Exemplo n.º 1
// Scalar array utilities
epics::pvData::ScalarType ConversionUtility::getScalarArrayElementType(epics::pvData::PVStructurePtr pvStructurePtr, const std::string& key)
    epics::pvData::PVFieldPtr pvFieldPtr = pvStructurePtr->getSubField(key);
    if (!pvFieldPtr) {
        throw InvalidRequest("Object does not have scalar array field " + key);
    epics::pvData::FieldConstPtr fieldPtr = pvFieldPtr->getField();
    epics::pvData::Type type = fieldPtr->getType();
    if (type != epics::pvData::scalarArray) {
        throw InvalidRequest("Object does not have scalar array field " + key);
    epics::pvData::ScalarArrayConstPtr scalarArrayPtr = std::tr1::static_pointer_cast<const epics::pvData::ScalarArray>(fieldPtr);
    scalarType = scalarArrayPtr->getElementType();
    return scalarType;
Exemplo n.º 2
   // Dump the overhead information to the given output stream.
   // @throw Invalid Request if the required data has not been stored.
   void GPSEphemeris::dumpHeader(std::ostream& os) const
      try {
         // copy from OrbitEph::dumpHeader() ...
            GPSTK_THROW(InvalidRequest("Data not loaded"));

         os << "****************************************************************"
            << "************" << endl
            << "Broadcast Orbit Ephemeris of class " << getName() << endl;
         os << "Satellite: " << SatID::convertSatelliteSystemToString(satID.system)
            << " " << setfill('0') << setw(2) << satID.id << setfill(' ');

         // ... and add this for GPS
         os << " SVN ";
         SVNumXRef svNumXRef; 
         try {
            os << svNumXRef.getNAVSTAR(satID.id, ctToe );
         catch(NoNAVSTARNumberFound) {
            os << "Unknown";
         os << endl;
      catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
Exemplo n.º 3
 // Dump the overhead information as a string containing a single line.
 // @throw Invalid Request if the required data has not been stored.
 string GalEphemeris::asString(void) const
       GPSTK_THROW(InvalidRequest("Data not loaded"));
    try {
       ostringstream os;
       CivilTime ct;
       os << "EPH E" << setfill('0') << setw(2) << satID.id << setfill(' ');
       ct = CivilTime(beginValid);
       os << printTime(ct," | %4Y %3j %02H:%02M:%02S |");
       ct = CivilTime(ctToe);
       os << printTime(ct," %3j %02H:%02M:%02S |");
       ct = CivilTime(ctToc);
       os << printTime(ct," %3j %02H:%02M:%02S |");
       ct = CivilTime(endValid);
       os << printTime(ct," %3j %02H:%02M:%02S |");
       ct = CivilTime(transmitTime);
       os << printTime(ct," %3j %02H:%02M:%02S | ");
       os << setw(3) << IODnav;
          //<< " | " << fixed << setprecision(2) << getAccuracy()
       os << " | 0x" << hex << setw(3) <<setfill('0')<< health <<dec<<setfill(' ');
       os << " | "
          << ((datasources & 0x5) ? "E15b" : "")       // 1 or 4
          << ((datasources & 0x2) ? "E5a " : "")
          //<< ((datasources & 0x4) ? "E5b " : "")
          << ((datasources & 0x100) ? " a1" : "")
          << ((datasources & 0x200) ? " b1" : "")
          << " |";
       return os.str();
    catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e);
Exemplo n.º 4
PvObject PvObject::getUnion(const std::string& key) const
    epics::pvData::PVUnionPtr pvUnionPtr = PyPvDataUtility::getUnionField(key, pvStructurePtr);
    std::string fieldName = pvUnionPtr->getSelectedFieldName();
    if (!fieldName.size()) {
        throw InvalidRequest("No field has been selected for union %s.", key.c_str());
    return PvObject(PyPvDataUtility::createUnionPvStructure(pvUnionPtr, fieldName));
Exemplo n.º 5
static void PerformRequest(void)
    char *method = getenv("REQUEST_METHOD");
    char *role = getenv("FCGI_ROLE");
    char *scriptName = PathTail(getenv("SCRIPT_NAME"));
    char *parent = "";
    char *op = QueryLookup(getenv("QUERY_STRING"), "op");
    char *item = QueryLookup(getenv("QUERY_STRING"), "item");
    char *userId =  getenv("SI_UID");
    if(userId == NULL) {
        InvalidRequest("405", "Incorrect configuration, no user id");
        goto done;
    } else {
    if(!strcmp(role, "RESPONDER")) {
        if(strcmp(method, "GET")) {
            InvalidRequest("405", "Only GET Method Allowed");
        } else if(op == NULL || !strcmp(op, OP_DISPLAY_STORE)) {
            DisplayStore(scriptName, parent, userId, fcgiProcessId);
	} else if(!strcmp(op, OP_ADD_ITEM)) {
            AddItemToCart(scriptName, parent, userId, fcgiProcessId, item);
	} else if(!strcmp(op, OP_DISPLAY_CART)) {
            DisplayCart(scriptName, parent, userId, fcgiProcessId);
	} else if(!strcmp(op, OP_REMOVE_ITEM)) {
            RemoveItemFromCart(scriptName, parent, userId, fcgiProcessId, item);
	} else if(!strcmp(op, OP_PURCHASE)) {
            Purchase(scriptName, parent, userId, fcgiProcessId);
	} else {
            InvalidRequest("404", "Invalid 'op' argument");
    } else if(!strcmp(role, "AUTHORIZER")) {
    } else {
        InvalidRequest("404", "Invalid FastCGI Role");
Exemplo n.º 6
 // Dump the overhead information as a string containing a single line.
 // @throw Invalid Request if the required data has not been stored.
 string GPSEphemeris::asString(void) const
       GPSTK_THROW(InvalidRequest("Data not loaded"));
    try {
       ostringstream os;
       CivilTime ct;
       os << "EPH G" << setfill('0') << setw(2) << satID.id << setfill(' ');
       ct = CivilTime(beginValid);
       os << printTime(ct," | %4Y %3j %02H:%02M:%02S |");
       ct = CivilTime(ctToe);
       os << printTime(ct," %3j %02H:%02M:%02S |");
       ct = CivilTime(ctToc);
       os << printTime(ct," %3j %02H:%02M:%02S |");
       ct = CivilTime(endValid);
       os << printTime(ct," %3j %02H:%02M:%02S |");
       ct = CivilTime(transmitTime);
       os << printTime(ct," %3j %02H:%02M:%02S | ");
       os << setw(3) << IODE << " | " << setw(3) << IODC << " | " << health;
       return os.str();
    catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e);
Exemplo n.º 7
   //  BDS is different in that some satellites are in GEO orbits.
   //  According to the ICD, the 
   //  SV position derivation for MEO and IGSO is identical to 
   //  that for other kepler+perturbation systems (e.g. GPS); however,
   //  the position derivation for the GEO SVs is different.
   //  According to the ICD, the GEO SVs are those with PRNs 1-5.
   //  The following method overrides OrbitEph.svXvt( ).  It uses
   //  OrbitEph::svXvt( ) for PRNs above 5, but implements a different
   //  algorithm for PRNs 1-5.
   Xvt BDSEphemeris::svXvt(const CommonTime& t) const
         GPSTK_THROW(InvalidRequest("Data not loaded"));
         // If the PRN ID is greatet than 5, assume this
         // is a MEO or IGSO SV and use the standard OrbitEph
         // version of svXvt
      if (satID.id>5) return(OrbitEph::svXvt(t));

         // If PRN ID is in the range 1-5, treat this as a GEO
         // The initial calculations are identical to the standard
         // Kepler+preturbation model
      Xvt sv;
      double ea;              // eccentric anomaly
      double delea;           // delta eccentric anomaly during iteration
      double elapte;          // elapsed time since Toe
      //double elaptc;          // elapsed time since Toc
      //double dtc,dtr;
      double q,sinea,cosea;
      double GSTA,GCTA;
      double amm;
      double meana;           // mean anomaly
      double F,G;             // temporary real variables
      double alat,talat,c2al,s2al,du,dr,di,U,R,truea,AINC;
      double ANLON,cosu,sinu,xip,yip,can,san,cinc,sinc;
      double dek,dlk,div,duv,drv;
      double dxp,dyp;
      double xGK,yGK,zGK;

      WGS84Ellipsoid ell;
      double sqrtgm = SQRT(ell.gm());
      double twoPI = 2.0e0 * PI;
      double lecc;            // eccentricity
      double tdrinc;          // dt inclination
      double Ahalf = SQRT(A); // A is semi-major axis of orbit
      double ToeSOW = GPSWeekSecond(ctToe).sow;    // SOW is time-system-independent

      lecc = ecc;
      tdrinc = idot;

      // Compute time since ephemeris & clock epochs
      elapte = t - ctToe;

      // Compute mean motion
      amm  = (sqrtgm / (A*Ahalf)) + dn;

      // In-plane angles
      //     meana - Mean anomaly
      //     ea    - Eccentric anomaly
      //     truea - True anomaly
      meana = M0 + elapte * amm;
      meana = fmod(meana, twoPI);
      ea = meana + lecc * ::sin(meana);

      int loop_cnt = 1;
      do  {
         F = meana - (ea - lecc * ::sin(ea));
         G = 1.0 - lecc * ::cos(ea);
         delea = F/G;
         ea = ea + delea;
      } while ((fabs(delea) > 1.0e-11) && (loop_cnt <= 20));

      // Compute clock corrections
      sv.relcorr = svRelativity(t);
      sv.clkbias = svClockBias(t);
      sv.clkdrift = svClockDrift(t);
      sv.frame = ReferenceFrame::WGS84;

      // Compute true anomaly
      q     = SQRT(1.0e0 - lecc*lecc);
      sinea = ::sin(ea);
      cosea = ::cos(ea);
      G     = 1.0e0 - lecc * cosea;

      //  G*SIN(TA) AND G*COS(TA)
      GSTA  = q * sinea;
      GCTA  = cosea - lecc;

      //  True anomaly
      truea = atan2 (GSTA, GCTA);

      // Argument of lat and correction terms (2nd harmonic)
      alat  = truea + w;
      talat = 2.0e0 * alat;
      c2al  = ::cos(talat);
      s2al  = ::sin(talat);

      du  = c2al * Cuc +  s2al * Cus;
      dr  = c2al * Crc +  s2al * Crs;
      di  = c2al * Cic +  s2al * Cis;

      // U = updated argument of lat, R = radius, AINC = inclination
      U    = alat + du;
      R    = A*G  + dr;
      AINC = i0 + tdrinc * elapte  +  di;

      // At this point, the ICD formulation diverges to something 
      // different. 
      //  Longitude of ascending node (ANLON)
      ANLON = OMEGA0 + OMEGAdot * elapte
                     - ell.angVelocity() * ToeSOW;

      // In plane location
      cosu = ::cos(U);
      sinu = ::sin(U);
      xip  = R * cosu;
      yip  = R * sinu;

      //  Angles for rotation
      can  = ::cos(ANLON);
      san  = ::sin(ANLON);
      cinc = ::cos(AINC);
      sinc = ::sin(AINC);

      // GEO satellite coordinates in user-defined inertial system
      xGK  =  xip*can  -  yip*cinc*san;
      yGK  =  xip*san  +  yip*cinc*can;
      zGK  =              yip*sinc;

      // Rz matrix
      double angleZ = ell.angVelocity() * elapte;
      double cosZ = ::cos(angleZ);
      double sinZ = ::sin(angleZ); 

         // Initiailize 3X3 with all 0.0
      gpstk::Matrix<double> matZ(3,3); 
      // Row,Col
      matZ(0,0) =  cosZ;
      matZ(0,1) =  sinZ;
      matZ(0,2) =   0.0;
      matZ(1,0) = -sinZ;
      matZ(1,1) =  cosZ; 
      matZ(1,2) =   0.0;
      matZ(2,0) =   0.0;
      matZ(2,1) =   0.0;
      matZ(2,2) =   1.0; 

      // Rx matrix
      double angleX = -5.0 * PI/180.0;    /// This is a constant.  Should set it once
      double cosX = ::cos(angleX);
      double sinX = ::sin(angleX); 
      gpstk::Matrix<double> matX(3,3);
      matX(0,0) =   1.0;
      matX(0,1) =   0.0;
      matX(0,2) =   0.0;
      matX(1,0) =   0.0;
      matX(1,1) =  cosX;
      matX(1,2) =  sinX;
      matX(2,0) =   0.0;
      matX(2,1) = -sinX;
      matX(2,2) =  cosX;

      // Matrix (single column) of xGK, yGK, zGK
      gpstk::Matrix<double> inertialPos(3,1);
      inertialPos(0,0) = xGK;
      inertialPos(1,0) = yGK;
      inertialPos(2,0) = zGK;

      gpstk::Matrix<double> result(3,1);
      result = matZ * matX * inertialPos;

      sv.x[0] = result(0,0);
      sv.x[1] = result(1,0);
      sv.x[2] = result(2,0);

      // derivatives of true anamoly and arg of latitude
      dek = amm / G; 
      dlk =  Ahalf * q * sqrtgm / (R*R);

      // in-plane, cross-plane, and radial derivatives
      div = tdrinc - 2.0e0 * dlk * (Cis  * c2al - Cic * s2al);
      duv = dlk*(1.e0+ 2.e0 * (Cus*c2al - Cuc*s2al));
      drv = A * lecc * dek * sinea + 2.e0 * dlk * (Crs * c2al - Crc * s2al);

      dxp = drv*cosu - R*sinu*duv;
      dyp = drv*sinu + R*cosu*duv;

      // Time-derivative of Rz matrix
      gpstk::Matrix<double> dmatZ(3,3);
      // Row,Col
      dmatZ(0,0) =  sinZ * -ell.angVelocity();
      dmatZ(0,1) = -cosZ * -ell.angVelocity();
      dmatZ(0,2) =   0.0;
      dmatZ(1,0) =  cosZ * -ell.angVelocity();
      dmatZ(1,1) =  sinZ * -ell.angVelocity();
      dmatZ(1,2) =   0.0;
      dmatZ(2,0) =   0.0;
      dmatZ(2,1) =   0.0;
      dmatZ(2,2) =   0.0;

      // Time-derivative of X,Y,Z in interial form
      gpstk::Matrix<double> dIntPos(3,1);
      dIntPos(0,0) = - xip * san * OMEGAdot
                     + dxp * can
                     - yip * (cinc * can * OMEGAdot
                             -sinc * san * div )
                     - dyp * cinc * san;
      dIntPos(1,0) =   xip * can * OMEGAdot
                     + dxp * san
                     - yip * (cinc * san * OMEGAdot
                             +sinc * can * div )
                     + dyp * cinc * can;
      dIntPos(2,0) = yip * cinc * div + dyp * sinc;

      cout << "dIntPos : " << dIntPos(0,0) 
                           << ", " << dIntPos(1,0)
                           << ", " << dIntPos(2,0) << endl;
      double vMag = ::sqrt(dIntPos(0,0)*dIntPos(0,0) + 
                           dIntPos(1,0)*dIntPos(1,0) +                    
                           dIntPos(2,0)*dIntPos(2,0) );
      cout << " dIntPos Mag: " << vMag << endl;     
      cout << "dmatZ : " << dmatZ(0,0) 
                   << ", " << dmatZ(0,1)
                   << ", " << dmatZ(0,2) << endl; 
      cout << "dmatZ : " << dmatZ(1,0) 
                   << ", " << dmatZ(1,1)
                   << ", " << dmatZ(1,2) << endl; 
      cout << "dmatZ : " << dmatZ(2,0) 
                   << ", " << dmatZ(2,1)
                   << ", " << dmatZ(2,2) << endl; 
      gpstk::Matrix<double> vresult(3,1);
      vresult =  matZ * matX * dIntPos + 
                dmatZ * matX * inertialPos;

      /* debug
      gpstk::Matrix<double> firstHalf(3,1);
      firstHalf = matZ * matX * dIntPos;
      gpstk::Matrix<double> secondHalf(3,1);
      secondHalf = dmatZ * matX * inertialPos;

      cout << "firstHalf: " << firstHalf(0,0)
                    << ", " << firstHalf(1,0)
                    << ", " << firstHalf(2,0) << endl;
      cout << "secondHalf: " << secondHalf(0,0)
                    << ", " << secondHalf(1,0)
                    << ", " << secondHalf(2,0) << endl;
      end debug */
      // Move results into output variables
      sv.v[0] = vresult(0,0);
      sv.v[1] = vresult(1,0);
      sv.v[2] = vresult(2,0);
      return sv;
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// This function returns the health status of the SV. OrbitEph has no health
 /// information, so it returns true; however the derived class should override
 /// this function, computing a meaningful health.
 virtual bool isHealthy(void) const
    if(!dataLoadedFlag) GPSTK_THROW(InvalidRequest("Data not loaded"));
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// adjustBeginningValidity determines the beginValid and endValid times.
 /// In OrbitEph it simply assumes a 4-hour fit interval; however the derived
 /// class should override this function, using an appropriate fit interval.
 /// @throw Invalid Request if the required data has not been stored.
 virtual void adjustValidity(void)
    if(!dataLoadedFlag) GPSTK_THROW(InvalidRequest("Data not loaded"));
    beginValid = ctToe - 7200.0;
    endValid = ctToe + 7200.0;