Exemplo n.º 1
DsrRreqHeaderTest::DoRun ()
  dsr::DsrOptionRreqHeader h;
  std::vector<Ipv4Address> nodeList;
  nodeList.push_back (Ipv4Address (""));
  nodeList.push_back (Ipv4Address (""));
  nodeList.push_back (Ipv4Address (""));

  h.SetTarget (Ipv4Address (""));
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (h.GetTarget (), Ipv4Address (""), "trivial");
  h.SetNodesAddress (nodeList);
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (h.GetNodeAddress (0), Ipv4Address (""), "trivial");
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (h.GetNodeAddress (1), Ipv4Address (""), "trivial");
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (h.GetNodeAddress (2), Ipv4Address (""), "trivial");
  h.SetId (1);
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (h.GetId (), 1, "trivial");

  Ptr<Packet> p = Create<Packet> ();
  dsr::DsrRoutingHeader header;
  header.AddDsrOption (h);
  p->AddHeader (header);
  p->RemoveAtStart (8);
  dsr::DsrOptionRreqHeader h2;
  h2.SetNumberAddress (3);
  uint32_t bytes = p->RemoveHeader (h2);
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (bytes, 20, "Total RREP is 20 bytes long");
IpcsClassifierRecord::IpcsClassifierRecord (void)
  m_priority = 255;
  m_priority = 0;
  m_index = 0;
  m_tosLow = 0;
  m_tosHigh = 0;
  m_tosMask = 0;
  m_cid = 0;
  m_protocol.push_back (6); // tcp
  m_protocol.push_back (17); // udp
  AddSrcAddr (Ipv4Address (""), Ipv4Mask (""));
  AddDstAddr (Ipv4Address (""), Ipv4Mask (""));
  AddSrcPortRange (0, 65535);
  AddDstPortRange (0, 65535);
Ipv4AddressHelper::NewNetwork (void)
  m_address = m_base;
  return Ipv4Address (m_network << m_shift);
Exemplo n.º 4
std::pair<Ipv4Address, uint16_t> TcpConnection::getPeerAddressAndPort() {
  sockaddr_in address;
  int size = sizeof(address);
  if (getpeername(connection, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&address), &size) != 0) {
    throw std::runtime_error("TcpConnection::getPeerAddress, getpeername failed, result=" + std::to_string(WSAGetLastError()));

  assert(size == sizeof(sockaddr_in));
  return std::make_pair(Ipv4Address(htonl(address.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr)), htons(address.sin_port));
Exemplo n.º 5
std::pair<Ipv4Address, uint16_t> TcpConnection::getPeerAddressAndPort() const {
  sockaddr_in addr;
  socklen_t size = sizeof(addr);
  if (getpeername(connection, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&addr), &size) != 0) {
    throw std::runtime_error("TcpConnection::getPeerAddress, getpeername failed, " + lastErrorMessage());

  assert(size == sizeof(sockaddr_in));
  return std::make_pair(Ipv4Address(htonl(addr.sin_addr.s_addr)), htons(addr.sin_port));
Exemplo n.º 6
DsrAckHeaderTest::DoRun ()
  dsr::DsrOptionAckHeader h;

  h.SetRealSrc (Ipv4Address (""));
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (h.GetRealSrc (), Ipv4Address (""), "trivial");
  h.SetRealDst (Ipv4Address (""));
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (h.GetRealDst (), Ipv4Address (""), "trivial");
  h.SetAckId (1);
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (h.GetAckId (), 1, "trivial");

  Ptr<Packet> p = Create<Packet> ();
  dsr::DsrRoutingHeader header;
  header.AddDsrOption (h);
  p->AddHeader (header);
  p->RemoveAtStart (8);
  p->AddHeader (header);
  dsr::DsrOptionAckHeader h2;
  p->RemoveAtStart (8);
  uint32_t bytes = p->RemoveHeader (h2);
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (bytes, 12, "Total RREP is 12 bytes long");
Exemplo n.º 7
P2pNode::P2pNode(const P2pNodeConfig& cfg, Dispatcher& dispatcher, Logging::ILogger& log, const Crypto::Hash& genesisHash, PeerIdType peerId) :
  logger(log, "P2pNode:" + std::to_string(cfg.getBindPort())),
  m_genesisPayload(CORE_SYNC_DATA{ 1, genesisHash }),
  m_queueEvent(dispatcher) {
  m_listener = TcpListener(m_dispatcher, Ipv4Address(m_cfg.getBindIp()), m_cfg.getBindPort());
  for (auto& peer : cfg.getPeers()) {
Exemplo n.º 8
P2pNode::ContextPtr P2pNode::tryToConnectPeer(const NetworkAddress& address) {
  try {
    TcpConnector connector(m_dispatcher);
    TcpConnection tcpConnection;

    doWithTimeoutAndThrow(m_dispatcher, m_cfg.getConnectTimeout(), [&] {
      tcpConnection = connector.connect(

    logger(DEBUGGING) << "connection established to " << address;

    return ContextPtr(new P2pContext(m_dispatcher, std::move(tcpConnection), false, address, m_cfg.getTimedSyncInterval(), getGenesisPayload()));
  } catch (std::exception& e) {
    logger(DEBUGGING) << "Connection to " << address << " failed: " << e.what();

  return ContextPtr();
Exemplo n.º 9
void P2pNode::tryPing(P2pContext& ctx) {
  if (ctx.getPeerId() == m_myPeerId || !m_peerlist.is_ip_allowed(ctx.getRemoteAddress().ip) || ctx.getPeerPort() == 0) {

  NetworkAddress peerAddress;
  peerAddress.ip = ctx.getRemoteAddress().ip;
  peerAddress.port = ctx.getPeerPort();

  try {
    TcpConnector connector(m_dispatcher);
    TcpConnection connection;

    doWithTimeoutAndThrow(m_dispatcher, m_cfg.getConnectTimeout(), [&] {
      connection = connector.connect(Ipv4Address(Common::ipAddressToString(peerAddress.ip)), static_cast<uint16_t>(peerAddress.port));

    doWithTimeoutAndThrow(m_dispatcher, m_cfg.getHandshakeTimeout(), [&]  {
      LevinProtocol proto(connection);
      COMMAND_PING::request request;
      COMMAND_PING::response response;
      proto.invoke(COMMAND_PING::ID, request, response);

      if (response.status == PING_OK_RESPONSE_STATUS_TEXT && response.peer_id == ctx.getPeerId()) {
        PeerlistEntry entry;
        entry.adr = peerAddress;
        entry.id = ctx.getPeerId();
        entry.last_seen = time(nullptr);
      } else {
        logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << ctx << "back ping invoke wrong response \"" << response.status << "\" from"
          << peerAddress << ", expected peerId=" << ctx.getPeerId() << ", got " << response.peer_id;
  } catch (std::exception& e) {
    logger(DEBUGGING) << "Ping to " << peerAddress << " failed: " << e.what();
Exemplo n.º 10
DsrRerrHeaderTest::DoRun ()
  dsr::DsrOptionRerrUnreachHeader h;
  h.SetErrorSrc (Ipv4Address (""));
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (h.GetErrorSrc (), Ipv4Address (""), "trivial");
  h.SetErrorDst (Ipv4Address (""));
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (h.GetErrorDst (), Ipv4Address (""), "trivial");
  h.SetSalvage (1);
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (h.GetSalvage (), 1, "trivial");
  h.SetUnreachNode (Ipv4Address (""));
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (h.GetUnreachNode (), Ipv4Address (""), "trivial");

  Ptr<Packet> p = Create<Packet> ();
  dsr::DsrRoutingHeader header;
  header.AddDsrOption (h);
  p->AddHeader (header);
  p->RemoveAtStart (8);
  dsr::DsrOptionRerrUnreachHeader h2;
  uint32_t bytes = p->RemoveHeader (h2);
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (bytes, 20, "Total RREP is 20 bytes long");
Exemplo n.º 11
DsrSendBuffTest::DoRun ()
  q.SetMaxQueueLen (32);
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (q.GetMaxQueueLen (), 32, "trivial");
  q.SetSendBufferTimeout (Seconds (10));
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (q.GetSendBufferTimeout (), Seconds (10), "trivial");

  Ptr<const Packet> packet = Create<Packet> ();
  Ipv4Address dst1 = Ipv4Address ("");
  dsr::SendBuffEntry e1 (packet, dst1, Seconds (1));
  q.Enqueue (e1);
  q.Enqueue (e1);
  q.Enqueue (e1);
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (q.Find (Ipv4Address ("")), true, "trivial");
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (q.Find (Ipv4Address ("")), false, "trivial");
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (q.GetSize (), 1, "trivial");
  q.DropPacketWithDst (Ipv4Address (""));
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (q.Find (Ipv4Address ("")), false, "trivial");
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (q.GetSize (), 0, "trivial");

  Ipv4Address dst2 = Ipv4Address ("");
  dsr::SendBuffEntry e2 (packet, dst2, Seconds (1));
  q.Enqueue (e1);
  q.Enqueue (e2);
  Ptr<Packet> packet2 = Create<Packet> ();
  dsr::SendBuffEntry e3 (packet2, dst2, Seconds (1));
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (q.Dequeue (Ipv4Address (""), e3), false, "trivial");
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (q.Dequeue (Ipv4Address (""), e3), true, "trivial");
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (q.Find (Ipv4Address ("")), false, "trivial");
  q.Enqueue (e2);
  q.Enqueue (e3);
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (q.GetSize (), 2, "trivial");
  Ptr<Packet> packet4 = Create<Packet> ();
  Ipv4Address dst4 = Ipv4Address ("");
  dsr::SendBuffEntry e4 (packet4, dst4, Seconds (20));
  q.Enqueue (e4);
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (q.GetSize (), 3, "trivial");
  q.DropPacketWithDst (Ipv4Address (""));
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (q.GetSize (), 2, "trivial");

  CheckSizeLimit ();

  Simulator::Schedule (q.GetSendBufferTimeout () + Seconds (1), &DsrSendBuffTest::CheckTimeout, this);

  Simulator::Run ();
  Simulator::Destroy ();
Exemplo n.º 12
DsrCacheEntryTest::DoRun ()
  Ptr<dsr::RouteCache> rcache = CreateObject<dsr::RouteCache> ();
  std::vector<Ipv4Address> ip;
  ip.push_back (Ipv4Address (""));
  ip.push_back (Ipv4Address (""));
  Ipv4Address dst = Ipv4Address ("");
  dsr::RouteCacheEntry entry (ip, dst, Seconds (1));
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (entry.GetVector ().size (), 2, "trivial");
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (entry.GetDestination (), Ipv4Address (""), "trivial");
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (entry.GetExpireTime (), Seconds (1), "trivial");

  entry.SetExpireTime (Seconds (3));
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (entry.GetExpireTime (), Seconds (3), "trivial");
  entry.SetDestination (Ipv4Address (""));
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (entry.GetDestination (), Ipv4Address (""), "trivial");
  ip.push_back (Ipv4Address (""));
  entry.SetVector (ip);
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (entry.GetVector ().size (), 3, "trivial");

  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (rcache->AddRoute (entry), true, "trivial");

  std::vector<Ipv4Address> ip2;
  ip2.push_back (Ipv4Address (""));
  ip2.push_back (Ipv4Address (""));
  Ipv4Address dst2 = Ipv4Address ("");
  dsr::RouteCacheEntry entry2 (ip2, dst2, Seconds (2));
  dsr::RouteCacheEntry newEntry;
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (rcache->AddRoute (entry2), true, "trivial");
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (rcache->LookupRoute (dst2, newEntry), true, "trivial");
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (rcache->DeleteRoute (Ipv4Address ("")), false, "trivial");

  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (rcache->DeleteRoute (Ipv4Address ("")), true, "trivial");
  NS_TEST_EXPECT_MSG_EQ (rcache->DeleteRoute (Ipv4Address ("")), false, "trivial");
LenaPssFfMacSchedulerTestCase2::DoRun (void)

  if (!m_errorModelEnabled)
      Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteSpectrumPhy::CtrlErrorModelEnabled", BooleanValue (false));
      Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteSpectrumPhy::DataErrorModelEnabled", BooleanValue (false));

  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteHelper::UseIdealRrc", BooleanValue (true));

  Ptr<LteHelper> lteHelper = CreateObject<LteHelper> ();
  Ptr<PointToPointEpcHelper>  epcHelper = CreateObject<PointToPointEpcHelper> ();
  lteHelper->SetEpcHelper (epcHelper);

  Ptr<Node> pgw = epcHelper->GetPgwNode ();

  // Create a single RemoteHost
  NodeContainer remoteHostContainer;
  remoteHostContainer.Create (1);
  Ptr<Node> remoteHost = remoteHostContainer.Get (0);
  InternetStackHelper internet;
  internet.Install (remoteHostContainer);

  // Create the Internet
  PointToPointHelper p2ph;
  p2ph.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", DataRateValue (DataRate ("100Gb/s")));
  p2ph.SetDeviceAttribute ("Mtu", UintegerValue (1500));
  p2ph.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", TimeValue (Seconds (0.001)));
  NetDeviceContainer internetDevices = p2ph.Install (pgw, remoteHost);
  Ipv4AddressHelper ipv4h;
  ipv4h.SetBase ("", "");
  Ipv4InterfaceContainer internetIpIfaces = ipv4h.Assign (internetDevices);
  // interface 0 is localhost, 1 is the p2p device
  Ipv4Address remoteHostAddr = internetIpIfaces.GetAddress (1);

  Ipv4StaticRoutingHelper ipv4RoutingHelper;
  Ptr<Ipv4StaticRouting> remoteHostStaticRouting = ipv4RoutingHelper.GetStaticRouting (remoteHost->GetObject<Ipv4> ());
  remoteHostStaticRouting->AddNetworkRouteTo (Ipv4Address (""), Ipv4Mask (""), 1);

//   LogComponentDisableAll (LOG_LEVEL_ALL);
  //LogComponentEnable ("LenaTestPssFfMacCheduler", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);
  lteHelper->SetAttribute ("PathlossModel", StringValue ("ns3::FriisSpectrumPropagationLossModel"));

  // Create Nodes: eNodeB and UE
  NodeContainer enbNodes;
  NodeContainer ueNodes;
  enbNodes.Create (1);
  ueNodes.Create (m_nUser);

  // Install Mobility Model
  MobilityHelper mobility;
  mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
  mobility.Install (enbNodes);
  mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
  mobility.Install (ueNodes);

  // Create Devices and install them in the Nodes (eNB and UE)
  NetDeviceContainer enbDevs;
  NetDeviceContainer ueDevs;
  lteHelper->SetSchedulerType ("ns3::PssFfMacScheduler");
  enbDevs = lteHelper->InstallEnbDevice (enbNodes);
  ueDevs = lteHelper->InstallUeDevice (ueNodes);

  Ptr<LteEnbNetDevice> lteEnbDev = enbDevs.Get (0)->GetObject<LteEnbNetDevice> ();
  Ptr<LteEnbPhy> enbPhy = lteEnbDev->GetPhy ();
  enbPhy->SetAttribute ("TxPower", DoubleValue (30.0));
  enbPhy->SetAttribute ("NoiseFigure", DoubleValue (5.0));

  // Set UEs' position and power
  for (int i = 0; i < m_nUser; i++)
      Ptr<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> mm = ueNodes.Get (i)->GetObject<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> ();
      mm->SetPosition (Vector (m_dist.at (i), 0.0, 0.0));
      Ptr<LteUeNetDevice> lteUeDev = ueDevs.Get (i)->GetObject<LteUeNetDevice> ();
      Ptr<LteUePhy> uePhy = lteUeDev->GetPhy ();
      uePhy->SetAttribute ("TxPower", DoubleValue (23.0));
      uePhy->SetAttribute ("NoiseFigure", DoubleValue (9.0));

  // Install the IP stack on the UEs
  internet.Install (ueNodes);
  Ipv4InterfaceContainer ueIpIface;
  ueIpIface = epcHelper->AssignUeIpv4Address (NetDeviceContainer (ueDevs));

  // Assign IP address to UEs
  for (uint32_t u = 0; u < ueNodes.GetN (); ++u)
      Ptr<Node> ueNode = ueNodes.Get (u);
      // Set the default gateway for the UE
      Ptr<Ipv4StaticRouting> ueStaticRouting = ipv4RoutingHelper.GetStaticRouting (ueNode->GetObject<Ipv4> ());
      ueStaticRouting->SetDefaultRoute (epcHelper->GetUeDefaultGatewayAddress (), 1);

  // Attach a UE to a eNB
  lteHelper->Attach (ueDevs, enbDevs.Get (0));

  // Activate an EPS bearer on all UEs

  for (uint32_t u = 0; u < ueNodes.GetN (); ++u)
      Ptr<NetDevice> ueDevice = ueDevs.Get (u);
      GbrQosInformation qos;
      qos.gbrDl = (m_packetSize.at (u) + 32) * (1000 / m_interval) * 8;  // bit/s, considering IP, UDP, RLC, PDCP header size
      qos.gbrUl = (m_packetSize.at (u) + 32) * (1000 / m_interval) * 8;
      qos.mbrDl = qos.gbrDl;
      qos.mbrUl = qos.gbrUl;
      enum EpsBearer::Qci q = EpsBearer::GBR_CONV_VOICE;
      EpsBearer bearer (q, qos);
      lteHelper->ActivateDedicatedEpsBearer (ueDevice, bearer, EpcTft::Default ());  

  // Install downlind and uplink applications
  uint16_t dlPort = 1234;
  uint16_t ulPort = 2000;
  PacketSinkHelper dlPacketSinkHelper ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), dlPort));
  PacketSinkHelper ulPacketSinkHelper ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), ulPort));
  ApplicationContainer clientApps;
  ApplicationContainer serverApps;
  for (uint32_t u = 0; u < ueNodes.GetN (); ++u)
      serverApps.Add (dlPacketSinkHelper.Install (ueNodes.Get (u))); // receive packets from remotehost
      serverApps.Add (ulPacketSinkHelper.Install (remoteHost));  // receive packets from UEs

      UdpClientHelper dlClient (ueIpIface.GetAddress (u), dlPort); // uplink packets generator
      dlClient.SetAttribute ("Interval", TimeValue (MilliSeconds (m_interval)));
      dlClient.SetAttribute ("MaxPackets", UintegerValue (1000000));
      dlClient.SetAttribute ("PacketSize", UintegerValue (m_packetSize.at (u)));

      UdpClientHelper ulClient (remoteHostAddr, ulPort);           // downlink packets generator
      ulClient.SetAttribute ("Interval", TimeValue (MilliSeconds (m_interval)));
      ulClient.SetAttribute ("MaxPackets", UintegerValue (1000000));
      ulClient.SetAttribute ("PacketSize", UintegerValue (m_packetSize.at (u)));

      clientApps.Add (dlClient.Install (remoteHost));
      clientApps.Add (ulClient.Install (ueNodes.Get (u)));

  serverApps.Start (Seconds (0.030));
  clientApps.Start (Seconds (0.030));

  double statsStartTime = 0.04; // need to allow for RRC connection establishment + SRS
  double statsDuration = 0.5;
  double tolerance = 0.1;
  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (statsStartTime + statsDuration - 0.0001));

  lteHelper->EnableRlcTraces ();
  Ptr<RadioBearerStatsCalculator> rlcStats = lteHelper->GetRlcStats ();
  rlcStats->SetAttribute ("StartTime", TimeValue (Seconds (statsStartTime)));
  rlcStats->SetAttribute ("EpochDuration", TimeValue (Seconds (statsDuration)));

  Simulator::Run ();

   * Check that the downlink assignation is done in a "token bank fair queue" manner

  NS_LOG_INFO ("DL - Test with " << m_nUser << " user(s)");
  std::vector <uint64_t> dlDataRxed;
  for (int i = 0; i < m_nUser; i++)
      // get the imsi
      uint64_t imsi = ueDevs.Get (i)->GetObject<LteUeNetDevice> ()->GetImsi ();
      // get the lcId
      uint8_t lcId = 4;
      dlDataRxed.push_back (rlcStats->GetDlRxData (imsi, lcId));
      NS_LOG_INFO ("\tUser " << i << " dist " << m_dist.at (i) << " imsi " << imsi << " bytes rxed " << (double)dlDataRxed.at (i) << "  thr " << (double)dlDataRxed.at (i) / statsDuration << " ref " << m_estThrPssDl.at (i));

  for (int i = 0; i < m_nUser; i++)
      NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ_TOL ((double)dlDataRxed.at (i) / statsDuration, m_estThrPssDl.at (i), m_estThrPssDl.at (i) * tolerance, " Unfair Throughput!");

  Simulator::Destroy ();

EpcS1uDlTestCase::DoRun ()
  Ptr<PointToPointEpcHelper> epcHelper = CreateObject<PointToPointEpcHelper> ();
  Ptr<Node> pgw = epcHelper->GetPgwNode ();

  // allow jumbo packets
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::CsmaNetDevice::Mtu", UintegerValue (30000));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::Mtu", UintegerValue (30000));
  epcHelper->SetAttribute ("S1uLinkMtu", UintegerValue (30000));
  // Create a single RemoteHost
  NodeContainer remoteHostContainer;
  remoteHostContainer.Create (1);
  Ptr<Node> remoteHost = remoteHostContainer.Get (0);
  InternetStackHelper internet;
  internet.Install (remoteHostContainer);

  // Create the internet
  PointToPointHelper p2ph;
  p2ph.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate",  DataRateValue (DataRate ("100Gb/s")));
  NetDeviceContainer internetDevices = p2ph.Install (pgw, remoteHost);  
  Ipv4AddressHelper ipv4h;
  ipv4h.SetBase ("", "");
  ipv4h.Assign (internetDevices);
  // setup default gateway for the remote hosts
  Ipv4StaticRoutingHelper ipv4RoutingHelper;
  Ptr<Ipv4StaticRouting> remoteHostStaticRouting = ipv4RoutingHelper.GetStaticRouting (remoteHost->GetObject<Ipv4> ());

  // hardcoded UE addresses for now
  remoteHostStaticRouting->AddNetworkRouteTo (Ipv4Address (""), Ipv4Mask (""), 1);

  NodeContainer enbs;
  uint16_t cellIdCounter = 0;

  for (std::vector<EnbDlTestData>::iterator enbit = m_enbDlTestData.begin ();
       enbit < m_enbDlTestData.end ();
      Ptr<Node> enb = CreateObject<Node> ();
      enbs.Add (enb);

      // we test EPC without LTE, hence we use:
      // 1) a CSMA network to simulate the cell
      // 2) a raw socket opened on the CSMA device to simulate the LTE socket

      uint16_t cellId = ++cellIdCounter;

      NodeContainer ues;
      ues.Create (enbit->ues.size ());

      NodeContainer cell;
      cell.Add (ues);
      cell.Add (enb);

      CsmaHelper csmaCell;      
      NetDeviceContainer cellDevices = csmaCell.Install (cell);

      // the eNB's CSMA NetDevice acting as an LTE NetDevice. 
      Ptr<NetDevice> enbDevice = cellDevices.Get (cellDevices.GetN () - 1);

      // Note that the EpcEnbApplication won't care of the actual NetDevice type
      epcHelper->AddEnb (enb, enbDevice, cellId);      

      // Plug test RRC entity
      Ptr<EpcEnbApplication> enbApp = enb->GetApplication (0)->GetObject<EpcEnbApplication> ();
      NS_ASSERT_MSG (enbApp != 0, "cannot retrieve EpcEnbApplication");
      Ptr<EpcTestRrc> rrc = CreateObject<EpcTestRrc> ();
      rrc->SetS1SapProvider (enbApp->GetS1SapProvider ());
      enbApp->SetS1SapUser (rrc->GetS1SapUser ());
      // we install the IP stack on UEs only
      InternetStackHelper internet;
      internet.Install (ues);

      // assign IP address to UEs, and install applications
      for (uint32_t u = 0; u < ues.GetN (); ++u)
          Ptr<NetDevice> ueLteDevice = cellDevices.Get (u);
          Ipv4InterfaceContainer ueIpIface = epcHelper->AssignUeIpv4Address (NetDeviceContainer (ueLteDevice));

          Ptr<Node> ue = ues.Get (u);

          // disable IP Forwarding on the UE. This is because we use
          // CSMA broadcast MAC addresses for this test. The problem
          // won't happen with a LteUeNetDevice. 
          ue->GetObject<Ipv4> ()->SetAttribute ("IpForward", BooleanValue (false));
          uint16_t port = 1234;
          PacketSinkHelper packetSinkHelper ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), port));
          ApplicationContainer apps = packetSinkHelper.Install (ue);
          apps.Start (Seconds (1.0));
          apps.Stop (Seconds (10.0));
          enbit->ues[u].serverApp = apps.Get (0)->GetObject<PacketSink> ();
          Time interPacketInterval = Seconds (0.01);
          UdpEchoClientHelper client (ueIpIface.GetAddress (0), port);
          client.SetAttribute ("MaxPackets", UintegerValue (enbit->ues[u].numPkts));
          client.SetAttribute ("Interval", TimeValue (interPacketInterval));
          client.SetAttribute ("PacketSize", UintegerValue (enbit->ues[u].pktSize));
          apps = client.Install (remoteHost);
          apps.Start (Seconds (2.0));
          apps.Stop (Seconds (10.0));   
          enbit->ues[u].clientApp = apps.Get (0);

          uint64_t imsi = u+1;
          epcHelper->AddUe (ueLteDevice, imsi);
          epcHelper->ActivateEpsBearer (ueLteDevice, imsi, EpcTft::Default (), EpsBearer (EpsBearer::NGBR_VIDEO_TCP_DEFAULT));
          enbApp->GetS1SapProvider ()->InitialUeMessage (imsi, (uint16_t) imsi);
  Simulator::Run ();

  for (std::vector<EnbDlTestData>::iterator enbit = m_enbDlTestData.begin ();
       enbit < m_enbDlTestData.end ();
      for (std::vector<UeDlTestData>::iterator ueit = enbit->ues.begin ();
           ueit < enbit->ues.end ();
          NS_TEST_ASSERT_MSG_EQ (ueit->serverApp->GetTotalRx (), (ueit->numPkts) * (ueit->pktSize), "wrong total received bytes");
  Simulator::Destroy ();