Exemplo n.º 1
  void GaussModel::setSamples()
    LinearInterpolation::container_type & data = interpolation_.getData();
    if (max_ == min_)

    data.reserve(UInt((max_ - min_) / interpolation_step_ + 1));
    CoordinateType pos = min_;
    for (UInt i = 0; pos < max_; ++i)
      pos = min_ + i * interpolation_step_;
    // scale data so that integral over distribution equals one
    // multiply sum by interpolation_step_ -> rectangular approximation of integral
    IntensityType factor = scaling_ / interpolation_step_ /
                           std::accumulate(data.begin(), data.end(), IntensityType(0));

    for (LinearInterpolation::container_type::iterator it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it)
      *it *= factor;
Exemplo n.º 2
  void IsotopeModel::setSamples(const EmpiricalFormula & formula)
    typedef std::vector<DoubleReal> ContainerType;
    ContainerType isotopes_exact;

    isotope_distribution_ = formula.getIsotopeDistribution(max_isotope_);


    // compute the average mass (-offset)
    CoordinateType isotopes_mean = 0;
    Int i = 0;
    for (IsotopeDistribution::iterator iter = isotope_distribution_.begin();
         iter != isotope_distribution_.end(); ++iter, ++i)
      isotopes_mean += iter->second * i;
    isotopes_mean *= isotope_distance_ / charge_;
    // (Need not divide by sum of probabilities, which is 1.)

    // "stretch" the averagine isotope distribution (so we can add datapoints between isotope peaks)
    size_t isotopes_exact_size = isotopes_exact.size();
    isotopes_exact.resize(size_t((isotopes_exact_size - 1) * isotope_distance_ / interpolation_step_ + 1.6)); // round up a bit more

    for (Size i = isotopes_exact_size - 1; i; --i)
      // we don't need to move the 0-th entry
      isotopes_exact[size_t(CoordinateType(i) * isotope_distance_ / interpolation_step_ / charge_ + 0.5)]
        =   isotopes_exact[i];
      isotopes_exact[i] = 0;

    // compute the Gaussian/Cauchy distribution (to be added for widening the averagine isotope distribution)
    ContainerType peak_shape_values_y;
    // fill a container with CoordinateType points (x values)
    CoordinateType peak_width = 0.0;
    if (param_.getValue("isotope:mode:mode") == "Gaussian")
      // Actual width for values in the smooth table for normal distribution
      peak_width = isotope_stdev_ * 4.0;  // MAGIC alert, num stdev for smooth table for normal distribution
      ContainerType peak_shape_values_x;
      for (DoubleReal coord = -peak_width; coord <= peak_width;
           coord += interpolation_step_)
      // compute normal approximation at these CoordinateType points (y values)
      Math::BasicStatistics<> normal_widening_model;
      normal_widening_model.setVariance(isotope_stdev_ * isotope_stdev_);
      normal_widening_model.normalApproximation(peak_shape_values_y, peak_shape_values_x);
    else if (param_.getValue("isotope:mode:mode") == "Lorentzian")
      peak_width = isotope_lorentz_fwhm_ * 8.0; // MAGIC alert: Lorentzian has infinite support, but we need to stop sampling at some point: 8*FWHM
      for (DoubleReal coord = -peak_width; coord <= peak_width;
           coord += interpolation_step_)
        boost::math::cauchy_distribution<double> cauchy(0., isotope_lorentz_fwhm_ / 2.0);
        double x = boost::math::pdf(cauchy, coord);
        //double y = gsl_ran_cauchy_pdf(coord, isotope_lorentz_fwhm_/2.0);
        peak_shape_values_y.push_back(x); //cauchy is using HWHM not FWHM

    // fold the Gaussian/Lorentzian at each averagine peak, i.e. fill linear interpolation
    const ContainerType & left = isotopes_exact;
    const ContainerType & right = peak_shape_values_y;
    ContainerType & result = interpolation_.getData();

    SignedSize r_max = std::min(SignedSize(left.size() + right.size() - 1),
                                SignedSize(2 * peak_width / interpolation_step_ * max_isotope_ + 1));
    result.resize(r_max, 0);

    // we loop backwards because then the small products tend to come first
    // (for better numerics)
    for (SignedSize i = left.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
      if (left[i] == 0)
      for (SignedSize j = std::min(r_max - i, SignedSize(right.size())) - 1; j >= 0; --j)
        result[i + j] += left[i] * right[j];

    monoisotopic_mz_ = mean_ - isotopes_mean;
    interpolation_.setMapping(interpolation_step_, peak_width / interpolation_step_, monoisotopic_mz_);

    //std::cerr << "mono now: " << monoisotopic_mz_ << " mono easy: " << formula.getMonoWeight()/formula.getCharge() << "\n";

    // scale data so that integral over distribution equals one
    // multiply sum by interpolation_step_ -> rectangular approximation of integral
    IntensityType factor = scaling_ / (interpolation_step_ * std::accumulate(result.begin(), result.end(), IntensityType(0)));
    for (ContainerType::iterator iter = result.begin(); iter != result.end(); ++iter)
      *iter *= factor;
Exemplo n.º 3
  void ExtendedIsotopeModel::setSamples()
    // MAGIC alert, num stdev for smooth table for normal distribution
    CoordinateType normal_widening_num_stdev = 4.;
    // Actual width for values in the smooth table for normal distribution
    CoordinateType normal_widening_width = isotope_stdev_ * normal_widening_num_stdev;

    typedef std::vector<double> ContainerType;
    ContainerType isotopes_exact;
    CoordinateType mass = monoisotopic_mz_ * charge_;

    Int C_num = Int(0.5 + mass * averagine_[C]);
    Int N_num = Int(0.5 + mass * averagine_[N]);
    Int O_num = Int(0.5 + mass * averagine_[O]);
    Int H_num = Int(0.5 + mass * averagine_[H]);
    Int S_num = Int(0.5 + mass * averagine_[S]);

    String form("");
    if (C_num)
    if (H_num)
    if (N_num)
    if (O_num)
    if (S_num)

    EmpiricalFormula formula(form);
    IsotopeDistribution isotope_distribution = formula.getIsotopeDistribution(CoarseIsotopePatternGenerator(max_isotope_));

    // compute the average mass (-offset)
    for (IsotopeDistribution::iterator iter = isotope_distribution.begin(); iter != isotope_distribution.end(); ++iter)

    // "stretch" the averagine isotope distribution
    Size isotopes_exact_size = isotopes_exact.size();
    isotopes_exact.resize(Size((isotopes_exact_size - 1)
                               * isotope_distance_ / interpolation_step_ + 1.6));                             // round up a bit more

    for (Size i = isotopes_exact_size - 1; i; --i)
      // we don't need to move the 0-th entry
      isotopes_exact[Size(CoordinateType(i) *
                          isotope_distance_ / interpolation_step_ / charge_ + 0.5)]
        =   isotopes_exact[i];
      isotopes_exact[i] = 0;

    // compute the normal distribution (to be added for widening the averagine isotope distribution)
    Math::BasicStatistics<> normal_widening_model;
    normal_widening_model.setVariance(isotope_stdev_ * isotope_stdev_);
    // fill a container with CoordinateType points
    ContainerType normal_widening_coordinate;
    for (double coord = -normal_widening_width;
         coord <= normal_widening_width;
         coord += interpolation_step_
    // compute normal approximation at these CoordinateType points
    ContainerType normal_widening;
    normal_widening_model.normalApproximation(normal_widening, normal_widening_coordinate);

    // fill linear interpolation
    const ContainerType & left = isotopes_exact;
    const ContainerType & right = normal_widening;
    ContainerType & result = interpolation_.getData();

    Int rMax = std::min(Int(left.size() + right.size() - 1), Int(2 * normal_widening_width / interpolation_step_ * max_isotope_ + 1));
    result.resize(rMax, 0);

    // we loop backwards because then the small products tend to come first
    // (for better numerics)
    for (SignedSize i = left.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
      if (left[i] == 0)
      for (SignedSize j = std::min<SignedSize>(rMax - i, right.size()) - 1; j >= 0; --j)
        result[i + j] += left[i] * right[j];

    // set interpolation
    interpolation_.setMapping(interpolation_step_, normal_widening_width / interpolation_step_, monoisotopic_mz_);

    // scale data so that integral over distribution equals one
    // multiply sum by interpolation_step_ -> rectangular approximation of integral
    IntensityType factor = scaling_ / interpolation_step_ /
                           std::accumulate(result.begin(), result.end(), IntensityType(0));

    for (ContainerType::iterator iter = result.begin(); iter != result.end(); ++iter)
      *iter *= factor;
