->SetSelection(0,TRUE); // get the next one ready for placing
		strLen = str.Length();

		// put the punctuation at the cursor location & update the dialog
		target = InsertInString(target,(int)nEnd,str);
		m_tgtPhrase = target;

a:	m_ptgtPhraseBox->SetValue(m_tgtPhrase); // keep the box contents agreeing with the modified string